importScripts('') importScripts('') importScripts('reply_buffer.js') ;(async () => { const DISABLED = false const agent = new AgentSac({batchSize: 100, verbose: true}) await agent.init() await agent.checkpoint() // overwrite self.postMessage({weights: await Promise.all( => w.array()))}) // syncronize const rb = new ReplyBuffer(50000, ({ state: [telemetry, frameL, frameR], action, reward }) => { frameL.dispose() frameR.dispose() telemetry.dispose() action.dispose() reward.dispose() }) /** * Worker. * * @returns delay in ms to get ready for the next job */ const job = async () => { // throw 'disabled' if (DISABLED) return 99999 if (rb.size < agent._batchSize*10) return 1000 const samples = rb.sample(agent._batchSize) // time fast if (!samples.length) return 1000 const framesL = [], framesR = [], telemetries = [], actions = [], rewards = [], nextFramesL = [], nextFramesR = [], nextTelemetries = [] for (const { state: [telemetry, frameL, frameR], action, reward, nextState: [nextTelemetry, nextFrameL, nextFrameR] } of samples) { framesL.push(frameL) framesR.push(frameR) telemetries.push(telemetry) actions.push(action) rewards.push(reward) nextFramesL.push(nextFrameL) nextFramesR.push(nextFrameR) nextTelemetries.push(nextTelemetry) } tf.tidy(() => { console.time('train') agent.train({ state: [tf.stack(telemetries), tf.stack(framesL), tf.stack(framesR)], action: tf.stack(actions), reward: tf.stack(rewards), nextState: [tf.stack(nextTelemetries), tf.stack(nextFramesL), tf.stack(nextFramesR)] }) console.timeEnd('train') }) console.time('train postMessage') self.postMessage({ weights: await Promise.all( => w.array())) }) console.timeEnd('train postMessage') return 1 } /** * Executes job. */ const tick = async () => { try { setTimeout(tick, await job()) } catch (e) { console.error(e) setTimeout(tick, 5000) // show must go on (҂◡_◡) ᕤ } } setTimeout(tick, 1000) /** * Decode transition from the main thread. * * @param {{ id, state, action, reward }} transition * @returns */ const decodeTransition = transition => { let { id, state: [telemetry, frameL, frameR], action, reward, priority } = transition return tf.tidy(() => { state = [ tf.tensor1d(telemetry), tf.tensor3d(frameL, agent._frameStackShape), tf.tensor3d(frameR, agent._frameStackShape) ] action = tf.tensor1d(action) reward = tf.tensor1d([reward]) return { id, state, action, reward, priority } }) } let i = 0 self.addEventListener('message', async e => { i++ if (DISABLED) return if (i%50 === 0) console.log('RBSIZE: ', rb.size) switch ( { case 'newTransition': const transition = decodeTransition( rb.add(transition) tf.tidy(()=> { return const { state: [telemetry, frameL, frameR], action, } = transition; const state = [tf.stack([telemetry]), tf.stack([frameL]), tf.stack([frameR])] const q1TargValue = agent.q1Targ.predict([...state, tf.stack([action])], {batchSize: 1}) const q2TargValue = agent.q2Targ.predict([...state, tf.stack([action])], {batchSize: 1}) console.log('value', Math.min(q1TargValue.arraySync()[0][0], q2TargValue.arraySync()[0][0]).toFixed(5)) }) break default: console.warn('Unknown action') break } if (i % rb._limit === 0) agent.checkpoint() // timer ~ 500ms, don't await intentionally }) })()