diff --git "a/evaluation/metadata/audiocaps_eval.csv" "b/evaluation/metadata/audiocaps_eval.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/evaluation/metadata/audiocaps_eval.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,4821 @@ +idx,caption,labels,src_wav,noise_wav +0,Constant rattling noise and sharp vibrations,"Speech Sewing machine Inside, public space",Y7fmOlUlwoNg.wav,Y-aYumc8KoXg.wav +1,A rocket flies by followed by a loud explosion and fire crackling as a truck engine runs idle,"Explosion Burst, pop",Y6BJ455B1aAs.wav,YoNHCc_izsDE.wav +2,Humming and vibrating with a man and children speaking and laughing,"Train Speech Child speech, kid speaking",YGOD8Bt5LfDE.wav,Ygf6H_MWCqjw.wav +3,A train running on a railroad track followed by a vehicle door closing and a man talking in the distance while a train horn honks and railroad crossing warning signals ring,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train",YYQSuFyFm3Lc.wav,YoZaEHkfh5Eg.wav +4,"Food is frying, and a woman talks",Speech Frying (food),YVjSEIRnLAh8.wav,YBn4lc01q9vE.wav +5,A man speaks as birds chirp and dogs bark,Bird Bow-wow Speech Animal,YDlWd7Wmdi1E.wav,YgW7s3YAthpI.wav +6,A large truck driving by as an emergency siren wails and truck horn honks,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",YYNDKuNINDOY.wav,Y9F3sutgYTvo.wav +7,A child yelling as a young boy talks during several slaps on a hard surface,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YfsBR7e_X_0Y.wav,YAUmY0YRAFQE.wav +8,"An engine rumbles loudly, then an air horn honk three times","Toot Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking",YtjCNwdOUiGc.wav,Yy-RSojxgkDo.wav +9,A person snoring with another man speaking,Snoring Speech,YyL3gKa6YLoM.wav,Ys_EWjoiVfzo.wav +10,Thunder and a gentle rain,Rain Thunderstorm Thunder,YLbken4JCr94.wav,YuJzAf4PaExI.wav +11,A woman talks and a baby whispers,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",Y_xylo5_IiaM.wav,YBA-lFjpzad4.wav +12,A man talking as a stream of water trickles in the background,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YsVYTOURVsQ0.wav,Y2RjqBRzmxaM.wav +13,A person briefly talks followed quickly by toilet flushing and another voice from another person,Toilet flush Speech,YSmdj6JFB9MQ.wav,Y-JP1GqPEKtw.wav +14,A woman singing then choking followed by birds chirping,"Bird Chirp, tweet Animal",Yu84FiZ_omhA.wav,YdJYO3RbBabE.wav +15,Machinery banging and hissing,Hiss,Ykx6Rj4MDIAw.wav,YelztUCeNQvQ.wav +16,A person talking which later imitates a couple of meow sounds,Cat Meow,YPLHXGDnig4M.wav,Y4eyY1w2QyM0.wav +17,Rain is falling continuously,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Trickle, dribble Water",YZ0IrCa4MvOA.wav,YwOFBldBFRNk.wav +18,An infant crying followed by a man laughing,"Baby cry, infant cry",Y14ekd4nkpwc.wav,YcPiSd5nJLrI.wav +19,A man talking as a door slams shut followed by a door creaking,"Door Male speech, man speaking Speech",YyfYNPWs7mWY.wav,YtTB0BK39JI8.wav +20,Whistling with wind blowing,Whistling,YuhSDBwVrEdo.wav,YqPYwp1K4sZE.wav +21,Vehicles passing by slowly together with distant murmuring,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YYQGW5AwDOIo.wav,YW4GEwnXc9tQ.wav +22,"Water is trickling, and a man talks","Trickle, dribble Water Speech",YMe4npKmtchA.wav,Yyau2WIRkxb8.wav +23,Scraping and speech followed by people laughing,Laughter Snicker Speech,YgbtcDoh0q3c.wav,YNtQiduPRiRg.wav +24,Birds cackling and young peoples voices,"Bird Speech Pigeon, dove Inside, small room",Y9HVgYs8OOLc.wav,YI_8KqxP5xOA.wav +25,"Birds are squawking, and ducks are quacking",Bird Duck Goose,YOpiWMltpj44.wav,YIsUG5SKWNZA.wav +26,Repeated gunfire and screaming in the background,"Gunshot, gunfire",Y9ZZHvwaH-CU.wav,Yd1tL-9BILy8.wav +27,An aircraft engine is taking off,"Vehicle Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",YK_Vre_-4KqU.wav,Yy_OyLW9lBXU.wav +28,Water running with a main is speaking,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YqeSl7YZAfs4.wav,Ykx6Rj4MDIAw.wav +29,A female speaking with some rustling followed by another female speaking,"Dishes, pots, and pans",Y4IeDBwyQ9ZQ.wav,YZYWCwfCkBp4.wav +30,Males speaking and then a clock ticks twice,Tick-tock Speech,YArHiac57pVk.wav,YfYTZVxQ8LJk.wav +31,An engine revving and then tires squealing,Truck Skidding Vehicle,YqZEIs6tS5vk.wav,YUmNrhFKpWIY.wav +32,A woman speaking followed by a porcelain plate clanking as food and oil sizzles,Frying (food),Ypaf0nyjg1Js.wav,Y2RjqBRzmxaM.wav +33,An engine hums as it idles,Engine Idling Medium engine (mid frequency) Engine starting,YBZCEDkx37rI.wav,YpCQEWAFGEjc.wav +34,Blowing of a horn as a train passes,Steam whistle Steam Hiss,YFR7BDRhMATo.wav,Yp9qRTh4BmSE.wav +35,Short spray followed by louder longer spray,Spray,YXJba7pTbpD0.wav,YsVYTOURVsQ0.wav +36,A motor is revving and changing gears,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YCeRoaEcqUgM.wav,YUjje3lSabsg.wav +37,Humming from an engine slowing down then speeding up,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle,Yzq00Oe1ecpE.wav,YbX2vDaHL26U.wav +38,A baby cries as a woman speaks with other speech background noise,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YztSjcZNUY7A.wav,Y4UPOUGVMlEs.wav +39,Ocean waves crashing in the distance as young girl talks followed by a young man talking while a group of children laughs in the background and wind blows into a microphone,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Outside, rural or natural",YglAeihz0NAM.wav,YY3lNEe-ZGF0.wav +40,"An adult female speaks, and muted speech occurs briefly in the background","Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YCM49C3RkzV8.wav,YzwoqJY03yHE.wav +41,A metal clank followed by motor vibrating and rumbling,Vibration,YH-vTZh81qAU.wav,YPb6MqpdX5Jw.wav +42,Music and a man speaking followed by bleeps and someone singing,Cat Meow Speech Animal,Yup2PpjTzyyc.wav,YD2Xc_jZllDY.wav +43,Motorboat engine screams as it accelerates,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YdlsiellSFf0.wav,Yg6CY7qvu81k.wav +44,A man speaking followed by another man speaking with some rustling,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y0jGH7A_hpBM.wav,YhxbmDeNSO6Q.wav +45,A vehicle horn honking followed by a large truck engine accelerating while wind blows lightly into a microphone,"Motor vehicle (road) Truck Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking",YCefFMA3klxk.wav,Y9ucb5HYO8ps.wav +46,"Many insects are buzzing and rustling is occurring, while an adult male speaks","Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Speech",YKnXNy5Q6YS4.wav,Y3n05BjV7r7M.wav +47,People speaking with loud bangs followed by a slow motion rumble,"Explosion Eruption Burst, pop",YcPiSd5nJLrI.wav,Y1N_DtRpdAp8.wav +48,A couple of men speaking as metal clanks and a power tool operates,Speech Sewing machine,YrJVXE6Axtrg.wav,YI_vN_BFUr0Y.wav +49,A man speaks and then whistles,Whistling Speech,YFA11v4SmdBc.wav,YlTfNLKEy1RU.wav +50,An adult male is speaking in a quiet environment,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y3iLGu2Omgrw.wav,YbIiiIo20PsY.wav +51,Bells ring followed by humming and vibrations as a train passes while blowing a horn,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",YQvATUKXYFBs.wav,YrvDcg9DoNKA.wav +52,A vehicle engine revving as a crowd of people talk,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Speech Car",Y_ezm-TpKj1w.wav,YwNiYSYJXssA.wav +53,Some rustling followed by a quick powerful hiss,Spray,Yq46VXJ6JN9M.wav,Yw_Utn3CwAXE.wav +54,Several ducks quack and chirp as men speak and wind blows,Bird Duck Speech,YYEYeQ0lIkBQ.wav,Y3IguMJkqpl4.wav +55,A woman talking as a baby talks followed by plastic thumping,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",Y_xylo5_IiaM.wav,YMOxddxW5PXs.wav +56,A large engine passes as people speak followed by a siren,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",Y31WGUPOYS5g.wav,YaMhu5eMQAsI.wav +57,A sewing machine operating as a machine motor hisses loudly in the background,Sewing machine,YKtTLsveexOg.wav,YJp64Whpr3BA.wav +58,Digital beeps repeating then a person speaks,"Beep, bleep Alarm Speech",Y5QZ0NtdoKJ8.wav,YYIqpIjjee00.wav +59,A man and woman laughing followed by a man shouting then a woman laughing as a child laughs,Laughter Speech,Y_AcJVyToQUQ.wav,Y-EaZ7EJJUl0.wav +60,Crumpling paper noise with female speech,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YkEP-BwMarf8.wav,YHkbCUN4V3TU.wav +61,A bell is ringing loudly and quickly,Bell,Y7D7xgd4WJ50.wav,YV4PLSw_WzVw.wav +62,Several birds chirp with some hissing,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YyVVLq4ao1Ck.wav,YTSnq6n8tElo.wav +63,A man speaking as a crowd of people laugh and applaud,Applause,YS0YE96w0YRk.wav,YbX2vDaHL26U.wav +64,A small motor buzzing followed by a man speaking as a metal door closes,Drill Speech,Ylh801oHGtD4.wav,YArHiac57pVk.wav +65,Clip-clops gallop as the wind blows and thunder cracks,Thunder,YPb6MqpdX5Jw.wav,YzF3xXn6NTyU.wav +66,Electronic beeping as a man talks and water pouring in the background,"Beep, bleep Speech",Y9U8COLzEegs.wav,YMdlEswBfZMQ.wav +67,Food and oil sizzling as a woman is talking followed by dinner plates clanking,Frying (food),Ypaf0nyjg1Js.wav,YDjKGzOe_COc.wav +68,Wind blowing followed by people speaking then a loud burst of thunder,Thunder,Ydxow2DcTrwk.wav,YyVjivgsU2aA.wav +69,A heavy rain dies down and begins again,Spray,Ya0yXS7PmVR0.wav,YbJMMp6PLKqM.wav +70,A train sounds horn while traveling on train track,Train horn Train Vehicle,Y0a9wVat2PWk.wav,YJC2ZrXzCX4Y.wav +71,A man speaking over an intercom as a helicopter engine runs followed by several gunshots firing,"Gunshot, gunfire",Ybgbnu5YKTDg.wav,Y_AcJVyToQUQ.wav +72,A man talking followed by a goat baaing then a metal gate sliding while ducks quack and wind blows into a microphone,Goat Speech Animal,YCO6-i8NLbeo.wav,YtmLAXm1WlnE.wav +73,Motorcycle engine running,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,YpI_kPedctoo.wav,YUXGzbBGbqAA.wav +74,A vehicle door opening as a crow caws and birds chirp while vehicles drive by in the background,Door,YEYTz1LPDHsc.wav,YNtQiduPRiRg.wav +75,An engine running and wind with various speech in the background,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",YD9tinq3RMpU.wav,Y40cuHrYfaqA.wav +76,A drone whirring followed by a crashing sound,Drill,YEzWEO2WD_MM.wav,YWUyeFOyKIg0.wav +77,A man talking as a helicopter flies by,"Helicopter Speech Outside, rural or natural",YtfOIhQpYYe8.wav,Ypgq2KPX5_SA.wav +78,A group of people laughing followed by farting,Laughter,Y_w2pA1VeB40.wav,YxYwpABpZed4.wav +79,"Screaming, wind and an engine running, and laughing","Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Waves, surf Ocean",YJnSwRonB9wI.wav,Yjs4dr5JusdM.wav +80,A crowd applauds with a man speaking briefly in the middle,Applause,YRNBoH2LHQEM.wav,YF7QtqKtllK0.wav +81,A series of computer mouse clicks followed by a kid crying,"Crying, sobbing",YpaetCbEqp2w.wav,YxBZnvfniA1c.wav +82,A series of electronic beeps followed by static,"Beep, bleep",YLs1zyPjs3k8.wav,Yn-JyOqYSLQM.wav +83,Loud snoring repeating,"Snoring Inside, small room",YK03ydb1uaoQ.wav,YbIV3bJZpkgA.wav +84,Water pouring down a drain with a series of metal clangs followed by a metal chain rattling,Gurgling,Yific_gRalg0.wav,YhV4bDCBDCy0.wav +85,A man talking as water splashes,"Trickle, dribble",YBlbGXalLNVU.wav,YVeCSHwtkBZU.wav +86,Wind blowing and water splashing,Gurgling Speech Stream,Y1nUOGZgSzZo.wav,YOr7umk40TZA.wav +87,A group of people laughing followed by a man talking,"Laughter Chuckle, chortle Speech",Yc0V_HAul7rI.wav,YWWkhzcmx3VE.wav +88,A person snoring followed by a man talking,Snoring Speech,YPtW0cZVprJQ.wav,YGE1aZSnPr2Q.wav +89,Girl speaks and crunches plastic wrapping,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YAbplcXwXnvE.wav,Y9z2OwpftxUE.wav +90,Pigeons cooing as air lightly hisses in the background followed by a camera muffling,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Coo Pigeon, dove",Yd1tL-9BILy8.wav,YKVAIaRPry24.wav +91,A series of compressed air spraying as a motor hums in the background,Spray,YonBZOH88OYs.wav,Y0_ogYGDGDco.wav +92,Low ticktock sounds followed by objects moving,Tick-tock,Y3wV3ST-c4PE.wav,Y7P6lcyeDKNI.wav +93,"Gunshots fire, an adult male speaks, footfalls and clicking occur as other adult males speak, gunshots fire again, an adult male speaks, and a dog growls","Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",Yy93cZqNCtks.wav,Y4YodC6RnplI.wav +94,Footsteps shuffling on snow alongside a camera muffling while wind blows into a microphone,Rustling leaves Wind noise (microphone),YL2dyilgQ8iM.wav,YC5kmOK_l4jc.wav +95,Duck quacking repeatedly,Duck,YWWkhzcmx3VE.wav,Ya_Rjlu50TfA.wav +96,Tribal drums playing as footsteps shuffle on wet dirt as frogs and crickets chirp in the background,Croak Frog,Yu9px4Lwv9XI.wav,Ysl_Pxpc7beo.wav +97,A rooster clucking followed by a dog whimpering then a man talking and a dog barking,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Chicken, rooster Speech Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",Yhrv6fwnmBkY.wav,YYEYeQ0lIkBQ.wav +98,A power tool drill operating continuously,Drill Tools,YzEaGx6an4es.wav,Y0Rpjl1AO-P0.wav +99,A man speaking as birds are chirping,"Chirp, tweet Speech Animal Outside, rural or natural",YE6FH_xp3I54.wav,YZ-SIyOChVh8.wav +100,"Pretend to scream and crying is occurring, and an adult male begins to speak","Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YDt53UZgyznE.wav,YH7-orYrKBeo.wav +101,Metal scrapping against a wooden surface followed by sand scrapping then more metal scrapping against wood,Filing (rasp) Rub Wood,YOMGHnJV0l2U.wav,Y5K1mISHwggI.wav +102,A cat meows and a woman speaks,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Speech Animal",Y-NsC63dA01g.wav,YLF6x7B0Ppvo.wav +103,Whistling as a man speaks,Whistling Speech,YfGGYeXR_LS8.wav,YrvDcg9DoNKA.wav +104,"A mid-size motor vehicle engine is revving repeatedly, while people talk in the background","Accelerating, revving, vroom Speech Car",Y_ezm-TpKj1w.wav,YFhimNYClv40.wav +105,A man is speaking as paper is crumpling,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling Inside, small room",YhJtOGmN_KVw.wav,YnmLMLgWPmFM.wav +106,A vehicle engine revving then powering down,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YUmNrhFKpWIY.wav,YVjSEIRnLAh8.wav +107,A man is speaking followed by a child speaking and then laughter,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YxBZnvfniA1c.wav,YwnqUgK_-fo4.wav +108,Some claps followed by a man speaking then glass breaking and people laughing,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",YEQVWhHmT_cE.wav,Y_z-bidQYVao.wav +109,A man speaking as a stream of water splashes and flows while music faintly plays in the distance,Stream,YUCy1BEx8jBE.wav,YRrmBGjJqlEo.wav +110,Continuous snoring of a person,Snoring,YF7QtqKtllK0.wav,YLWng-4PDzPM.wav +111,A man talking followed by a series of belches,"Burping, eructation Speech",YalaxBd_EEUc.wav,Y7P0N61TVOxE.wav +112,A man speaks while typing occurs,Typing,YGSHcgY6ATkQ.wav,Y2EsxcKe1A4w.wav +113,A woman speaks as she fries food,Stir Frying (food),YxYwpABpZed4.wav,YY3lNEe-ZGF0.wav +114,Spray and a high pitch tone,Steam Hiss,YlfO471Rn61k.wav,Y1Og2TJ3bXW0.wav +115,A woman speaks and continues to do so as a dog starts barking,Bark Bow-wow Dog,YHZ9O6sc7cLA.wav,YEUZaxaWqhwg.wav +116,A bird is cooing and flapping its wings,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room",Y41D0yXSBqfI.wav,Y--0w1YA1Hm4.wav +117,"Continuous white noise, rustling and wind",Rustling leaves,YJ0yeFeKvIt8.wav,Y1FNJbN-eHY4.wav +118,An engine running and helicopter propellers spinning,Vehicle Helicopter Aircraft,YKvrcRMfFzOE.wav,Y3IguMJkqpl4.wav +119,People are talking along with knock sounds,Door Knock Speech,Y7cHRSfbp7tc.wav,YWUpeplQr3A4.wav +120,A dog barking and growling while plastic rattles and clanks against a hard surface,"Canidae, dogs, wolves Bark Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal Inside, small room",YNeWW30WZjPc.wav,Y54eRRbCtPn8.wav +121,Humming of an engine followed by some honks of a horn,"Toot Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking",YtjCNwdOUiGc.wav,YBOB65Nd0pXo.wav +122,Ducks quacking as roosters crow and chickens cluck while water trickles,Bird Duck Goose,YOpiWMltpj44.wav,Y8BPTQO_cx7E.wav +123,A helicopter flying followed by wind heavily blowing into a microphone,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",YdYvL6uEMl6E.wav,Yo_3MDLl_aH0.wav +124,A scratching of surface sound followed by men talking and snickering,Laughter Snicker Speech,YgbtcDoh0q3c.wav,YCYUlLTKoa1Y.wav +125,Humming from an engine followed by loud honks of a horn,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Outside, rural or natural",YjjHIINDfE1c.wav,Ye2rScj9UyMs.wav +126,A car engine revs producing a room and a whine,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YsqsI2UyrcBQ.wav,YL8dA-2Lu2hY.wav +127,A man speaks as water flows from a faucet in quick bursts,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YjOYvIISk--4.wav,Y0NGSrwioYjA.wav +128,Ocean waves crashing as a man talks in the distance and wind heavily blows into a microphone,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Y3MoF8myFs8Y.wav,YyRoKi7rhSRo.wav +129,Burping and then laughing with continuous burping,"Burping, eructation Speech",YPMMkPq5jJXY.wav,YBwnGxJD9xh8.wav +130,"An aircraft motor is running and whirring is present, helicopter rotors slap rhythmically, and an adult male speaks in the background","Helicopter Speech Outside, rural or natural",YtfOIhQpYYe8.wav,YR4fXcbWFhJg.wav +131,Music is playing with machine gun sounds,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",YAtkD-3GjXMw.wav,YI_vN_BFUr0Y.wav +132,"The wind is blowing, an adult male speaks via an electronic device, and a click occurs",Idling Vehicle Speech Engine starting,Y6Nvu6EcpdE8.wav,Y1DKLyH3FixM.wav +133,Nature sounds with a frog croaking,Frog,YzoxFl3pddMg.wav,Ypaf0nyjg1Js.wav +134,Helicopter blades spinning,Helicopter,YVQnmlf2OsUg.wav,YOMGHnJV0l2U.wav +135,A tractor engine driving by followed by a car horn honking and wind blowing on a microphone,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Outside, rural or natural",YjjHIINDfE1c.wav,Y1DKLyH3FixM.wav +136,A man talks over a clicking sound and a car engine switches gears and speeds up,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Speech Car",YB4SZwi9Ce3o.wav,YUQtBt6CQpwg.wav +137,A girl burping then laughing followed by a group of girls laughing and talking,"Burping, eructation Speech",Y9ucb5HYO8ps.wav,Y3qTL7QRk-tg.wav +138,A duck quacking,Duck,YWWkhzcmx3VE.wav,YFi4-IqJo2xQ.wav +139,Traffic hums and beeps with revving engines and a man speaking nearby,"Motor vehicle (road) Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Traffic noise, roadway noise Outside, urban or manmade",YNJEPbGVBJIQ.wav,YTOaQMYc79Mw.wav +140,A person is sawing wood and music is playing in the background,Sawing Rub Wood,YZYWCwfCkBp4.wav,YzF3xXn6NTyU.wav +141,Some scratching and rustling with small clicks,Door,Y9XqkKuTqEOM.wav,Y7QN3lwOzfdg.wav +142,"A man speaking then a baby crying, duck quacking in background and finally a woman speaking",Quack Duck Speech,Y3IguMJkqpl4.wav,YKSHpYhuTotY.wav +143,A power tool vibrating quick followed by a man speaking and some bangs,Drill Tools Power tool,YUhCzD6EBJBU.wav,Y4YodC6RnplI.wav +144,Some clicking followed by a sneeze and a man laughing,Sneeze,YTQr9v-PQOc4.wav,YHdxfbpnd2-8.wav +145,A man speaks with others speaking in the distance followed by a girl speaking and others laughing,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YxBZnvfniA1c.wav,Yup2PpjTzyyc.wav +146,There is a mature male talking to some animals,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Frog Speech Animal",Y0NGSrwioYjA.wav,Yq3SEOW2m4WY.wav +147,Water running continuously,"Water tap, faucet Bathtub (filling or washing) Water",Y6Pywt0f_NFY.wav,YI4HpYGMMsz4.wav +148,"Water trickles, splashes and gurgles, slow at first and then faster, and an adult male is speaking","Water tap, faucet Water",Yh5_1pnkl_SY.wav,YsVYTOURVsQ0.wav +149,A woman talking back and forth with a child who is crying,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, large room or hall",Yfx4r_KuW6No.wav,YvfNKduToki4.wav +150,A man yelling followed by an infant crying then a woman shouting as a crowd of people talk and laugh,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",Y9F3sutgYTvo.wav,YAFgGoY8Ihhg.wav +151,A man speaking as a faucet pours water several times while water drains down a pipe,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YjOYvIISk--4.wav,YRtenf2XSXRc.wav +152,Dirt shuffling followed by gears cranking and a branch snapping then a man talking,Bicycle Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,Y7P6lcyeDKNI.wav,Yn4VktYihtJU.wav +153,Fly buzzing followed by frog swallowing it and then a croak,Croak Frog,YQHfyKaOHSz4.wav,YJmWaRt8-u0s.wav +154,Hissing together with an engine chugging,Steam Hiss,YSE_3nszEw7o.wav,Y5eSRL3PRHzo.wav +155,Sustained industrial engine noise,Thunder,Y_iUX8CibElk.wav,YbIV3bJZpkgA.wav +156,A person speaks and makes meow sounds,Cat Meow,YPLHXGDnig4M.wav,YB8rdur4aams.wav +157,Several birds tweeting loudly followed by insects chirping,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YyVVLq4ao1Ck.wav,YKtTLsveexOg.wav +158,Humming and vibrating of a power tool with some high frequency squealing,Drill Tools Power tool,Y2JutOgAnqWA.wav,Y6ukYSXzfEgQ.wav +159,Loud wind noise followed by a car accelerating fast,"Skidding Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YbX2vDaHL26U.wav,YR_g4RpU9mO0.wav +160,A man speaks with distant traffic passing and some nearby rattling,Spray Speech,YXf5LjaE_JQ0.wav,YgQMTOKsCIyk.wav +161,A man talking followed by a goat baaing as wind lightly blows into a microphone followed by a crow cawing in the distance,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Frog Speech Animal",Y0NGSrwioYjA.wav,YNDaVSIJaXVs.wav +162,A man talking as a kid yells followed by an aircraft flying in the distance as wind blows into a microphone,"Wind Ship Vehicle Speech Outside, rural or natural",YCh0LMmhBUg4.wav,YzoxFl3pddMg.wav +163,A clock ticks with breathing in the background,Tick-tock,Yl5KdHAWwJCw.wav,YARFFw0e_jig.wav +164,A man speaks followed by popping noise and laughter,"Burst, pop Speech",YVE6Ku0-ucUM.wav,YhGWarNR6xmg.wav +165,Water running from a flushed toilet,Toilet flush,YYIqpIjjee00.wav,Yyau2WIRkxb8.wav +166,Fire igniting followed by an electronic beep then footsteps running on concrete as vehicle engines run idle and horns honk in the background,"Burst, pop Speech",YItS07xtdi4s.wav,YMvHpNzDpC6Q.wav +167,Several gunshots with a click and glass breaking,"Gunshot, gunfire",YHeEa1GZpUGI.wav,Y7WkB6pflr6o.wav +168,A man speaks followed by vibrations of a power tool,Drill Speech,YjjfUaMQaG1A.wav,Y_C2HinL8VlM.wav +169,A man is giving a speech while the crowd is chanting and clapping in the background,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y79XDcI6xZm0.wav,YCBwXKOpJY_o.wav +170,"A large explosion and a heartbeat, a person speaks","Burst, pop Speech",Y52IxrdTxGs4.wav,Y2ErfX6ZT5pM.wav +171,A motorboat engine running as wind blows into a microphone,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Wind Wind noise (microphone)",YlJayhiVzl_E.wav,Y0_K6OKtoBBU.wav +172,Ducks quacking and chirping followed by a man talking while water trickles,Bird Honk Duck Speech,YgQMTOKsCIyk.wav,YUXGzbBGbqAA.wav +173,Humming from a motor with loud dry cracking,Wood,YLs2vrr9TamU.wav,YUV1kdjwpy6U.wav +174,Child speaks and an emergency siren sounds,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",Y31WGUPOYS5g.wav,YilspW7JRjAg.wav +175,An engine booms and hums with constant rattling,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Y4SZ7JXDCNps.wav,YL_CNz9Vrtkw.wav +176,A duck quacks followed by a man talking while birds chirp in the distance,Quack Duck Speech,YzIgGMlZENTs.wav,YlgwpIImXCWA.wav +177,A woman and a man talking as another man talks softly and papers shuffle in the background,"Conversation Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y1GgEpRZDWN0.wav,YTOaQMYc79Mw.wav +178,A speedboat running as wind blows into a microphone,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YqF72bT878gw.wav,Y-AheI8Epim4.wav +179,Rubbing and scraping a rough surface,"Crumpling, crinkling",YrgrmLLhxoCQ.wav,Y8GHLfJ6y6zA.wav +180,An emergency vehicle has the siren on,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,YVeCSHwtkBZU.wav,Y6eX6bJOFftA.wav +181,A person whistling then a man speaking with plastic tapping,Whistling,YZ1Cyj4N05lk.wav,YQRtuOWWya30.wav +182,A man talking as a motorbike engine runs and accelerates,"Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Outside, rural or natural",YXplKBvZaHXA.wav,YEBCH7TPgiPc.wav +183,A vehicle engine running smoothly,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Yhzn_wGlzGpU.wav,YKSHpYhuTotY.wav +184,A dog barking as a man is talking while birds chirp and wind blows into a microphone,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal",Y0yxEvdnimGg.wav,Yo3mZR8OvPko.wav +185,A herd of sheep baaing,"Sheep Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YLKhokVsJhN0.wav,YQRtuOWWya30.wav +186,Rain falling as a motor engine runs idle and a man talks,Rain Speech,YRp4Ct_TQvAM.wav,YWq4OD3olO2w.wav +187,Birds chirping and bees buzzing,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YYqYCDis3EUA.wav,Y40cuHrYfaqA.wav +188,Distant murmuring followed by a child cooing and laughter,"Crying, sobbing Speech Child speech, kid speaking Baby cry, infant cry Inside, small room",YXL8JV9qXGLE.wav,YUE3XnVFodMI.wav +189,An engine running,Vibration White noise,Y9BGLAUSF0sk.wav,YOxUVcZmeiyI.wav +190,A speedboat is racing across water with loud wind noise,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",Y_duNX6Vyd6g.wav,Y1vCYiVvZ7VE.wav +191,Male speech and then whistling,Whistling Speech,YFA11v4SmdBc.wav,YNmmbNqmsPaY.wav +192,A man speaking through a telephone speaker as another man is talking,Telephone Speech,Y7QN3lwOzfdg.wav,Y8DLcBdC5UrE.wav +193,A short hammering sound followed by two men speaking,Door,YOUUckswAaNI.wav,YSZ6CcXINiiE.wav +194,A loud and forceful bang,Door,YAgaiowyYt88.wav,YFL8KTgMGrN4.wav +195,Speaking and an engine running,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle Speech,YTdl9SmBbRnA.wav,YBzHTqyX69pI.wav +196,A helicopter engine working,Vehicle Helicopter,Y6OlHuvJR_Dk.wav,Yorgwzt45ojE.wav +197,A male speech and wind and then birds chirping,"Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet Speech Animal Outside, rural or natural",YbygBWUkpaC8.wav,YHVz-FJBf_iM.wav +198,A man speaking followed by a woman talking then plastic clacking as footsteps walk on grass and a rooster crows in the distance,Horse Speech Animal,YFfUqv0Vv3ME.wav,YCO6-i8NLbeo.wav +199,A duck quacking,Duck,YWWkhzcmx3VE.wav,Y2KEfkDO6hlA.wav +200,A crowd of people talking followed by a vehicle engine revving then tires skidding,Truck Skidding Vehicle,YqZEIs6tS5vk.wav,Yeu5bq0A3XVQ.wav +201,A paper is being crumpled,"Crumpling, crinkling",Ypgq2KPX5_SA.wav,YOxUVcZmeiyI.wav +202,Church bells ringing,Bell,YH7rd9bZtbgc.wav,YRp4Ct_TQvAM.wav +203,A domestic pet is making noises and a baby cries,"Domestic animals, pets Animal Baby cry, infant cry",YO90Qy2xG6oA.wav,YI4HpYGMMsz4.wav +204,Humming and vibrating from a power tool,Drill,YGuizRlAQ8qQ.wav,YvEWmHtiznF8.wav +205,A helicopter flying as wind blows into a microphone,Vehicle Helicopter Aircraft,YoOMtaqvQ3_M.wav,Y9z2OwpftxUE.wav +206,A crowd murmurs as a siren blares and then stops at a distance,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Bus Speech",Y2ymiXjImwGs.wav,YnuZEAuAl8hQ.wav +207,Vibrations and rattling with people speaking in the distance,"Speech Sewing machine Inside, public space",Y7fmOlUlwoNg.wav,YQvATUKXYFBs.wav +208,Several bursts and explosions with grunting and growling,"Burst, pop",YWmDe2xbnSY4.wav,YDn3buZWMzwY.wav +209,A bell is ringing,Bell,Y-DmjkgWa-rw.wav,YyLu4b01t53k.wav +210,A vehicle driving by while revving as tires skid and squeal,Skidding Vehicle Tire squeal Car,YKtinboYbmHQ.wav,Yh3UhoHIMfpw.wav +211,Loud buzzing followed by rustling and a toilet flushing,Toilet flush Water,YrUq4w4EUSWA.wav,YelztUCeNQvQ.wav +212,A bus engine running as several vehicles pass by and car horns honk in the distance,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle Car,YHUwXtfYRFwk.wav,YZUmZgPL0ges.wav +213,Motorcycle starting then driving away,"Silence Motorcycle Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",Y0rSETXszQM0.wav,YF7QtqKtllK0.wav +214,Applause and speech followed by a loud high pitched bell and more applause and speech,Applause Speech,YfwhkCnOeyC0.wav,YeqcdsdLz954.wav +215,Vehicles driving by as a muffled engine runs while a man speaks then another man speaking in the distance,Bus Vehicle Speech,YEbpOXac13yo.wav,YyfYNPWs7mWY.wav +216,A kid crying as a man and a woman talk followed by a car door opening then closing,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",Y_YS5uKWoB6g.wav,YszkiW0GXEOI.wav +217,Two men speaking with loud insects buzzing,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech Outside, rural or natural",YyhDw7PZje3g.wav,YZTYAQBnU4GM.wav +218,Rain falls and a man speaks with distant thunder,Thunder,Ydxow2DcTrwk.wav,YmlnUJH4BQnk.wav +219,A person whistling,Whistling,Yjlwe9jtu5Gw.wav,Yrp3CQsWxVgE.wav +220,A car engine clicks and whines as it tries to start,Engine Vehicle Car,Y4KObP7cREWw.wav,YnU-AI3Cmc3M.wav +221,Loud vibrating followed by revving,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",Y35b9BSmN5JM.wav,YW7OJevEgq7w.wav +222,Rain falling and thunder roaring in the distance,Rain Thunderstorm Thunder,YSGaIvgwwWSE.wav,Y9MgGaTbmc6g.wav +223,A cat meowing twice,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Animal",Y2j8pxiFvElM.wav,YKVAIaRPry24.wav +224,An aircraft engine flying before becoming louder while several rapid gunshots fire,"Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",Y11SEBDuoqSk.wav,Y2ABngPM3raQ.wav +225,A man speaking and laughing followed by a goat bleat,Goat Snicker Speech,Yjid4t-FzUn0.wav,YUE3XnVFodMI.wav +226,"A motor vehicle is running and vibrating, and a high-pitched squeal occurs",Vibration,Y4Ujigme2IxY.wav,YKVAIaRPry24.wav +227,Humming of a nearby jet engine,"Aircraft engine Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",Ybpv_LneHmfU.wav,YR8bHTHnF8j4.wav +228,A car engine is revving while driving,Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y0Rpjl1AO-P0.wav,YIvfaKPDWC00.wav +229,An infant crying,"Baby cry, infant cry",YFKaJsvcyHTk.wav,YdYZSKX7vuRI.wav +230,Ducks quacking as birds chirp followed by a flock of ducks quacking,"Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Environmental noise Duck",YJon_DEFqsfM.wav,YD4s5aHrsBgs.wav +231,A man speaks with a high frequency hum with some banging and clanking,"Dishes, pots, and pans Speech",YxUWSHYoslPQ.wav,Y1j5NMuq1X30.wav +232,Wood lightly shuffling as insects buzz while birds chirp in the background,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect",Yg5l3Bz6lWnc.wav,Ym_NCf-q4Gn0.wav +233,A man speaking as an insect buzzes followed by a woman laughing then another man talking,"Insect Mosquito Fly, housefly",YqWYncqPSy9A.wav,YHg6HxylRGDo.wav +234,Several loud burps,"Burping, eructation",YXIooZl1QdM4.wav,YU5ij0M7T-hk.wav +235,Metal clacking in a pan as a woman talks while food and oil sizzle,Stir Frying (food),YxYwpABpZed4.wav,YpaetCbEqp2w.wav +236,Tapping followed by water spraying and more tapping,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Inside, small room",Yu8bQf0SnCVI.wav,YVjSEIRnLAh8.wav +237,A power tool drilling as music plays followed by someone blows air then plastic clanking and a man speaking,Drill,YQARuiRtfy-k.wav,YxIztYnMIWUA.wav +238,A man talking followed by another man speaking then a group of people laughing and a man speaking a bit in the background,Laughter Speech,YbUTOsLXYyxg.wav,Y5OM3tJh51pE.wav +239,A crowd of people talking as ducks quack and a motorboat speeds by in the distance,"Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",Y6eX6bJOFftA.wav,YP12nvSpKXcs.wav +240,Some child speaking in the distant and a toilet flushing,Toilet flush,Y2ErfX6ZT5pM.wav,Yjlwe9jtu5Gw.wav +241,Two men speaking followed by plastic clacking then a power tool drilling,"Drill Tools Speech Inside, small room",YFDwK7T1JO_0.wav,YlJayhiVzl_E.wav +242,Dogs barking and growling followed by a man talking,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",Y40cuHrYfaqA.wav,Y473wBEwC35M.wav +243,A crowd of people applauding and cheering,Applause,YXrJcmftCY04.wav,YPLHXGDnig4M.wav +244,A person snoring during a series of thumps followed by a man talking in the background,Snoring Snort Speech,Ya_Rjlu50TfA.wav,Y3XcIVh40pTI.wav +245,Chirping birds near and far,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",Y1DKLyH3FixM.wav,Yj1AiqT5oHZc.wav +246,A series of rapid gunshots firing alongside footsteps running on concrete as a man groans while a muffled heart beats in the background,"Gunshot, gunfire",Y6NBPiArs2-w.wav,Y8GHLfJ6y6zA.wav +247,A muffled aircraft engine operating as a group of people talk in the background,Vehicle Speech Aircraft,YuJzAf4PaExI.wav,YlfO471Rn61k.wav +248,A group of pigeons cooing as bird wings flap in the background followed by plastic tapping,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room",Y41D0yXSBqfI.wav,Yt3VFlDiEKgY.wav +249,Typing on a computer keyboard,Computer keyboard Typing,YJQz40TkjymY.wav,Y8VOibo9Q_Dc.wav +250,"Insects trill in the background, while birds chirp and flies buzz","Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YyVVLq4ao1Ck.wav,YAgaiowyYt88.wav +251,Small dogs yip and whimper,Growling Animal Whimper (dog),Ykdflh3akyH8.wav,YQt0_xTadAT0.wav +252,A vehicle engine revving several times as a man speaks over an intercom along with a crowd of people talking and whistling,"Vehicle Speech Car Race car, auto racing",YlmPMhs-9IYE.wav,YFi4-IqJo2xQ.wav +253,Hisses continuously with some static,Steam Hiss,YhGWarNR6xmg.wav,Y9MgGaTbmc6g.wav +254,A toilet is flushed with a loud hum and gurgling water,Toilet flush,YZsf2YvJfCKw.wav,Yn4VktYihtJU.wav +255,A low slow groan followed by a crash and men speaking with distant birds,Speech Oink,Ynq0BF9zGkzg.wav,Y8DQfjqPCTI8.wav +256,People talking while herding goats near a fast running stream,Goat Speech Animal,Yvigslb0kClE.wav,Yg6CY7qvu81k.wav +257,A large bell rings out multiple times,Bell,Y2t82STv2GR8.wav,YoN0IcZaHD_8.wav +258,A man speaking as plastic is clanking followed by a door hatch opening and plastic tumbling with a vehicle engine revving in the background,"Motor vehicle (road) Door Power windows, electric windows Vehicle",YzoctgurhvHE.wav,Y4abZbau8tZo.wav +259,"Rain is splashing on a surface while rustling occurs and a car door shuts, and traffic is discernible in the distance",Rain Rain on surface,YRdC8cviN6Bs.wav,Y1GgEpRZDWN0.wav +260,A vehicle engine gurgling followed by a horn tooting as wind blows into a microphone,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Outside, urban or manmade",YB8rdur4aams.wav,YH7-orYrKBeo.wav +261,Chirps from several ducks as a man speaks,Bird Honk Duck Speech,YgQMTOKsCIyk.wav,Y7MLERaOgK_Y.wav +262,A man speaks with some high pitched ringing and some rustling,Wood Speech,Y3wrdPAeqjVI.wav,YAf4a-9rcnP0.wav +263,A cat meowing followed by people speaking,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Caterwaul Speech Animal",Y6cS0FsUM-cQ.wav,YB-gTt3_rceQ.wav +264,A male speaking and rustling,Horse Speech Animal,YFfUqv0Vv3ME.wav,Y2KEfkDO6hlA.wav +265,A man speaking followed by a horse trotting,Horse Clip-clop Speech Animal,YOmmPaIAXN0s.wav,YdZDgJzGtLLU.wav +266,"A duck quacks repeatedly and soft thumping occurs, a bird chirps twice, and an adult male speaks",Bird Duck Speech,YbmEF-c-M174.wav,Y5ye0X5saadg.wav +267,A quiet machine running and a child speaking and then an adult speaks and the child laughs,"Train Speech Child speech, kid speaking",YGOD8Bt5LfDE.wav,Y7-HCqJFwHoI.wav +268,Train blowing horn then approaching track sounds,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train",Y59VP93Tzjmg.wav,Y0_K6OKtoBBU.wav +269,Graveling shuffling followed by a young kid talking as pigeons are cooing and a motor hums in the background,"Bird Speech Pigeon, dove",Y3VHpLxtd498.wav,YE3D_z0aoUEg.wav +270,A vehicle running and a man talking,"Vehicle Speech Car Outside, urban or manmade Engine starting",YOTLtzk0W4zg.wav,YhpDltmawxIM.wav +271,"A mid-size motor vehicle engine idles smoothly and is then revved several times, followed by a car door shutting","Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YRtenf2XSXRc.wav,Yy-RSojxgkDo.wav +272,A woman and man speak as click-clops occur and a sheep fleets,Sheep Bleat Speech,YD9GHUPGWsV0.wav,YxQDq3A4Zfbo.wav +273,People scream with a distant hum and splashing waves,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Waves, surf Ocean",YJnSwRonB9wI.wav,Yz4MeV9IGVo0.wav +274,Plastic cranking followed by metal rattling then a series of metal falling in the background as a man is talking,Wood,YT32kii824pA.wav,Yc6YJgZ3qzOw.wav +275,Bird chirping while waves come in with high wind,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",YJBWJQCS4SvA.wav,YPWjEfOkb6ro.wav +276,"Water is falling, splashing and gurgling","Trickle, dribble Water Waterfall Outside, rural or natural",Yjf4iyQPJSvk.wav,YAagLJkfrFMk.wav +277,"A woman speaks quietly, and man answers much louder, then she speaks again",Telephone Speech,Yjs4dr5JusdM.wav,Yf8WPf5F22xI.wav +278,A man speaks followed by eructation,"Burping, eructation Speech",YalaxBd_EEUc.wav,Y473wBEwC35M.wav +279,A crowd applauds for a while,Applause Crowd,Y5eSRL3PRHzo.wav,Y0a9wVat2PWk.wav +280,A man speaking as rain lightly falls followed by thunder,Rain Thunder Rain on surface,Y-EQByFLFqig.wav,Ya3GzZKxUTy8.wav +281,Toilet flushes and water gurgles as it drains,Toilet flush Water,YHVz-FJBf_iM.wav,YwoadpeAGHUQ.wav +282,A man talking as ocean waves trickle and splash while wind blows into a microphone,"Ocean Vehicle Speech Sailboat, sailing ship Stream",YBXxlqaDvdaA.wav,YAf4a-9rcnP0.wav +283,A stream of water trickling as plastic clanks against a metal surface followed by water pouring down a drain alongside a camera muffling,Gurgling,Y1PvMtRIlZNI.wav,YfBYDJWChe5c.wav +284,"Loud burping speech followed by women laughing, alongside a man and woman talking in the background","Burping, eructation Speech",YPMMdAKZxI_I.wav,Y4Ujigme2IxY.wav +285,"Two adult males speak, a small horn blow, and clattering occurs","Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Speech Inside, small room",Yj0KvrVE_Oww.wav,YKVbmN9ZRg5Q.wav +286,A man speaks then whistles with a playing guitar,Whistling,YhuMLK0oA3L8.wav,Y1IoHRTUp86c.wav +287,A vehicle engine revving a few times,Motor vehicle (road) Engine Vehicle Car,YilspW7JRjAg.wav,Y9ZZHvwaH-CU.wav +288,A woman speaks while delivering a speech,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YEvZ3jOMYWxk.wav,YXamQAY_WXRY.wav +289,Brief speech followed by loud applause and cheering,Applause Speech,YL_CNz9Vrtkw.wav,YWUpeplQr3A4.wav +290,Vibrations of an idling engine with a man speaking,Vibration Idling Vehicle Speech Car,YBL8ksJ0sTXk.wav,Y-SkjbQVgJ0M.wav +291,A vehicle engine revving numerous times then running idle,Motor vehicle (road) Engine Vehicle Car,YilspW7JRjAg.wav,Yg5l3Bz6lWnc.wav +292,A vehicle engine starting up then running idle,"Engine Idling Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Medium engine (mid frequency) Engine starting",Y4xrL4TSgHwU.wav,Y1HCuBnPLMqQ.wav +293,A man whistles and then speaks loudly while some rustling and banging in the background,Whistling,YZ1Cyj4N05lk.wav,YVkbp8VmL3pM.wav +294,Splashing water and quiet murmuring,"Trickle, dribble Water Speech",YMe4npKmtchA.wav,YRtenf2XSXRc.wav +295,Wind blowing followed by a scream with people speaking faintly in the distance,"Goat Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YITlqMkR5alY.wav,Y6cS0FsUM-cQ.wav +296,A person speaks and then a loud click occurs,Door Speech,YIvg_q4t-3w0.wav,YFXdoNvmrYxo.wav +297,A kid speaking as camera plastic clicking followed by a crowd of people gasping and talking followed by a person whistling,Horse Speech Animal,YwNiYSYJXssA.wav,Y6TO9PEGpZcQ.wav +298,A man speaks then whistles with a playing guitar,Whistling,YhuMLK0oA3L8.wav,YL2dyilgQ8iM.wav +299,A woman talking while a group of children shout and talk in the background,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Children playing Inside, large room or hall",YzBXoaQ1GVlc.wav,YW7OJevEgq7w.wav +300,"A man speaks, a power tool starts and increases in frequency, a clunking noise",Drill Speech,Yf2fSxfvmkZQ.wav,Y-mhFGevxLUg.wav +301,Squeaking and bouncing followed by a man speaking,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YU90e2P9jy30.wav,YwrQDkX0NbTA.wav +302,An infant crying as a group of kids and adults talk in the background while a woman talks in the foreground,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YzEM94PH29VQ.wav,Y--0w1YA1Hm4.wav +303,Spray and then a loud pop and hiss,Spray,YXJba7pTbpD0.wav,YAgaiowyYt88.wav +304,A bus engine running followed by a bus horn honking,"Toot Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking",YtjCNwdOUiGc.wav,YNlKlRKz8OKI.wav +305,A large truck engine running idle as a man is talking and wind blows into a microphone,Truck Vehicle Speech,YMPLZUg89y5U.wav,YgbtcDoh0q3c.wav +306,A train honks horn and passes by,"Subway, metro, underground Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train",YelztUCeNQvQ.wav,Y6ZwYgzcN6Is.wav +307,Vehicle engine running then a high whistle,Vibration,Y4Ujigme2IxY.wav,Y-mhFGevxLUg.wav +308,A steady ringing with the tick took of a clock,Tick-tock Tick,YAizmnCDlXos.wav,Y3wrdPAeqjVI.wav +309,Sizzling and crackling are occurring,Sizzle,YZBtgrP4vU_w.wav,YtaYKM1OSTwE.wav +310,A man talking before and after a young kid talks as plastic rattles followed by an electronic beep,"Beep, bleep Speech Microwave oven",Y3qrVku794u0.wav,YfPqj3nnwQOI.wav +311,Male speaking with rustling in the background,Truck Vehicle Speech,YMPLZUg89y5U.wav,Yy93cZqNCtks.wav +312,Bells are ringing with echo repeatedly,Bell,Y2t82STv2GR8.wav,YPg2cWEnEEvc.wav +313,A bus engine driving then slowing down before accelerating,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle,Yzq00Oe1ecpE.wav,YMjSegUnQXr4.wav +314,An infant crying,"Crying, sobbing",Yktc_tJxw8sc.wav,YJnSwRonB9wI.wav +315,Motorcycle engines running and revving as a man talks in the background,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,YpI_kPedctoo.wav,YrgrmLLhxoCQ.wav +316,A series of gunshots followed by a man speaking and footsteps running proceeded by more gunshots firing and a dog growling,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",Yy93cZqNCtks.wav,YlTJLvSvjUZk.wav +317,A motorboat engine running as a man talks followed by wind blowing into a microphone and plastic clacking,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",YdP5DbAzTl5M.wav,YMtK8L8gXRrI.wav +318,Instrumental music playing followed by heavy fabric being rustled then a man whistling,Whistling,YLWng-4PDzPM.wav,YEUZaxaWqhwg.wav +319,Emergency sirens wailing as a vehicle accelerates in the distance,"Motor vehicle (road) Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren Vehicle",YIvfaKPDWC00.wav,Y8GHLfJ6y6zA.wav +320,Babies are laughing followed by a fizzling sound,Laughter Baby laughter,Ycr0GiZr0TNY.wav,Y4YMXgLFcR94.wav +321,Chainsaw being run,Engine Idling Medium engine (mid frequency),Y-nQHwrRLfc0.wav,Ygbi6MxPf3hA.wav +322,Waves and wind rake a shore,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean",Y1e98HeU9Vrg.wav,Y9vZDsGjyh5M.wav +323,A subway train signal plays followed by a bell chiming followed by a horn honking as a crowd of people talk in the background,"Railroad car, train wagon Rail transport Train Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking",Y1slvoNgzBLE.wav,YlgwpIImXCWA.wav +324,A man talking as metal clacks followed by metal scrapping against a metal surface,Rub,YfrOqlk0Wm5Y.wav,YtTB0BK39JI8.wav +325,Horses growl and clop hooves,"Horse Neigh, whinny Clip-clop Animal",YJZloTOdIY_c.wav,Y77nElZGi5NU.wav +326,"A woman speaks, then a phone chimes, then there is a burp followed by laughter","Burping, eructation Speech",YIJ6pm5Kns8A.wav,YztSjcZNUY7A.wav +327,Audio static followed by a man laughing before an electronic device motor slides then an infant cries,"Laughter Crying, sobbing",Yh0M4RS8p_mo.wav,Y0qbHT34qTZE.wav +328,A man speaking through a radio as a truck engine runs idle and a vehicle accelerates in the distance,Bus Vehicle Speech,Yz4MeV9IGVo0.wav,YDAN1t9ukkg0.wav +329,Several very loud explosions occur,"Explosion Burst, pop",Y63KW_EQ72yU.wav,YCMNlIW6Lkwc.wav +330,A telephone dialing tone followed by a plastic switch flipping on and off,"Telephone dialing, DTMF Telephone",YJfaj4P3us9M.wav,YEbpOXac13yo.wav +331,A gun cocking then firing as metal clanks on a hard surface followed by a man talking during an electronic laser effect as gunshots and explosions go off in the distance,"Gunshot, gunfire",Y-NrFeH-kBSM.wav,YeXj9OAik5cc.wav +332,"Rapid clicking occurs, a motor vehicle engine attempts to start and grinds, then the engine fully engages and begins to run and vibrate",Motor vehicle (road) Engine Vehicle Car,YnlC4UI4hZ60.wav,YpO8kbg9IJnc.wav +333,Frogs croaking and a humming with insects vocalizing,Croak Frog,YE3D_z0aoUEg.wav,Y3XuyGJqaXv8.wav +334,A baby crying and breathing,"Baby cry, infant cry",YE3Q1jfTeuWs.wav,YU90e2P9jy30.wav +335,An emergency vehicles' siren with a brief male yell,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",YwoadpeAGHUQ.wav,YLBe33dw9ezg.wav +336,A telephone ringing,Ringtone Telephone Telephone bell ringing,YxIztYnMIWUA.wav,YBwnGxJD9xh8.wav +337,Plastic crinkling as a young girl is talking,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YAbplcXwXnvE.wav,Y86dNVnTwH6U.wav +338,A man talking followed by a brush scrapping then liquid spraying in the background,Hiss,Y3ghVB-KaU_E.wav,YhVUmQfBIYe8.wav +339,A crying and moaning in a low voice,"Crying, sobbing",Yktc_tJxw8sc.wav,YRfGapDlAYoQ.wav +340,Train engine as it travels,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",Y2ItTq2JShdU.wav,Yq3SEOW2m4WY.wav +341,A goat yelling while a group of people laugh and talk alongside bells jingling and a motorbike driving by in the distance,"Goat Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YawxrHOpt-sE.wav,Y9HVgYs8OOLc.wav +342,A footstep shuffling on a hard surface followed by plastic clacking then a toilet flushing,Toilet flush,Yy3-M1sonh3M.wav,Y6OlHuvJR_Dk.wav +343,A loud burst and a metallic ring followed by men speaking and laughing,"Explosion Burst, pop Speech",Yir1XTdyt4IY.wav,Yq4YFJA5pFXc.wav +344,Digital beeps with some clicking,"Beep, bleep",YWU3qB7gf6ao.wav,YGPj8h-WcjWs.wav +345,Man speaking continuously with hissing in the background,Hiss,Y3ghVB-KaU_E.wav,Y9HVgYs8OOLc.wav +346,A crowd of people talking as a man hollers and laughs while a group of ducks quack,Bird Duck Speech,YYEYeQ0lIkBQ.wav,YyhDw7PZje3g.wav +347,A cat meows repeatedly,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Animal",Y2j8pxiFvElM.wav,YmWqH2xwjkYA.wav +348,"Truck in idle mode, door closing, engine revving and accelerating","Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",Y35b9BSmN5JM.wav,YKJhGuhNHToA.wav +349,A woman talking while children talk in the background,Horse Clip-clop Speech Animal,YD1Sy7kRoaR8.wav,YCO6-i8NLbeo.wav +350,"A man talking followed by screaming children, followed by more high pitched conversation","Giggle Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YWq4OD3olO2w.wav,YD2Xc_jZllDY.wav +351,Music playing as a man is speaking followed by a series of electronic beeping and meowing,Cat Meow Speech Animal,Yup2PpjTzyyc.wav,YglAeihz0NAM.wav +352,Loud burping and screaming,"Burping, eructation",YARFFw0e_jig.wav,YuhSDBwVrEdo.wav +353,Vibrations and splashing followed by people speaking,"Boat, Water vehicle Waves, surf Wind Wind noise (microphone)",Y3RultJjvTWI.wav,Yc6YJgZ3qzOw.wav +354,People are laughing,"Laughter Chuckle, chortle Snicker",YfK4QBQZ6i7w.wav,YBQ-r9mEHssU.wav +355,A rap and hip-hop song starts with a person rapping loudly with random computer generated sounds,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",YAtkD-3GjXMw.wav,Y6cS0FsUM-cQ.wav +356,A crowd is clapping at an animal of some kind,Clip-clop Speech Animal,YA61Mry8zBwE.wav,YD9GHUPGWsV0.wav +357,Keys typing repeatedly,Computer keyboard Typing,Y7-HCqJFwHoI.wav,YWU3qB7gf6ao.wav +358,"The wind is blowing while a boat motor runs and water splashes, and the boat motor advances and gets louder but then fades somewhat","Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Wind Wind noise (microphone)",YlJayhiVzl_E.wav,YlX3k5p2I_g0.wav +359,A baby laughing loudly,Laughter,Yd6gu2w19YQo.wav,YcNARVD02-tw.wav +360,A toilet is flushing,Toilet flush,YAagLJkfrFMk.wav,YLxu-3_h4kc4.wav +361,Coughing and speech,Spray Speech,YA2mcp0N__7U.wav,Ye4ph6bIC5zc.wav +362,A helicopter flying and wind,Vehicle Helicopter Aircraft,YKvrcRMfFzOE.wav,Yi6MQCm58zlY.wav +363,A person is typing in a computer keyboard,Computer keyboard Typing,Y7-HCqJFwHoI.wav,YSNy_axSCoyw.wav +364,A sink faucet turning on then off as water pours then drains down a pipe,Gurgling,YrjUrB1WUpcI.wav,YwBs02amFGXs.wav +365,A power tool motor humming as compressed air hisses alongside a group of people talking in the background followed by hammering on a metal surface,Drill Speech,Y9BukzlPNqC8.wav,YxpZna_FwDhI.wav +366,A constant pounding noise followed by vibrating sounds,Spray,Y8OTd45_6cvY.wav,Yfx4r_KuW6No.wav +367,A series of burping and farting,"Burping, eructation",YPg2cWEnEEvc.wav,Y4abZbau8tZo.wav +368,A main is speaking over a group of bees are buzzing,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech",YbIiiIo20PsY.wav,YalaxBd_EEUc.wav +369,A duck quacks then a man speaks,Bird Duck Speech,YbmEF-c-M174.wav,YyL3gKa6YLoM.wav +370,Wind blowing with a distant jet engine humming,"Aircraft engine Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft Outside, urban or manmade",YNDaVSIJaXVs.wav,YxUWSHYoslPQ.wav +371,Muffled speech and insect buzzing,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Speech",YKnXNy5Q6YS4.wav,Y1vCYiVvZ7VE.wav +372,"A large motor vehicle engine is idling, an adult female speaks, vehicle traffic is present, and people talk in the background",Bus Vehicle Speech,Ygr5Zss89yLQ.wav,YPMMdAKZxI_I.wav +373,"Roaring is present, cracking occurs, a metal clink, and an adult male speaks","Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",Y6ZFU4PqXmoI.wav,Yp9qRTh4BmSE.wav +374,A man speaks and then two ticktocks click off,Tick-tock Speech,YArHiac57pVk.wav,YyVjivgsU2aA.wav +375,An emergency siren wailing as a large truck engine accelerates growing louder,"Motor vehicle (road) Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren Vehicle",YIvfaKPDWC00.wav,YSmdj6JFB9MQ.wav +376,A whooshing noise followed by an explosion,"Explosion Burst, pop",Y6BJ455B1aAs.wav,YjjHIINDfE1c.wav +377,Some groaning followed by a woman speaking,Door Speech,Y3IScngdQA4I.wav,YBz9Y5nZK3eo.wav +378,Waves roll slowly and water swirls as the wind blows,"Boat, Water vehicle Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Y0fMXnvD38zI.wav,YG3YO2unWz7k.wav +379,Water gurgles while a vehicle engine accelerates with a loud exhaust,Gurgling,YXZTt1xdK8uQ.wav,YjYPU6aSDo88.wav +380,A man talking followed by plastic crumpling and crinkling,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YWOywdRmySs0.wav,YOr7umk40TZA.wav +381,A man talking then whistling as guitar music plays,Whistling,YhuMLK0oA3L8.wav,Y2JV3emH50XU.wav +382,A vehicle driving by while splashing water as a stream of water trickles and flows followed by a thunder roaring in the distance while wind blows into a microphone,Rain,YYk274Wr5iIE.wav,Y3qTL7QRk-tg.wav +383,A vehicle engine accelerating then slowing down as a man talks in the background,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle Speech,YTdl9SmBbRnA.wav,YXamQAY_WXRY.wav +384,A helicopter flying as a man talks in the background,"Helicopter Speech Outside, rural or natural",YtfOIhQpYYe8.wav,YI4HpYGMMsz4.wav +385,A man talking as footsteps run on concrete followed by a series of gunshots firing a gun cocking while another man talks in the background before a dog growls,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",Yy93cZqNCtks.wav,Y1OyEgzXCkYE.wav +386,A toilet flushing followed by an infant shouting in the distance then another toilet flushing,Toilet flush,YQ3vkJMVMbC8.wav,Y1IoHRTUp86c.wav +387,Artillery cannons firing several times,"Gunshot, gunfire Artillery fire",Yo_3MDLl_aH0.wav,YcFHFVGOtp6g.wav +388,Ducks quack and water splashes with some animal screeching in the background,Bird Duck Goose,YOpiWMltpj44.wav,YK03ydb1uaoQ.wav +389,A horse clip-clops and a horse neighs from a distance,Horse Clip-clop Animal,YErxgH5g3Kx0.wav,YTWOgvDaDqlU.wav +390,Human voices followed by the movement of a vehicle,"Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Ye4ph6bIC5zc.wav,YLP_DzNUkAKY.wav +391,A loud burst followed by humming and a heartbeat then a man speaks,"Burst, pop Speech",Y52IxrdTxGs4.wav,Y2EsxcKe1A4w.wav +392,Ongoing speech with the faint quacking of a duck in the background,Duck Speech,Ydkiwn2FdDVw.wav,Y9dLLsZVRSZI.wav +393,Loading and firing of a gun with the sound of running o f footsteps at the end and a man speaking,"Gunshot, gunfire",Y-NrFeH-kBSM.wav,YXIooZl1QdM4.wav +394,Music plays followed by some banging and whooshes then gunshots and a grunt from a man,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",Y4s2rRnu2PZo.wav,YAgaiowyYt88.wav +395,Drilling with intermittent stopping and a man moaning briefly,Drill,YAMQei29haCw.wav,Y1DKLyH3FixM.wav +396,Male speech with people speaking in the background,Clip-clop Speech Animal,YAKHZMg9ba30.wav,YWU3qB7gf6ao.wav +397,A piano playing as plastic bonks,Tick-tock,YTwR8BA6buMI.wav,Y9ZZHvwaH-CU.wav +398,Vehicles driving by as people talk in the background,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YYQGW5AwDOIo.wav,YTWOgvDaDqlU.wav +399,Two large loud burps,"Burping, eructation",YLxu-3_h4kc4.wav,YFL8KTgMGrN4.wav +400,A woman is talking followed by a tapping noise,Door Speech,YIvg_q4t-3w0.wav,YatmDP_fmK_8.wav +401,A cat meowing and hissing and then female speech,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Caterwaul Speech Animal",Y6cS0FsUM-cQ.wav,Y5OM3tJh51pE.wav +402,Vibrating noise from an engine,Vibration,YOr7umk40TZA.wav,YAUJPx81qKtY.wav +403,Spinning tires on pavement,Truck Skidding Vehicle,YV4PLSw_WzVw.wav,YJBWJQCS4SvA.wav +404,Steam hissing followed by a bird cawing during audio feedback humming,"Domestic animals, pets Meow",YjXkLS_QzUrI.wav,YhGWarNR6xmg.wav +405,Small aircraft taking off and receding into the distance,"Vehicle Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",YK_Vre_-4KqU.wav,YJhGp7HmRQxg.wav +406,Food sizzling while cooking,Sizzle Frying (food),YAJtNitYMa1I.wav,YV4PLSw_WzVw.wav +407,A missile launching followed by an explosion and metal screeching as a motor hums in the background.,"Explosion Burst, pop",Y6BJ455B1aAs.wav,YhpDltmawxIM.wav +408,A whistling noise with wind blowing in the background,Whistling,YuhSDBwVrEdo.wav,Yt1hj7se76wQ.wav +409,Man speaking while insects buzz around,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Speech",YKnXNy5Q6YS4.wav,YzoctgurhvHE.wav +410,Loud bursts of explosions with high wind,"Explosion Burst, pop",Y63KW_EQ72yU.wav,YmVjub3o_IxE.wav +411,A man talking followed by a woman shouting then yelling as wind blows into a microphone while birds chirp in the background,"Horse Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal Outside, rural or natural",YR4fXcbWFhJg.wav,YqWYncqPSy9A.wav +412,A person burps followed by laughter and a woman speaking,"Burping, eructation Speech",YYflmW68gL4E.wav,Y4ftDFi4684Y.wav +413,Ocean waves crashing and water splashing as wind blows into a microphone followed by a man talking,"Boat, Water vehicle Waves, surf Wind Ocean Sailboat, sailing ship Wind noise (microphone)",YxQDq3A4Zfbo.wav,Y2ceUOv8A3FE.wav +414,A male speaking and a saw running,Tools Wood Speech,YinSvboaSRwA.wav,Yd6gu2w19YQo.wav +415,A river stream flowing followed by a kid talking,Speech Stream,Yn74IYuCe_ms.wav,YtB8TiiXwKmA.wav +416,Someone whistles followed by a bird tweeting with chirps in the background,Bird Whistling,YszkiW0GXEOI.wav,Yd1tL-9BILy8.wav +417,Instrumental music playing as a woman speaks followed by rain pouring then rain falling on a surface,Rain Raindrop Rain on surface,Y2RjqBRzmxaM.wav,YqF72bT878gw.wav +418,"A large volume of water is rushing, splashing and gurgling, and an adult male speaks briefly",Speech Stream,Yn74IYuCe_ms.wav,YnLtNjMimLE0.wav +419,An engine running and being revved and some muffled speech,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,YpI_kPedctoo.wav,YmlnUJH4BQnk.wav +420,An idle steam engine running while steam blows and hisses and a man talks faintly in the background,Steam Hiss,YdmUOSyPXkUw.wav,Y9hxFqltp3xw.wav +421,Engines hum and vibrate and rev their engines,"Vehicle Speech Car Race car, auto racing",YeUecAF626A8.wav,Y1ed87LLY97k.wav +422,Footsteps shuffling followed by compressed air spraying then plastic camera muffling as birds chirp in the background,Spray,Yq46VXJ6JN9M.wav,Y32565FEuksc.wav +423,A bus accelerating followed by a man speaking,Bus Vehicle Speech,Yhmd6pa2e_rs.wav,YROootH-mtEI.wav +424,"A baby is crying, and a woman speaks","Crying, sobbing Speech",YMTIF_l_8d4Q.wav,YPZBUdlKwX04.wav +425,Whistling and then a female singing,Whistling,YMTaLknnq4wc.wav,YMSziND26UTA.wav +426,A horse clip-clops in a windy rain as thunder cracks in the distance,Thunder,YPb6MqpdX5Jw.wav,YkEP-BwMarf8.wav +427,"A mid-size motor vehicle engine accelerates and is accompanied by hissing and spinning tires, then it decelerates and an adult male begins to speak","Engine Idling Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Speech Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y2KR0C5ysO8o.wav,YZ7yDwpdGelM.wav +428,Rustling followed by a man speaking and a child laughing,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Children playing",YKel-hfZ_9h8.wav,Y096oTVzc5Gs.wav +429,A motor vehicle revs and skids tires while speeding off,"Motor vehicle (road) Skidding Vehicle Speech Tire squeal Car Race car, auto racing",YyVjivgsU2aA.wav,YR8bHTHnF8j4.wav +430,A woman speaks followed by a girl speaking faintly,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YfYTZVxQ8LJk.wav,YENTi8Sn4vdM.wav +431,A drill is drilling followed by speech,Drill Speech,Yf2fSxfvmkZQ.wav,YIdBDl9Wr51A.wav +432,"A man and a woman talking while rain falls, followed by a crash of thunder",Thunder,Ydxow2DcTrwk.wav,Y79XDcI6xZm0.wav +433,"Typing is occurring on a typewriter, with fast and sharp taps and intermittent zipping of the carriage",Typing Typewriter,YPuLuZ_TXv-0.wav,YnmLMLgWPmFM.wav +434,A revving sound is accelerating,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YsqsI2UyrcBQ.wav,Yhzn_wGlzGpU.wav +435,A man talking as metal thumps followed by plastic rustling then a power tool drilling while a metal pot clangs against a hard surface,Drill Speech,Yf2fSxfvmkZQ.wav,Y-mb4Fw4Z0xg.wav +436,A door closes followed by a toilet flushing,Toilet flush Water,Y3xDZ-kdGE3o.wav,Y5I8lmN8rwDM.wav +437,A person whistles a tune with wind noise and people talking in the background,Whistling,YRfGapDlAYoQ.wav,YSQHYl2Kp5ww.wav +438,A motorcycle engine is idling and vibrating while an adult male speaks,"Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Outside, urban or manmade",YQKHpSAAjakY.wav,YztSjcZNUY7A.wav +439,A short loud vibration,Idling Truck Vehicle,Yi1u_2eZYYlE.wav,Y6BJ455B1aAs.wav +440,A crowd of people applauding followed by a woman talking on a microphone,Applause Speech,YUE3XnVFodMI.wav,YU5ij0M7T-hk.wav +441,A woman yelling in the distance followed by a toilet flushing as an air ventilation system runs,Toilet flush,Yy1a8PntuXYw.wav,Yo_3MDLl_aH0.wav +442,An emergency vehicle siren blasts as a man speaks,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",YkgjNIDmO8a8.wav,Y4_Cak7gvly4.wav +443,A man speaking as a vehicle horn honks in the background and another man talks in the distance,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y473wBEwC35M.wav,Y9vZDsGjyh5M.wav +444,An infant crying,"Baby cry, infant cry",YWHRnyGXcdy8.wav,YPZBUdlKwX04.wav +445,"A crowd applauds, and faint speech occurs",Applause,YRNBoH2LHQEM.wav,Y5rh5-MCjqq8.wav +446,A man is talking some traffic noise in the background,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y473wBEwC35M.wav,Y2bq2lc3DLwM.wav +447,"Beeping occurs, an adult male speaks, blasts and shots occur, and a helicopter is operating",Helicopter Speech,Y5ye0X5saadg.wav,YBLMWD6fxhpo.wav +448,Water pouring out of a faucet at a high rate followed by a container filling with liquid before splashing out proceeded by scrubbing on a plastic surface,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",Yr2djvq1vc68.wav,Y2JutOgAnqWA.wav +449,Loud wolf whistles occur twice in a quiet environment,Whistling,YL8dA-2Lu2hY.wav,YnLZeG9LaLgw.wav +450,Rustling followed by whistling then birds chirping,"Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",YsTMKled6Q1M.wav,YfsBR7e_X_0Y.wav +451,A man talks as an engine idles loudly,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle Speech,YvEWmHtiznF8.wav,Yo3mZR8OvPko.wav +452,Brief speech followed by whistling a tune,Whistling,Ytpm5IOD5d4o.wav,Y9MgGaTbmc6g.wav +453,Several breeds of birds chirping and honking,"Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Environmental noise Duck",YJon_DEFqsfM.wav,YIdBDl9Wr51A.wav +454,Wind blowing heavily into a microphone as a speedboat drives by and water splashes in the distance followed by a man talking,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Wind Wind noise (microphone)",Y9xoYx3lTJ9I.wav,Y9z2OwpftxUE.wav +455,Insects buzzing as tin containers clank and rattle while birds chirp in the background,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YzFzPOsOKog4.wav,YXrJcmftCY04.wav +456,Sheep bleating with a baby sheep baaing,"Goat Sheep Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YtaYKM1OSTwE.wav,YDzKjogSVOLM.wav +457,Female and male are having