import argparse import subprocess # Define color variables yellow_text = "\033[1;33m" blue_text = "\033[1;34m" reset_text = "\033[0m" # Parse command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--no_question', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() # Run pip freeze and capture the output output = subprocess.getoutput("pip freeze") # Remove lines containing "WARNING" output_lines = [line for line in output.splitlines() if "WARNING" not in line] # Reconstruct the output string without warning lines output = "\n".join(output_lines) # Check if modules are found in the output if output: print(f"{yellow_text}=============================================================") print("Modules installed outside the virtual environment were found.") print("This can cause issues. Please review the installed modules.\n") print("You can uninstall all local modules with:\n") print(f"{blue_text}deactivate") print("pip freeze > uninstall.txt") print("pip uninstall -y -r uninstall.txt") print(f"{yellow_text}============================================================={reset_text}") print('')