# Prediction interface for Cog ⚙️ # https://github.com/replicate/cog/blob/main/docs/python.md import torch from cog import BasePredictor, Input, Path from pipeline import build_audiosep, inference class Predictor(BasePredictor): def setup(self) -> None: """Load the model into memory to make running multiple predictions efficient""" self.model = build_audiosep( config_yaml="config/audiosep_base.yaml", checkpoint_path="checkpoint/audiosep_base_4M_steps.ckpt", device="cuda", ) def predict( self, audio_file: Path = Input(description="Input audio file."), text: str = Input(description="Input text.", default="water drops"), ) -> Path: """Run a single prediction on the model""" output_file = "/tmp/separated_audio.wav" # AudioSep processes the audio at 32 kHz sampling rate inference(self.model, str(audio_file), text, output_file, "cuda") return Path(output_file)