conversation,"Conversation Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y1GgEpRZDWN0.wav,YlmPMhs-9IYE.wav +458,Speech and then a pop and laughter,"Burst, pop Speech",YVE6Ku0-ucUM.wav,YArHiac57pVk.wav +459,Bells chiming followed by a train whistle blowing as a crowd of people talk in the background,Tick-tock Speech,Y5iTRKJqUIw8.wav,Yy93cZqNCtks.wav +460,A tin can rattling followed by a woman talking,"Dishes, pots, and pans",Y4IeDBwyQ9ZQ.wav,Y52IxrdTxGs4.wav +461,"A mid-size motor vehicle engine is idling, and an adult male speaks","Vehicle Speech Car Outside, urban or manmade Engine starting",YOTLtzk0W4zg.wav,YglAeihz0NAM.wav +462,"It is raining and thundering, and then a man speaks",Thunder,YrvDcg9DoNKA.wav,YbUTOsLXYyxg.wav +463,"Birds are cooing, and wings flap","Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",YnU-AI3Cmc3M.wav,YgW7s3YAthpI.wav +464,A cat meowing and young female speaking,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Speech Animal",Y_GI7meqlYZk.wav,YUjje3lSabsg.wav +465,Wind is blowing along with some engines,Fire Wind Wind noise (microphone),Yh3UhoHIMfpw.wav,YR8bHTHnF8j4.wav +466,Metal clanking followed by steam hissing as a truck engine is running then accelerating,"Truck Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YLB6CZ0x-kns.wav,Y1e98HeU9Vrg.wav +467,A steam engine runs as steam hisses and sprays while a man is talking in the background,Steam Hiss,YdmUOSyPXkUw.wav,YL8dA-2Lu2hY.wav +468,A burp followed by a two girls laughing then talking,"Burping, eructation Speech",YYflmW68gL4E.wav,Y9z2OwpftxUE.wav +469,Camera rattling and muffling as a woman speaks in the background,Frog Speech,YcFHFVGOtp6g.wav,YD9GHUPGWsV0.wav +470,Baby crying and person tapping his mouth,"Baby cry, infant cry",Y14ekd4nkpwc.wav,YMdlEswBfZMQ.wav +471,A woman speaks followed by a sewing machine slow stitching,Speech Sewing machine,YCYUlLTKoa1Y.wav,YIsUG5SKWNZA.wav +472,Men speak with some light clicks then vibrations and then digital clicks,"Beep, bleep Speech",YP4qd8uodw_M.wav,Y_z6pymOet7g.wav +473,Rapid metal rattling as a vehicle engine stalls before starting up,Motor vehicle (road) Engine Vehicle Car,YnlC4UI4hZ60.wav,YTOaQMYc79Mw.wav +474,A quick burst of vibrations from a sewing machine with clicking and rattling,Sewing machine,YMj_BO-iK1G4.wav,YrE6BJ0Bo4w4.wav +475,Leaves rustling in the wind with dogs barking and birds chirping,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",YptIksg9KEac.wav,YtfOIhQpYYe8.wav +476,An adult female is speaking in a quiet environment,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YCchRf2jq6fc.wav,Y0ury8KHQdL4.wav +477,A vacuum moving back and forth,Steam Hiss,YFL8KTgMGrN4.wav,Yf2fSxfvmkZQ.wav +478,Clicking and crinkling plastic with a person speaking,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling Inside, small room",YqPYwp1K4sZE.wav,Y6cS0FsUM-cQ.wav +479,A vehicle accelerating and driving by as birds chirp faintly in the distance,"Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Race car, auto racing Car passing by",Yo7-X8DAToGc.wav,Y3ghVB-KaU_E.wav +480,Clicking followed by booming engines accelerating into the distance,"Vehicle Tire squeal Car Race car, auto racing",Y7XXSOzDQ2z0.wav,Y-R69Fa-mCaY.wav +481,A series of bell chime,Bell,YTtRtURWVYBE.wav,YZUmZgPL0ges.wav +482,A crowd applauds with laughter while people communicate followed by a woman speaking,Applause Speech,YPkmpxrsidZM.wav,YdP5DbAzTl5M.wav +483,A train clicks on a track,Hiss,Ykx6Rj4MDIAw.wav,Y8VOibo9Q_Dc.wav +484,A gunshot is followed by a click and clack and then a second gunshot,Duck,YlHh0SwUhP8U.wav,Yj_NSuPnx5LA.wav +485,Rustling and knocking and then male speech with a goat vocalizing,Goat Speech Animal,Yvigslb0kClE.wav,YRrmBGjJqlEo.wav +486,A man is speaking with rumbling in the background,Spray Speech,YXf5LjaE_JQ0.wav,YsI7_ycEYzAY.wav +487,A young boy talking as a duck is quacking while water trickles and frogs croak in the background,Duck Speech,Ydkiwn2FdDVw.wav,Y9ucb5HYO8ps.wav +488,Several cats meowing followed by a man singing,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Animal",YU3CAjsm1sec.wav,Y0rSETXszQM0.wav +489,White noise followed by intermittent hissing,Spray,YonBZOH88OYs.wav,YrINmxSXMR-s.wav +490,A man talking then meowing and hissing,Cat Meow,YPLHXGDnig4M.wav,YPYP-r0nvbFk.wav +491,"Water is running, gurgling and splashing, and a quiet thump occurs","Trickle, dribble",YdZDgJzGtLLU.wav,Y7WkB6pflr6o.wav +492,A vehicle engine running idle as a man is talking,Vibration Idling Vehicle Speech Car,YBL8ksJ0sTXk.wav,Y3XuyGJqaXv8.wav +493,Children speak and a woman speaks then a baby cries,"Crying, sobbing Speech Child speech, kid speaking Baby cry, infant cry Inside, small room",YXL8JV9qXGLE.wav,YXIooZl1QdM4.wav +494,Humming of an approaching bus with squeaking brakes and people speaking in the distance,"Bus Vehicle Speech Outside, rural or natural",Y8b9z7N25DmU.wav,YSQHYl2Kp5ww.wav +495,A group of puppies whimpering as cardboard rustles,Growling Animal Whimper (dog),Ykdflh3akyH8.wav,YQv1HXaT-28U.wav +496,"Male speech, a door closing, and then male speech","Door Male speech, man speaking Speech",YyfYNPWs7mWY.wav,Y6dLkgq9EKPE.wav +497,Rapid gunfire with far away voice,"Gunshot, gunfire",Y6NBPiArs2-w.wav,YvaujJ7msKfc.wav +498,A frog croaking and insects vocalizing with a humming,Croak Frog,YE3D_z0aoUEg.wav,Y14ekd4nkpwc.wav +499,A sewing machine operating idle followed by a man talking then several instances of metal ratcheting,Speech Sewing machine,YUQtBt6CQpwg.wav,Ym_NCf-q4Gn0.wav +500,Vehicle running with a far away voice in the background,Truck Vehicle Speech,YhV4bDCBDCy0.wav,Y3ue0gJM0THk.wav +501,"A fire truck sounds the siren, and an engine is idling","Ambulance (siren) Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",Y6TO9PEGpZcQ.wav,YjinJkonlrWc.wav +502,Rain pouring on a hard surface as a vehicle drives by while water splashes in the background,Rain Raindrop Rain on surface,YbAqgL5dCQOE.wav,YErxgH5g3Kx0.wav +503,A woman talking followed by a young girl talking while an infant cries,"Crying, sobbing Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YbJMMp6PLKqM.wav,YBn4lc01q9vE.wav +504,A man and a woman laughing then talking followed by someone claps as a bell jingles repeatedly,"Laughter Speech Inside, small room",YNeZerAPXR-A.wav,YoNHCc_izsDE.wav +505,"An adult female speaks, a child cries and speaks, the adult female speaks again, while the child continues to cry and speak, and the adult female speaks once more","Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, large room or hall",Yfx4r_KuW6No.wav,YP12nvSpKXcs.wav +506,Vibrations from an engine,Vibration,YOr7umk40TZA.wav,YZsf2YvJfCKw.wav +507,"Pigeons peck, coo, and flap their wings before a man speaks","Bird Speech Pigeon, dove",Y6cyKp3EDm-0.wav,Y8OTd45_6cvY.wav +508,A sound of vibrating motor,Vibration,Y1N_DtRpdAp8.wav,Y4lv9aLXtud0.wav +509,A woman talking followed by a bird whistling then a woman whistling,Whistling,Ytpm5IOD5d4o.wav,YYEYeQ0lIkBQ.wav +510,A muffled helicopter engine operating as paper crinkles in the background,"Vehicle Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",Yv7BaYF0kagM.wav,YAWGnTI0e2Fs.wav +511,A man talking as metal clanks repeatedly on a porcelain dish,"Dishes, pots, and pans",YrN2rpLV3brs.wav,YCbe2B6ohBpw.wav +512,An engine is idling with vibrating noises,Vibration,YOr7umk40TZA.wav,YGuizRlAQ8qQ.wav +513,Warning bells ring and a horn blows as a train passes,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",YQvATUKXYFBs.wav,YeYbFtxZmKL4.wav +514,An adult male speaks while a many insects buzz,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech",YbIiiIo20PsY.wav,YFlk-X0gwjF4.wav +515,Rapid typing and then a ding,Typing Rattle Typewriter,Yt1hj7se76wQ.wav,Y52IxrdTxGs4.wav +516,A man talking followed by a crowd laughing and applauding,Applause,Y8BPTQO_cx7E.wav,YB4SZwi9Ce3o.wav +517,A car is accelerating,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Y4SZ7JXDCNps.wav,YpCQEWAFGEjc.wav +518,"A motor is running, and metal clanging is present",Door Sliding door,Y3n05BjV7r7M.wav,YD96OO7nYYsg.wav +519,Children speak along with speech from a woman and a man,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YB-gTt3_rceQ.wav,YTwR8BA6buMI.wav +520,A bird cawing followed by an infant crying,"Domestic animals, pets Animal Baby cry, infant cry",YO90Qy2xG6oA.wav,YIsUG5SKWNZA.wav +521,A man talking as rain falls and thunder roars in the background,Thunder,YrvDcg9DoNKA.wav,Y-CcGuq0yoKo.wav +522,A series of bell chime and ringing,Bell,YTtRtURWVYBE.wav,YPkmpxrsidZM.wav +523,Muffled static followed by a popping and water dripping as birds chirp and vehicles drive by in the background,Gurgling,Y8DLcBdC5UrE.wav,Y8VOibo9Q_Dc.wav +524,Police car siren starts with two horn blasts then becomes a high pitched wail,Emergency vehicle Siren Police car (siren),Y_C2HinL8VlM.wav,YD9GHUPGWsV0.wav +525,High frequency humming slows down and stops then begins again,Helicopter,YAWGnTI0e2Fs.wav,YXplKBvZaHXA.wav +526,Continuous scraping and scratching against a surface,"Crumpling, crinkling",YrgrmLLhxoCQ.wav,YztSjcZNUY7A.wav +527,A synthesized rumble followed by a robotic woman talking alongside electronic beeps followed by a man speaking then another man speaking through an intercom as music plays in the background,"Beep, bleep",YrPkCYq4Zjwk.wav,YQRtuOWWya30.wav +528,A man speaking while crinkling paper followed by plastic creaking then a toilet flushing,Toilet flush Speech,YCfxWJ1Qoufg.wav,Y5I8lmN8rwDM.wav +529,Vehicle approaching while downshifting and passing by,Motor vehicle (road) Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Car passing by,YBA-lFjpzad4.wav,YBz9Y5nZK3eo.wav +530,A man speaks during a monologue,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",YC8kR19NvynA.wav,YB3O476LeuXY.wav +531,Plastic and paper crinkling as cardboard clacks against a hard surface,"Crumpling, crinkling",Ypgq2KPX5_SA.wav,Y9zstu_IfAm4.wav +532,Gunshots firing before and after a person loudly exhaling followed by a revolver chamber spinning as a heart beats and footsteps walking on a stone surface,"Gunshot, gunfire",YtIM-H2rdq8U.wav,YNlKlRKz8OKI.wav +533,A loud burping followed by a laughing from young girls,"Burping, eructation Speech",YBvw2gv1fcZw.wav,YJdFmMw0zyKA.wav +534,Plates rattling and clanking as a woman talks and a faucet pours water,"Dishes, pots, and pans Speech",YlYhwCRX2wNc.wav,YXWw7ZM1c_QA.wav +535,People are laughing followed by a kid speaking,"Chuckle, chortle Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YMdlEswBfZMQ.wav,Y1DKLyH3FixM.wav +536,A woman speaks while a crowd talks and chuckles,"Female speech, woman speaking Hubbub, speech noise, speech babble Speech",YMBP4RcnwGZw.wav,YAWGnTI0e2Fs.wav +537,Honking of a high pitched horn with vibrations of passing traffic,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car",YpPLisQ_QXxw.wav,YH7-orYrKBeo.wav +538,Beep then radio voice followed by gunshots and explosion,Helicopter Speech,Y5ye0X5saadg.wav,YFhimNYClv40.wav +539,Rapid gunfire with male yelling,"Gunshot, gunfire Artillery fire",Y4_DjmCg8Ra8.wav,YhJtOGmN_KVw.wav +540,Nature sounds with birds chirping and singing,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",Y1DKLyH3FixM.wav,Y-R69Fa-mCaY.wav +541,Water splashing and then a speech.,"Bathtub (filling or washing) Speech Child speech, kid speaking",YNX0gR9Eebp0.wav,YQHfyKaOHSz4.wav +542,"People are giggling, and a man speaks",Laughter Giggle Speech,Yb1PXsfgQw5w.wav,YNmmbNqmsPaY.wav +543,Bird cooing then the sounds of wings flapping,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Coo Pigeon, dove",YN_s9F4CI_98.wav,Y14ekd4nkpwc.wav +544,Rain falling with young female speaking,Rain Rain on surface,YWqXFAY4k79s.wav,Y1wW0YJQ-Xa0.wav +545,Car racing by with light click and tapping,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y13CBvjHZhOA.wav,Y14izd_i3ryE.wav +546,A horse gallops then trot on grass as gusts of wind blow and thunderclaps in the distance,Thunder,YPb6MqpdX5Jw.wav,YFR7BDRhMATo.wav +547,"An adult male speaks and an adult female laugh, a group of kids shout and speak, and then an adult female speaks in the foreground while the kids talk","Giggle Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YWq4OD3olO2w.wav,YPkmpxrsidZM.wav +548,Whistling and then laughing with a male speaking in the distance,Whistling Speech,YXPebkNzsnRI.wav,YJp64Whpr3BA.wav +549,Several church bells ringing,Bell,Y2t82STv2GR8.wav,YsVYTOURVsQ0.wav +550,A woman breathing heavily followed by two sneezes then nose sniffling,Sneeze,Ye9MWXS34o48.wav,Y6Nvu6EcpdE8.wav +551,Several gunshots firing followed by two men talking then music playing,"Gunshot, gunfire",YNi3dIj90Oa4.wav,Ye2rScj9UyMs.wav +552,A man speaks followed by a child speaking and crying with adults speaking and laughing,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",Y9F3sutgYTvo.wav,YJp64Whpr3BA.wav +553,A motorboat engine running as a man is talking followed by a plastic clank while wind blows into a microphone,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",YdP5DbAzTl5M.wav,YEzWEO2WD_MM.wav +554,A man yelling while a sheep talks as wind blows into a microphone and a helicopter flies in the distance,Sheep Bleat Speech,YPYP-r0nvbFk.wav,Y4UPOUGVMlEs.wav +555,Wind blows hard and an engine hums loud,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",Y_duNX6Vyd6g.wav,Y3XcIVh40pTI.wav +556,Footsteps walking on a hard surface followed by a person snoring,Snoring,YCxaPpRJRkn0.wav,Y3ndid3jni7M.wav +557,Wood thumping as a man is talking,"Wood Speech Inside, small room",YgwQMkQmBITE.wav,YqZEIs6tS5vk.wav +558,A boat engine running,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YwrQDkX0NbTA.wav,Y404cD3bVXDc.wav +559,"Rhythmic metal clacking is ongoing, and a train steam whistle blows and fades",Steam whistle Steam Hiss,YC_ga5m6nOhI.wav,YKtinboYbmHQ.wav +560,"An adult female holds a high musical note and then gags, after which birds chirp","Bird Chirp, tweet Animal",Yu84FiZ_omhA.wav,YlX3k5p2I_g0.wav +561,"Birds coo quietly, engine runs in the background","Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Coo Pigeon, dove",Yd1tL-9BILy8.wav,YQHfyKaOHSz4.wav +562,A muffled man talking as a goat baas before and after two goats baaing in the distance while wind blows into a microphone,"Goat Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",Y3kBlVLkN0zo.wav,Ysl_Pxpc7beo.wav +563,"An adult male speaks while two metal clinks occur, then a small drill operates with whirring and slight grinding","Drill Tools Speech Inside, small room",YFDwK7T1JO_0.wav,YwBs02amFGXs.wav +564,Knocking noises followed by a machine sawing,Sawing Rub Wood,YGkb4f6yodPE.wav,Y9ucb5HYO8ps.wav +565,Humming and rumbling of a powerful engine with wind blowing,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Wind Wind noise (microphone)",YlJayhiVzl_E.wav,YwoadpeAGHUQ.wav +566,Water running and someone gets closer as the water gets louder,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Bathtub (filling or washing) Water",YtxeXrpoMST4.wav,YkXjzsroVTtw.wav +567,A group of kids talking and laughing as a young girl talks,Bus Vehicle Speech,YQOmV7O9mFwg.wav,YaZAXO2WZn84.wav +568,A man speaking and birds chirping,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech",YZsTZ7jqbd9M.wav,Y9hxFqltp3xw.wav +569,Humming and hissing with some mechanical ringing,Steam Hiss,YlfO471Rn61k.wav,YQKHpSAAjakY.wav +570,A duck quacking followed by a man speaking,Quack Duck Speech,YzIgGMlZENTs.wav,YQvATUKXYFBs.wav +571,A car engine idles and then the horn blows,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car Outside, urban or manmade",YPVvi2SDOjVc.wav,YEUZaxaWqhwg.wav +572,A vibrating car engine idles,Vibration Engine Vehicle Car,YkVYNXZd0MMY.wav,Y9zstu_IfAm4.wav +573,A man speaking on a microphone followed by a crowd of people laughing then applauding,Applause Speech,YK2kIOBeCfuo.wav,YJTHMXLC9YRs.wav +574,An explosion and then gunfire and a speech followed by another explosion,"Explosion Burst, pop Groan",Yos_2U4xqTqw.wav,Y3ndid3jni7M.wav +575,Man talks while sheep bleats followed by another man laughing,Sheep Bleat Speech,YeNG6fEiAE8c.wav,Y5ORpSk5CIWc.wav +576,Bird tweeting then flapping wings,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room",YMjSegUnQXr4.wav,Ym_U506sf9p4.wav +577,A young girl talking while an infant laughs,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Baby laughter",YC5kmOK_l4jc.wav,YPTyFYxXdut4.wav +578,Plastic clicking and camera muffling followed by a toy helicopter motor starting up,"Helicopter Outside, rural or natural",Yq4YFJA5pFXc.wav,Y2RjqBRzmxaM.wav +579,Water running then growing louder,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Bathtub (filling or washing) Water",YtxeXrpoMST4.wav,Yq3SEOW2m4WY.wav +580,Squealing from a pig with dogs barking and a man speaking,"Bark Bow-wow Speech Dog Growling Animal Outside, rural or natural",YSNIaYhri76w.wav,Ye9MWXS34o48.wav +581,Water gurgling in a drain while a man talks followed by a toilet flushing,Toilet flush Water,YHVz-FJBf_iM.wav,YZTYAQBnU4GM.wav +582,Wind blows and people speak before goats bleat near and far with distant birds chirping,"Goat Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",Y3kBlVLkN0zo.wav,YXplKBvZaHXA.wav +583,An adult male gives a speech,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y1OyEgzXCkYE.wav,Yorgwzt45ojE.wav +584,Whistling and an explosion,"Explosion Burst, pop",Y6BJ455B1aAs.wav,YU3CAjsm1sec.wav +585,A sewing machine clicks and then is used rapidly,Speech Sewing machine,Y86dNVnTwH6U.wav,Y4fz0-Kx2oNs.wav +586,The sound of horn from a car approaching from a distance,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car",Y-aYumc8KoXg.wav,YXJba7pTbpD0.wav +587,A sewing machine lightly operating as a man speaks before plastic clicking followed by a man speaking again,Speech Sewing machine,YhxbmDeNSO6Q.wav,Y9F3sutgYTvo.wav +588,An engine buzzing together with rustling and followed by brief sewing machine noise,Sewing machine,YJp64Whpr3BA.wav,Yo7-X8DAToGc.wav +589,An idle vehicle engine running followed by a gear cranking then revving,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y3fomsZXG3aM.wav,YUV1kdjwpy6U.wav +590,A cat meowing followed by a goat screaming while a crowd of people talk in the background,Goat Speech Animal,YrtgVoZCcBw8.wav,YkagkXkAVPNo.wav +591,A bus engine slowing down then accelerating,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle,Yzq00Oe1ecpE.wav,Yd6gu2w19YQo.wav +592,A man talking as gusts of wind blow followed by an aircraft flying by,"Aircraft engine Vehicle Speech Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YVOXl8iR-HnI.wav,YC_ga5m6nOhI.wav +593,Loud laughter followed by a brief baa rustling and male speech,Sheep Bleat Speech,YeNG6fEiAE8c.wav,YnmLMLgWPmFM.wav +594,Loud hums and rumblings from passing vehicles,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle Car,YHUwXtfYRFwk.wav,YH-vTZh81qAU.wav +595,A jackhammer operating then slowing down before operating at a normal rate again,Drill Tools Power tool,Y4pf-PIymDhU.wav,YFDwK7T1JO_0.wav +596,A sewing machine operating during several metal clacks,Sewing machine,YsJrFyjfrL-g.wav,YtIM-H2rdq8U.wav +597,A sewing machine operating several times as a man is speaking,"Speech Sewing machine Inside, small room",YCvNAwby6Xos.wav,Ylh801oHGtD4.wav +598,Drums play as swooshing occurs,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",Y4_Cak7gvly4.wav,YF-47fRplQEc.wav +599,Loud humming followed by hissing,Spray,Y1j5NMuq1X30.wav,YTgxst7Ft9js.wav +600,An electronic beep followed by a man talking,"Beep, bleep",YdJYO3RbBabE.wav,YVMsbrcHPBfk.wav +601,An adult male is speaking while a large motor vehicle engine is idling,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle Speech,YvEWmHtiznF8.wav,YLWng-4PDzPM.wav +602,Emergency vehicle racing by with siren and a man yelling,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Truck Vehicle Speech",YIPfaRF76gVU.wav,Y9zstu_IfAm4.wav +603,A bell clanking as a couple of men laugh then a man speaks in the distance,Laughter Speech,YriM7b5bJ9KQ.wav,YEzWEO2WD_MM.wav +604,An aircraft engine running,"Vehicle Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",YaMhu5eMQAsI.wav,YENTi8Sn4vdM.wav +605,Typing on a typewriter,Typing Typewriter,YPuLuZ_TXv-0.wav,Y22L_3pBa1AI.wav +606,A woman talking as a crowd of people talk in the background while a lawn mower engine runs followed by a horse neighing,"Horse Neigh, whinny Clip-clop Speech Animal",YHqnSyliKTKA.wav,YzBXoaQ1GVlc.wav +607,A stream of water trickling followed by dirt and gravel shuffling,"Trickle, dribble",YdZDgJzGtLLU.wav,Yorgwzt45ojE.wav +608,A faucet pouring water as water splashes against a metal surface and water fills a container,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YhpDltmawxIM.wav,YB-gTt3_rceQ.wav +609,A woman talking as goats are baaing followed by footsteps on gravel then a man talking while an airplane flies in the distance,Sheep Bleat Speech,Yazh_-OkQ-uI.wav,YENTi8Sn4vdM.wav +610,A man is speaking while typing,Computer keyboard Typing Speech,Y0ury8KHQdL4.wav,YU3CAjsm1sec.wav +611,Footsteps are followed by oinking and then a squeal,Oink,YBLMWD6fxhpo.wav,YR8bHTHnF8j4.wav +612,A vehicle engine running then powering down followed by a man talking in the background,Vibration Speech,YUV1kdjwpy6U.wav,YaMhu5eMQAsI.wav +613,Helicopter engine running,Vehicle Helicopter,YIhvXtS9-IxM.wav,YNeZerAPXR-A.wav +614,A musical horn,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car Outside, urban or manmade",Yrp3CQsWxVgE.wav,YESjMIqrvRj4.wav +615,Metal shuffling followed by plastic clicking as wind blows into a microphone,Gurgling,Y1Uh74_rZ72k.wav,Y3IguMJkqpl4.wav +616,A man talking as metal clanks together followed by footsteps on grass as insects buzz in the background,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YKSHpYhuTotY.wav,Y5ye0X5saadg.wav +617,Glass doors slamming and sliding shut,Door,YLCwSUVuTyvg.wav,Ylq9RvAA4mqY.wav +618,A gun is fired few times followed by magazine clinking,"Gunshot, gunfire",YvruDH_YLaPI.wav,YwBs02amFGXs.wav +619,A child and a woman laughing followed by a woman talking then a man shouting,Laughter Speech,Y_AcJVyToQUQ.wav,YxbLW9Wt1Jsg.wav +620,Faint snoring and gurgling,Snoring Dog Animal,YlTfNLKEy1RU.wav,YZYWCwfCkBp4.wav +621,A man speaking while water is spraying into a sink and draining,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YLVvS3s9dFKw.wav,YjYPU6aSDo88.wav +622,Water splashing and trickling as wind blows into a microphone while a man speaks over a radio,"Boat, Water vehicle Waves, surf Wind Rowboat, canoe, kayak Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Y0_ogYGDGDco.wav,Y7MLERaOgK_Y.wav +623,An aircraft engine is running smoothly and consistently,"Vehicle Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",YaMhu5eMQAsI.wav,Y9dLLsZVRSZI.wav +624,A dog barks with distant birds chirping then people speak,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal",Y2EsxcKe1A4w.wav,YPLHXGDnig4M.wav +625,A person snoring with repeated soft tapping on a wooden surface in the background,Snoring,Y5rh5-MCjqq8.wav,Yj1AiqT5oHZc.wav +626,"Escaping steam is hissing, while a tool motor runs and suction is present",Steam Hiss,YFL8KTgMGrN4.wav,YEBCH7TPgiPc.wav +627,A duck quacks while a rooster crows and a crowd chatters followed by a girl laughing,Quack Duck Speech Animal,YDzKjogSVOLM.wav,YcPiSd5nJLrI.wav +628,Birds chirping and tweeting,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YGIOApFAWDOc.wav,YBzHTqyX69pI.wav +629,A wooden thud as an idle car engine runs then accelerates,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",Y35b9BSmN5JM.wav,YQ0anPAIkfBE.wav +630,Frying food is sizzling,Sizzle Frying (food),YAJtNitYMa1I.wav,YGMP8m09j5vk.wav +631,A woman speaks as food sizzles in a pan,Sizzle Frying (food),Y5G6b_QWL3nY.wav,Y6TO9PEGpZcQ.wav +632,An engine revving and then tires squealing,Motor vehicle (road) Skidding Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y-oy0BkpMGAk.wav,YaZAXO2WZn84.wav +633,Plastic crackling as a bird is singing and chirping,"Bird Domestic animals, pets Chirp, tweet",Yoklu5ZJD_2U.wav,Yi6MQCm58zlY.wav +634,A person making noises and screaming,Oink,YinQOrxc_oZo.wav,Y1HCuBnPLMqQ.wav +635,A man speaking in the background as another man speaks in the foreground followed by a crowd of people applauding,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",YECw5Yf7QoMo.wav,Y9MgGaTbmc6g.wav +636,An engine idling and ticking with distant traffic and a man speaking,Gurgling Speech,Y4abZbau8tZo.wav,Yj0KvrVE_Oww.wav +637,"An aircraft engine runs and vibrates, metal spinning and grinding occur, and the engine accelerates and fades into the distance","Vehicle Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",YK_Vre_-4KqU.wav,YAWGnTI0e2Fs.wav +638,Men speak with gunshots and booms,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",YpuZL08fzpXk.wav,YPvWI4p74UOs.wav +639,Pigeons are cooing,"Pigeon, dove Animal Inside, small room",Yx5AH2gW_8S4.wav,YfWvWhLJ5Fow.wav +640,A steam engine running on railroad tracks as steam hisses and a crowd of people talk in the background,Steam Hiss,YpCQEWAFGEjc.wav,Ytpm5IOD5d4o.wav +641,A man talking as insects buzz by,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YZNEZLlDVgrE.wav,YIvfaKPDWC00.wav +642,A man and a woman talking as an infant cries while a duck quacks in the background,Quack Duck Speech,Y3IguMJkqpl4.wav,YvaujJ7msKfc.wav +643,A stream of water rushing and trickling followed by a young man whooshing,Speech Stream,Yn74IYuCe_ms.wav,YTd2EEDdFlRY.wav +644,A person snoring,"Snoring Inside, small room",YK03ydb1uaoQ.wav,Y3MoF8myFs8Y.wav +645,Birds chirp with a low whirring background noise,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YGMP8m09j5vk.wav,YAj_VMUSNjNM.wav +646,Sizzling of food frying,Frying (food),Y4fz0-Kx2oNs.wav,YwAZrOPvul4Y.wav +647,A man talking as a man is snoring,Snoring Speech,YVZLZ08k3YeA.wav,Yl5KdHAWwJCw.wav +648,Ducks quack with distant passing traffic,Duck Animal,YJTHMXLC9YRs.wav,Y4Ujigme2IxY.wav +649,Loud clicks with gusting wind and several rapid fire gunshots,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",YnD1K1Zo0qrM.wav,Y2ItTq2JShdU.wav +650,An emergency siren wailing as a truck drives by,"Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YpWQeV08kYR0.wav,Yvsy1IpYmrSY.wav +651,Snoring occurs in a rhythmic pattern,"Snoring Inside, small room",YhDMHIDJdfDA.wav,Y_oKXrY5Ff0g.wav +652,"While an electronic device plays in the background, two wolf whistles occur followed by metal thumping",Whistling,Yjlwe9jtu5Gw.wav,Y3XcIVh40pTI.wav +653,Bells chiming as a clock is ticking,Bell,YTtRtURWVYBE.wav,Y1wW0YJQ-Xa0.wav +654,Liquid splashing and dripping as a kid laughs,"Burst, pop",YQv1HXaT-28U.wav,Yk4XyfaWVLEY.wav +655,A pig oinking followed by a man screaming,Oink,YinQOrxc_oZo.wav,YQvATUKXYFBs.wav +656,Man yelling in anger,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech Speech synthesizer",YC4JwGJQ2dUA.wav,YAgaiowyYt88.wav +657,Running footsteps followed by spraying noise,Spray,YfWvWhLJ5Fow.wav,YAgh2EKINlSw.wav +658,A man is speaking and a baby whimpers followed by a woman talking,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",Y9F3sutgYTvo.wav,YBMayJId0X1s.wav +659,Rustling with scraping as pigeons coo,Rub Wood,YBzHTqyX69pI.wav,Y_YS5uKWoB6g.wav +660,"Various conversation occur in a crowd. A train bell dings followed by a train whistle, cheering occurs at the end",Tick-tock Speech,Y5iTRKJqUIw8.wav,Y3wrdPAeqjVI.wav +661,Rustling and some knocks,Door,Y9XqkKuTqEOM.wav,YBwnGxJD9xh8.wav +662,A sprayer is emitting liquids with a loud whooshing noise,Spray,YljrL7Cb-jr8.wav,YJTHMXLC9YRs.wav +663,Wind is blowing and water gurgles,Gurgling,Y1Uh74_rZ72k.wav,Y4eyY1w2QyM0.wav +664,Wind blowing with ducks quacking and birds chirping,"Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Environmental noise Duck",YJon_DEFqsfM.wav,Y3xDZ-kdGE3o.wav +665,"Rapid filing and scraping of wood occurs, followed by brushing and a thump",Filing (rasp) Rub Wood,YOMGHnJV0l2U.wav,YLxu-3_h4kc4.wav +666,Muffled water splashing and ocean waves crashing during plastic camera muffling,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",YrBUCIK8JRLg.wav,YeUecAF626A8.wav +667,A tapping noise followed by a child speaking,"Coin (dropping) Dishes, pots, and pans",YTSnq6n8tElo.wav,Ye6jSpvTvfJ0.wav +668,A gunshot firing in the distance followed by steam hissing and fire crackling,"Explosion Burst, pop",YPO8Nu3F8mkA.wav,YRrmBGjJqlEo.wav +669,A woman talking followed by a plate rattling as food and oil sizzle,Frying (food),Ypaf0nyjg1Js.wav,Yazh_-OkQ-uI.wav +670,An engine is idling followed by a male speaking,Vibration Idling Vehicle Speech Car,YBL8ksJ0sTXk.wav,YyRoKi7rhSRo.wav +671,"Two people are speaking and laughing, and their voices are distorted by slowing down the audio","Burping, eructation Speech",YemGPabOePzA.wav,Yk1QxQ4jJaEQ.wav +672,Wind blowing and an engine humming,Fire Wind Wind noise (microphone),Yh3UhoHIMfpw.wav,YIvfaKPDWC00.wav +673,A woman speaks as water splashes,"Trickle, dribble Water Speech",YPTyFYxXdut4.wav,YGE1aZSnPr2Q.wav +674,A woman talking followed by a group of people laughing as plastic crinkles,Laughter Speech,Y_oKXrY5Ff0g.wav,YC5kmOK_l4jc.wav +675,Wind blowing heavily into a microphone as seagulls squawk and ocean waves crash in the background,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",YJBWJQCS4SvA.wav,YYk274Wr5iIE.wav +676,Humming of an engine with squealing tires,"Skidding Vehicle Tire squeal Race car, auto racing",YKOBkbROPv4c.wav,Y3rna9zo5ZOs.wav +677,A woman gives a speech followed by applause,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y32565FEuksc.wav,Ypaf0nyjg1Js.wav +678,A train horn blows several times as railroad warning signals ring in the background,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Train whistle Rail transport Train Vehicle",YI_vN_BFUr0Y.wav,YvaujJ7msKfc.wav +679,Pigeons coo and a distant rooster crows,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room Outside, rural or natural",YwBs02amFGXs.wav,YBMayJId0X1s.wav +680,Emergency sirens wail as a truck engine accelerates and drives by,"Motor vehicle (road) Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren Truck Vehicle",YwVi5w_NU6CM.wav,Y4ftDFi4684Y.wav +681,A siren ringing with a vehicle speeding closer,"Motor vehicle (road) Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren Vehicle",YIvfaKPDWC00.wav,YjinJkonlrWc.wav +682,A train horn blowing as a train runs on railroad tracks while a man talks quietly in the background,Train horn Train Vehicle,Y0a9wVat2PWk.wav,Y6Nvu6EcpdE8.wav +683,A woman speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y7WkB6pflr6o.wav,YC9NC7wJ7C3w.wav +684,A woman talking before and after a water faucet pouring followed by clapping,"Water tap, faucet Speech Inside, small room",YrE6BJ0Bo4w4.wav,YPvWI4p74UOs.wav +685,Digital beeps followed by static electric hissing,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",YbA5zPFSFZAA.wav,YfwhkCnOeyC0.wav +686,"Race cars speed on the road, and a man talks",Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,Y8F-ndyrEWJ8.wav,YtjCNwdOUiGc.wav +687,Humming and rattling of an engine idling,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YBa92IrXFvJo.wav,YilspW7JRjAg.wav +688,Emergency horns go off as a truck accelerates and drives by,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",YFhimNYClv40.wav,Y5ye0X5saadg.wav +689,A motor vehicle speeds and skids the tires,Skidding Vehicle Tire squeal Car,YKtinboYbmHQ.wav,Y7QN3lwOzfdg.wav +690,A clock ticking,Tick-tock,YIFRmbxWK8u0.wav,YlfAFQ0-wDJU.wav +691,A motorbike engine running while a series of vehicle horns sound and a car alarm goes off in the background,Motor vehicle (road) Motorcycle Vehicle Car,Yi2yhbckq3p0.wav,YpWQeV08kYR0.wav +692,A goat bleats several times,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YkHIe4CfaccQ.wav,YzwoqJY03yHE.wav +693,A bell chiming as a clock is ticking,Tick-tock Tick,YAizmnCDlXos.wav,Y2ErfX6ZT5pM.wav +694,Instrumental music playing as a person whistles,Whistling,YlTJLvSvjUZk.wav,YJBWJQCS4SvA.wav +695,Ocean waves crashing as wind blows into a microphone,"Waves, surf Wind",YlfAFQ0-wDJU.wav,YXf5LjaE_JQ0.wav +696,A person burps while people laugh,"Burping, eructation Speech",YPMMkPq5jJXY.wav,YpHYkWkZ4guE.wav +697,A car is passing by with leaves rustling,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Y2JV3emH50XU.wav,YRrmBGjJqlEo.wav +698,A woman speaks with some light sanding,Rub,YmlnUJH4BQnk.wav,Y096oTVzc5Gs.wav +699,Continuous buzzing and clanking,Tools Wood Speech,YinSvboaSRwA.wav,Y0rSETXszQM0.wav +700,A woman speaks and a cat meows,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Speech Animal",Y-NsC63dA01g.wav,YAKHZMg9ba30.wav +701,"An adult female speaks and claps, a bird whistles in the foreground, another bird chirps in the background, and then a human whistles a tune",Whistling,Ytpm5IOD5d4o.wav,Y59VP93Tzjmg.wav +702,"An adult male speaks and then an audience laughs and claps somewhat, followed by the adult male speaking again and then the audience laughing and clapping harder",Applause,YS0YE96w0YRk.wav,YCh0LMmhBUg4.wav +703,"Ticking is ongoing, and slight rustling occurs",Tick-tock,Y3wV3ST-c4PE.wav,Y7cHRSfbp7tc.wav +704,A series of high pitched squeals occur,Oink,YNwoBDrTlbTI.wav,Y5xC4hkAWiao.wav +705,A man delivering a speech,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech Speech synthesizer",YC4JwGJQ2dUA.wav,YMvHpNzDpC6Q.wav +706,"A vehicle comes to a stop, air brakes release, and someone speaks in the background","Bus Vehicle Speech Outside, rural or natural",Y8b9z7N25DmU.wav,YXrJcmftCY04.wav +707,An idle vehicle engine running and a bird chirping in the distance followed by a train horn honking then a train on railroad tracks moving,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Yq3SEOW2m4WY.wav,Y_GI7meqlYZk.wav +708,Water is running followed by a gurgling sound.,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",Yr2djvq1vc68.wav,YpuZL08fzpXk.wav +709,Humming and a rattle,Vibration,YH-vTZh81qAU.wav,YLs2vrr9TamU.wav +710,A vehicle engine is idling and rooms,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YRtenf2XSXRc.wav,YwoadpeAGHUQ.wav +711,A motor vehicle engine is revving,Motor vehicle (road) Engine Vehicle Car,YilspW7JRjAg.wav,Yk1QxQ4jJaEQ.wav +712,Ducks squeaking in the distance followed by a shotgun blast,Duck,YlHh0SwUhP8U.wav,Y1QNLMF-Kl_s.wav +713,A vehicle engine revving then accelerating at a high rate as a metal surface is whipped followed by tires skidding,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y2UNuMbxz9ds.wav,YCBwXKOpJY_o.wav +714,Adult female is speaking and a young child is crying,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, large room or hall",Yfx4r_KuW6No.wav,YLBe33dw9ezg.wav +715,Snoring and then a speech,Snoring Speech,YdYZSKX7vuRI.wav,Y-mb4Fw4Z0xg.wav +716,Some rowing sounds in water with light wind,"Boat, Water vehicle Wind Rowboat, canoe, kayak Vehicle",Yek9Fsmm3xqk.wav,YxbLW9Wt1Jsg.wav +717,Wood stirring in a pot followed by a wooden object falling as a woman is talking as food is sizzling and light guitar music is playing,Sizzle Frying (food),YQ87LBiwJjTE.wav,Y0yxEvdnimGg.wav +718,Insects and birds vocalizing together,"Insect Rodents, rats, mice Cricket",YBGEMgl1xjac.wav,YkF1KWybdRpM.wav +719,Footsteps running on dirt followed by compressed air spraying as wind blows in the background,Spray,YfWvWhLJ5Fow.wav,YPRUfwpmYwJ8.wav +720,"An adult female speaks, an adult male speaks, and a crowd of people laugh and talk in the background","Female speech, woman speaking Hubbub, speech noise, speech babble Speech",YMBP4RcnwGZw.wav,YqF72bT878gw.wav +721,Sheep baaing as leaves rustle followed by a person giggling,"Goat Sheep Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YtaYKM1OSTwE.wav,YzBXoaQ1GVlc.wav +722,Man yelling and belching,"Burping, eructation Speech Inside, small room",Y4lv9aLXtud0.wav,YItS07xtdi4s.wav +723,"Snoring is occurring, and an electronic entertainment device is playing in the background",Snoring,YF7QtqKtllK0.wav,Y3rna9zo5ZOs.wav +724,Music plays followed by a man speaking,Sizzle,Yg6CY7qvu81k.wav,Yp_BB_rJaF7Q.wav +725,A man screaming followed by a door slamming shut then a series of cardboard thumping and metal bars clacking,Door Slam Speech,YAR8-MVl_Mf8.wav,YWWkhzcmx3VE.wav +726,A woman is speaking over a microphone,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y2a6GNu6uCDE.wav,YkLYCjD6vWI4.wav +727,Whistling with small rustling and groaning,Whistling,YZ1Cyj4N05lk.wav,YFc9pG54DDJM.wav +728,A man talks like a cat before growling then meowing and finally hissing,Cat Meow,YPLHXGDnig4M.wav,YqF72bT878gw.wav +729,Ringing of a bell with people speaking in the distance,Bell Speech,Yc0IggDOisOo.wav,YfrOqlk0Wm5Y.wav +730,A muffled helicopter engine flying,Vehicle Helicopter,YbIV3bJZpkgA.wav,YMvHpNzDpC6Q.wav +731,Several loud whooshes,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",YynHdcJ9Oqaw.wav,Y4bUL_ttiOdw.wav +732,Hissing with people speaking and some sneezes,Spray Speech,YA2mcp0N__7U.wav,Y473wBEwC35M.wav +733,A cat meowing as a man giggles,Cat Meow Animal,YajheseWZmmU.wav,YGPj8h-WcjWs.wav +734,A woman talking followed by someone coughs then another woman talking as a stream of water flows and trickles,Stream,YzF3xXn6NTyU.wav,YCBwXKOpJY_o.wav +735,Footsteps shuffling while a person heavily breathes with a series of cloth slapping against a hard surface,"Slap, smack Frying (food)",YUXGzbBGbqAA.wav,Y2JV3emH50XU.wav +736,A vehicle motor running idle followed by a car horn honking then a group of men groaning,"Train Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Outside, urban or manmade",Y0UJtGcoPYa0.wav,YUjje3lSabsg.wav +737,Beeping with men speaking faintly in the distance with an air release,Truck Vehicle Speech,YvfNKduToki4.wav,Y0G7rb74R-2A.wav +738,"A man speaking, followed by a door shutting, and then the man speaks some more","Door Male speech, man speaking Speech",YyfYNPWs7mWY.wav,YyVVLq4ao1Ck.wav +739,A cat meowing a few times,Cat Meow Animal,YajheseWZmmU.wav,YnLtNjMimLE0.wav +740,A train running on railroad tracks as a train horn blows and steam hisses,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",YKVbmN9ZRg5Q.wav,Yt1hj7se76wQ.wav +741,A bus is idling when a voice from a speaker starts to talk,Bus Vehicle Speech,YGPj8h-WcjWs.wav,YJQz40TkjymY.wav +742,Loud vibrations from a revving engine that increases,"Propeller, airscrew Engine Idling Accelerating, revving, vroom Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y3ue0gJM0THk.wav,Yz1ax0QPpd14.wav +743,Car engine running and then slowly turning off with a loud stuttering noise going off twice with slight pause between,Motor vehicle (road) Engine Vehicle,Y5xC4hkAWiao.wav,Y8OTd45_6cvY.wav +744,"Two adult males speak, while a motorcycle engine idles and people talk in the background",Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,YeRU-rABp8nk.wav,YYNDKuNINDOY.wav +745,Several cats meowing followed by a man singing in the background,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Animal",YU3CAjsm1sec.wav,Yjlwe9jtu5Gw.wav +746,A man talking as music plays followed by a guitar strumming as steam hisses in the background,Sizzle,YTd2EEDdFlRY.wav,YR_g4RpU9mO0.wav +747,A truck engine running then accelerating followed by a man talking as wind blows into a microphone,Truck Vehicle Speech,YhV4bDCBDCy0.wav,YAj_VMUSNjNM.wav +748,Someone belches followed by a group of people laughing and talking then a man talking in the foreground,"Burping, eructation Speech",YrbO727iF03I.wav,Y1N_DtRpdAp8.wav +749,Crying and screaming with some coughing,"Domestic animals, pets Animal Baby cry, infant cry",YO90Qy2xG6oA.wav,YPYP-r0nvbFk.wav +750,Loud explosions and bangs followed by men speaking,"Gunshot, gunfire",YNi3dIj90Oa4.wav,Y5K1mISHwggI.wav +751,A man speaks followed by a sewing machine stitching,Speech Sewing machine,YUQtBt6CQpwg.wav,YMkbP_8zJwXU.wav +752,Food and oil sizzling followed by oil popping then steam hissing as a man talks and light music plays in the background,Sizzle,YZY4aGEniU_E.wav,YuJzAf4PaExI.wav +753,An insect buzzing as plastic clacks and plastic slaps a hard surface,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YKVAIaRPry24.wav,Y0ury8KHQdL4.wav +754,Typing on a keyboard with a man speaking,Typing,YRrmBGjJqlEo.wav,YtfOIhQpYYe8.wav +755,"Birds are cooing and softy cheeping, and wings flap","Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",YnU-AI3Cmc3M.wav,Ygbi6MxPf3hA.wav +756,Loud burping repeating,"Burping, eructation",YARFFw0e_jig.wav,Yx5AH2gW_8S4.wav +757,A man is talking as a motor vehicle engine travels,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle Speech,YTdl9SmBbRnA.wav,Y79XDcI6xZm0.wav +758,"An adult male speaks hesitantly, and electronic beeps randomly occur","Beep, bleep Speech Inside, small room",Yj1AiqT5oHZc.wav,Y9_YfTz8cnFY.wav +759,A man is speaking with bird sounds in the background followed by a whistling sound,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Coo Pigeon, dove",YZ_smJ66Tb3c.wav,Y3ghVB-KaU_E.wav +760,A frog chirping as a woman talks over an intercom and water splashes in the background followed by wood falling on a hard surface,Frog,YzoxFl3pddMg.wav,YR91bUbtKrRs.wav +761,Water spraying on a plastic surface,Spray,YDc2WEiRk0rA.wav,YAWGnTI0e2Fs.wav +762,A woman speaks with flapping wings and chirping birds,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YNlKlRKz8OKI.wav,YkagkXkAVPNo.wav +763,Multiple people laughing,"Laughter Chuckle, chortle Snicker",YfK4QBQZ6i7w.wav,YzEM94PH29VQ.wav +764,Drilling sound with light music in background then a man speaking,Drill,YQARuiRtfy-k.wav,Yos_2U4xqTqw.wav +765,An idle vehicle engine running as wind blows into a microphone,"Idling Vehicle Inside, large room or hall",YlVr-PxhZo8s.wav,Ycr0GiZr0TNY.wav +766,Two woman communicating with each other as a goat is baaing,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Speech Animal",YzwoqJY03yHE.wav,Y3ndid3jni7M.wav +767,Splashing water with children speaking and people screaming with a distant blow of a whistle,Gurgling Speech Stream,Y1_z6NcidGzM.wav,YBDpU2Qh77NE.wav +768,"A very low-pitched hum occurs, followed by an explosion","Explosion Burst, pop",YatmDP_fmK_8.wav,YUQtBt6CQpwg.wav +769,Rain and light thunder,Rain Pink noise,Ye6jSpvTvfJ0.wav,Ye6jSpvTvfJ0.wav +770,A duck quacking followed by plastic camera muffling,Bird Duck,Ygf6H_MWCqjw.wav,YHdxfbpnd2-8.wav +771,Firecrackers popping as a crowd of people cheer and whistle,Sheep Speech Animal,YwnqUgK_-fo4.wav,Y8ZH_PoK0clI.wav +772,"Whispering followed by loud, consistent sizzling",Sizzle,YbQNX7vDalQw.wav,YUQtBt6CQpwg.wav +773,A man speaks while water splashes,Stream,YUCy1BEx8jBE.wav,Y63KW_EQ72yU.wav +774,"Rhythmic oinking is followed by repeated short squeaks, then more oinking","Burping, eructation",YPg2cWEnEEvc.wav,Y_oKXrY5Ff0g.wav +775,A whooshing effect followed by a robotic woman speaking and electronic beeps then a man speaking and music playing along with a man speaking through an intercom,"Beep, bleep",YrPkCYq4Zjwk.wav,Y3RultJjvTWI.wav +776,A telephone dialing tone followed by a plastic switch flipping,"Telephone dialing, DTMF Telephone",YJfaj4P3us9M.wav,YnLtNjMimLE0.wav +777,Repeated scraping with faint music in the background,Sawing Rub Wood,YZYWCwfCkBp4.wav,Y_xylo5_IiaM.wav +778,Rapid gunfire and faint screaming,"Gunshot, gunfire",Y9ZZHvwaH-CU.wav,Y8DLcBdC5UrE.wav +779,A female speaking and then a toilet flushing with multiple females speaking during and after,Toilet flush Water,YSePTNAN7s-w.wav,YYIqpIjjee00.wav +780,A clock ticking followed by a some wooden clacking,Tick-tock Tick,YY3lNEe-ZGF0.wav,YGSHcgY6ATkQ.wav +781,Bells chiming as birds chirp in the background followed by plastic clanking and shuffling,Tick-tock,YeJCaRgf1M20.wav,YtjCNwdOUiGc.wav +782,Muffled sounds followed by metal being hit,"Burst, pop Speech",Y-AheI8Epim4.wav,Ypgq2KPX5_SA.wav +783,Sizzling and male speech with more sizzling,Sizzle,YZY4aGEniU_E.wav,YiOCpICiu4LA.wav +784,Two vehicle engines running idle before accelerating,"Vehicle Tire squeal Car Race car, auto racing",Y7XXSOzDQ2z0.wav,Ye9MWXS34o48.wav +785,Speech and insects buzzing,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YtmLAXm1WlnE.wav,YMj_BO-iK1G4.wav +786,Water lapping in waves as a man talking,Stream,YXamQAY_WXRY.wav,Y8b9z7N25DmU.wav +787,A man speaking on a microphone as a crowd of people chant and clap,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y79XDcI6xZm0.wav,YNmmbNqmsPaY.wav +788,Rain and thunder continuously,Rain Thunderstorm Thunder,YZ-SIyOChVh8.wav,Yk1QxQ4jJaEQ.wav +789,Plastic camera muffling followed by a man yelling as a pig squeals,Speech Oink,YwSHzVxdMiTo.wav,Y3xDZ-kdGE3o.wav +790,A woman and a man talking through a telephone speaker,Telephone Speech,Yjs4dr5JusdM.wav,Y3RultJjvTWI.wav +791,"Scary laughter by an adult male occurs, followed by a click and a buzz, and a baby begins crying","Laughter Crying, sobbing",Yh0M4RS8p_mo.wav,YW4GEwnXc9tQ.wav +792,An idle helicopter engine running as birds chirp in the background,"Vehicle Helicopter Outside, rural or natural",YWCYfCfW9NA0.wav,YcN-oYKd-M4E.wav +793,A man speaks with some clinking and clanking,"Cutlery, silverware Dishes, pots, and pans",Y-EaZ7EJJUl0.wav,Yd1tL-9BILy8.wav +794,Burping noises followed by tongue clapping sounds,"Burping, eructation",YPg2cWEnEEvc.wav,Yktc_tJxw8sc.wav +795,Some crinkling of cellophane,"Crumpling, crinkling",Ypgq2KPX5_SA.wav,YZ_smJ66Tb3c.wav +796,A man speaks with some clicking and rattling followed by a flushing toilet,Toilet flush Speech,YCfxWJ1Qoufg.wav,YSNIaYhri76w.wav +797,Water pouring from a faucet and draining into a pipe while a young girl talks followed by a brush scrubbing then a person spitting,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YZ3wDry8nnJs.wav,YVMsbrcHPBfk.wav +798,A man makes sound followed by oinking sounds,Oink,YBLMWD6fxhpo.wav,YhGWarNR6xmg.wav +799,Large church bells ring as rain falls on a hard surface and wind blows lightly into a microphone,Bell,YwOFBldBFRNk.wav,YJp64Whpr3BA.wav +800,Race car revving its engine,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YnLZeG9LaLgw.wav,YAgaiowyYt88.wav +801,A bus engine driving in the distance then nearby followed by compressed air releasing while a woman and a child talk in the distance,"Bus Vehicle Speech Outside, rural or natural",Y8b9z7N25DmU.wav,YQoEal_hKz4Q.wav +802,A vehicle engine running and revving several times,Motor vehicle (road) Engine Vehicle Car,YilspW7JRjAg.wav,YtjCNwdOUiGc.wav +803,A burping noise followed by laughter and a woman speaking,"Burping, eructation Speech",YPMMdAKZxI_I.wav,YajheseWZmmU.wav +804,Steam escapes with a hissing noise,Steam Hiss,YlfO471Rn61k.wav,YA61Mry8zBwE.wav +805,"A large motor vehicle engine is running, clacking occurs, and a horn blows","Railroad car, train wagon Rail transport Train Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking",Y1slvoNgzBLE.wav,YbX2vDaHL26U.wav +806,A man making a horn sound and then speaking,Tick-tock Speech,Y_z-bidQYVao.wav,Ye9MWXS34o48.wav +807,A toilet flushing,Toilet flush,Y2ErfX6ZT5pM.wav,Y7P0N61TVOxE.wav +808,A woman speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y1QNLMF-Kl_s.wav,YAUmY0YRAFQE.wav +809,Church bells ringing as a crowd of people talk in the distance while rain falls alongside wind blowing into a microphone,Bell,YwOFBldBFRNk.wav,YSGaIvgwwWSE.wav +810,L duck quacks in rapid succession,Duck,YWWkhzcmx3VE.wav,Yr2djvq1vc68.wav +811,A ring followed by a crash then a scream and a man speaking,Door Slam Speech,YAR8-MVl_Mf8.wav,YBlbGXalLNVU.wav +812,High pitched vibrations from a small motor,Helicopter,YVQnmlf2OsUg.wav,Y4KObP7cREWw.wav +813,Rustling noises in the background while people talk and animals bleat,Sheep Bleat Speech,Y7XUt6sQS7nM.wav,YhFCmq9pCBbM.wav +814,Continuous hissing and clanking,Steam Hiss,Ycz0FSQDVBMw.wav,YW4GEwnXc9tQ.wav +815,High frequency vibrations with faint splashing,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YdlsiellSFf0.wav,YkHIe4CfaccQ.wav +816,A person clapping followed by a dog barking then knocking on a glass surface as birds chirp during outdoor ambiance,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",YptIksg9KEac.wav,YjXkLS_QzUrI.wav +817,"Loud, continuous tapping on a typewriter",Typing Rattle Typewriter,Yt1hj7se76wQ.wav,YETb9EIQOMAA.wav +818,Humming of a loud engine accelerating and revving,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YS_3aeOvniZc.wav,Y3ghVB-KaU_E.wav +819,A man speaks followed by a loud burst then laughter,"Explosion Burst, pop Speech",YSZ6CcXINiiE.wav,Y2ABngPM3raQ.wav +820,A person snoring,Snoring,YfBYDJWChe5c.wav,Ypaf0nyjg1Js.wav +821,A man talking followed by a woman talking while an electronic beep plays with a person claps before someone belches then a man and woman laugh,"Burping, eructation Speech",YIJ6pm5Kns8A.wav,YKSHpYhuTotY.wav +822,A group of people talk as a man snores,Snoring Speech,YJC2ZrXzCX4Y.wav,Y2ErfX6ZT5pM.wav +823,A man talking followed by a woman shouting as wind blows into a microphone and birds chirp in the background,"Horse Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal Outside, rural or natural",YR4fXcbWFhJg.wav,YCh0LMmhBUg4.wav +824,Some clicking and rattling followed by distant banging,"Burst, pop Speech",Y-AheI8Epim4.wav,YAR8-MVl_Mf8.wav +825,A muffled car engine revving several times as tires skid followed by a vehicle engine accelerating,Tire squeal,Yvsy1IpYmrSY.wav,YL2dyilgQ8iM.wav +826,A person speaks with the buzzing of nearby insects,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YKSHpYhuTotY.wav,YQ87LBiwJjTE.wav +827,A train whistle blowing as a train runs on railroad tracks and a railroad crossing warning signal rings,Steam whistle Steam Hiss,YFR7BDRhMATo.wav,Y9MgGaTbmc6g.wav +828,Tires skidding as a vehicle engine revs several times,Truck Skidding Vehicle,YV4PLSw_WzVw.wav,YcFoXRmGgIME.wav +829,A machine operating as a rapid rate between metal clacks while two men communicate with each other,Speech Sewing machine,YrJVXE6Axtrg.wav,Yy93cZqNCtks.wav +830,Wood scrapping followed by a man talking as a dog barks in the background,Filing (rasp) Rub,YTgxst7Ft9js.wav,YBn4lc01q9vE.wav +831,Water trickling while a man speaks,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YsVYTOURVsQ0.wav,YY3lNEe-ZGF0.wav +832,Bee buzzes while man speaks,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech",Y5YzNSjmZ3Wg.wav,YXQxIXaX_7M0.wav +833,A dog barking as a man is talking while wind blows into a microphone as birds chirp in the distance,"Domestic animals, pets Yip Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal",YD2Xc_jZllDY.wav,Yc0V_HAul7rI.wav +834,U'A clock ticking followed by a cuckoo bird cooing then music playing.,Tick-tock Tick,YOxUVcZmeiyI.wav,Y0_K6OKtoBBU.wav +835,A man speaking followed by footsteps on gravel as birds chirp in the background,"Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet Speech",YkXjzsroVTtw.wav,Y1ed87LLY97k.wav +836,Four gunshots occur followed by a man screaming and then an explosion,"Explosion Burst, pop Groan",Yos_2U4xqTqw.wav,YPMMkPq5jJXY.wav +837,A man talking as a vehicle engine is running and wind is blowing into a microphone,Clip-clop Speech Animal,Y14izd_i3ryE.wav,YI4HpYGMMsz4.wav +838,A girl laughing as a person is snoring,Snoring,Y4YodC6RnplI.wav,Yt1hj7se76wQ.wav +839,A motorboat engine operating as a crowd of people talk followed by metal creaking and a man speaking,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",YD9tinq3RMpU.wav,YPb6MqpdX5Jw.wav +840,Loud high frequency buzzing and revving of a propeller,"Propeller, airscrew Engine Idling Accelerating, revving, vroom Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y3ue0gJM0THk.wav,YECw5Yf7QoMo.wav +841,"A woman whispering, then a baby cries. The woman calls out loudly, a male voice answers over the baby whining","Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YIsUG5SKWNZA.wav,YcFoXRmGgIME.wav +842,A man speaking followed by a crowd of people laughing then applauding,Applause,YS0YE96w0YRk.wav,YHdPSebdDxe4.wav +843,Slow vibrations of a sewing machine with several clicks,Sewing machine,YsJrFyjfrL-g.wav,YmW1EpJYcy_E.wav +844,A man talking as footsteps walk on dirt and gravel followed by a police siren in the distance as birds chirp in the background,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech",YZsTZ7jqbd9M.wav,YhV4bDCBDCy0.wav +845,A vacuum cleaner running as leaves rustle and a swarm of insects buzz while wind blows into a microphone,Rustling leaves Vacuum cleaner,YSL3wB5sDcdw.wav,YQRtuOWWya30.wav +846,Some rustling followed by whistling,Whistling,YLWng-4PDzPM.wav,Y8o-Y4QP8LWs.wav +847,Scrapping and filing of wood followed by a man talking as a dog barks in the background,Filing (rasp) Rub,YTgxst7Ft9js.wav,Y1OyEgzXCkYE.wav +848,A man shouting before and after a person belches loudly,"Burping, eructation Speech Inside, small room",Y4lv9aLXtud0.wav,YnU-AI3Cmc3M.wav +849,A man talks followed by whispering and food sizzling,Sizzle,YbQNX7vDalQw.wav,YR4fXcbWFhJg.wav +850,Man speaking with light wind sounds,"Male speech, man speaking Rustling leaves Speech",YfmEft49sPfE.wav,Y6CDl4CqOgMg.wav +851,Continuous burping,"Burping, eructation",YPg2cWEnEEvc.wav,YAgaiowyYt88.wav +852,Water turning on and running continuously,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Bathtub (filling or washing) Water",YtxeXrpoMST4.wav,Ya_Rjlu50TfA.wav +853,A male speech and static,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YwFiCblfZ-vg.wav,YR91bUbtKrRs.wav +854,A clock chiming,Tick-tock Tick,YsbW7XwwUtSU.wav,Y9xoYx3lTJ9I.wav +855,"A crowd chants, an adult male speaks in the foreground, a member of the crowd shouts, and the adult male continues to speak","Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y79XDcI6xZm0.wav,YpTJKJxaheI8.wav +856,A horn beeping rapidly then a long loud beep,Bus Toot Vehicle,YmYQrjcYNrW0.wav,Y5QZ0NtdoKJ8.wav +857,Hog snorting with male screaming,Oink,YinQOrxc_oZo.wav,Y1N_DtRpdAp8.wav +858,A vehicle engine running then accelerating as a series of vehicle horns honk and a group of people talk in the background,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Speech Car",YkagkXkAVPNo.wav,Yn74IYuCe_ms.wav +859,A man speaking and a child yelling with wind blowing,"Wind Ship Vehicle Speech Outside, rural or natural",YCh0LMmhBUg4.wav,YUXGzbBGbqAA.wav +860,A duck chirping as water lightly trickles and splashes,Duck Speech Animal,Y8VOibo9Q_Dc.wav,Y7fmOlUlwoNg.wav +861,"Loud hissing followed by a low frequency, consistent beep then more hissing",Steam Hiss,YlfO471Rn61k.wav,YBUAPM4D3-h8.wav +862,A woman talking then laughing as a crowd of people talk in the background,"Female speech, woman speaking Hubbub, speech noise, speech babble Speech",YMBP4RcnwGZw.wav,YFKaJsvcyHTk.wav +863,A machine motor running as a man is speaking followed by rapid buzzing,Tools Wood Speech,YinSvboaSRwA.wav,Yktc_tJxw8sc.wav +864,A man speaking followed by a sewing machine operating as a machine motor hums in the background,"Speech Sewing machine Inside, small room",YCvNAwby6Xos.wav,YvruDH_YLaPI.wav +865,"A fire engine horn blows, followed by a fire engine siren blowing","Motor vehicle (road) Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren Truck Vehicle",YwVi5w_NU6CM.wav,YfBYDJWChe5c.wav +866,"A dog is panting, barking and yipping","Bark Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal",YW7OJevEgq7w.wav,YsTMKled6Q1M.wav +867,A crowd of people talking as emergency sirens sound and a truck accelerates followed by a man speaking over an intercom,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Truck Vehicle Speech",YIPfaRF76gVU.wav,Y7_smJ8VbfSU.wav +868,Metal squeaking and clanking followed by a man talking then a faucet pouring water,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YpO8kbg9IJnc.wav,YBGEMgl1xjac.wav +869,A kid laughing as someone does a series of belching,"Burping, eructation",YLxu-3_h4kc4.wav,Y2msevPMQB4M.wav +870,A person snoring,Snoring,Y3XcIVh40pTI.wav,YSQHYl2Kp5ww.wav +871,"A man speaks, and a sewing machine sews material",Speech Sewing machine,YUQtBt6CQpwg.wav,YjjHIINDfE1c.wav +872,Continuous white noise,Spray,Ya0yXS7PmVR0.wav,YB4SZwi9Ce3o.wav +873,White noise continues then something begins clicking,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",YrBUCIK8JRLg.wav,YrjUrB1WUpcI.wav +874,A female speaking and an insect buzzing and then a male speaks,"Insect Mosquito Fly, housefly",YqWYncqPSy9A.wav,YE6FH_xp3I54.wav +875,A man talking followed by metal shuffling then a power tool drilling,Drill Speech,YjjfUaMQaG1A.wav,YxQDq3A4Zfbo.wav +876,White noise as footsteps run on concrete followed by liquid spraying and a person groaning,Spray,Y8OTd45_6cvY.wav,Yific_gRalg0.wav +877,A duck quacking and a bird chirping followed by footsteps on a wooden surface then a man talking,Bird Duck Speech,YbmEF-c-M174.wav,YBUAPM4D3-h8.wav +878,Church bells ringing as rain pours and wind blows into a microphone,Bell,YwOFBldBFRNk.wav,YBGEMgl1xjac.wav +879,Rain falls soft and steadily and a person closes a car door and walks away through leaves,Rain Rain on surface,YRdC8cviN6Bs.wav,Ynq0BF9zGkzg.wav +880,Water trickling and pouring,"Trickle, dribble Water",YnLtNjMimLE0.wav,Y31WGUPOYS5g.wav +881,Rain falling as birds are chirping followed by thunder,Rustling leaves Wind noise (microphone),YESjMIqrvRj4.wav,Y_iUX8CibElk.wav +882,Snoring with some light rustling,Snoring,Y5rh5-MCjqq8.wav,YTWOgvDaDqlU.wav +883,Artillery cannons firing followed by a man talking as someone whistles while a group of men shout and gunshots fire in the background,"Gunshot, gunfire Artillery fire",Y4_DjmCg8Ra8.wav,YwbPmnxCLoRQ.wav +884,A child cries followed by a man and woman speaking and then the child resumes sobbing,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",Y_YS5uKWoB6g.wav,Ygf6H_MWCqjw.wav +885,A man talking with light tapping and a vehicle passing by in the background,Gurgling Speech,Y4abZbau8tZo.wav,YKSHpYhuTotY.wav +886,A man speaks followed by a child crying and then a woman speaking,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",Y9F3sutgYTvo.wav,YbQNX7vDalQw.wav +887,A machine is used to spray an object,Spray,Y5t6tSW0yT40.wav,YcFoXRmGgIME.wav +888,A woman talking as food and oil sizzles and metal clacks in a pot followed by a girl speaking,Stir Frying (food),YmUGmCSNETcg.wav,YuY4fe5DT1gI.wav +889,A woman speaks followed by groaning and grunting,Speech Dog Animal Whimper (dog),Y096oTVzc5Gs.wav,YcK2kSVR1d2o.wav +890,A clock ticking,Tick-tock,Yl5KdHAWwJCw.wav,YBvw2gv1fcZw.wav +891,A kid speaking followed by a toilet flushing then a girl talking,Toilet flush Speech,YSmdj6JFB9MQ.wav,Yu8bQf0SnCVI.wav +892,Rain falling with distant humming and a man speaking,Rain Speech,YRp4Ct_TQvAM.wav,YgwQMkQmBITE.wav +893,"A blaring siren from a vehicle passes by, then echoes and fades into the distance",Police car (siren) Vehicle Car Car passing by,YAUmY0YRAFQE.wav,YTgxst7Ft9js.wav +894,A vehicle engine running and hissing loudly,Vibration White noise,Y9BGLAUSF0sk.wav,Ybgbnu5YKTDg.wav +895,Metal clanging as a construction vehicle operates in the background followed by bird wings flapping and pigeons cooing,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room",YMjSegUnQXr4.wav,YMvHpNzDpC6Q.wav +896,A man talking during a series of metal clacking against a dish,"Dishes, pots, and pans",YrN2rpLV3brs.wav,YBrPFQDr99Gg.wav +897,Ambulance driving past the black car,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,Y8Zo30kV5aiI.wav,YGIOApFAWDOc.wav +898,A man speaks with some humming and birds chirping,"Chirp, tweet Speech Animal Outside, rural or natural",YE6FH_xp3I54.wav,YL_CNz9Vrtkw.wav +899,A person whistling followed by a young woman singing,Whistling,YMTaLknnq4wc.wav,Y_BSmz3SEW1w.wav +900,A man laughs followed by distant hums and birds chirping,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",YPvWI4p74UOs.wav,YPVvi2SDOjVc.wav +901,A man talking as paper crinkles followed by plastic creaking then a toilet flushing,Toilet flush Speech,YCfxWJ1Qoufg.wav,YItS07xtdi4s.wav +902,Repetitive whoosh noises with a loud boom,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",YynHdcJ9Oqaw.wav,YPuLuZ_TXv-0.wav +903,A bell ticks with a thumping noise,Tick-tock Tick,YAizmnCDlXos.wav,YnaPgJvWTIY4.wav +904,A man speaks followed by whistling and guitar music,Whistling,YhuMLK0oA3L8.wav,YOTLtzk0W4zg.wav +905,"A baby cries, and people are communicating","Bus Crying, sobbing Vehicle Speech",YH7-orYrKBeo.wav,YrE6BJ0Bo4w4.wav +906,Burping and laughing from a young girl,"Burping, eructation Speech",YYflmW68gL4E.wav,YQv1HXaT-28U.wav +907,A crowd of people applaud and cheer,Applause,YXrJcmftCY04.wav,Y4YodC6RnplI.wav +908,Water splashing with multiple voices in background,Speech Waterfall Stream,YPZBUdlKwX04.wav,YBvw2gv1fcZw.wav +909,A man talks in the background while a vehicle engine revs as tires skid then accelerates,"Motor vehicle (road) Skidding Vehicle Speech Tire squeal Car Race car, auto racing",YyVjivgsU2aA.wav,YdZDgJzGtLLU.wav +910,A crowd applauds and there is a muffled speaker in the background,Applause,YTaQKhIRwii4.wav,YzoctgurhvHE.wav +911,A toilet flushing,Toilet flush Water,YHVz-FJBf_iM.wav,YHVz-FJBf_iM.wav +912,A large motor chugging,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YBa92IrXFvJo.wav,YmUGmCSNETcg.wav +913,Goats bleat and a man talks,Sheep Bleat Speech,Yazh_-OkQ-uI.wav,Y1IoHRTUp86c.wav +914,Rain noise on surface as men are speaking,Rain Rain on surface,YAgh2EKINlSw.wav,Y5OM3tJh51pE.wav +915,Traffic sounds of vehicles with birds chirping and far away voices,Bus Vehicle Speech,Yk4XyfaWVLEY.wav,YcK2kSVR1d2o.wav +916,A vehicle accelerates in the distance as emergency and police sirens sound,"Motor vehicle (road) Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren Vehicle",YIvfaKPDWC00.wav,YArHiac57pVk.wav +917,A river stream of water flowing,Stream,YROootH-mtEI.wav,YEY4p0_NJVQs.wav +918,An animal is galloping with a clip-clop noise,Horse Clip-clop Animal,YAxd__X2rixk.wav,YDc2WEiRk0rA.wav +919,An engine running and then revving,"Motorcycle Vehicle Medium engine (mid frequency) Outside, urban or manmade",YnaPgJvWTIY4.wav,YITlqMkR5alY.wav +920,A man speaking as a baby is crying over a radio,"Crying, sobbing Speech",YBMayJId0X1s.wav,YmJ6ZO3xEcgw.wav +921,Drilling noise loud and continue,"Drill Tools Inside, small room",Y5I8lmN8rwDM.wav,YEp72tyiL3as.wav +922,A crowd speak in the distance followed by sneezing,Spray