# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. """ See "Data Augmentation" tutorial for an overview of the system: https://detectron2.readthedocs.io/tutorials/augmentation.html """ import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from fvcore.transforms.transform import ( CropTransform, HFlipTransform, NoOpTransform, Transform, TransformList, ) from PIL import Image try: import cv2 # noqa except ImportError: # OpenCV is an optional dependency at the moment pass __all__ = [ "ExtentTransform", "ResizeTransform", "RotationTransform", "ColorTransform", "PILColorTransform", ] class ExtentTransform(Transform): """ Extracts a subregion from the source image and scales it to the output size. The fill color is used to map pixels from the source rect that fall outside the source image. See: https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/PIL.html#PIL.ImageTransform.ExtentTransform """ def __init__(self, src_rect, output_size, interp=Image.LINEAR, fill=0): """ Args: src_rect (x0, y0, x1, y1): src coordinates output_size (h, w): dst image size interp: PIL interpolation methods fill: Fill color used when src_rect extends outside image """ super().__init__() self._set_attributes(locals()) def apply_image(self, img, interp=None): h, w = self.output_size if len(img.shape) > 2 and img.shape[2] == 1: pil_image = Image.fromarray(img[:, :, 0], mode="L") else: pil_image = Image.fromarray(img) pil_image = pil_image.transform( size=(w, h), method=Image.EXTENT, data=self.src_rect, resample=interp if interp else self.interp, fill=self.fill, ) ret = np.asarray(pil_image) if len(img.shape) > 2 and img.shape[2] == 1: ret = np.expand_dims(ret, -1) return ret def apply_coords(self, coords): # Transform image center from source coordinates into output coordinates # and then map the new origin to the corner of the output image. h, w = self.output_size x0, y0, x1, y1 = self.src_rect new_coords = coords.astype(np.float32) new_coords[:, 0] -= 0.5 * (x0 + x1) new_coords[:, 1] -= 0.5 * (y0 + y1) new_coords[:, 0] *= w / (x1 - x0) new_coords[:, 1] *= h / (y1 - y0) new_coords[:, 0] += 0.5 * w new_coords[:, 1] += 0.5 * h return new_coords def apply_segmentation(self, segmentation): segmentation = self.apply_image(segmentation, interp=Image.NEAREST) return segmentation class ResizeTransform(Transform): """ Resize the image to a target size. """ def __init__(self, h, w, new_h, new_w, interp=None): """ Args: h, w (int): original image size new_h, new_w (int): new image size interp: PIL interpolation methods, defaults to bilinear. """ # TODO decide on PIL vs opencv super().__init__() if interp is None: interp = Image.BILINEAR self._set_attributes(locals()) def apply_image(self, img, interp=None): assert img.shape[:2] == (self.h, self.w) assert len(img.shape) <= 4 interp_method = interp if interp is not None else self.interp if img.dtype == np.uint8: if len(img.shape) > 2 and img.shape[2] == 1: pil_image = Image.fromarray(img[:, :, 0], mode="L") else: pil_image = Image.fromarray(img) pil_image = pil_image.resize((self.new_w, self.new_h), interp_method) ret = np.asarray(pil_image) if len(img.shape) > 2 and img.shape[2] == 1: ret = np.expand_dims(ret, -1) else: # PIL only supports uint8 if any(x < 0 for x in img.strides): img = np.ascontiguousarray(img) img = torch.from_numpy(img) shape = list(img.shape) shape_4d = shape[:2] + [1] * (4 - len(shape)) + shape[2:] img = img.view(shape_4d).permute(2, 3, 0, 1) # hw(c) -> nchw _PIL_RESIZE_TO_INTERPOLATE_MODE = { Image.NEAREST: "nearest", Image.BILINEAR: "bilinear", Image.BICUBIC: "bicubic", } mode = _PIL_RESIZE_TO_INTERPOLATE_MODE[interp_method] align_corners = None if mode == "nearest" else False img = F.interpolate( img, (self.new_h, self.new_w), mode=mode, align_corners=align_corners ) shape[:2] = (self.new_h, self.new_w) ret = img.permute(2, 3, 0, 1).view(shape).numpy() # nchw -> hw(c) return ret def apply_coords(self, coords): coords[:, 0] = coords[:, 0] * (self.new_w * 1.0 / self.w) coords[:, 1] = coords[:, 1] * (self.new_h * 1.0 / self.h) return coords def apply_segmentation(self, segmentation): segmentation = self.apply_image(segmentation, interp=Image.NEAREST) return segmentation def inverse(self): return ResizeTransform(self.new_h, self.new_w, self.h, self.w, self.interp) class RotationTransform(Transform): """ This method returns a copy of this image, rotated the given number of degrees counter clockwise around its center. """ def __init__(self, h, w, angle, expand=True, center=None, interp=None): """ Args: h, w (int): original image size angle (float): degrees for rotation expand (bool): choose if the image should be resized to fit the whole rotated image (default), or simply cropped center (tuple (width, height)): coordinates of the rotation center if left to None, the center will be fit to the center of each image center has no effect if expand=True because it only affects shifting interp: cv2 interpolation method, default cv2.INTER_LINEAR """ super().