import gradio as gr import whisper from pybraille import convertText # Translate speech to braille model = whisper.load_model('base') def speech_to_text(audio): """ :param audio: Speech data :return: Transcript of speech data """ return model.transcribe(audio) def transcribe_audio(audio, store=None): """ :param audio: Speech data from gradio interface :param store: Container for user data :return: Detected language, transcript text, braille translation, session state """ if store is None: store = {} result = speech_to_text(audio) store['transcription'] = result['text'] store['braille'] = convertText(store['transcription']) return f"Detected language: {result['language']}", store[ 'transcription'], store['braille'], store # Setup gradio interface title = "Speech to Braille Translator" transcription_tb = gr.Textbox(label="Transcription", lines=10, max_lines=20) detected_lang = gr.outputs.HTML(label="Detected Language") transcription_braille = gr.Textbox(label="Braille", lines=10, max_lines=20) state = gr.State({"transcription": ""}) demo = gr.Interface(fn=transcribe_audio, inputs=[ gr.Audio(source="microphone", type="filepath", streaming=False), state ], outputs=[ detected_lang, transcription_tb, transcription_braille, state, ], # live=True, allow_flagging='never', title=title, ) # Launch gradio app demo.launch()