Speech,YA2mcp0N__7U.wav,YalaxBd_EEUc.wav +923,Whistling and birds chirping back and forth,Bird Whistling,YszkiW0GXEOI.wav,Yt4prXmPwthg.wav +924,"An adult male speaks while crunching footfalls occur, then a metal car door clicks open, slight rustling occurs, and metal clinks",Door,YhVUmQfBIYe8.wav,Y4SZ7JXDCNps.wav +925,Distant humming followed by men speaking over a radio,Bus Vehicle Speech,Yz4MeV9IGVo0.wav,YMkbP_8zJwXU.wav +926,"A short, single beep followed by a man talking","Beep, bleep",YdJYO3RbBabE.wav,YF-47fRplQEc.wav +927,"An adult male speaks, a cat caterwauls and hisses angrily, and an adult female speaks","Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Caterwaul Speech Animal",Y6cS0FsUM-cQ.wav,Yy-RSojxgkDo.wav +928,Two men are speaking and paper is being shuffled,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y0jGH7A_hpBM.wav,Y8OTd45_6cvY.wav +929,Mechanical humming with some tapping on glass followed by rattling and a person speaking,"Coin (dropping) Dishes, pots, and pans",YTSnq6n8tElo.wav,Y_BSmz3SEW1w.wav +930,An engine is idling and then is revved up,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y3fomsZXG3aM.wav,Y8IdCiapDYCU.wav +931,A woman speaking together with a crowd of children murmuring,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Children playing Inside, large room or hall",YzBXoaQ1GVlc.wav,Y67BsqRkh-dU.wav +932,"Loud crumpling followed by loud, high pitched buzzing",Applause,YTaQKhIRwii4.wav,Ym_NCf-q4Gn0.wav +933,Insects buzzing followed by plastic camera muffling and a kid speaking then footsteps walking on foliage,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YP12nvSpKXcs.wav,YSNIaYhri76w.wav +934,"Water sloshes as a motor runs, then a man briefly speaks","Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",Y6ZFU4PqXmoI.wav,Yf8WPf5F22xI.wav +935,Toy helicopter whirring and crashing,Drill,YEzWEO2WD_MM.wav,YTQr9v-PQOc4.wav +936,Distant rings of sirens get closer as traffic passes and people speak,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",YkgjNIDmO8a8.wav,Y5ye0X5saadg.wav +937,A click occurs then a woman speaks followed by a sewing machine stitching,Speech Sewing machine,YxpZna_FwDhI.wav,YqeSl7YZAfs4.wav +938,Sheep baaing as gusts of wind blows followed by a person chuckling,"Goat Sheep Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YtaYKM1OSTwE.wav,YtxeXrpoMST4.wav +939,A truck engine running followed by a truck horn honking,"Truck Vehicle Outside, rural or natural",Y9dLLsZVRSZI.wav,YMBP4RcnwGZw.wav +940,Water softly trickling,Gurgling,YKJKHDKKW3XU.wav,YxqtrbqDlz28.wav +941,A burst of vibration from a sewing machine followed by scraping and clicking,Sewing machine,YMj_BO-iK1G4.wav,YaZAXO2WZn84.wav +942,A vehicle accelerates and then slows down,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YEBCH7TPgiPc.wav,Y0qbHT34qTZE.wav +943,A person is snoring,Snoring,YSCow4mpBsGY.wav,Y6ZwYgzcN6Is.wav +944,Wind is blowing and heavy rain is falling and splashing,Rain,Y-BUWGM7qeUM.wav,YKVAIaRPry24.wav +945,A woman speaks with crinkling plastic,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YhFCmq9pCBbM.wav,YQARuiRtfy-k.wav +946,Pigeons coo and flap their wings,"Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",Y9b6RqajfAmw.wav,Yos_2U4xqTqw.wav +947,Humming of a distant aircraft engine,"Aircraft engine Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",Ybpv_LneHmfU.wav,YDNtF_mGzQes.wav +948,Music is playing as a person whistles,Whistling,YD4s5aHrsBgs.wav,YHg6HxylRGDo.wav +949,"White noise followed by brief, muffled speech and rustling",Door Speech,YIvg_q4t-3w0.wav,YnmLMLgWPmFM.wav +950,A man speaks over the television and a baby cries,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",Y404cD3bVXDc.wav,Yhzn_wGlzGpU.wav +951,A man talking as wood clanking as steam hisses in the background,Wood Speech,YI4HpYGMMsz4.wav,Ya0yXS7PmVR0.wav +952,Rustling followed by brief speech and water running,Toilet flush Speech,YCfxWJ1Qoufg.wav,Y9E8BmPZ9mWc.wav +953,Children screaming as a man laughs followed by someone whispering then a young boy talking,"Laughter Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",Y83j4GgHXTLE.wav,YWOywdRmySs0.wav +954,A baby crying over a radio as a man is talking,"Crying, sobbing Speech",YBMayJId0X1s.wav,Y1vCYiVvZ7VE.wav +955,Typing on a computer keyboard,Computer keyboard Typing,YuY4fe5DT1gI.wav,YGIOApFAWDOc.wav +956,A woman is speaking from a microphone,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y-CcGuq0yoKo.wav,Y2t82STv2GR8.wav +957,"Man speaks midst a crowd, a distant horn blow, then a race car goes by","Vehicle Speech Car Race car, auto racing Outside, rural or natural",YWUyeFOyKIg0.wav,YGSHcgY6ATkQ.wav +958,A vacuum cleaner is operating with wind noise,Rustling leaves Vacuum cleaner,YSL3wB5sDcdw.wav,YPYP-r0nvbFk.wav +959,Frogs croaking with rustling in the background,Frog,YQt0_xTadAT0.wav,Y2EsxcKe1A4w.wav +960,Power tools make drilling sounds,Drill,YGuizRlAQ8qQ.wav,YhGWarNR6xmg.wav +961,An engine revving followed by horn honking and more revving,Truck Vehicle Speech,Y9zstu_IfAm4.wav,YoZaEHkfh5Eg.wav +962,Muffled crowd noise while a bell dings,Tick-tock Speech,Y5iTRKJqUIw8.wav,Ynq0BF9zGkzg.wav +963,Bells chiming followed by a lawn mower engine running then a steam engine running and train whistle blowing while a crowd of people talk in the background,Steam Hiss,YaZAXO2WZn84.wav,YxbLW9Wt1Jsg.wav +964,A machine motor running loudly followed by audio beeping and metal cranking then compressed air releasing proceeded by steam hissing,Speech Sewing machine,Y86dNVnTwH6U.wav,YdmUOSyPXkUw.wav +965,A cat meowing repeatedly,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Speech Animal",Y466ucPGoNSQ.wav,YHg6HxylRGDo.wav +966,Dogs barking and muffled speech,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal",Y0yxEvdnimGg.wav,Yu84FiZ_omhA.wav +967,A man talking followed by footsteps on gravel as guitar music is playing,Sizzle,YTd2EEDdFlRY.wav,YLB6CZ0x-kns.wav +968,Tick-tocking by a clock,Tick-tock,Y3wV3ST-c4PE.wav,YB8rdur4aams.wav +969,People are laughing and chuckling,"Laughter Chuckle, chortle Snicker",YfK4QBQZ6i7w.wav,YgwQMkQmBITE.wav +970,Rapid and repeated gunfire and then a male speech,"Gunshot, gunfire",YFf8bCCJfVX4.wav,Y4ftDFi4684Y.wav +971,Wind blowing and an engine running,"Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YUAmDLPjNyMg.wav,YIvfaKPDWC00.wav +972,Dogs are barking with wind noise while people are speaking,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal",Y0yxEvdnimGg.wav,YR91bUbtKrRs.wav +973,A group of men speaking as cannons fire while rain falls and water splashes followed by thunder roaring,"Gunshot, gunfire Ship Speech",Y0qbHT34qTZE.wav,YmYQrjcYNrW0.wav +974,Plastic crinkling as a man is talking,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YwAZrOPvul4Y.wav,Y0fMXnvD38zI.wav +975,Vibrations from a sewing machine followed by a woman speaking,Speech Sewing machine,Yt4prXmPwthg.wav,YPvWI4p74UOs.wav +976,A vehicle engine stalling then starting up and running idle,"Engine Idling Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Medium engine (mid frequency) Engine starting",Y4xrL4TSgHwU.wav,YArHiac57pVk.wav +977,Clicking and vibrating of a humming rattling engine,Engine Idling Medium engine (mid frequency),Y-nQHwrRLfc0.wav,YkXjzsroVTtw.wav +978,A chainsaw cutting as wood is cracking,Chainsaw Wood,Y-R69Fa-mCaY.wav,Yir1XTdyt4IY.wav +979,Burping and then laughter,"Burping, eructation",YLxu-3_h4kc4.wav,Y3XuyGJqaXv8.wav +980,A steam engine running on railroad tracks as steam hisses and metal clacking occur in the background,Steam Hiss,YSE_3nszEw7o.wav,Y8ZH_PoK0clI.wav +981,"An adult male speaks in the foreground, and dogs are barking and people are talking in the background","Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal",Y3XuyGJqaXv8.wav,Y2KR0C5ysO8o.wav +982,"An adult female speaks while sizzling and crackling are ongoing, and metal thumping and clinking occur",Sizzle Stir Frying (food),Ym_U506sf9p4.wav,YmUGmCSNETcg.wav +983,Synthesized rumbling followed by an explosion,"Explosion Burst, pop",YatmDP_fmK_8.wav,YC5kmOK_l4jc.wav +984,A man speaking as footsteps walk on grass while insects are buzzing,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YKSHpYhuTotY.wav,Y27HIamF8pKo.wav +985,People are talking as an engine is running,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,YeRU-rABp8nk.wav,Y096oTVzc5Gs.wav +986,A woman speaking very quickly,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YC9NC7wJ7C3w.wav,Yu8bQf0SnCVI.wav +987,A man speaking with some rustling and humming,"Motor vehicle (road) Door Power windows, electric windows Vehicle",YzoctgurhvHE.wav,YcN-oYKd-M4E.wav +988,A female voice briefly speaks followed by crinkling noises,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling Inside, small room",YT9_ep-3BZDY.wav,YXQxIXaX_7M0.wav +989,Something clicks repeatedly and then a man begins talking,"Bird Speech Pigeon, dove",Y6cyKp3EDm-0.wav,Yu8bQf0SnCVI.wav +990,Tapping noise followed by splashing and gurgling water,Gurgling,Y1PvMtRIlZNI.wav,YNeZerAPXR-A.wav +991,An infant laughing moderately,Laughter,Yd6gu2w19YQo.wav,YZBtgrP4vU_w.wav +992,Revving of loud engines with people speaking and cheering,"Vehicle Speech Car Race car, auto racing",YlmPMhs-9IYE.wav,YdP5DbAzTl5M.wav +993,A woman speaking while a crowd murmurs in the background,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y7_smJ8VbfSU.wav,Ynq0BF9zGkzg.wav +994,Waves of water colliding repeatedly,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean",Y1e98HeU9Vrg.wav,Y30D1tqNFHMc.wav +995,A child talking followed by a man talking as a young boy mumbles while birds chirp in the background,"Insect Speech Outside, rural or natural",YFXdoNvmrYxo.wav,YKJhGuhNHToA.wav +996,A ticktock sound playing at the same rhythm with piano notes,Tick-tock,YTwR8BA6buMI.wav,Y83j4GgHXTLE.wav +997,A man speaks with some clicking and some sanding,Filing (rasp) Rub,YhiJB_95IWiE.wav,YFc9pG54DDJM.wav +998,A horse making clip-clop noises,Horse Clip-clop Animal,YAxd__X2rixk.wav,YLB6CZ0x-kns.wav +999,Electrical humming with wind blowing,"Helicopter Outside, rural or natural",Yq4YFJA5pFXc.wav,YeRU-rABp8nk.wav +1000,Birds chirp and a duck quacks followed by a dog barking,Bird Duck Dog Animal,Ya3GzZKxUTy8.wav,Ygr5Zss89yLQ.wav +1001,A man speaks and a vehicle passes,Vehicle Speech Car Car passing by,Y2bq2lc3DLwM.wav,YFKaJsvcyHTk.wav +1002,A person clicking on a keyboard,Computer keyboard Typing,Y7-HCqJFwHoI.wav,YonBZOH88OYs.wav +1003,A sewing machine operating several times as a loud motor hum in the background followed by steam hissing,Sewing machine,YKtTLsveexOg.wav,YkgjNIDmO8a8.wav +1004,A dog breathes heavily with a whirring background noise,"Domestic animals, pets Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",Y6CDl4CqOgMg.wav,Y2JV3emH50XU.wav +1005,Several basketballs bouncing and shoes squeaking on a hardwood surface as a man yells in the distance,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YU90e2P9jy30.wav,YtaYKM1OSTwE.wav +1006,A man talking as sheep baa while wind blows into a microphone,Sheep Bleat Speech,YPYP-r0nvbFk.wav,YxYwpABpZed4.wav +1007,An infant and a woman laughing followed by someone spits then a woman talking,Laughter Speech,YmWqH2xwjkYA.wav,YKJKHDKKW3XU.wav +1008,"Birds coo, and a dog growls and barks","Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal",Y8IdCiapDYCU.wav,YPYP-r0nvbFk.wav +1009,Several faint clicks are followed by a person sneezing and coughing,Sneeze,YTQr9v-PQOc4.wav,YlTJLvSvjUZk.wav +1010,Music playing with some whooshes and gunshots with faint brief speaking,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",Y4s2rRnu2PZo.wav,YhFCmq9pCBbM.wav +1011,A person burps as people laugh,"Burping, eructation Speech",YPMMkPq5jJXY.wav,Yir1XTdyt4IY.wav +1012,A person snoring followed by a man talking,Snoring Speech,YPtW0cZVprJQ.wav,Y4_DjmCg8Ra8.wav +1013,Men speak as someone snores,Snoring Speech,YDn3buZWMzwY.wav,YUmNrhFKpWIY.wav +1014,An ambulance travels with the siren blaring loudly and moves through traffic,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",YFhimNYClv40.wav,Y8GHLfJ6y6zA.wav +1015,An idle vehicle engine running,Motor vehicle (road) Idling Vehicle,YyLu4b01t53k.wav,YEQVWhHmT_cE.wav +1016,Strong wind noise under a microphone as waves travel,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Y3MoF8myFs8Y.wav,YnU-AI3Cmc3M.wav +1017,A vehicle engine stuttering while starting up then running idle,"Engine Idling Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Medium engine (mid frequency) Engine starting",Y4xrL4TSgHwU.wav,YlgwpIImXCWA.wav +1018,A cat meowing once with a thud,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow",Y2sZhC_mKeic.wav,YPtW0cZVprJQ.wav +1019,Frogs croaking with wet slaps and brief drums,Croak Frog,Yu9px4Lwv9XI.wav,YrINmxSXMR-s.wav +1020,A train running on railroad tracks as a train horn whistle blows several times while railroad crossing warning signals are ringing,Steam whistle Steam Hiss,YFR7BDRhMATo.wav,Y3Sml1wHcuxo.wav +1021,Bells ringing as wood shuffles and clacks while a muffled clock ticks in the background,Bell,YtTB0BK39JI8.wav,Y_iUX8CibElk.wav +1022,Clicking followed by humming noise,Vibration,YH-vTZh81qAU.wav,Y6dLkgq9EKPE.wav +1023,A male speaks then a click followed by a whine and a series of loud beeps,"Beep, bleep Speech",YP4qd8uodw_M.wav,YeNG6fEiAE8c.wav +1024,A motorboat engine turns on,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YsqWyxUObwkw.wav,Y2t82STv2GR8.wav +1025,A vehicle engine running idle then revving several times before a car door slams shut,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YRtenf2XSXRc.wav,Y0fMXnvD38zI.wav +1026,Ambulance siren repeatedly and then continuous,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,YVeCSHwtkBZU.wav,Y096oTVzc5Gs.wav +1027,"A woman is speaking, and a horse brays",Horse Clip-clop Speech Animal,YD1Sy7kRoaR8.wav,Yc0IggDOisOo.wav +1028,A crowd of people applauding followed by a woman speaking,Applause,YTaQKhIRwii4.wav,YXz56Q2Q5j5c.wav +1029,A man talking as an infant is crying followed by a man humming,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YYH4qi8Ul6v0.wav,Y6i5eQOpFk_U.wav +1030,Animal sounds and a scream,Goat Speech Animal,YrtgVoZCcBw8.wav,YsJrFyjfrL-g.wav +1031,A man talking as metal clanks together followed by footsteps on grass while insects buzz in the background,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YKSHpYhuTotY.wav,YTdl9SmBbRnA.wav +1032,A bus engine accelerating followed by a bus horn honking while plastic clacks,"Toot Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking",YtjCNwdOUiGc.wav,YlgwpIImXCWA.wav +1033,Loud ringing of a clock followed by faint tick rocks,Tick-tock Speech,YHqndxoujCYI.wav,YZsf2YvJfCKw.wav +1034,"An adult male speaks, followed by another adult male speaking","Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y0jGH7A_hpBM.wav,YK8-b0VtNOqA.wav +1035,"An adult female speaks in a quiet environment, and her voice is electronically amplified","Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y2a6GNu6uCDE.wav,YK2kIOBeCfuo.wav +1036,A man talking as a person hisses while pigeons coo and bird wings flap in the background,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Coo Pigeon, dove",YZ_smJ66Tb3c.wav,Y9z2OwpftxUE.wav +1037,A series of electronic beeps alongside plastic clicking and laser effects followed by a wooden thud and synthesized explosion,Tick-tock,YL6rnV0oNIII.wav,Y3ejndVEAcmQ.wav +1038,A clock ticking during high-pitched humming followed by a person sniffing,Tick-tock Tick,YsI7_ycEYzAY.wav,YB-gTt3_rceQ.wav +1039,Police sirens sounding as wind is blowing heavily into a microphone,Emergency vehicle Siren Police car (siren),YAFgGoY8Ihhg.wav,YVjSEIRnLAh8.wav +1040,"Male speaking, laughter and shouting and clapping",Laughter Shout Speech,Y1L_OyngNZMA.wav,Y6TO9PEGpZcQ.wav +1041,Rustling and then male speech and then creaking,Door Speech,YU5ij0M7T-hk.wav,YPMMdAKZxI_I.wav +1042,"Helicopter running, speech on a radio, and then gunfire",Helicopter Speech,Y5ye0X5saadg.wav,YPYP-r0nvbFk.wav +1043,A young kid is talking as a cat is growling then meowing with a series of electronic buzzing,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Speech Animal",Y_GI7meqlYZk.wav,Y8ZH_PoK0clI.wav +1044,A female speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y-CcGuq0yoKo.wav,Yo7jW6Suyfbs.wav +1045,"A duck quacking repeatedly, and a horses hooves clopping","Bird Domestic animals, pets Duck Livestock, farm animals, working animals Goose Animal",YCbe2B6ohBpw.wav,YCvNAwby6Xos.wav +1046,A man talking followed by footsteps on foliage and twigs as birds chirp in the background,"Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Speech Outside, rural or natural",YFlk-X0gwjF4.wav,YKvrcRMfFzOE.wav +1047,Race cars are racing followed by people talking,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Speech Car Car passing by,Y-mb4Fw4Z0xg.wav,YTaQKhIRwii4.wav +1048,Muffled speech and buzzing,Frog Speech,YcFHFVGOtp6g.wav,YLCwSUVuTyvg.wav +1049,Steam hisses and vibration occurs while a child speaks,Steam Hiss,Ycz0FSQDVBMw.wav,YVOXl8iR-HnI.wav +1050,A woman talks before plastic clanking as food and oil are sizzling,Sizzle Stir Frying (food),Ym_U506sf9p4.wav,YXplKBvZaHXA.wav +1051,Laughing and a motor running with birds chirping,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",YPvWI4p74UOs.wav,YEYTz1LPDHsc.wav +1052,Sounds of a river with man briefly mumbling,Speech Stream,Yn74IYuCe_ms.wav,YCwxgQS3SXic.wav +1053,Motor cycle motor running on idle,"Motorcycle Thump, thud Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",Ym_NCf-q4Gn0.wav,YAFgGoY8Ihhg.wav +1054,"A baby is laughing while a young girl speaks repeatedly, and an adult female chuckles softly","Speech Child speech, kid speaking Baby laughter",YC5kmOK_l4jc.wav,YB8rdur4aams.wav +1055,Water pouring with female speaking,"Bathtub (filling or washing) Speech Child speech, kid speaking",YNX0gR9Eebp0.wav,Y63KW_EQ72yU.wav +1056,Crying and then sneezing followed by more crying and a female speech.,"Crying, sobbing Speech",Y6aWnK1GyeJY.wav,YhiJB_95IWiE.wav +1057,A rolling train blows its horn multiple times,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train",Y2ceUOv8A3FE.wav,YfwhkCnOeyC0.wav +1058,A child speaks followed by second child speaking as well,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YfsBR7e_X_0Y.wav,YSCow4mpBsGY.wav +1059,A baby is crying and then breathing heavily,"Baby cry, infant cry",YE3Q1jfTeuWs.wav,YLB6CZ0x-kns.wav +1060,Heavy rain hitting the ground,Rain Rain on surface,YRk-ujWKzPuc.wav,Y466ucPGoNSQ.wav +1061,A woman and a baby are having a conversation,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",Y_xylo5_IiaM.wav,YSmdj6JFB9MQ.wav +1062,A motorcycle engine starting up then revving several times as a man talks in the background while wind blows into a microphone,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,YoiIi6H83Y38.wav,YAizmnCDlXos.wav +1063,Ducks quacking and chirping as a rooster crows and a crowd of people talks in the background,Quack Duck Speech Animal,YDzKjogSVOLM.wav,YFeHndzYAUkg.wav +1064,Vibrations from a small engine get louder as they pass by then into the distance,Helicopter,Y5ORpSk5CIWc.wav,Y9E8BmPZ9mWc.wav +1065,Emergency vehicle siren blasts while a man talks,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",YkgjNIDmO8a8.wav,YY3lNEe-ZGF0.wav +1066,A person sneezing twice followed by a man speaking then a kid chuckling as a clock ticks in the background,Sneeze,Yf8WPf5F22xI.wav,Y4eyY1w2QyM0.wav +1067,Firecrackers popping as a crowd of people cheer and whistle,Sheep Speech Animal,YwnqUgK_-fo4.wav,YHeEa1GZpUGI.wav +1068,Thuds on floor,Hiss,Y1ed87LLY97k.wav,Y-BUWGM7qeUM.wav +1069,Eructation sounds in slow motion followed by speech in slow motion,"Burping, eructation Speech",YemGPabOePzA.wav,YtwFypUcdgRc.wav +1070,Passing engines with loud hums and police sirens then a man speaks on a radio,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,Y8F-ndyrEWJ8.wav,YyVVLq4ao1Ck.wav +1071,A young girl talking as an infant is laughing,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Baby laughter",YC5kmOK_l4jc.wav,YGMP8m09j5vk.wav +1072,People speaking followed by a duck quacking and a child crying,Quack Duck Speech,Y3IguMJkqpl4.wav,Y9b6RqajfAmw.wav +1073,Pigeons are cooing flapping and a man talks,"Bird Speech Pigeon, dove",Y6cyKp3EDm-0.wav,YAgh2EKINlSw.wav +1074,A power tool drilling as music plays in the background,Drill Tools Power tool,YFeHndzYAUkg.wav,Y7fmOlUlwoNg.wav +1075,Ocean waves crashing and water streaming as wind blows into a microphone while a man talks faintly in the distance,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Yne2DpKCIr4Y.wav,YEbpOXac13yo.wav +1076,An adult male is speaking,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y3iLGu2Omgrw.wav,YL8dA-2Lu2hY.wav +1077,Rain and water splashing sounds while the wind blows,Rain,YYk274Wr5iIE.wav,YWOywdRmySs0.wav +1078,A duck quacking followed by plastic camera muffling,Bird Duck,Ygf6H_MWCqjw.wav,YG3YO2unWz7k.wav +1079,A powerful engine revs as it idles,"Engine Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YAj_VMUSNjNM.wav,YoNHCc_izsDE.wav +1080,"Water flowing and splashing, increases in volume suddenly","Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Bathtub (filling or washing) Water",YtxeXrpoMST4.wav,YS8k47ME-YT4.wav +1081,A man speaking as vehicles drive by and leaves rustling,Vehicle Speech Car Car passing by,Y-SkjbQVgJ0M.wav,YoNHCc_izsDE.wav +1082,A motorboat drives on water quickly,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",Y_duNX6Vyd6g.wav,Y7fmOlUlwoNg.wav +1083,Clicking and sputtering of a running engine with people speaking and wind blowing,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",Y1a2XWJ8NA_Q.wav,Y6dLkgq9EKPE.wav +1084,Hissing and rattling of a passing train with people speaking in the distance,Steam Hiss,YpCQEWAFGEjc.wav,YPuLuZ_TXv-0.wav +1085,Humming of an engine as it revs,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YUmNrhFKpWIY.wav,Yy1a8PntuXYw.wav +1086,Several children speaking and screaming with a woman speaking briefly,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Children playing Inside, large room or hall",YzBXoaQ1GVlc.wav,YzFzPOsOKog4.wav +1087,"Birds are chirping in the background, rustling and clattering ensue, then a hissing spray and more rustling and clattering occur",Spray,Yq46VXJ6JN9M.wav,YE3Q1jfTeuWs.wav +1088,Several goats bleat,"Goat Sheep Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YtaYKM1OSTwE.wav,YqWYncqPSy9A.wav +1089,A man mimics goat bleating,Goat,YVMsbrcHPBfk.wav,YEBCH7TPgiPc.wav +1090,A vehicle horn honking as a series of electronic beeps chime followed by a plastic click,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car",YoZaEHkfh5Eg.wav,YZ3wDry8nnJs.wav +1091,Loud booming bursts and whooshes,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",YynHdcJ9Oqaw.wav,YBXxlqaDvdaA.wav +1092,A man talking followed by sawing then a metal click and plastic crinkling as water trickles and wind blows into a microphone,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YZ7yDwpdGelM.wav,YKvrcRMfFzOE.wav +1093,An aircraft taking off with some wind noises in the background,"Aircraft engine Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YkF1KWybdRpM.wav,YmWqH2xwjkYA.wav +1094,Vibrations and humming from an oncoming large vehicle with people speaking in the distance,Truck Vehicle Speech,Y9zstu_IfAm4.wav,YMdlEswBfZMQ.wav +1095,Gun shot then an explosion followed by male laughter,"Explosion Burst, pop Speech",YCMNlIW6Lkwc.wav,YNeWW30WZjPc.wav +1096,"A man talks followed by laughter, and a woman and children communicate","Giggle Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YWq4OD3olO2w.wav,Ycz0FSQDVBMw.wav +1097,A truck horn honking as a large truck engine drives by while a crowd of people talk in the background,Truck Vehicle Speech,Y9zstu_IfAm4.wav,YbAqgL5dCQOE.wav +1098,A man talking as a cat wails and hisses while a woman laughs then talks,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Caterwaul Speech Animal",Y6cS0FsUM-cQ.wav,YBDpU2Qh77NE.wav +1099,A motor is running and a horn blows,"Train Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Outside, urban or manmade",Y0UJtGcoPYa0.wav,YKnsKf9KoNds.wav +1100,A sudden horn blare as a train passes,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Train whistle Rail transport Train Vehicle Outside, rural or natural",Y0yETgW44MZU.wav,YtJhVH3VIrnE.wav +1101,A man is talking with tapping background noises,"Wood Speech Inside, small room",YgwQMkQmBITE.wav,YLBe33dw9ezg.wav +1102,A croaking frog with brief bird chirps,Croak Frog,YE3D_z0aoUEg.wav,YIhvXtS9-IxM.wav +1103,A toilet flushes and water drains,Toilet flush Water,Y67BsqRkh-dU.wav,YcN-oYKd-M4E.wav +1104,Plastic clacking followed by as person breathing then liquid pouring into containers,"Trickle, dribble",Y1HCuBnPLMqQ.wav,Y7D7xgd4WJ50.wav +1105,An electronic device buzzing as music plays in the background followed by a woman talking faintly in the distance,Helicopter Speech,YLBe33dw9ezg.wav,YZ7yDwpdGelM.wav +1106,Snoring followed by male speech,Snoring Speech,YPtW0cZVprJQ.wav,YXplKBvZaHXA.wav +1107,An electronic device beeping as plastic clacks with a toy zapping followed by a wooden thud and audio static,Tick-tock,YL6rnV0oNIII.wav,YMVGhC-xB79s.wav +1108,An engine and speech on a loudspeaker,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,Y0Dt-pH0pW-Y.wav,YPMMkPq5jJXY.wav +1109,A man laughing,Laughter,YGE1aZSnPr2Q.wav,Y_ezm-TpKj1w.wav +1110,"A motor vehicle engine clicks and whirs and tries to start three times, metal clinks softly, then a deep buzz occurs",Vehicle Engine starting,YTOaQMYc79Mw.wav,YxqtrbqDlz28.wav +1111,A person snoring as metal creaks in the background,Snoring,YSCow4mpBsGY.wav,YA0E_UiD-fR4.wav +1112,Woman making a soothing sound while baby cries,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YztSjcZNUY7A.wav,YMPLZUg89y5U.wav +1113,Water splashes and wind blows,Rustling leaves,YJ0yeFeKvIt8.wav,Y9z2OwpftxUE.wav +1114,Rough sanding and scraping,Wood,YKJhGuhNHToA.wav,YbygBWUkpaC8.wav +1115,A man speaking and another speaks over the phone,Telephone Speech,YKnsKf9KoNds.wav,YFL8KTgMGrN4.wav +1116,Humming of loud engines with men speaking,Truck Vehicle Speech,Y9E8BmPZ9mWc.wav,Yq1ivQ_2fddk.wav +1117,A man talking as an insect buzzes followed by a woman laughing then a man talking,"Insect Mosquito Fly, housefly",YqWYncqPSy9A.wav,Yne2DpKCIr4Y.wav +1118,A woman coughs and sneezes several times,Sneeze,YmJ6ZO3xEcgw.wav,YmaVYiednkSg.wav +1119,A baby cries and shout from time to time,"Crying, sobbing",YVkbp8VmL3pM.wav,YSmdj6JFB9MQ.wav +1120,A woman and a child speaking,"Conversation Female speech, woman speaking Speech Child speech, kid speaking",YCBwXKOpJY_o.wav,Yl5KdHAWwJCw.wav +1121,The clinking of glasses with some rustling,"Cutlery, silverware Dishes, pots, and pans",Y8ipe6b1LwHQ.wav,Y6i5eQOpFk_U.wav +1122,"Muted knocking, thumping and smacking are occurring, accompanied by rapid and irregular breathing","Slap, smack Frying (food)",YUXGzbBGbqAA.wav,YPuLuZ_TXv-0.wav +1123,Waves crashing onto shore followed by a man talking,"Trickle, dribble",YBlbGXalLNVU.wav,YAizmnCDlXos.wav +1124,A woman speaking with a child speaking,"Conversation Female speech, woman speaking Speech Child speech, kid speaking",YCBwXKOpJY_o.wav,Yf2fSxfvmkZQ.wav +1125,Water is splashing down into a bathtub,"Water tap, faucet Bathtub (filling or washing) Water",Y6Pywt0f_NFY.wav,YBlbGXalLNVU.wav +1126,A strong wind is blowing and constant background waves can be heard,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Y3MoF8myFs8Y.wav,YxQDq3A4Zfbo.wav +1127,Young children are whistling and laughing,Whistling Speech,YXPebkNzsnRI.wav,YR_g4RpU9mO0.wav +1128,A young girl talking as a woman is talking in the background as an infant is crying,"Crying, sobbing Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YbJMMp6PLKqM.wav,YXPebkNzsnRI.wav +1129,A man talking followed by footsteps shuffling then a loud popping explosion proceeded by a man laughing as music plays in the background,"Explosion Burst, pop Speech",YSZ6CcXINiiE.wav,YXL8JV9qXGLE.wav +1130,Birds chirping continuously,"Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",Yyrxa6_P2I80.wav,YBDpU2Qh77NE.wav +1131,Honking of horns of an oncoming train,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train",Y2ceUOv8A3FE.wav,Ycz0FSQDVBMw.wav +1132,Rustling with a small motor running,Door Sliding door,Y3n05BjV7r7M.wav,YKtTLsveexOg.wav +1133,Applause from a crowd with women briefly speaking,Applause Speech,YUE3XnVFodMI.wav,YXrJcmftCY04.wav +1134,A bleeping noise followed by a loud object in use,"Beep, bleep",YA0E_UiD-fR4.wav,Y1GgEpRZDWN0.wav +1135,A few digital hums followed by scratching,"Beep, bleep",YLs1zyPjs3k8.wav,YuhSDBwVrEdo.wav +1136,A man and woman speak and people clap and a bell rings,Applause Speech,YfwhkCnOeyC0.wav,YJC2ZrXzCX4Y.wav +1137,A man speaking on a microphone as a crowd of people laugh followed by glass clinking,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y0G7rb74R-2A.wav,YAgaiowyYt88.wav +1138,A bird chirps and water splashes lightly,Duck Speech Animal,Y8VOibo9Q_Dc.wav,YPVvi2SDOjVc.wav +1139,A couple of whistling sounds one after another,Whistling,Yjlwe9jtu5Gw.wav,Y7JWHbs3gu1w.wav +1140,An fire engine sounds the siren as an engine idles and a man speaks,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",YwoadpeAGHUQ.wav,Y7cHRSfbp7tc.wav +1141,A baby cries and women speak,"Crying, sobbing Speech",Y6aWnK1GyeJY.wav,YCwxgQS3SXic.wav +1142,Men laughing with goat bleating in background,Sheep Bleat Speech,YeNG6fEiAE8c.wav,YZ3wDry8nnJs.wav +1143,Water splashes and a woman speaks,"Dishes, pots, and pans Speech",YlYhwCRX2wNc.wav,Y2ItTq2JShdU.wav +1144,A motorboat engine running and a man speaking,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",YdP5DbAzTl5M.wav,YBrPFQDr99Gg.wav +1145,Hissing followed by sewing machine running,Speech Sewing machine,Y86dNVnTwH6U.wav,Yy_OyLW9lBXU.wav +1146,Water splashing with some rustling and wind blowing,"Trickle, dribble",YdZDgJzGtLLU.wav,Yo_3MDLl_aH0.wav +1147,A voice on loudspeakers is drowned out by tires squealing and engines repeatedly revving,"Vehicle Speech Tire squeal Race car, auto racing Outside, urban or manmade",YLvhvAA11oxE.wav,Y9_YfTz8cnFY.wav +1148,Several loud pops with people cheering,Sheep Speech Animal,YwnqUgK_-fo4.wav,Y473wBEwC35M.wav +1149,A bell tolls followed by ticking,Tick-tock Tick,YCMUuelJFJ7Q.wav,Yh0M4RS8p_mo.wav +1150,An auto engine running loudly with some metallic sounds in the background,Idling Vehicle Car,YNmmbNqmsPaY.wav,YHdPSebdDxe4.wav +1151,Wind blowing hard and a loud humming engine,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",Y_duNX6Vyd6g.wav,Yktc_tJxw8sc.wav +1152,"The wind is blowing, a motor is buzzing and vibration is present, and an adult male is speaking in the background",Helicopter Speech,YjinJkonlrWc.wav,YAxd__X2rixk.wav +1153,A duck quacks followed by a man talking,Quack Duck Speech,YzIgGMlZENTs.wav,Yc0IggDOisOo.wav +1154,A police siren going off,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,YVeCSHwtkBZU.wav,YR4fXcbWFhJg.wav +1155,A door slamming shut,Door,YAgaiowyYt88.wav,YEp72tyiL3as.wav +1156,Music playing in the background followed by a woman speaking through a speaker as an electronic toy motor buzzes,Helicopter Speech,YLBe33dw9ezg.wav,Yek9Fsmm3xqk.wav +1157,Loud rustling and the chop of a helicopter blade,"Helicopter Speech Outside, rural or natural",YtfOIhQpYYe8.wav,Y0yETgW44MZU.wav +1158,A loud machine running,"Drill Tools Inside, small room",Y5I8lmN8rwDM.wav,YlVr-PxhZo8s.wav +1159,Boat motor idles then accelerates,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YR_g4RpU9mO0.wav,Y_GI7meqlYZk.wav +1160,A group of people talking in the background as compressed air sprays while a tin can rattles followed by a man talking,Spray Speech,Y1wW0YJQ-Xa0.wav,YjinJkonlrWc.wav +1161,A goat baaing as footsteps shuffle on foliage followed by a series of licking,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YkHIe4CfaccQ.wav,YB-gTt3_rceQ.wav +1162,A clock ticking as plastic clanks followed by a cuckoo bird cooing then music box music playing,Tick-tock Tick,YOxUVcZmeiyI.wav,YxUWSHYoslPQ.wav +1163,A helicopter engine running as wind blows heavily into a microphone,"Propeller, airscrew Vehicle Helicopter",YBOB65Nd0pXo.wav,YNeZerAPXR-A.wav +1164,A man speaks with wind blowing and buzzing of insects,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech Outside, rural or natural",YyhDw7PZje3g.wav,YB3O476LeuXY.wav +1165,An engine running continuously together with clanking,Sewing machine,YxbLW9Wt1Jsg.wav,YOVQMFBeCHq0.wav +1166,"Water drips and splashes, birds sing quietly in the distance","Trickle, dribble Water",YnLtNjMimLE0.wav,Y9F3sutgYTvo.wav +1167,A train running on railroad tracks drives by as a train horn blows several times alongside a railroad crossing signal ringing,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y3ndid3jni7M.wav,YMdlEswBfZMQ.wav +1168,Wood cracking as metal clanks and slams against a wooden surface,Door,YtJhVH3VIrnE.wav,YL_CNz9Vrtkw.wav +1169,A girl speaks while rain pitter-patters followed by male sneezing,Rain Rain on surface,YWqXFAY4k79s.wav,Y4fz0-Kx2oNs.wav +1170,A toilet flushing followed by a person speaking in the distance as birds chirp in the background,Toilet flush Water,YyRoKi7rhSRo.wav,YtTB0BK39JI8.wav +1171,A group of people laughing followed by a man talking then more laughter,Laughter Giggle Speech,Yb1PXsfgQw5w.wav,Yrp3CQsWxVgE.wav +1172,Leaves rustling as a leaf blower operates and wind blows into a microphone,Rustling leaves Vacuum cleaner,YSL3wB5sDcdw.wav,YxqtrbqDlz28.wav +1173,A man is speaking and a dog is barking,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal",Y3XuyGJqaXv8.wav,YlHh0SwUhP8U.wav +1174,"A man speaking, accelerating a vehicle","Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Speech Car",YB4SZwi9Ce3o.wav,YqPYwp1K4sZE.wav +1175,A woman speeches while cooks,Stir Frying (food),YxYwpABpZed4.wav,Y3xDZ-kdGE3o.wav +1176,A man speaks followed by a loud bursts and then laughter,"Explosion Burst, pop Speech",YSZ6CcXINiiE.wav,YnLtNjMimLE0.wav +1177,"An adult female speaks as a cat meows three times, and an electronic device plays in the background","Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Speech Animal",Y-NsC63dA01g.wav,Y4fz0-Kx2oNs.wav +1178,A woman whispering then yelling as an infant is crying followed by a man yelling,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YIsUG5SKWNZA.wav,YXIooZl1QdM4.wav +1179,A drilling sound with humming in the background,Drill Tools,Y2msevPMQB4M.wav,YBn4lc01q9vE.wav +1180,A child sings happily over the clattering of a running machine,Sewing machine,Y7MLERaOgK_Y.wav,Yne2DpKCIr4Y.wav +1181,A woman speaks followed by birds chirping,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YNlKlRKz8OKI.wav,Y9BukzlPNqC8.wav +1182,A power tool drilling followed by a man talking then wooden thump followed by a door closing shut,Drill Tools Power tool,YUhCzD6EBJBU.wav,YjjfUaMQaG1A.wav +1183,Pigeons are coo- cooing as a man is yelling for someone,"Bird Speech Pigeon, dove",Y3VHpLxtd498.wav,Y6ukYSXzfEgQ.wav +1184,A construction vehicle engine running and water splashing as wood crackles and snaps followed by electronic beeping and a man talking,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",Y6ZFU4PqXmoI.wav,YRNBoH2LHQEM.wav +1185,Vibrating followed by rapid gunshots with an airplane engine,"Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",Y11SEBDuoqSk.wav,YHdPSebdDxe4.wav +1186,Ducks quack and honk,"Bird Duck Livestock, farm animals, working animals",YnuZEAuAl8hQ.wav,YtB8TiiXwKmA.wav +1187,Sirens blaring from a vehicle passes by and starts to diminish in the distance,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,YOVQMFBeCHq0.wav,YECw5Yf7QoMo.wav +1188,Rubbing occurs while the electric motor runs,Tools Wood,YXz56Q2Q5j5c.wav,Yk4XyfaWVLEY.wav +1189,Thundering sounds while rain pours,Thunder,Y9z2OwpftxUE.wav,Y7bO0AJI-ihs.wav +1190,Rain pitter-patters as thunder rumbles,Rain Thunderstorm Thunder,YSGaIvgwwWSE.wav,YIJ6pm5Kns8A.wav +1191,A dog barking followed by a man talking as footsteps walk on grass while a pig oinks,"Bark Bow-wow Speech Dog Growling Animal Outside, rural or natural",YSNIaYhri76w.wav,Y3XuyGJqaXv8.wav +1192,Woman speaking with fly buzzing around,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YtmLAXm1WlnE.wav,YQOmV7O9mFwg.wav +1193,Men speak followed by laughing,Laughter Speech,YbUTOsLXYyxg.wav,Y6ukYSXzfEgQ.wav +1194,Humming of a powerful engine revving,"Engine Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YAj_VMUSNjNM.wav,Yific_gRalg0.wav +1195,Wind blowing and water splashes with a man speaking over a radio,"Boat, Water vehicle Waves, surf Wind Rowboat, canoe, kayak Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Y0_ogYGDGDco.wav,YVE6Ku0-ucUM.wav +1196,Vibrating and squealing form an engine,Vehicle Engine starting,YTOaQMYc79Mw.wav,YxBZnvfniA1c.wav +1197,Singing and music with faint gunshots,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",YAtkD-3GjXMw.wav,YnD1K1Zo0qrM.wav +1198,Woman laughs loudly as others chuckle as well,"Laughter Chuckle, chortle Snicker",YfK4QBQZ6i7w.wav,Y_oKXrY5Ff0g.wav +1199,Light wind with people screaming and engine running,Gurgling Speech,Yn4VktYihtJU.wav,YOpiWMltpj44.wav +1200,A man talking followed by another man talking through a megaphone as wind blows into a microphone and a vehicle engine runs,Clip-clop Speech Animal,Y14izd_i3ryE.wav,Yv59uHr-B1no.wav +1201,A man shouting as a stream of water splashes and a crowd of people talk in the background,Speech Waterfall Stream,YPZBUdlKwX04.wav,Y5t6tSW0yT40.wav +1202,A pig squeals and dogs bark followed by a man speaking,"Bark Bow-wow Speech Dog Growling Animal Outside, rural or natural",YSNIaYhri76w.wav,Y6ZwYgzcN6Is.wav +1203,A man snoring while someone chuckles in background,"Snoring Inside, small room",YhDMHIDJdfDA.wav,YJmWaRt8-u0s.wav +1204,A man laughs followed by a baby crying,"Laughter Crying, sobbing",Yh0M4RS8p_mo.wav,Y_ezm-TpKj1w.wav +1205,A dog barking and panting,"Bark Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal",YW7OJevEgq7w.wav,Y096oTVzc5Gs.wav +1206,Some rustling then silence then traffic passing in the distance with a cat meowing,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Animal",Y0_K6OKtoBBU.wav,YwVi5w_NU6CM.wav +1207,A vehicle engine revving as a crowd of people talk and whistle in the background,"Vehicle Speech Car Race car, auto racing",YlmPMhs-9IYE.wav,YItS07xtdi4s.wav +1208,A domestic animal meows,"Domestic animals, pets Meow",YjXkLS_QzUrI.wav,YEzWEO2WD_MM.wav +1209,A man is speaking while typing on a keyboard,Computer keyboard Typing Speech,Y0ury8KHQdL4.wav,YPRUfwpmYwJ8.wav +1210,Humming with coos of pigeons and brief distant speaking,"Bird Speech Pigeon, dove",Y3VHpLxtd498.wav,YkagkXkAVPNo.wav +1211,A woman speaks with some rustling and hissing,Spray Speech,Y9hxFqltp3xw.wav,YOr7umk40TZA.wav +1212,Frogs croaking together with a man speaking followed by rustling,Frog,YLvMA1Wcgu3w.wav,YJHhEjsAkZoc.wav +1213,A woman speaks with chirping frogs and distant music playing,Frog,YW4GEwnXc9tQ.wav,YzoxFl3pddMg.wav +1214,Plastic camera muffling followed by a ripcord being pulled then a motorboat engine starting up,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YsqWyxUObwkw.wav,Y4SZ7JXDCNps.wav +1215,Hissing and ticking with whistling of a horn,Steam whistle Steam Hiss,YC_ga5m6nOhI.wav,YLF6x7B0Ppvo.wav +1216,A fire siren with people talking,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Bus Speech",Y2ymiXjImwGs.wav,YaZAXO2WZn84.wav +1217,Birds chirping and water trickling,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YHxZADVzNIqs.wav,Y3hzy-FL24no.wav +1218,A person clapping followed by a dog barking then wood clanking as birds chirp and gusts of wind blow in the background,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",YptIksg9KEac.wav,YtjCNwdOUiGc.wav +1219,Speaking followed by water running,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YpO8kbg9IJnc.wav,YTWOgvDaDqlU.wav +1220,Male speaking and then laughter and applause,Applause,Y8BPTQO_cx7E.wav,Y2t82STv2GR8.wav +1221,A cat is meowing in a quiet environment,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Animal",Y2j8pxiFvElM.wav,YQKHpSAAjakY.wav +1222,An engine running,Truck Vehicle Car,Y9vZDsGjyh5M.wav,Yv59uHr-B1no.wav +1223,A vehicle accelerating and revving while tires are skidding,"Engine Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y9MgGaTbmc6g.wav,YdJYO3RbBabE.wav +1224,A man speaks as bees buzz in the background,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YZNEZLlDVgrE.wav,YE3Q1jfTeuWs.wav +1225,Man speaks followed by second man speaking then aircraft engine whines while starting,"Aircraft engine Engine Vehicle Speech Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YlX3k5p2I_g0.wav,YinSvboaSRwA.wav +1226,A man exhaling then gasping for air followed by talking and gurgling,"Burping, eructation Speech",Yeu5bq0A3XVQ.wav,YZsf2YvJfCKw.wav +1227,Hissing and clinking,Steam Hiss,YSE_3nszEw7o.wav,Yii3Geza3hAU.wav +1228,Typing on a keyboard is occurring in a quiet environment,Computer keyboard Typing,YJQz40TkjymY.wav,YxIztYnMIWUA.wav +1229,Loud humming with wind blowing,Aircraft engine Vehicle Speech Aircraft,YjYPU6aSDo88.wav,Y473wBEwC35M.wav +1230,Train horns honking as wind blows into a microphone while a group of people talk and an electronic beep repeatedly sounds during a vehicle engine running idle,Bus Vehicle Speech,YEcihYbSlyck.wav,YpHNMcX-9FDs.wav +1231,People speak followed by a loud air horn and people laughing,"Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Speech Inside, small room",YFJkvAMLmejY.wav,YK-7Y8yhcUiw.wav +1232,"Snoring occurs and then slight rustling, then an adult male speaks",Snoring Speech,YdYZSKX7vuRI.wav,YRNBoH2LHQEM.wav +1233,A woman speaks via a public address system,Horse Clip-clop Speech Animal,YD1Sy7kRoaR8.wav,YYk274Wr5iIE.wav +1234,A door creaking open followed by wind blowing and leaves rustling then a cat meowing,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Animal",Y0_K6OKtoBBU.wav,YfBYDJWChe5c.wav +1235,A man yelling very loudly while speaking,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech Speech synthesizer",YC4JwGJQ2dUA.wav,Ysl_Pxpc7beo.wav +1236,A man talking while another person talks in the distance as water trickles and birds chirp in the background,"Water tap, faucet Speech Inside, small room",YmVjub3o_IxE.wav,YQRtuOWWya30.wav +1237,A man speaks then a sudden explosion which is followed by smaller explosions and thunder,"Gunshot, gunfire Ship Speech",Y0qbHT34qTZE.wav,Y4lv9aLXtud0.wav +1238,A man talking followed by plastic clacking then a power tool drilling,Drill Speech,YjjfUaMQaG1A.wav,YWqXFAY4k79s.wav +1239,Splashing water with some rustling followed by a man speaking,Frying (food),YQRtuOWWya30.wav,YlJayhiVzl_E.wav +1240,A man talking as a man laughs then talks in the background while a horse snorts and trots,Clip-clop Speech Animal,YAKHZMg9ba30.wav,YNeWW30WZjPc.wav +1241,Wind with rain followed by thunder,Rustling leaves Wind noise (microphone),YESjMIqrvRj4.wav,Yc0IggDOisOo.wav +1242,A woman talking as a dog snorts followed by an air ventilation system running,Speech Dog Animal Whimper (dog),Y096oTVzc5Gs.wav,YUE3XnVFodMI.wav +1243,A faucet pouring water then turning off followed by water draining down a pipe,Gurgling,YrjUrB1WUpcI.wav,Y7P6lcyeDKNI.wav +1244,A man talking as goats baa while wind blows into a microphone followed by another goat baaing and a metal gate sliding,Goat Speech Animal,YCO6-i8NLbeo.wav,YnD1K1Zo0qrM.wav +1245,Water splashing followed by women speaking,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Bathtub (filling or washing) Water",YBn4lc01q9vE.wav,Y6aWnK1GyeJY.wav +1246,Water splashing as a baby is laughing and birds chirp in the background,"Laughter Splash, splatter",YoNHCc_izsDE.wav,YK2kIOBeCfuo.wav +1247,Small quick vibrations,Rustling leaves,Y4pv3w--cRrA.wav,YLvMA1Wcgu3w.wav +1248,A cat meows and hisses,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Caterwaul Animal",Y3ejndVEAcmQ.wav,YVeCSHwtkBZU.wav +1249,A man speaking as a muffled helicopter engine runs over an intercom before and after several gunshots firing followed by an electronic beep then radio static,"Gunshot, gunfire",Ybgbnu5YKTDg.wav,Y6ukYSXzfEgQ.wav +1250,A vehicle engine running idle then revving after two metal clicks,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y3fomsZXG3aM.wav,YGSHcgY6ATkQ.wav +1251,"A man speaks as an engine runs and wind rushes by, another man speaks over a loudspeaker",Clip-clop Speech Animal,Y14izd_i3ryE.wav,YPg2cWEnEEvc.wav +1252,Race cars are passing by,Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y22L_3pBa1AI.wav,YTtRtURWVYBE.wav +1253,An emergency vehicle sounds siren followed by a vehicle engine idling,"Ambulance (siren) Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",Y6TO9PEGpZcQ.wav,YkagkXkAVPNo.wav +1254,"Splashing, a baby laughs, then a woman laughs","Laughter Splash, splatter",YoNHCc_izsDE.wav,YUE3XnVFodMI.wav +1255,A man speaks with several loud explosions and deep booming whooshes,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",YIdBDl9Wr51A.wav,YAagLJkfrFMk.wav +1256,A vehicle engine is revving followed by a man speaking,"Engine Idling Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Speech Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y2KR0C5ysO8o.wav,Y0qbHT34qTZE.wav +1257,Low scratching groaning,"Crying, sobbing",Yktc_tJxw8sc.wav,YmW1EpJYcy_E.wav +1258,Speech followed by quietness and a man speaks and laughs,Sneeze Speech,Y-FW109cbv0g.wav,YL2dyilgQ8iM.wav +1259,Man talking with cranking noises in the background,"Beep, bleep Speech Microwave oven",Y3qrVku794u0.wav,Y4YodC6RnplI.wav +1260,"Outside noises of insects buzzing around, birds communicating and a man exchanging information with another man","Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",Y8DQfjqPCTI8.wav,Y6cyKp3EDm-0.wav +1261,Water is flowing and dripping then suddenly something is broken and birds are communicating in the background,Gurgling,Y8DLcBdC5UrE.wav,Y8b9z7N25DmU.wav +1262,A group of people screaming and laughing as firecrackers ignite then explode followed by a muffled explosion,"Explosion Eruption Burst, pop",YcPiSd5nJLrI.wav,YQOmV7O9mFwg.wav +1263,"Woman speaking, plastic container opening","Dishes, pots, and pans",Y4IeDBwyQ9ZQ.wav,YlJayhiVzl_E.wav +1264,A man talking then whistling,Whistling,YHdxfbpnd2-8.wav,Y4CAMv5nlr-0.wav +1265,Birds chirp followed by some clicking then gunshots,Duck,YlHh0SwUhP8U.wav,YhqPBcvex1VU.wav +1266,An engine idling and a man speaking,"Truck Vehicle Speech Outside, rural or natural",Yk1QxQ4jJaEQ.wav,Yg5l3Bz6lWnc.wav +1267,A man speaks with some mechanical humming and another man speaking faintly,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YwFiCblfZ-vg.wav,YMe4npKmtchA.wav +1268,A male voice talking followed by typing,Typing,YGSHcgY6ATkQ.wav,YROootH-mtEI.wav +1269,Heavy rainfall with a brief muffled thunder from outside,Rain Thunderstorm Thunder,YS8k47ME-YT4.wav,Yc3nlaAkv9bA.wav +1270,A pigeon cooing followed by bird wings flapping as wind blows into a microphone,"Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",YnU-AI3Cmc3M.wav,YDc2WEiRk0rA.wav +1271,The rhythmic and repeated ticktock of a clock,Tick-tock,YSNy_axSCoyw.wav,YBLMWD6fxhpo.wav +1272,An engine running,"Aircraft engine Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",Ybpv_LneHmfU.wav,Yo7jW6Suyfbs.wav +1273,A railroad horn sounds repeatedly,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y3Sml1wHcuxo.wav,Y14izd_i3ryE.wav +1274,Repeated scraping,Wood,YKJhGuhNHToA.wav,Y3rna9zo5ZOs.wav +1275,A toilet flushing,Toilet flush,YAagLJkfrFMk.wav,Y3rna9zo5ZOs.wav +1276,An engine chugging slowly followed by the engine revving,"Motorcycle Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YG3YO2unWz7k.wav,YCBwXKOpJY_o.wav +1277,Rain pitter-patters as thunder cracks and the wind blows,Rustling leaves Wind noise (microphone),YESjMIqrvRj4.wav,YEQVWhHmT_cE.wav +1278,A helicopter blades running,Helicopter,Yram-QPKSQYc.wav,Y4KObP7cREWw.wav +1279,Humming of a revving idling engine with people speaking in the distance,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Speech Car",Y_ezm-TpKj1w.wav,YV4PLSw_WzVw.wav +1280,A man speaking with frying food and stirring sounds,Speech Frying (food),YMOxddxW5PXs.wav,Y6Pywt0f_NFY.wav +1281,Water splashes and people scream and speak and laugh,Stream,Y8nUqSYC66mI.wav,YD4s5aHrsBgs.wav +1282,An infant crying followed by a man laughing,"Baby cry, infant cry",Y14ekd4nkpwc.wav,Ydkiwn2FdDVw.wav +1283,A car door slamming shut as a vehicle engine is running idle then revving,Engine Vehicle Car,Y4KObP7cREWw.wav,YLvhvAA11oxE.wav +1284,Road traffic with engines followed by a shrill car alarm then whistles and several loud car horns blaring,Motor vehicle (road) Motorcycle Vehicle Car,Yi2yhbckq3p0.wav,Y1ed87LLY97k.wav +1285,"An adult female speaks, water runs from a faucet and splashes, and then the adult female speaks again","Water tap, faucet Speech Inside, small room",YrE6BJ0Bo4w4.wav,Y3qTL7QRk-tg.wav +1286,Buzzing sound with click and clack in background,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YzFzPOsOKog4.wav,YgwQMkQmBITE.wav +1287,A motorcycle engine is idling,"Motorcycle Thump, thud Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",Ym_NCf-q4Gn0.wav,YtaYKM1OSTwE.wav +1288,Doves cooing quietly,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room",Ye2rScj9UyMs.wav,YeNG6fEiAE8c.wav +1289,Sizzling and a female speaking,Stir Frying (food),YmUGmCSNETcg.wav,YJdFmMw0zyKA.wav +1290,A train horn blowing multiple times as a train runs on railroad tracks while a man and a young kid talk in the background alongside birds cooing in the distance,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train",Y2ceUOv8A3FE.wav,Y8o-Y4QP8LWs.wav +1291,Man speaking water moving in background,Stream,YXamQAY_WXRY.wav,Y6dLkgq9EKPE.wav +1292,Railroad crossing signal followed by a train passing and blowing horn,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Yq3SEOW2m4WY.wav,YNwoBDrTlbTI.wav +1293,Something sprayed and popped with people laughing,"Burst, pop",YQv1HXaT-28U.wav,YHVz-FJBf_iM.wav +1294,"A crowd is applauding, an adult female speaks, the crowd laughs, claps and whistles, and then another adult female begins to speak",Applause Speech,YPkmpxrsidZM.wav,Yq46VXJ6JN9M.wav +1295,A man speaks followed by a popping noise and laughter,"Burst, pop Speech",YVE6Ku0-ucUM.wav,YYIqpIjjee00.wav +1296,Pigeons coo and flap their wings,"Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",YgkWd1HugK2w.wav,Y1_z6NcidGzM.wav +1297,Typing on a keyboard is ongoing in a quiet environment,Computer keyboard Typing,YJQz40TkjymY.wav,YC4JwGJQ2dUA.wav +1298,Wood lightly shuffling as insects buzz and birds chirp in the background,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect",Yg5l3Bz6lWnc.wav,Y-R69Fa-mCaY.wav +1299,Several cats meowing followed by a man singing,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Animal",YU3CAjsm1sec.wav,YrE6BJ0Bo4w4.wav +1300,A group of children talking as a man talks over an intercom while a large truck engine runs followed by compressed air releasing,Truck Vehicle Speech,YDNtF_mGzQes.wav,YFJkvAMLmejY.wav +1301,Auto driving quickly past engine sound fading,"Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Race car, auto racing Car passing by",Yo7-X8DAToGc.wav,Y9z8XIRyUq9Q.wav +1302,A loud thunder cracking,Thunder,YEp72tyiL3as.wav,YggN4-K5AgoM.wav +1303,Humming of a loud powerful engine starting and speeding into the distance,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YnLZeG9LaLgw.wav,Y7fmOlUlwoNg.wav +1304,"A quiet ticking sound at regular intervals, interval shortens near the end, and a man coughs quietly",Tick-tock Tick,YpTJKJxaheI8.wav,YTwR8BA6buMI.wav +1305,Mechanical noises followed by pigs oinking and a man talking,Speech Oink,YSoO1HhaEc9Q.wav,YtTB0BK39JI8.wav +1306,"A man speaks, and a crowd applauds",Applause,YS0YE96w0YRk.wav,Yc0V_HAul7rI.wav +1307,A woman speaking on a microphone as a kid yells in the distance with periodic audio static clicks,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y-CcGuq0yoKo.wav,Yf8WPf5F22xI.wav +1308,Male speech and then a burp,"Motor vehicle (road) Burping, eructation Vehicle Speech Car",YMvHpNzDpC6Q.wav,YDt53UZgyznE.wav +1309,Man speaking then a faint clicking noise,Wood Speech,Y3wrdPAeqjVI.wav,YfGGYeXR_LS8.wav +1310,A vehicle engine works and then a man talks,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",Y6ZFU4PqXmoI.wav,Y9_YfTz8cnFY.wav +1311,Engine running and revving,Engine Vehicle Car,Y4KObP7cREWw.wav,YnLZeG9LaLgw.wav +1312,A vehicle horn honking a melody,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car Outside, urban or manmade",Yrp3CQsWxVgE.wav,YS0YE96w0YRk.wav +1313,A sprayer sprays with low machine noise in the background,Spray,Y5t6tSW0yT40.wav,Y7-HCqJFwHoI.wav +1314,A man speaking on a microphone,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",YC8kR19NvynA.wav,YbmEF-c-M174.wav +1315,A whirring motor run uninterrupted,Helicopter,Yyau2WIRkxb8.wav,YAR8-MVl_Mf8.wav +1316,"A horse walks while an adult male speaks, an adult female speaks briefly, and roosters are crowing in the distance",Horse Speech Animal,YFfUqv0Vv3ME.wav,YNtQiduPRiRg.wav +1317,"A telephone rings repeatedly, with some buzzing in the background",Ringtone Telephone Telephone bell ringing,YxIztYnMIWUA.wav,Ynq0BF9zGkzg.wav +1318,Wind blowing and waves crashing with people speaking,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Outside, rural or natural",YglAeihz0NAM.wav,YSePTNAN7s-w.wav +1319,A man is speaking with hissing background noises,Hiss,Y3ghVB-KaU_E.wav,YdZDgJzGtLLU.wav +1320,A man speaks followed by a digital beep,"Beep, bleep Speech Inside, small room",Yj1AiqT5oHZc.wav,YHg6HxylRGDo.wav +1321,A woman talking as water trickles followed by porcelain dishes clanking,"Dishes, pots, and pans Speech",YlYhwCRX2wNc.wav,Y0G7rb74R-2A.wav +1322,Continuous spraying up and down,Spray,YDc2WEiRk0rA.wav,YtjCNwdOUiGc.wav +1323,Wind and then a short ambulance siren repeats several times,Emergency vehicle Siren Police car (siren),YAFgGoY8Ihhg.wav,Y9ucb5HYO8ps.wav +1324,A man speaking into a microphone,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y1OyEgzXCkYE.wav,Ypgq2KPX5_SA.wav +1325,Female speaking and a dog barking,Bark Bow-wow Dog,YHZ9O6sc7cLA.wav,YNJEPbGVBJIQ.wav +1326,A female speech and laughing with running water,"Speech Stream Outside, rural or natural",Y6ZwYgzcN6Is.wav,YztSjcZNUY7A.wav +1327,A person sneezes and coughs,Sneeze,YTQr9v-PQOc4.wav,YE3D_z0aoUEg.wav +1328,Cats meowing and then wind,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Rustling leaves Animal Outside, urban or manmade",Y0On6-JiVwRs.wav,YHqnSyliKTKA.wav +1329,A man is speaking with crowd noise in the background,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y3rna9zo5ZOs.wav,YTWOgvDaDqlU.wav +1330,A click followed by loud burps and laughing from young girls,"Burping, eructation Speech",YBvw2gv1fcZw.wav,Y4_Cak7gvly4.wav +1331,A running train and then a train whistle,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y27HIamF8pKo.wav,YGE1aZSnPr2Q.wav +1332,A man speaking on a microphone followed by another man speaking on a microphone as a crowd of people laugh and cheer,Laughter Shout Speech,Y1L_OyngNZMA.wav,Y6BJ455B1aAs.wav +1333,Some rustling with a very high toned beep,Fire Wind Wind noise (microphone),Yh3UhoHIMfpw.wav,YQRtuOWWya30.wav +1334,"Engine working, beeping and a scraping","Beep, bleep",YA0E_UiD-fR4.wav,YQHfyKaOHSz4.wav +1335,A woman speaks followed by a dog barking,Bark Bow-wow Dog,YHZ9O6sc7cLA.wav,YKJhGuhNHToA.wav +1336,A group of people laughing followed by a young man talking,"Laughter Chuckle, chortle Speech",Yc0V_HAul7rI.wav,Y5rh5-MCjqq8.wav +1337,"A large volume of water is running, splashing and gurgling, a sneeze occurs, and two adult females speak",Stream,YzF3xXn6NTyU.wav,YN_s9F4CI_98.wav +1338,A man speaks then a small bird chirps,"Bird Domestic animals, pets Chirp, tweet",Yy-RSojxgkDo.wav,YCeRoaEcqUgM.wav +1339,A man talking while wood clanks on a metal pan followed by gravel crunching as food and oil sizzle,"Speech Frying (food) Inside, small room",Y_9mgOkzm-xg.wav,YWUpeplQr3A4.wav +1340,A toy helicopter flying,Helicopter,YVQnmlf2OsUg.wav,Y9_YfTz8cnFY.wav +1341,A series of metal clanks and rattling as a small motor operates and hums,Door Sliding door,Y3n05BjV7r7M.wav,YS_3aeOvniZc.wav +1342,A man is speaking as birds are chirping,Door,YOUUckswAaNI.wav,YlgwpIImXCWA.wav +1343,Tick took of a clock,Tick-tock,Y3wV3ST-c4PE.wav,YQt0_xTadAT0.wav +1344,Several pigeons cooing and flapping wings repeatedly,"Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",YgkWd1HugK2w.wav,Yk4XyfaWVLEY.wav +1345,An engine running and a male speaks,"Vehicle Speech Car Outside, urban or manmade Engine starting",YOTLtzk0W4zg.wav,YOr7umk40TZA.wav +1346,A motorboat driving by as water splashes followed by wind blowing into a microphone,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YCeRoaEcqUgM.wav,YPb6MqpdX5Jw.wav +1347,An aircraft engine running then slowing down after a plastic click,"Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft Outside, urban or manmade",Y1Og2TJ3bXW0.wav,YDlWd7Wmdi1E.wav +1348,A loud shrill followed by a power tool drilling and a man screaming while liquid pours and splatters,Drill,YWUpeplQr3A4.wav,YKOBkbROPv4c.wav +1349,Race car shifting gears,Vehicle Car Car passing by,Yg_P29ucKj78.wav,Y11SEBDuoqSk.wav +1350,"The wind is blowing, and a person is whistling a tune",Whistling,YuhSDBwVrEdo.wav,YIsUG5SKWNZA.wav +1351,Rain pouring heavily as gusts of wind blow and thunder roars in the distance,Rain Pink noise,Ye6jSpvTvfJ0.wav,Yjf4iyQPJSvk.wav +1352,Female speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YCM49C3RkzV8.wav,Y3XcIVh40pTI.wav +1353,A group of people talking and dinnerware clanking followed by quiet knocking on wood,Door Knock Speech,Y7cHRSfbp7tc.wav,YZsTZ7jqbd9M.wav +1354,Distant honking and humming of an engine as a car approached with a loud honk nearby,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car",Y-aYumc8KoXg.wav,Yw_Utn3CwAXE.wav +1355,Rapid gunfire and then male speech on a radio and more gunfire,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",YQoEal_hKz4Q.wav,Yir1XTdyt4IY.wav +1356,A woman talking followed by a young girl talking as a toilet flushes,Toilet flush Water,YSePTNAN7s-w.wav,YW7OJevEgq7w.wav +1357,An engine revving,"Vehicle Speech Car Race car, auto racing",YeUecAF626A8.wav,Ynq0BF9zGkzg.wav +1358,A helicopter engine and propellers,Vehicle Helicopter,YbIV3bJZpkgA.wav,YJmWaRt8-u0s.wav +1359,A crowd applauds,Applause Crowd,Y5eSRL3PRHzo.wav,YMBP4RcnwGZw.wav +1360,Bursts with groans and grunts,"Burst, pop",YWmDe2xbnSY4.wav,YpaetCbEqp2w.wav +1361,A bird whistling followed by a group of people softly talking then an electronic beep,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YBDpU2Qh77NE.wav,YC_ga5m6nOhI.wav +1362,Consistent ripping and tearing,Hiss,Y7RMpCCkQks0.wav,YfrOqlk0Wm5Y.wav +1363,"An old fashioned telephone ring occurs repeatedly, and buzzing is present in the background",Ringtone Telephone Telephone bell ringing,YxIztYnMIWUA.wav,YJC2ZrXzCX4Y.wav +1364,Waves crash against a shore,Stream,Y4eyY1w2QyM0.wav,Y2sZhC_mKeic.wav +1365,A cat meowing as wind blows into a microphone,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Rustling leaves Animal Outside, urban or manmade",Y0On6-JiVwRs.wav,YGE1aZSnPr2Q.wav +1366,An baby laughing,Laughter,Yd6gu2w19YQo.wav,YhFCmq9pCBbM.wav +1367,Several varying hisses,Spray,YXJba7pTbpD0.wav,Y0_ogYGDGDco.wav +1368,Hissing and chugging with brief muffled speech,Steam Hiss,Ycz0FSQDVBMw.wav,YcNARVD02-tw.wav +1369,"A woman speaks, and faucet water runs","Water tap, faucet Speech Inside, small room",YrE6BJ0Bo4w4.wav,YAxd__X2rixk.wav +1370,Buzzing nearby insects with men speaking,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YZNEZLlDVgrE.wav,YLbken4JCr94.wav +1371,Pigeons cooing followed by camera muffling,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Coo Pigeon, dove",Yd1tL-9BILy8.wav,Y3rna9zo5ZOs.wav +1372,Humming from loud engines with men speaking over the radio,Bus Vehicle Speech,Yz4MeV9IGVo0.wav,YTd2EEDdFlRY.wav +1373,A vehicle engine revving several times with a series of compressed air releasing and plastic pops,"Engine Whoosh, swoosh, swish Vehicle Car",YFi4-IqJo2xQ.wav,YBA-lFjpzad4.wav +1374,Spraying and hissing with some light vibrations,Spray,YIKnx3hJv1bs.wav,Y8b9z7N25DmU.wav +1375,Aircraft is in flight while the wind blows,Vehicle Helicopter Aircraft,YoOMtaqvQ3_M.wav,Ya0yXS7PmVR0.wav +1376,Men talking followed by an engine starting,Engine Mechanical fan Speech,Yr2KhpX_QgXA.wav,YBz9Y5nZK3eo.wav +1377,Humming of an engine with people speaking in the distance followed by hissing,Steam Hiss,YLP_DzNUkAKY.wav,YuJzAf4PaExI.wav +1378,A man speaks and a machine runs with a continued speech,Speech Sewing machine,YrJVXE6Axtrg.wav,YgW7s3YAthpI.wav +1379,Humming with some hissing and whistling,Steam Hiss,YaZAXO2WZn84.wav,YEcihYbSlyck.wav +1380,A woman talks briefly as several goats bleat including one that has high pitched bleats. A crunch is followed by a man speaking,Sheep Bleat Speech,Yazh_-OkQ-uI.wav,YZNEZLlDVgrE.wav +1381,A train running on railroad tracks followed by a train horn honking and railroad signal bells chiming,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y7JWHbs3gu1w.wav,YSQHYl2Kp5ww.wav +1382,Humming of a large truck engine with blowing wind,Truck Vehicle Speech,YhV4bDCBDCy0.wav,Y6ZwYgzcN6Is.wav +1383,Birds chirping and wind blowing in the background followed by a man talking then a goat baaing,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Sheep Animal",YBwnGxJD9xh8.wav,YTWOgvDaDqlU.wav +1384,A kid crying followed by a man talking,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YDt53UZgyznE.wav,YkVYNXZd0MMY.wav +1385,A woman is talking as food is frying,Speech Frying (food),YVjSEIRnLAh8.wav,YOTLtzk0W4zg.wav +1386,An idle vehicle engine running,Motor vehicle (road) Idling Vehicle,YyLu4b01t53k.wav,YSE_3nszEw7o.wav +1387,Footsteps followed by creaking and a man speaking,Door Speech,YU5ij0M7T-hk.wav,Y6TO9PEGpZcQ.wav +1388,A