# https://github.com/yeasy/docker-hyperledger-fabric-peer # # Dockerfile for Hyperledger peer image. This actually follow yeasy/hyperledger-fabric # image and add default start cmd. # Data is stored under /var/hyperledger/production FROM yeasy/hyperledger-fabric-base:latest LABEL maintainer "Baohua Yang " # Peer EXPOSE 7051 # ENV CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH $FABRIC_CFG_PATH/msp # Install fabric peer RUN CGO_CFLAGS=" " go install -tags "" -ldflags "$LD_FLAGS" github.com/hyperledger/fabric/cmd/peer \ && go clean # First need to manually create a chain with `peer channel create -c test_chain`, then join with `peer channel join -b test_chain.block`. CMD ["peer","node","start"]