from typing import List import logging import albumentations as A import streamlit as st import torch from albumentations import pytorch from src.model_architecture import Net anchors = torch.tensor( [ [[0.2800, 0.2200], [0.3800, 0.4800], [0.9000, 0.7800]], [[0.0700, 0.1500], [0.1500, 0.1100], [0.1400, 0.2900]], [[0.0200, 0.0300], [0.0400, 0.0700], [0.0800, 0.0600]], ] ) transforms = A.Compose( [ A.Resize(always_apply=False, p=1, height=192, width=192, interpolation=1), A.Normalize(), pytorch.transforms.ToTensorV2(), ] ) def cells_to_bboxes(predictions: torch.tensor, anchors: torch.tensor, s: int, is_preds: bool = True) -> torch.tensor: """ Scale the predictions coming from the model_files to be relative to the entire image such that they for example later can be plotted or. Args: predictions: tensor of size (N, 3, S, S, num_classes+5) anchors: the anchors used for the predictions s: the number of cells the image is divided in on the width (and height) is_preds: whether the input is predictions or the true bounding boxes Returns: converted_bboxes: the converted boxes of sizes (N, num_anchors, S, S, 1+5) with class index, object score, bounding box coordinates """ batch_size = predictions.shape[0] num_anchors = len(anchors) box_predictions = predictions[..., 1:5] if is_preds: anchors = anchors.reshape(1, len(anchors), 1, 1, 2) box_predictions[..., 0:2] = torch.sigmoid(box_predictions[..., 0:2]) box_predictions[..., 2:] = torch.exp(box_predictions[..., 2:]) * anchors scores = torch.sigmoid(predictions[..., 0:1]) best_class = torch.argmax(predictions[..., 5:], dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1) else: scores = predictions[..., 0:1] best_class = predictions[..., 5:6] cell_indices = torch.arange(s).repeat(predictions.shape[0], 3, s, 1).unsqueeze(-1).to(predictions.device) x = 1 / s * (box_predictions[..., 0:1] + cell_indices) y = 1 / s * (box_predictions[..., 1:2] + cell_indices.permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4)) w_h = 1 / s * box_predictions[..., 2:4] converted_bboxes =, scores, x, y, w_h), dim=-1).reshape(batch_size, num_anchors * s * s, 6) return converted_bboxes.tolist() def non_max_suppression( bboxes: List[List], iou_threshold: float, threshold: float, box_format: str = 'corners' ) -> List[List]: """ Apply nms to the bboxes. Video explanation of this function: Does Non Max Suppression given bboxes Args: bboxes (list): list of lists containing all bboxes with each bboxes specified as [class_pred, prob_score, x1, y1, x2, y2] iou_threshold (float): threshold where predicted bboxes is correct threshold (float): threshold to remove predicted bboxes (independent of IoU) box_format (str): 'midpoint' or 'corners' used to specify bboxes Returns: list: bboxes after performing NMS given a specific IoU threshold """ assert type(bboxes) == list bboxes = [box for box in bboxes if box[1] > threshold] bboxes = sorted(bboxes, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) bboxes_after_nms = [] while bboxes: chosen_box = bboxes.pop(0) bboxes = [ box for box in bboxes if box[0] != chosen_box[0] or intersection_over_union( torch.tensor(chosen_box[2:]), torch.tensor(box[2:]), box_format=box_format, ) < iou_threshold ] bboxes_after_nms.append(chosen_box) return bboxes_after_nms def intersection_over_union( boxes_preds: torch.tensor, boxes_labels: torch.tensor, box_format: str = 'midpoint' ) -> torch.tensor: """ Calculate iou. Video explanation of this function: This function calculates intersection over union (iou) given pred boxes and target boxes. Args: boxes_preds (tensor): Predictions of Bounding Boxes (BATCH_SIZE, 4) boxes_labels (tensor): Correct labels of Bounding Boxes (BATCH_SIZE, 4) box_format (str): midpoint/corners, if boxes (x,y,w,h) or (x1,y1,x2,y2) Returns: tensor: Intersection over union for all examples """ if box_format == 'midpoint': box1_x1 = boxes_preds[..., 0:1] - boxes_preds[..., 2:3] / 2 box1_y1 = boxes_preds[..., 1:2] - boxes_preds[..., 3:4] / 2 box1_x2 = boxes_preds[..., 0:1] + boxes_preds[..., 2:3] / 2 box1_y2 = boxes_preds[..., 1:2] + boxes_preds[..., 3:4] / 2 box2_x1 = boxes_labels[..., 0:1] - boxes_labels[..., 2:3] / 2 box2_y1 = boxes_labels[..., 1:2] - boxes_labels[..., 3:4] / 2 box2_x2 = boxes_labels[..., 0:1] + boxes_labels[..., 2:3] / 2 box2_y2 = boxes_labels[..., 1:2] + boxes_labels[..., 3:4] / 2 if box_format == 'corners': box1_x1 = boxes_preds[..., 0:1] box1_y1 = boxes_preds[..., 1:2] box1_x2 = boxes_preds[..., 2:3] box1_y2 = boxes_preds[..., 3:4] box2_x1 = boxes_labels[..., 0:1] box2_y1 = boxes_labels[..., 1:2] box2_x2 = boxes_labels[..., 2:3] box2_y2 = boxes_labels[..., 3:4] x1 = torch.max(box1_x1, box2_x1) y1 = torch.max(box1_y1, box2_y1) x2 = torch.min(box1_x2, box2_x2) y2 = torch.min(box1_y2, box2_y2) intersection = (x2 - x1).clamp(0) * (y2 - y1).clamp(0) box1_area = abs((box1_x2 - box1_x1) * (box1_y2 - box1_y1)) box2_area = abs((box2_x2 - box2_x1) * (box2_y2 - box2_y1)) return intersection / (box1_area + box2_area - intersection + 1e-6) def predict( model: torch.nn.Module, image: torch.tensor, iou_threshold: float = 1.0, threshold: float = 0.05 ) -> List[List]: """ Apply the model_files to the predictions and to postprocessing Args: model: a trained pytorch model_files. image: image as a torch tensor iou_threshold: a threshold for intersection_over_union function threshold: a threshold for bbox probability Returns: predicted bboxes """ # apply model_files. add a dimension to imitate a batch size of 1 logits = model(image[None, :])'predicted') # postprocess. In fact, we could remove indexing with idx here, as there is a single image. # But I prefer to keep it so that this code could be easier changed for cases with batch size > 1 bboxes: List[List] = [[] for _ in range(1)] for i in range(3): S = logits[i].shape[2] # it could be better to initialize anchors inside the function, but I don't want to do it for every prediction. anchor = anchors[i] * S boxes_scale_i = cells_to_bboxes(logits[i], anchor, s=S, is_preds=True) for idx, (box) in enumerate(boxes_scale_i): bboxes[idx] += box'Starting nms') nms_boxes = non_max_suppression( bboxes[idx], iou_threshold=iou_threshold, threshold=threshold, box_format='midpoint', ) return nms_boxes @st.cache def get_model(): model_name = 'model_files/best_model.pth' model = Net() model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_name)) model.eval() return model