man talking as birds chirp in the background followed by a loud popping,"Bee, wasp, etc. Hammer Insect Fly, housefly",YiOCpICiu4LA.wav,Y3IScngdQA4I.wav +1389,Ocean waves crashing and water splashing followed by a bird cawing,Stream,Y4eyY1w2QyM0.wav,Yy-RSojxgkDo.wav +1390,"Water falling and a woman talks, coughs, then talks again while a man speaks in the background",Stream,YzF3xXn6NTyU.wav,Yg5l3Bz6lWnc.wav +1391,A cat meowing briefly,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Animal",YkOYg4ZtKcAs.wav,Ybpv_LneHmfU.wav +1392,"A loud motor begins to pick up speed, then cuts out and slowly stops",Vibration Speech,YUV1kdjwpy6U.wav,Ye6jSpvTvfJ0.wav +1393,A small child and woman speak with splashing water,Stream,YENTi8Sn4vdM.wav,YoiIi6H83Y38.wav +1394,Food and oil sizzling followed by a woman talking then plastic thumping,Frying (food),Ypaf0nyjg1Js.wav,YuhSDBwVrEdo.wav +1395,Birds chirping followed by whispering,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YBDpU2Qh77NE.wav,Yy1a8PntuXYw.wav +1396,Loud burps and laughter,"Burping, eructation",YLxu-3_h4kc4.wav,Y8GHLfJ6y6zA.wav +1397,Clip clops of a horse running by,Horse Clip-clop Animal,YAxd__X2rixk.wav,YQ0anPAIkfBE.wav +1398,Car horn and alarm blare simultaneously,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car",YoZaEHkfh5Eg.wav,YWqXFAY4k79s.wav +1399,A jackhammer operating,Drill Tools Power tool,Y4pf-PIymDhU.wav,Ycz0FSQDVBMw.wav +1400,Rockets igniting followed by an electronic beep then footsteps on concrete as idle vehicle engines run in the background,"Burst, pop Speech",YItS07xtdi4s.wav,Y7XXSOzDQ2z0.wav +1401,A toy helicopter flying by followed by muffled plastic clacking,Helicopter,Y5ORpSk5CIWc.wav,YUhCzD6EBJBU.wav +1402,A motorboat driving by as water splashes followed by wind blowing into a microphone,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YCeRoaEcqUgM.wav,Y-mhFGevxLUg.wav +1403,An insect buzzing as wood clanks twice followed by a person gulping then another insect buzzing and a person gulping proceeded by a guitar strumming while birds chirp in the background,Croak Frog,YQHfyKaOHSz4.wav,Y-EQByFLFqig.wav +1404,A train running on railroad tracks followed by a lawn mower engine running then a steam engine whistle blowing as a crowd of people are talking in the background,Steam Hiss,YaZAXO2WZn84.wav,YMkbP_8zJwXU.wav +1405,Engine running steadily,Engine Idling Medium engine (mid frequency),Y-nQHwrRLfc0.wav,YMj_BO-iK1G4.wav +1406,"Thunder claps and rain falls hard, splashing on surfaces",Rain Pink noise,Ye6jSpvTvfJ0.wav,Ysl_Pxpc7beo.wav +1407,An engine running followed by the engine revving and tires screeching,"Motor vehicle (road) Skidding Vehicle Speech Tire squeal Car Race car, auto racing",YyVjivgsU2aA.wav,YUCy1BEx8jBE.wav +1408,A sink is filling with water,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YhpDltmawxIM.wav,YH7rd9bZtbgc.wav +1409,A crowd of people talk then cheer and whistle as firecrackers pop in the background,Sheep Speech Animal,YwnqUgK_-fo4.wav,YSmdj6JFB9MQ.wav +1410,A man speaks followed by bursts of hissing,Spray Speech,YPRUfwpmYwJ8.wav,YwVi5w_NU6CM.wav +1411,Music playing through a television speaker followed by a series of plastic clicking while white noise hisses,"Water tap, faucet Pump (liquid)",YObWjGBJF_94.wav,Y2UNuMbxz9ds.wav +1412,Fire igniting as a motor runs followed by an electronic beep and vehicle engines running idle then car horns honking,"Burst, pop Speech",YItS07xtdi4s.wav,YtJhVH3VIrnE.wav +1413,The siren of an emergency vehicle sounds,Emergency vehicle Siren Police car (siren),Y_C2HinL8VlM.wav,YXIooZl1QdM4.wav +1414,A motorcycle engine starting up and revving as a man talks in the background,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,YoiIi6H83Y38.wav,Yn-JyOqYSLQM.wav +1415,"A man speaks, and a child speaks followed by laughter","Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YxBZnvfniA1c.wav,YP4qd8uodw_M.wav +1416,Drilling in operation with speech and thumping in the background,Drill Speech,Y9BukzlPNqC8.wav,Y-FW109cbv0g.wav +1417,A vehicle accelerating in the distance then driving by,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Y2JV3emH50XU.wav,YeqcdsdLz954.wav +1418,A few loud snores,Snoring,Y3XcIVh40pTI.wav,Yz1ax0QPpd14.wav +1419,White noise followed by clanking and then a toilet flushing,Toilet flush Water,Y3xDZ-kdGE3o.wav,Y_ezm-TpKj1w.wav +1420,Car engine accelerates and shifts gears,Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y0Rpjl1AO-P0.wav,YCvNAwby6Xos.wav +1421,A man laughing then a girl laughing during a loud power tool motor running,Laughter Speech,YNtQiduPRiRg.wav,Y473wBEwC35M.wav +1422,A person speaks with some whistling and typing with faint booms,Computer keyboard Typing Speech,Y8GHLfJ6y6zA.wav,YCBwXKOpJY_o.wav +1423,Wind blows hard and a motor hums in the distance,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Wind Wind noise (microphone)",Y9xoYx3lTJ9I.wav,YSoO1HhaEc9Q.wav +1424,Drums and music playing with a man speaking,Sizzle,Yg6CY7qvu81k.wav,YnLtNjMimLE0.wav +1425,A man speaks followed by glass breaking and people laughing,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",YEQVWhHmT_cE.wav,Y3wV3ST-c4PE.wav +1426,Wind noise followed by a tapping noise while people are talking in the background,"Burst, pop Speech",Y-AheI8Epim4.wav,YQ3vkJMVMbC8.wav +1427,A helicopter is in flight,Vehicle Helicopter,YbIV3bJZpkgA.wav,YMdlEswBfZMQ.wav +1428,Repeated scraping on two different surfaces,"Crumpling, crinkling",YrgrmLLhxoCQ.wav,YmYQrjcYNrW0.wav +1429,An ambulance siren with rain,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,YOVQMFBeCHq0.wav,YMSziND26UTA.wav +1430,Laser followed by a gun shot,Tick-tock,YL6rnV0oNIII.wav,YoOMtaqvQ3_M.wav +1431,A maniacal laugh followed by a crying baby,"Laughter Crying, sobbing",Yh0M4RS8p_mo.wav,YinSvboaSRwA.wav +1432,Metal clanking followed by plastic rattling as compressed air is spraying while a crowd of people talk in the distance,Spray,Yn-JyOqYSLQM.wav,YBoe3MeEpn_c.wav +1433,Whistling followed by a child giggling and then Moe whistling,Whistling Speech,YXPebkNzsnRI.wav,Y1L_OyngNZMA.wav +1434,Footsteps running on a hard surface followed by liquid spraying then an animal growling as static plays in the background,Spray,Y8OTd45_6cvY.wav,Yi1u_2eZYYlE.wav +1435,Plastic tapping as a person is snoring,Snoring Snort Speech,Ya_Rjlu50TfA.wav,Y-oy0BkpMGAk.wav +1436,Water makes gurgling sound,Gurgling,YKJKHDKKW3XU.wav,YZsf2YvJfCKw.wav +1437,A person speaks and a cat growls,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Caterwaul Speech Animal",Y6cS0FsUM-cQ.wav,Y7bO0AJI-ihs.wav +1438,A rumbling sound followed by a spray of liquid and a man speaking,Spray Speech,YmaVYiednkSg.wav,YR8bHTHnF8j4.wav +1439,Several church bells ringing,Bell,YZUmZgPL0ges.wav,Y6ukYSXzfEgQ.wav +1440,"The wind is blowing, an aircraft motor is running, and whirring and the beating of propellers are ongoing","Propeller, airscrew Vehicle Helicopter",YBOB65Nd0pXo.wav,YsI7_ycEYzAY.wav +1441,Gurgling and splashing water,Gurgling,YKJKHDKKW3XU.wav,YUmNrhFKpWIY.wav +1442,Bees buzz as a man sings in the background followed by dogs howling,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YMSziND26UTA.wav,YGIOApFAWDOc.wav +1443,Humming followed by some rattling and a woman speaking then slow vibrations of a sewing machine,Speech Sewing machine,YCYUlLTKoa1Y.wav,YbUTOsLXYyxg.wav +1444,A train engine operating,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",Y2ItTq2JShdU.wav,YdYvL6uEMl6E.wav +1445,"A boat motor runs fast and water splashes at regular intervals, then it fades and the wind is blowing","Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YCeRoaEcqUgM.wav,YSNIaYhri76w.wav +1446,High frequency humming followed by a smack,Drill,YEzWEO2WD_MM.wav,YTtRtURWVYBE.wav +1447,Beeping sound with person talking in the background,"Beep, bleep Alarm Speech",Y5QZ0NtdoKJ8.wav,YK_Vre_-4KqU.wav +1448,Humming of a loud engine with a woman speaking over a loudspeaker,Bus Vehicle Speech,YGPj8h-WcjWs.wav,Yvsy1IpYmrSY.wav +1449,A young girl talks followed by another young girl laughing then a young man yelling as a river stream splashes and flows with a crowd of people talking in the background,"Boat, Water vehicle Waves, surf Wind Wind noise (microphone)",Y3RultJjvTWI.wav,YMVGhC-xB79s.wav +1450,A man screaming followed by slamming against a metal object proceeded by a man talking cardboard tumbles on a hard surface as a truck engine runs idle in the background,Door Slam Speech,YAR8-MVl_Mf8.wav,Yb1PXsfgQw5w.wav +1451,Wind blowing hard followed by breathing and faint quacks,Duck Animal,YJTHMXLC9YRs.wav,YawxrHOpt-sE.wav +1452,An infant and a woman laughing followed by a person spitting then a woman talking,Laughter Speech,YmWqH2xwjkYA.wav,YK8-b0VtNOqA.wav +1453,"Birds are chirping, rustling and thumping are ongoing, a crow caws in the distance, and then four knocks on wood occur",Wood,YDrCm-HpX67k.wav,YdlsiellSFf0.wav +1454,A helicopter flying with wind heavily blowing into a microphone,Vehicle Helicopter Aircraft,YoOMtaqvQ3_M.wav,Yo7-X8DAToGc.wav +1455,Metal clanking and hammering in the distance followed by police sirens sounding,Emergency vehicle Siren Police car (siren),Y_C2HinL8VlM.wav,YAf4a-9rcnP0.wav +1456,A loud static plays continuously,Thunder,Y_iUX8CibElk.wav,YSGaIvgwwWSE.wav +1457,Some light clicks followed by a man speaking and water splashing,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YpO8kbg9IJnc.wav,Y5xC4hkAWiao.wav +1458,An aircraft engine running as a crowd of people talk in the background,"Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YEUZaxaWqhwg.wav,YOUUckswAaNI.wav +1459,A series of train horns honking as birds chirp and a man talks in the background,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train",Y2ceUOv8A3FE.wav,Yii3Geza3hAU.wav +1460,A high pitched bell rings rapidly,Bell,Y7D7xgd4WJ50.wav,YBMayJId0X1s.wav +1461,Food and oil sizzling followed by steam hissing as a man talks and light rock music plays in the background,Sizzle,YZY4aGEniU_E.wav,YtdpiXW68adA.wav +1462,Applause and some muffled speech,Applause,YTaQKhIRwii4.wav,Y1IoHRTUp86c.wav +1463,A baby whining and crying,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YhqPBcvex1VU.wav,YB8rdur4aams.wav +1464,A man speaks over a loudspeaker with a crowd talking in the distance and dogs barking,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal",Y3XuyGJqaXv8.wav,YfrOqlk0Wm5Y.wav +1465,Dialing on a phone using touch tone dialing followed by a loud thump noise,Telephone,Yj_NSuPnx5LA.wav,Ykdflh3akyH8.wav +1466,Metal clacking followed by a door closing as water trickles then a toilet flushing,Toilet flush Water,Y3xDZ-kdGE3o.wav,Y473wBEwC35M.wav +1467,A low loud hum gets lower followed by an explosion,"Explosion Burst, pop",YatmDP_fmK_8.wav,Yorgwzt45ojE.wav +1468,A woman speaks with some rattling and some spraying,Spray Speech,Y9hxFqltp3xw.wav,YQt0_xTadAT0.wav +1469,"Snoring is ongoing, while an adult female laughs and an adult male speaks",Snoring Speech,YDn3buZWMzwY.wav,Y3rna9zo5ZOs.wav +1470,Humming followed by faint cracking oinks and a man speaking,Speech Oink,YSoO1HhaEc9Q.wav,Yii3Geza3hAU.wav +1471,Insects buzzing followed by rattling and rustling,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YP12nvSpKXcs.wav,YsqsI2UyrcBQ.wav +1472,Door opening and sliding,Door,YLCwSUVuTyvg.wav,YHVz-FJBf_iM.wav +1473,A child is speaking followed by a door moving,Door Sliding door Speech,YEfk5kdn9lR8.wav,YxYwpABpZed4.wav +1474,Waves coming against the shoreline,Stream,YfPqj3nnwQOI.wav,Ykx6Rj4MDIAw.wav +1475,"Female speech, a toilet flushing and then more speech",Toilet flush Speech,YSmdj6JFB9MQ.wav,YxUWSHYoslPQ.wav +1476,Male speech and a bug buzzing,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech",Y5YzNSjmZ3Wg.wav,Y-FW109cbv0g.wav +1477,Birds chirping repeatedly,"Bird Domestic animals, pets Chirp, tweet",YZTYAQBnU4GM.wav,Y6i5eQOpFk_U.wav +1478,A toilet flushing,Toilet flush Water,YFc9pG54DDJM.wav,Yhmd6pa2e_rs.wav +1479,An engine running and then tires squealing and a car accelerates,"Skidding Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YbX2vDaHL26U.wav,YOFVzrakJhbw.wav +1480,Bells ringing repeatedly,Bell,YZUmZgPL0ges.wav,YHUwXtfYRFwk.wav +1481,Puppies whining with some rustling and bird chirp,"Domestic animals, pets Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",YpHNMcX-9FDs.wav,Y3wrdPAeqjVI.wav +1482,"Two adult females speak in the foreground while muted speech occurs in the background, and an infant begins to cry","Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YR91bUbtKrRs.wav,Y3Sml1wHcuxo.wav +1483,A motorboat engine running,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YqF72bT878gw.wav,YI_vN_BFUr0Y.wav +1484,Bubbles gurgling and water spraying as a man speaks softly while crowd of people talk in the background,"Trickle, dribble Water Speech",YMe4npKmtchA.wav,Y4_Cak7gvly4.wav +1485,An engine hums as it idles and a man speaks,"Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Outside, urban or manmade",YQKHpSAAjakY.wav,Yj1AiqT5oHZc.wav +1486,Goats bleating and a man speaking,Goat Speech Animal,Yvigslb0kClE.wav,Y2ItTq2JShdU.wav +1487,"Distant, muffled murmuring together with an engine running continuously and light wind","Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",Y1a2XWJ8NA_Q.wav,YvfNKduToki4.wav +1488,"People are speaking while an engine is running, and an emergency vehicle sounds horn",Emergency vehicle Siren Police car (siren) Vehicle Speech Car,Ym8wV38lf2jg.wav,YzEM94PH29VQ.wav +1489,Cracking and banging,Door,YtJhVH3VIrnE.wav,Yk1QxQ4jJaEQ.wav +1490,"An engine is revving up, the driver is making it louder by giving it more gas","Vehicle Speech Tire squeal Race car, auto racing Outside, urban or manmade",YLvhvAA11oxE.wav,YzFzPOsOKog4.wav +1491,Male and female speech and then water running,"Water tap, faucet Speech",YcNARVD02-tw.wav,YMtK8L8gXRrI.wav +1492,A stream of water flowing as the wind blows,Stream,YfPqj3nnwQOI.wav,YKtinboYbmHQ.wav +1493,Gurgling and splashing water,Gurgling,Y1PvMtRIlZNI.wav,YAtkD-3GjXMw.wav +1494,A series of doors sliding open as gusts of wind blows and glass clanks,Door,YLCwSUVuTyvg.wav,Y7XUt6sQS7nM.wav +1495,Young children giggling and laughing,Laughter Baby laughter,Ycr0GiZr0TNY.wav,Y4pv3w--cRrA.wav +1496,Male speaking then typing computer keyboards,Typing,YRrmBGjJqlEo.wav,Ye2rScj9UyMs.wav +1497,An engine running and muffled speech,Helicopter Speech,YjinJkonlrWc.wav,YB8rdur4aams.wav +1498,"An adult male speaks, a bird chirps harshly, and then the adult male and an adult female speak","Bird Domestic animals, pets Chirp, tweet",Yy-RSojxgkDo.wav,Y22L_3pBa1AI.wav +1499,A toilet flushing and water trickling,Toilet flush,YZsf2YvJfCKw.wav,Y1vCYiVvZ7VE.wav +1500,An engine running and a male speech,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle Speech,YvEWmHtiznF8.wav,Y-NsC63dA01g.wav +1501,A cat is meowing,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Animal",YkOYg4ZtKcAs.wav,YHVz-FJBf_iM.wav +1502,Footsteps shuffling followed by compressed air spraying then plastic camera muffling as birds chirp in the background,Spray,Yq46VXJ6JN9M.wav,YHZ9O6sc7cLA.wav +1503,A man talking and plastic clicking as a vehicle engine accelerates,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Speech Car",YB4SZwi9Ce3o.wav,YK2kIOBeCfuo.wav +1504,A man talks outside while several other men join in the conversation,"Spray Speech Outside, urban or manmade",Yq1ivQ_2fddk.wav,YSmdj6JFB9MQ.wav +1505,Compressed air and steam releasing with a man faintly talking in the background,Steam Hiss,YdmUOSyPXkUw.wav,YF7QtqKtllK0.wav +1506,An aircraft engine operating as wind blows into a microphone,"Aircraft engine Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft Outside, urban or manmade",YNDaVSIJaXVs.wav,Y_BSmz3SEW1w.wav +1507,Hum of a loud engine with several horns honking,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Speech Car",YkagkXkAVPNo.wav,YbmEF-c-M174.wav +1508,A man speaking followed by typing on a keyboard,Typing,YGSHcgY6ATkQ.wav,Y2t82STv2GR8.wav +1509,Music plays along with whistling,Whistling,YD4s5aHrsBgs.wav,YIPfaRF76gVU.wav +1510,A train horn honking as a train runs on railroad tracks and birds chirping,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Train whistle Rail transport Train Vehicle Outside, rural or natural",Y0yETgW44MZU.wav,Y6cS0FsUM-cQ.wav +1511,"Metal clanking occurs momentarily, then a flush occurs and water splashes and gurgles",Toilet flush Water,YHVz-FJBf_iM.wav,YeNG6fEiAE8c.wav +1512,Waves roll in and a man speaks,Gurgling Speech,Y4abZbau8tZo.wav,YUjje3lSabsg.wav +1513,Wind blowing and leaves rustling followed by plastic clicking and wind blowing into a microphone,Rustling leaves,YJ0yeFeKvIt8.wav,YAgaiowyYt88.wav +1514,Insects buzzing as a man speaks while birds chirp and wind blows into a microphone,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Speech",YqakN0JNbpcU.wav,YnmLMLgWPmFM.wav +1515,"Water is splashing, people are talking","Boat, Water vehicle Waves, surf Wind Rowboat, canoe, kayak Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Y0_ogYGDGDco.wav,Yp_BB_rJaF7Q.wav +1516,A train horn honks as a train speeds past,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Yq3SEOW2m4WY.wav,YXZTt1xdK8uQ.wav +1517,The hiss of spraying,Spray,YIKnx3hJv1bs.wav,Y3ghVB-KaU_E.wav +1518,Continuous rain falling on surface,Rain Raindrop Rain on surface,YbAqgL5dCQOE.wav,Yne2DpKCIr4Y.wav +1519,Praying with mechanical noise in background,Spray,Ya0yXS7PmVR0.wav,Ynq0BF9zGkzg.wav +1520,A man talking as gusts of wind blow followed by an aircraft flying by,"Aircraft engine Vehicle Speech Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YVOXl8iR-HnI.wav,Y_BSmz3SEW1w.wav +1521,"Thunder claps, and hard rain falls and splashes on surfaces",Rain Thunderstorm Thunder,YS8k47ME-YT4.wav,YBz9Y5nZK3eo.wav +1522,Wind followed by splashing of water,Gurgling,Y8DLcBdC5UrE.wav,YYflmW68gL4E.wav +1523,A young man whispering followed by a horn honking then a group of people laughing while someone claps,"Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Speech Inside, small room",YFJkvAMLmejY.wav,Y7XXSOzDQ2z0.wav +1524,A power tool drill operating followed by compressed air releasing and steam hissing,Drill Tools,Y2msevPMQB4M.wav,YNeWW30WZjPc.wav +1525,A man speaking as wind is blowing into a microphone and an insect buzzes while another man talks in the background,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech",YWLzzpzOKtnY.wav,YnuZEAuAl8hQ.wav +1526,A radio playing in the background followed by a vehicle engine accelerating,"Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Ye4ph6bIC5zc.wav,YLF6x7B0Ppvo.wav +1527,Children laughing with intermittent hissing,Laughter Baby laughter,Ycr0GiZr0TNY.wav,YAWGnTI0e2Fs.wav +1528,Bus pulling up to a stop with distant voices in background,"Bus Vehicle Speech Outside, rural or natural",Y8b9z7N25DmU.wav,YnuZEAuAl8hQ.wav +1529,Dogs barking repeatedly,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",Y40cuHrYfaqA.wav,YF7QtqKtllK0.wav +1530,A loud distorted belch followed by a series of burping,"Burping, eructation",YARFFw0e_jig.wav,YbIiiIo20PsY.wav +1531,A man speaking then hissing,Cat Meow,YPLHXGDnig4M.wav,YPuLuZ_TXv-0.wav +1532,Laughter and a female speaking and then a male vocalizing a sneezing sound,Laughter Speech,Y_AcJVyToQUQ.wav,Y7P0N61TVOxE.wav +1533,A man speaking as insects are buzzing and wind is blowing into a microphone,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech",YbIiiIo20PsY.wav,YRp4Ct_TQvAM.wav +1534,Birds chirp as an object strikes a surface,"Bird Domestic animals, pets Chirp, tweet",Yoklu5ZJD_2U.wav,Ypaf0nyjg1Js.wav +1535,A sewing machine running as a steam hisses followed by a machine motor sharply running in the background,Sewing machine,YKtTLsveexOg.wav,Y4CAMv5nlr-0.wav +1536,Consistent muffled thunder,Thunder,Y9z2OwpftxUE.wav,Y4eyY1w2QyM0.wav +1537,Aluminum cans clanking followed by compressed air spraying as plastic rattles while a crowd of people talk in the distance,Spray,Yn-JyOqYSLQM.wav,YwbPmnxCLoRQ.wav +1538,A woman speaks followed by the applause of a crowd,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y32565FEuksc.wav,YWHRnyGXcdy8.wav +1539,Plastic bonking as metal shuffles and clanks while a motor engine hums in the background,Sewing machine,YxbLW9Wt1Jsg.wav,Y86dNVnTwH6U.wav +1540,Continuous wind and surf,"Boat, Water vehicle Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Y0fMXnvD38zI.wav,YtfOIhQpYYe8.wav +1541,Several puppies yapping,Growling Animal Whimper (dog),Ykdflh3akyH8.wav,YjYPU6aSDo88.wav +1542,Male speaking and then applause,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y4YMXgLFcR94.wav,Y6eX6bJOFftA.wav +1543,Laughing and a puppy barking,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal",Y8IdCiapDYCU.wav,Y6BJ455B1aAs.wav +1544,A quiet whirring of an airplane,"Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft Outside, urban or manmade",Y1Og2TJ3bXW0.wav,YDlWd7Wmdi1E.wav +1545,A woman is speaking as food is frying and sizzling,Sizzle Frying (food),YQ87LBiwJjTE.wav,YglAeihz0NAM.wav +1546,A tool running and a male vocalizing,Drill,YAMQei29haCw.wav,YAagLJkfrFMk.wav +1547,"Hissing spray is ongoing and an adult male speaks in the foreground, while several adult males speak in the background","Spray Speech Outside, urban or manmade",Yq1ivQ_2fddk.wav,YdYvL6uEMl6E.wav +1548,Birds chirping loudly,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YGMP8m09j5vk.wav,YVE6Ku0-ucUM.wav +1549,An infant yelling as a young boy talks while a hard surface is slapped several times,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YfsBR7e_X_0Y.wav,YwbPmnxCLoRQ.wav +1550,"Hissing spray is occurring, and liquid is pattering on a surface",Spray,YDc2WEiRk0rA.wav,Ylq9RvAA4mqY.wav +1551,Male speaking and birds chirping,Door,YOUUckswAaNI.wav,Yj1AiqT5oHZc.wav +1552,A man speaking followed by another man speaking in the background during audio static,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YwFiCblfZ-vg.wav,Yo_3MDLl_aH0.wav +1553,Brief murmuring followed by a vehicle passing by,Motor vehicle (road) Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Car passing by,YBA-lFjpzad4.wav,YlTJLvSvjUZk.wav +1554,A man talks while a motor vibrates nearby,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle Speech,YTdl9SmBbRnA.wav,YinQOrxc_oZo.wav +1555,Male speech and then growling followed by male speech,"Burping, eructation",YHdPSebdDxe4.wav,Y7XXSOzDQ2z0.wav +1556,Ocean waves crashing and water trickling,Stream,YfPqj3nnwQOI.wav,YRfGapDlAYoQ.wav +1557,A man talking during footsteps on leaves as birds chirp in the background.,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech",YZsTZ7jqbd9M.wav,YRtenf2XSXRc.wav +1558,A vehicle engine accelerating and revving,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YsqsI2UyrcBQ.wav,Y31WGUPOYS5g.wav +1559,An engine revving and then skidding tires,"Skidding Vehicle Tire squeal Race car, auto racing",YKOBkbROPv4c.wav,YLvhvAA11oxE.wav +1560,A man speaking as a truck engine runs idle,"Truck Vehicle Speech Outside, rural or natural",Yk1QxQ4jJaEQ.wav,Y096oTVzc5Gs.wav +1561,A duck quacking followed by a dog whimpering then glass tapping as a film projector runs while birds chirp in the background,Bird Duck Dog Animal,Ya3GzZKxUTy8.wav,Y3XcIVh40pTI.wav +1562,Bees buzz while two men talk followed by a sniffle,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",Y8DQfjqPCTI8.wav,YWUyeFOyKIg0.wav +1563,A clock ticking,Tick-tock,YSNy_axSCoyw.wav,YkXjzsroVTtw.wav +1564,People speak with wind blowing and distant hums of traffic,"Female speech, woman speaking Hubbub, speech noise, speech babble Speech",YMBP4RcnwGZw.wav,YptIksg9KEac.wav +1565,A horse trotting,Horse Clip-clop Animal,YAxd__X2rixk.wav,Yorgwzt45ojE.wav +1566,A man speaks followed by a toilet flush,Toilet flush Speech,Y_z6pymOet7g.wav,YUAmDLPjNyMg.wav +1567,A baby cries and a young child speaks,"Crying, sobbing Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YbJMMp6PLKqM.wav,YwbPmnxCLoRQ.wav +1568,"An adult male speaks while birds chirp, slight rustling and brief buzzing occur, and emergency vehicle sirens are blaring in the distance","Bee, wasp, etc. Speech",YZsTZ7jqbd9M.wav,YDNtF_mGzQes.wav +1569,A nearby insect buzzes with nearby vibrations,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech",Y5YzNSjmZ3Wg.wav,Y32565FEuksc.wav +1570,Humming of an engine with people speaking,Speech Stream,YnmLMLgWPmFM.wav,YkOYg4ZtKcAs.wav +1571,Pigeons coo and flap their wings,"Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",YgkWd1HugK2w.wav,Y3qTL7QRk-tg.wav +1572,A whoosh effect followed by a woman talking then a man talking proceeded by another man talking over a radio as guitar music plays in the background,"Beep, bleep",YrPkCYq4Zjwk.wav,YTWOgvDaDqlU.wav +1573,Vibrating and humming of a power tool,Drill Tools Power tool,YtB8TiiXwKmA.wav,YptIksg9KEac.wav +1574,Birds are chirping followed by a low vibrating noise,"Bird Domestic animals, pets Chirp, tweet",YZTYAQBnU4GM.wav,Y1FNJbN-eHY4.wav +1575,A woman mumbling followed by an infant crying,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YhqPBcvex1VU.wav,Y14izd_i3ryE.wav +1576,An emergency siren blaring steadily,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",YwoadpeAGHUQ.wav,Y3fomsZXG3aM.wav +1577,A passing train clacking with a long horn blowing,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",YKVbmN9ZRg5Q.wav,YWCYfCfW9NA0.wav +1578,"Man speaking, swords clash, monstrous voice speaks","Whoosh, swoosh, swish",YIdBDl9Wr51A.wav,YL6rnV0oNIII.wav +1579,Metal clanking and gears cranking as steam hisses,Steam Hiss,YpHYkWkZ4guE.wav,YggN4-K5AgoM.wav +1580,"Waves crashing, birds chirping lightly and a brief musical tone","Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Ygbi6MxPf3hA.wav,YCO6-i8NLbeo.wav +1581,A woman crying followed by a man talking,"Crying, sobbing Speech",YtdpiXW68adA.wav,Y-NrFeH-kBSM.wav +1582,Squealing and whimpering with some rustling followed by a man speaking,"Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Domestic animals, pets Animal",Yi6MQCm58zlY.wav,Y2ceUOv8A3FE.wav +1583,Steam hissing followed by a series of metal levers cranking then more steam hissing,Steam Hiss,YpHYkWkZ4guE.wav,Y-SkjbQVgJ0M.wav +1584,A motor engine running and buzzing as a train horn blows followed by a group of men groaning aloud,"Train Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Outside, urban or manmade",Y0UJtGcoPYa0.wav,Y3ue0gJM0THk.wav +1585,A group of children talking and laughing as a woman is speaking followed by a young boy speaking,"Chuckle, chortle Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YMdlEswBfZMQ.wav,YVkbp8VmL3pM.wav +1586,Wind blows and a small bird chirps,"Bird Domestic animals, pets Duck Outside, rural or natural",YMkbP_8zJwXU.wav,YqZEIs6tS5vk.wav +1587,"A truck revs up and moves, then men talk",Truck Vehicle Speech,Y9E8BmPZ9mWc.wav,Y6i5eQOpFk_U.wav +1588,Hissing with some faint bangs,Hiss,Y1ed87LLY97k.wav,YBzHTqyX69pI.wav +1589,Pigeons are making coo and shrieking sounds,"Pigeon, dove Animal Inside, small room",Yx5AH2gW_8S4.wav,YPuLuZ_TXv-0.wav +1590,A male voice and then drilling,"Drill Tools Speech Inside, small room",YFDwK7T1JO_0.wav,YpHNMcX-9FDs.wav +1591,A man talks and then whistles,Whistling,YHdxfbpnd2-8.wav,Y1wW0YJQ-Xa0.wav +1592,Dogs are whimpering,"Domestic animals, pets Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",YpHNMcX-9FDs.wav,YRdC8cviN6Bs.wav +1593,Birds chirping and bees buzzing,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YYqYCDis3EUA.wav,Y63KW_EQ72yU.wav +1594,A bus is tooting the horn,Bus Toot Vehicle,YmYQrjcYNrW0.wav,Y30D1tqNFHMc.wav +1595,A helicopter flying,Helicopter,Yram-QPKSQYc.wav,Yi6MQCm58zlY.wav +1596,"A man is speaking, and a crowd applauds","Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",YBrPFQDr99Gg.wav,YJp64Whpr3BA.wav +1597,"An adult female speaks, an insect buzzes, the adult female laughs, and then an adult male speaks","Insect Mosquito Fly, housefly",YqWYncqPSy9A.wav,Y8Zo30kV5aiI.wav +1598,A vehicle accelerating then driving by as gusts of wind blow and leaves rustle in the distance,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Y2JV3emH50XU.wav,YvaujJ7msKfc.wav +1599,Water splashing and birds chirping,Duck Speech Animal,Y8VOibo9Q_Dc.wav,YnlC4UI4hZ60.wav +1600,A female speech and then a toilet flushing followed by a female speech.,Toilet flush Water,YSePTNAN7s-w.wav,YTtRtURWVYBE.wav +1601,Continuous rainfall,Rain Rain on surface,YRk-ujWKzPuc.wav,Y7-HCqJFwHoI.wav +1602,A woman talking followed by another woman talking as a goat is baaing,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Speech Animal",YzwoqJY03yHE.wav,YnU-AI3Cmc3M.wav +1603,"Burping occurs, and several young adult females laugh and speak","Burping, eructation Speech",Y9ucb5HYO8ps.wav,YAI1OweEW8C0.wav +1604,A bus horn honking as wind is blowing into a microphone before a bus drives by,Bus Toot Vehicle,YmYQrjcYNrW0.wav,YXf5LjaE_JQ0.wav +1605,Humming sounds from a distance,Thunder,Y_iUX8CibElk.wav,YEBCH7TPgiPc.wav +1606,A car engine revving,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Y4SZ7JXDCNps.wav,Y86dNVnTwH6U.wav +1607,Fireworks pop and explode,"Burst, pop Fireworks",YcK2kSVR1d2o.wav,YwBs02amFGXs.wav +1608,"A man is vocalizing something while kids are talking in the background and music is being played, with a helicopter flying overhead","Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",Y6eX6bJOFftA.wav,Ye6jSpvTvfJ0.wav +1609,A man delivering a speech with some faint static buzzing,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech Speech synthesizer",YC4JwGJQ2dUA.wav,Yl5KdHAWwJCw.wav +1610,A man and a woman communicates with thunder and rain in the background,Thunder,Ydxow2DcTrwk.wav,YI_8KqxP5xOA.wav +1611,Several loud pops followed by one woman laughing and another speaking,Rain Rain on surface,YWqXFAY4k79s.wav,Y1FNJbN-eHY4.wav +1612,Rustling with footsteps and people briefly gasping,Door Speech,Y8ZH_PoK0clI.wav,Y_oKXrY5Ff0g.wav +1613,A person snores,Snoring,YF7QtqKtllK0.wav,Y3VHpLxtd498.wav +1614,A man speaks followed by loud snoring,Snoring Speech,YVZLZ08k3YeA.wav,Y_xylo5_IiaM.wav +1615,Large church bells ringing,Bell,Y2t82STv2GR8.wav,YYQSuFyFm3Lc.wav +1616,Typing on a computer keyboard,Computer keyboard Typing,YJQz40TkjymY.wav,Yo7-X8DAToGc.wav +1617,Two men communicating with each other followed by plastic clacking then a power tool drilling as wind softly blows into a microphone,"Drill Tools Speech Inside, small room",YFDwK7T1JO_0.wav,Y2msevPMQB4M.wav +1618,Church bells ringing during audio static,Bell,Y-DmjkgWa-rw.wav,YpWQeV08kYR0.wav +1619,Thunder roars in the distance as rain falls,Rain Thunderstorm Thunder,YLbken4JCr94.wav,YSZ6CcXINiiE.wav +1620,An infant crying together with speech,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",Yy_OyLW9lBXU.wav,YeNG6fEiAE8c.wav +1621,Aircraft engine and loud background roar,"Aircraft engine Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft Outside, urban or manmade",YNDaVSIJaXVs.wav,Yjj2RyNDj7no.wav +1622,Ducks quacking and birds chirping followed by a rooster crowing as a crowd of people talk,Quack Duck Speech Animal,YDzKjogSVOLM.wav,Y6Pywt0f_NFY.wav +1623,A man speaks followed by another man screaming and rapid gunshots,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",Yp9qRTh4BmSE.wav,YE3D_z0aoUEg.wav +1624,Rain falls and distant thunder roars with nearby faint clip-clops of a horse,Thunder,YPb6MqpdX5Jw.wav,Yo7jW6Suyfbs.wav +1625,A group of male are singing while a river is flowing,Gurgling Stream,Y3qTL7QRk-tg.wav,Ybpv_LneHmfU.wav +1626,A person is typing on a keyboard with some ruffling,Computer keyboard Typing,YuY4fe5DT1gI.wav,YQOmV7O9mFwg.wav +1627,A person burping followed by a group of people talking and laughing with a man talking in the foreground,"Burping, eructation Speech",YrbO727iF03I.wav,Y9dLLsZVRSZI.wav +1628,A vehicle horn is repeatedly tooting followed by a passing engine rumble,Bus Toot Vehicle,YmYQrjcYNrW0.wav,YEp72tyiL3as.wav +1629,An engine running and muffled speech,Helicopter Speech,YjinJkonlrWc.wav,YJTHMXLC9YRs.wav +1630,"Glass clinks, thumps occur, and then silverware clatters","Cutlery, silverware Dishes, pots, and pans",Y8ipe6b1LwHQ.wav,YdmUOSyPXkUw.wav +1631,Young people laughing and speaking,Bus Vehicle Speech,YQOmV7O9mFwg.wav,Y8ycflE3dIHw.wav +1632,Aircraft engine revs and creates propeller which,"Propeller, airscrew Engine Idling Accelerating, revving, vroom Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y3ue0gJM0THk.wav,YzEM94PH29VQ.wav +1633,A power tool drilling followed by plastic clanking,Drill,YEzWEO2WD_MM.wav,Ym_U506sf9p4.wav +1634,Rain and thunder,Rain Thunderstorm Thunder,YSGaIvgwwWSE.wav,Y9E8BmPZ9mWc.wav +1635,Paper tearing followed by an electric motor buzzing before more paper tears than crinkles as bells chime proceeded by a toilet flushing,Toilet flush Water,YrUq4w4EUSWA.wav,YZTYAQBnU4GM.wav +1636,A vehicle moving over pavement with loud horn honking noise,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Outside, urban or manmade",Ysl_Pxpc7beo.wav,YCchRf2jq6fc.wav +1637,Multiple gun shots woman screaming,"Gunshot, gunfire",Y9ZZHvwaH-CU.wav,YfGGYeXR_LS8.wav +1638,A man talking as an idle truck engine runs,"Truck Vehicle Speech Outside, rural or natural",Yk1QxQ4jJaEQ.wav,Ygr5Zss89yLQ.wav +1639,"Helicopter blades spin with a humming engine, loud booms, and a man speaking over the radio",Helicopter Speech,Y5ye0X5saadg.wav,YU3CAjsm1sec.wav +1640,An aircraft accelerating as gusts of wind blow followed by fiber glass clanking while an emergency siren goes off in the background,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Yhzn_wGlzGpU.wav,YpPLisQ_QXxw.wav +1641,Plastic crinkling followed by a woman talking then cardboard shuffling,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YkEP-BwMarf8.wav,YNDaVSIJaXVs.wav +1642,An adult female is speaking in a quiet environment,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YEvZ3jOMYWxk.wav,Ygbi6MxPf3hA.wav +1643,Female speech and sizzling,Sizzle Frying (food),Y5G6b_QWL3nY.wav,YA0E_UiD-fR4.wav +1644,Compressed air spraying multiple times as a man is talking with faint metal clanging in the background,Spray Speech,YPRUfwpmYwJ8.wav,YUCy1BEx8jBE.wav +1645,A person speaking and various laughter and clapping,Applause Speech,YK2kIOBeCfuo.wav,Y3ue0gJM0THk.wav +1646,Humming and sputtering from an idling engine,Idling Engine starting,YB3O476LeuXY.wav,Y3rna9zo5ZOs.wav +1647,"Very strong wind is blowing, and leaves are rustling on the trees",Rustling leaves Wind noise (microphone),YG0IsabU5hn4.wav,YLvhvAA11oxE.wav +1648,A man speaks and people laugh and clap,Applause,YS0YE96w0YRk.wav,YYflmW68gL4E.wav +1649,A vehicle engine revving and squealing tires,Motor vehicle (road) Skidding Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y-oy0BkpMGAk.wav,YUjje3lSabsg.wav +1650,Music plays as a woman speaks while a frog croaks followed by girl and boy speaking,Frog,YW4GEwnXc9tQ.wav,Y0On6-JiVwRs.wav +1651,Kids laughing then talking followed by a young man talking as wind blows into a microphone,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Outside, rural or natural",YglAeihz0NAM.wav,YA61Mry8zBwE.wav +1652,"An adult male speaks, and a crowd laughs and then cheers and applauds",Applause Speech,YK2kIOBeCfuo.wav,YWUpeplQr3A4.wav +1653,A person whistling as wind blows lightly into a microphone,Whistling,YuhSDBwVrEdo.wav,Ye9MWXS34o48.wav +1654,Insects buzzing as a man is talking.,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Speech",YKnXNy5Q6YS4.wav,Y5eSRL3PRHzo.wav +1655,A woman is speaking followed by a horse braying and speech from a crowd,Horse Speech Animal,YwNiYSYJXssA.wav,YxbLW9Wt1Jsg.wav +1656,A toilet flushes and a door creaks as it opens,Toilet flush Water,Yw_Utn3CwAXE.wav,YnD1K1Zo0qrM.wav +1657,A man speaking over an intercom as a crowd of people applaud,Clip-clop Speech Animal,YA61Mry8zBwE.wav,Y8F-ndyrEWJ8.wav +1658,"Several people talk as a few dogs bark, birds chirp and wind rustles","Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal",Y0yxEvdnimGg.wav,YSoO1HhaEc9Q.wav +1659,"A woman shrieking and laughing, followed by a man laughing in the background, and a woman speaks a few words","Laughter Speech Inside, small room",YNeZerAPXR-A.wav,YcN-oYKd-M4E.wav +1660,A male speaking and shoes squeaking after a swoosh,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",YrvtA7c1I4xo.wav,YglAeihz0NAM.wav +1661,A tapping noise followed by a person dialing the keys on a telephone,Telephone,Yj_NSuPnx5LA.wav,Yc6YJgZ3qzOw.wav +1662,"A motor vehicle engine is running, two adult males speak, two burps occur, and person laughs","Motor vehicle (road) Burping, eructation Vehicle Speech Car",YMvHpNzDpC6Q.wav,YXi6V0LGvqoo.wav +1663,Screaming and a big explosion and then screaming,"Explosion Eruption Burst, pop",YcPiSd5nJLrI.wav,YkLYCjD6vWI4.wav +1664,A male speaking over a microphone,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y1OyEgzXCkYE.wav,Y-NrFeH-kBSM.wav +1665,A man talking as water splashes and gurgles and a motor engine hums in the background,Stream,YXamQAY_WXRY.wav,Y52IxrdTxGs4.wav +1666,"Soft clicking and electronic beeping is ongoing, while a large engine approaches, a train horn blows, and clattering occurs","Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Yq3SEOW2m4WY.wav,YUCy1BEx8jBE.wav +1667,A man delivers a speech while another man is speaking then audience claps,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",YECw5Yf7QoMo.wav,YalaxBd_EEUc.wav +1668,A man speaks with rain falling and thunder cracking,Rain Thunder Rain on surface,Y-EQByFLFqig.wav,YUmNrhFKpWIY.wav +1669,"A man is speaking as birds are squawking, and a dog barks",Bird Bow-wow Speech Animal,YDlWd7Wmdi1E.wav,YZ3wDry8nnJs.wav +1670,A man speaking as well as an engine idling in the background,"Truck Vehicle Speech Outside, rural or natural",Yk1QxQ4jJaEQ.wav,Y-EQByFLFqig.wav +1671,Squealing and rustling with a man speaking,"Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Domestic animals, pets Animal",Yi6MQCm58zlY.wav,YLs2vrr9TamU.wav +1672,Clicking and sputtering then eventual revving of an idling engine,"Motorcycle Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YG3YO2unWz7k.wav,YfBYDJWChe5c.wav +1673,"Light, intermittent hissing",Spray,YI_8KqxP5xOA.wav,YXplKBvZaHXA.wav +1674,A man talking as a person is snoring,Snoring Speech,YyL3gKa6YLoM.wav,YdmUOSyPXkUw.wav +1675,A man narrating followed by another man speaking then speaking through a television speaker,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y0jGH7A_hpBM.wav,YB-gTt3_rceQ.wav +1676,A man talking as pigeons coo and bird wings flap,"Bird Speech Pigeon, dove Inside, large room or hall",Yorgwzt45ojE.wav,YVOXl8iR-HnI.wav +1677,Wind blowing and people speaking with distant humming,Bus Vehicle Speech,YtwFypUcdgRc.wav,YKJhGuhNHToA.wav +1678,Heavy footsteps walking on a hard surface followed by a man grunting then two explosions,"Explosion Burst, pop Groan",Yos_2U4xqTqw.wav,YBLMWD6fxhpo.wav +1679,An infant crying,"Baby cry, infant cry",YFKaJsvcyHTk.wav,YFXdoNvmrYxo.wav +1680,A girl talking followed by a man then a young boy talking as a bird chirps in the background,"Insect Speech Outside, rural or natural",YFXdoNvmrYxo.wav,Yx5AH2gW_8S4.wav +1681,Footsteps walking on snow during camera muffling as wind blows into a microphone,Rustling leaves Wind noise (microphone),YL2dyilgQ8iM.wav,YSoO1HhaEc9Q.wav +1682,An engine hums and then revs,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y3fomsZXG3aM.wav,YSCow4mpBsGY.wav +1683,A man talking as a woman talks in the distance while light music is playing followed by a guitar strumming and footsteps walking on gravel,Sizzle,YTd2EEDdFlRY.wav,YlX3k5p2I_g0.wav +1684,Footsteps shuffling on a hard surface followed by a person snoring,Snoring,YCxaPpRJRkn0.wav,Y79XDcI6xZm0.wav +1685,A man talking on loudspeakers along with an idling truck and a bustling crowd,Truck Vehicle Speech,YDNtF_mGzQes.wav,YMPLZUg89y5U.wav +1686,A woman speaking rapidly,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YC9NC7wJ7C3w.wav,YHZ9O6sc7cLA.wav +1687,A woman talking as a cat meows,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Speech Animal",Y-NsC63dA01g.wav,YnLtNjMimLE0.wav +1688,Running and splashing water,"Trickle, dribble Water",YnLtNjMimLE0.wav,YjOYvIISk--4.wav +1689,A short beep sounds and people talk far away,"Beep, bleep",YWU3qB7gf6ao.wav,YHg6HxylRGDo.wav +1690,A loud belch followed by male human voices,"Burping, eructation Speech",YrbO727iF03I.wav,YOVQMFBeCHq0.wav +1691,Chirping of birds with wind blowing,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",Y6pssFJ0m-kU.wav,YG3YO2unWz7k.wav +1692,Door opening with woman faintly speaking,Door Speech,Y8ZH_PoK0clI.wav,YsI7_ycEYzAY.wav +1693,Static sounds are vibrating along with snoring,"Snoring Inside, small room",YK03ydb1uaoQ.wav,Y8BPTQO_cx7E.wav +1694,A man speaks as water splashes,Stream,YXamQAY_WXRY.wav,YrUq4w4EUSWA.wav +1695,Several birds chirp with trickling water followed by booms of drums,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YHxZADVzNIqs.wav,YDc2WEiRk0rA.wav +1696,Someone coughs as a spray can be being used,Spray Speech,Y1wW0YJQ-Xa0.wav,YYflmW68gL4E.wav +1697,Low humming and vibrating with a spray and a man speaking,Spray Speech,YmaVYiednkSg.wav,Y8o-Y4QP8LWs.wav +1698,A man yelling in the distance followed by two girls shouting as a motorboat engine runs and water sprays while wind blows into a microphone,Gurgling Speech,Yn4VktYihtJU.wav,Y-oy0BkpMGAk.wav +1699,The loud idling of a machine,"Vehicle Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",YK_Vre_-4KqU.wav,YLBe33dw9ezg.wav +1700,Engine revving louder and louder than eases down,"Engine Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YAj_VMUSNjNM.wav,Ye4ph6bIC5zc.wav +1701,A sewing machine operating several times followed by gears cranking as a man is talking,"Speech Sewing machine Inside, small room",YCvNAwby6Xos.wav,Ya_Rjlu50TfA.wav +1702,Several motorcycle engines running and revving as a man talks in the background,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,YpI_kPedctoo.wav,YtdpiXW68adA.wav +1703,A woman is speaking briefly in a quiet environment,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y54eRRbCtPn8.wav,Yy93cZqNCtks.wav +1704,A man talking as birds are chirping alongside dirt and gravel shuffling followed by an animal squeaking,Frog,Yp_BB_rJaF7Q.wav,Y_xylo5_IiaM.wav +1705,A woman talks as a baby cries,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YztSjcZNUY7A.wav,YxQDq3A4Zfbo.wav +1706,Vibrations from a sewing machine with clicking,Sewing machine,YMj_BO-iK1G4.wav,Yu84FiZ_omhA.wav +1707,A bus is traveling on the road,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle Car,YHUwXtfYRFwk.wav,Yg5l3Bz6lWnc.wav +1708,A sewing machine running briefly,Sewing machine,YJp64Whpr3BA.wav,YPg2cWEnEEvc.wav +1709,An engine of a vehicle is starting,Engine Vehicle Car Medium engine (mid frequency) Engine starting,Y350OCezayrk.wav,Y0jGH7A_hpBM.wav +1710,A train sounds horn and travels,Train horn Train Vehicle,Y0a9wVat2PWk.wav,YK03ydb1uaoQ.wav +1711,A man speaks as music plays followed by footsteps,Sizzle,YTd2EEDdFlRY.wav,YdYZSKX7vuRI.wav +1712,A man speaking followed by snoring,Snoring Speech,YyL3gKa6YLoM.wav,YniwgMbB6tpQ.wav +1713,Brief silence followed by wood shuffling on a stone surface,Wood,YKJhGuhNHToA.wav,Yktc_tJxw8sc.wav +1714,Wind and water splashing and trickling,Rain,YYk274Wr5iIE.wav,YK_Vre_-4KqU.wav +1715,Vibrations from an engine as a car speeds past,Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y22L_3pBa1AI.wav,YBOB65Nd0pXo.wav +1716,Floor sweeping and a man then a woman talking in the background followed by horses neighing,Horse Speech Animal,YK8-b0VtNOqA.wav,Y0qbHT34qTZE.wav +1717,Motor vehicles are driving with loud engines and a person whistles,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YYQGW5AwDOIo.wav,Y6Pywt0f_NFY.wav +1718,"Footsteps and scuffing occur, after which a door grinds, squeaks and clicks, an adult male speaks, and the door grinds, squeaks and clicks shut with a thump",Door Speech,YU5ij0M7T-hk.wav,YRp4Ct_TQvAM.wav +1719,A car horn honks and echoes,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Outside, urban or manmade",Ysl_Pxpc7beo.wav,YARFFw0e_jig.wav +1720,A train passes by followed by a horn,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y8ycflE3dIHw.wav,YglAeihz0NAM.wav +1721,A vehicle horn honking,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car Outside, urban or manmade",YPVvi2SDOjVc.wav,Y_iUX8CibElk.wav +1722,Small child crying followed by the child blowing their nose,"Crying, sobbing",YpaetCbEqp2w.wav,YA2mcp0N__7U.wav +1723,"A woman and a child is communicating, and birds chirp","Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YBUAPM4D3-h8.wav,YJhGp7HmRQxg.wav +1724,Strong wind is blowing while leaves are rustling,Rustling leaves Wind noise (microphone),YG0IsabU5hn4.wav,Yh5_1pnkl_SY.wav +1725,A man speaks while another speaks on top as well followed by clapping,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",YECw5Yf7QoMo.wav,Y2JV3emH50XU.wav +1726,Birds chirping with insects buzzing and outdoor ambiance,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YyVVLq4ao1Ck.wav,YmUGmCSNETcg.wav +1727,Water flowing and splashing from a faucet with a man speaking,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YqeSl7YZAfs4.wav,Y8ycflE3dIHw.wav +1728,Dry scraping and scratching,"Crumpling, crinkling",YrgrmLLhxoCQ.wav,YBoe3MeEpn_c.wav +1729,A series of synthesized laser effects,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",YynHdcJ9Oqaw.wav,Y8ZH_PoK0clI.wav +1730,A click occurs and then a woman speaks followed by a sewing machine stitching,Speech Sewing machine,YxpZna_FwDhI.wav,Y3wV3ST-c4PE.wav +1731,Sirens ring as a vehicle passes,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,Y8Zo30kV5aiI.wav,Y5iTRKJqUIw8.wav +1732,"The chirping of birds, interrupted by a rustling sound, and a buzzing fly","Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YYqYCDis3EUA.wav,YDrCm-HpX67k.wav +1733,"A woman speaks briefly, and a muffled engine rumbles","Vehicle Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",Y1IoHRTUp86c.wav,Yt1hj7se76wQ.wav +1734,Food sizzling with some knocking and banging followed by a woman speaking,Speech Frying (food),YVjSEIRnLAh8.wav,YZ1Cyj4N05lk.wav +1735,Running water and distant speech,Rustling leaves Speech,YXQxIXaX_7M0.wav,YTWOgvDaDqlU.wav +1736,A series of plastic clicking as muffled rock music plays and audio static hisses in the background,"Water tap, faucet Pump (liquid)",YObWjGBJF_94.wav,Y4abZbau8tZo.wav +1737,"A motor vehicle engine starter grinds, and a mid-size engine starts up and idles smoothly",Engine Vehicle Car Medium engine (mid frequency) Engine starting,Y350OCezayrk.wav,Y3ndid3jni7M.wav +1738,Clicks of weapons being loaded followed by a gunshot and a clink then a man speaks,"Gunshot, gunfire",Y-NrFeH-kBSM.wav,YIvfaKPDWC00.wav +1739,Footsteps shuffling followed by a wooden door softly opening then a clock ticking,Tick-tock,Y4ftDFi4684Y.wav,YlJayhiVzl_E.wav +1740,Two men talking on a microphone as a crowd of people laugh and applaud,Laughter Shout Speech,Y1L_OyngNZMA.wav,YZ-SIyOChVh8.wav +1741,Male snoring loudly,Snoring,YCxaPpRJRkn0.wav,YGMP8m09j5vk.wav +1742,Horses trotting while wood clanks several times as a woman talks and birds chirp in the background alongside wind blowing into a microphone,Horse Speech Animal,YeYbFtxZmKL4.wav,Yh0M4RS8p_mo.wav +1743,Engine idling consistently,Truck Vehicle Car,Y9vZDsGjyh5M.wav,YJHhEjsAkZoc.wav +1744,A woman talking followed by plastic thumping then metal clanking as food and oil sizzles,Sizzle Stir Frying (food),Ym_U506sf9p4.wav,YObWjGBJF_94.wav +1745,A man talking as another man speaks through a megaphone as wind blows into a microphone and a vehicle engine runs,Clip-clop Speech Animal,Y14izd_i3ryE.wav,YrtgVoZCcBw8.wav +1746,A female voice speaking on a microphone,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y-CcGuq0yoKo.wav,YpI_kPedctoo.wav +1747,A helicopter is flying,Vehicle Helicopter,YIhvXtS9-IxM.wav,Y9dLLsZVRSZI.wav +1748,Gravely sound with women voice in background,Frog Speech,YcFHFVGOtp6g.wav,YfmEft49sPfE.wav +1749,A woman speaks with nearby buzzing of insects,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YtmLAXm1WlnE.wav,YSGaIvgwwWSE.wav +1750,Chirps and croaks of different frogs near and far,Frog,Yv59uHr-B1no.wav,YeRU-rABp8nk.wav +1751,An aircraft is moving with low speech of people talking,"Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YEUZaxaWqhwg.wav,YjjfUaMQaG1A.wav +1752,Males speaking and birds chirping,Door,YOUUckswAaNI.wav,YAtkD-3GjXMw.wav +1753,A man shouts followed by rapid gunfire,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",Yp9qRTh4BmSE.wav,YPRUfwpmYwJ8.wav +1754,Continuous snoring,"Snoring Inside, small room",YhDMHIDJdfDA.wav,YjXkLS_QzUrI.wav +1755,"A vehicle is driving, and a horn is honking","Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car",Y-aYumc8KoXg.wav,Y4CAMv5nlr-0.wav +1756,A man talks as a vehicle engine runs idle,"Vehicle Speech Car Outside, urban or manmade Engine starting",YOTLtzk0W4zg.wav,YriM7b5bJ9KQ.wav +1757,Female speech and water trickling,"Trickle, dribble Water Speech",YPTyFYxXdut4.wav,YgQMTOKsCIyk.wav +1758,A car horn blows amid road noise,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car",YpPLisQ_QXxw.wav,Y9BGLAUSF0sk.wav +1759,Two woman speaking then a baby crying,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YR91bUbtKrRs.wav,Y0G7rb74R-2A.wav +1760,Soft drilling noise,Drill Speech,Y9BukzlPNqC8.wav,Y0Dt-pH0pW-Y.wav +1761,Typing on a computer keyboard for a few seconds,Computer keyboard Typing,YBz9Y5nZK3eo.wav,YOVQMFBeCHq0.wav +1762,A bus engine running as leaves rustle and a kid talks in the distance,Bus Vehicle Speech,Yk4XyfaWVLEY.wav,YWUyeFOyKIg0.wav +1763,A woman and a young boy talking as water splashes and a group of kids yell in the distance,Stream,YENTi8Sn4vdM.wav,Y0a9wVat2PWk.wav +1764,Scraping and hissing with some light knocks,Steam Hiss,YpHYkWkZ4guE.wav,Y4xrL4TSgHwU.wav +1765,An engine revs several times,"Engine Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YAj_VMUSNjNM.wav,YBA-lFjpzad4.wav +1766,Strong gusts of wind are followed by cheers and shouts from several people plus the chatter of girl,Gurgling Speech,Yn4VktYihtJU.wav,Y5I8lmN8rwDM.wav +1767,Vibrations from a sewing machine followed by clicks and a man speaking,Speech Sewing machine,YhxbmDeNSO6Q.wav,YSCow4mpBsGY.wav +1768,"A small motor is running and whirring is present, then the motor stops and a whoosh occurs",Helicopter,Yc6YJgZ3qzOw.wav,Y3XcIVh40pTI.wav +1769,"A small motor is buzzing and water is running, splashing and gurgling",Stream,Y3hzy-FL24no.wav,YA0E_UiD-fR4.wav +1770,Water trickling with man speaking,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YsVYTOURVsQ0.wav,YZsTZ7jqbd9M.wav +1771,Male speech and then a door shutting,Drill Speech,Ylh801oHGtD4.wav,YECw5Yf7QoMo.wav +1772,Buzzing sound moving nearer and further,Helicopter Speech,YLBe33dw9ezg.wav,YzIgGMlZENTs.wav +1773,Muffled man speech with tapping and clicks,"Beep, bleep Speech",YP4qd8uodw_M.wav,YkF1KWybdRpM.wav +1774,Female speaking and a sheep bleating,Sheep Bleat Speech,YD9GHUPGWsV0.wav,Y3Sml1wHcuxo.wav +1775,Liquid spraying and splattering on a hard surface as kids laugh in the background,"Burst, pop",YQv1HXaT-28U.wav,YOpiWMltpj44.wav +1776,A small animal vocalizing and squeaking,Oink,YNwoBDrTlbTI.wav,YRp4Ct_TQvAM.wav +1777,A toilet flushes and water drains,Toilet flush Water,YFc9pG54DDJM.wav,YCbe2B6ohBpw.wav +1778,Church bells tolling followed by a smaller bell ringing,Bell,YwbPmnxCLoRQ.wav,YMj_BO-iK1G4.wav +1779,Burst and popping sounds followed by a loud explosion,"Burst, pop Fireworks",YcK2kSVR1d2o.wav,YgwQMkQmBITE.wav +1780,A man talking followed by plastic clunking and rattling as frogs croak and crickets chirp,Frog,YLvMA1Wcgu3w.wav,Y4abZbau8tZo.wav +1781,A girl speaks with some rustling of grass and a distant bird chirping,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YBUAPM4D3-h8.wav,YHUwXtfYRFwk.wav +1782,A person screeching followed by a man screaming as a power tool drills and liquid sprays and gurgles,Drill,YWUpeplQr3A4.wav,YDc2WEiRk0rA.wav +1783,A man speaks with distant birds chirping and a small loud chirp,Frog,Yp_BB_rJaF7Q.wav,Yc6YJgZ3qzOw.wav +1784,Some rustling with humming and consistent clicks,Sewing machine,Ys_EWjoiVfzo.wav,YpTJKJxaheI8.wav +1785,Revving of a motorcycle with a man speaking,"Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Outside, rural or natural",YXplKBvZaHXA.wav,Yy3-M1sonh3M.wav +1786,Music plays continuously along with swooshing followed by a man speaking quickly,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",Y4s2rRnu2PZo.wav,YhFCmq9pCBbM.wav +1787,A machine running and minor rustling of leaves,Rustling leaves Vacuum cleaner,YSL3wB5sDcdw.wav,YSNy_axSCoyw.wav +1788,"Loud metal/rock music plays, with gunshots heard in the background","Whoosh, swoosh, swish",Y4s2rRnu2PZo.wav,YbygBWUkpaC8.wav +1789,Vibrations from a sewing machine,Vibration,YOr7umk40TZA.wav,YU90e2P9jy30.wav +1790,"An adult male speaks in the foreground while and another adult male speaks in the background, and a crowd applauds","Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",YECw5Yf7QoMo.wav,YpO8kbg9IJnc.wav +1791,A telephone rings with bell sounds,Ringtone Telephone,YmSF_FqBtRPs.wav,YFlk-X0gwjF4.wav +1792,A woman gives a speech,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y5OM3tJh51pE.wav,Y9vZDsGjyh5M.wav +1793,An engine idling continuously,Speech Stream,YnmLMLgWPmFM.wav,YoOMtaqvQ3_M.wav +1794,A bird chirping as water trickles and wind blows into a microphone,"Bird Domestic animals, pets Duck Outside, rural or natural",YMkbP_8zJwXU.wav,Y2ymiXjImwGs.wav +1795,Trickling water sounds with breathing in the background,"Trickle, dribble",Y1HCuBnPLMqQ.wav,YAbplcXwXnvE.wav +1796,Muffled rustling noise over wind blowing over a microphone,Rustling leaves Wind noise (microphone),YL2dyilgQ8iM.wav,YHVz-FJBf_iM.wav +1797,A muffled train running on railroad tracks followed by a train horn honking,Train horn Train Vehicle,Y0a9wVat2PWk.wav,YlVr-PxhZo8s.wav +1798,Rustling pigeons coo,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room Outside, rural or natural",Y_BSmz3SEW1w.wav,Yo7-X8DAToGc.wav +1799,A woman cries and speaks and a second woman speaks in return,"Crying, sobbing Speech",YtdpiXW68adA.wav,YxBZnvfniA1c.wav +1800,Hissing with some cracking and rustling,Steam Hiss,Ycz0FSQDVBMw.wav,Y9PN4gyxpH2M.wav +1801,An infant crying as a group of women and children yell in the background as a woman talks in the foreground,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YzEM94PH29VQ.wav,YBz9Y5nZK3eo.wav +1802,A crowd of children talking as a man speaks over an intercom as a large truck engine runs idle followed by pressurized air releasing,Truck Vehicle Speech,YDNtF_mGzQes.wav,YGSHcgY6ATkQ.wav +1803,A helicopter engine operating while wind blows heavily into a microphone,"Propeller, airscrew Vehicle Helicopter",YBOB65Nd0pXo.wav,YfK4QBQZ6i7w.wav +1804,Train blows horn twice as it speeds down the tracks,"Subway, metro, underground Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",YOt0bN_hz2ec.wav,Y2KR0C5ysO8o.wav +1805,Two instances of bird wings flapping while frogs are croaking,Frog,YQt0_xTadAT0.wav,Y0On6-JiVwRs.wav +1806,A baby whines and laughs and a woman speaks,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YHkbCUN4V3TU.wav,Ypgq2KPX5_SA.wav +1807,People are speaking as a vehicle goes by,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Car passing by,YTSdAJWJ-tW0.wav,Y_z-bidQYVao.wav +1808,Ducks quack and men speak with distant humming,"Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",Y6eX6bJOFftA.wav,YZ3wDry8nnJs.wav +1809,Babies laugh with a spray noise,Laughter Baby laughter,Ycr0GiZr0TNY.wav,YWqXFAY4k79s.wav +1810,A woman delivering a speech,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y7WkB6pflr6o.wav,YBOB65Nd0pXo.wav +1811,Sound of cutting with a chainsaw with a little pause and again followed by the same sound,Chainsaw Wood,Y-R69Fa-mCaY.wav,YK8-b0VtNOqA.wav +1812,"A glass link occurs, a thump, and then clattering","Cutlery, silverware Dishes, pots, and pans",Y8ipe6b1LwHQ.wav,YYqYCDis3EUA.wav +1813,A car revving loudly followed by a man talking close by,"Engine Idling Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Speech Car Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y4sb9jN0SgTM.wav,YOt0bN_hz2ec.wav +1814,Water is running and hitting a surface and women speaks,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Bathtub (filling or washing) Water",YBn4lc01q9vE.wav,Y5xC4hkAWiao.wav +1815,An emergency siren wailing as a truck engine runs idle followed by wind blowing into a microphone then water spraying as a man yells,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",YwoadpeAGHUQ.wav,YL8dA-2Lu2hY.wav +1816,Wind blowing with a man speaking followed by a click and light hum,Idling Vehicle Speech Engine starting,Y6Nvu6EcpdE8.wav,Y3wrdPAeqjVI.wav +1817,A man speaks with some rattling and banging with a high frequency ringing,"Dishes, pots, and pans Speech",YxUWSHYoslPQ.wav,Y8F-ndyrEWJ8.wav +1818,Railroad tracks clickety-clack as train horn blasts,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Train whistle Rail transport Train Vehicle",YI_vN_BFUr0Y.wav,Yv59uHr-B1no.wav +1819,Some rustling with short bursts of vibrations from a sewing machine,Sewing machine,YxbLW9Wt1Jsg.wav,YLWng-4PDzPM.wav +1820,Opening and closing a door,Door,YLCwSUVuTyvg.wav,Yorgwzt45ojE.wav +1821,"Many bees are buzzing, music is playing in the background, and roosters crow, one nearby and one in the far distance","Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YMSziND26UTA.wav,YAMQei29haCw.wav +1822,Hard rain is falling and splashing on a surface,Rain Rain on surface,YRk-ujWKzPuc.wav,YGGgQR7aIofY.wav +1823,A man speaking and plastic crumpling,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling Inside, small room",YhJtOGmN_KVw.wav,YsCzRVvu9XeY.wav +1824,A female child speaks in a quiet environment,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YDjKGzOe_COc.wav,Y7QN3lwOzfdg.wav +1825,A motorboat engine running as two women are talking and wind is blowing into a microphone,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",Y1a2XWJ8NA_Q.wav,Y3ndid3jni7M.wav +1826,A toilet flushing,Toilet flush,YMtK8L8gXRrI.wav,Y3xDZ-kdGE3o.wav +1827,Water running quickly,Stream,Y3hzy-FL24no.wav,YZ0IrCa4MvOA.wav +1828,Male speaking with many people cheering in background,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y3rna9zo5ZOs.wav,Yp9qRTh4BmSE.wav +1829,Someone burps and then laughs,"Burping, eructation Speech",Y1FNJbN-eHY4.wav,YK_Vre_-4KqU.wav +1830,Male yelling and multiple gunshots,"Gunshot, gunfire Ship Speech",Y0qbHT34qTZE.wav,YAUJPx81qKtY.wav +1831,A baby laughs each time as another older child speaks,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Baby laughter",YC5kmOK_l4jc.wav,YtTB0BK39JI8.wav +1832,A man talking during camera muffling followed by water gurgling in a drain then a toilet flushing,Toilet flush Water,YHVz-FJBf_iM.wav,YS8k47ME-YT4.wav +1833,A man whistling followed by a man yelling as plastic rustles and clanks in the background,Whistling,YZ1Cyj4N05lk.wav,YrvDcg9DoNKA.wav +1834,Rain falling with distant hums of traffic,Rain Raindrop Rain on surface,YbAqgL5dCQOE.wav,Y67BsqRkh-dU.wav +1835,A toy helicopter flying then powering down before starting up,Helicopter,YAWGnTI0e2Fs.wav,YTwR8BA6buMI.wav +1836,A man talking followed by several lights scrapping on a wooden surface as wood clanks in the background,"Wood Speech Inside, small room",YgwQMkQmBITE.wav,YcPiSd5nJLrI.wav +1837,A man is speaking as music plays followed by musical instrument sounds,Sizzle,YTd2EEDdFlRY.wav,YwFiCblfZ-vg.wav +1838,A machine makes buzzing sound with low television noise in the background,Sizzle,YtNxfdAd14qE.wav,Y3ejndVEAcmQ.wav +1839,A man is speaking in high tone while a goat is bleating one time,Goat Snicker Speech,Yjid4t-FzUn0.wav,YwoadpeAGHUQ.wav +1840,A man is speaking with whistling and rain background noise,Whistling Speech,YfGGYeXR_LS8.wav,YPtW0cZVprJQ.wav +1841,A motorboat engine running idle then accelerating as water trickles then splashes,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YR_g4RpU9mO0.wav,YNDaVSIJaXVs.wav +1842,Glass doors rattling and sliding shut followed by a plastic clack,Door,YLCwSUVuTyvg.wav,Yg_P29ucKj78.wav +1843,A honk followed by loud gusts of wind as a train passes by,"Subway, metro, underground Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",YOt0bN_hz2ec.wav,YtNxfdAd14qE.wav +1844,A man talking followed by wood sawing then paper shuffling,"Wood Speech Inside, small room",YlgwpIImXCWA.wav,Y52IxrdTxGs4.wav +1845,Dogs bark and whine and growl,"Canidae, dogs, wolves Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal",YXi6V0LGvqoo.wav,YzFzPOsOKog4.wav +1846,Loud nearby snoring,"Snoring Domestic animals, pets Dog Animal",YK-7Y8yhcUiw.wav,YmaVYiednkSg.wav +1847,Pigeons cooing and bird wings flapping during light scrapping on a metal surface while a construction machine operates in the background,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room",YMjSegUnQXr4.wav,Y4abZbau8tZo.wav +1848,A pet cat meows two times,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Animal",Y2j8pxiFvElM.wav,Y9dLLsZVRSZI.wav +1849,Several goats baaing as grass shuffles followed by a person chuckling in the background,"Goat Sheep Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YtaYKM1OSTwE.wav,Ybpv_LneHmfU.wav +1850,An electronic beep followed by a man talking,"Beep, bleep",YdJYO3RbBabE.wav,Y5QZ0NtdoKJ8.wav +1851,Wood shuffling and clanking followed by knocking on wood and leaves rustling as wind blows into a microphone and a crow caws in the background,Wood,YDrCm-HpX67k.wav,YeRU-rABp8nk.wav +1852,An engine revving as it idles,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YEBCH7TPgiPc.wav,Yy3-M1sonh3M.wav +1853,A click is followed by a woman speaking and then a sewing machine stitching,Speech Sewing machine,YxpZna_FwDhI.wav,YYk274Wr5iIE.wav +1854,An idle vehicle engine running normally before stuttering,Applause,Y0AsXkZkqelg.wav,Y4bUL_ttiOdw.wav +1855,A man talking followed by several footsteps walk on grass and leaves rustling while birds chirp in the