from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Tuple from datetime import datetime, timedelta import feedparser from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pytz import os import json from transformers import T5Tokenizer, T5ForConditionalGeneration from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz class EventMatcher: def __init__(self): """Initialize the event matcher""" print("Initializing Event Matcher...") self.eastern = pytz.timezone('America/New_York') = [] self.last_update = None self.cache_file = "events_cache.json" # Initialize T5 model for response generation self.tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained("t5-small") self.model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("t5-small") # Load initial events self.load_from_cache() self.update_events() def query(self, user_query: str) -> str: """Main query method called by the app""" try: # Update events if needed - make this non-blocking if self.last_update is None or ( - self.last_update).seconds >= 3600: # Start a background task to update events self.update_events() # Quick response for empty query if not user_query.strip(): return "Please ask me about events at Brock University!" # Find matching events - optimize by limiting initial search matched_events = self.find_matching_events(user_query) if not matched_events: return "I couldn't find any events matching your query. Try asking in a different way!" # Format the response without T5 for faster response events_text = "" for event, score in matched_events: events_text += f""" 📅 {event['title']} 📆 {event['start_time'].strftime('%A, %B %d, %Y')} ⏰ {event['start_time'].strftime('%I:%M %p')} 📍 {event['location']} 🏷️ {event['categories']} 👥 {event['hosts']} {event['description'][:200]}... 🔗 {event['link']} """ # Create a simple response prefix based on the query type if "today" in user_query.lower(): prefix = "Here are today's events:" elif "week" in user_query.lower(): prefix = "Here are the events happening this week:" elif any(word in user_query.lower() for word in ["workshop", "training", "seminar"]): prefix = "I found these workshops and seminars:" elif any(word in user_query.lower() for word in ["faculty", "department", "school"]): prefix = "Here are the faculty-related events:" else: prefix = "Here are some events that match your query:" return f"{prefix}\n{events_text}" except Exception as e: print(f"Error in query: {e}") return "I encountered an error processing your query. Please try again!" return "I encountered an error processing your query. Please try again!" def find_matching_events(self, query: str) -> List[Tuple[Dict, float]]: """Find events matching the query - optimized version""" matched_events = [] query_lower = query.lower() for event in # Quick initial filter if any(term in event['title'].lower() or term in event['description'].lower()[:200] or term in event['location'].lower() or term in event['categories'].lower() for term in query_lower.split()): # Calculate similarity scores only for potentially matching events title_score = fuzz.token_set_ratio(query_lower, event['title'].lower()) / 100 desc_score = fuzz.token_set_ratio(query_lower, event['description'].lower()) / 100 location_score = fuzz.token_set_ratio(query_lower, event['location'].lower()) / 100 categories_score = fuzz.token_set_ratio(query_lower, event['categories'].lower()) / 100 # Weight the scores total_score = ( title_score * 0.4 + desc_score * 0.3 + location_score * 0.2 + categories_score * 0.1 ) if total_score > 0.3: # Threshold for relevance matched_events.append((event, total_score)) # Sort by score and get top matches matched_events.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) return matched_events[:3] def parse_event_datetime(self, entry) -> Tuple[Optional[datetime], Optional[datetime]]: """Parse event dates from RSS feed""" try: start_time = entry.get('start', None) end_time = entry.get('end', None) # Try RSS feed times first if start_time: start_dt = datetime.strptime(start_time, '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z') start_dt = pytz.UTC.localize(start_dt).astimezone(self.eastern) else: # Try HTML parsing if RSS times not available soup = BeautifulSoup(entry.description, 'html.parser') start_elem = soup.find('time', class_='dt-start') if start_elem and 'datetime' in start_elem.attrs: dt_str = start_elem['datetime'].split('.')[0] start_dt = datetime.strptime(dt_str, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') start_dt = self.eastern.localize(start_dt) else: return None, None if end_time: end_dt = datetime.strptime(end_time, '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z') end_dt = pytz.UTC.localize(end_dt).astimezone(self.eastern) else: end_dt = None return start_dt, end_dt except Exception as e: print(f"Error parsing dates: {e}") return None, None def update_events(self) -> None: """Update events from RSS feed with caching""" try: # Check if we need to update (cache is less than 1 hour old) if self.last_update and ( - self.last_update).seconds < 3600: return print("Fetching events from RSS feed...") feed = feedparser.parse("") new_events = [] for entry in feed.entries: event = self.process_event_entry(entry) if event: new_events.append(event) if new_events: = new_events self.last_update = print(f"Updated {len(} events") # Save to cache self.save_to_cache() except Exception as e: print(f"Error updating events: {e}") self.load_from_cache() def process_event_entry(self, entry) -> Optional[Dict]: """Process a single event entry""" try: # Parse dates start_time, end_time = self.parse_event_datetime(entry) if not self.is_event_valid(start_time): return None # Extract event details categories = self.extract_categories(entry) hosts = self.extract_hosts(entry) description = self.clean_description(entry.description) return { 'title': entry.title, 'description': description, 'start_time': start_time, 'end_time': end_time, 'location': entry.get('location', 'Location not specified'), 'categories': ';'.join(categories), 'hosts': ';'.join(hosts), 'link':, 'guid': entry.guid } except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing event entry: {e}") return None # [Helper methods from original code] def extract_categories(self, entry) -> List[str]: try: return [tag.term for tag in entry.get('tags', [])] except Exception: return [] def extract_hosts(self, entry) -> List[str]: try: hosts = entry.get('host', []) if not isinstance(hosts, list): hosts = [hosts] return [h for h in hosts if h] except Exception: return [] def clean_description(self, description: str) -> str: try: soup = BeautifulSoup(description, 'html.parser') return ' '.join(soup.get_text().split()) except Exception: return description def is_event_valid(self, start_time: Optional[datetime]) -> bool: if not start_time: return False now = two_weeks = now + timedelta(days=14) return now <= start_time <= two_weeks # [Cache handling methods] def save_to_cache(self) -> None: try: cache_data = { 'last_update': self.last_update.isoformat(), 'events': [] } for event in event_copy = event.copy() event_copy['start_time'] = event_copy['start_time'].isoformat() if event_copy.get('end_time'): event_copy['end_time'] = event_copy['end_time'].isoformat() cache_data['events'].append(event_copy) with open(self.cache_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(cache_data, f) except Exception as e: print(f"Error saving to cache: {e}") def load_from_cache(self) -> None: try: if not os.path.exists(self.cache_file): return with open(self.cache_file, 'r') as f: cache_data = json.load(f) self.last_update = datetime.fromisoformat(cache_data['last_update']) = [] for event in cache_data['events']: event['start_time'] = datetime.fromisoformat(event['start_time']) if event.get('end_time'): event['end_time'] = datetime.fromisoformat(event['end_time']) print(f"Loaded {len(} events from cache") except Exception as e: print(f"Error loading from cache: {e}")