"""Inference for FastChat models.""" import abc import gc import json import math import os import sys import time from typing import Iterable, Optional, Dict import warnings import psutil import torch from transformers import ( AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM, LlamaTokenizer, LlamaForCausalLM, AutoModel, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, T5Tokenizer, AutoConfig, ) from transformers.generation.logits_process import ( LogitsProcessorList, RepetitionPenaltyLogitsProcessor, TemperatureLogitsWarper, TopKLogitsWarper, TopPLogitsWarper, ) from fastchat.conversation import get_conv_template, SeparatorStyle from fastchat.model.model_adapter import ( load_model, get_conversation_template, get_generate_stream_function, ) from fastchat.modules.awq import AWQConfig from fastchat.modules.gptq import GptqConfig from fastchat.modules.exllama import ExllamaConfig from fastchat.modules.xfastertransformer import XftConfig from fastchat.utils import is_partial_stop, is_sentence_complete, get_context_length def prepare_logits_processor( temperature: float, repetition_penalty: float, top_p: float, top_k: int ) -> LogitsProcessorList: processor_list = LogitsProcessorList() # TemperatureLogitsWarper doesn't accept 0.0, 1.0 makes it a no-op so we skip two cases. if temperature >= 1e-5 and temperature != 1.0: processor_list.append(TemperatureLogitsWarper(temperature)) if repetition_penalty > 1.0: processor_list.append(RepetitionPenaltyLogitsProcessor(repetition_penalty)) if 1e-8 <= top_p < 1.0: processor_list.append(TopPLogitsWarper(top_p)) if top_k > 0: processor_list.append(TopKLogitsWarper(top_k)) return processor_list @torch.inference_mode() def generate_stream( model, tokenizer, params: Dict, device: str, context_len: int, stream_interval: int = 2, judge_sent_end: bool = False, ): if hasattr(model, "device"): device = model.device # Read parameters prompt = params["prompt"] print(prompt) len_prompt = len(prompt) # temperature = float(params.get("temperature", 1.0)) # repetition_penalty = float(params.get("repetition_penalty", 1.0)) # top_p = float(params.get("top_p", 1.0)) # top_k = int(params.get("top_k", -1)) # -1 means disable # max_new_tokens = int(params.get("max_new_tokens", 256)) ###ADD #uncomment the original above, play params below temperature = float(params.get("temperature", 0.5)) repetition_penalty = float(params.get("repetition_penalty", 1.2)) top_p = float(params.get("top_p", 0.8)) top_k = int(params.get("top_k", -1)) # -1 means disable max_new_tokens = int(params.get("max_new_tokens", 400)) ###ADD print(temperature, repetition_penalty, top_p, top_k, max_new_tokens) print(prompt) logprobs = params.get("logprobs", None) # FIXME: Support logprobs>1. echo = bool(params.get("echo", True)) stop_str = params.get("stop", None) stop_token_ids = params.get("stop_token_ids", None) or [] if tokenizer.eos_token_id not in stop_token_ids: stop_token_ids.append(tokenizer.eos_token_id) logits_processor = prepare_logits_processor( temperature, repetition_penalty, top_p, top_k ) input_ids = tokenizer(prompt).input_ids if model.config.is_encoder_decoder: max_src_len = context_len else: # truncate max_src_len = context_len - max_new_tokens - 1 input_ids = input_ids[-max_src_len:] output_ids = list(input_ids) input_echo_len = len(input_ids) if model.config.is_encoder_decoder: if logprobs is not None: # FIXME: Support logprobs for encoder-decoder models. raise NotImplementedError encoder_output = model.encoder( input_ids=torch.as_tensor([input_ids], device=device) )[0] start_ids = torch.as_tensor( [[model.generation_config.decoder_start_token_id]], dtype=torch.int64, device=device, ) else: start_ids = torch.as_tensor([input_ids], device=device) past_key_values = out = None token_logprobs = [None] # The first token has no logprobs. sent_interrupt = False finish_reason = None stopped = False for i in range(max_new_tokens): if i == 0: # prefill if model.config.is_encoder_decoder: out = model.decoder( input_ids=start_ids, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_output, use_cache=True, ) logits = model.lm_head(out[0]) else: out = model(input_ids=start_ids, use_cache=True) logits = out.logits past_key_values = out.past_key_values if logprobs is not None: # Prefull logprobs for the prompt. shift_input_ids = start_ids[..., 1:].contiguous() shift_logits = logits[..., :-1, :].contiguous() shift_logits = torch.log_softmax(shift_logits, dim=-1).tolist() for label_id, logit in zip( shift_input_ids[0].tolist(), shift_logits[0] ): token_logprobs.append(logit[label_id]) else: # decoding if model.config.is_encoder_decoder: out = model.decoder( input_ids=torch.as_tensor( [[token] if not sent_interrupt else output_ids], device=device, ), encoder_hidden_states=encoder_output, use_cache=True, past_key_values=past_key_values if not sent_interrupt else None, ) sent_interrupt = False logits = model.lm_head(out[0]) else: out = model( input_ids=torch.as_tensor( [[token] if not sent_interrupt else output_ids], device=device, ), use_cache=True, past_key_values=past_key_values if not sent_interrupt else None, ) sent_interrupt = False logits = out.logits past_key_values = out.past_key_values if logits_processor: if repetition_penalty > 1.0: tmp_output_ids = torch.as_tensor([output_ids], device=logits.device) else: tmp_output_ids = None last_token_logits = logits_processor(tmp_output_ids, logits[:, -1, :])[0] else: last_token_logits = logits[0, -1, :] if device == "mps": # Switch to CPU by avoiding some bugs in mps backend. last_token_logits = last_token_logits.float().to("cpu") if temperature < 1e-5 or top_p < 1e-8: # greedy _, indices = torch.topk(last_token_logits, 2) tokens = [int(index) for index in indices.tolist()] else: probs = torch.softmax(last_token_logits, dim=-1) indices = torch.multinomial(probs, num_samples=2) tokens = [int(token) for token in indices.tolist()] token = tokens[0] output_ids.append(token) if logprobs is not None: # Cannot use last_token_logits because logprobs is based on raw logits. token_logprobs.append( torch.log_softmax(logits[0, -1, :], dim=-1)[token].tolist() ) if token in stop_token_ids: stopped = True else: stopped = False # Yield the output tokens if i % stream_interval == 0 or i == max_new_tokens - 1 or stopped: if echo: tmp_output_ids = output_ids rfind_start = len_prompt else: tmp_output_ids = output_ids[input_echo_len:] rfind_start = 0 output = tokenizer.decode( tmp_output_ids, skip_special_tokens=True, spaces_between_special_tokens=False, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True, ) ret_logprobs = None if logprobs is not None: ret_logprobs = { "text_offset": [], "tokens": [ tokenizer.decode(token) for token in ( output_ids if echo else output_ids[input_echo_len:] ) ], "token_logprobs": token_logprobs if echo else token_logprobs[input_echo_len:], "top_logprobs": [{}] * len(token_logprobs if echo else token_logprobs[input_echo_len:]), } # Compute text_offset curr_pos = 0 for text in ret_logprobs["tokens"]: ret_logprobs["text_offset"].append(curr_pos) curr_pos += len(text) # TODO: For the issue of incomplete sentences interrupting output, apply a patch and others can also modify it to a more elegant way if judge_sent_end and stopped and not is_sentence_complete(output): if len(tokens) > 1: token = tokens[1] output_ids[-1] = token else: output_ids.pop() stopped = False sent_interrupt = True partially_stopped = False if stop_str: if isinstance(stop_str, str): pos = output.rfind(stop_str, rfind_start) if pos != -1: output = output[:pos] stopped = True else: partially_stopped = is_partial_stop(output, stop_str) elif isinstance(stop_str, Iterable): for each_stop in stop_str: pos = output.rfind(each_stop, rfind_start) if pos != -1: output = output[:pos] stopped = True break else: partially_stopped = is_partial_stop(output, each_stop) if partially_stopped: break else: raise ValueError("Invalid stop field type.") # Prevent yielding partial stop sequence if not partially_stopped: yield { "text": output, "logprobs": ret_logprobs, "usage": { "prompt_tokens": input_echo_len, "completion_tokens": i, "total_tokens": input_echo_len + i, }, "finish_reason": None, } if stopped: break # Finish stream event, which contains finish reason else: finish_reason = "length" if stopped: finish_reason = "stop" yield { "text": output, "logprobs": ret_logprobs, "usage": { "prompt_tokens": input_echo_len, "completion_tokens": i, "total_tokens": input_echo_len + i, }, "finish_reason": finish_reason, } # Clean del past_key_values, out gc.collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() if device == "xpu": torch.xpu.empty_cache() if device == "npu": torch.npu.empty_cache() class ChatIO(abc.ABC): @abc.abstractmethod def prompt_for_input(self, role: str) -> str: """Prompt for input from a role.""" @abc.abstractmethod def prompt_for_output(self, role: str): """Prompt for output from a role.""" @abc.abstractmethod def stream_output(self, output_stream): """Stream output.""" @abc.abstractmethod def print_output(self, text: str): """Print output.""" def chat_loop( model_path: str, device: str, num_gpus: int, max_gpu_memory: str, dtype: Optional[torch.dtype], load_8bit: bool, cpu_offloading: bool, conv_template: Optional[str], conv_system_msg: Optional[str], temperature: float, repetition_penalty: float, max_new_tokens: int, chatio: ChatIO, gptq_config: Optional[GptqConfig] = None, awq_config: Optional[AWQConfig] = None, exllama_config: Optional[ExllamaConfig] = None, xft_config: Optional[XftConfig] = None, revision: str = "main", judge_sent_end: bool = True, debug: bool = True, history: bool = True, ): # Model model, tokenizer = load_model( model_path, device=device, num_gpus=num_gpus, max_gpu_memory=max_gpu_memory, dtype=dtype, load_8bit=load_8bit, cpu_offloading=cpu_offloading, gptq_config=gptq_config, awq_config=awq_config, exllama_config=exllama_config, xft_config=xft_config, revision=revision, debug=debug, ) generate_stream_func = get_generate_stream_function(model, model_path) model_type = str(type(model)).lower() is_t5 = "t5" in model_type is_codet5p = "codet5p" in model_type is_xft = "xft" in model_type # Hardcode T5's default repetition penalty to be 1.2 if is_t5 and repetition_penalty == 1.0: repetition_penalty = 1.2 # Set context length context_len = get_context_length(model.config) # Chat def new_chat(): if conv_template: conv = get_conv_template(conv_template) else: conv = get_conversation_template(model_path) if conv_system_msg is not None: conv.set_system_message(conv_system_msg) return conv def reload_conv(conv): """ Reprints the conversation from the start. """ for message in conv.messages[conv.offset :]: chatio.prompt_for_output(message[0]) chatio.print_output(message[1]) conv = None while True: if not history or not conv: conv = new_chat() try: inp = chatio.prompt_for_input(conv.roles[0]) except EOFError: inp = "" if inp == "!!exit" or not inp: print("exit...") break elif inp == "!!reset": print("resetting...") conv = new_chat() continue elif inp == "!!remove": print("removing last message...") if len(conv.messages) > conv.offset: # Assistant if conv.messages[-1][0] == conv.roles[1]: conv.messages.pop() # User if conv.messages[-1][0] == conv.roles[0]: conv.messages.pop() reload_conv(conv) else: print("No messages to remove.") continue elif inp == "!!regen": print("regenerating last message...") if len(conv.messages) > conv.offset: # Assistant if conv.messages[-1][0] == conv.roles[1]: conv.messages.pop() # User if conv.messages[-1][0] == conv.roles[0]: reload_conv(conv) # Set inp to previous message inp = conv.messages.pop()[1] else: # Shouldn't happen in normal circumstances print("No user message to regenerate from.") continue else: print("No messages to regenerate.") continue elif inp.startswith("!!save"): args = inp.split(" ", 1) if len(args) != 2: print("usage: !!save ") continue else: filename = args[1] # Add .json if extension not present if not "." in filename: filename += ".json" print("saving...", filename) with open(filename, "w") as outfile: json.dump(conv.dict(), outfile) continue elif inp.startswith("!!load"): args = inp.split(" ", 1) if len(args) != 2: print("usage: !!load ") continue else: filename = args[1] # Check if file exists and add .json if needed if not os.path.exists(filename): if (not filename.endswith(".json")) and os.path.exists( filename + ".json" ): filename += ".json" else: print("file not found:", filename) continue print("loading...", filename) with open(filename, "r") as infile: new_conv = json.load(infile) conv = get_conv_template(new_conv["template_name"]) conv.set_system_message(new_conv["system_message"]) conv.messages = new_conv["messages"] reload_conv(conv) continue conv.append_message(conv.roles[0], inp) conv.append_message(conv.roles[1], None) prompt = conv.get_prompt() if is_codet5p: # codet5p is a code completion model. prompt = inp gen_params = { "model": model_path, "prompt": prompt, "temperature": temperature, "repetition_penalty": repetition_penalty, "max_new_tokens": max_new_tokens, "stop": conv.stop_str, "stop_token_ids": conv.stop_token_ids, "echo": False, } try: chatio.prompt_for_output(conv.roles[1]) output_stream = generate_stream_func( model, tokenizer, gen_params, device, context_len=context_len, judge_sent_end=judge_sent_end, ) t = time.time() outputs = chatio.stream_output(output_stream) duration = time.time() - t conv.update_last_message(outputs.strip()) if debug: num_tokens = len(tokenizer.encode(outputs)) msg = { "conv_template": conv.name, "prompt": prompt, "outputs": outputs, "speed (token/s)": round(num_tokens / duration, 2), } print(f"\n{msg}\n") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("stopped generation.") # If generation didn't finish if conv.messages[-1][1] is None: conv.messages.pop() # Remove last user message, so there isn't a double up if conv.messages[-1][0] == conv.roles[0]: conv.messages.pop() reload_conv(conv)