background,"Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Speech Outside, rural or natural",YFlk-X0gwjF4.wav,YVMsbrcHPBfk.wav +1856,A man and a young girl laughing as a power tool sands a surface,Laughter Speech,YNtQiduPRiRg.wav,YzBXoaQ1GVlc.wav +1857,A group of infants crying as a man and a woman talk,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",Yy_OyLW9lBXU.wav,YBXxlqaDvdaA.wav +1858,An infant laughing,Laughter,Yd6gu2w19YQo.wav,YwbPmnxCLoRQ.wav +1859,"A bird calls in the distance occasionally, a hollow clanking sound is followed by rushing water, a double thump, and a trickling sound","Water tap, faucet Water",Y6ukYSXzfEgQ.wav,Y6ukYSXzfEgQ.wav +1860,Loud wind with a faint mechanical whirring sound,Vehicle Helicopter,Y6OlHuvJR_Dk.wav,YrJVXE6Axtrg.wav +1861,"A man speaks into an echoing, a crowd laughs and cheers",Laughter Shout Speech,Y1L_OyngNZMA.wav,Ya3GzZKxUTy8.wav +1862,Pigeons cooing followed by footsteps shuffling on gravel,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Coo Pigeon, dove",Yd1tL-9BILy8.wav,YZTYAQBnU4GM.wav +1863,Ocean waves crashing as wind blows heavily into a microphone,"Waves, surf Wind",YlfAFQ0-wDJU.wav,YLs1zyPjs3k8.wav +1864,A metal pan clacking followed by compressed air spraying then an aerosol can tapping a hard surface while a man talks,"Dishes, pots, and pans Speech Inside, small room",YBoe3MeEpn_c.wav,YSoO1HhaEc9Q.wav +1865,A young woman speaks loudly with a toilet flushing sound,Toilet flush Water,YSePTNAN7s-w.wav,YI_8KqxP5xOA.wav +1866,A goat baaing normally before and after a goat screaming,Goat,YVMsbrcHPBfk.wav,YAKHZMg9ba30.wav +1867,A person whistles a tune with people talking low in the background,Whistling,YRfGapDlAYoQ.wav,YMe4npKmtchA.wav +1868,A man is speaking followed by a tap and motorcycle turning on,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,Y1WTSW96XP6E.wav,Y2msevPMQB4M.wav +1869,"Whistling is ongoing while an adult male speaks, and water is pattering in the background",Whistling Speech,YfGGYeXR_LS8.wav,YJhGp7HmRQxg.wav +1870,A man talking followed by a vehicle horn honking then a motorbike accelerating and driving by,"Motor vehicle (road) Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Traffic noise, roadway noise Outside, urban or manmade",YNJEPbGVBJIQ.wav,YUCy1BEx8jBE.wav +1871,Wind blowing into a microphone followed by thunder roaring in the distance while a stream of water trickles in the background,Rain Raindrop Thunderstorm Thunder,YAI1OweEW8C0.wav,YQ87LBiwJjTE.wav +1872,A young girl singing as a sewing machine operates,Sewing machine,Y7MLERaOgK_Y.wav,Y-oy0BkpMGAk.wav +1873,"A truck is idling, and a horn honks","Truck Vehicle Outside, rural or natural",Y9dLLsZVRSZI.wav,YFfUqv0Vv3ME.wav +1874,High pitches squealing and a horn blowing with constant humming of an engine,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Train whistle Rail transport Train Vehicle",YcFoXRmGgIME.wav,YlX3k5p2I_g0.wav +1875,A man speaks with some clicking as wind blows and a distant motor hums,"Motor vehicle (road) Door Power windows, electric windows Vehicle",YzoctgurhvHE.wav,YXIooZl1QdM4.wav +1876,A man talking as compressed air is spraying with wood clanking in the distance,Spray Speech,YPRUfwpmYwJ8.wav,YfWvWhLJ5Fow.wav +1877,A toy helicopter flying followed by wind blowing into a microphone,Helicopter,Yc6YJgZ3qzOw.wav,YH7-orYrKBeo.wav +1878,A man gives a speech followed by applause,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y4CAMv5nlr-0.wav,YC9NC7wJ7C3w.wav +1879,A power tool vibrating and humming,Drill Tools,Y2msevPMQB4M.wav,YIhvXtS9-IxM.wav +1880,Musical whistling with wind blowing,Whistling,YRfGapDlAYoQ.wav,YAJtNitYMa1I.wav +1881,Sheep bleat near and far,"Sheep Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YcN-oYKd-M4E.wav,Y4ftDFi4684Y.wav +1882,Birds chirping as a gun cocks followed by a gunshot and a man chuckling while metal clanks then another gunshot alongside ducks quacking,Duck,YlHh0SwUhP8U.wav,YSNIaYhri76w.wav +1883,A crowd of people talking followed by a horse neighing as a lawnmower engine runs in the background,"Horse Neigh, whinny Clip-clop Speech Animal",YHqnSyliKTKA.wav,Yj0KvrVE_Oww.wav +1884,A bus engine running as cars drive by and a car horn honks in the distance,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle Car,YHUwXtfYRFwk.wav,Y9F3sutgYTvo.wav +1885,"Snoring is ongoing, while an adult female laugh in the foreground and an adult male speaks briefly in the background",Snoring,Y4YodC6RnplI.wav,YaZAXO2WZn84.wav +1886,Man speaks followed by whistling,Whistling Speech,YFA11v4SmdBc.wav,YGSHcgY6ATkQ.wav +1887,Musical whistling followed by a man speaking,Whistling,YZ1Cyj4N05lk.wav,YCh0LMmhBUg4.wav +1888,Sanding and filing then a man speaks,Filing (rasp) Rub,YTgxst7Ft9js.wav,Y32565FEuksc.wav +1889,A helicopter engine whines as it starts,"Helicopter Outside, rural or natural",Yq4YFJA5pFXc.wav,Yn4VktYihtJU.wav +1890,Water splashing followed by a woman speaking,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Bathtub (filling or washing) Water",YBn4lc01q9vE.wav,Yc0V_HAul7rI.wav +1891,A crowd of people talking as a person repeatedly coughs,Spray Speech,YA2mcp0N__7U.wav,YqeSl7YZAfs4.wav +1892,A motorboat engine running idle then accelerating as water trickles followed by water spraying,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YR_g4RpU9mO0.wav,YeNG6fEiAE8c.wav +1893,'An engine with people speaking and a horse neighing,"Horse Neigh, whinny Clip-clop Speech Animal",YHqnSyliKTKA.wav,YbygBWUkpaC8.wav +1894,A man is getting a glass and setting in down on a hard surface,"Dishes, pots, and pans Speech",YxUWSHYoslPQ.wav,YGuizRlAQ8qQ.wav +1895,Tapping noises followed by a toilet flushing,Toilet flush,Yy3-M1sonh3M.wav,YfWvWhLJ5Fow.wav +1896,A man talking as a door closes shut followed by a door slowly creaking,"Door Male speech, man speaking Speech",YyfYNPWs7mWY.wav,YRdC8cviN6Bs.wav +1897,Rain heavily pouring as wind blows into a microphone and streams of water trickle on a solid surface,Rain,Y-BUWGM7qeUM.wav,Y-EaZ7EJJUl0.wav +1898,An adult female speaks in a quiet environment,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YCchRf2jq6fc.wav,YFfUqv0Vv3ME.wav +1899,A woman speaking then coughing as a river stream flows followed by a series of plastic clacking,Stream,YzF3xXn6NTyU.wav,YD9tinq3RMpU.wav +1900,A series of snores followed by subdued laughter and another snore,"Snoring Inside, small room",YhDMHIDJdfDA.wav,Y3iLGu2Omgrw.wav +1901,Rustling and sanding on wood with distant music playing,Sawing Rub Wood,YZYWCwfCkBp4.wav,Y-EaZ7EJJUl0.wav +1902,Humming from a plane with wind whooshing by,Vehicle Speech Aircraft,YuJzAf4PaExI.wav,Y8GHLfJ6y6zA.wav +1903,A man speaking followed by a car driving by,Vehicle Speech Car Car passing by,Y-SkjbQVgJ0M.wav,YITlqMkR5alY.wav +1904,An engine revs repeatedly,Motor vehicle (road) Engine Vehicle Car,YilspW7JRjAg.wav,Yg5l3Bz6lWnc.wav +1905,Vibrations and clicking,Rustling leaves,Y4pv3w--cRrA.wav,YVQnmlf2OsUg.wav +1906,A person snoring loudly followed by a man speaking,Snoring Speech,YdYZSKX7vuRI.wav,YQHfyKaOHSz4.wav +1907,Ducks quack and people speak in the distance,Quack Duck Speech Animal,YDzKjogSVOLM.wav,YhGWarNR6xmg.wav +1908,Helicopter blades spinning then fading away,Helicopter,Yram-QPKSQYc.wav,YXL8JV9qXGLE.wav +1909,The blaring siren of an ambulance and a vehicle revving up loudly,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,YHg6HxylRGDo.wav,YmWqH2xwjkYA.wav +1910,Several bells ring,Bell,YwbPmnxCLoRQ.wav,YSNIaYhri76w.wav +1911,Clicking and humming with people speaking followed by a hydraulic hiss,Steam Hiss,YLP_DzNUkAKY.wav,YE3D_z0aoUEg.wav +1912,A woman speaks as a machine whirs and creaks in the background,Speech Sewing machine,YCYUlLTKoa1Y.wav,YF7QtqKtllK0.wav +1913,A baby cries and a small child speaks,"Crying, sobbing Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YbJMMp6PLKqM.wav,YWU3qB7gf6ao.wav +1914,"A series of sharp, squeaky snoring noises",Snoring Snort Speech,Ya_Rjlu50TfA.wav,YcPiSd5nJLrI.wav +1915,A toilet flushes and water splashes around noisily,Toilet flush Water,YggN4-K5AgoM.wav,Y_z-bidQYVao.wav +1916,Water splashing and trickling as wind blows into a microphone followed by a man talking in the background,"Boat, Water vehicle Waves, surf Wind Ocean Sailboat, sailing ship Wind noise (microphone)",YxQDq3A4Zfbo.wav,Y9z8XIRyUq9Q.wav +1917,Several distorted belches followed by non-distorted burps,"Burping, eructation",YARFFw0e_jig.wav,Y4CAMv5nlr-0.wav +1918,Several cats meowing followed by a man singing in the background,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Animal",YU3CAjsm1sec.wav,YWqXFAY4k79s.wav +1919,Train is moving followed by a train horn,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y27HIamF8pKo.wav,Y9b6RqajfAmw.wav +1920,An audience clapping,Applause Crowd,Y5eSRL3PRHzo.wav,Y7D7xgd4WJ50.wav +1921,A man speaking followed by a faucet turning on and off while pouring water twice proceeded by water draining down a pipe,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YjOYvIISk--4.wav,Yc3nlaAkv9bA.wav +1922,"Ducks are quacking, and water splashes softly","Bird Domestic animals, pets Duck Livestock, farm animals, working animals Goose Animal",YCbe2B6ohBpw.wav,Y7P6lcyeDKNI.wav +1923,A continuation of intermittent whistling,Whistling,YL8dA-2Lu2hY.wav,Y9F3sutgYTvo.wav +1924,"A loud whoosh with computer female voice, a beep then male speaking","Beep, bleep",YrPkCYq4Zjwk.wav,YFA11v4SmdBc.wav +1925,A man gasping for air then talking followed by mumbling,"Burping, eructation Speech",Yeu5bq0A3XVQ.wav,Y2ymiXjImwGs.wav +1926,Some clicks followed by a person speaking and a goat bleating,"Goat Bleat Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YV8A0VRGdgwM.wav,YIvg_q4t-3w0.wav +1927,A motor vehicle engine is idling,Motor vehicle (road) Engine Vehicle,Y5xC4hkAWiao.wav,Y7bO0AJI-ihs.wav +1928,Plastic crinkling and paper sliding as a man talks,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling Inside, small room",YhJtOGmN_KVw.wav,YcPiSd5nJLrI.wav +1929,Music in the background as a woman speaks and food fries,Sizzle Frying (food),YQ87LBiwJjTE.wav,Y0NGSrwioYjA.wav +1930,Vehicles driving by then accelerating and revving as a crowd of people talk,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YYQGW5AwDOIo.wav,Y2ceUOv8A3FE.wav +1931,A group of birds chirping and ducks quacking followed by a man speaking,Bird Honk Duck Speech,YgQMTOKsCIyk.wav,Yq4YFJA5pFXc.wav +1932,A small gun being shot repeatedly.,"Gunshot, gunfire",YFf8bCCJfVX4.wav,YJhGp7HmRQxg.wav +1933,A stream burbles while a man speaks,Speech Stream,Yn74IYuCe_ms.wav,Y6pssFJ0m-kU.wav +1934,White noise followed by a musical horn honking,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car Outside, urban or manmade",Yrp3CQsWxVgE.wav,YinQOrxc_oZo.wav +1935,Light mechanical sounds while male speaking,"Water tap, faucet Speech Inside, small room",YmVjub3o_IxE.wav,YSePTNAN7s-w.wav +1936,A chicken clucking while crickets chirp in the background as gusts of wind blows,"Bird Duck Livestock, farm animals, working animals",YnuZEAuAl8hQ.wav,Y9vZDsGjyh5M.wav +1937,"Wind is blowing and birds are chirping, a metal bell clangs quietly once, and multiple animals bleat while two men speak in the background","Goat Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",Y3kBlVLkN0zo.wav,YGSHcgY6ATkQ.wav +1938,A female voice and then a male voice followed by the female voice again,Telephone Speech,YxnVqvc7N7Po.wav,YIvg_q4t-3w0.wav +1939,Insects buzzing while wind is blowing on a microphone as music faintly plays followed by a rooster crowing,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YMSziND26UTA.wav,YSNIaYhri76w.wav +1940,Food and oil sizzling as a man is speaking followed by wooden clanking then gravel scraping,"Speech Frying (food) Inside, small room",Y_9mgOkzm-xg.wav,Y3ejndVEAcmQ.wav +1941,A woman speaks with distant quacks of a duck,Duck Speech,Ydkiwn2FdDVw.wav,Y0_ogYGDGDco.wav +1942,A machine motor running alongside gears cranking followed by a power tool humming then drilling,Drill Tools Power tool,Y2JutOgAnqWA.wav,YZsf2YvJfCKw.wav +1943,Bird wings flapping then a bird chirping while rain falls followed by thunder,Rustling leaves Wind noise (microphone),YESjMIqrvRj4.wav,YBL8ksJ0sTXk.wav +1944,Humming of an accelerating engine with wind passing and rustling,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y2KEfkDO6hlA.wav,Y0UJtGcoPYa0.wav +1945,A fly is buzzing around a man speaks,"Insect Mosquito Fly, housefly",Yt3VFlDiEKgY.wav,YBvw2gv1fcZw.wav +1946,People whisper and then a horn sounds and people laugh,"Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Speech Inside, small room",YFJkvAMLmejY.wav,YEUZaxaWqhwg.wav +1947,A baby grunts and begins crying,"Baby cry, infant cry",YFKaJsvcyHTk.wav,YnmLMLgWPmFM.wav +1948,"Wind, rain and people talking",Rain Rain on surface,YAgh2EKINlSw.wav,YnuZEAuAl8hQ.wav +1949,An adult female speaks and an animal growls playfully,Speech Dog Animal Whimper (dog),Y096oTVzc5Gs.wav,YQRtuOWWya30.wav +1950,A man is speaking as wind is blowing through the leaves,"Male speech, man speaking Rustling leaves Speech",YfmEft49sPfE.wav,Yz1ax0QPpd14.wav +1951,A piano playing as a clock ticks,Tick-tock,YTwR8BA6buMI.wav,Yv59uHr-B1no.wav +1952,Humming of a large engine with wind blowing,Truck Vehicle Speech,YhV4bDCBDCy0.wav,YHdPSebdDxe4.wav +1953,Surf comes ashore as a man speaks,"Trickle, dribble",YBlbGXalLNVU.wav,Y4IeDBwyQ9ZQ.wav +1954,A motorcycle engine running idle then revving its engine,"Motorcycle Vehicle Medium engine (mid frequency) Outside, urban or manmade",YnaPgJvWTIY4.wav,YrUq4w4EUSWA.wav +1955,Pigeons cooing with some rattling and screeching,"Pigeon, dove Animal Inside, small room",Yx5AH2gW_8S4.wav,Y6cyKp3EDm-0.wav +1956,A train horn honks with a train racing by,"Subway, metro, underground Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",YOt0bN_hz2ec.wav,Y3rna9zo5ZOs.wav +1957,A duck quacks as footsteps thump on wood while a bird chirps followed by a man talking,Bird Duck Speech,YbmEF-c-M174.wav,YBUAPM4D3-h8.wav +1958,A man speaks followed by a vehicle revving,"Motor vehicle (road) Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Traffic noise, roadway noise Outside, urban or manmade",YNJEPbGVBJIQ.wav,YAgaiowyYt88.wav +1959,A man speaks followed by a toilet flushing,Toilet flush Speech,Y_z6pymOet7g.wav,YWq4OD3olO2w.wav +1960,A man talks as a vehicle is accelerating,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Speech Car",YB4SZwi9Ce3o.wav,YhpDltmawxIM.wav +1961,A helicopter is in flight with loud blades moving fast,Vehicle Helicopter Aircraft,YKvrcRMfFzOE.wav,YbQNX7vDalQw.wav +1962,A man speaks with low speech in the background,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish Speech",Y-mhFGevxLUg.wav,YPg2cWEnEEvc.wav +1963,Loud high humming and croaking sound,"Bird Chirp, tweet Animal",Yu84FiZ_omhA.wav,YGIOApFAWDOc.wav +1964,A young girl talking as plastic crinkles and plastic thumping against a glass surface,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YhFCmq9pCBbM.wav,YL_CNz9Vrtkw.wav +1965,A group of birds chirp and pigeons coo,"Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",Yyrxa6_P2I80.wav,Y_duNX6Vyd6g.wav +1966,A sewing machine operating during several metal clacks,Sewing machine,YsJrFyjfrL-g.wav,Y79XDcI6xZm0.wav +1967,A man speaking softly,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YwFiCblfZ-vg.wav,YEcihYbSlyck.wav +1968,A motorcycle revving by quickly twice,"Motorcycle Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YmW1EpJYcy_E.wav,YDc2WEiRk0rA.wav +1969,Air hissing followed by a popping explosion then warning signals and a man laughing and talking,"Explosion Burst, pop Speech",Yir1XTdyt4IY.wav,YUV1kdjwpy6U.wav +1970,Crumpling occurs followed by a thud and then crinkling,"Crumpling, crinkling",Ypgq2KPX5_SA.wav,YWmDe2xbnSY4.wav +1971,Birds chirping and tweeting,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YGIOApFAWDOc.wav,YKVbmN9ZRg5Q.wav +1972,A truck engine running as a group of men are talking,Truck Vehicle Speech,Y9E8BmPZ9mWc.wav,Yj0KvrVE_Oww.wav +1973,A loud bang followed by silence,Door,YAgaiowyYt88.wav,Yl5KdHAWwJCw.wav +1974,Dog panting followed by footsteps,"Domestic animals, pets Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",Y6CDl4CqOgMg.wav,Y1FNJbN-eHY4.wav +1975,A bell ringing repeatedly,Bell,Y-DmjkgWa-rw.wav,YITlqMkR5alY.wav +1976,Continuous quacking and rustling,"Bird Domestic animals, pets Duck Livestock, farm animals, working animals Goose Animal",YCbe2B6ohBpw.wav,YLxu-3_h4kc4.wav +1977,A male voice talks after doing some burps,"Burping, eructation Speech",Yeu5bq0A3XVQ.wav,Y4lv9aLXtud0.wav +1978,Ringing of a siren of a passing vehicle,Police car (siren) Vehicle Car Car passing by,YAUmY0YRAFQE.wav,YinQOrxc_oZo.wav +1979,A helicopter engine running idle,Vehicle Helicopter Aircraft,YR8bHTHnF8j4.wav,YB8rdur4aams.wav +1980,Laughing followed by a child talking and more laughing with many children talking in the background,Bus Vehicle Speech,YQOmV7O9mFwg.wav,YMTIF_l_8d4Q.wav +1981,Constant squeaking occurs while a man speaks,"Water tap, faucet Speech Inside, small room",YmVjub3o_IxE.wav,Y_9mgOkzm-xg.wav +1982,A young woman is talking.,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YCchRf2jq6fc.wav,Y3wrdPAeqjVI.wav +1983,A bird making vocalizations from a distance followed by several people whispering nearby,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YBDpU2Qh77NE.wav,Y2RjqBRzmxaM.wav +1984,'A group of young adults laughing followed by a man shouting as a stream of water splashes and flows while wind blows,"Boat, Water vehicle Waves, surf Wind Wind noise (microphone)",Y3RultJjvTWI.wav,Y_YS5uKWoB6g.wav +1985,Horses snorting and neighing as a man talks followed by a door creaking shut before woman talks in the background,Horse Speech Animal,YK8-b0VtNOqA.wav,YYqYCDis3EUA.wav +1986,A sewing machine is in use as well as knocking and bleeping noises,Sewing machine,YxbLW9Wt1Jsg.wav,Y9ZZHvwaH-CU.wav +1987,A woman speaks as water splashes,"Trickle, dribble Water Speech",YPTyFYxXdut4.wav,Y_AcJVyToQUQ.wav +1988,Birds cooing and rustling,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room Outside, rural or natural",Y_BSmz3SEW1w.wav,Y7XXSOzDQ2z0.wav +1989,Humming followed by a woman speaking with slow ticks of a sewing machine,Speech Sewing machine,YCYUlLTKoa1Y.wav,Y9ZZHvwaH-CU.wav +1990,Pigeons cooing as wood clanks and an animal hisses,"Pigeon, dove Animal Inside, small room",Yx5AH2gW_8S4.wav,YI_vN_BFUr0Y.wav +1991,Music plays as a man is singing followed by muffled rapid gunshots firing,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",YAtkD-3GjXMw.wav,YtJhVH3VIrnE.wav +1992,Some rustling and scratching with a short click,Door,Y9XqkKuTqEOM.wav,YHqnSyliKTKA.wav +1993,An emergency siren wailing followed by a large truck engine running idle,"Ambulance (siren) Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",Y6TO9PEGpZcQ.wav,Y1a2XWJ8NA_Q.wav +1994,A person types on a keyboard,Computer keyboard Typing,YDAN1t9ukkg0.wav,Y1PvMtRIlZNI.wav +1995,A bell chiming as birds chirp followed by plastic clanking and shuffling,Tick-tock,YeJCaRgf1M20.wav,Y7MLERaOgK_Y.wav +1996,A man shrilling followed by a power tool drilling and a man screaming as liquid splatters,Drill,YWUpeplQr3A4.wav,Y3IguMJkqpl4.wav +1997,A vehicle engine running as water is splashing,Gurgling,YXZTt1xdK8uQ.wav,YQ3vkJMVMbC8.wav +1998,Footsteps shuffling and fabric slapping a hard surface,"Slap, smack Frying (food)",YUXGzbBGbqAA.wav,YFfUqv0Vv3ME.wav +1999,A girl talking and shouting with whistling in the background,Whistling,YlTJLvSvjUZk.wav,YvEWmHtiznF8.wav +2000,A baby laughs and a woman speaks,Laughter Speech,YmWqH2xwjkYA.wav,YVeCSHwtkBZU.wav +2001,Brief speech followed by rustling and then vibrating,Drill Speech,Yf2fSxfvmkZQ.wav,YC9NC7wJ7C3w.wav +2002,Emergency sirens going off as a vehicle drives by,"Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YpWQeV08kYR0.wav,YbQNX7vDalQw.wav +2003,A series of synthesized laser effects,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",YynHdcJ9Oqaw.wav,YFi4-IqJo2xQ.wav +2004,Camera muffling and wind blowing into a microphone as a vehicle engine runs while idle,"Idling Vehicle Inside, large room or hall",YlVr-PxhZo8s.wav,YAUmY0YRAFQE.wav +2005,A man speaking and wings flapping,"Bird Speech Pigeon, dove Inside, large room or hall",Yorgwzt45ojE.wav,Ym_U506sf9p4.wav +2006,"A train horn blows and fades, then metal clacking occurs","Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",YJHhEjsAkZoc.wav,Y7P6lcyeDKNI.wav +2007,A train engine running,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",Y2ItTq2JShdU.wav,Y-EaZ7EJJUl0.wav +2008,Water pouring continuously,"Water tap, faucet Water",Yh5_1pnkl_SY.wav,Yific_gRalg0.wav +2009,A man talking as pigeons are cooing and birds are chirping with bird wings flapping,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Coo Pigeon, dove",YZ_smJ66Tb3c.wav,YeJCaRgf1M20.wav +2010,A man is speaking on a microphone,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y1OyEgzXCkYE.wav,YMj_BO-iK1G4.wav +2011,A loud airplane engine passes by and starts to diminish in the distance,"Aircraft engine Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YkF1KWybdRpM.wav,Yup2PpjTzyyc.wav +2012,Music and gunfire with male speech,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",Y4s2rRnu2PZo.wav,YGPj8h-WcjWs.wav +2013,A man is speaking followed by gunfire,"Gunshot, gunfire",Ybgbnu5YKTDg.wav,Yy93cZqNCtks.wav +2014,A cat is meowing,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Animal",Y0_K6OKtoBBU.wav,YZ3wDry8nnJs.wav +2015,Engine idling continuously followed by honking,"Truck Vehicle Outside, rural or natural",Y9dLLsZVRSZI.wav,YD1Sy7kRoaR8.wav +2016,A man speaking followed by pigeons cooing and flapping wings then a kid speaking and someone claps loudly,"Bird Speech Pigeon, dove Inside, small room",Y9HVgYs8OOLc.wav,YvaujJ7msKfc.wav +2017,"In an echoing space, an older man speaks loudly, followed by enthusiastic applause","Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y4CAMv5nlr-0.wav,YpuZL08fzpXk.wav +2018,A man speaks with some distant hum and a child speaking,"Wind Ship Vehicle Speech Outside, rural or natural",YCh0LMmhBUg4.wav,YjjfUaMQaG1A.wav +2019,Rockets igniting followed by footsteps on concrete as multiple vehicle engines run while idle,"Burst, pop Speech",YItS07xtdi4s.wav,YJfaj4P3us9M.wav +2020,Loud footsteps followed by a scream and explosions,"Explosion Burst, pop Groan",Yos_2U4xqTqw.wav,Y-Sz4z0QwEuM.wav +2021,Men speak with humming of an engine and some rustling,Truck Vehicle Speech,YMPLZUg89y5U.wav,YD4s5aHrsBgs.wav +2022,A stream of water flowing and trickling as a small motor hum in the background followed by camera muffling,Stream,Y3hzy-FL24no.wav,Ygr5Zss89yLQ.wav +2023,An engine idling consistently,Vehicle Speech Aircraft,YuJzAf4PaExI.wav,Y3VHpLxtd498.wav +2024,A toy helicopter flying followed by wind blowing into a microphone,Helicopter,Yc6YJgZ3qzOw.wav,Y0yETgW44MZU.wav +2025,A man and a woman talking as paper crinkles,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",Y9PN4gyxpH2M.wav,YEp72tyiL3as.wav +2026,Rustling followed by baaing and then more rustling,"Goat Bleat Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YV8A0VRGdgwM.wav,YcPiSd5nJLrI.wav +2027,Several rapid gunshots with a distant aircraft passing by with a booming engine,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",YnD1K1Zo0qrM.wav,YD2Xc_jZllDY.wav +2028,An engine chugging loudly together with gunfire,"Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",Y11SEBDuoqSk.wav,YL_CNz9Vrtkw.wav +2029,A grunt from a person followed by footsteps and oinks from a pig with a single squeal,Oink,YBLMWD6fxhpo.wav,YYEYeQ0lIkBQ.wav +2030,A vehicle engine is revving up,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y2UNuMbxz9ds.wav,Yhmd6pa2e_rs.wav +2031,A whooshing effect followed by a man talking as basketballs bounce and shoes squeak on a hard surface while a crowd of people yell in the background,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",YrvtA7c1I4xo.wav,YrJVXE6Axtrg.wav +2032,A jackhammer drilling and vibrating continuously,Drill Tools Power tool,Y4pf-PIymDhU.wav,YnaPgJvWTIY4.wav +2033,A toilet flushing,Toilet flush Water,YggN4-K5AgoM.wav,YfGGYeXR_LS8.wav +2034,Opening and closing followed by tapping,Wood,YDrCm-HpX67k.wav,YUXGzbBGbqAA.wav +2035,A person sneezes and then speaks with clock ticking in the background,Sneeze,Yf8WPf5F22xI.wav,Y5ORpSk5CIWc.wav +2036,Low rumbling sounds followed by a police siren going off,Emergency vehicle Siren Police car (siren),Y_C2HinL8VlM.wav,Y-JP1GqPEKtw.wav +2037,A train honks horn and passes by,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",YJHhEjsAkZoc.wav,Y2a6GNu6uCDE.wav +2038,"An adult female speaks, sizzling is ongoing, water runs and metal clanks, and music plays in the background",Sizzle Frying (food),YQ87LBiwJjTE.wav,YZYWCwfCkBp4.wav +2039,A man speaking,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y3iLGu2Omgrw.wav,YyLu4b01t53k.wav +2040,Brief clanking followed by a woman speaking and sewing machine working,Speech Sewing machine,YxpZna_FwDhI.wav,YhxbmDeNSO6Q.wav +2041,Water splashing as rain falls and trickles on a wet surface followed by thunder while wind blows into a microphone,Rain,YYk274Wr5iIE.wav,Y31WGUPOYS5g.wav +2042,A sewing machines a sewing then suddenly stopping with some squeezing,Sewing machine,YMj_BO-iK1G4.wav,YBa92IrXFvJo.wav +2043,An explosion and heart beating as instrumental music plays followed by a man talking,"Burst, pop Speech",Y52IxrdTxGs4.wav,YSZ6CcXINiiE.wav +2044,"Rustling, bees buzzing and then birds chirping","Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YzFzPOsOKog4.wav,YVkbp8VmL3pM.wav +2045,A male speech and a bird chirping,"Bird Domestic animals, pets Chirp, tweet",Yy-RSojxgkDo.wav,YFf8bCCJfVX4.wav +2046,"Birds are chirping in the background, while an adult male speaks and footfalls occur","Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet Speech",YkXjzsroVTtw.wav,Ym_U506sf9p4.wav +2047,Pigeons cooing followed by bird wings flapping as crickets chirp in the background,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Coo Pigeon, dove",YN_s9F4CI_98.wav,YzwoqJY03yHE.wav +2048,A hum of a train engine passing with a blowing horn,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y7JWHbs3gu1w.wav,YC9NC7wJ7C3w.wav +2049,Fabric rustling followed by wood clanking then knocking on a hollow wooden surface as dirt and gravel pour out while crows caw in the background and wind blows into a microphone,Wood,YDrCm-HpX67k.wav,YK_Vre_-4KqU.wav +2050,An aircraft engine sharply running,"Aircraft engine Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",Ybpv_LneHmfU.wav,YLs2vrr9TamU.wav +2051,Pigeons coo and flap their wings and a distant rooster crows,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room Outside, rural or natural",YwBs02amFGXs.wav,YFi4-IqJo2xQ.wav +2052,Water splashes and wind blows as men speak,"Trickle, dribble",YBlbGXalLNVU.wav,YsqsI2UyrcBQ.wav +2053,Clip-clop of horse with an engine idling in the background,Horse Clip-clop Animal,Y7bO0AJI-ihs.wav,YwVi5w_NU6CM.wav +2054,Wind and surf with water splashing,"Waves, surf Wind",YlfAFQ0-wDJU.wav,Y1e98HeU9Vrg.wav +2055,Men talking over a background humming noise then an alarm blares,"Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Speech Inside, small room",Yj0KvrVE_Oww.wav,Y40cuHrYfaqA.wav +2056,A baby crying and various speeches,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YzEM94PH29VQ.wav,YKOBkbROPv4c.wav +2057,Ducks quaking and water lightly splashing,"Bird Domestic animals, pets Duck Livestock, farm animals, working animals Goose Animal",YCbe2B6ohBpw.wav,YfBYDJWChe5c.wav +2058,A baby crying repeatedly,"Baby cry, infant cry",Y4bUL_ttiOdw.wav,YJon_DEFqsfM.wav +2059,A truck driving by as a truck horn honks while a crowd of people talk in the background,Truck Vehicle Speech,Y9zstu_IfAm4.wav,YFfUqv0Vv3ME.wav +2060,An engine running and revving lightly,Truck Vehicle Speech,YhV4bDCBDCy0.wav,Y3IguMJkqpl4.wav +2061,A male speaking and scraping,Filing (rasp) Rub,YhiJB_95IWiE.wav,Y8nUqSYC66mI.wav +2062,"Hissing is ongoing, while metal clattering and clanking occur",Steam Hiss,YpHYkWkZ4guE.wav,Y4lv9aLXtud0.wav +2063,Rain falling followed by fabric rustling and footsteps shuffling then a vehicle door opening and closing as plastic crinkles,Rain Rain on surface,YRdC8cviN6Bs.wav,Y0NGSrwioYjA.wav +2064,A man snoring with children speaking in the distance and a woman speaking nearby,Snoring Speech,YJC2ZrXzCX4Y.wav,Ycz0FSQDVBMw.wav +2065,A woman speaking with crumpling and crinkling,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling Inside, small room",YqPYwp1K4sZE.wav,YhDMHIDJdfDA.wav +2066,"A mid-size motor vehicle engine is running fast and accelerating, gears change, and acceleration continues","Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YLF6x7B0Ppvo.wav,YMvHpNzDpC6Q.wav +2067,A woman speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y7WkB6pflr6o.wav,YCvNAwby6Xos.wav +2068,Rapid gunfire with speaking over a radio,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",YQoEal_hKz4Q.wav,YD2Xc_jZllDY.wav +2069,Several birds are singing,Bird Duck,Yz1ax0QPpd14.wav,Y-CcGuq0yoKo.wav +2070,A person is snoring,Snoring,YUjje3lSabsg.wav,Y2a6GNu6uCDE.wav +2071,Sheep bleat and distant birds chirp,"Sheep Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YcN-oYKd-M4E.wav,YQOmV7O9mFwg.wav +2072,A sprayer is used to spray,Spray,YI_8KqxP5xOA.wav,YP4qd8uodw_M.wav +2073,Men are speaking with an engine sound in the background,Engine Vehicle Speech,Y5K1mISHwggI.wav,YC9NC7wJ7C3w.wav +2074,A clock ticking,Tick-tock,YIFRmbxWK8u0.wav,Yq4YFJA5pFXc.wav +2075,A woman speaks then a small child speaks,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",Y_xylo5_IiaM.wav,YOUUckswAaNI.wav +2076,A large truck engine running idle as a man speaks over a radio followed by a large truck accelerating while wind blows into a microphone,Bus Vehicle Speech,Yz4MeV9IGVo0.wav,YrINmxSXMR-s.wav +2077,A man speaking as a vehicle horn honks and a man speaks in the distance,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y473wBEwC35M.wav,YXplKBvZaHXA.wav +2078,Clip clops of horses on a hard surface,Horse Clip-clop Animal,Y7bO0AJI-ihs.wav,YdmUOSyPXkUw.wav +2079,A girl speaks followed by barking then a splash and laughter,Laughter Speech,YJdFmMw0zyKA.wav,Yy_OyLW9lBXU.wav +2080,A girl giving a speech,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YDjKGzOe_COc.wav,YBn4lc01q9vE.wav +2081,A loud whoosh followed by a woman speaking then digital beeps and men speaking,"Beep, bleep",YrPkCYq4Zjwk.wav,YGkb4f6yodPE.wav +2082,A muffled vehicle engine running as police sirens wail in the distance,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YD96OO7nYYsg.wav,YlYhwCRX2wNc.wav +2083,A dog barking as footsteps walking on foliage and a man talking while a pig squeals,"Bark Bow-wow Speech Dog Growling Animal Outside, rural or natural",YSNIaYhri76w.wav,YGE1aZSnPr2Q.wav +2084,An engine is vibrating,Vibration Engine Vehicle Car,YkVYNXZd0MMY.wav,YNDaVSIJaXVs.wav +2085,Several people laughing followed by a popping farting sound,Laughter,Y_w2pA1VeB40.wav,Y-NsC63dA01g.wav +2086,A man talking followed by a faucet running,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YpO8kbg9IJnc.wav,Y2EsxcKe1A4w.wav +2087,An infant crying as a woman mumbles,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YhqPBcvex1VU.wav,YE6FH_xp3I54.wav +2088,A car engine revs and then shuts off,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YUmNrhFKpWIY.wav,YFXdoNvmrYxo.wav +2089,A speedboat races across water with room sounds,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",Y_duNX6Vyd6g.wav,YR91bUbtKrRs.wav +2090,Whirring and whooshing of a low helicopter,"Vehicle Helicopter Outside, rural or natural",YWCYfCfW9NA0.wav,YkLYCjD6vWI4.wav +2091,A bus accelerates followed by people communicating,Bus Vehicle Speech,YEbpOXac13yo.wav,YIvfaKPDWC00.wav +2092,A vehicle engine revving and accelerating,"Engine Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YAj_VMUSNjNM.wav,YHeEa1GZpUGI.wav +2093,An engine humming and brakes squealing,Vibration,Y4Ujigme2IxY.wav,YNi3dIj90Oa4.wav +2094,"A person speaks, traffic passes by",Engine Vehicle Speech,Y5K1mISHwggI.wav,Y7XUt6sQS7nM.wav +2095,"A boat engine sounds, wind blows by, people speak","Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",Y1a2XWJ8NA_Q.wav,Yo7jW6Suyfbs.wav +2096,Two quick whistle sounds with water splashing and mixed with kids playing,Gurgling Speech Stream,Y1_z6NcidGzM.wav,Y0G7rb74R-2A.wav +2097,A group of people screaming followed by missiles launching and loud popping explosions then a slowed down explosion,"Explosion Eruption Burst, pop",YcPiSd5nJLrI.wav,Y77nElZGi5NU.wav +2098,Humming engines with distant horns and revving motorcycles with a man speaking,"Motor vehicle (road) Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Traffic noise, roadway noise Outside, urban or manmade",YNJEPbGVBJIQ.wav,Y7XXSOzDQ2z0.wav +2099,Humming with distant traffic passing and a distant siren ringing,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,YvaujJ7msKfc.wav,YMVGhC-xB79s.wav +2100,An aircraft engine humming followed by plastic clanking then an aircraft engine slowing down,"Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft Outside, urban or manmade",Y1Og2TJ3bXW0.wav,YtwFypUcdgRc.wav +2101,Vibrations and clanking from a drill,Drill Tools Power tool,Y4pf-PIymDhU.wav,Y2ErfX6ZT5pM.wav +2102,Humming of an engine with squealing tires,"Skidding Vehicle Tire squeal Race car, auto racing",YKOBkbROPv4c.wav,Yn74IYuCe_ms.wav +2103,A critter squealing as a man is talking and leaves are rustling,"Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Domestic animals, pets Animal",Yi6MQCm58zlY.wav,YVQnmlf2OsUg.wav +2104,A clock ticking for several seconds followed by faint coughing,Tick-tock Tick,YpTJKJxaheI8.wav,Y6eX6bJOFftA.wav +2105,A train horn repeatedly,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train",Y59VP93Tzjmg.wav,YuhSDBwVrEdo.wav +2106,A man speaking with murmuring in the background,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish Speech",Y-mhFGevxLUg.wav,YU3CAjsm1sec.wav +2107,Footsteps then a woman speaks followed by a door clanging,Door Speech,Y8ZH_PoK0clI.wav,YVkbp8VmL3pM.wav +2108,High frequency humming followed by wind blowing,Helicopter,YlrKGCtSsAkA.wav,Y8F-ndyrEWJ8.wav +2109,Wind blowing with passing distant traffic and some rumbling,Gurgling,Y1Uh74_rZ72k.wav,YOpiWMltpj44.wav +2110,A man is talking as tap water is running,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YqeSl7YZAfs4.wav,YTaQKhIRwii4.wav +2111,Dishes and silverware rattle and click from movement,"Cutlery, silverware Dishes, pots, and pans",Y8ipe6b1LwHQ.wav,YlrKGCtSsAkA.wav +2112,An motor blowing air faintly before becoming more audible as a man talks,Engine Mechanical fan Speech,Yr2KhpX_QgXA.wav,Yg6CY7qvu81k.wav +2113,A man talking as an electronic device hums followed by a door closing,Drill Speech,Ylh801oHGtD4.wav,YG3YO2unWz7k.wav +2114,A vehicle engine running idle as a man is talking then accelerating with tires skidding and squeaking,"Motor vehicle (road) Skidding Vehicle Speech Tire squeal Car Race car, auto racing",YyVjivgsU2aA.wav,Y0G7rb74R-2A.wav +2115,Metal clacking followed by a man talking then a metal bang as footsteps shuffle on dirt and a group of men laugh,Laughter Snicker Speech,YgbtcDoh0q3c.wav,YlmPMhs-9IYE.wav +2116,A motorbike running idle then revving,"Motorcycle Vehicle Medium engine (mid frequency) Outside, urban or manmade",YnaPgJvWTIY4.wav,Y2JV3emH50XU.wav +2117,A toy train running as a young boy talks followed by plastic clanking then a child laughing,"Train Speech Child speech, kid speaking",YGOD8Bt5LfDE.wav,YZTYAQBnU4GM.wav +2118,An adult female is speaking in a quiet environment,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YEY4p0_NJVQs.wav,YD96OO7nYYsg.wav +2119,A ring tone begins with a high pitched bell followed by a traditional telephone ring,Ringtone Telephone,YmSF_FqBtRPs.wav,YJHhEjsAkZoc.wav +2120,Buzzing and female speech,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YtmLAXm1WlnE.wav,YtxeXrpoMST4.wav +2121,Water is running and splashing while an adult female speaks and dishes clink,"Dishes, pots, and pans Speech",YlYhwCRX2wNc.wav,Ye9MWXS34o48.wav +2122,A buzzing and laughter,Laughter Speech,YNtQiduPRiRg.wav,YKtTLsveexOg.wav +2123,Rapid typing on a keyboard,Computer keyboard Typing,YBz9Y5nZK3eo.wav,YARFFw0e_jig.wav +2124,"A small drill is operating and whirring, with grinding and clattering",Drill Tools Power tool,YtB8TiiXwKmA.wav,Yi6MQCm58zlY.wav +2125,Scraping and banging,Filing (rasp) Rub Wood,YOMGHnJV0l2U.wav,YaMhu5eMQAsI.wav +2126,"Birds chirp and sing in the background, while an adult male speaks and crunching footfalls occur","Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet Speech",YkXjzsroVTtw.wav,YlmPMhs-9IYE.wav +2127,A motorcycle running close and then far away,"Motorcycle Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YmW1EpJYcy_E.wav,YkOYg4ZtKcAs.wav +2128,A sneeze and sniffle,Sneeze,YxqtrbqDlz28.wav,YgW7s3YAthpI.wav +2129,A man speaks and water trickles,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YZ7yDwpdGelM.wav,YA61Mry8zBwE.wav +2130,A cat meowing repeatedly,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Speech Animal",Y466ucPGoNSQ.wav,YLBe33dw9ezg.wav +2131,An adult male is speaking and typing on a keyboard,Computer keyboard Typing Speech,Y0ury8KHQdL4.wav,YljrL7Cb-jr8.wav +2132,A man talking as water splashes and wind heavily blowing into a microphone,"Ocean Vehicle Speech Sailboat, sailing ship Stream",YBXxlqaDvdaA.wav,Y7P0N61TVOxE.wav +2133,A man talking then whistling,Whistling,YHdxfbpnd2-8.wav,Y9dLLsZVRSZI.wav +2134,Male speech and then applause,Applause Speech,YL_CNz9Vrtkw.wav,YlX3k5p2I_g0.wav +2135,An emergency siren with horn honking,Vibration,Y4Ujigme2IxY.wav,YE3D_z0aoUEg.wav +2136,Continuous spray,Spray,YljrL7Cb-jr8.wav,YiOCpICiu4LA.wav +2137,"Water running, men singing, and clanging of metal",Gurgling Stream,Y3qTL7QRk-tg.wav,YRtenf2XSXRc.wav +2138,Race car engines revving through gears,Tire squeal,Yvsy1IpYmrSY.wav,Yw_Utn3CwAXE.wav +2139,A male speaking and the glass shattering followed by a laughter,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",YEQVWhHmT_cE.wav,YfwhkCnOeyC0.wav +2140,People are speaking followed by crowd noise,Horse Speech Animal,YwNiYSYJXssA.wav,YEYTz1LPDHsc.wav +2141,Loud clicking machine noises that revs up and down,Vibration,Y1N_DtRpdAp8.wav,YDt53UZgyznE.wav +2142,A vehicle engine idles and birds chirp in the background,Bus Vehicle Speech,Yk4XyfaWVLEY.wav,YYqYCDis3EUA.wav +2143,Continuous light snoring,Snoring Dog Animal,YlTfNLKEy1RU.wav,YztSjcZNUY7A.wav +2144,An engine revving with whooshing,"Engine Whoosh, swoosh, swish Vehicle Car",YFi4-IqJo2xQ.wav,YrN2rpLV3brs.wav +2145,A man talking in the background as vehicles drive by,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Car passing by,YTSdAJWJ-tW0.wav,YAMQei29haCw.wav +2146,A bell chiming as a man is speaking in the background followed by a muffled bell chiming,Tick-tock Speech,YHqndxoujCYI.wav,Yt3VFlDiEKgY.wav +2147,Male speech and wind blowing hard over microphone,"Ocean Vehicle Speech Sailboat, sailing ship Stream",YBXxlqaDvdaA.wav,YvEWmHtiznF8.wav +2148,Background rustling followed by a goat screaming,"Goat Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YITlqMkR5alY.wav,YQoEal_hKz4Q.wav +2149,City ambiance with multiple cars driving by and a large vehicle engine revving then accelerating,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle Car,YHUwXtfYRFwk.wav,YUXGzbBGbqAA.wav +2150,Woman speaking in a quiet environment,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y54eRRbCtPn8.wav,YSGaIvgwwWSE.wav +2151,An engine revving continuously,"Engine Idling Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Speech Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y2KR0C5ysO8o.wav,YOpiWMltpj44.wav +2152,A baby laughing and the female speech and male shouting,Laughter Speech,Y_AcJVyToQUQ.wav,YxqtrbqDlz28.wav +2153,Someone snores and a man speaks,Snoring Speech,YVZLZ08k3YeA.wav,YBwnGxJD9xh8.wav +2154,"A mid-size motor vehicle engine is idling and clacking somewhat, followed by mid-size motor vehicles accelerating quickly with a brief tire squeal","Vehicle Tire squeal Car Race car, auto racing",Y7XXSOzDQ2z0.wav,YgQMTOKsCIyk.wav +2155,A speech and then a cat vocalizing repeatedly,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Speech Animal",Y466ucPGoNSQ.wav,YtfOIhQpYYe8.wav +2156,A man speaking followed by sawing then plastic crinkling as water trickles,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YZ7yDwpdGelM.wav,Y7WkB6pflr6o.wav +2157,Male speech and a goat bleating,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",Yc3nlaAkv9bA.wav,Y7P6lcyeDKNI.wav +2158,A motor boat idling then taking off,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YR_g4RpU9mO0.wav,YVkbp8VmL3pM.wav +2159,A woman speaks with some rustling and crinkling of plastic,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling Inside, small room",YT9_ep-3BZDY.wav,YKVAIaRPry24.wav +2160,Water moving down a stream swiftly,Stream,YROootH-mtEI.wav,YB3O476LeuXY.wav +2161,"People are speaking in the background, a hiss occurs, then a steam whistle blows",Steam whistle Steam Hiss,Y9_YfTz8cnFY.wav,YDNtF_mGzQes.wav +2162,A motorboat accelerating and water splashing,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YwrQDkX0NbTA.wav,YMkbP_8zJwXU.wav +2163,Birds chirp in the background while an adult male speaks and many bees buzz,"Bee, wasp, etc. Hammer Insect Fly, housefly",YiOCpICiu4LA.wav,YSCow4mpBsGY.wav +2164,It is thundering and raining,Rain Thunderstorm Thunder,YSGaIvgwwWSE.wav,Y1DKLyH3FixM.wav +2165,A person breathing heavily then sneezing,Sneeze,Ye9MWXS34o48.wav,YxpZna_FwDhI.wav +2166,A man screams while a drill runs,Drill,YWUpeplQr3A4.wav,YTWOgvDaDqlU.wav +2167,A motor runs as tires screech twice,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YS_3aeOvniZc.wav,YbygBWUkpaC8.wav +2168,A woman speaks and a crowd applauds,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y32565FEuksc.wav,Y-Sz4z0QwEuM.wav +2169,A woman is speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y1QNLMF-Kl_s.wav,YHxZADVzNIqs.wav +2170,A man talking followed by another man shouting then an aircraft engine starting up as vehicles drive by in the background,"Aircraft engine Engine Vehicle Speech Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YlX3k5p2I_g0.wav,YItS07xtdi4s.wav +2171,A vehicle driving as a man and woman are talking and laughing,Bus Vehicle Speech,Y--0w1YA1Hm4.wav,YQoEal_hKz4Q.wav +2172,An adult female speaks in a quiet environment,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y1vCYiVvZ7VE.wav,YZsTZ7jqbd9M.wav +2173,A woman repeatedly sneezing and coughing,Sneeze,YmJ6ZO3xEcgw.wav,YlgwpIImXCWA.wav +2174,A person burps followed by laughter,"Burping, eructation Speech",YPMMkPq5jJXY.wav,Y3ue0gJM0THk.wav +2175,A man talks while several animals make noises in the background,Bird Bow-wow Speech Animal,YDlWd7Wmdi1E.wav,Yjf4iyQPJSvk.wav +2176,Laughing and birds chirping with wind and an engine running,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",YPvWI4p74UOs.wav,YnU-AI3Cmc3M.wav +2177,"A motor vehicle engine accelerates, and a man speaks","Engine Idling Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Speech Car Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y4sb9jN0SgTM.wav,YhDMHIDJdfDA.wav +2178,Several ducks quack with some distant humming,Bird Duck Goose,YOpiWMltpj44.wav,YBDpU2Qh77NE.wav +2179,A plastic clack followed by a man talking as a stream of water rushes and a crowd of people talk in the background,Speech Waterfall Stream,YPZBUdlKwX04.wav,Y5t6tSW0yT40.wav +2180,A man gives a talk while engines were in the background,Vehicle Speech Car Car passing by,Y2bq2lc3DLwM.wav,Y9HVgYs8OOLc.wav +2181,An emergency vehicle sounds sirens as a vehicle accelerates,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,YHg6HxylRGDo.wav,YlfO471Rn61k.wav +2182,A woman delivers a speech,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YCM49C3RkzV8.wav,YbLZFtoWXYTA.wav +2183,A young girl speaking with some crinkling plastic,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling Inside, small room",YqPYwp1K4sZE.wav,Y7XUt6sQS7nM.wav +2184,A man talking followed by a camera muffling and footsteps shuffling then wood lightly clanking,Wood Speech,Y3wrdPAeqjVI.wav,Y350OCezayrk.wav +2185,Men humming and talking with baby crying in the background,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YYH4qi8Ul6v0.wav,Y9z2OwpftxUE.wav +2186,Birds chirp followed by people communicating,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YBDpU2Qh77NE.wav,YR91bUbtKrRs.wav +2187,A bird chirping as water lightly trickles and wind blows into a microphone,"Bird Domestic animals, pets Duck Outside, rural or natural",YMkbP_8zJwXU.wav,YwNiYSYJXssA.wav +2188,A loud burst followed by rustling and then spraying,"Burst, pop",YAf4a-9rcnP0.wav,Y6OlHuvJR_Dk.wav +2189,Ocean waves crashing as a woman laughs and yells as a group of boys and girls scream and laugh in the distance,"Speech Stream Outside, rural or natural",Y6ZwYgzcN6Is.wav,Y7bO0AJI-ihs.wav +2190,A toy helicopter flying,Helicopter,Yyau2WIRkxb8.wav,Y7_smJ8VbfSU.wav +2191,Bees buzz while birds call followed by man speaking,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",Yjj2RyNDj7no.wav,Yi2yhbckq3p0.wav +2192,Distant thumping with some lights wind,Gurgling,Y1Uh74_rZ72k.wav,Y8IdCiapDYCU.wav +2193,"Typing on a typewriter is ongoing with clicking and clacking, a bell rings, and a clack occurs with the carriage return",Typing Rattle Typewriter,Yt1hj7se76wQ.wav,YFKaJsvcyHTk.wav +2194,A muffled vehicle engine revving then running idle as cloth rustles,Engine Idling Medium engine (mid frequency) Engine starting,YBZCEDkx37rI.wav,YmVjub3o_IxE.wav +2195,Steam followed by knocking sounds,Steam Hiss,YpHYkWkZ4guE.wav,YtNxfdAd14qE.wav +2196,An aircraft engine running in the distance as wind blows into a microphone followed by a man talking in the background,Aircraft engine Vehicle Speech Aircraft,YjYPU6aSDo88.wav,YP12nvSpKXcs.wav +2197,An engine whines in the background as a man talks followed by a smack then a high pitched whistle before a woman speaks,Bus Vehicle Speech,Y6dLkgq9EKPE.wav,Y1vCYiVvZ7VE.wav +2198,A muffled motorboat engine running as a group of people are laughing and screaming while water splashes and sprays,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Waves, surf Ocean",YJnSwRonB9wI.wav,Y6ukYSXzfEgQ.wav +2199,A bus engine running idle as a man is talking,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle Speech,YvEWmHtiznF8.wav,YmVjub3o_IxE.wav +2200,Footsteps followed by rapid gunshots and people speaking,"Gunshot, gunfire",Y6NBPiArs2-w.wav,Yq46VXJ6JN9M.wav +2201,A woman is speaking with people communicating in the background,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y7_smJ8VbfSU.wav,Y_z-bidQYVao.wav +2202,Music followed by male speech and distant sizzling,Sizzle,Yg6CY7qvu81k.wav,YuhSDBwVrEdo.wav +2203,A loud exhale followed by a man speaking,"Burping, eructation Speech",Yeu5bq0A3XVQ.wav,Yific_gRalg0.wav +2204,Mechanical sound with clock tick-tocking,Tick-tock,YSNy_axSCoyw.wav,YQoEal_hKz4Q.wav +2205,A horn sounds as wind blows followed by motor vehicle engine noise,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle,YGGgQR7aIofY.wav,Ye2rScj9UyMs.wav +2206,A dog snoring loudly,"Snoring Domestic animals, pets Dog Animal",YK-7Y8yhcUiw.wav,YXPebkNzsnRI.wav +2207,Water splashing with speech and brief laughter,"Boat, Water vehicle Waves, surf Wind Wind noise (microphone)",Y3RultJjvTWI.wav,YHUwXtfYRFwk.wav +2208,A crowd of people applauding and cheering,Applause,YXrJcmftCY04.wav,Y8OTd45_6cvY.wav +2209,A child talking then laughing with a man as an animal gurgles followed by a man talking,Frog,YS0SQyFXbqF8.wav,YkVYNXZd0MMY.wav +2210,A man speaks followed by heavy sizzling,Sizzle,YbQNX7vDalQw.wav,YWCYfCfW9NA0.wav +2211,Beep then male speaking multiple times,"Beep, bleep Speech Inside, small room",Yj1AiqT5oHZc.wav,YQHfyKaOHSz4.wav +2212,A man speaking continuously,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",YC8kR19NvynA.wav,YZNEZLlDVgrE.wav +2213,"A main horn honks, a train passes by","Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y3ndid3jni7M.wav,YYQSuFyFm3Lc.wav +2214,Humming and vibrating followed by rustling and splashes with a man speaking briefly,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",Y6ZFU4PqXmoI.wav,YT32kii824pA.wav +2215,A woman is speaking while food is frying and sizzling,Sizzle Frying (food),Y5G6b_QWL3nY.wav,YXJba7pTbpD0.wav +2216,"Liquid is trickling, splashing and gurgling while filling a container","Water tap, faucet",YbLZFtoWXYTA.wav,YXamQAY_WXRY.wav +2217,A motorbike engine starting up then revving as a man talks in the background,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,YoiIi6H83Y38.wav,Y14izd_i3ryE.wav +2218,Racecar motor revving engine with downshifting,Vehicle Car Car passing by,Yg_P29ucKj78.wav,YszkiW0GXEOI.wav +2219,An engine running and male speech,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,YndxkSQKxaak.wav,Y1wW0YJQ-Xa0.wav +2220,A vehicle running and then speeding up,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle,Yzq00Oe1ecpE.wav,YdYvL6uEMl6E.wav +2221,Male speech and an engine revving and a honk in the distance,"Motor vehicle (road) Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Traffic noise, roadway noise Outside, urban or manmade",YNJEPbGVBJIQ.wav,Y-JP1GqPEKtw.wav +2222,Helicopter propellers spinning,Helicopter,YAWGnTI0e2Fs.wav,YHqndxoujCYI.wav +2223,A man speaking as metal clanks and gears crank followed by pots and pans falling onto a hard surface,Wood,YT32kii824pA.wav,YWUyeFOyKIg0.wav +2224,A toilet flushing followed by plastic clacking and a door slowly creaking,Toilet flush Water,Yw_Utn3CwAXE.wav,Ykx6Rj4MDIAw.wav +2225,"Thunder is booming, and rain is falling and pattering on a surface",Rain Thunderstorm Thunder,YZ-SIyOChVh8.wav,Y3Sml1wHcuxo.wav +2226,A male speech followed by an engine starting,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,Y1WTSW96XP6E.wav,YqZEIs6tS5vk.wav +2227,A woman sobbing and speaking,"Crying, sobbing Speech",YtdpiXW68adA.wav,Y9zstu_IfAm4.wav +2228,A series of bell chime as wood shuffles and a clock ticks,Bell,YtTB0BK39JI8.wav,Y7cHRSfbp7tc.wav +2229,Ducks quacking and birds tweeting as a crowd of people talk while a rooster crows in the background,Quack Duck Speech Animal,YDzKjogSVOLM.wav,YU5ij0M7T-hk.wav +2230,Ticking of a clock,Tick-tock,Yl5KdHAWwJCw.wav,YDc2WEiRk0rA.wav +2231,Middle aged man speaks foreign language while water is trickling,"Water tap, faucet Water",Yh5_1pnkl_SY.wav,Y4_DjmCg8Ra8.wav +2232,Man speaking and clinking dishes,"Cutlery, silverware Dishes, pots, and pans",Y-EaZ7EJJUl0.wav,YcN-oYKd-M4E.wav +2233,A clock ticking with a series of bell chimes,Tick-tock Tick,YsbW7XwwUtSU.wav,YTtRtURWVYBE.wav +2234,Water trickling as a motorboat engine runs and wind blows on a microphone,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Wind Wind noise (microphone)",YlJayhiVzl_E.wav,YFc9pG54DDJM.wav +2235,Metal clanking followed by plastic rattling and air spraying with a group of people talking faintly in the background,Spray,Yn-JyOqYSLQM.wav,YhiJB_95IWiE.wav +2236,Burping and laughing by girls with distant speaking of a television,"Burping, eructation Speech",YPMMdAKZxI_I.wav,YOUUckswAaNI.wav +2237,A person snoring,Snoring,YfBYDJWChe5c.wav,YJTHMXLC9YRs.wav +2238,A man speaks as food sizzles followed by some cracks,"Speech Frying (food) Inside, small room",Y_9mgOkzm-xg.wav,YAgaiowyYt88.wav +2239,Loud banging followed by silence,Door,YAgaiowyYt88.wav,Y27HIamF8pKo.wav +2240,A man and woman speak,"Conversation Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y1GgEpRZDWN0.wav,Yy-RSojxgkDo.wav +2241,A man laughs and talks with another man sneezing,Sneeze Speech,Y-FW109cbv0g.wav,YOt0bN_hz2ec.wav +2242,A woman speaking as water softly splashes and trickles while wind lightly blows into a microphone,"Trickle, dribble Water Speech",YPTyFYxXdut4.wav,YQKHpSAAjakY.wav +2243,A power tool is being used to cut,Drill Tools,Y2msevPMQB4M.wav,Yh0M4RS8p_mo.wav +2244,An engine chugging followed by distant speech,Truck Vehicle Speech,Y9E8BmPZ9mWc.wav,Yq46VXJ6JN9M.wav +2245,A man speaking followed by dogs barking alongside chimps screaming and birds chirping,Bird Bow-wow Speech Animal,YDlWd7Wmdi1E.wav,YUAmDLPjNyMg.wav +2246,Revving of an engine with people cheering while someone speaks through a speaker,"Vehicle Speech Car Race car, auto racing",YlmPMhs-9IYE.wav,Y77nElZGi5NU.wav +2247,Cracking with some rustling as distant birds chirp,Wood,YDrCm-HpX67k.wav,Yi6MQCm58zlY.wav +2248,A baby cries and people speak,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",Yy_OyLW9lBXU.wav,YeUecAF626A8.wav +2249,Vibrations from a sewing machine in bursts,Sewing machine,Yii3Geza3hAU.wav,YKtinboYbmHQ.wav +2250,A boat engine starts up and idles,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YsqWyxUObwkw.wav,YSL3wB5sDcdw.wav +2251,High-pitched snoring occurs in a rhythmic pattern,Snoring,YniwgMbB6tpQ.wav,YZ3wDry8nnJs.wav +2252,"A roaring hiss is ongoing, and a brief low hum occurs",Steam Hiss,YhGWarNR6xmg.wav,YXZTt1xdK8uQ.wav +2253,A young girl speaks and cries,"Crying, sobbing Speech",YtdpiXW68adA.wav,YI_vN_BFUr0Y.wav +2254,Faucet running and a man speaks,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YqeSl7YZAfs4.wav,YyVjivgsU2aA.wav +2255,Vehicle motor running,Truck Vehicle Car,Y9vZDsGjyh5M.wav,Y0G7rb74R-2A.wav +2256,A baby continuously crying,"Baby cry, infant cry",YWHRnyGXcdy8.wav,YPLHXGDnig4M.wav +2257,A speedboat is traveling across water followed by strong wind noise,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YCeRoaEcqUgM.wav,YC4JwGJQ2dUA.wav +2258,"An adult male speaks, birds chirp in the background, and many insects are buzzing","Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YAUJPx81qKtY.wav,Y1j5NMuq1X30.wav +2259,Synthesized laser effects and explosions as a man talks followed by a deeper voiced man talking then woman laughing,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",YIdBDl9Wr51A.wav,Y2EsxcKe1A4w.wav +2260,Sirens ring and a vehicle speeds closer,"Motor vehicle (road) Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren Vehicle",YIvfaKPDWC00.wav,YLvMA1Wcgu3w.wav +2261,Bells ringing a tune,Bell,YTtRtURWVYBE.wav,YROootH-mtEI.wav +2262,Slapping noises while a person breathes heavily,"Slap, smack Frying (food)",YUXGzbBGbqAA.wav,YsqsI2UyrcBQ.wav +2263,A man talking followed by a goat baaing then a metal gate sliding shut as ducks quack and wind blows into a microphone,Goat Speech Animal,YCO6-i8NLbeo.wav,YhpDltmawxIM.wav +2264,A motorcycle engine running as several vehicle horns honk while a car alarm rings in the distance,Motor vehicle (road) Motorcycle Vehicle Car,Yi2yhbckq3p0.wav,YSePTNAN7s-w.wav +2265,"A female child speaks, clattering and banging occur and the child screams, an adult male speaks in the background, and then more clattering and banging occur",Door Sliding door Speech,YEfk5kdn9lR8.wav,YbQNX7vDalQw.wav +2266,A man speaks as rain pitter-patters and thunder rumbles,Rain Thunder Rain on surface,Y-EQByFLFqig.wav,YsqsI2UyrcBQ.wav +2267,"Water is running, splashing and gurgling, thumps occur, an adult male speaks, and people are talking in the background","Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",Y6i5eQOpFk_U.wav,Y2bq2lc3DLwM.wav +2268,A man speaks followed by several clicks then an engine struggling to start,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,Y1WTSW96XP6E.wav,YrUq4w4EUSWA.wav +2269,"Woman speaks, girl speaks, clapping, croaking noise interrupts, followed by laughter","Burping, eructation Speech",YIJ6pm5Kns8A.wav,YCfxWJ1Qoufg.wav +2270,"A loud, long explosion","Explosion Burst, pop",YatmDP_fmK_8.wav,YtjCNwdOUiGc.wav +2271,A vehicle engine repeatedly revving as tires skid while a man talks over an intercom and wind blows into a microphone,"Vehicle Speech Tire squeal Race car, auto racing Outside, urban or manmade",YLvhvAA11oxE.wav,YuhSDBwVrEdo.wav +2272,Pigeons coo and rustle,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room Outside, rural or natural",Y_BSmz3SEW1w.wav,YqeSl7YZAfs4.wav +2273,A man and woman are having a conversation on the telephone,Telephone Speech,Y7QN3lwOzfdg.wav,YRfGapDlAYoQ.wav +2274,A woman is speaking as surface is scratched followed by ticktock sounds,Tick-tock Speech,YXWw7ZM1c_QA.wav,YrgrmLLhxoCQ.wav +2275,Water is trickling while wind is blowing in the background,"Trickle, dribble Water Waterfall Outside, rural or natural",Yjf4iyQPJSvk.wav,Y_duNX6Vyd6g.wav +2276,Brief vibrations from a truck,Idling Truck Vehicle,Yi1u_2eZYYlE.wav,Y1Og2TJ3bXW0.wav +2277,Two people talking then water running,"Water tap, faucet Speech",YcNARVD02-tw.wav,YlX3k5p2I_g0.wav +2278,High wind with people yelling,Gurgling Speech,Yn4VktYihtJU.wav,YFDwK7T1JO_0.wav +2279,A fire truck siren blasts,"Motor vehicle (road) Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren Truck Vehicle",YwVi5w_NU6CM.wav,YY3lNEe-ZGF0.wav +2280,A person is snoring,Snoring,YSCow4mpBsGY.wav,YH7rd9bZtbgc.wav +2281,A man is talking with thumping noises in the background,"Wood Speech Inside, small room",YgwQMkQmBITE.wav,YpPLisQ_QXxw.wav +2282,A high pitched airplane engine idles,"Aircraft engine Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",Ybpv_LneHmfU.wav,YAgh2EKINlSw.wav +2283,Sawing wood with music playing in the distance,Sawing Rub Wood,YZYWCwfCkBp4.wav,Y2EsxcKe1A4w.wav +2284,Wind noise on microphone with waves splashing in the background,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",YJBWJQCS4SvA.wav,YHVz-FJBf_iM.wav +2285,A baby and a woman laugh,Laughter Speech,YmWqH2xwjkYA.wav,YNJEPbGVBJIQ.wav +2286,Water is trickling while a woman is speaking,"Trickle, dribble Water Speech",YPTyFYxXdut4.wav,Y1_z6NcidGzM.wav +2287,A machine is chopping wood,Wood,YLs2vrr9TamU.wav,YA2mcp0N__7U.wav +2288,A vehicle horn honking during a series of electronic beeps,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car",YoZaEHkfh5Eg.wav,YfwhkCnOeyC0.wav +2289,An electronic motor buzzing and paper tearing followed by a bell chiming and a plastic click then a toilet flushing as paper crinkles in the background,Toilet flush Water,YrUq4w4EUSWA.wav,YdJYO3RbBabE.wav +2290,Dog whimpering and barking together with rustling,"Canidae, dogs, wolves Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal",YXi6V0LGvqoo.wav,Y8IdCiapDYCU.wav +2291,A long train whistle and a train chugging,Steam whistle Steam Hiss,Y9_YfTz8cnFY.wav,Y4pf-PIymDhU.wav +2292,Several bells ringing rapidly and then a single bell,Bell,YwbPmnxCLoRQ.wav,YCMUuelJFJ7Q.wav +2293,"Music is ongoing while two adult males speak, and sizzling and crackling occur along with random metal scraping",Stir Frying (food),YSQHYl2Kp5ww.wav,Y-R69Fa-mCaY.wav +2294,Plastic thumping as a man laughs and a kid talk in the distance as wind blows into a microphone and water is splashing,Gurgling Speech Stream,Y1nUOGZgSzZo.wav,YZUmZgPL0ges.wav +2295,A person whistles to music,Whistling,YD4s5aHrsBgs.wav,Y3qTL7QRk-tg.wav +2296,Tires squeal and an engine hums as a vehicle approaches,Skidding Vehicle Tire squeal Car,YKtinboYbmHQ.wav,Y1vCYiVvZ7VE.wav +2297,Repetitive faint snoring,Snoring Dog Animal,YlTfNLKEy1RU.wav,YdYZSKX7vuRI.wav +2298,A woman speaking over a phone and a man speaking,Telephone Speech,YxnVqvc7N7Po.wav,YFhimNYClv40.wav +2299,Various speech and a whistle blown and water splashing,Gurgling Speech Stream,Y1_z6NcidGzM.wav,YdmUOSyPXkUw.wav +2300,A truck engine running as a man yells in the distance followed by steam hissing as vehicles drive by in the background,Truck Vehicle Speech,YvfNKduToki4.wav,Y1Uh74_rZ72k.wav +2301,Aircraft engine roars as it approaches and then recedes,"Aircraft engine Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YkF1KWybdRpM.wav,Y8BPTQO_cx7E.wav +2302,A sewing machine operating several times between metal clicking,Sewing machine,Ys_EWjoiVfzo.wav,YDjKGzOe_COc.wav +2303,Insects buzzing as wood lightly shuffles and birds chirp in the distance,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect",Yg5l3Bz6lWnc.wav,YfYTZVxQ8LJk.wav +2304,A steam engine running on railroad tracks as steam releases and hisses while group of people talk in the background,Steam Hiss,YpCQEWAFGEjc.wav,Y3ndid3jni7M.wav +2305,An ambulance sounds the siren,"Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YpWQeV08kYR0.wav,YpHNMcX-9FDs.wav +2306,Water trickling followed by a toilet flushing then liquid draining through a pipe,Toilet flush,YZsf2YvJfCKw.wav,YniwgMbB6tpQ.wav +2307,A train horn blowing several times as a train runs on railroad tracks and a railroad crossing signal rings in the distance,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Train whistle Rail transport Train Vehicle",YI_vN_BFUr0Y.wav,YkLYCjD6vWI4.wav +2308,A phone dial tone playing followed by a plastic switch flipping,"Telephone dialing, DTMF Telephone",YJfaj4P3us9M.wav,Y9z2OwpftxUE.wav +2309,A rooster crowing and birds cooing,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room Outside, rural or natural",YwBs02amFGXs.wav,YXQxIXaX_7M0.wav +2310,"The wind is blowing, a large motor vehicle engine idles, an electronic signal beep, a vehicle horn blows, and faint speech is present in the background",Bus Vehicle Speech,YEcihYbSlyck.wav,YGE1aZSnPr2Q.wav +2311,Rustling and breathing,Oink,Y4UPOUGVMlEs.wav,Yz1ax0QPpd14.wav +2312,Helicopter rotors slowing down,Vehicle Helicopter Aircraft,YR8bHTHnF8j4.wav,Y9b6RqajfAmw.wav +2313,A vehicle is running followed by the horn honking,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car Outside, urban or manmade",YPVvi2SDOjVc.wav,Y0AsXkZkqelg.wav +2314,Birds chirping followed by a car door unlocking and opening,Door,YEYTz1LPDHsc.wav,Y6OlHuvJR_Dk.wav +2315,A motor vehicle engine is starting and accelerating,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,YoiIi6H83Y38.wav,YXi6V0LGvqoo.wav +2316,Goats are bleating with other natural outdoor noises,Goat Speech Animal,YrtgVoZCcBw8.wav,Y-nQHwrRLfc0.wav +2317,A train passes and then a horn honks,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y8ycflE3dIHw.wav,YDjKGzOe_COc.wav +2318,Frogs call out to each other over the chirp of