__init__() image_center = np.array((w / 2, h / 2)) if center is None: center = image_center if interp is None: interp = cv2.INTER_LINEAR abs_cos, abs_sin = (abs(np.cos(np.deg2rad(angle))), abs(np.sin(np.deg2rad(angle)))) if expand: # find the new width and height bounds bound_w, bound_h = np.rint( [h * abs_sin + w * abs_cos, h * abs_cos + w * abs_sin] ).astype(int) else: bound_w, bound_h = w, h self._set_attributes(locals()) self.rm_coords = self.create_rotation_matrix() # Needed because of this problem https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues/11784 self.rm_image = self.create_rotation_matrix(offset=-0.5) def apply_image(self, img, interp=None): """ img should be a numpy array, formatted as Height * Width * Nchannels """ if len(img) == 0 or self.angle % 360 == 0: return img assert img.shape[:2] == (self.h, self.w) interp = interp if interp is not None else self.interp return cv2.warpAffine(img, self.rm_image, (self.bound_w, self.bound_h), flags=interp) def apply_coords(self, coords): """ coords should be a N * 2 array-like, containing N couples of (x, y) points """ coords = np.asarray(coords, dtype=float) if len(coords) == 0 or self.angle % 360 == 0: return coords return cv2.transform(coords[:, np.newaxis, :], self.rm_coords)[:, 0, :] def apply_segmentation(self, segmentation): segmentation = self.apply_image(segmentation, interp=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) return segmentation def create_rotation_matrix(self, offset=0): center = (self.center[0] + offset, self.center[1] + offset) rm = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(tuple(center), self.angle, 1) if self.expand: # Find the coordinates of the center of rotation in the new image # The only point for which we know the future coordinates is the center of the image rot_im_center = cv2.transform(self.image_center[None, None, :] + offset, rm)[0, 0, :] new_center = np.array([self.bound_w / 2, self.bound_h / 2]) + offset - rot_im_center # shift the rotation center to the new coordinates rm[:, 2] += new_center return rm def inverse(self): """ The inverse is to rotate it back with expand, and crop to get the original shape. """ if not self.expand: # Not possible to inverse if a part of the image is lost raise NotImplementedError() rotation = RotationTransform( self.bound_h, self.bound_w, -self.angle, True, None, self.interp ) crop = CropTransform( (rotation.bound_w - self.w) // 2, (rotation.bound_h - self.h) // 2, self.w, self.h ) return TransformList([rotation, crop]) class ColorTransform(Transform): """ Generic wrapper for any photometric transforms. These transformations should only affect the color space and not the coordinate space of the image (e.g. annotation coordinates such as bounding boxes should not be changed) """ def __init__(self, op): """ Args: op (Callable): operation to be applied to the image, which takes in an ndarray and returns an ndarray. """ if not callable(op): raise ValueError("op parameter should be callable") super().__init__() self._set_attributes(locals()) def apply_image(self, img): return self.op(img) def apply_coords(self, coords): return coords def inverse(self): return NoOpTransform() def apply_segmentation(self, segmentation): return segmentation class PILColorTransform(ColorTransform): """ Generic wrapper for PIL Photometric image transforms, which affect the color space and not the coordinate space of the image """ def __init__(self, op): """ Args: op (Callable): operation to be applied to the image, which takes in a PIL Image and returns a transformed PIL Image. For reference on possible operations see: - https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ """ if not callable(op): raise ValueError("op parameter should be callable") super().__init__(op) def apply_image(self, img): img = Image.fromarray(img) return np.asarray(super().apply_image(img)) def HFlip_rotated_box(transform, rotated_boxes): """ Apply the horizontal flip transform on rotated boxes. Args: rotated_boxes (ndarray): Nx5 floating point array of (x_center, y_center, width, height, angle_degrees) format in absolute coordinates. """ # Transform x_center rotated_boxes[:, 0] = transform.width - rotated_boxes[:, 0] # Transform angle rotated_boxes[:, 4] = -rotated_boxes[:, 4] return rotated_boxes def Resize_rotated_box(transform, rotated_boxes): """ Apply the resizing transform on rotated boxes. For details of how these (approximation) formulas are derived, please refer to :meth:`RotatedBoxes.scale`. Args: rotated_boxes (ndarray): Nx5 floating point array of (x_center, y_center, width, height, angle_degrees) format in absolute coordinates. """ scale_factor_x = transform.new_w * 1.0 / transform.w scale_factor_y = transform.new_h * 1.0 / transform.h rotated_boxes[:, 0] *= scale_factor_x rotated_boxes[:, 1] *= scale_factor_y theta = rotated_boxes[:, 4] * np.pi / 180.0 c = np.cos(theta) s = np.sin(theta) rotated_boxes[:, 2] *= np.sqrt(np.square(scale_factor_x * c) + np.square(scale_factor_y * s)) rotated_boxes[:, 3] *= np.sqrt(np.square(scale_factor_x * s) + np.square(scale_factor_y * c)) rotated_boxes[:, 4] = np.arctan2(scale_factor_x * s, scale_factor_y * c) * 180 / np.pi return rotated_boxes HFlipTransform.register_type("rotated_box", HFlip_rotated_box) ResizeTransform.register_type("rotated_box", Resize_rotated_box) # not necessary any more with latest fvcore NoOpTransform.register_type("rotated_box", lambda t, x: x)