insects,Frog,Yv59uHr-B1no.wav,YBQ-r9mEHssU.wav +2319,"A wailing siren fades, a motor sputters, then the siren resumes accompanied by blaring horns","Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",YYNDKuNINDOY.wav,YAFgGoY8Ihhg.wav +2320,Swirling wind followed by a man speaking and then a child talks,Gurgling Speech,Y4abZbau8tZo.wav,Yorgwzt45ojE.wav +2321,A pig squealing as a camera muffles and a man speaks briefly,Speech Oink,YwSHzVxdMiTo.wav,YpHYkWkZ4guE.wav +2322,A car is shifting gears,Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y22L_3pBa1AI.wav,Y9HVgYs8OOLc.wav +2323,Food and oil sizzling rapidly,Sizzle,YZBtgrP4vU_w.wav,YY3lNEe-ZGF0.wav +2324,A man speaks then whistles,Whistling Speech,YFA11v4SmdBc.wav,YLbken4JCr94.wav +2325,A vehicle struggling to start with some clicks and whines,Vehicle Engine starting,YTOaQMYc79Mw.wav,Yq4YFJA5pFXc.wav +2326,Birds chirping and tweeting followed by light wood tapping,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YGIOApFAWDOc.wav,YptIksg9KEac.wav +2327,Plastic cranking as rain heavily pours while a stream of water rapidly flows,Rain Thunderstorm Thunder,YS8k47ME-YT4.wav,YE6FH_xp3I54.wav +2328,A vehicle engine driving by while tires skid,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing Outside, urban or manmade",Yo3mZR8OvPko.wav,Yc6YJgZ3qzOw.wav +2329,"Engine revs very high for a while, then begins to slow down","Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YEBCH7TPgiPc.wav,YHUwXtfYRFwk.wav +2330,A series of machine gunfire and two gunshots firing as a jet aircraft flies by followed by soft music playing,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",YnD1K1Zo0qrM.wav,YxpZna_FwDhI.wav +2331,A small motor vibrating followed by a cat meowing,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Animal",YkOYg4ZtKcAs.wav,YO90Qy2xG6oA.wav +2332,A child talking then a man speaking with bird sounds in the background,"Bird Speech Pigeon, dove Outside, urban or manmade",YMVGhC-xB79s.wav,Y6CDl4CqOgMg.wav +2333,A loud engine idles followed by an increase and decrease in the engine sounds,Idling Engine starting,YB3O476LeuXY.wav,YTWOgvDaDqlU.wav +2334,A baby cries and a woman speaks followed by some light rustling and someone speaking faintly over a television,"Crying, sobbing Speech Baby cry, infant cry Inside, small room",YQ0anPAIkfBE.wav,Y8ipe6b1LwHQ.wav +2335,A man is speaking with the wind blowing in the background,"Male speech, man speaking Rustling leaves Speech",YfmEft49sPfE.wav,Y6ZFU4PqXmoI.wav +2336,Toilet flushes with a young girl shouting from a distance,Toilet flush,YQ3vkJMVMbC8.wav,YSL3wB5sDcdw.wav +2337,A door shutting followed by two men talking then a horn honking and slapping on a wooden surface,"Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Speech Inside, small room",Yj0KvrVE_Oww.wav,YsJrFyjfrL-g.wav +2338,A series of electronic beeps as a man is talking while water trickles in the background,"Beep, bleep Speech",Y9U8COLzEegs.wav,YpI_kPedctoo.wav +2339,A vacuum running,Steam Hiss,YFL8KTgMGrN4.wav,YBMayJId0X1s.wav +2340,Footsteps with intermittent aerosol can activation,Spray,Y8OTd45_6cvY.wav,YtTB0BK39JI8.wav +2341,A man talking as a camera muffles followed by a loud explosion then a group of people laughing and talking,"Explosion Burst, pop Speech",YCMNlIW6Lkwc.wav,YpHNMcX-9FDs.wav +2342,An infant crying followed by a child speaking in the background then a young woman talking,"Crying, sobbing Speech",YMTIF_l_8d4Q.wav,Yos_2U4xqTqw.wav +2343,A vehicle engine accelerating as plastic rattles and wind blows into a microphone,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YLF6x7B0Ppvo.wav,Y2JutOgAnqWA.wav +2344,Electronic beeping followed by a cat singing then meowing as paper shuffles and a man talks with music playing in the background,Cat Meow Speech Animal,Yup2PpjTzyyc.wav,YN_s9F4CI_98.wav +2345,High powered vibrations from a power tool,Drill,YGuizRlAQ8qQ.wav,YjOYvIISk--4.wav +2346,Continuous laughing with brief tapping and speech,Laughter Speech,YriM7b5bJ9KQ.wav,Y9vZDsGjyh5M.wav +2347,Rustling and tapping followed by brief gurgling,Gurgling,Yific_gRalg0.wav,YrvtA7c1I4xo.wav +2348,A toilet flushing,Toilet flush,YYIqpIjjee00.wav,Yyrxa6_P2I80.wav +2349,An infant crying then yelling as a man speaks through a television speaker,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",Y404cD3bVXDc.wav,YWU3qB7gf6ao.wav +2350,Male speaking softly with nature sounds in background,Frog,Yp_BB_rJaF7Q.wav,YpaetCbEqp2w.wav +2351,An engine running and then accelerating,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YR_g4RpU9mO0.wav,YYH4qi8Ul6v0.wav +2352,A young girl talking followed by a man talking then a young boy softly talking as birds are chirping in the background,"Insect Speech Outside, rural or natural",YFXdoNvmrYxo.wav,Y473wBEwC35M.wav +2353,"Gunshots, machine gun fire, and artillery fire are ongoing, an adult male speaks in the foreground, and another adult male speaks in the far background","Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",YQoEal_hKz4Q.wav,Y473wBEwC35M.wav +2354,An explosion and crackling,"Explosion Burst, pop",YeqcdsdLz954.wav,YgQMTOKsCIyk.wav +2355,Liquid is being sprayed,Spray,Y1j5NMuq1X30.wav,Y8IdCiapDYCU.wav +2356,Rustling followed by whistling,Whistling,YLWng-4PDzPM.wav,YbX2vDaHL26U.wav +2357,Several sheep bleat,"Sheep Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YLKhokVsJhN0.wav,Yr2KhpX_QgXA.wav +2358,A clock ticking,Tick-tock Tick,YY3lNEe-ZGF0.wav,Y2bq2lc3DLwM.wav +2359,Continuous crinkling in a quiet environment,"Crumpling, crinkling",YrgrmLLhxoCQ.wav,YelztUCeNQvQ.wav +2360,"Pet birds tweet, chirp, and sing while music plays","Bird Domestic animals, pets Chirp, tweet",YZTYAQBnU4GM.wav,YxnVqvc7N7Po.wav +2361,Wind blowing with some rustling and humming of engines,Fire Wind Wind noise (microphone),Yh3UhoHIMfpw.wav,YXL8JV9qXGLE.wav +2362,Porcelain dishes clank followed by metal rattling,"Cutlery, silverware Dishes, pots, and pans",Y8ipe6b1LwHQ.wav,YlfAFQ0-wDJU.wav +2363,A deep voice followed by sizzling food,Sizzle,YbQNX7vDalQw.wav,Y-FW109cbv0g.wav +2364,A small vehicle engine is running and an adult male speaks in the background,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,Y0Dt-pH0pW-Y.wav,Y4_Cak7gvly4.wav +2365,A man speaks with some clicking followed by wind blowing and a door opening,Door,YhVUmQfBIYe8.wav,YgbtcDoh0q3c.wav +2366,A man speaking as a man talks over an intercom in the background followed by a girl talking then a group of people laughing and a man and woman talk,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YxBZnvfniA1c.wav,YlVr-PxhZo8s.wav +2367,A bell ringing repeatedly,Bell,Y-DmjkgWa-rw.wav,YV8A0VRGdgwM.wav +2368,A cat meowing as a man talks followed by wood knocking and a person breathing while a machine hums in the background,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Speech Animal",Y466ucPGoNSQ.wav,Ya_Rjlu50TfA.wav +2369,Wind blows hard then a man speaks,"Wind Speech Outside, rural or natural",YQTSKjweEWew.wav,Y1HCuBnPLMqQ.wav +2370,"Pigeons are making noises, and a man talks","Bird Speech Pigeon, dove",Y6cyKp3EDm-0.wav,YkF1KWybdRpM.wav +2371,A woman speaks followed by crinkling,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling Inside, small room",YT9_ep-3BZDY.wav,YqZEIs6tS5vk.wav +2372,A river stream flowing while a woman and a kid are talking as birds chirp in the background,Stream,YENTi8Sn4vdM.wav,Y13CBvjHZhOA.wav +2373,A kid crying as a crowd of people talk in the background and a woman is yelling,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YzEM94PH29VQ.wav,YZBtgrP4vU_w.wav +2374,Water splashing occurs while a person quacks to imitate a duck and an adult female laughs,Quack Duck Animal,YrINmxSXMR-s.wav,Y4YodC6RnplI.wav +2375,Machine gun fire coming from an airplane,"Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",Y11SEBDuoqSk.wav,YJdFmMw0zyKA.wav +2376,A man and a woman talking followed by a bell ringing and a cat meowing as a crowd of people applaud,Applause Speech,YfwhkCnOeyC0.wav,YSE_3nszEw7o.wav +2377,A man speaks then a second man speaks followed by a woman speaking,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YmGa2JgAiKV8.wav,YHqnSyliKTKA.wav +2378,A steam engine is hissing,Steam Hiss,YkLYCjD6vWI4.wav,YD9tinq3RMpU.wav +2379,A man speaks with spraying and vibration in the background,Spray Speech,YmaVYiednkSg.wav,YF7QtqKtllK0.wav +2380,Male speech and then scraping,Filing (rasp) Rub,YhiJB_95IWiE.wav,YDzKjogSVOLM.wav +2381,Some rustling followed by a woman speaking with some groaning,Speech Dog Animal Whimper (dog),Y096oTVzc5Gs.wav,YHxZADVzNIqs.wav +2382,Helicoptor flying,Vehicle Helicopter,Y6OlHuvJR_Dk.wav,YIdBDl9Wr51A.wav +2383,Loud hissing followed by a loud continuous horn and brief clanking,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",YKVbmN9ZRg5Q.wav,Y6TO9PEGpZcQ.wav +2384,"A man is speaking with wind background noise, and a child speaks","Wind Ship Vehicle Speech Outside, rural or natural",YCh0LMmhBUg4.wav,Ybpv_LneHmfU.wav +2385,A man talking in the foreground as another man talks in the background followed by a crowd of people applauding,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",YECw5Yf7QoMo.wav,YXf5LjaE_JQ0.wav +2386,"A brisk wind is blowing, hissing is ongoing, and an adult male speaks","Wind Speech Outside, rural or natural",YQTSKjweEWew.wav,YBL8ksJ0sTXk.wav +2387,A man laughs followed by laughter and speech from other people,Laughter Speech,YriM7b5bJ9KQ.wav,YZsf2YvJfCKw.wav +2388,A young woman speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YCchRf2jq6fc.wav,YBDpU2Qh77NE.wav +2389,A horn playing as a vehicle drives in the distance as gusts of wind blow,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle,YGGgQR7aIofY.wav,YtmLAXm1WlnE.wav +2390,A high pitched loud horn honking followed by clanking and bells ringing,Steam whistle Steam Hiss,YFR7BDRhMATo.wav,Y6BJ455B1aAs.wav +2391,An aircraft flying in the distance as wind blows into a microphone,"Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YUAmDLPjNyMg.wav,Y8VOibo9Q_Dc.wav +2392,A person snores while people communicate,Snoring Speech,YJC2ZrXzCX4Y.wav,YAUJPx81qKtY.wav +2393,"A person coughs with rain noise in the background, and a woman speaks",Rain Rain on surface,YWqXFAY4k79s.wav,YyVVLq4ao1Ck.wav +2394,"Car is speeding down road, emergency siren is sounding, and a man speaks",Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,Y8F-ndyrEWJ8.wav,Y0jGH7A_hpBM.wav +2395,Water splashing and trickling as wind blows into a microphone,"Boat, Water vehicle Wind Rowboat, canoe, kayak Vehicle",Yek9Fsmm3xqk.wav,YRNBoH2LHQEM.wav +2396,Air spraying followed by fire igniting then audio static proceeded by pressurized air releasing before softly hissing,Spray,YXJba7pTbpD0.wav,Y6OlHuvJR_Dk.wav +2397,Cat meowing sadly,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Rustling leaves Animal Outside, urban or manmade",Y0On6-JiVwRs.wav,YA2mcp0N__7U.wav +2398,A baby laughs repetitively,Laughter,Yd6gu2w19YQo.wav,Yg6CY7qvu81k.wav +2399,Low frequency emergency siren going off followed by the siren slowing briefly,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,YOVQMFBeCHq0.wav,Y9z2OwpftxUE.wav +2400,Large booming explosions,"Gunshot, gunfire Artillery fire",Yo_3MDLl_aH0.wav,Yy1a8PntuXYw.wav +2401,Rain falling followed by footsteps walking on grass then a vehicle door opening then closing,Rain Rain on surface,YRdC8cviN6Bs.wav,Yt3VFlDiEKgY.wav +2402,An airplane engine and then light talking,Aircraft engine Vehicle Speech Aircraft,YjYPU6aSDo88.wav,YPTyFYxXdut4.wav +2403,Wind blowing hard as people speak,Bus Vehicle Speech,YtwFypUcdgRc.wav,Ym_U506sf9p4.wav +2404,Metal scrapping against a wooden surface followed by light sanding then metal scraping against a wooden surface,Filing (rasp) Rub Wood,YOMGHnJV0l2U.wav,YYIqpIjjee00.wav +2405,Humming from a large engine,"Vehicle Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",YaMhu5eMQAsI.wav,Y63KW_EQ72yU.wav +2406,A vehicle driving by with tires briefly skidding and accelerating then slowing down,"Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Race car, auto racing Car passing by",Yo7-X8DAToGc.wav,Ys_EWjoiVfzo.wav +2407,People laugh followed by whispering and a child speaking,"Laughter Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",Y83j4GgHXTLE.wav,Y1DKLyH3FixM.wav +2408,A motor is humming and a loud horn is honked,"Train Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Outside, urban or manmade",Y0UJtGcoPYa0.wav,YXZTt1xdK8uQ.wav +2409,A man talking as a motorbike engine revs and accelerates,"Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Outside, rural or natural",YXplKBvZaHXA.wav,YxpZna_FwDhI.wav +2410,Women speak and a goat bleats,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Speech Animal",YzwoqJY03yHE.wav,Y4_DjmCg8Ra8.wav +2411,Water splashes then a duck quacks then a person laughs,Quack Duck Animal,YrINmxSXMR-s.wav,YE3Q1jfTeuWs.wav +2412,Two men communicating with each other as an insect buzzes by while wind blows into a microphone and birds chirping in the distance,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech",YWLzzpzOKtnY.wav,Y7upINC4seBw.wav +2413,A young boy talking,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YmGa2JgAiKV8.wav,YfK4QBQZ6i7w.wav +2414,Burping and a man speaking,"Burping, eructation Speech",Yeu5bq0A3XVQ.wav,Y6cyKp3EDm-0.wav +2415,A stream of water trickling followed by water pouring down a drain,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Trickle, dribble Water",YZ0IrCa4MvOA.wav,YB-gTt3_rceQ.wav +2416,A vehicle engine revving as tires skid and squeal,Truck Skidding Vehicle,YV4PLSw_WzVw.wav,YVjSEIRnLAh8.wav +2417,A low slow scream then a crash then birds chirping and men speaking,Speech Oink,Ynq0BF9zGkzg.wav,YgkWd1HugK2w.wav +2418,A brief loud snoring,Snoring,Y5rh5-MCjqq8.wav,YMTIF_l_8d4Q.wav +2419,Dialing phone followed by clack sound,Telephone,Yj_NSuPnx5LA.wav,YcPiSd5nJLrI.wav +2420,Person talking as two different gunshot sounds are firing at a constant rhythmic rate where one is low like a bongo and the other is a rifle,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",YpuZL08fzpXk.wav,Y2EsxcKe1A4w.wav +2421,A dog barking during camera muffling and footsteps shuffling on dirt followed by a man talking then a bicycle riding,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal",Y2EsxcKe1A4w.wav,YlTJLvSvjUZk.wav +2422,A very loud thunder happened,Thunder,YEp72tyiL3as.wav,Y9vZDsGjyh5M.wav +2423,A baby cries as adults speak with clicking and banging of a car door,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",Y_YS5uKWoB6g.wav,Ygf6H_MWCqjw.wav +2424,Wind is mixed with a musical tone,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Ygbi6MxPf3hA.wav,YrPkCYq4Zjwk.wav +2425,A man speaks with some quick meows and digital beeps,Cat Meow Speech Animal,Yup2PpjTzyyc.wav,Y1IoHRTUp86c.wav +2426,Vibrations from a sewing machine,Sewing machine,YCwxgQS3SXic.wav,Y9E8BmPZ9mWc.wav +2427,A man speaks with some faint banging and a few sprays,"Dishes, pots, and pans Speech Inside, small room",YBoe3MeEpn_c.wav,Yr2djvq1vc68.wav +2428,A man speaks followed by a beep and a child speaks,"Beep, bleep Speech Microwave oven",Y3qrVku794u0.wav,YBwnGxJD9xh8.wav +2429,Cloth scrapping followed by cloth rubbing as a man is talking and compressed air hisses in the background,Hiss,Y3ghVB-KaU_E.wav,YjinJkonlrWc.wav +2430,Sirens and a humming engine approach and pass,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",YFhimNYClv40.wav,Y-AheI8Epim4.wav +2431,An infant whimpering and distant speech and brief laughter,"Crying, sobbing Speech Child speech, kid speaking Baby cry, infant cry Inside, small room",YXL8JV9qXGLE.wav,Y52IxrdTxGs4.wav +2432,Clicking on a keyboard with a man speaking,Typing,YRrmBGjJqlEo.wav,Y8DQfjqPCTI8.wav +2433,A toilet flushing water as music plays in the background,Toilet flush Water,Y67BsqRkh-dU.wav,YnU-AI3Cmc3M.wav +2434,Water splashes and wind blows,"Boat, Water vehicle Waves, surf Wind Ocean Sailboat, sailing ship Wind noise (microphone)",YxQDq3A4Zfbo.wav,Y7bO0AJI-ihs.wav +2435,Sizzle sound with clicking,Sizzle,YtNxfdAd14qE.wav,Ye6jSpvTvfJ0.wav +2436,"People are shouting, laughing and clapping, water is rushing and splashing, and an adult male speaks and laughs in the foreground",Stream,Y8nUqSYC66mI.wav,YcFHFVGOtp6g.wav +2437,Barks of distant dogs with men speaking and wind blowing,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal",Y0yxEvdnimGg.wav,YMOxddxW5PXs.wav +2438,A woman talking before and after a pig oinking then cloth rustling followed by camera muffling,Speech Oink,YE9zN3-C64KE.wav,Yg5l3Bz6lWnc.wav +2439,Artillery guns fire followed by a man yelling as someone whistles while gunshots fire and a group of men shout in the background,"Gunshot, gunfire Artillery fire",Y4_DjmCg8Ra8.wav,YGGgQR7aIofY.wav +2440,Emergency vehicle siren passing by then fading,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,Y8Zo30kV5aiI.wav,Y5t6tSW0yT40.wav +2441,Humming of an idling engine,Engine Idling Medium engine (mid frequency) Engine starting,YBZCEDkx37rI.wav,YtaYKM1OSTwE.wav +2442,Typing on a keyboard,Computer keyboard Typing,YBz9Y5nZK3eo.wav,YT32kii824pA.wav +2443,A car passes by shortly after a man starts talking,Vehicle Speech Car Car passing by,Y-SkjbQVgJ0M.wav,YJon_DEFqsfM.wav +2444,Tires skidding and squealing as a vehicle engine accelerates and revs several times,Skidding Vehicle Tire squeal Car,YKtinboYbmHQ.wav,YJQz40TkjymY.wav +2445,A car engine idling,Idling Vehicle Car,YNmmbNqmsPaY.wav,YpuZL08fzpXk.wav +2446,A man speaks over a loudspeaker as people speak and an engine hums,Truck Vehicle Speech,YDNtF_mGzQes.wav,Y59VP93Tzjmg.wav +2447,Men speak and laugh with humming of an engine,Bus Vehicle Speech,Y--0w1YA1Hm4.wav,Y3IguMJkqpl4.wav +2448,Large church bells ring,Bell,Y-DmjkgWa-rw.wav,Y1e98HeU9Vrg.wav +2449,A vehicle engine revving then slowing down before revving again,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YsqsI2UyrcBQ.wav,Y77nElZGi5NU.wav +2450,Sheep baaing followed by plastic thumping as birds chirp in the distance,"Sheep Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YcN-oYKd-M4E.wav,YWUpeplQr3A4.wav +2451,"A large motor vehicle engine is running and accelerates, and an adult male speaks in the background",Bus Vehicle Speech,Yhmd6pa2e_rs.wav,YVQnmlf2OsUg.wav +2452,Ducks quack with blowing wind and faint splashes,"Bird Domestic animals, pets Duck Livestock, farm animals, working animals Goose Animal",YCbe2B6ohBpw.wav,Ypaf0nyjg1Js.wav +2453,Pigeons cooing and bird wings flapping while gravel shuffles and wood clacks,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room",Y41D0yXSBqfI.wav,YlgwpIImXCWA.wav +2454,An electronic signal followed by compressed air releasing then an electronic bell playing as a train runs on tracks in the background,"Railroad car, train wagon Rail transport Train Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking",Y1slvoNgzBLE.wav,Y3xDZ-kdGE3o.wav +2455,Pigeons cooing followed by bird wings flapping,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Coo Pigeon, dove",YN_s9F4CI_98.wav,YmGa2JgAiKV8.wav +2456,A man speaks over an intercom as crowd of people talking in the background followed by a dog barking,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal",Y3XuyGJqaXv8.wav,Y1DKLyH3FixM.wav +2457,An idle vehicle engine running,Truck Vehicle Car,Y9vZDsGjyh5M.wav,Y2ABngPM3raQ.wav +2458,"An adult male speaks, after which clattering, thumping, metal pinging and a whistle occur, liquid splashes, and the adult male speaks again","Cutlery, silverware Dishes, pots, and pans",Y8o-Y4QP8LWs.wav,Y4s2rRnu2PZo.wav +2459,A man speaking continuously,Horse Clip-clop Speech Animal,YOmmPaIAXN0s.wav,YtB8TiiXwKmA.wav +2460,A woman laughing followed by a sheep baaing and wind blowing into a microphone,"Domestic animals, pets Sheep Bleat Animal",YOFVzrakJhbw.wav,YwVi5w_NU6CM.wav +2461,A man speaking softly followed by a goat speaking then a cow mooing in the distance as birds chirp in the background,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",Yc3nlaAkv9bA.wav,YvaujJ7msKfc.wav +2462,Hammering and then a man speaks followed by rubbing and then a second man speaks,Door,YOUUckswAaNI.wav,YXi6V0LGvqoo.wav +2463,Machine grinding wood,Wood,YTWOgvDaDqlU.wav,YOr7umk40TZA.wav +2464,A toilet flushing,Toilet flush Water,YggN4-K5AgoM.wav,YptIksg9KEac.wav +2465,Whistling to music,Whistling,YlTJLvSvjUZk.wav,YyLu4b01t53k.wav +2466,"A repeated whistling sound and a small child babbling, followed by a man talking","Bird Speech Pigeon, dove Outside, urban or manmade",YMVGhC-xB79s.wav,Y0Rpjl1AO-P0.wav +2467,Water running together with distant singing and brief clanking,Gurgling Stream,Y3qTL7QRk-tg.wav,Yk1QxQ4jJaEQ.wav +2468,"The buzz of the crowd is interrupted by a child shouting, followed by a police siren and a horn honking","Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",Y31WGUPOYS5g.wav,Y1wW0YJQ-Xa0.wav +2469,White noise followed by some rustling and splashing,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",YrBUCIK8JRLg.wav,YQOmV7O9mFwg.wav +2470,Revving of an engine and a skidding sound,Motor vehicle (road) Skidding Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y-oy0BkpMGAk.wav,Y_iUX8CibElk.wav +2471,The loud idling of a machine,Motor vehicle (road) Idling Vehicle,YyLu4b01t53k.wav,YwrQDkX0NbTA.wav +2472,A woman laughs then talks as horse breaths and gallops on grass,Horse Clip-clop Speech Animal,YBQ-r9mEHssU.wav,YkVYNXZd0MMY.wav +2473,Metal clanking followed by a toilet flushing,Toilet flush Water,YggN4-K5AgoM.wav,Y1j5NMuq1X30.wav +2474,Speech and laughter followed by more speech and hollering,"Giggle Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YWq4OD3olO2w.wav,YENTi8Sn4vdM.wav +2475,A baby crying loudly,"Baby cry, infant cry",YWHRnyGXcdy8.wav,YDrCm-HpX67k.wav +2476,"A motor vehicle engine runs and revs, then it stops and an adult male speaks","Engine Idling Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Speech Car Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y4sb9jN0SgTM.wav,YQ0anPAIkfBE.wav +2477,Male voice speaking and sizzling of food cooking,Speech Frying (food),YMOxddxW5PXs.wav,YmaVYiednkSg.wav +2478,Tap water is running followed by a tapping noise,"Water tap, faucet",YbLZFtoWXYTA.wav,YMPLZUg89y5U.wav +2479,A person snoring as plastic repeatedly taps the distance,Snoring,Y5rh5-MCjqq8.wav,YYQSuFyFm3Lc.wav +2480,"An appliance motor is running and obvious vibration and knocking are occurring, and an adult male and a child speak and the vibration continues, followed by an electronic beep","Beep, bleep Speech Microwave oven",Y3qrVku794u0.wav,YtNxfdAd14qE.wav +2481,Typing is occurring on a keyboard in a quiet environment,Computer keyboard Typing,YDAN1t9ukkg0.wav,YlTJLvSvjUZk.wav +2482,A man and an elderly woman talking as plastic clacks followed by a faucet pouring water as water runs down a drain,"Water tap, faucet Speech",YcNARVD02-tw.wav,YLCwSUVuTyvg.wav +2483,A power tool drilling followed by someone blows air then a man talking as rock music plays in the background,Drill,YQARuiRtfy-k.wav,YLCwSUVuTyvg.wav +2484,A high frequency motor hums loudly and splashes water,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YdlsiellSFf0.wav,Y1IoHRTUp86c.wav +2485,Loud snoring repeating,"Snoring Inside, small room",YK03ydb1uaoQ.wav,Ybpv_LneHmfU.wav +2486,An idle motorboat engine running as a man is speaking while wind blows into a microphone,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",Y7upINC4seBw.wav,YMSziND26UTA.wav +2487,A girl speaking with plastic crinkling,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YhFCmq9pCBbM.wav,YRk-ujWKzPuc.wav +2488,A few electronic-sounding animal noises followed by barking from a small dog,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal",Y8IdCiapDYCU.wav,YRtenf2XSXRc.wav +2489,A child speaking as water trickles and splashes followed by a woman moaning,"Bathtub (filling or washing) Speech Child speech, kid speaking",YNX0gR9Eebp0.wav,YkVYNXZd0MMY.wav +2490,Chiming of loud bells,Bell,Y2t82STv2GR8.wav,YK03ydb1uaoQ.wav +2491,A mosquito is buzzing and continues to do so as a man starts to talk,"Insect Mosquito Fly, housefly",Yt3VFlDiEKgY.wav,YtmLAXm1WlnE.wav +2492,Birds call while another bird sings,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YGMP8m09j5vk.wav,YUQtBt6CQpwg.wav +2493,Train passing followed by short honk,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y8ycflE3dIHw.wav,YjjfUaMQaG1A.wav +2494,People laugh and speak,"Laughter Chuckle, chortle Speech",Yc0V_HAul7rI.wav,Y9U8COLzEegs.wav +2495,A sewing machine running as a heavy machine motor hums while sawing wood in the background,Sewing machine,YKtTLsveexOg.wav,Ykx6Rj4MDIAw.wav +2496,"Whistling is ongoing, a child speaks and an adult male speaks, birds coo, and rustling and soft metal clattering are occurring","Bird Speech Pigeon, dove Outside, urban or manmade",YMVGhC-xB79s.wav,YhpDltmawxIM.wav +2497,A man speaks briefly followed by a succession of several eructations,"Burping, eructation Speech",YalaxBd_EEUc.wav,Y9ZZHvwaH-CU.wav +2498,A woman giving a speech,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YETb9EIQOMAA.wav,YJp64Whpr3BA.wav +2499,Ducks quack and a man speaks,Quack Duck Speech,YzIgGMlZENTs.wav,YhxbmDeNSO6Q.wav +2500,A vehicle engine running idle as a series of plastic and metal clacks while race vehicles drive by,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y13CBvjHZhOA.wav,YHUwXtfYRFwk.wav +2501,Three young ladies' speech while sheep bleats,Sheep Bleat Speech,YF-47fRplQEc.wav,Y0ury8KHQdL4.wav +2502,A kid crying as a man and woman talk while a vehicle door opens then closes,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",Y_YS5uKWoB6g.wav,YJsoBpL86R5U.wav +2503,Water pouring from a faucet onto a metal surface and filling a glass container,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YhpDltmawxIM.wav,Yv7BaYF0kagM.wav +2504,A car door opening as a crow caws and birds chirp followed by a vehicle driving by in the background,Door,YEYTz1LPDHsc.wav,YriM7b5bJ9KQ.wav +2505,Heavy wind and thunder,Thunder,Y9z2OwpftxUE.wav,YQRtuOWWya30.wav +2506,A cat screaming then meowing as a young boy is talking during a series of electronic buzzing,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Speech Animal",Y_GI7meqlYZk.wav,YmYQrjcYNrW0.wav +2507,An animal snores,"Snoring Domestic animals, pets Dog Animal",YK-7Y8yhcUiw.wav,YKJhGuhNHToA.wav +2508,Race car revving its engine,"Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Yo7jW6Suyfbs.wav,YgwQMkQmBITE.wav +2509,A person whistling while drums play,Whistling,YlTJLvSvjUZk.wav,YBa92IrXFvJo.wav +2510,"Emergency vehicle sirens are ongoing, and two adult males speak",Emergency vehicle Siren Police car (siren) Vehicle Speech Car,Ym8wV38lf2jg.wav,Y67BsqRkh-dU.wav +2511,Rattling and humming with a horn echoing and wind blowing,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Outside, urban or manmade",YB8rdur4aams.wav,YU5ij0M7T-hk.wav +2512,A hissing sound followed by laughter,"Laughter Chuckle, chortle Snicker",YfK4QBQZ6i7w.wav,YmlnUJH4BQnk.wav +2513,Whistling with birds chirping,Bird Whistling,YszkiW0GXEOI.wav,YBXxlqaDvdaA.wav +2514,Sirens ring and traffic passes as people speak,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",YkgjNIDmO8a8.wav,Ylq9RvAA4mqY.wav +2515,Emergency sirens and muffled speech,Emergency vehicle Siren Police car (siren) Vehicle Speech Car,Ym8wV38lf2jg.wav,YCwxgQS3SXic.wav +2516,A woman sneezing repeatedly,Sneeze,YmJ6ZO3xEcgw.wav,YKnXNy5Q6YS4.wav +2517,A crowd of people applauding,Applause,YRNBoH2LHQEM.wav,YL8dA-2Lu2hY.wav +2518,A tractor driving by as a car horn honks while wind blows into a microphone,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Outside, rural or natural",YjjHIINDfE1c.wav,YlX3k5p2I_g0.wav +2519,Wind blowing and water splashing as a man speaks,"Ocean Vehicle Speech Sailboat, sailing ship Stream",YBXxlqaDvdaA.wav,Y8DLcBdC5UrE.wav +2520,A man talking followed by a toilet flushing,Toilet flush Speech,Y_z6pymOet7g.wav,YYQSuFyFm3Lc.wav +2521,High pitched humming with whooshes of spinning helicopter blades,"Vehicle Helicopter Outside, rural or natural",YWCYfCfW9NA0.wav,Y7P6lcyeDKNI.wav +2522,A very light snoring,Snoring,YUjje3lSabsg.wav,YBZCEDkx37rI.wav +2523,Birds chirping and water dripping with some banging in the background,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YHxZADVzNIqs.wav,YxYwpABpZed4.wav +2524,A woman is performing a speech,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YDjKGzOe_COc.wav,YrINmxSXMR-s.wav +2525,Two women talking then laughing as fabric shuffles followed by a goat baaing,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Speech Animal",YzwoqJY03yHE.wav,YQ0anPAIkfBE.wav +2526,A bell sounds the horn,Bell,YH7rd9bZtbgc.wav,YDn3buZWMzwY.wav +2527,Women talk while food fries,Stir Frying (food),YmUGmCSNETcg.wav,YSL3wB5sDcdw.wav +2528,Small child speaking and a train running followed by a woman speaking and laughter,"Train Speech Child speech, kid speaking",YGOD8Bt5LfDE.wav,Y5YzNSjmZ3Wg.wav +2529,Water flowing and trickling,"Trickle, dribble Water Waterfall Outside, rural or natural",Yjf4iyQPJSvk.wav,Y4KObP7cREWw.wav +2530,Light music playing in the background during city ambiance followed by police sirens sounding in the distance,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,YvaujJ7msKfc.wav,YAUJPx81qKtY.wav +2531,Man speaks followed by buzzing and then a loud burp,"Burping, eructation",YHdPSebdDxe4.wav,YtmLAXm1WlnE.wav +2532,Water splashing and wind blowing hard,"Boat, Water vehicle Waves, surf Wind Ocean Sailboat, sailing ship Wind noise (microphone)",YxQDq3A4Zfbo.wav,YcPiSd5nJLrI.wav +2533,Laughing and speech in a slowed speed,"Burping, eructation Speech",YemGPabOePzA.wav,YD1Sy7kRoaR8.wav +2534,Young man speaking with slight movement sounds,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YmGa2JgAiKV8.wav,Y1Og2TJ3bXW0.wav +2535,"Many insects are buzzing, and an adult male speaks","Bee, wasp, etc. Speech Outside, rural or natural",YyhDw7PZje3g.wav,Y-FW109cbv0g.wav +2536,A bus engine slowing down then accelerating,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle,Yzq00Oe1ecpE.wav,YKVbmN9ZRg5Q.wav +2537,Water splashes and a man speaks,Speech Waterfall Stream,YPZBUdlKwX04.wav,Y7-HCqJFwHoI.wav +2538,Popping along with swooshing occur then a bonging,"Burst, pop Speech",YItS07xtdi4s.wav,YMPLZUg89y5U.wav +2539,A person laughing followed by a girl shouting as rain is falling on a plastic surface,Rain Rain on surface,YWqXFAY4k79s.wav,Yktc_tJxw8sc.wav +2540,A large dog barks,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal",Y2EsxcKe1A4w.wav,YPuLuZ_TXv-0.wav +2541,Frogs and crickets chirping during nature ambiance,Frog,Yv59uHr-B1no.wav,Y6i5eQOpFk_U.wav +2542,Water drains with gurgling noise,Gurgling,YrjUrB1WUpcI.wav,Y096oTVzc5Gs.wav +2543,One toddler crying with several others laughing,"Chuckle, chortle Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YMdlEswBfZMQ.wav,YBUAPM4D3-h8.wav +2544,Several loud gunshots,"Gunshot, gunfire",YvruDH_YLaPI.wav,Ydxow2DcTrwk.wav +2545,Repetitive loud hissing with some static,Steam Hiss,YhGWarNR6xmg.wav,YR4fXcbWFhJg.wav +2546,A faint siren followed by a man speaking and wooing,Tick-tock Speech,Y_z-bidQYVao.wav,YnaPgJvWTIY4.wav +2547,Gunshots followed by people speaking and explosions,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",YpuZL08fzpXk.wav,Y4KObP7cREWw.wav +2548,A helicopter flies with loud chopping noises,Vehicle Helicopter,Y6OlHuvJR_Dk.wav,YwBs02amFGXs.wav +2549,Rhythmic ticking is occurring,Tick-tock,Y3wV3ST-c4PE.wav,Y6TO9PEGpZcQ.wav +2550,"An adult female speaks and several people laugh, while slight rustling occurs in the background",Laughter Speech,Y_oKXrY5Ff0g.wav,YLBe33dw9ezg.wav +2551,"A large motor vehicle engine is idling, then it labors and creaks",Motor vehicle (road) Engine Vehicle,Y5xC4hkAWiao.wav,Ya3GzZKxUTy8.wav +2552,An engine running consistently with heavy wind,Vehicle Helicopter Aircraft,YoOMtaqvQ3_M.wav,YBXxlqaDvdaA.wav +2553,Bus coming to a stop and door opening,"Bus Vehicle Speech Outside, rural or natural",Y8b9z7N25DmU.wav,Yf2fSxfvmkZQ.wav +2554,A man speaks and then a horn blows.,"Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Speech Inside, small room",Yj0KvrVE_Oww.wav,Y4ftDFi4684Y.wav +2555,"Wind noise while a water vehicle is traveling across water, and a man talks","Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Wind Wind noise (microphone)",Y9xoYx3lTJ9I.wav,YfBYDJWChe5c.wav +2556,A man talking and metal clanking as food and oil sizzle,Stir Frying (food),Ylq9RvAA4mqY.wav,YlHh0SwUhP8U.wav +2557,A racing car is driving fast,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YLF6x7B0Ppvo.wav,YHkbCUN4V3TU.wav +2558,A cat meowing twice,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Animal",Y2j8pxiFvElM.wav,YA61Mry8zBwE.wav +2559,A man talking followed by plastic clacking and a woman speaking as steam hisses while a bus engine runs idle in the background,Bus Vehicle Speech,Y6dLkgq9EKPE.wav,Y6ZwYgzcN6Is.wav +2560,A horse neighs followed by horse trotting and snorting,"Horse Neigh, whinny Clip-clop Animal",YJZloTOdIY_c.wav,YZYWCwfCkBp4.wav +2561,Aircraft engine with wind blowing hard,"Vehicle Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",YaMhu5eMQAsI.wav,YBrPFQDr99Gg.wav +2562,Bees buzzing and then a rooster crowing,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YMSziND26UTA.wav,Y3VHpLxtd498.wav +2563,A girl speaking and brushing teeth,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YZ3wDry8nnJs.wav,Y7D7xgd4WJ50.wav +2564,Several people screaming and laughing with a humming engine and splashing waves,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Waves, surf Ocean",YJnSwRonB9wI.wav,Y9vZDsGjyh5M.wav +2565,A woman performs a speech,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y9z8XIRyUq9Q.wav,YztSjcZNUY7A.wav +2566,A woman speaking followed by another woman talking followed by a goat baaing as cloth rustles,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Speech Animal",YzwoqJY03yHE.wav,Y6aWnK1GyeJY.wav +2567,A train sounds horn while the engine taps,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Train whistle Rail transport Train Vehicle Outside, rural or natural",Y0yETgW44MZU.wav,Y1GgEpRZDWN0.wav +2568,Wind blowing with loud puffs of air and hissing,Steam Hiss,YkLYCjD6vWI4.wav,Yi1u_2eZYYlE.wav +2569,A digital beep followed by a man speaking,"Beep, bleep",YdJYO3RbBabE.wav,Yv59uHr-B1no.wav +2570,Velcro scrapping off fabric followed as an air ventilation system hums in the background,Hiss,Y7RMpCCkQks0.wav,Ysl_Pxpc7beo.wav +2571,A duck quacking as wind lightly blows and water splats in the distance,"Bird Duck Livestock, farm animals, working animals",YnuZEAuAl8hQ.wav,Y40cuHrYfaqA.wav +2572,A man talking as water streams in the background,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YsVYTOURVsQ0.wav,YxBZnvfniA1c.wav +2573,A man talking followed by a goat baaing as gusts of wind blow and birds chirp in the distance,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Sheep Animal",YBwnGxJD9xh8.wav,YkLYCjD6vWI4.wav +2574,A vehicle engine revving then turning off,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YUmNrhFKpWIY.wav,YDn3buZWMzwY.wav +2575,A truck engine is running with people talking in the background,Truck Vehicle Speech,Y9E8BmPZ9mWc.wav,YIvfaKPDWC00.wav +2576,Man speaking while sawing something,"Wood Speech Inside, small room",YlgwpIImXCWA.wav,Y1QNLMF-Kl_s.wav +2577,A motorboat engine running as water splashes then fades out followed by glasses clanking as a group of people talk and woodwind instruments play,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind instrument, woodwind instrument",Y7P0N61TVOxE.wav,YxQDq3A4Zfbo.wav +2578,A man speaks along with a running boat and wind blowing by and water splashing quietly,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",Y7upINC4seBw.wav,YBA-lFjpzad4.wav +2579,Insects buzz and men speak,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YKSHpYhuTotY.wav,YVQnmlf2OsUg.wav +2580,"Electronic touch tone telephone dialing occurs, followed by thumping",Telephone,Yj_NSuPnx5LA.wav,Y7cHRSfbp7tc.wav +2581,"An adult male speaks, with his voice amplified, after which crowd of people clap","Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y4YMXgLFcR94.wav,Y6ukYSXzfEgQ.wav +2582,A male speaking and then a drill turned on and off.,Drill Speech,YjjfUaMQaG1A.wav,Y-CcGuq0yoKo.wav +2583,Male speech and then sizzling,Sizzle,YbQNX7vDalQw.wav,Yx5AH2gW_8S4.wav +2584,A gerbil squeaking during audio static,Oink,YNwoBDrTlbTI.wav,YelztUCeNQvQ.wav +2585,A wrapper crinkling and a woman's soft voice,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YkEP-BwMarf8.wav,YTWOgvDaDqlU.wav +2586,A male speech and then repeated gunfire followed by a male speech.,"Gunshot, gunfire",Ybgbnu5YKTDg.wav,Y6pssFJ0m-kU.wav +2587,A sewing machine operating several times followed by metal clanking,Sewing machine,Ys_EWjoiVfzo.wav,Y_xylo5_IiaM.wav +2588,A telephone dialing tone beeping as a plastic switch flip on and off,"Telephone dialing, DTMF Telephone",YJfaj4P3us9M.wav,YpCQEWAFGEjc.wav +2589,A man speaks and then an audience claps,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y4YMXgLFcR94.wav,YB8rdur4aams.wav +2590,An emergency vehicle horn honking as a large truck accelerates and drives by,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",YFhimNYClv40.wav,Y3ndid3jni7M.wav +2591,A man talking softly as insects buzz by while birds chirp in the background,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",Yjj2RyNDj7no.wav,Y7fmOlUlwoNg.wav +2592,A clock ticking as a piano note is playing,Tick-tock,YTwR8BA6buMI.wav,YYflmW68gL4E.wav +2593,Pigeons coo and flap their wings,"Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",YnU-AI3Cmc3M.wav,Yj0KvrVE_Oww.wav +2594,A woman speaking on a microphone as a crowd of people talk in the background,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YETb9EIQOMAA.wav,Ygf6H_MWCqjw.wav +2595,A baby cries followed by rustling and heavy breathing,"Baby cry, infant cry",YE3Q1jfTeuWs.wav,Ylh801oHGtD4.wav +2596,Loud humming of a car speeding into the distance with wind blowing and tires squealing,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YnLZeG9LaLgw.wav,YH7rd9bZtbgc.wav +2597,Frogs and crickets chirping and croaking,Frog,Yv59uHr-B1no.wav,Y_AcJVyToQUQ.wav +2598,Several quacks of a duck are followed by a man speaking,Quack Duck Speech,YzIgGMlZENTs.wav,YBOB65Nd0pXo.wav +2599,A vehicle horn blares out a musical tune,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car Outside, urban or manmade",Yrp3CQsWxVgE.wav,YLCwSUVuTyvg.wav +2600,Wind blowing with distant traffic passing and sirens ringing,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,YvaujJ7msKfc.wav,Y3VHpLxtd498.wav +2601,A woman talking as a sheep baa and birds are cawing in the background followed by a woman speaking in the foreground then another woman and kid talking,Sheep Bleat Speech,YF-47fRplQEc.wav,YyhDw7PZje3g.wav +2602,Bells chime and ring,Bell,YTtRtURWVYBE.wav,YK_Vre_-4KqU.wav +2603,A person snoring followed by a man exhaling loudly,Snoring,YF7QtqKtllK0.wav,Yjf4iyQPJSvk.wav +2604,Sirens ring and vehicles pass on a wet road,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,YOVQMFBeCHq0.wav,YrtgVoZCcBw8.wav +2605,A car idling and revving,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YRtenf2XSXRc.wav,YZsf2YvJfCKw.wav +2606,A man talks loudly followed by a baby crying and female voice laughing and talking,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",Y9F3sutgYTvo.wav,Y7-HCqJFwHoI.wav +2607,Orchestral music playing followed by heavy fabric thumping then a person whistling,Whistling,YLWng-4PDzPM.wav,YPb6MqpdX5Jw.wav +2608,"A horn beeps a tune, and a large motor vehicle engine is running and gets louder",Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle,YGGgQR7aIofY.wav,Y0Dt-pH0pW-Y.wav +2609,A woman talking then laughing followed by wood thumping as a young kid screams,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YHkbCUN4V3TU.wav,Y79XDcI6xZm0.wav +2610,High pitched snoring occurs repeatedly,Snoring,YniwgMbB6tpQ.wav,Y6CDl4CqOgMg.wav +2611,A man talking while bongos play followed by frogs croaking,Frog Speech Animal,Y2ABngPM3raQ.wav,YZBtgrP4vU_w.wav +2612,A woman singing then choking,"Bird Chirp, tweet Animal",Yu84FiZ_omhA.wav,YinQOrxc_oZo.wav +2613,A loud horn honking followed by a bell ringing together with clickety-clacking train passing by,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y3ndid3jni7M.wav,YIdBDl9Wr51A.wav +2614,A vehicle engine revving several times as a crowd of people talk,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Speech Car",Y_ezm-TpKj1w.wav,YMSziND26UTA.wav +2615,Woman speaks and then sewing machine stitches,Speech Sewing machine,YxpZna_FwDhI.wav,YSQHYl2Kp5ww.wav +2616,Released air hissing followed by a popping explosion then a metal ding persists as a person is laughing and a man is talking.,"Explosion Burst, pop Speech",Yir1XTdyt4IY.wav,Y6ukYSXzfEgQ.wav +2617,A power tool motor running then revving,"Propeller, airscrew Engine Idling Accelerating, revving, vroom Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y3ue0gJM0THk.wav,YKnXNy5Q6YS4.wav +2618,Humming of powerful engines,"Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Yo7jW6Suyfbs.wav,YyfYNPWs7mWY.wav +2619,Electronic laser blasts and explosions followed by a deep-voiced man talking while a man commentates followed by a woman chuckling,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",YIdBDl9Wr51A.wav,YWUyeFOyKIg0.wav +2620,A person belching followed by two men talking then a group of people laughing,"Burping, eructation Speech",YrbO727iF03I.wav,YZNEZLlDVgrE.wav +2621,Water trickling as a machine hums in the background followed by water spraying,"Water tap, faucet Bathtub (filling or washing) Water",Y6Pywt0f_NFY.wav,YJsoBpL86R5U.wav +2622,A man speaks as food sizzles with some banging and some cracking,"Speech Frying (food) Inside, small room",Y_9mgOkzm-xg.wav,YKnXNy5Q6YS4.wav +2623,A man talking followed by a goat talking as a metal gate slides shut while ducks quack and wind blows into a microphone,Goat Speech Animal,YCO6-i8NLbeo.wav,Y6cyKp3EDm-0.wav +2624,Laughter followed by slow speech,"Burping, eructation Speech",YemGPabOePzA.wav,YzBXoaQ1GVlc.wav +2625,A woman is giving a speech,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y1vCYiVvZ7VE.wav,Y3wrdPAeqjVI.wav +2626,A man is talking and a motorcycle engine is started,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,Y1WTSW96XP6E.wav,YA2mcp0N__7U.wav +2627,A baby is crying,"Baby cry, infant cry",Y14ekd4nkpwc.wav,YSQHYl2Kp5ww.wav +2628,A vehicle's engine starts to die down,Motor vehicle (road) Engine Vehicle,Y5xC4hkAWiao.wav,Y2JV3emH50XU.wav +2629,Child talking then door crashing and her screaming,Door Sliding door Speech,YEfk5kdn9lR8.wav,YzBXoaQ1GVlc.wav +2630,Horses neighing and snorting while trotting on grass,"Horse Neigh, whinny Clip-clop Animal",YJZloTOdIY_c.wav,Y4abZbau8tZo.wav +2631,A race car accelerating and tires skidding,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing Outside, urban or manmade",Yo3mZR8OvPko.wav,YbhlhcGONisM.wav +2632,A woman talking then laughing followed by plastic tapping and birds chirping in the background,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YNlKlRKz8OKI.wav,YGSHcgY6ATkQ.wav +2633,A person speaks followed by a burping sound and laughter,"Burping, eructation Speech",YBvw2gv1fcZw.wav,YptIksg9KEac.wav +2634,Water splashes followed by a girl speaking then scraping followed by spitting,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YZ3wDry8nnJs.wav,YMe4npKmtchA.wav +2635,A person laughing,Laughter,YGE1aZSnPr2Q.wav,YB3O476LeuXY.wav +2636,Speech and a goat bleating,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Sheep Animal",YBwnGxJD9xh8.wav,Y4_DjmCg8Ra8.wav +2637,A slap occurs and an aircraft engine runs as a man and child talk,"Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YEUZaxaWqhwg.wav,YLs2vrr9TamU.wav +2638,Woman laughing and talking with another man and woman while something is clanging,"Laughter Speech Inside, small room",YNeZerAPXR-A.wav,YQ3vkJMVMbC8.wav +2639,Ocean waves are hitting the shores,Stream,Y4eyY1w2QyM0.wav,Y466ucPGoNSQ.wav +2640,A woman and young boy talking as a river stream flows and a young girl talks in the distance,Stream,YENTi8Sn4vdM.wav,YnaPgJvWTIY4.wav +2641,"A clock ticks, and an object is tapped",Tick-tock,Y4ftDFi4684Y.wav,Yhrv6fwnmBkY.wav +2642,"An adult male is speaking and plastic is crinkling, and music is playing softly in the background","Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YwAZrOPvul4Y.wav,YAgaiowyYt88.wav +2643,A cup is filled from a faucet,"Water tap, faucet",YbLZFtoWXYTA.wav,YH7-orYrKBeo.wav +2644,A pretend duck quacks in cartoon fashion while an adult female speaks,Duck Speech,Ydkiwn2FdDVw.wav,YyVjivgsU2aA.wav +2645,"An audience applauds and cheers as an adult male speaks, a bell and buzzer ring, and the adult male speaks again",Applause Speech,YfwhkCnOeyC0.wav,Yf2fSxfvmkZQ.wav +2646,"A woman speaks, and a person makes animal sounds followed by laughter",Laughter Speech,YJdFmMw0zyKA.wav,Yram-QPKSQYc.wav +2647,Gunshots and explosions,"Burst, pop",YWmDe2xbnSY4.wav,YtxeXrpoMST4.wav +2648,A dog barking followed by a dog growling as footsteps squeak on a hard surface floor and followed by series of metal clicks,"Canidae, dogs, wolves Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal",YXi6V0LGvqoo.wav,YNJEPbGVBJIQ.wav +2649,A person snoring,Snoring,YfBYDJWChe5c.wav,YTwR8BA6buMI.wav +2650,A man is speaking as frogs croak,Frog Speech Animal,Y2ABngPM3raQ.wav,Yg6CY7qvu81k.wav +2651,A man speaks with others speaking in the distance and traffic passing with a few horns honking,Engine Vehicle Speech,Y5K1mISHwggI.wav,Y6pssFJ0m-kU.wav +2652,Race car racing by some people laughing,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Speech Car Car passing by,Y-mb4Fw4Z0xg.wav,YIsUG5SKWNZA.wav +2653,An airplane engine and wind,"Aircraft engine Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YkF1KWybdRpM.wav,Yvigslb0kClE.wav +2654,Tires squealing and an engine revving repeatedly,Tire squeal,Yvsy1IpYmrSY.wav,Y-AheI8Epim4.wav +2655,Metal squeaking then plastic clacking as a man is talking followed by a faucet pouring water,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YpO8kbg9IJnc.wav,YNeWW30WZjPc.wav +2656,An adult female speaks in a quiet environment,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y54eRRbCtPn8.wav,YsqsI2UyrcBQ.wav +2657,Rain and thunder,Rain Thunderstorm Thunder,YS8k47ME-YT4.wav,Yu9px4Lwv9XI.wav +2658,A cat meowing and hissing,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Caterwaul Animal",Y3ejndVEAcmQ.wav,Y1e98HeU9Vrg.wav +2659,"A large motor vehicle engine is running, and a motor vehicle horn blows repeatedly and then stops",Bus Toot Vehicle,YmYQrjcYNrW0.wav,Y27HIamF8pKo.wav +2660,A man laughing,Laughter,YGE1aZSnPr2Q.wav,YbygBWUkpaC8.wav +2661,Birds chirping and a horse neighing,"Horse Neigh, whinny Speech Animal",YJhGp7HmRQxg.wav,YFhimNYClv40.wav +2662,A child speaking with crying and an adult female speaking,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, large room or hall",Yfx4r_KuW6No.wav,YItS07xtdi4s.wav +2663,Wind with loud quacking,"Bird Duck Livestock, farm animals, working animals",YnuZEAuAl8hQ.wav,YpCQEWAFGEjc.wav +2664,Rain is falling and hitting surfaces and then splashing into puddles,Gurgling Speech,YPWjEfOkb6ro.wav,Y3xDZ-kdGE3o.wav +2665,A distant engine hums loudly with splashing water and blowing wind,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YwrQDkX0NbTA.wav,YCh0LMmhBUg4.wav +2666,An insect buzzing followed by a man talking,"Insect Mosquito Fly, housefly",Yt3VFlDiEKgY.wav,YJZloTOdIY_c.wav +2667,Water hissing followed by a man breathing loudly then a toilet flushing,Toilet flush,YAagLJkfrFMk.wav,YIvg_q4t-3w0.wav +2668,A group of puppies whimpering alongside scrapping against a cardboard surface.,Growling Animal Whimper (dog),Ykdflh3akyH8.wav,Y27HIamF8pKo.wav +2669,Railroad track sounds then fading followed by a loud horn,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y8ycflE3dIHw.wav,YBzHTqyX69pI.wav +2670,Water running softly in the background followed by several shrill beeps and a man speaking,"Beep, bleep Speech",Y9U8COLzEegs.wav,YkLYCjD6vWI4.wav +2671,Continuous digital beeps with a person speaking and bird chirping in the background,"Beep, bleep Alarm Speech",Y5QZ0NtdoKJ8.wav,Y8IdCiapDYCU.wav +2672,"A boat is traveling while water is splashing with wind noise, and a man is speaking on a two-way radio","Boat, Water vehicle Waves, surf Wind Rowboat, canoe, kayak Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Y0_ogYGDGDco.wav,YQRtuOWWya30.wav +2673,A power tool drilling followed by a person blowing air then a man speaking as light rock music plays in the background,Drill,YQARuiRtfy-k.wav,YMPLZUg89y5U.wav +2674,Warning bells ring and a train passes with a honking horn,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",YQvATUKXYFBs.wav,Y2sZhC_mKeic.wav +2675,Rustling with some distant banging and people speaking in the distance,"Burst, pop Speech",Y-AheI8Epim4.wav,YKJKHDKKW3XU.wav +2676,A person breathes heavily and sneezes,Sneeze,Ye9MWXS34o48.wav,Yr2KhpX_QgXA.wav +2677,A toy motor buzzing as water splashes and birds chirp in the distance.,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YdlsiellSFf0.wav,Ynq0BF9zGkzg.wav +2678,A dog snoring and gurgling followed by paper sliding,Snoring Dog Animal,YlTfNLKEy1RU.wav,YJBWJQCS4SvA.wav +2679,A toilet flushes as a bird chirps in the distance followed by a man speaking in the background,Toilet flush Water,YyRoKi7rhSRo.wav,Yk4XyfaWVLEY.wav +2680,A man speaks followed by a door opening,Door,YhVUmQfBIYe8.wav,YrBUCIK8JRLg.wav +2681,Humming of an engine with a woman speaking over a loudspeaker,Bus Vehicle Speech,YGPj8h-WcjWs.wav,YP12nvSpKXcs.wav +2682,A man talking as music is playing followed by a frog croaking,Frog Speech Animal,Y2ABngPM3raQ.wav,Y8BPTQO_cx7E.wav +2683,"A tool motor is running, a rattling sound occurs, then humming also, then soft squealing occurs",Drill Tools Power tool,Y2JutOgAnqWA.wav,Y7QN3lwOzfdg.wav +2684,A guinea pig chirping then squeaking,Oink,YNwoBDrTlbTI.wav,YCBwXKOpJY_o.wav +2685,An engine running consistently with brief muffled female speech,Bus Vehicle Speech,Ygr5Zss89yLQ.wav,YKJhGuhNHToA.wav +2686,Clip-clop of horse while man speaks,Clip-clop Speech Animal,YAKHZMg9ba30.wav,YFJkvAMLmejY.wav +2687,A man talking as a metal thumps followed by a power tool sanding as a metal pot clanks,Drill Speech,Yf2fSxfvmkZQ.wav,YHdPSebdDxe4.wav +2688,Tapping noises followed by a man talking with gurgling background noises,Frying (food),YQRtuOWWya30.wav,Yific_gRalg0.wav +2689,Nature sounds with birds chirping,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",Y1DKLyH3FixM.wav,Y3ue0gJM0THk.wav +2690,Birds cooing with clanging in background,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room",Ye2rScj9UyMs.wav,YHqnSyliKTKA.wav +2691,Humming of traffic followed by a loud car horn,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car Outside, urban or manmade",YPVvi2SDOjVc.wav,YptIksg9KEac.wav +2692,Wind blows hard followed by screaming,"Goat Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YITlqMkR5alY.wav,YpO8kbg9IJnc.wav +2693,A motor hums softly followed by spraying,Spray,Y5t6tSW0yT40.wav,Yv7BaYF0kagM.wav +2694,A man speaking and a car driving closer than passing by,Vehicle Speech Car Car passing by,Y2bq2lc3DLwM.wav,Ygbi6MxPf3hA.wav +2695,A woman speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YCM49C3RkzV8.wav,YBZCEDkx37rI.wav +2696,"A flush occurs with water splashing and gurgling, and then water runs steadily",Toilet flush,YYIqpIjjee00.wav,YLBe33dw9ezg.wav +2697,A fly buzzing and a frog croaking with musical sounds,Croak Frog,YQHfyKaOHSz4.wav,Yazh_-OkQ-uI.wav +2698,A vacuum cleaner cleaning a surface and hissing,Steam Hiss,YFL8KTgMGrN4.wav,YzBXoaQ1GVlc.wav +2699,A group of people talking followed by a man speaking then a kid talking,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YB-gTt3_rceQ.wav,YPTyFYxXdut4.wav +2700,A man speaks before a toilet flush,Toilet flush Speech,Y_z6pymOet7g.wav,YDAN1t9ukkg0.wav +2701,Typing on computer keyboards,Computer keyboard Typing,Y7-HCqJFwHoI.wav,Y-EaZ7EJJUl0.wav +2702,A quick burst followed by a single hiss then rapid hissing and humming,Speech Sewing machine,Y86dNVnTwH6U.wav,Yj1AiqT5oHZc.wav +2703,Vehicles hum and vibrate as they rev their engines,"Vehicle Speech Car Race car, auto racing",YeUecAF626A8.wav,Yb1PXsfgQw5w.wav +2704,A car engine accelerating and revving while tires skid,"Engine Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y9MgGaTbmc6g.wav,YtdpiXW68adA.wav +2705,A kid speaking followed by a seal making noises then water splashing as a kid and woman are laughing,Laughter Speech,YJdFmMw0zyKA.wav,YsbW7XwwUtSU.wav +2706,High pitched motorized vibrations,Drill Tools,YzEaGx6an4es.wav,YT9_ep-3BZDY.wav +2707,"Multiple gunfire sounds, and men speak","Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",Yy93cZqNCtks.wav,YSNIaYhri76w.wav +2708,Crinkling plastic and a person speaking,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling Inside, small room",YT9_ep-3BZDY.wav,YBa92IrXFvJo.wav +2709,A woman speaks with others speaking in the distance and wind blowing,"Female speech, woman speaking Hubbub, speech noise, speech babble Speech",YMBP4RcnwGZw.wav,YCBwXKOpJY_o.wav +2710,Race car engine passing by along with tire screeching noises,Tire squeal,Yvsy1IpYmrSY.wav,YvfNKduToki4.wav +2711,A woman talking as food and oil sizzles followed by water gurgling,Sizzle Frying (food),Y5G6b_QWL3nY.wav,YfYTZVxQ8LJk.wav +2712,Motorcycle engine idling as man starts talking,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,YndxkSQKxaak.wav,YFlk-X0gwjF4.wav +2713,Plastic thumping as an idle motorcycle engine runs,"Motorcycle Thump, thud Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",Ym_NCf-q4Gn0.wav,YXf5LjaE_JQ0.wav +2714,A woman and man speaking,"Conversation Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y1GgEpRZDWN0.wav,YCfxWJ1Qoufg.wav +2715,Food and oil sizzling,Sizzle,YZBtgrP4vU_w.wav,YjjHIINDfE1c.wav +2716,Pigeons make sounds and flapping noises,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room",YMjSegUnQXr4.wav,YGGgQR7aIofY.wav +2717,Continuous white noise,Spray,Ya0yXS7PmVR0.wav,YDlWd7Wmdi1E.wav +2718,A vehicle driving in the distance followed by tires skidding as a vehicle drives by while a crowd of people talk in the background and wind blows into a microphone,"Vehicle Speech Car Race car, auto racing Outside, rural or natural",YWUyeFOyKIg0.wav,YBa92IrXFvJo.wav +2719,A car engine idling then starts to rev shortly after,Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y0Rpjl1AO-P0.wav,YBrPFQDr99Gg.wav +2720,A young child talking followed by tapping on glass then metal rattling on a glass surface,"Coin (dropping) Dishes, pots, and pans",YTSnq6n8tElo.wav,YHqndxoujCYI.wav +2721,A vehicle revving and accelerating as tires skid and squeak on a road,"Engine Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y9MgGaTbmc6g.wav,Ye4ph6bIC5zc.wav +2722,A man speaks and a goat bleats,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Sheep Animal",YBwnGxJD9xh8.wav,YJdFmMw0zyKA.wav +2723,A woman sneezing and sniffling,Sneeze,Ye9MWXS34o48.wav,Y_YS5uKWoB6g.wav +2724,Footsteps walking on a hard surface followed by a door sliding open then a man talking before a door creaks and closes shut,Door Speech,YU5ij0M7T-hk.wav,YOt0bN_hz2ec.wav +2725,Much gunfire and guns clicking while people talk in the background,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",YpuZL08fzpXk.wav,Yo7jW6Suyfbs.wav +2726,A stream of water trickling and splashing while a man talks over a radio alongside wind blowing into a microphone,"Boat, Water vehicle Waves, surf Wind Rowboat, canoe, kayak Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Y0_ogYGDGDco.wav,Ykdflh3akyH8.wav +2727,A man speaks with some faint clicks and humming,Bus Vehicle Speech,Y6dLkgq9EKPE.wav,YQ87LBiwJjTE.wav +2728,A group of people laughing and screaming alongside firecrackers igniting then exploding followed by a muffled explosion,"Explosion Eruption Burst, pop",YcPiSd5nJLrI.wav,YnlC4UI4hZ60.wav +2729,Someone sneezes through static and then coughs several times in quick succession,Sneeze,YTQr9v-PQOc4.wav,Y8DQfjqPCTI8.wav +2730,A vehicle running idle then stuttering,Applause,Y0AsXkZkqelg.wav,YKJhGuhNHToA.wav +2731,A cat meowing and whining,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Speech Animal",Y466ucPGoNSQ.wav,YWOywdRmySs0.wav +2732,A baby crying with a television on in background,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",Y404cD3bVXDc.wav,Y2ItTq2JShdU.wav +2733,A man speaks while bees are buzzing all around,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Speech",YqakN0JNbpcU.wav,YLP_DzNUkAKY.wav +2734,An aircraft flying as a person briefly sniffs aloud while wind blows into a microphone,"Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YUAmDLPjNyMg.wav,YfrOqlk0Wm5Y.wav +2735,A light and brief snoring,"Snoring Domestic animals, pets Dog Animal",YK-7Y8yhcUiw.wav,YIJ6pm5Kns8A.wav +2736,Squealing and whimpering with a man speaking,"Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Domestic animals, pets Animal",Yi6MQCm58zlY.wav,YI_8KqxP5xOA.wav +2737,A woman talking followed by a toilet flushing while a kid talks,Toilet flush Speech,YSmdj6JFB9MQ.wav,Yn4VktYihtJU.wav +2738,A man speaks as a motorcycle accelerates,"Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Outside, rural or natural",YXplKBvZaHXA.wav,Y86dNVnTwH6U.wav +2739,A clock ticking repeatedly,Tick-tock Tick,YsbW7XwwUtSU.wav,YZUmZgPL0ges.wav +2740,Applause from a crowd with distant clicking and a man speaking over a loudspeaker,Clip-clop Speech Animal,YA61Mry8zBwE.wav,Yd1tL-9BILy8.wav +2741,Swiping occurs then a faucet runs and drains,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Inside, small room",Yu8bQf0SnCVI.wav,YWUyeFOyKIg0.wav +2742,Chewing as liquid is poured and some light banging on a hard surface,"Water tap, faucet Water",YgW7s3YAthpI.wav,Yhmd6pa2e_rs.wav +2743,Ducks quack and then a dog barks,"Bird Duck Livestock, farm animals, working animals",YnuZEAuAl8hQ.wav,Yd6gu2w19YQo.wav +2744,A bell chimes followed by camera muffling and metal shuffling then a gear cranking,Tick-tock,YeJCaRgf1M20.wav,YZsTZ7jqbd9M.wav +2745,A door repeatedly slamming as a group of men and women talk,Door Speech,Y8ZH_PoK0clI.wav,YlrKGCtSsAkA.wav +2746,A parrot vocalizing and then a baby laughing,"Domestic animals, pets Animal Baby cry, infant cry",YO90Qy2xG6oA.wav,Y_9mgOkzm-xg.wav +2747,A toilet flushing and water running,Toilet flush,YZsf2YvJfCKw.wav,YIvfaKPDWC00.wav +2748,Water running and gurgling followed by some spring,"Water tap, faucet Bathtub (filling or washing) Water",Y6Pywt0f_NFY.wav,YgkWd1HugK2w.wav +2749,A object is hitting a surface followed by a loud boom,Door,YtJhVH3VIrnE.wav,YD9GHUPGWsV0.wav +2750,Helicopter propellers spinning and wind,Vehicle Helicopter Aircraft,YoOMtaqvQ3_M.wav,YhV4bDCBDCy0.wav +2751,Rapid typing and then sliding,Typing Typewriter,YPuLuZ_TXv-0.wav,YC8kR19NvynA.wav +2752,A vehicle is honking the horn,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Outside, urban or manmade",Ysl_Pxpc7beo.wav,YW4GEwnXc9tQ.wav +2753,A male speaking and repeated beeps,"Beep, bleep Speech Inside, small room",Yj1AiqT5oHZc.wav,YCh0LMmhBUg4.wav +2754,Children screaming and speaking and a female speaking,"Giggle Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YWq4OD3olO2w.wav,Y7XXSOzDQ2z0.wav +2755,An infant crying then shouting as a man talks through a television speaker,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",Y404cD3bVXDc.wav,Y-CcGuq0yoKo.wav +2756,Bells ringing repeatedly,Bell,YH7rd9bZtbgc.wav,YS0SQyFXbqF8.wav +2757,Speech followed by a toilet flushing and more speech,Toilet flush Water,YSePTNAN7s-w.wav,YH7rd9bZtbgc.wav +2758,It is raining with wind noise,Rain Pink noise,Ye6jSpvTvfJ0.wav,YsI7_ycEYzAY.wav +2759,"A woman speaks, and a motor vehicle revs its engine",Bus Vehicle Speech,Ygr5Zss89yLQ.wav,YJsoBpL86R5U.wav +2760,A helicopter is taking off and flying,Helicopter,YAWGnTI0e2Fs.wav,Yd6gu2w19YQo.wav +2761,Distant murmuring and distant engine revving,"Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Ye4ph6bIC5zc.wav,YniwgMbB6tpQ.wav +2762,Food and oil sizzling as a man is talking while metal clanks against a pan,Speech Frying (food),YMOxddxW5PXs.wav,Ygf6H_MWCqjw.wav +2763,A series of belching followed by a group of kids laughing,"Burping, eructation",YLxu-3_h4kc4.wav,Y9vZDsGjyh5M.wav +2764,Footsteps walking on snow with wind blowing on a microphone and camera muffling during audio feedback buzzing,Rustling leaves Wind noise (microphone),YL2dyilgQ8iM.wav,YvEWmHtiznF8.wav +2765,An adult female is speaking and her voice is amplified,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y9z8XIRyUq9Q.wav,Y2bq2lc3DLwM.wav +2766,"An engine revving followed by a loud honk, then several other honks and a woman talking","Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Speech Car",YkagkXkAVPNo.wav,Ye9MWXS34o48.wav +2767,A man speaks while water slaps on a surface,Stream,YXamQAY_WXRY.wav,YTaQKhIRwii4.wav +2768,A toilet flushes followed by a metal latch clanking then a door slowly creaking open,Toilet flush Water,Yw_Utn3CwAXE.wav,YA2mcp0N__7U.wav +2769,A bird is chirping while a fly is buzzing and another insect is making ringing sounds,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YyVVLq4ao1Ck.wav,Yo3mZR8OvPko.wav +2770,A toilet flushes and water drains,Toilet flush Water,YggN4-K5AgoM.wav,Y22L_3pBa1AI.wav +2771,A loud burst followed by laughter,"Burst, pop Speech",Y77nElZGi5NU.wav,Y6cS0FsUM-cQ.wav +2772,A telephone rings several times,Ringtone Telephone Telephone bell ringing,YxIztYnMIWUA.wav,YyVVLq4ao1Ck.wav +2773,"A woman is speaking, then water runs from a faucet, then she speaks again and there is a slapping sound","Water tap, faucet Speech Inside, small room",YrE6BJ0Bo4w4.wav,YIsUG5SKWNZA.wav +2774,A female speaking and then a door slamming,Door Speech,YIvg_q4t-3w0.wav,YhFCmq9pCBbM.wav +2775,A liquid makes a trickling noise,"Trickle, dribble",Y1HCuBnPLMqQ.wav,Ye6jSpvTvfJ0.wav +2776,Ocean waves crashing as water trickles as gusts of wind blow and seagulls squawk in the distance,"Boat, Water vehicle Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Y0fMXnvD38zI.wav,Y5OM3tJh51pE.wav +2777,Humming and revving of an engine with squealing tires as a car speeds past,"Skidding Vehicle Tire squeal Race car, auto racing",YKOBkbROPv4c.wav,Yvigslb0kClE.wav +2778,A man talking as a sink faucet turns on and off twice as water sprays then drains down a pipe,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YjOYvIISk--4.wav,Y4pf-PIymDhU.wav +2779,Humming of engines with people speaking,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Medium engine (mid frequency),YJmWaRt8-u0s.wav,YZ0IrCa4MvOA.wav +2780,A group of people laughing followed by a man talking then more laughter,Laughter Giggle Speech,Yb1PXsfgQw5w.wav,Y4fz0-Kx2oNs.wav +2781,A bell chiming as a clock ticks and a man talks through a television speaker in the background followed by a muffled bell chiming,Tick-tock Speech,YHqndxoujCYI.wav,YTwR8BA6buMI.wav +2782,An insect buzzing as wood clacks twice followed by a person gulping then another insect buzzing proceeded by another person gulping and talking while an electric guitar strums,Croak Frog,YQHfyKaOHSz4.wav,YRrmBGjJqlEo.wav +2783,"A woman speaks affectionately as a pig oinks quietly, then wood creaks",Speech Oink,YE9zN3-C64KE.wav,YWqXFAY4k79s.wav +2784,A man is speaking and a fly is buzzing around,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Speech",YqakN0JNbpcU.wav,YpWQeV08kYR0.wav +2785,A train roars and honks it horn,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y7JWHbs3gu1w.wav,YQHfyKaOHSz4.wav +2786,A man talking near a road with fast moving vehicles passing by,Vehicle Speech Car Car passing by,Y-SkjbQVgJ0M.wav,YMSziND26UTA.wav +2787,A sustained and coarse drilling noise,Drill Tools,YzEaGx6an4es.wav,YAj_VMUSNjNM.wav +2788,Bird cooing and wings flapping,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Coo Pigeon, dove",YN_s9F4CI_98.wav,YAMQei29haCw.wav +2789,An idling engine humming non stop,Vibration White noise,Y9BGLAUSF0sk.wav,Y1WTSW96XP6E.wav +2790,A man speaks as a machine hums quietly and then increases in volume,Engine Mechanical fan Speech,Yr2KhpX_QgXA.wav,YgbtcDoh0q3c.wav +2791,A flock of sheep baaing,"Sheep Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YLKhokVsJhN0.wav,Y3iLGu2Omgrw.wav +2792,Water lightly splashing as a bird chirps and wind blows into a microphone,"Bird Domestic animals, pets Duck Outside, rural or natural",YMkbP_8zJwXU.wav,YGOD8Bt5LfDE.wav +2793,A man talking followed by plastic crinkling and crumpling,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YWOywdRmySs0.wav,Y2ymiXjImwGs.wav +2794,Ocean waves crashing as wind blows into a microphone,"Waves, surf Wind",YlfAFQ0-wDJU.wav,YemGPabOePzA.wav +2795,A motor vehicle accelerates and revs,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",Y35b9BSmN5JM.wav,YQvATUKXYFBs.wav +2796,Semi-truck honking then taking off.,"Motor vehicle (road) Truck Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking",YCefFMA3klxk.wav,Yy3-M1sonh3M.wav +2797,A power tool sanding,"Drill Tools Inside, small room",Y5I8lmN8rwDM.wav,YtB8TiiXwKmA.wav +2798,Typing on a computer keyboard,Computer keyboard Typing,YBz9Y5nZK3eo.wav,YLF6x7B0Ppvo.wav +2799,A toy helicopter flying followed by wind blowing into a microphone,Helicopter,Yc6YJgZ3qzOw.wav,YxUWSHYoslPQ.wav +2800,An engine idling with bells ringing in the background,Idling Vehicle Car,YNmmbNqmsPaY.wav,Y3ghVB-KaU_E.wav +2801,"An adult male speaks and then metal scraping occurs, followed by metal clattering and another metal scrape",Filing (rasp) Rub,YhiJB_95IWiE.wav,YWmDe2xbnSY4.wav +2802,One long chime,Tick-tock Tick,YCMUuelJFJ7Q.wav,YhxbmDeNSO6Q.wav +2803,A loud explosion followed by people cheering and laughing as wind blows into a microphone,"Burst, pop Speech",Y77nElZGi5NU.wav,YBA-lFjpzad4.wav +2804,A motorcycle running and male speech and then laughing,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,Y0Dt-pH0pW-Y.wav,YFKaJsvcyHTk.wav +2805,A sewing machine running as a man is talking,"Speech Sewing machine Inside, small room",YCvNAwby6Xos.wav,YrbO727iF03I.wav +2806,A man talking followed by a person clapping then electronic chimes alongside a woman talking before another person claps proceeded by a person belching and two people laughing,"Burping, eructation Speech",YIJ6pm5Kns8A.wav,Y5eSRL3PRHzo.wav +2807,"An industrial motor is humming, and ripping and tearing are occurring",Hiss,Y7RMpCCkQks0.wav,Y7QN3lwOzfdg.wav +2808,Baby cries and then man speaks,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YDt53UZgyznE.wav,Y_z6pymOet7g.wav +2809,"A small motor is running, five hisses and a meow occur, then five more hisses and a meow occur","Domestic animals, pets Meow",YjXkLS_QzUrI.wav,YF-47fRplQEc.wav +2810,A crowd of people talking followed by a horse neighing as a lawn mower runs in the background,"Horse Neigh, whinny Clip-clop Speech Animal",YHqnSyliKTKA.wav,Y5xC4hkAWiao.wav +2811,A man talking followed by a goat baaing then a metal gate sliding as ducks quack and wind blows into a microphone,Goat Speech Animal,YCO6-i8NLbeo.wav,YLF6x7B0Ppvo.wav +2812,Baby upset and crying,"Baby cry, infant cry",Y4bUL_ttiOdw.wav,Y3rna9zo5ZOs.wav +2813,A pig squeezing and male speech,Speech Oink,YwSHzVxdMiTo.wav,YZUmZgPL0ges.wav +2814,Man talking in the wind and someone yells in the background while an engine makes squealing and air puffing sounds,"Aircraft engine Engine Vehicle Speech Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YlX3k5p2I_g0.wav,Y4YMXgLFcR94.wav +2815,"Gunfire is ongoing and water is splashing, adult males are shouting in the background, and an adult male speaks in the foreground","Gunshot, gunfire Ship Speech",Y0qbHT34qTZE.wav,YfwhkCnOeyC0.wav +2816,A man and a woman talking followed by a bell ringing as a crowd of people applaud,Applause Speech,YfwhkCnOeyC0.wav,YVkbp8VmL3pM.wav +2817,"Birds are cooing, and wings flap","Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Coo Pigeon, dove",YN_s9F4CI_98.wav,YvaujJ7msKfc.wav +2818,"A large amount of water is splashing and gurgling, and the wind is blowing",Rain,YYk274Wr5iIE.wav,Y1QNLMF-Kl_s.wav +2819,An engine being turned over and then started,Engine Vehicle Car Medium engine (mid frequency) Engine starting,Y350OCezayrk.wav,Y5xC4hkAWiao.wav +2820,Rain and thunder,Rain Thunderstorm Thunder,YZ-SIyOChVh8.wav,YrtgVoZCcBw8.wav +2821,A male voice and a machine buzzing,Tools Wood Speech,Y-JP1GqPEKtw.wav,Y86dNVnTwH6U.wav +2822,Frying and female speech,Speech Frying (food),YVjSEIRnLAh8.wav,Y6BJ455B1aAs.wav +2823,"A large motor is running smoothly, water is splashing, people are talking in the background, and an adult male speaks in the distance","Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",YD9tinq3RMpU.wav,YWUpeplQr3A4.wav +2824,A series of doors slamming open as footsteps shuffle and plastic clack while a woman speaks,Door Speech,Y8ZH_PoK0clI.wav,YAWGnTI0e2Fs.wav +2825,Paper crackling with female speaking lightly in the background,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YkEP-BwMarf8.wav,Y_GI7meqlYZk.wav +2826,Water splashing and a baby laughing,"Laughter Splash, splatter",YoNHCc_izsDE.wav,Y1OyEgzXCkYE.wav +2827,Repeated bursts of spray,Spray,YonBZOH88OYs.wav,YiOCpICiu4LA.wav +2828,A vehicle engine accelerating at a rapid rate before slowing down,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YEBCH7TPgiPc.wav,YCfxWJ1Qoufg.wav +2829,Two men talking as a motorcycle engine runs idle and a group of people laugh,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,YeRU-rABp8nk.wav,YPkmpxrsidZM.wav +2830,Laughing and rustling with horse hooves,Horse Clip-clop Speech Animal,YBQ-r9mEHssU.wav,YMtK8L8gXRrI.wav +2831,A sewing machine running and then female speech,Speech Sewing machine,Yt4prXmPwthg.wav,YiOCpICiu4LA.wav +2832,"One man speaking, then another man speaking","Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y0jGH7A_hpBM.wav,Y2KR0C5ysO8o.wav +2833,A few loud bangs with some rattling and hissing,Spray,Yn-JyOqYSLQM.wav,Y-mb4Fw4Z0xg.wav +2834,"High-pitched turbine noise from helicopter, rhythmic squeaking, motor sound grows louder","Vehicle Helicopter Outside, rural or natural",YWCYfCfW9NA0.wav,YU90e2P9jy30.wav +2835,"A large motor vehicle engine accelerates and then slows and idles, while an adult male speaks in the foreground",Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle Speech,YTdl9SmBbRnA.wav,YKel-hfZ_9h8.wav +2836,Emergency sirens followed by an engine idling,"Ambulance (siren) Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",Y6TO9PEGpZcQ.wav,YTSdAJWJ-tW0.wav +2837,Wind sounds as motor boat travels followed by a woman speaking,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Wind Wind noise (microphone)",Y9xoYx3lTJ9I.wav,Y8BPTQO_cx7E.wav +2838,A motor vehicle is skidding its tires,Truck Skidding Vehicle,YV4PLSw_WzVw.wav,YUhCzD6EBJBU.wav +2839,A vehicle engine revving then accelerating at a high rate as wind blows heavily into a microphone,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YLF6x7B0Ppvo.wav,YcK2kSVR1d2o.wav +2840,A baby cries and a woman speaks with other people speaking in the distance,"Crying, sobbing Speech Child speech, kid speaking Baby cry, infant cry Inside, small room",YXL8JV9qXGLE.wav,YUV1kdjwpy6U.wav +2841,"Women talk over sizzling and clanking, motor sound in the distance",Stir Frying (food),YmUGmCSNETcg.wav,YmlnUJH4BQnk.wav +2842,A man talking as a swarm of insects are buzzing,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YAUJPx81qKtY.wav,Yi1u_2eZYYlE.wav +2843,A throbbing noise with a woman speaking in the background,Frog Speech,YcFHFVGOtp6g.wav,YUhCzD6EBJBU.wav +2844,Man talks while striking and popping occurs then a second man laughs,Laughter Snicker Speech,YgbtcDoh0q3c.wav,YD9tinq3RMpU.wav +2845,Some light banging followed by water splashing,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Inside, small room",Yu8bQf0SnCVI.wav,Yvigslb0kClE.wav +2846,A child laughing followed by a man talking as snow shuffles in the background,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Children playing",YKel-hfZ_9h8.wav,Y8o-Y4QP8LWs.wav +2847,A toilet is flushed,Toilet flush Water,Y67BsqRkh-dU.wav,YU90e2P9jy30.wav +2848,Mechanical engine and running water,Stream,Y3hzy-FL24no.wav,YCwxgQS3SXic.wav +2849,A person is typing keyboard with some mouse clicking,Computer keyboard Typing,YDAN1t9ukkg0.wav,YnuZEAuAl8hQ.wav +2850,Wood sawing as pigeons coo and bird wings flap followed by a woman speaking,Rub Wood,YBzHTqyX69pI.wav,Y7_smJ8VbfSU.wav +2851,A man is giving a speech and a crowd cheers,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y3rna9zo5ZOs.wav,Yg6CY7qvu81k.wav +2852,Male speaking with another male voice in the background,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish Speech",Y-mhFGevxLUg.wav,Y_GI7meqlYZk.wav +2853,An electronic beep and several faints ticks,"Beep, bleep",YWU3qB7gf6ao.wav,Yy1a8PntuXYw.wav +2854,A man speaking followed by applause and laughter from an audience,Applause,Y8BPTQO_cx7E.wav,YQ3vkJMVMbC8.wav +2855,Rain falling as a machine motor runs followed by a man speaking,Rain Speech,YRp4Ct_TQvAM.wav,YkLYCjD6vWI4.wav +2856,A man talking as plastic is crinkling,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YwAZrOPvul4Y.wav,Yi1u_2eZYYlE.wav +2857,Thunder crashes and echos,Thunder,YEp72tyiL3as.wav,YUhCzD6EBJBU.wav +2858,A man speaking followed by a horse trotting,Horse Clip-clop Speech Animal,YOmmPaIAXN0s.wav,Y3fomsZXG3aM.wav +2859,An animal heavily breathing then snorting followed by footsteps on a hard surface and a camera muffling,"Domestic animals, pets Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",Y6CDl4CqOgMg.wav,YBDpU2Qh77NE.wav +2860,An insect buzzing as plastic clacks then slaps a hard surface in the background,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YKVAIaRPry24.wav,YPg2cWEnEEvc.wav +2861,A man speaks as water runs,"Water tap, faucet Water",Yh5_1pnkl_SY.wav,Y2sZhC_mKeic.wav +2862,A mid-size engine is idling and vibrating and is revved up one time,Vibration,Y1N_DtRpdAp8.wav,YRNBoH2LHQEM.wav +2863,Ocean waves crashing and water splashing,Stream,Y4eyY1w2QyM0.wav,Y1wW0YJQ-Xa0.wav +2864,An engine running loudly and continuously together with muffled speech,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,Y0Dt-pH0pW-Y.wav,YHUwXtfYRFwk.wav +2865,A person coughing followed by a series of compressed air sprays as tin and plastic rattle then a man speaking as a crowd of people talk in the background,Spray Speech,Y1wW0YJQ-Xa0.wav,Yq46VXJ6JN9M.wav +2866,A woman laughs and talk as a hose clip-clops,Horse Clip-clop Speech Animal,YBQ-r9mEHssU.wav,YLP_DzNUkAKY.wav +2867,A train horn honking as a train runs on railroad tracks,"Subway, metro, underground Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train",YelztUCeNQvQ.wav,Y9BGLAUSF0sk.wav +2868,A motor vehicle is skidding and drifting,Motor vehicle (road) Skidding Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y-oy0BkpMGAk.wav,YalaxBd_EEUc.wav +2869,Birds chirping and singing,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YGIOApFAWDOc.wav,YQTSKjweEWew.wav +2870,A whirring followed by an object hitting a surface,Drill,YEzWEO2WD_MM.wav,YqWYncqPSy9A.wav +2871,"An adult male speaks while thumps occur in the background, then frogs croak and the adult male speaks again",Frog Speech Animal,Y2ABngPM3raQ.wav,YIdBDl9Wr51A.wav +2872,A toilet flushing,Toilet flush,Y2ErfX6ZT5pM.wav,Yir1XTdyt4IY.wav +2873,Semiautomatic gunfire then clicks of a magazine change followed by more gunfire,"Gunshot, gunfire",YHeEa1GZpUGI.wav,Yq4YFJA5pFXc.wav +2874,A whistling and then an explosion and crackling,"Explosion Burst, pop",Y6BJ455B1aAs.wav,YVE6Ku0-ucUM.wav +2875,"Motor vehicle traffic is ongoing, and a motorcycle engine accelerates and then decelerates in the foreground",Motor vehicle (road) Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Car passing by,YBA-lFjpzad4.wav,Y1a2XWJ8NA_Q.wav +2876,A train running on railroad tracks followed by a train horn honking,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y8ycflE3dIHw.wav,Yz4MeV9IGVo0.wav +2877,A baby is crying and a person sneezes then another person speaks,"Crying, sobbing Speech",Y6aWnK1GyeJY.wav,YBUAPM4D3-h8.wav +2878,Male voice speaking briefly followed by drilling,"Drill Tools Wood Speech Inside, small room",YoN0IcZaHD_8.wav,Yy_OyLW9lBXU.wav +2879,"Water runs quickly, while someone talks, coughs, and then talks again close by",Stream,YzF3xXn6NTyU.wav,YQvATUKXYFBs.wav +2880,A man talks in the distance followed by several vehicles driving and accelerating,"Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Yo7jW6Suyfbs.wav,Yz4MeV9IGVo0.wav +2881,Burping noise while a woman talks followed by a woman laughing with a television playing in the background,"Burping, eructation Speech",YPMMdAKZxI_I.wav,YH7-orYrKBeo.wav +2882,A man yelling in the background as several basketballs bounce and shoes squeak on a hardwood surface,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YU90e2P9jy30.wav,YCM49C3RkzV8.wav +2883,Man speaking with electronic sounds in the background,Cat Meow Speech Animal,Yup2PpjTzyyc.wav,YFJkvAMLmejY.wav +2884,A train horn blowing as a train runs and railroad crossing signals ring in the distance,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Train whistle Rail transport Train Vehicle",YI_vN_BFUr0Y.wav,YTSnq6n8tElo.wav +2885,Mechanical humming with several beeps,Vibration White noise,Y30D1tqNFHMc.wav,YIvfaKPDWC00.wav +2886,A man is speaking followed by saw blade noises,Rub,YfrOqlk0Wm5Y.wav,YbJMMp6PLKqM.wav +2887,Whistling a tune,Whistling,YsCzRVvu9XeY.wav,YinSvboaSRwA.wav +2888,A man speaking with a buzzing sound in the background,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech",Y5YzNSjmZ3Wg.wav,YZBtgrP4vU_w.wav +2889,Someone dials a push button phone melodically,Telephone,Yj_NSuPnx5LA.wav,YPYP-r0nvbFk.wav +2890,A crowd of people applauding as cheering followed by an elderly man speaking,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",YBrPFQDr99Gg.wav,Ybpv_LneHmfU.wav +2891,Race cars are racing and skidding tires,"Vehicle Speech Tire squeal Race car, auto racing Outside, urban or manmade",YLvhvAA11oxE.wav,YObWjGBJF_94.wav +2892,A train running and the horn blowing,Steam whistle Steam Hiss,YFR7BDRhMATo.wav,YrjUrB1WUpcI.wav +2893,A man talking followed by plastic crinkling and crumpling,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YWOywdRmySs0.wav,YKtTLsveexOg.wav +2894,Sirens ring as a vehicle speeds past,Police car (siren) Vehicle Car Car passing by,YAUmY0YRAFQE.wav,YU90e2P9jy30.wav +2895,A man speaks as birds call and pigeons coo,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Coo Pigeon, dove",YZ_smJ66Tb3c.wav,YI_8KqxP5xOA.wav +2896,A chainsaw cutting as wood cracks and creaks,Chainsaw Wood,Y-R69Fa-mCaY.wav,YlJayhiVzl_E.wav +2897,Birds chirping with distant humming,"Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Environmental noise Duck",YJon_DEFqsfM.wav,YqakN0JNbpcU.wav +2898,Footsteps and intermittent spraying,Spray,Y8OTd45_6cvY.wav,YVkbp8VmL3pM.wav +2899,A vehicle engine revving as a crowd of people talk in the background,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Speech Car",Y_ezm-TpKj1w.wav,Y7D7xgd4WJ50.wav +2900,A train is passing by and sound its whistle.,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",YJHhEjsAkZoc.wav,YhDMHIDJdfDA.wav +2901,A person speaks followed by clicking,Computer keyboard Typing Speech,Y8GHLfJ6y6zA.wav,Yr2KhpX_QgXA.wav +2902,A man speaking as monkeys scream and dogs bark followed by birds cawing in the distance,Bird Bow-wow Speech Animal,YDlWd7Wmdi1E.wav,YcNARVD02-tw.wav +2903,Humming from an engine with wind blowing hard,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YqF72bT878gw.wav,YIvg_q4t-3w0.wav +2904,A small high frequency motor vibrates,Helicopter,Yyau2WIRkxb8.wav,YA61Mry8zBwE.wav +2905,A man talking followed by plastic creaking and clacking as frogs croak and crickets chirp,Frog,YLvMA1Wcgu3w.wav,YC5kmOK_l4jc.wav +2906,Engines hum and rev with squealing tires,Tire squeal,Yvsy1IpYmrSY.wav,YkXjzsroVTtw.wav +2907,"Two women are talking, and a baby cries","Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YR91bUbtKrRs.wav,YDlWd7Wmdi1E.wav +2908,Quacking with brief chirping and speech,Bird Duck Speech,YbmEF-c-M174.wav,YDjKGzOe_COc.wav +2909,Water gurgling followed by a toilet flushing then a footstep shuffling on a hard surface,Toilet flush,YZsf2YvJfCKw.wav,Y-aYumc8KoXg.wav +2910,Loud bus roaring and voices,Bus Vehicle Speech,YEbpOXac13yo.wav,YgwQMkQmBITE.wav +2911,A racing vehicle accelerating and revving while tires skid and squeal,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing Outside, urban or manmade",Yo3mZR8OvPko.wav,YGOD8Bt5LfDE.wav +2912,Food and oil sizzling,Sizzle Frying (food),YAJtNitYMa1I.wav,YEp72tyiL3as.wav +2913,Metal clacking followed by a man talking as metal rattles while light guitar music plays in the background,Frying (food),YQRtuOWWya30.wav,YV8A0VRGdgwM.wav +2914,Humming of an accelerating engine with rustling,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y2KEfkDO6hlA.wav,YAf4a-9rcnP0.wav +2915,"A medium-pitched, metal bell is ringing",Bell,Y7D7xgd4WJ50.wav,YbhlhcGONisM.wav +2916,Helicopter rotors are turning.,Helicopter,YVQnmlf2OsUg.wav,YAxd__X2rixk.wav +2917,A quick loud explosion as music plays with pulsating sounds followed by a man talking,"Burst, pop Speech",Y52IxrdTxGs4.wav,YEBCH7TPgiPc.wav +2918,Small child with a man and woman speaking,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YB-gTt3_rceQ.wav,YOr7umk40TZA.wav +2919,Humming of a distant large engine with wind blowing hard,"Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YUAmDLPjNyMg.wav,YKVAIaRPry24.wav +2920,A group of sheep are baaing,"Sheep Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YLKhokVsJhN0.wav,Y7MLERaOgK_Y.wav +2921,People are communicating followed by a dog barking and a vehicle moving,"Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Ye4ph6bIC5zc.wav,YZsf2YvJfCKw.wav +2922,A power tool sawing wood followed by a machine motor running while cutting wood,Wood,YTWOgvDaDqlU.wav,YRk-ujWKzPuc.wav +2923,A man speaking while a large crowd cheers in the background,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y3rna9zo5ZOs.wav,YcPiSd5nJLrI.wav +2924,A vehicle engine revving followed by tires skidding as a group of people talk in the background,Truck Skidding Vehicle,YqZEIs6tS5vk.wav,Y8VOibo9Q_Dc.wav +2925,Hissing and rattling,"Water tap, faucet Pump (liquid)",YObWjGBJF_94.wav,Y1a2XWJ8NA_Q.wav +2926,Men riding in the car talking then man burps loudly and then the other chuckles,"Motor vehicle (road) Burping, eructation Vehicle Speech Car",YMvHpNzDpC6Q.wav,YKtTLsveexOg.wav +2927,Humming and rattling from a revving engine,"Engine Whoosh, swoosh, swish Vehicle Car",YFi4-IqJo2xQ.wav,YgwQMkQmBITE.wav +2928,"Whistling with wings flapping, birds chirping, and pigeons cooing","Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",YsTMKled6Q1M.wav,YQRtuOWWya30.wav +2929,Loud banging followed by chugging engine,"Engine Idling Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Medium engine (mid frequency) Engine starting",Y4xrL4TSgHwU.wav,YmlnUJH4BQnk.wav +2930,Mechanical rotation and then a loud click occurs,Sizzle,YtNxfdAd14qE.wav,YLs2vrr9TamU.wav +2931,"A motor vehicle engine is running and vibrating, and it accelerates and then idles",Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y0Rpjl1AO-P0.wav,YTSdAJWJ-tW0.wav +2932,A dog growling while an electronic toy mimics laughter followed by a plastic thud then small dog barking,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal",Y8IdCiapDYCU.wav,YSCow4mpBsGY.wav +2933,Something jangles then someone begins speaking then a door clanks,Door,YhVUmQfBIYe8.wav,YGuizRlAQ8qQ.wav +2934,Speech and then a sneeze and laughter,Sneeze Speech,Y-FW109cbv0g.wav,YWUyeFOyKIg0.wav +2935,Popping and cracking followed by a loud burst,"Burst, pop Fireworks",YcK2kSVR1d2o.wav,YbygBWUkpaC8.wav +2936,An engine revving and then tires screeching,Truck Skidding Vehicle,YqZEIs6tS5vk.wav,YCO6-i8NLbeo.wav +2937,Birds chirping and then a dog barking and a duck quaking,Bird Duck Dog Animal,Ya3GzZKxUTy8.wav,Y7XUt6sQS7nM.wav +2938,A ship engine running as a crowd of people talk followed by a ship hull creaking as wind blows heavily into a microphone,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",YD9tinq3RMpU.wav,YA61Mry8zBwE.wav +2939,A clock ticks low and loud and someone breathes sharply near the end,Tick-tock Tick,YsI7_ycEYzAY.wav,YajheseWZmmU.wav +2940,Wood scrapping against a stone surface,Wood,YKJhGuhNHToA.wav,YS0SQyFXbqF8.wav +2941,Wood thumping and a series of metal clanks while a swarm of insects are buzzing and birds chirp in the distance,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YzFzPOsOKog4.wav,YcFHFVGOtp6g.wav +2942,Motorcycle starting and taking off,"Silence Motorcycle Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",Y0rSETXszQM0.wav,YBZCEDkx37rI.wav +2943,An electric motor runs then a person speaks,Rustling leaves,Y4pv3w--cRrA.wav,YV4PLSw_WzVw.wav +2944,A man talking followed by another man yelling in the background then an aircraft engine starting up as vehicles drive by,"Aircraft engine Engine Vehicle Speech Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YlX3k5p2I_g0.wav,YnLZeG9LaLgw.wav +2945,A series of plastic clanking followed by a car door opening then a vehicle engine accelerating in the distance while a man is talking,"Motor vehicle (road) Door Power windows, electric windows Vehicle",YzoctgurhvHE.wav,YMdlEswBfZMQ.wav +2946,A train running on railroad tracks followed by a train horn blowing and steam hissing,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",YKVbmN9ZRg5Q.wav,Y6TO9PEGpZcQ.wav +2947,A young girl talking then screaming as plastic crashes and tumbles followed by a plastic camera click,Door Sliding door Speech,YEfk5kdn9lR8.wav,YbhlhcGONisM.wav +2948,A church bell rings as a group of people talk in the background and wind blows into a microphone,Bell Speech,Yc0IggDOisOo.wav,YbmEF-c-M174.wav +2949,An engine humming and ticking as it idles then revs,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y3fomsZXG3aM.wav,YWUpeplQr3A4.wav +2950,A man speaks followed by applause,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y4YMXgLFcR94.wav,Ycz0FSQDVBMw.wav +2951,A woman and young boy talking,"Conversation Female speech, woman speaking Speech Child speech, kid speaking",YCBwXKOpJY_o.wav,YoOMtaqvQ3_M.wav +2952,Duck quacking and man and woman talking while baby cries,Quack Duck Speech,Y3IguMJkqpl4.wav,YE9zN3-C64KE.wav +2953,A motor vehicle is accelerating followed by thumping and hissing noises,"Truck Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YLB6CZ0x-kns.wav,YCxaPpRJRkn0.wav +2954,Banging and rattling with a man speaking,"Cutlery, silverware Dishes, pots, and pans",Y8o-Y4QP8LWs.wav,YCeRoaEcqUgM.wav +2955,A sprayer is spraying surfaces,Spray,YI_8KqxP5xOA.wav,Y6BJ455B1aAs.wav +2956,Ducks are quaking along with geese honking,Bird Duck Goose,YOpiWMltpj44.wav,Y14izd_i3ryE.wav +2957,Seagulls squawking as ocean waves crash while wind blows heavily into a microphone,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",YJBWJQCS4SvA.wav,Ydkiwn2FdDVw.wav +2958,Plastic tapping then rattling as a bird chirps,"Bird Domestic animals, pets Chirp, tweet",Yoklu5ZJD_2U.wav,YinQOrxc_oZo.wav +2959,Explosion followed by man speaking a short bit of music at the end,"Gunshot, gunfire",YNi3dIj90Oa4.wav,Y83j4GgHXTLE.wav +2960,A man speaks with a small motor buzzing and wind blowing,Helicopter Speech,YjinJkonlrWc.wav,Y0fMXnvD38zI.wav +2961,Cracking and humming from an engine,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YBa92IrXFvJo.wav,YD1Sy7kRoaR8.wav +2962,A man talking in the foreground as another man laughs then talks in the background while a horse trots and snorts,Clip-clop Speech Animal,YAKHZMg9ba30.wav,YHxZADVzNIqs.wav +2963,Typing on a computer keyboard,Computer keyboard Typing,YJQz40TkjymY.wav,Y0On6-JiVwRs.wav +2964,White noise and then birds chirping.,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",Y6pssFJ0m-kU.wav,YyRoKi7rhSRo.wav +2965,Men speak as insects buzz,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Speech",YKnXNy5Q6YS4.wav,YlHh0SwUhP8U.wav +2966,Metal clinking with faint clip-clops of a horse,Horse Clip-clop Animal,YErxgH5g3Kx0.wav,Yq46VXJ6JN9M.wav +2967,Something bangs and clicks then a man talks and scrapes something,Frying (food),YQRtuOWWya30.wav,Y5rh5-MCjqq8.wav +2968,A woman speaking and person laughing followed by some gurgling and squeaking,Frog,YS0SQyFXbqF8.wav,YFA11v4SmdBc.wav +2969,A motorbike accelerating and revving as wind blows into a microphone,"Motorcycle Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YmW1EpJYcy_E.wav,YMtK8L8gXRrI.wav +2970,A car engine accelerating and then laughter,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Speech Car Car passing by,Y-mb4Fw4Z0xg.wav,YSePTNAN7s-w.wav +2971,A man speaking followed by a goat baaing,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Frog Speech Animal",Y0NGSrwioYjA.wav,YQ87LBiwJjTE.wav +2972,A man speaking as an insect is buzzing,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech",Y5YzNSjmZ3Wg.wav,YcK2kSVR1d2o.wav +2973,A woman speaking as a crowd of people applaud,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y32565FEuksc.wav,YxQDq3A4Zfbo.wav +2974,Distant honks of a train horn with leaves rustling,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train",Y59VP93Tzjmg.wav,YcK2kSVR1d2o.wav +2975,Crickets chirping very loudly,Croak Frog,YE3D_z0aoUEg.wav,Y-aYumc8KoXg.wav +2976,A few gunshots followed by a man speaking,"Gunshot, gunfire",YNi3dIj90Oa4.wav,YkVYNXZd0MMY.wav +2977,A toilet flushes and water drains,Toilet flush Water,YyRoKi7rhSRo.wav,YBQ-r9mEHssU.wav +2978,Drilling and crackling,Wood,YLs2vrr9TamU.wav,Y83j4GgHXTLE.wav +2979,A baby laughing and splashing and a female laughing,"Laughter Splash, splatter",YoNHCc_izsDE.wav,YjXkLS_QzUrI.wav +2980,"Birds chirping, wind blowing, and a bell ringing with faint speech",Bell Speech,Yc0IggDOisOo.wav,YUhCzD6EBJBU.wav +2981,Rolling thunder with lightning strikes,Rain Thunderstorm Thunder,YLbken4JCr94.wav,Yt3VFlDiEKgY.wav +2982,A toilet flushing followed by paper crinkling and a door slamming in the distance,Toilet flush Water,YFc9pG54DDJM.wav,YDNtF_mGzQes.wav +2983,A girl screams and people speak,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YHkbCUN4V3TU.wav,Y-EQByFLFqig.wav +2984,Laughter with people talking in the background and a girl talks,Bus Vehicle Speech,YQOmV7O9mFwg.wav,YelztUCeNQvQ.wav +2985,People speak and a goat screams,"Goat Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YawxrHOpt-sE.wav,Ym_NCf-q4Gn0.wav +2986,"Rain falling and dripping from a roof, then thunder rolls",Rain Raindrop Thunderstorm Thunder,YAI1OweEW8C0.wav,YlTfNLKEy1RU.wav +2987,A man speaks with faint ticks of a clock,Tick-tock Tick,YpTJKJxaheI8.wav,Y5ORpSk5CIWc.wav +2988,Sputtering of an idling and revving engine,"Motorcycle Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YG3YO2unWz7k.wav,Yh5_1pnkl_SY.wav +2989,An engine revving and tires squealing,"Engine Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y9MgGaTbmc6g.wav,Y0yETgW44MZU.wav +2990,"A man yells, followed by a banging sound and a coin dropping","Coin (dropping) Dishes, pots, and pans",YTSnq6n8tElo.wav,Yh3UhoHIMfpw.wav +2991,Short bursts of spraying,Spray,YonBZOH88OYs.wav,YglAeihz0NAM.wav +2992,A man talking as a series of compressed air sprays,Spray Speech,YPRUfwpmYwJ8.wav,YIJ6pm5Kns8A.wav +2993,A group of kids burping and laughing,"Burping, eructation Speech",Y1FNJbN-eHY4.wav,YhVUmQfBIYe8.wav +2994,A long burp ends in a sigh,"Burping, eructation",Y-Sz4z0QwEuM.wav,YR8bHTHnF8j4.wav +2995,A man speaks accompanied by sizzling and tapping as food is fried,Speech Frying (food),YMOxddxW5PXs.wav,YatmDP_fmK_8.wav +2996,A muffled aircraft engine running before accelerating as a woman talks over an intercom,"Vehicle Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",Y1IoHRTUp86c.wav,YAj_VMUSNjNM.wav +2997,Leaves rustle in the wind as small birds chirp,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",Y6pssFJ0m-kU.wav,YHdxfbpnd2-8.wav +2998,A train running on railroad tracks as a bell chimes followed by a lawn mower engine running then a steam engine operating as steam hisses and a train whistle blows while a crowd of people talk in the background,Steam Hiss,YaZAXO2WZn84.wav,YbygBWUkpaC8.wav +2999,Bees buzz as clanking occurs,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YzFzPOsOKog4.wav,Y1OyEgzXCkYE.wav +3000,"Strong wind is blowing, an aircraft motor is operating, and metallic whirring and faint rotor slapping are present","Propeller, airscrew Vehicle Helicopter",YBOB65Nd0pXo.wav,YmW1EpJYcy_E.wav +3001,Wind blowing hard with a loud explosion and people laughing,"Burst, pop Speech",Y77nElZGi5NU.wav,YgwQMkQmBITE.wav +3002,Walking on gravel and then a man speaks briefly,Bicycle Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,Y7P6lcyeDKNI.wav,YwVi5w_NU6CM.wav +3003,Music plays over an engine noise,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind instrument, woodwind instrument",Y7P0N61TVOxE.wav,YYqYCDis3EUA.wav +3004,Rustling and rubbing followed by male speech,Filing (rasp) Rub,YTgxst7Ft9js.wav,YoOMtaqvQ3_M.wav +3005,People speak and traffic passes in the distance with a nearby cough followed by rattling and spraying,Spray Speech,Y1wW0YJQ-Xa0.wav,YQvATUKXYFBs.wav +3006,A race car engine is idling and then the car accelerates away quickly,"Vehicle Tire squeal Car Race car, auto racing",Y7XXSOzDQ2z0.wav,YSePTNAN7s-w.wav +3007,A sheep is bleating and a crowd is murmuring,Sheep Bleat Speech,Y7XUt6sQS7nM.wav,YdmUOSyPXkUw.wav +3008,Spraying fades in and out while clicking occurs,Spray,YI_8KqxP5xOA.wav,Y0ury8KHQdL4.wav +3009,Rustling and shaking followed by a horn and gusts of wind,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Outside, urban or manmade",YB8rdur4aams.wav,Yyrxa6_P2I80.wav +3010,An engine idling with light wind,"Motorcycle Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YeXj9OAik5cc.wav,Y4YodC6RnplI.wav +3011,A woman speeches,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y1vCYiVvZ7VE.wav,YsqWyxUObwkw.wav +3012,A helicopter flies with spinning blades,Helicopter,Yram-QPKSQYc.wav,YL_CNz9Vrtkw.wav +3013,Pigeons coo with some rustling,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room",Y41D0yXSBqfI.wav,YIvg_q4t-3w0.wav +3014,Tapping followed by high pitched buzzing,Sawing Rub Wood,YGkb4f6yodPE.wav,Yu9px4Lwv9XI.wav +3015,Blades of a helicopter spinning and getting ready to take off,"Vehicle Helicopter Outside, rural or natural",YWCYfCfW9NA0.wav,YEYTz1LPDHsc.wav +3016,A dog whimpering and barking while breathing rapidly,"Bark Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal",YW7OJevEgq7w.wav,YJnSwRonB9wI.wav +3017,Traffic sounds going by as man speaks,Spray Speech,YXf5LjaE_JQ0.wav,YuY4fe5DT1gI.wav +3018,A train makes hissing sound followed by people speaking lowly in the background,Steam Hiss,YdmUOSyPXkUw.wav,YLWng-4PDzPM.wav +3019,Clinking and rustling followed by a woman speaking,"Dishes, pots, and pans",Y4IeDBwyQ9ZQ.wav,Y7RMpCCkQks0.wav +3020,A continuous sizzling with oil popping,Frying (food),Y4fz0-Kx2oNs.wav,YH7-orYrKBeo.wav +3021,A man speaking with distant hums and horns of passing traffic,Engine Vehicle Speech,Y5K1mISHwggI.wav,YbhlhcGONisM.wav +3022,Loud snoring followed by brief silence then speech,Snoring Speech,YdYZSKX7vuRI.wav,YC_ga5m6nOhI.wav +3023,A young woman talking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YCchRf2jq6fc.wav,YyhDw7PZje3g.wav +3024,A man speaks followed by a crowd applauding,Applause Speech,YL_CNz9Vrtkw.wav,YMTaLknnq4wc.wav +3025,Wood cracking and metal clanking with a series of hammering on a wooden surface,Door,YtJhVH3VIrnE.wav,Y0rSETXszQM0.wav +3026,A telephone ringing with loud echo,Ringtone Telephone,YmSF_FqBtRPs.wav,YAtkD-3GjXMw.wav +3027,A bird cawing as an infant is crying,"Domestic animals, pets Animal Baby cry, infant cry",YO90Qy2xG6oA.wav,YFL8KTgMGrN4.wav +3028,An engine is accelerating,Gurgling,YXZTt1xdK8uQ.wav,YwBs02amFGXs.wav +3029,Female speech and rubbing,Rub,YmlnUJH4BQnk.wav,Y1DKLyH3FixM.wav +3030,Man talking and a tapping clicking,Typing Speech,YbhlhcGONisM.wav,YtNxfdAd14qE.wav +3031,A man speaks and then a crowd breaks into applause and laughter,Applause,Y8BPTQO_cx7E.wav,YgQMTOKsCIyk.wav +3032,An engine running and a horn,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car",YpPLisQ_QXxw.wav,YPMMdAKZxI_I.wav +3033,Does not sound like anything but static,Thunder,Y_iUX8CibElk.wav,YK8-b0VtNOqA.wav +3034,A rooster crowing and birds cooing,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room Outside, rural or natural",YwBs02amFGXs.wav,YbIiiIo20PsY.wav +3035,A child speaking and then an adult speaking,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Outside, rural or natural",YglAeihz0NAM.wav,YhGWarNR6xmg.wav +3036,Continuous rainfall,Rain Rain on surface,YRk-ujWKzPuc.wav,Y5t6tSW0yT40.wav +3037,Male speech with horns honking in the background,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y473wBEwC35M.wav,Y6i5eQOpFk_U.wav +3038,A person is snoring steadily,Snoring,Y3XcIVh40pTI.wav,YQ87LBiwJjTE.wav +3039,A man speaking and item beeping,"Beep, bleep Speech",Y9U8COLzEegs.wav,Y-NrFeH-kBSM.wav +3040,A female speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YEY4p0_NJVQs.wav,YTQr9v-PQOc4.wav +3041,"Water trickling, plastic crinkling, followed by a male speaking","Trickle, dribble Speech",YZ7yDwpdGelM.wav,YtjCNwdOUiGc.wav +3042,"An aircraft engine operates and whooshing is ongoing while a machine gun clicks and fires, after which music plays","Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",YnD1K1Zo0qrM.wav,Ya0yXS7PmVR0.wav +3043,Bus engine going then an announcers female voice speaking,Bus Vehicle Speech,YGPj8h-WcjWs.wav,YcN-oYKd-M4E.wav +3044,Wind blows and a man speaks with a quick pop,Idling Vehicle Speech Engine starting,Y6Nvu6EcpdE8.wav,YIFRmbxWK8u0.wav +3045,High pressure liquid spraying as a radio plays in the background,Spray,Y1j5NMuq1X30.wav,YlX3k5p2I_g0.wav +3046,A sewing machine hums and operates several times before a metal click,Sewing machine,Ys_EWjoiVfzo.wav,Yfx4r_KuW6No.wav +3047,"A distant police siren, then racing car engine noise, and a man calling in police code over his radio",Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,Y8F-ndyrEWJ8.wav,YAWGnTI0e2Fs.wav +3048,Pebbles and rocks bouncing off of a wooden surface as footsteps walk on gravel and dirt followed by a goat baaing as a muffled animal moan in the background,"Goat Bleat Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YV8A0VRGdgwM.wav,YljrL7Cb-jr8.wav +3049,A clock ticking,Tick-tock,YIFRmbxWK8u0.wav,Yzq00Oe1ecpE.wav +3050,A band plays horn and string instruments while waves crash nearby,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind instrument, woodwind instrument",Y7P0N61TVOxE.wav,Yy3-M1sonh3M.wav +3051,A dog barking followed by a man talking in the distance while gravel and dirt shuffle during a series of camera muffles,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal",Y2EsxcKe1A4w.wav,YAj_VMUSNjNM.wav +3052,"Mosquitoes are buzzing, and a man speaks","Insect Mosquito Fly, housefly",Yt3VFlDiEKgY.wav,YQvATUKXYFBs.wav +3053,City ambiance with light music playing in the background followed by police sirens sounding in the distance,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,YvaujJ7msKfc.wav,YU5ij0M7T-hk.wav +3054,"Water pours, a horn honks, and a man speaks","Beep, bleep Speech",Y9U8COLzEegs.wav,Y-AheI8Epim4.wav +3055,A loud explosion as gusts of wind blow,"Explosion Burst, pop",Y63KW_EQ72yU.wav,YEUZaxaWqhwg.wav +3056,A cat meowing as a person makes kissing noises followed by a guy chuckling,Cat Meow Animal,YajheseWZmmU.wav,YTQr9v-PQOc4.wav +3057,A man talking as an infant is crying followed by a man humming,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YYH4qi8Ul6v0.wav,YEUZaxaWqhwg.wav +3058,A child speaking followed by a seal speaking then water splashing as a kid and woman laugh in the background,Laughter Speech,YJdFmMw0zyKA.wav,YArHiac57pVk.wav +3059,A woman whispering then talking as an infant cries followed by a man yelling,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YIsUG5SKWNZA.wav,Yi2yhbckq3p0.wav +3060,A man speaks with small birds chirping in the distance,"Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet Speech",YkXjzsroVTtw.wav,Y59VP93Tzjmg.wav +3061,A truck engine driving by while emergency sirens wail as a crowd of people talk followed by a man speaking over an intercom,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Truck Vehicle Speech",YIPfaRF76gVU.wav,YvEWmHtiznF8.wav +3062,An kid crying followed by a man shouting,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YDt53UZgyznE.wav,YbA5zPFSFZAA.wav +3063,Plastic clanking before and after a man talking as water flows from a faucet while a child talks in the background,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",Y6i5eQOpFk_U.wav,YEBCH7TPgiPc.wav +3064,"Rain falls, tapping on metal, a vehicle runs in the distance, the tapping sound fades as the rain continues",Rain Raindrop Rain on surface,YbAqgL5dCQOE.wav,YIvg_q4t-3w0.wav +3065,A woman speaks in a high pitch,Door Speech,Y3IScngdQA4I.wav,YVE6Ku0-ucUM.wav +3066,An engine running with a male speaking,Engine Mechanical fan Speech,Yr2KhpX_QgXA.wav,Ycz0FSQDVBMw.wav +3067,Rustling and then a gunshot,"Burst, pop Fireworks",YcK2kSVR1d2o.wav,YA2mcp0N__7U.wav +3068,Hissing and gurgling of water flowing down a toilet,Toilet flush,YYIqpIjjee00.wav,YBwnGxJD9xh8.wav +3069,Musical whistling,Whistling,YsCzRVvu9XeY.wav,YAagLJkfrFMk.wav +3070,A river stream flowing rapidly,Stream,YROootH-mtEI.wav,Yhmd6pa2e_rs.wav +3071,A sewing machine stitches rapidly then slows and then returns to rapid sewing,Sewing machine,Yii3Geza3hAU.wav,Y8GHLfJ6y6zA.wav +3072,Wind blows hard,Gurgling,Y1Uh74_rZ72k.wav,Y3ndid3jni7M.wav +3073,Whistling with music playing,Whistling,YlTJLvSvjUZk.wav,YlJayhiVzl_E.wav +3074,A male speech and dishes clanking and doors banging,"Dishes, pots, and pans Speech",YxUWSHYoslPQ.wav,YzF3xXn6NTyU.wav +3075,A baby crying followed by heavy breathing and some light rattling,"Baby cry, infant cry",YE3Q1jfTeuWs.wav,YlgwpIImXCWA.wav +3076,Birds singing outdoors,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",Y6pssFJ0m-kU.wav,YmJ6ZO3xEcgw.wav +3077,Several birds chirping and pigeons cooing,"Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",Yyrxa6_P2I80.wav,YfK4QBQZ6i7w.wav +3078,"A female laughs, snoring occurs, and an adult male speaks in the background",Snoring,Y4YodC6RnplI.wav,YU5ij0M7T-hk.wav +3079,A child cries and a man and woman speaking with a duck quacking,Quack Duck Speech,Y3IguMJkqpl4.wav,YCM49C3RkzV8.wav +3080,Two men speak while bees buzz,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech",YbIiiIo20PsY.wav,YrvDcg9DoNKA.wav +3081,Footsteps then a toilet flushing,Toilet flush Water,Y3xDZ-kdGE3o.wav,Y473wBEwC35M.wav +3082,Horses run in the distance then a man speaks and a woman cheers then talks,"Horse Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal Outside, rural or natural",YR4fXcbWFhJg.wav,YnU-AI3Cmc3M.wav +3083,"Traffic is present nearby, and a car horn plays the theme to the godfather","Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car Outside, urban or manmade",Yrp3CQsWxVgE.wav,YUCy1BEx8jBE.wav +3084,A water vehicle is traveling across water,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YqF72bT878gw.wav,Ycz0FSQDVBMw.wav +3085,Continuous basing and rustling,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YkHIe4CfaccQ.wav,YXrJcmftCY04.wav +3086,Birds chirping with an animal clicking and calling out as crickets chirp,"Insect Rodents, rats, mice Cricket",YBGEMgl1xjac.wav,YZsTZ7jqbd9M.wav +3087,A man is talking while plastic clacks followed by a popping explosion then a group of people talking and laughing,"Explosion Burst, pop Speech",YCMNlIW6Lkwc.wav,YtxeXrpoMST4.wav +3088,"Truck engines are running, a shrill back-up alarm rings, air brakes engage, and adult males are talking in the background",Truck Vehicle Speech,YvfNKduToki4.wav,Y-NsC63dA01g.wav +3089,Squealing from a pig,Speech Oink,YwSHzVxdMiTo.wav,YvEWmHtiznF8.wav +3090,A clock ticking,Tick-tock,YSNy_axSCoyw.wav,Y9XqkKuTqEOM.wav +3091,A train is making a hissing and chugging sound with people communicating in the background,Steam Hiss,YpCQEWAFGEjc.wav,Y-NsC63dA01g.wav +3092,A group of frogs croaking as plastic flutters in the background,Frog,YQt0_xTadAT0.wav,YrvDcg9DoNKA.wav +3093,Wood sawing and metal filing as orchestral music plays in the background,Sawing Rub Wood,YZYWCwfCkBp4.wav,YAI1OweEW8C0.wav +3094,A car skidding its tires and racing away,"Skidding Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YbX2vDaHL26U.wav,Y7WkB6pflr6o.wav +3095,Footsteps shuffling followed a cat meowing then a toilet flushing,Toilet flush,YMtK8L8gXRrI.wav,YKnsKf9KoNds.wav +3096,Water trickling then splashing as a bird is chirping and wind is blowing into a microphone,"Bird Domestic animals, pets Duck Outside, rural or natural",YMkbP_8zJwXU.wav,YCYUlLTKoa1Y.wav +3097,A clock ticktocks with music,Tick-tock Tick,YOxUVcZmeiyI.wav,YUCy1BEx8jBE.wav +3098,A man speaking into a microphone,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y1OyEgzXCkYE.wav,YOUUckswAaNI.wav +3099,A door shutting and a female speaking,Door Speech,Y3IScngdQA4I.wav,YJ0yeFeKvIt8.wav +3100,Person singing a long note and birds chirping,"Bird Chirp, tweet Animal",Yu84FiZ_omhA.wav,YelztUCeNQvQ.wav +3101,Plastic crinkling as a man is talking,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling Inside, small room",YhJtOGmN_KVw.wav,YItS07xtdi4s.wav +3102,Speech and laughter from many people,Laughter Speech,Y_oKXrY5Ff0g.wav,YBL8ksJ0sTXk.wav +3103,An engine revving,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YnLZeG9LaLgw.wav,Y-SkjbQVgJ0M.wav +3104,"An animal cries, followed by a crash, then two people speak with one another",Speech Oink,Ynq0BF9zGkzg.wav,Ydkiwn2FdDVw.wav +3105,A car engine revving and the squealing of tires,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing Outside, urban or manmade",Yo3mZR8OvPko.wav,YUCy1BEx8jBE.wav +3106,"While music plays in the background, a frog croaks, young females speak and laugh, and a young male speaks",Frog,YW4GEwnXc9tQ.wav,Y67BsqRkh-dU.wav +3107,Rain falling as a machine engine hums followed by a man talking,Rain Speech,YRp4Ct_TQvAM.wav,Y8o-Y4QP8LWs.wav +3108,Repetitive snoring,"Snoring Domestic animals, pets Dog Animal",YK-7Y8yhcUiw.wav,YMvHpNzDpC6Q.wav +3109,An engine is idling,Engine Idling Medium engine (mid frequency),Y-nQHwrRLfc0.wav,Y35b9BSmN5JM.wav +3110,A woman talking followed by a bird whistling then a person whistling,Whistling,Ytpm5IOD5d4o.wav,YBz9Y5nZK3eo.wav +3111,A toy helicopter flying as wind blows into a microphone,Helicopter,YlrKGCtSsAkA.wav,Y3XcIVh40pTI.wav +3112,Various insects and bugs are chirping with a rodent breathing sound in the background,"Insect Rodents, rats, mice Cricket",YBGEMgl1xjac.wav,Yw_Utn3CwAXE.wav +3113,A train horn honking followed by a subway train running on railroad tracks,"Subway, metro, underground Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train",YelztUCeNQvQ.wav,YzEaGx6an4es.wav +3114,"Ticking is ongoing, soft clicking occurs, and a cuckoo calls once followed by musical chimes",Tick-tock Tick,YOxUVcZmeiyI.wav,YT32kii824pA.wav +3115,An aircraft engine accelerating followed by an object clanking against fiberglass as an emergency siren sounds in the background,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Yhzn_wGlzGpU.wav,YQv1HXaT-28U.wav +3116,A clock ticking followed by a wooden latch opening,Tick-tock Tick,YY3lNEe-ZGF0.wav,Ya0yXS7PmVR0.wav +3117,Speech in slow motion,"Burping, eructation Speech",YemGPabOePzA.wav,Y4YodC6RnplI.wav +3118,A toy helicopter engine flying as wind blows into a microphone,Helicopter,YlrKGCtSsAkA.wav,Y3kBlVLkN0zo.wav +3119,"A baby cries, and a man talks","Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YDt53UZgyznE.wav,Y6dLkgq9EKPE.wav +3120,Breathing and ducks quaking,Duck Animal,YJTHMXLC9YRs.wav,YjXkLS_QzUrI.wav +3121,A rhythmic whistle plays a tune,Whistling,YsCzRVvu9XeY.wav,Y4eyY1w2QyM0.wav +3122,A machine works while something is rasping,Tools Wood,YXz56Q2Q5j5c.wav,YrbO727iF03I.wav +3123,Clicking and rustling,Sizzle,YtNxfdAd14qE.wav,Y5OM3tJh51pE.wav +3124,A power drill running followed by drilling noises and human screaming,Drill,YWUpeplQr3A4.wav,YNX0gR9Eebp0.wav +3125,Humming of an engine with sirens ringing,Emergency vehicle Siren Police car (siren),Y_C2HinL8VlM.wav,YYk274Wr5iIE.wav +3126,A male voice speaking,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",YC8kR19NvynA.wav,YO90Qy2xG6oA.wav +3127,A high pitched sneeze followed by sniffling,Sneeze,YxqtrbqDlz28.wav,YrBUCIK8JRLg.wav +3128,Food and oil sizzling,Sizzle,YZBtgrP4vU_w.wav,YlX3k5p2I_g0.wav +3129,Loud applause and woman speaking,Applause Speech,YUE3XnVFodMI.wav,YAWGnTI0e2Fs.wav +3130,An engine struggling to start with some clicks,Vehicle Engine starting,YTOaQMYc79Mw.wav,YFf8bCCJfVX4.wav +3131,A man speaks while operating a power tool,Tools Wood Speech,Y-JP1GqPEKtw.wav,YVjSEIRnLAh8.wav +3132,"A baby is crying and a child speaks in the background, then an adult female speaks and the baby sobs","Crying, sobbing Speech",YMTIF_l_8d4Q.wav,Y79XDcI6xZm0.wav +3133,Electronic humming followed by a man speaking and a door closing,Drill Speech,Ylh801oHGtD4.wav,Y7_smJ8VbfSU.wav +3134,A man speaking with some light knocking and high pitched scraping,Filing (rasp) Rub,YhiJB_95IWiE.wav,Yt1hj7se76wQ.wav +3135,Several slight bangs occur during a constant ticktock,Tick-tock,Y4ftDFi4684Y.wav,Y63KW_EQ72yU.wav +3136,A steam engine running on railroad tracks as steam releases and hisses,Steam Hiss,YSE_3nszEw7o.wav,Y9BukzlPNqC8.wav +3137,"Women, child talking and birds chirping","Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YBUAPM4D3-h8.wav,Y8nUqSYC66mI.wav +3138,A woman delivers a speech,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y2a6GNu6uCDE.wav,YO90Qy2xG6oA.wav +3139,"A bus engine is running, and people are talking",Bus Vehicle Speech,Yhmd6pa2e_rs.wav,Yfx4r_KuW6No.wav +3140,An engine being started repeatedly,Vehicle Engine starting,YTOaQMYc79Mw.wav,YqZEIs6tS5vk.wav +3141,A tapping sound followed by running water,"Water tap, faucet Water",Y6ukYSXzfEgQ.wav,YSNIaYhri76w.wav +3142,Wood sawing and scrapping followed by a woman speaking while pigeons are cooing and bird wings are flapping,Rub Wood,YBzHTqyX69pI.wav,Yg6CY7qvu81k.wav +3143,A cat meowing and hissing,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Caterwaul Animal",Y3ejndVEAcmQ.wav,Yf8WPf5F22xI.wav +3144,Footsteps and a croaking frog,Croak Frog,Yu9px4Lwv9XI.wav,YARFFw0e_jig.wav +3145,A man speaking as a person is snoring,Snoring Speech,YVZLZ08k3YeA.wav,YFfUqv0Vv3ME.wav +3146,A tool buzzing,"Drill Tools Inside, small room",Y5I8lmN8rwDM.wav,YdP5DbAzTl5M.wav +3147,Rain pours down with loud thunder,Rain Thunderstorm Thunder,YZ-SIyOChVh8.wav,YJdFmMw0zyKA.wav +3148,"A motorcycle engine is running, and a man is talking","Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Outside, urban or manmade",YQKHpSAAjakY.wav,YAUmY0YRAFQE.wav +3149,Large bells ringing,Bell,YwbPmnxCLoRQ.wav,YUE3XnVFodMI.wav +3150,A man speaking as a horse is trotting while a man talks then laughs in the background,Clip-clop Speech Animal,YAKHZMg9ba30.wav,Y9b6RqajfAmw.wav +3151,"Rhythmic squeaking is ongoing, pigs oink, an adult male speaks, and music plays faintly in the background",Speech Oink,YSoO1HhaEc9Q.wav,YlVr-PxhZo8s.wav +3152,A duck quacks and splashes and a human chuckles,Quack Duck Animal,YrINmxSXMR-s.wav,YPtW0cZVprJQ.wav +3153,Clicking and humming of a revving idling engine,Vibration,Y1N_DtRpdAp8.wav,YETb9EIQOMAA.wav +3154,An idle vehicle engine running as a man is talking,Vibration Idling Vehicle Speech Car,YBL8ksJ0sTXk.wav,YwAZrOPvul4Y.wav +3155,Car accelerating and skidding on tarmac,"Engine Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y9MgGaTbmc6g.wav,YWWkhzcmx3VE.wav +3156,Train click clacking sound going around the track,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",Y2ItTq2JShdU.wav,YHg6HxylRGDo.wav +3157,Some light banging and rattling with liquid pouring and faint chewing,"Water tap, faucet Water",YgW7s3YAthpI.wav,YzEaGx6an4es.wav +3158,"A man briefly speaks followed by a sawing sound, and then starts talking again","Wood Speech Inside, small room",YlgwpIImXCWA.wav,YCMNlIW6Lkwc.wav +3159,Water trickles down followed by some rattling,Toilet flush Water,Yw_Utn3CwAXE.wav,YrJVXE6Axtrg.wav +3160,Motorcycle engine idles while a man speaks,"Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Outside, urban or manmade",YQKHpSAAjakY.wav,Y2UNuMbxz9ds.wav +3161,Two men talking followed by plastic clacking then a power tool drilling,"Drill Tools Speech Inside, small room",YFDwK7T1JO_0.wav,Ykx6Rj4MDIAw.wav +3162,Swarm of bees buzzing and two men speaking,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",Y8DQfjqPCTI8.wav,YlHh0SwUhP8U.wav +3163,A motorcycle engine running idle then revving,"Motorcycle Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YG3YO2unWz7k.wav,YBz9Y5nZK3eo.wav +3164,A person is typing on a computer keyboard,Computer keyboard Typing,YuY4fe5DT1gI.wav,YFlk-X0gwjF4.wav +3165,Men and women laughing then man speaking and laughter follows,Laughter Giggle Speech,Yb1PXsfgQw5w.wav,YD9GHUPGWsV0.wav +3166,Yelling and then siren and horn,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",Y31WGUPOYS5g.wav,YHqnSyliKTKA.wav +3167,"Man gives speech, echo heard in background","Whoosh, swoosh, swish Speech",Y-mhFGevxLUg.wav,YKtinboYbmHQ.wav +3168,An infant crying with murmuring in the background,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YztSjcZNUY7A.wav,YfYTZVxQ8LJk.wav +3169,A race car is accelerating and shifting gears,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YS_3aeOvniZc.wav,YHg6HxylRGDo.wav +3170,Wind and people speaking and a car passing by,"Vehicle Speech Car Race car, auto racing Outside, rural or natural",YWUyeFOyKIg0.wav,YN_s9F4CI_98.wav +3171,"People are speaking, and a goat bleats",Goat Bleat Speech Animal,YJsoBpL86R5U.wav,YmaVYiednkSg.wav +3172,A child whining and crying,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YhqPBcvex1VU.wav,YsVYTOURVsQ0.wav +3173,Thunderstorm sounds while raining,Rain Thunderstorm Thunder,YZ-SIyOChVh8.wav,Ylh801oHGtD4.wav +3174,Whistling followed by birds chirping,Bird Whistling,YszkiW0GXEOI.wav,Y7QN3lwOzfdg.wav +3175,Loud burping continuously,"Burping, eructation",YXIooZl1QdM4.wav,Yvigslb0kClE.wav +3176,A train running and then a horn honking,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Train whistle Rail transport Train Vehicle",YcFoXRmGgIME.wav,YoiIi6H83Y38.wav +3177,"A person whistles a brief, five-note tune",Whistling,YsCzRVvu9XeY.wav,YCO6-i8NLbeo.wav +3178,A man speaks followed by whistling and guitar music,Whistling,YhuMLK0oA3L8.wav,YrbO727iF03I.wav +3179,A person whistling along to a music,Whistling,YD4s5aHrsBgs.wav,YtwFypUcdgRc.wav +3180,Some whirring and sticky tape ripping off from a surface,Hiss,Y7RMpCCkQks0.wav,Y9ZZHvwaH-CU.wav +3181,A woman speaks as food sizzles and music plays,Sizzle Frying (food),YQ87LBiwJjTE.wav,Yg6CY7qvu81k.wav +3182,A group of men talking with each other as a motorcycle engine is running idle,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,YeRU-rABp8nk.wav,Ym8wV38lf2jg.wav +3183,A person whistling as music plays in the background,Whistling,YD4s5aHrsBgs.wav,Y3qTL7QRk-tg.wav +3184,Several gunshots followed by a click and glass breaking,"Gunshot, gunfire",YHeEa1GZpUGI.wav,Yc0V_HAul7rI.wav +3185,A bell chimes followed by camera muffling then plastic shuffling and a clock ticking as birds chirp in the background,Tick-tock,YeJCaRgf1M20.wav,Y77nElZGi5NU.wav +3186,Whining and loud crying,"Crying, sobbing",Yktc_tJxw8sc.wav,YsI7_ycEYzAY.wav +3187,Pigeons coo with a distant humming,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Coo Pigeon, dove",Yd1tL-9BILy8.wav,YBvw2gv1fcZw.wav +3188,A woman speaking as a group of children shout and talk in the background,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Children playing Inside, large room or hall",YzBXoaQ1GVlc.wav,YajheseWZmmU.wav +3189,Digital beeping followed by rapid vibrations and humming,"Beep, bleep",YA0E_UiD-fR4.wav,YD9GHUPGWsV0.wav +3190,A fire truck sounds the siren as it travels,"Motor vehicle (road) Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren Truck Vehicle",YwVi5w_NU6CM.wav,YLs2vrr9TamU.wav +3191,Metal scrapping and gravel pouring while pigeons are cooing,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room",Y41D0yXSBqfI.wav,Y8OTd45_6cvY.wav +3192,A couple of loud snores one after the other,Snoring,YCxaPpRJRkn0.wav,YGMP8m09j5vk.wav +3193,"White noise, then a motor revving up and a tire skidding","Skidding Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YbX2vDaHL26U.wav,Ycr0GiZr0TNY.wav +3194,"Birds are chirping, and ducks are making noises",Bird Duck,Yz1ax0QPpd14.wav,Ynq0BF9zGkzg.wav +3195,A baby is crying,"Baby cry, infant cry",Y4bUL_ttiOdw.wav,Y0G7rb74R-2A.wav +3196,A tin can clacking followed by a girl talking then a woman talking,"Dishes, pots, and pans",Y4IeDBwyQ9ZQ.wav,YXJba7pTbpD0.wav +3197,A stream of water softly trickling,Gurgling,YKJKHDKKW3XU.wav,YTd2EEDdFlRY.wav +3198,Splashing with wind blowing hard,"Boat, Water vehicle Wind Rowboat, canoe, kayak Vehicle",Yek9Fsmm3xqk.wav,Y6Nvu6EcpdE8.wav +3199,A small birds chirps as water splashes,Duck Speech Animal,Y8VOibo9Q_Dc.wav,YJdFmMw0zyKA.wav +3200,An aircraft flying followed by plastic creaking and rattling while a kid speaks in the distance,Vehicle Speech Aircraft,YuJzAf4PaExI.wav,YE3Q1jfTeuWs.wav +3201,Water trickling into a container,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Bathtub (filling or washing) Water",YtxeXrpoMST4.wav,Y7-HCqJFwHoI.wav +3202,Bad quality audio,Spray,YIKnx3hJv1bs.wav,YbX2vDaHL26U.wav +3203,A vehicle horn honking,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car Outside, urban or manmade",YPVvi2SDOjVc.wav,YawxrHOpt-sE.wav +3204,A motorboat engine revving,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",YdYvL6uEMl6E.wav,Y473wBEwC35M.wav +3205,Sounds of a thunderstorm with heavy rain,Rain Thunderstorm Thunder,YS8k47ME-YT4.wav,YOTLtzk0W4zg.wav +3206,A male speech and metal clanging.,Wood,YT32kii824pA.wav,Y27HIamF8pKo.wav +3207,Gunshots firing in the distance followed by gunshots and explosions going off as a man is talking,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",YQoEal_hKz4Q.wav,YWHRnyGXcdy8.wav +3208,A woman yelling and laughing as a group of people shout while ocean waves crash and wind blows into a microphone,"Speech Stream Outside, rural or natural",Y6ZwYgzcN6Is.wav,Y0Dt-pH0pW-Y.wav +3209,"A man is speaking with natural outdoor noises, and a child speaks","Wind Ship Vehicle Speech Outside, rural or natural",YCh0LMmhBUg4.wav,Yy3-M1sonh3M.wav +3210,"An adult speaks over a telephone and then an adult male speaks, and this pattern repeats three times",Telephone Speech,Y7QN3lwOzfdg.wav,Yh3UhoHIMfpw.wav +3211,A crowd applauding and cheering,Applause Crowd,Y5eSRL3PRHzo.wav,YjjfUaMQaG1A.wav +3212,A series of loud metal hammering as liquid drains down a pipe followed by a metal chain rattling,Gurgling,Yific_gRalg0.wav,YemGPabOePzA.wav +3213,Rustling followed by a sewing machine running.,Sewing machine,YJp64Whpr3BA.wav,YzEaGx6an4es.wav +3214,A series of electronic beeping and static,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",YbA5zPFSFZAA.wav,YQvATUKXYFBs.wav +3215,A siren that gets louder and muffled male speech,Emergency vehicle Siren Police car (siren) Vehicle Speech Car,Ym8wV38lf2jg.wav,YzEaGx6an4es.wav +3216,An idle vehicle engine running followed by bird cawing in the background and a plastic camera click,Vibration Engine Vehicle Car,YkVYNXZd0MMY.wav,YljrL7Cb-jr8.wav +3217,A child crying together with murmuring,"Bus Crying, sobbing Vehicle Speech",YH7-orYrKBeo.wav,Y2JV3emH50XU.wav +3218,Music playing followed by a woman talking and rain falling then rain falling on a surface,Rain Raindrop Rain on surface,Y2RjqBRzmxaM.wav,YMSziND26UTA.wav +3219,A man talking faintly in the background followed by a metal click then a small horn honking twice,"Beep, bleep Speech",YP4qd8uodw_M.wav,YLCwSUVuTyvg.wav +3220,Crunching and scraping followed by a child and a man speaking,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Children playing",YKel-hfZ_9h8.wav,YYEYeQ0lIkBQ.wav +3221,"Water trickling and faint, muffled speech","Trickle, dribble Water Speech",YMe4npKmtchA.wav,YzIgGMlZENTs.wav +3222,Humming of a loud engine with people laughing,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Speech Car Car passing by,Y-mb4Fw4Z0xg.wav,YyhDw7PZje3g.wav +3223,An infant talking while a man speaks through a television speaker,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",Y404cD3bVXDc.wav,YpuZL08fzpXk.wav +3224,An emergency siren sounding followed by water spraying and a man shouting as a truck engine runs idle in the distance,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",YwoadpeAGHUQ.wav,YDc2WEiRk0rA.wav +3225,A baby crying and cooing,"Crying, sobbing",YVkbp8VmL3pM.wav,YJon_DEFqsfM.wav +3226,Flying insects are buzzing,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YKVAIaRPry24.wav,Yo7jW6Suyfbs.wav +3227,"A short, high pitched goat call in the distance followed by a slight pause, then a loud, high pitched and sustained scream close by",Goat Speech Animal,YrtgVoZCcBw8.wav,YR8bHTHnF8j4.wav +3228,Sustained industrial sawing noise,Sawing Rub Wood,YGkb4f6yodPE.wav,YUE3XnVFodMI.wav +3229,"Music is playing, people are talking and a frog croaks",Frog,YW4GEwnXc9tQ.wav,Y_duNX6Vyd6g.wav +3230,A motorcycle engine and talking,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Medium engine (mid frequency),YJmWaRt8-u0s.wav,YD9tinq3RMpU.wav +3231,A man speaking as someone hisses while pigeons are cooing and bird wings are flapping,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Coo Pigeon, dove",YZ_smJ66Tb3c.wav,Yram-QPKSQYc.wav +3232,A toilet flushing,Toilet flush Water,YrUq4w4EUSWA.wav,YBz9Y5nZK3eo.wav +3233,Continuous laughter,Laughter,Y_w2pA1VeB40.wav,YriM7b5bJ9KQ.wav +3234,A loud bang followed by an engine idling loudly,Applause,Y0AsXkZkqelg.wav,YF-47fRplQEc.wav +3235,Footsteps shuffling followed by fabric slapping a hard surface as a person heavily breathes,"Slap, smack Frying (food)",YUXGzbBGbqAA.wav,YYH4qi8Ul6v0.wav +3236,Wind blowing hard and waves crashing and splashing,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Y3MoF8myFs8Y.wav,YIhvXtS9-IxM.wav +3237,Mechanical humming with pigeons cooing and a person speaking briefly,"Bird Speech Pigeon, dove",Y3VHpLxtd498.wav,YlVr-PxhZo8s.wav +3238,A group of children talking as a woman laughs then speaks followed by a young boy talking,"Chuckle, chortle Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YMdlEswBfZMQ.wav,YMtK8L8gXRrI.wav +3239,Continuous laughter and chuckling,Laughter,Y_w2pA1VeB40.wav,YCwxgQS3SXic.wav +3240,A man speaks as rain falls and distant thunder roars,Rain Thunder Rain on surface,Y-EQByFLFqig.wav,YlfO471Rn61k.wav +3241,Plastic clanking followed by a person breathing aloud then liquid pouring into a container,"Trickle, dribble",Y1HCuBnPLMqQ.wav,Ycz0FSQDVBMw.wav +3242,Vibrating and humming from an idling engine,Vibration Engine Vehicle Car,YkVYNXZd0MMY.wav,Y7RMpCCkQks0.wav +3243,Several people cheer and scream and speak as water flows hard,Stream,Y8nUqSYC66mI.wav,YTQr9v-PQOc4.wav +3244,Clinking followed by a toilet flushing,Toilet flush,Yy3-M1sonh3M.wav,YbIV3bJZpkgA.wav +3245,A man speaks as helicopter blades spin followed by loud explosions,Helicopter Speech,Y5ye0X5saadg.wav,Yi1u_2eZYYlE.wav +3246,Drilling with music playing and a man speaks,Drill,YQARuiRtfy-k.wav,Y-AheI8Epim4.wav +3247,A loud engine is on as birds chirp and people are talking,Bus Vehicle Speech,Yk4XyfaWVLEY.wav,YCM49C3RkzV8.wav +3248,A race car accelerating and driving as plastic rattles,Vehicle Car Car passing by,Yg_P29ucKj78.wav,Yorgwzt45ojE.wav +3249,"A man speaking, with the clinking of dishes in the background, following by the hiss of an oil mister spraying","Dishes, pots, and pans Speech Inside, small room",YBoe3MeEpn_c.wav,Y4xrL4TSgHwU.wav +3250,A woman speaking continuously,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YC9NC7wJ7C3w.wav,YAFgGoY8Ihhg.wav +3251,Birds are chirping,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",Y1DKLyH3FixM.wav,YwBs02amFGXs.wav +3252,A car accelerating and squealing on road,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing Outside, urban or manmade",Yo3mZR8OvPko.wav,Y2RjqBRzmxaM.wav +3253,Two vehicles drive by as a man is speaking in the distance,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Car passing by,YTSdAJWJ-tW0.wav,YhV4bDCBDCy0.wav +3254,Bursts of video game gunfire and popping occur in rapid succession,"Burst, pop",YWmDe2xbnSY4.wav,YyL3gKa6YLoM.wav +3255,A baby is crying,"Baby cry, infant cry",YWHRnyGXcdy8.wav,Yv7BaYF0kagM.wav +3256,Frogs chirp loudly,Frog,YQt0_xTadAT0.wav,YfrOqlk0Wm5Y.wav +3257,A man and a kid laughing followed by another man speaking as a person snores,Snoring Speech,YDn3buZWMzwY.wav,Yu84FiZ_omhA.wav +3258,Wind blows and water smashes against kayak,"Boat, Water vehicle Wind Rowboat, canoe, kayak Vehicle",Yek9Fsmm3xqk.wav,YHqnSyliKTKA.wav +3259,A child speaks followed by a man and child communicating as birds are tweeting,"Insect Speech Outside, rural or natural",YFXdoNvmrYxo.wav,YOpiWMltpj44.wav +3260,A motor runs faintly in the distance,Engine Idling Medium engine (mid frequency) Engine starting,YBZCEDkx37rI.wav,Ypaf0nyjg1Js.wav +3261,Loud explosions and burst that echo,"Gunshot, gunfire Artillery fire",Yo_3MDLl_aH0.wav,YZsf2YvJfCKw.wav +3262,Distant bells followed by a horn honking and clanking,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y3ndid3jni7M.wav,YSZ6CcXINiiE.wav +3263,Female speaking followed by crinkling,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YAbplcXwXnvE.wav,YMtK8L8gXRrI.wav +3264,A helicopter engine running idle,Vehicle Helicopter Aircraft,YR8bHTHnF8j4.wav,Y4UPOUGVMlEs.wav +3265,A train whistle blowing twice as a muffled car engine runs followed by a kid talking quietly in the background,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car",YpPLisQ_QXxw.wav,YHqnSyliKTKA.wav +3266,A toilet flushing as an air ventilation system runs and a woman yells in the distance,Toilet flush,Yy1a8PntuXYw.wav,Ypgq2KPX5_SA.wav +3267,A person whistles with wind blowing,Whistling,YuhSDBwVrEdo.wav,YbmEF-c-M174.wav +3268,Rain falling on a hard surface as thunder roars in the distance,Rain Thunderstorm Thunder,YSGaIvgwwWSE.wav,YQOmV7O9mFwg.wav +3269,Metal clacking followed by water flowing and splashing into a container then draining down a pipe,"Water tap, faucet Water",Y6ukYSXzfEgQ.wav,YWqXFAY4k79s.wav +3270,A frog chirping with distant speaking of a person,Frog,YzoxFl3pddMg.wav,YdmUOSyPXkUw.wav +3271,A sustained drilling noise as music plays in the background,Drill Tools Power tool,YFeHndzYAUkg.wav,YfmEft49sPfE.wav +3272,Bells ring followed by clanking,Bell,YtTB0BK39JI8.wav,YkHIe4CfaccQ.wav +3273,People laugh and scream as water splashes and wind blows,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Waves, surf Ocean",YJnSwRonB9wI.wav,Y9hxFqltp3xw.wav +3274,A man yelling in the distance as several basketballs bounce and shoes squeak on hardwood floors,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YU90e2P9jy30.wav,Y7MLERaOgK_Y.wav +3275,Footsteps walking on dirt as a man is talking and birds chirp in the background,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech",YZsTZ7jqbd9M.wav,Y_duNX6Vyd6g.wav +3276,A group of birds call and chirp for a while,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",Y1DKLyH3FixM.wav,YQARuiRtfy-k.wav +3277,Car engine idling,Idling Vehicle Car,YNmmbNqmsPaY.wav,YZBtgrP4vU_w.wav +3278,A man and a woman talking as paper crumbles and crinkles,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",Y9PN4gyxpH2M.wav,YKtTLsveexOg.wav +3279,Railroad tracks clickety-clack as a train horn blasts,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y27HIamF8pKo.wav,YV8A0VRGdgwM.wav +3280,Footsteps on grass followed by a man grunting then bubbles popping proceeded by a pig oinking,Oink,YBLMWD6fxhpo.wav,Yrp3CQsWxVgE.wav +3281,A man speaking with intermittent metal scraping.,Rub,YfrOqlk0Wm5Y.wav,YdlsiellSFf0.wav +3282,A clock ticking,Tick-tock,Yl5KdHAWwJCw.wav,YpWQeV08kYR0.wav +3283,A woman talking then a man talking followed by a goat baaing as a kid talks in the background,Goat Bleat Speech Animal,YJsoBpL86R5U.wav,YO90Qy2xG6oA.wav +3284,Some cars passing by with people murmuring in the distance,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Car passing by,YTSdAJWJ-tW0.wav,YHdxfbpnd2-8.wav +3285,Pigeons cooing and birds chirping with a series of metal tapping,"Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",Yyrxa6_P2I80.wav,YinSvboaSRwA.wav +3286,A girl talking as plastic crinkles followed by plastic thumping on a hard surface,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YhFCmq9pCBbM.wav,Y3XuyGJqaXv8.wav +3287,A toilet flushing with footsteps and door opening,Toilet flush Water,Yw_Utn3CwAXE.wav,Y9z8XIRyUq9Q.wav +3288,An elderly man speaking,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y3iLGu2Omgrw.wav,Y466ucPGoNSQ.wav +3289,A motorboat engine running as water splashes and a man shouts followed by birds chirping in the background,Speech Stream,YnmLMLgWPmFM.wav,Yvigslb0kClE.wav +3290,"As music plays in the foreground, faint machine gunfire occurs in the background","Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",YAtkD-3GjXMw.wav,Y8GHLfJ6y6zA.wav +3291,A man and woman speak and then water runs,"Water tap, faucet Speech",YcNARVD02-tw.wav,YsVYTOURVsQ0.wav +3292,Man speaking followed by group laughter,Laughter Speech,YbUTOsLXYyxg.wav,Ys_EWjoiVfzo.wav +3293,Speech in the distance with a bleating sheep nearby,"Goat Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",Y3kBlVLkN0zo.wav,Y_AcJVyToQUQ.wav +3294,"A pop occurs, followed by whooshing, combustion, and hissing","Explosion Burst, pop",YPO8Nu3F8mkA.wav,YsbW7XwwUtSU.wav +3295,An engine running and helicopter propellers spinning,Vehicle Helicopter Aircraft,YR8bHTHnF8j4.wav,Y8DQfjqPCTI8.wav +3296,A horn honking several times,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Outside, urban or manmade",Ysl_Pxpc7beo.wav,Y_9mgOkzm-xg.wav +3297,Male speech and then a door shutting,"Door Male speech, man speaking Speech",YyfYNPWs7mWY.wav,YVMsbrcHPBfk.wav +3298,A high pitched engine idling,Vehicle Helicopter,YIhvXtS9-IxM.wav,YBwnGxJD9xh8.wav +3299,A group of people talking as an infant cries while a muffled bus engine runs,"Bus Crying, sobbing Vehicle Speech",YH7-orYrKBeo.wav,YLB6CZ0x-kns.wav +3300,A person snoring followed by a man talking,Snoring Speech,YPtW0cZVprJQ.wav,Yy1a8PntuXYw.wav +3301,Metal clanking several times as water drains down a pipe followed by metal rattling and water trickling,Gurgling,Yific_gRalg0.wav,Y2ErfX6ZT5pM.wav +3302,A man yelling as another man is laughing as wind blows heavily into a microphone,Bus Vehicle Speech,YtwFypUcdgRc.wav,YT32kii824pA.wav +3303,A small motor rumbling followed by a cat meowing,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Animal",YkOYg4ZtKcAs.wav,Y0yxEvdnimGg.wav +3304,An engine vibrates followed by a man speaking,Vibration Speech,YUV1kdjwpy6U.wav,YbJMMp6PLKqM.wav +3305,Tap water runs in sink with gurgling noises,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YhpDltmawxIM.wav,YL_CNz9Vrtkw.wav +3306,A man speaking followed by rustling,Typing Speech,YbhlhcGONisM.wav,YAagLJkfrFMk.wav +3307,A dog barking and growling as plastic shuffles on a hard surface,"Canidae, dogs, wolves Bark Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal Inside, small room",YNeWW30WZjPc.wav,YVjSEIRnLAh8.wav +3308,A man speaks followed by clicks on a computer keyboard,Typing,YGSHcgY6ATkQ.wav,Y1QNLMF-Kl_s.wav +3309,Hissing with people speaking and some rattling,Steam Hiss,Ycz0FSQDVBMw.wav,Y1PvMtRIlZNI.wav +3310,A man speaking over an intercom as emergency sirens wail in the distance and grow louder as a vehicle engine runs,Emergency vehicle Siren Police car (siren) Vehicle Speech Car,Ym8wV38lf2jg.wav,Y5t6tSW0yT40.wav +3311,"A flush occurs and suctioned water splashes and gurgles, while music plays in the background",Toilet flush Water,Y67BsqRkh-dU.wav,YlmPMhs-9IYE.wav +3312,A man speaks followed by loud vibrations,Speech Sewing machine,YrJVXE6Axtrg.wav,YPvWI4p74UOs.wav +3313,A man speaks as pigeons coo and wings flap,"Bird Speech Pigeon, dove Inside, large room or hall",Yorgwzt45ojE.wav,YBMayJId0X1s.wav +3314,A baby crying continuously,"Baby cry, infant cry",YWHRnyGXcdy8.wav,YVE6Ku0-ucUM.wav +3315,A distant engine hums and gets louder as it approaches with squealing tires,"Skidding Vehicle Tire squeal Race car, auto racing",YKOBkbROPv4c.wav,Y30D1tqNFHMc.wav +3316,Two young girls speaks with distant clop-clops followed by a loud gasp from a crowd,Horse Speech Animal,YwNiYSYJXssA.wav,YIFRmbxWK8u0.wav +3317,Two men are laughing,Laughter Speech,YriM7b5bJ9KQ.wav,YtjCNwdOUiGc.wav +3318,Distant thunder with rain falling followed by a man speaking loudly,Thunder,YrvDcg9DoNKA.wav,YJ0yeFeKvIt8.wav +3319,Running then spraying,Spray,YfWvWhLJ5Fow.wav,YwFiCblfZ-vg.wav +3320,A dog whimpering constantly then ultimately growls,"Domestic animals, pets Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",YpHNMcX-9FDs.wav,YxUWSHYoslPQ.wav +3321,Men speak with traffic passing in the distance with a honk of a horn,Engine Vehicle Speech,Y5K1mISHwggI.wav,YsqsI2UyrcBQ.wav +3322,Several pops and bursts of fireworks exploding,"Explosion Burst, pop",YPO8Nu3F8mkA.wav,Y3xDZ-kdGE3o.wav +3323,"Birds are chirping and singing, rustling occurs and an adult male speaks briefly in the foreground, and an adult male speaks in the background","Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Speech Outside, rural or natural",YFlk-X0gwjF4.wav,Y1Og2TJ3bXW0.wav +3324,A woman speaks and food sizzles,Sizzle Stir Frying (food),Ym_U506sf9p4.wav,YI4HpYGMMsz4.wav +3325,"Hard rain falls on a metal surface, then three adult males speak while soft rhythmic whooshing occurs",Rain Rain on surface,YAgh2EKINlSw.wav,Y11SEBDuoqSk.wav +3326,An infant crying with another infant crying in the background followed by a woman speaking,"Crying, sobbing Speech",YMTIF_l_8d4Q.wav,Y6cS0FsUM-cQ.wav +3327,An engine running and then a male speaking while the engine continues running,"Vehicle Speech Car Outside, urban or manmade Engine starting",YOTLtzk0W4zg.wav,Y8IdCiapDYCU.wav +3328,"Soft, rapid snoring is ongoing, and faint speech occurs in the background",Snoring,YUjje3lSabsg.wav,Y6i5eQOpFk_U.wav +3329,A woman is speaking while plastic crinkling several times,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YhFCmq9pCBbM.wav,YD4s5aHrsBgs.wav +3330,Snoring with some laughter,Snoring,Y4YodC6RnplI.wav,YD9GHUPGWsV0.wav +3331,Constant hissing with mean having conversation,"Spray Speech Outside, urban or manmade",Yq1ivQ_2fddk.wav,Y14izd_i3ryE.wav +3332,A loud metal clank followed by pressurized air releasing as a truck engine runs idle before accelerating,"Truck Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YLB6CZ0x-kns.wav,YIPfaRF76gVU.wav +3333,A small engine whirring,Helicopter,Yyau2WIRkxb8.wav,YiOCpICiu4LA.wav +3334,A man talking with keyboard typing and computer mouse clicking,Computer keyboard Typing Speech,Y8GHLfJ6y6zA.wav,YXi6V0LGvqoo.wav +3335,A cat meowing and a person hums,Cat Meow Animal,YajheseWZmmU.wav,YLP_DzNUkAKY.wav +3336,Wind blowing heavily into a microphone as ocean waves crash and leaves rustle,Rustling leaves Wind noise (microphone),YG0IsabU5hn4.wav,YR4fXcbWFhJg.wav +3337,Footsteps running followed by air spraying,Spray,YfWvWhLJ5Fow.wav,Y3fomsZXG3aM.wav +3338,Pigeons cooing and bird wings flapping as footsteps shuffle on paper,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room",Ye2rScj9UyMs.wav,Y8ipe6b1LwHQ.wav +3339,Some light banging followed by water flowing and splashing,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Inside, small room",Yu8bQf0SnCVI.wav,Y-EaZ7EJJUl0.wav +3340,A car engine revs as it passes by,Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y22L_3pBa1AI.wav,YFf8bCCJfVX4.wav +3341,A toy train engine operating,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",Y2ItTq2JShdU.wav,YcPiSd5nJLrI.wav +3342,A woman laughs and then a man laughs with her followed by a boy speaking,"Laughter Speech Inside, small room",YNeZerAPXR-A.wav,YsCzRVvu9XeY.wav +3343,A woman heavily breathing then sneezing and then sniffling,Sneeze,Ye9MWXS34o48.wav,YECw5Yf7QoMo.wav +3344,Bees buzz while a man speaks,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YZNEZLlDVgrE.wav,Y473wBEwC35M.wav +3345,A drilling noise with a man speaking in the background,Drill Speech,Y9BukzlPNqC8.wav,Y6dLkgq9EKPE.wav +3346,"A bird chirps loudly in the foreground, and birds chirp and thumping occurs in the background","Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YGMP8m09j5vk.wav,Y1WTSW96XP6E.wav +3347,A man is talking as water is running along with tapping noises,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YLVvS3s9dFKw.wav,YI_vN_BFUr0Y.wav +3348,A man laughing with music playing in the background as a motorcycle engine drives by and becomes louder,Motor vehicle (road) Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Car passing by,YBA-lFjpzad4.wav,Yjf4iyQPJSvk.wav +3349,A man talking as a swarm of insects are buzzing,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech",YbIiiIo20PsY.wav,Y9z2OwpftxUE.wav +3350,A man speaks and a small goat bleats,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Frog Speech Animal",Y0NGSrwioYjA.wav,YA61Mry8zBwE.wav +3351,"Birds are calling and many bees are buzzing, then a child speaks briefly and rustling footfalls and rattling occur","Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YP12nvSpKXcs.wav,YBOB65Nd0pXo.wav +3352,A man speaking followed by a crowd of people applauding and cheering,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y4CAMv5nlr-0.wav,Ybgbnu5YKTDg.wav +3353,Birds chirping as insects buzzing followed by a man talking in the distance,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",Yjj2RyNDj7no.wav,YH7-orYrKBeo.wav +3354,A man talking then whistling,Whistling,YHdxfbpnd2-8.wav,YMTaLknnq4wc.wav +3355,Water pouring into a container followed by grain grinding and plastic tapping,"Water tap, faucet",YbLZFtoWXYTA.wav,YjjHIINDfE1c.wav +3356,Rocks and gravel tapping against wooden surface as footsteps shuffle on dirt and gravel followed by a goat talking while a muffled animal moans,"Goat Bleat Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YV8A0VRGdgwM.wav,Yw_Utn3CwAXE.wav +3357,Two bursts of whistling occur,Whistling,Yjlwe9jtu5Gw.wav,YHUwXtfYRFwk.wav +3358,A man talks and insects buzz,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YAUJPx81qKtY.wav,YAizmnCDlXos.wav +3359,A person laughs,Laughter,YGE1aZSnPr2Q.wav,YAbplcXwXnvE.wav +3360,Water spraying and gurgling as a man speaks and a crowd of people talk in the background,"Trickle, dribble Water Speech",YMe4npKmtchA.wav,YEYTz1LPDHsc.wav +3361,A man talking in the distance before several vehicles accelerate and driving by,"Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Yo7jW6Suyfbs.wav,YeXj9OAik5cc.wav +3362,"A vehicle is in motion, and the horn sounds","Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Outside, rural or natural",YjjHIINDfE1c.wav,YPkmpxrsidZM.wav +3363,A person gulping followed by glass tapping then liquid shaking in a container proceeded by liquid pouring before plastic thumps on paper,"Water tap, faucet Water",YgW7s3YAthpI.wav,YWUyeFOyKIg0.wav +3364,A vehicle horn beeps,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Outside, urban or manmade",Ysl_Pxpc7beo.wav,Yi1u_2eZYYlE.wav +3365,Woman speaking followed by child speaking,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YfYTZVxQ8LJk.wav,Y473wBEwC35M.wav +3366,"A whoosh occurs, followed by an explosion, soft clattering, snapping and crackling","Explosion Burst, pop",YeqcdsdLz954.wav,Y4xrL4TSgHwU.wav +3367,A series of whooshing effects as a drum plays music,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",Y4_Cak7gvly4.wav,Yt1hj7se76wQ.wav +3368,A man is speaking with people talking and whooshing noises in the background,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish Speech",Y-mhFGevxLUg.wav,YEYTz1LPDHsc.wav +3369,A drill running,Drill Tools Power tool,YtB8TiiXwKmA.wav,YelztUCeNQvQ.wav +3370,Male speech and an insect buzzing,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech",YWLzzpzOKtnY.wav,YtxeXrpoMST4.wav +3371,"A mid-size motor vehicle engine is operating with a whine and accelerates, then it slows and switches gears","Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YD96OO7nYYsg.wav,YZ_smJ66Tb3c.wav +3372,"A tool motor is running while metal whirring, grinding and clattering occur, then the tool whirs to a stop",Drill Tools Power tool,Y2JutOgAnqWA.wav,Y4pf-PIymDhU.wav +3373,Continuous long snoring,"Snoring Inside, small room",YK03ydb1uaoQ.wav,YdP5DbAzTl5M.wav +3374,Adult female speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y7WkB6pflr6o.wav,Y6aWnK1GyeJY.wav +3375,Meat sizzling with insect sounds in background,Sizzle,YZBtgrP4vU_w.wav,Y3XcIVh40pTI.wav +3376,Wind blowing with some leaves rustling,Rustling leaves,YJ0yeFeKvIt8.wav,Y6TO9PEGpZcQ.wav +3377,Two men speaking,Snoring Speech,YyL3gKa6YLoM.wav,YpO8kbg9IJnc.wav +3378,A loud burst followed by musical notes and a heartbeat followed by a man speaking,"Burst, pop Speech",Y52IxrdTxGs4.wav,YrJVXE6Axtrg.wav +3379,Water is splashing and a man laughs,Gurgling Speech Stream,Y1nUOGZgSzZo.wav,Y4abZbau8tZo.wav +3380,A kid laughing and screaming with a man chuckling and woman whispering,"Laughter Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",Y83j4GgHXTLE.wav,YzoxFl3pddMg.wav +3381,Female speech and scratching,Rub,YmlnUJH4BQnk.wav,Yk1QxQ4jJaEQ.wav +3382,A group of people talking as dishes clack followed by wood knocking,Door Knock Speech,Y7cHRSfbp7tc.wav,Y3n05BjV7r7M.wav +3383,Several puppies whimpering during cardboard scratching and rattling,Growling Animal Whimper (dog),Ykdflh3akyH8.wav,YsbW7XwwUtSU.wav +3384,Water hissing followed by a man breathing aloud then a toilet flushing,Toilet flush,YAagLJkfrFMk.wav,Y4KObP7cREWw.wav +3385,A motorcycle engine running idle while two men communicate with each other,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Medium engine (mid frequency),YJmWaRt8-u0s.wav,YxBZnvfniA1c.wav +3386,A man talking while a child talks and a person whistles followed by pigeons cooing and metal tapping and rattling,"Bird Speech Pigeon, dove Outside, urban or manmade",YMVGhC-xB79s.wav,Y-mb4Fw4Z0xg.wav +3387,Whistling and humming with men speaking in the distance,Truck Vehicle Speech,YvfNKduToki4.wav,Yir1XTdyt4IY.wav +3388,Footsteps walking on a hard surface before a door slides open followed by a door creaking then a door slamming shut,Door Speech,YU5ij0M7T-hk.wav,YVOXl8iR-HnI.wav +3389,A man talking as water splashes and wind blows heavily into a microphone,"Ocean Vehicle Speech Sailboat, sailing ship Stream",YBXxlqaDvdaA.wav,YJon_DEFqsfM.wav +3390,Clicking on a computer keyboard,Computer keyboard Typing,YuY4fe5DT1gI.wav,YlHh0SwUhP8U.wav +3391,A woman and man talk on the phone,Telephone Speech,Yjs4dr5JusdM.wav,YhiJB_95IWiE.wav +3392,An engine starting and running,Engine Vehicle Car Medium engine (mid frequency) Engine starting,Y350OCezayrk.wav,YETb9EIQOMAA.wav +3393,An engine is being started up then idles,Engine Vehicle Car Medium engine (mid frequency) Engine starting,Y350OCezayrk.wav,YriM7b5bJ9KQ.wav +3394,Humming of an engine with people speaking and a horse neighing,"Horse Neigh, whinny Clip-clop Speech Animal",YHqnSyliKTKA.wav,YyLu4b01t53k.wav +3395,A truck engine running while warning beeps sound followed by a man yelling then compressed air releasing,Truck Vehicle Speech,YvfNKduToki4.wav,YXIooZl1QdM4.wav +3396,An aircraft flying with wind blowing into a microphone followed by a man talking in the background,Aircraft engine Vehicle Speech Aircraft,YjYPU6aSDo88.wav,YlTfNLKEy1RU.wav +3397,Brief silence followed by a man laughing,Laughter,YGE1aZSnPr2Q.wav,YFhimNYClv40.wav +3398,A group of people talking and laughing as paper crinkles,Laughter Speech,Y_oKXrY5Ff0g.wav,Yg_P29ucKj78.wav +3399,A train moving down railroad tracks,Steam Hiss,YpCQEWAFGEjc.wav,YxUWSHYoslPQ.wav +3400,A small child speaks followed by crinkling and cracking,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling Inside, small room",YqPYwp1K4sZE.wav,YWWkhzcmx3VE.wav +3401,Vehicle accelerating,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y2KEfkDO6hlA.wav,Y-CcGuq0yoKo.wav +3402,"Continuous gunshots, a man grunts and more gunshots","Gunshot, gunfire",Y6NBPiArs2-w.wav,Y4Ujigme2IxY.wav +3403,An emergency vehicle siren blares fives times then changes to a higher pitched siren,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,YVeCSHwtkBZU.wav,Yy3-M1sonh3M.wav +3404,A plastic clack followed by whistling in the distance as a motor engine loudly operates and steam hisses,Vibration White noise,Y30D1tqNFHMc.wav,YfPqj3nnwQOI.wav +3405,A baby crying and a female speaking,"Crying, sobbing Speech Baby cry, infant cry Inside, small room",YQ0anPAIkfBE.wav,YWUyeFOyKIg0.wav +3406,A man talking then laughing as a ducks quack,Bird Duck Speech,YYEYeQ0lIkBQ.wav,YD2Xc_jZllDY.wav +3407,Horses snorting then neighing as footsteps shuffle and people talk in the background,Horse Speech Animal,YK8-b0VtNOqA.wav,Y77nElZGi5NU.wav +3408,A woman talking then a child talking followed by a man talking then a goat yelling,Goat Bleat Speech Animal,YJsoBpL86R5U.wav,YBLMWD6fxhpo.wav +3409,A series of gunshots firing followed by a person groaning and metal clanking then a man talking while a heart beats in the background,"Gunshot, gunfire",YtIM-H2rdq8U.wav,YAtkD-3GjXMw.wav +3410,A sharp snorting snore,Snoring Snort Speech,Ya_Rjlu50TfA.wav,YpO8kbg9IJnc.wav +3411,A child laughing followed by a man talking as snow shuffles in the background,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Children playing",YKel-hfZ_9h8.wav,YAagLJkfrFMk.wav +3412,A female speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YETb9EIQOMAA.wav,YBL8ksJ0sTXk.wav +3413,A railroad car sounds train horn as it approaches,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Train whistle Rail transport Train Vehicle",YI_vN_BFUr0Y.wav,YNmmbNqmsPaY.wav +3414,A click occurs and a low-pitched electronic vibration begins,Vibration,YH-vTZh81qAU.wav,YSCow4mpBsGY.wav +3415,A sewing machine operating,Sewing machine,YCwxgQS3SXic.wav,YA61Mry8zBwE.wav +3416,A few people laughing and giggling followed by someone talking and more laughter,Laughter Giggle Speech,Yb1PXsfgQw5w.wav,YsCzRVvu9XeY.wav +3417,A vehicle engine accelerating and revving as wind is blowing into a microphone,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YnLZeG9LaLgw.wav,YCchRf2jq6fc.wav +3418,"A vehicle accelerates and then slows, then speeds up, then stops","Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YUmNrhFKpWIY.wav,YBrPFQDr99Gg.wav +3419,Female speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y7_smJ8VbfSU.wav,Y3IScngdQA4I.wav +3420,A vehicle engine stalling then starting up and running idle,"Engine Idling Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Medium engine (mid frequency) Engine starting",Y4xrL4TSgHwU.wav,Y9b6RqajfAmw.wav +3421,A car meows and a woman speaks,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow",Y2sZhC_mKeic.wav,Y3RultJjvTWI.wav +3422,A dog barks and rustles with some clicking,"Canidae, dogs, wolves Bark Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal Inside, small room",YNeWW30WZjPc.wav,YBDpU2Qh77NE.wav +3423,A man speaking followed by a crowd applauding and cheering,Applause Speech,YL_CNz9Vrtkw.wav,Y1wW0YJQ-Xa0.wav +3424,A man talking as a dog barks in the distance while wind blows into a microphone,"Domestic animals, pets Yip Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal",YD2Xc_jZllDY.wav,Y4abZbau8tZo.wav +3425,A truck accelerating as emergency sirens wail during a crowd of people talking followed by a man speaking on an intercom,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Truck Vehicle Speech",YIPfaRF76gVU.wav,YbLZFtoWXYTA.wav +3426,Frying and talking right after music starts,Stir Frying (food),YSQHYl2Kp5ww.wav,YXi6V0LGvqoo.wav +3427,A power tool drilling followed by metal clacking then a man talking proceeded by a door closing shut,Drill Tools Power tool,YUhCzD6EBJBU.wav,YL_CNz9Vrtkw.wav +3428,Police sirens going off,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,YVeCSHwtkBZU.wav,YXIooZl1QdM4.wav +3429,A vehicle accelerating then revving,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YD96OO7nYYsg.wav,YROootH-mtEI.wav +3430,Cats meow as the wind blows,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Rustling leaves Animal Outside, urban or manmade",Y0On6-JiVwRs.wav,YI_vN_BFUr0Y.wav +3431,A crowd cheers and a man speaks,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",YBrPFQDr99Gg.wav,YD9GHUPGWsV0.wav +3432,A dog barks along with outdoor noises,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",YptIksg9KEac.wav,YzF3xXn6NTyU.wav +3433,A helicopter is taking flight with the blades slapping,Vehicle Helicopter Aircraft,YKvrcRMfFzOE.wav,YvfNKduToki4.wav +3434,An engine revving and popping,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y2UNuMbxz9ds.wav,YMVGhC-xB79s.wav +3435,Continuous snoring,Snoring Dog Animal,YlTfNLKEy1RU.wav,YsI7_ycEYzAY.wav +3436,"A door banging, a loud squeal, and some low voices in the background",Horse Speech Animal,YK8-b0VtNOqA.wav,Y-EQByFLFqig.wav +3437,Male speech and metal scraping,Rub,YfrOqlk0Wm5Y.wav,YXf5LjaE_JQ0.wav +3438,A male voice talking and the bleat of a goat,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",Yc3nlaAkv9bA.wav,Yj1AiqT5oHZc.wav +3439,Two men talking as a truck engine runs idle and wind blows into a microphone,Truck Vehicle Speech,YMPLZUg89y5U.wav,YlX3k5p2I_g0.wav +3440,Woman screaming and yelling to another person with loud wind and waves in background,"Speech Stream Outside, rural or natural",Y6ZwYgzcN6Is.wav,YhJtOGmN_KVw.wav +3441,Female speech and laughter followed by birds chirping and rustling,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YNlKlRKz8OKI.wav,YvEWmHtiznF8.wav +3442,Rain is heard falling,Rain,Y-BUWGM7qeUM.wav,Y6OlHuvJR_Dk.wav +3443,"Continuous, quiet tick-tocking",Tick-tock Tick,YY3lNEe-ZGF0.wav,YrJVXE6Axtrg.wav +3444,A cuckoo bird coos followed by a train running on railroad tracks as a bell dings in the background,Hiss,Ykx6Rj4MDIAw.wav,Y3RultJjvTWI.wav +3445,Vibrations from a running sewing machine with a woman speaking,Speech Sewing machine,Yt4prXmPwthg.wav,Y6cyKp3EDm-0.wav +3446,Dishes clanking as a man is talking,"Dishes, pots, and pans",YrN2rpLV3brs.wav,YLvhvAA11oxE.wav +3447,A man burping followed by belching while wheezing,"Burping, eructation",YXIooZl1QdM4.wav,YIJ6pm5Kns8A.wav +3448,Several gunshots ring out with glass breaking and a few clicks,"Gunshot, gunfire",YHeEa1GZpUGI.wav,YxpZna_FwDhI.wav +3449,A bell chiming as a clock ticks while a man talks through a television speaker in the background followed by muffled a muffled bell chiming,Tick-tock Speech,YHqndxoujCYI.wav,YglAeihz0NAM.wav +3450,Groaning followed by a bang and breaking glass followed by men speaking with seagulls cawing in the distance,Speech Oink,Ynq0BF9zGkzg.wav,Y3qrVku794u0.wav +3451,"Snoring, a man takes a deep breath and speaks",Snoring Speech,YdYZSKX7vuRI.wav,YOTLtzk0W4zg.wav +3452,Multiple large bells are madly ringing,Bell,YZUmZgPL0ges.wav,Ypgq2KPX5_SA.wav +3453,"Loud hissing together with speech, rustling and basing",Goat Speech Animal,Yvigslb0kClE.wav,YtwFypUcdgRc.wav +3454,A man is speaking followed by birds chirping,"Chirp, tweet Speech Animal Outside, rural or natural",YE6FH_xp3I54.wav,YOr7umk40TZA.wav +3455,An elderly man speaking,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y3iLGu2Omgrw.wav,Y1N_DtRpdAp8.wav +3456,A motorcycle engine running idle then revving,"Motorcycle Vehicle Medium engine (mid frequency) Outside, urban or manmade",YnaPgJvWTIY4.wav,Yp_BB_rJaF7Q.wav +3457,A woman is giving a speech,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y1QNLMF-Kl_s.wav,YsqWyxUObwkw.wav +3458,A woman gives a speech and a crowd claps,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y32565FEuksc.wav,Yram-QPKSQYc.wav +3459,Whistling with male speech,Whistling Speech,YfGGYeXR_LS8.wav,YD1Sy7kRoaR8.wav +3460,"An adult female speaks, thumping occurs, and paper crinkles while in a quiet environment","Speech Crumpling, crinkling Inside, small room",YT9_ep-3BZDY.wav,YrvDcg9DoNKA.wav +3461,A male speaking,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YmGa2JgAiKV8.wav,YFhimNYClv40.wav +3462,Crackling with an engine running,Wood,YLs2vrr9TamU.wav,Y_ezm-TpKj1w.wav +3463,An adult male speaks as metal scrapes and clinks on a dish rapidly and liquid splashes,"Dishes, pots, and pans",YrN2rpLV3brs.wav,YxIztYnMIWUA.wav +3464,Quiet speech and then and airplane flying away,"Aircraft engine Vehicle Speech Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YVOXl8iR-HnI.wav,Y4abZbau8tZo.wav +3465,An emergency siren ringing with car horn honking,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",YYNDKuNINDOY.wav,YgkWd1HugK2w.wav +3466,Food sizzling and male speech,Stir Frying (food),Ylq9RvAA4mqY.wav,Y7RMpCCkQks0.wav +3467,"Applause and female speech and laughter, whistling, and then throat clearing",Applause Speech,YPkmpxrsidZM.wav,YCh0LMmhBUg4.wav +3468,Birds chirping and then a door unlocking and then opening,Door,YEYTz1LPDHsc.wav,YPvWI4p74UOs.wav +3469,Repetitive sounds of gunfire,"Gunshot, gunfire",Y6NBPiArs2-w.wav,YpCQEWAFGEjc.wav +3470,Tires squealing and an engine revving,Skidding Vehicle Tire squeal Car,YKtinboYbmHQ.wav,Y6eX6bJOFftA.wav +3471,Bongos play followed by tapping on paper as frogs croak and crickets chirp in the background,Croak Frog,Yu9px4Lwv9XI.wav,Yf8WPf5F22xI.wav +3472,A goat bleating with people speaking,Goat Bleat Speech Animal,YJsoBpL86R5U.wav,YDNtF_mGzQes.wav +3473,Footsteps shuffling as a person snores,Snoring,YCxaPpRJRkn0.wav,Y4YodC6RnplI.wav +3474,A woman speaking followed by spraying,Spray Speech,Y9hxFqltp3xw.wav,YkHIe4CfaccQ.wav +3475,Compressed air releasing and scissors snipping,Spray,YI_8KqxP5xOA.wav,Ya_Rjlu50TfA.wav +3476,An idle motorbike engine running as a bird chirps in the background and wind blows into a microphone,"Motorcycle Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YeXj9OAik5cc.wav,Ys_EWjoiVfzo.wav +3477,Loud snoring repeating,"Snoring Inside, small room",YhDMHIDJdfDA.wav,YonBZOH88OYs.wav +3478,A man speaks followed by slapping on a wooden surface as steam hisses in the background,Wood Speech,YI4HpYGMMsz4.wav,YJon_DEFqsfM.wav +3479,An engine hums followed by a hiss,"Truck Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YLB6CZ0x-kns.wav,YwSHzVxdMiTo.wav +3480,A bleeping noise followed by a static noise,"Beep, bleep",YLs1zyPjs3k8.wav,YK2kIOBeCfuo.wav +3481,A person groaning followed by a series of gunshots and a high-pitched grunt then synthesized laser effects as music plays in the background,"Gunshot, gunfire",Y9ZZHvwaH-CU.wav,YfBYDJWChe5c.wav +3482,Plastic tapping followed by an electronic beep then by a toy car motor revving and plastic scrapping against a wooden surface,"Beep, bleep",YA0E_UiD-fR4.wav,Ylq9RvAA4mqY.wav +3483,A duck quacking followed by a dog barking as birds chirp then plastic popping and a film reel rolling,Bird Duck Dog Animal,Ya3GzZKxUTy8.wav,Yq4YFJA5pFXc.wav +3484,A train running on train tracks while a steam engine horn whistles,Steam whistle Steam Hiss,YC_ga5m6nOhI.wav,Ypaf0nyjg1Js.wav +3485,"A child laughs, a man speaks, and people laugh","Speech Child speech, kid speaking Children playing",YKel-hfZ_9h8.wav,YqPYwp1K4sZE.wav +3486,A man speaking as a stream of water sprays and splashes,Stream,YUCy1BEx8jBE.wav,Y2JV3emH50XU.wav +3487,Pigeons cooing and birds flapping wings as a plastic clicks multiple times,"Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",Y9b6RqajfAmw.wav,YkagkXkAVPNo.wav +3488,"A cat meows angrily, while speech is faintly present in the background","Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Caterwaul Animal",Y3ejndVEAcmQ.wav,YWUyeFOyKIg0.wav +3489,An engine roars as someone is speaking over a machine,Bus Vehicle Speech,Yz4MeV9IGVo0.wav,Y_GI7meqlYZk.wav +3490,Muffled water splashing and wind blowing followed by audio static and plastic clicking,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",YrBUCIK8JRLg.wav,YS0YE96w0YRk.wav +3491,"Vehicles are moving, horns are sounding, the door alarm to a bus is beeping",Bus Vehicle Speech,YEcihYbSlyck.wav,YNi3dIj90Oa4.wav +3492,Birds chirping as a man is speaking followed by an animal squeaking,Frog,Yp_BB_rJaF7Q.wav,YCBwXKOpJY_o.wav +3493,"While birds chirp and the wind blows, an adult male speaks in the foreground and people talk in the background","Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet Speech Animal Outside, rural or natural",YbygBWUkpaC8.wav,Y2j8pxiFvElM.wav +3494,Water pouring into a plastic container followed by sand grinding,"Water tap, faucet",YbLZFtoWXYTA.wav,YJHhEjsAkZoc.wav +3495,Burping and laughing from girls with distant voices over a television,"Burping, eructation Speech",YPMMdAKZxI_I.wav,Y7MLERaOgK_Y.wav +3496,A man speaks before a toilet flushes,Toilet flush Speech,YCfxWJ1Qoufg.wav,Yr2KhpX_QgXA.wav +3497,A man speaks as traffic passes in the distance,Spray Speech,YXf5LjaE_JQ0.wav,YFJkvAMLmejY.wav +3498,A toilet flushes as music plays in the distance,Toilet flush,Y2ErfX6ZT5pM.wav,YNtQiduPRiRg.wav +3499,A helicopter flying followed by wind heavily blowing into a microphone,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",YdYvL6uEMl6E.wav,YfBYDJWChe5c.wav +3500,Car engine idling,"Idling Vehicle Inside, large room or hall",YlVr-PxhZo8s.wav,YXplKBvZaHXA.wav +3501,Horses trotting on a hard surface as a motor rumbles rapidly for a brief period in the background,Horse Clip-clop Animal,Y7bO0AJI-ihs.wav,Y5ORpSk5CIWc.wav +3502,Wind blowing with waves crashing and people speaking in the distance,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Yne2DpKCIr4Y.wav,YRk-ujWKzPuc.wav +3503,Loud snoring sounds as people speak in the background and man and woman talk,Snoring Speech,YJC2ZrXzCX4Y.wav,Y-CcGuq0yoKo.wav +3504,A man talking followed by a bird squawking then a kid talking,"Bird Domestic animals, pets Chirp, tweet",Yy-RSojxgkDo.wav,Yc6YJgZ3qzOw.wav +3505,A group of people laughing followed by a man talking,"Laughter Chuckle, chortle Speech",Yc0V_HAul7rI.wav,Yo7-X8DAToGc.wav +3506,Horses neighing then snorting and trotting on a dirt surface,"Horse Neigh, whinny Clip-clop Animal",YJZloTOdIY_c.wav,YZ0IrCa4MvOA.wav +3507,A stream of water rushing as a man shouts in the distance,Rustling leaves Speech,YXQxIXaX_7M0.wav,YIvg_q4t-3w0.wav +3508,Wind blows and a man speaks followed by a goat bleating,Sheep Bleat Speech,YPYP-r0nvbFk.wav,Yv59uHr-B1no.wav +3509,A vehicle engine whirring followed by some knocking and a release of brakes,"Truck Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YLB6CZ0x-kns.wav,YfsBR7e_X_0Y.wav +3510,Vibrations from a sewing machine,Sewing machine,Yii3Geza3hAU.wav,YMSziND26UTA.wav +3511,A bird squawks followed by a dog whimpering,Bird Duck Dog Animal,Ya3GzZKxUTy8.wav,Y4xrL4TSgHwU.wav +3512,Men are singing together with a gurgling background noise,Gurgling Stream,Y3qTL7QRk-tg.wav,YpHNMcX-9FDs.wav +3513,Sputtering and humming of an engine,"Motorcycle Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YG3YO2unWz7k.wav,Yyrxa6_P2I80.wav +3514,A baby cries with a humming engine and some faint clicking,"Bus Crying, sobbing Vehicle Speech",YH7-orYrKBeo.wav,YV8A0VRGdgwM.wav +3515,The pitter-patter of feet running,Croak Frog,Yu9px4Lwv9XI.wav,Y4UPOUGVMlEs.wav +3516,A vehicle engine is accelerating followed by a man speaking,"Engine Idling Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Speech Car Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y4sb9jN0SgTM.wav,YTd2EEDdFlRY.wav +3517,A clock ticking followed by plastic clacking then cuckoo bird cooing before bells chiming,Tick-tock Tick,YOxUVcZmeiyI.wav,YJdFmMw0zyKA.wav +3518,A repeating train horn and warning bells get louder as a train approaches,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train",YYQSuFyFm3Lc.wav,YmWqH2xwjkYA.wav +3519,Snoring with low whirring and speech in the background,Snoring,YUjje3lSabsg.wav,YfrOqlk0Wm5Y.wav +3520,A woman laughs with some wind blowing and sheep bleating,"Domestic animals, pets Sheep Bleat Animal",YOFVzrakJhbw.wav,Y2ItTq2JShdU.wav +3521,Rain and thunder in a storm,Rustling leaves Wind noise (microphone),YESjMIqrvRj4.wav,YFeHndzYAUkg.wav +3522,A faucet pouring water as water fills a container followed by scrubbing on a plastic surface and water splashing,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",Yr2djvq1vc68.wav,YLWng-4PDzPM.wav +3523,An aircraft engine operating,"Vehicle Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",YaMhu5eMQAsI.wav,Yw_Utn3CwAXE.wav +3524,Low speech from a man followed by machine making a beeping noise,"Beep, bleep Speech",YP4qd8uodw_M.wav,YsqsI2UyrcBQ.wav +3525,"A small tool motor runs and whirs twice with metal clicking, an adult male speaks, a door shuts and clicks, and three thumps occur",Drill Tools Power tool,YUhCzD6EBJBU.wav,YIKnx3hJv1bs.wav +3526,A group of people laughing followed by a young man talking,"Laughter Chuckle, chortle Speech",Yc0V_HAul7rI.wav,YIvg_q4t-3w0.wav +3527,"Water splashes irregularly as a man speaks, then a woman calls loudly","Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Bathtub (filling or washing) Water",YBn4lc01q9vE.wav,YQv1HXaT-28U.wav +3528,A crowd of people applauding and cheering,Applause,YRNBoH2LHQEM.wav,YWmDe2xbnSY4.wav +3529,A crowd of people talking as dinner plates and glasses clank followed by light knocking on wood,Door Knock Speech,Y7cHRSfbp7tc.wav,Y--0w1YA1Hm4.wav +3530,Warning bells ring as a train approaches with a honking horn,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",YQvATUKXYFBs.wav,Y0NGSrwioYjA.wav +3531,An infant talking as a woman speaks while a group of people talk in the background,"Crying, sobbing Speech Child speech, kid speaking Baby cry, infant cry Inside, small room",YXL8JV9qXGLE.wav,YHeEa1GZpUGI.wav +3532,An aircraft engine operates,"Aircraft engine Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft Outside, urban or manmade",YNDaVSIJaXVs.wav,Y4abZbau8tZo.wav +3533,Hissing sounds and bird chirping.,"Domestic animals, pets Meow",YjXkLS_QzUrI.wav,YinQOrxc_oZo.wav +3534,A light rain with gentle thunder,Thunder,YPb6MqpdX5Jw.wav,YUCy1BEx8jBE.wav +3535,"A woman is speaking, and a child speaks","Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YfYTZVxQ8LJk.wav,YCvNAwby6Xos.wav +3536,Two men talk followed by a person belching as a car drives,"Motor vehicle (road) Burping, eructation Vehicle Speech Car",YMvHpNzDpC6Q.wav,Yorgwzt45ojE.wav +3537,Motor boat cruising over water people speaking,"Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",Y6eX6bJOFftA.wav,Y5I8lmN8rwDM.wav +3538,Male speech and metal clanking,Wood,YT32kii824pA.wav,YAR8-MVl_Mf8.wav +3539,White noise followed by a consistent hissing,Spray,Y5t6tSW0yT40.wav,YEp72tyiL3as.wav +3540,A short horn followed by a car approaching with a longer horn,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car",Y-aYumc8KoXg.wav,YJdFmMw0zyKA.wav +3541,High pitched speaking and laughing,Bus Vehicle Speech,Y--0w1YA1Hm4.wav,YMkbP_8zJwXU.wav +3542,Plastic clacking followed by a motorbike and a motorcycle engine starting up then accelerating,"Silence Motorcycle Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",Y0rSETXszQM0.wav,YEUZaxaWqhwg.wav +3543,An idle vehicle engine running,Idling Truck Vehicle,Yi1u_2eZYYlE.wav,YA0E_UiD-fR4.wav +3544,Loud beep followed by engine noise,"Beep, bleep",YA0E_UiD-fR4.wav,Y-JP1GqPEKtw.wav +3545,Wind blowing and a siren rings,Emergency vehicle Siren Police car (siren),YAFgGoY8Ihhg.wav,YE9zN3-C64KE.wav +3546,"A person speaking, followed by a number of people laughing",Laughter Speech,Y_oKXrY5Ff0g.wav,YAFgGoY8Ihhg.wav +3547,A man talking as a person is snoring and a vehicle accelerates in the distance,Snoring Speech,YyL3gKa6YLoM.wav,Y6i5eQOpFk_U.wav +3548,Loud gunshots followed by two men speaking,"Gunshot, gunfire",YNi3dIj90Oa4.wav,YbmEF-c-M174.wav +3549,Dog barking with win and man speaking,"Domestic animals, pets Yip Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal",YD2Xc_jZllDY.wav,YpWQeV08kYR0.wav +3550,Someone in a crowd whistles while engines rev in cars going slowly by,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YYQGW5AwDOIo.wav,YpI_kPedctoo.wav +3551,A train running on railroad tracks drives by followed by a train whistle blowing and warning signals ringing,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y7JWHbs3gu1w.wav,Ybgbnu5YKTDg.wav +3552,"A truck is traveling on the road, and the driver is honking the horn",Truck Vehicle Speech,Y9zstu_IfAm4.wav,YZ_smJ66Tb3c.wav +3553,Thumping noise followed by a tool sawing wood,Sawing Rub Wood,YGkb4f6yodPE.wav,YhDMHIDJdfDA.wav +3554,A fan sound and a tapping noise,Hiss,Y1ed87LLY97k.wav,Y4pv3w--cRrA.wav +3555,A male speaking over a microphone,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",YC8kR19NvynA.wav,Y3kBlVLkN0zo.wav +3556,"A sneeze occurs followed by sniffling and the start of another sneeze, while a baby coos in the background",Sneeze,YxqtrbqDlz28.wav,YE3Q1jfTeuWs.wav +3557,A cat meowing followed by metal clacking as a water sprinkler sprays in the background,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow",Y2sZhC_mKeic.wav,YK03ydb1uaoQ.wav +3558,Emergency sirens wailing,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,YHg6HxylRGDo.wav,YwAZrOPvul4Y.wav +3559,Dialing and clicking,"Telephone dialing, DTMF Telephone",YJfaj4P3us9M.wav,YBz9Y5nZK3eo.wav +3560,Male yelling loudly and forcefully,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech Speech synthesizer",YC4JwGJQ2dUA.wav,YKtTLsveexOg.wav +3561,"Applause, a female speech and whistling",Applause Speech,YPkmpxrsidZM.wav,YKJhGuhNHToA.wav +3562,A man and a woman talking then the crinkling of paper,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",Y9PN4gyxpH2M.wav,YXPebkNzsnRI.wav +3563,A toy helicopter flying as a man speaks in the background while wind blows into a microphone,Helicopter Speech,YjinJkonlrWc.wav,Y9xoYx3lTJ9I.wav +3564,A toy helicopter flying as wind blows into a microphone,Helicopter,YlrKGCtSsAkA.wav,YSePTNAN7s-w.wav +3565,Toilet flushing,Toilet flush Water,YFc9pG54DDJM.wav,YBoe3MeEpn_c.wav +3566,A man talking as an idle motorboat engine runs and water trickles while wind is blowing into a microphone,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",Y7upINC4seBw.wav,YpO8kbg9IJnc.wav +3567,Sheep baaing with young female voice and wind gusts,Sheep Bleat Speech,Y7XUt6sQS7nM.wav,YLWng-4PDzPM.wav +3568,Seagulls call and people talk while a bell rings,Bell Speech,Yc0IggDOisOo.wav,YHdPSebdDxe4.wav +3569,People speak with passing traffic,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Car passing by,YTSdAJWJ-tW0.wav,Y_ezm-TpKj1w.wav +3570,A baby laughs and women laugh and speak,Laughter Speech,YmWqH2xwjkYA.wav,YJon_DEFqsfM.wav +3571,Motorboat motor and high winds,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Wind Wind noise (microphone)",YlJayhiVzl_E.wav,YBvw2gv1fcZw.wav +3572,Different female voices speaking followed by sheep bleating from a distance and voices of young people shortly thereafter,Sheep Bleat Speech,YF-47fRplQEc.wav,Yh5_1pnkl_SY.wav +3573,Several people laughing continuously with brief clanking and speech,Laughter Speech,YriM7b5bJ9KQ.wav,Y-oy0BkpMGAk.wav +3574,Wind blowing followed by a man speaking,"Wind Speech Outside, rural or natural",YQTSKjweEWew.wav,Y2JV3emH50XU.wav +3575,A person snoring at a rhythmic pace,Snoring,YfBYDJWChe5c.wav,Y9BukzlPNqC8.wav +3576,A person speaks with distant humming and nearby clinking,"Cutlery, silverware Dishes, pots, and pans",Y-EaZ7EJJUl0.wav,YYQSuFyFm3Lc.wav +3577,A series of electronic beeping as a woman is talking and birds chirp in the background alongside a camera muffling,"Beep, bleep Alarm Speech",Y5QZ0NtdoKJ8.wav,YBvw2gv1fcZw.wav +3578,A man laughing followed by a muffled boat motor running as a man shouts in the distance during water flowing gently and seagulls squawking alongside wind blowing into a microphone,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",YPvWI4p74UOs.wav,Y5QZ0NtdoKJ8.wav +3579,A dog panting and some rustling of footsteps,"Domestic animals, pets Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",Y6CDl4CqOgMg.wav,YqF72bT878gw.wav +3580,A power tool with an electric motor is used for drilling,Drill Tools Power tool,Y2JutOgAnqWA.wav,YKJKHDKKW3XU.wav +3581,"Water is falling, splashing and gurgling, a crowd of people talk in the background, and an adult male speaks in the foreground",Speech Waterfall Stream,YPZBUdlKwX04.wav,YYEYeQ0lIkBQ.wav +3582,A motorcycle engine is running while a man is talking,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,YndxkSQKxaak.wav,Y67BsqRkh-dU.wav +3583,Ocean waves crashing as water trickles and splashes,Spray,Ya0yXS7PmVR0.wav,Yy3-M1sonh3M.wav +3584,"Birds are chirping, ducks are quacking and other bird whistling noises","Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Environmental noise Duck",YJon_DEFqsfM.wav,Y9ucb5HYO8ps.wav +3585,Yelling and water flowing,Stream,Y8nUqSYC66mI.wav,Y1FNJbN-eHY4.wav +3586,A man is speaking with crinkling background noise,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YwAZrOPvul4Y.wav,Y9BGLAUSF0sk.wav +3587,Wind is blowing while a vacuum machine is in use,Rustling leaves Vacuum cleaner,YSL3wB5sDcdw.wav,YWHRnyGXcdy8.wav +3588,A group of children and a woman talking followed by a young girl talking,"Chuckle, chortle Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YMdlEswBfZMQ.wav,Y-R69Fa-mCaY.wav +3589,A woman and child speak,"Conversation Female speech, woman speaking Speech Child speech, kid speaking",YCBwXKOpJY_o.wav,Yeu5bq0A3XVQ.wav +3590,A woman speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YC9NC7wJ7C3w.wav,YEUZaxaWqhwg.wav +3591,Starting a motorcycle,"Silence Motorcycle Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",Y0rSETXszQM0.wav,YL8dA-2Lu2hY.wav +3592,A boat engine revving up,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YwrQDkX0NbTA.wav,YBlbGXalLNVU.wav +3593,A train horn blows as a train approaches with warning bells ringing,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y3ndid3jni7M.wav,Y2ymiXjImwGs.wav +3594,A automobile running and then accelerating.,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YD96OO7nYYsg.wav,YQARuiRtfy-k.wav +3595,Water trickling and dripping as a crowd of people talk in the background,Gurgling Speech,YPWjEfOkb6ro.wav,Y5eSRL3PRHzo.wav +3596,Whistling with some distant humming and a girl singing,Whistling,YMTaLknnq4wc.wav,Y2sZhC_mKeic.wav +3597,Wind blowing and waves crashing,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Y3MoF8myFs8Y.wav,YAgh2EKINlSw.wav +3598,A man speaks followed by a sneeze and a laugh,Sneeze Speech,Y-FW109cbv0g.wav,YnU-AI3Cmc3M.wav +3599,A machine is making clicking sound as people talk in the background,"Speech Sewing machine Inside, public space",Y7fmOlUlwoNg.wav,YpWQeV08kYR0.wav +3600,'An insect buzzing as hollow wood clanks twice followed by a person gulping and a frog croaking proceeded by another insect buzzing and guitar music begins playing,Croak Frog,YQHfyKaOHSz4.wav,YhJtOGmN_KVw.wav +3601,"Some men speeches low followed by an explosion, then the man speeches louder and laugh","Explosion Burst, pop Speech",YCMNlIW6Lkwc.wav,YA61Mry8zBwE.wav +3602,A synthesized whooshing followed by an explosion and fire crackling while gusts of wind blow,"Explosion Burst, pop",YeqcdsdLz954.wav,YCfxWJ1Qoufg.wav +3603,An ambulance siren increases in intensity and then recedes as the ambulance drives away,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,Y8Zo30kV5aiI.wav,Yific_gRalg0.wav +3604,"Wind gusts as a motorboat speeds by with water splashing, then people nearby speak","Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Wind Wind noise (microphone)",Y9xoYx3lTJ9I.wav,YSmdj6JFB9MQ.wav +3605,Wind blowing and metal bangs followed by a horse neigh,"Horse Neigh, whinny Speech Animal",YJhGp7HmRQxg.wav,YAFgGoY8Ihhg.wav +3606,A sewing machine lightly operating after a couple of metal clacks,Sewing machine,YsJrFyjfrL-g.wav,YbLZFtoWXYTA.wav +3607,A crowd of people cheering and applauding,Applause,YXrJcmftCY04.wav,Y7RMpCCkQks0.wav +3608,Several clicks and pops with people cheering and yodeling,Sheep Speech Animal,YwnqUgK_-fo4.wav,YD9GHUPGWsV0.wav +3609,Clip-clops from a horse in the distant with some knocking,Horse Speech Animal,YeYbFtxZmKL4.wav,Yj1AiqT5oHZc.wav +3610,Buzzing from a nearby insect,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YKVAIaRPry24.wav,YOUUckswAaNI.wav +3611,A man and a young girl laughing as a power tool sands a hard surface.,Laughter Speech,YNtQiduPRiRg.wav,YLVvS3s9dFKw.wav +3612,Bell dings while people talk and a horn blows,Tick-tock Speech,Y5iTRKJqUIw8.wav,YZ3wDry8nnJs.wav +3613,Speaking and various laughter followed by laughter,Applause Speech,YK2kIOBeCfuo.wav,YUE3XnVFodMI.wav +3614,A man speaks as an audience laughs,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y0G7rb74R-2A.wav,YBXxlqaDvdaA.wav +3615,A television plays in the distant background and then a sewing machine starts up,Sewing machine,YJp64Whpr3BA.wav,YpuZL08fzpXk.wav +3616,Wind blowing and ocean in the background,Rustling leaves Wind noise (microphone),YG0IsabU5hn4.wav,YAizmnCDlXos.wav +3617,Vacuum cleaner sucks something.,Steam Hiss,YFL8KTgMGrN4.wav,YgwQMkQmBITE.wav +3618,Slow humming and rustling along with quick sewing machine sounds,Sewing machine,YKtTLsveexOg.wav,Y_BSmz3SEW1w.wav +3619,A man talking followed by another man laughing as rain falls and thunder roars in the distance,Thunder,Ydxow2DcTrwk.wav,YoN0IcZaHD_8.wav +3620,Humming of an idling engine,Vibration White noise,Y9BGLAUSF0sk.wav,YFL8KTgMGrN4.wav +3621,Water running with distant speech in the background,Gurgling Speech,YPWjEfOkb6ro.wav,Yq46VXJ6JN9M.wav +3622,Gurgling water with men singing in background metal scraping metal,Gurgling Stream,Y3qTL7QRk-tg.wav,Y6TO9PEGpZcQ.wav +3623,Clock chiming with a laughter in background,Tick-tock Speech,YHqndxoujCYI.wav,YC4JwGJQ2dUA.wav +3624,Wind blows as water splashes,"Boat, Water vehicle Wind Rowboat, canoe, kayak Vehicle",Yek9Fsmm3xqk.wav,YbJMMp6PLKqM.wav +3625,A train running on railroad tracks as a train horn blows several times alongside a child yelling in the distance followed by a man speaking then a child speaking in the background,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train",Y2ceUOv8A3FE.wav,Yq4YFJA5pFXc.wav +3626,An air gun firing rapidly followed by plastic rattling and a young boy talking while footsteps walk over grass,"Gunshot, gunfire",YFf8bCCJfVX4.wav,YatmDP_fmK_8.wav +3627,High powered hissing and wind blowing,Spray,YDc2WEiRk0rA.wav,YbAqgL5dCQOE.wav +3628,Artillery cannons firing several times with an echo,"Gunshot, gunfire Artillery fire",Yo_3MDLl_aH0.wav,YCMUuelJFJ7Q.wav +3629,Goat bleating and making tickling noise,"Goat Bleat Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YV8A0VRGdgwM.wav,YDrCm-HpX67k.wav +3630,A horse is clip-clopping with a woman is laughing in the background,Horse Clip-clop Speech Animal,YBQ-r9mEHssU.wav,YYqYCDis3EUA.wav +3631,Several motor vehicles accelerating,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y2KEfkDO6hlA.wav,Y59VP93Tzjmg.wav +3632,A man speaking followed by another man speaking in the background as a motorcycle engine runs idle,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,YndxkSQKxaak.wav,YVMsbrcHPBfk.wav +3633,A horse vocalizing and muffled speech,Horse Speech Animal,YK8-b0VtNOqA.wav,YC8kR19NvynA.wav +3634,Water and rustling and then a motor starts,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YsqWyxUObwkw.wav,YAFgGoY8Ihhg.wav +3635,Helicopter flying overhead sounds,Vehicle Helicopter,Y6OlHuvJR_Dk.wav,Yg6CY7qvu81k.wav +3636,A telephone bell rings,Ringtone Telephone Telephone bell ringing,YxIztYnMIWUA.wav,Y6OlHuvJR_Dk.wav +3637,A man and woman speak,Telephone Speech,Y7QN3lwOzfdg.wav,Y6aWnK1GyeJY.wav +3638,An airplane is taking flight,"Aircraft engine Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YkF1KWybdRpM.wav,YOVQMFBeCHq0.wav +3639,A duck quacking followed by camera muffling,Bird Duck,Ygf6H_MWCqjw.wav,YdP5DbAzTl5M.wav +3640,Digital beeping with some clicks,Tick-tock,YL6rnV0oNIII.wav,YvEWmHtiznF8.wav +3641,A dog is panting in a very fast tempo while barking few times,"Bark Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal",YW7OJevEgq7w.wav,YHZ9O6sc7cLA.wav +3642,A woman talking as a door closes shut followed by another woman talking,Door Speech,Y3IScngdQA4I.wav,YyVjivgsU2aA.wav +3643,Several bells are ringing together,Bell,Y7D7xgd4WJ50.wav,YwnqUgK_-fo4.wav +3644,A sewing machine sews followed by a man talking,Speech Sewing machine,YhxbmDeNSO6Q.wav,YXZTt1xdK8uQ.wav +3645,Whimpering of several small dogs,"Domestic animals, pets Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",YpHNMcX-9FDs.wav,YYNDKuNINDOY.wav +3646,Vibrations and wind with loud humming of an engine,Vehicle Helicopter Aircraft,YR8bHTHnF8j4.wav,YCBwXKOpJY_o.wav +3647,"Heavy, continuous wind",Rustling leaves Wind noise (microphone),YG0IsabU5hn4.wav,Y5eSRL3PRHzo.wav +3648,Clapping and cheering and then a male speaking,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",YBrPFQDr99Gg.wav,YyL3gKa6YLoM.wav +3649,A telephone ringing loudly,Ringtone Telephone,YmSF_FqBtRPs.wav,YNmmbNqmsPaY.wav +3650,Humming and vibrations from a speeding car,Vehicle Car Car passing by,Yg_P29ucKj78.wav,YdYZSKX7vuRI.wav +3651,Ocean waves crashing as wind blows into a microphone,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Yne2DpKCIr4Y.wav,YrINmxSXMR-s.wav +3652,A toilet flushes twice and a child speaks.,Toilet flush,YQ3vkJMVMbC8.wav,YSmdj6JFB9MQ.wav +3653,Water trickling as a machine motor hums followed by water spraying from a shower,"Water tap, faucet Bathtub (filling or washing) Water",Y6Pywt0f_NFY.wav,Y2EsxcKe1A4w.wav +3654,Loud vibrations from a sewing machine followed by a woman speaking,Speech Sewing machine,Yt4prXmPwthg.wav,YnLZeG9LaLgw.wav +3655,Several frogs chirping near and far with men speaking and some banging,Frog,YLvMA1Wcgu3w.wav,Yvsy1IpYmrSY.wav +3656,A large duck quacks and small ducks chirp,Bird Duck,Yz1ax0QPpd14.wav,YPtW0cZVprJQ.wav +3657,"Adult males shout in the distance and an adult male shout close by, two adult males speak in the foreground, and gunfire erupts","Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",Yp9qRTh4BmSE.wav,Y41D0yXSBqfI.wav +3658,A woman speaks and continues to do so as a dog starts barking,Bark Bow-wow Dog,YHZ9O6sc7cLA.wav,YA2mcp0N__7U.wav +3659,Birds tweeting followed by spraying,Spray,Yq46VXJ6JN9M.wav,YdZDgJzGtLLU.wav +3660,High pitched croaking of frogs with some rustling,Frog,YQt0_xTadAT0.wav,YHVz-FJBf_iM.wav +3661,Music with rain falling and a woman speaking,Rain Raindrop Rain on surface,Y2RjqBRzmxaM.wav,YS_3aeOvniZc.wav +3662,Some rustling with distant birds chirping and wind blowing,Door,YhVUmQfBIYe8.wav,Yp9qRTh4BmSE.wav +3663,A man speaks followed by clicking,Horse Clip-clop Speech Animal,YOmmPaIAXN0s.wav,YnaPgJvWTIY4.wav +3664,Bus pulling up then woman speaking,Bus Vehicle Speech,Ygr5Zss89yLQ.wav,YinSvboaSRwA.wav +3665,Water splashing as duck quacks followed by brief laughter,Quack Duck Animal,YrINmxSXMR-s.wav,YArHiac57pVk.wav +3666,Mechanical humming followed by a flushing toilet,Toilet flush,Yy1a8PntuXYw.wav,YeXj9OAik5cc.wav +3667,"A man giggles as the wind blows, and water splashes with people speaking in the background",Gurgling Speech Stream,Y1nUOGZgSzZo.wav,YXJba7pTbpD0.wav +3668,Whooshing of wind followed by a man speaking with sneakers squeaking on hardwood,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",YrvtA7c1I4xo.wav,Y1Uh74_rZ72k.wav +3669,A clock ticks repeatedly,Tick-tock Tick,YsI7_ycEYzAY.wav,YIhvXtS9-IxM.wav +3670,A woman laughing followed by the bleating of sheep and a soft breeze,"Domestic animals, pets Sheep Bleat Animal",YOFVzrakJhbw.wav,Ysl_Pxpc7beo.wav +3671,A child talking then laughing with a man as an animal gurgles,Frog,YS0SQyFXbqF8.wav,YFXdoNvmrYxo.wav +3672,A loud white noise and then some beeping,Vibration White noise,Y30D1tqNFHMc.wav,YArHiac57pVk.wav +3673,A child talking followed by a group of people talking then a man talking,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YB-gTt3_rceQ.wav,YGuizRlAQ8qQ.wav +3674,A man talking followed by an idle motorbike engine running,"Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Outside, urban or manmade",YQKHpSAAjakY.wav,YpI_kPedctoo.wav +3675,Food and oil sizzling followed by steam hissing as a man talks while music plays in the background,Sizzle,YZY4aGEniU_E.wav,YAbplcXwXnvE.wav +3676,A wind blows as a man speaks outside,"Wind Speech Outside, rural or natural",YQTSKjweEWew.wav,YCvNAwby6Xos.wav +3677,A man shouting before and after someone belching,"Burping, eructation Speech Inside, small room",Y4lv9aLXtud0.wav,YqWYncqPSy9A.wav +3678,Car engine accelerates and shifts gears,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y2KEfkDO6hlA.wav,YPkmpxrsidZM.wav +3679,A motorbike engine driving then accelerating as a man is talking,"Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Outside, rural or natural",YXplKBvZaHXA.wav,Y0fMXnvD38zI.wav +3680,Vibrations from a humming engine,Vibration,YOr7umk40TZA.wav,Y1ed87LLY97k.wav +3681,Motorcycles running with men talking,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Medium engine (mid frequency),YJmWaRt8-u0s.wav,YAFgGoY8Ihhg.wav +3682,A person snoring,Snoring,YUjje3lSabsg.wav,YCBwXKOpJY_o.wav +3683,A toilet flushing,Toilet flush,YYIqpIjjee00.wav,YbLZFtoWXYTA.wav +3684,Ocean waves crashing and water trickling,Stream,YfPqj3nnwQOI.wav,YmVjub3o_IxE.wav +3685,A rooster clucking followed by a dog whimpering proceeded by a man laughing then talking before a dog barks,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Chicken, rooster Speech Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",Yhrv6fwnmBkY.wav,YTtRtURWVYBE.wav +3686,Humming of an engine with a woman and men speaking,Bus Vehicle Speech,Y--0w1YA1Hm4.wav,YrbO727iF03I.wav +3687,Frying food with the click tap of stirring,Stir Frying (food),YmUGmCSNETcg.wav,Y3Sml1wHcuxo.wav +3688,Male rapping and screaming,Tick-tock Speech,Y_z-bidQYVao.wav,Yjf4iyQPJSvk.wav +3689,A woman is performing a speech,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YEY4p0_NJVQs.wav,YKel-hfZ_9h8.wav +3690,Rain pitter-patters and wind blows,Steam Hiss,YhGWarNR6xmg.wav,Y5QZ0NtdoKJ8.wav +3691,A man talking as a dog is barking in the distance and wind blows into a microphone,"Domestic animals, pets Yip Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal",YD2Xc_jZllDY.wav,Y3xDZ-kdGE3o.wav +3692,A bicycle peddling on dirt and gravel followed by a man speaking then laughing,Bicycle Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,Y7P6lcyeDKNI.wav,YDlWd7Wmdi1E.wav +3693,A race car engine hums in the distance as wind blows into a microphone and a crowd of people talk followed by a race car speeding by,"Vehicle Speech Car Race car, auto racing Outside, rural or natural",YWUyeFOyKIg0.wav,YlJayhiVzl_E.wav +3694,A motorboat engine running and water splashing then fading away as instrumental music plays and a crowd of people talk,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind instrument, woodwind instrument",Y7P0N61TVOxE.wav,YFJkvAMLmejY.wav +3695,"Thunder crashes and rain splashes, during which two adult males speak",Thunder,YrvDcg9DoNKA.wav,YAf4a-9rcnP0.wav +3696,Rain falling with thunder in the distance,Rain Thunderstorm Thunder,YLbken4JCr94.wav,YI_8KqxP5xOA.wav +3697,A cat meowing as wind blows into a microphone,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Rustling leaves Animal Outside, urban or manmade",Y0On6-JiVwRs.wav,Y13CBvjHZhOA.wav +3698,A man speaking as frogs croak and crickets chirp while a motorboat engine runs alongside several plastic clacks and clanging,Frog,YLvMA1Wcgu3w.wav,Y8nUqSYC66mI.wav +3699,A toilet is flushing followed by a cat meowing,Toilet flush,YMtK8L8gXRrI.wav,Yjs4dr5JusdM.wav +3700,Chirping and water splashing lightly,Duck Speech Animal,Y8VOibo9Q_Dc.wav,Ydxow2DcTrwk.wav +3701,A person is whistling and baby is laughing followed by a man talking,Whistling Speech,YXPebkNzsnRI.wav,YonBZOH88OYs.wav +3702,Laughter and speech and a clap,"Laughter Speech Inside, small room",YNeZerAPXR-A.wav,YpaetCbEqp2w.wav +3703,A man is talking as a person types on a keyboard,Typing,YGSHcgY6ATkQ.wav,Y3wrdPAeqjVI.wav +3704,High frequency humming and vibrations,Helicopter,Yc6YJgZ3qzOw.wav,YPLHXGDnig4M.wav +3705,Pigeons coo with some light rustling,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room",Ye2rScj9UyMs.wav,YBZCEDkx37rI.wav +3706,"A man speaks, and a goat bleats","Goat Domestic animals, pets Sheep Animal",YBwnGxJD9xh8.wav,YmlnUJH4BQnk.wav +3707,Aircraft engine running constantly,"Vehicle Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",Yv7BaYF0kagM.wav,YI_vN_BFUr0Y.wav +3708,A helicopter engine whines as it starts,"Helicopter Outside, rural or natural",Yq4YFJA5pFXc.wav,Y0G7rb74R-2A.wav +3709,A static distortion followed by a woman talking while a crowd of people applaud and cheer,Applause Speech,YUE3XnVFodMI.wav,YP4qd8uodw_M.wav +3710,A man talking as a person snores,Snoring Speech,YVZLZ08k3YeA.wav,Y9E8BmPZ9mWc.wav +3711,A person snores as a man talks and a person laughs,Snoring Speech,YDn3buZWMzwY.wav,YlmPMhs-9IYE.wav +3712,A man is speaking with tapping noises and dishes being moved,"Dishes, pots, and pans Speech",YxUWSHYoslPQ.wav,YtTB0BK39JI8.wav +3713,Heavy rain pouring on a surface as wind blows into a microphone,Rain,Y-BUWGM7qeUM.wav,Y0UJtGcoPYa0.wav +3714,"Birds are making noises and flapping wings, and a rooster crows","Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room Outside, rural or natural",YwBs02amFGXs.wav,YeUecAF626A8.wav +3715,An aircraft engine humming as a woman speaks over an intercom followed by an aircraft engine accelerating,"Vehicle Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",Y1IoHRTUp86c.wav,Y2sZhC_mKeic.wav +3716,A bell sounds the horn,Bell,YtTB0BK39JI8.wav,YhxbmDeNSO6Q.wav +3717,Men speak followed by vibrations and hissing with passing traffic in the distance,"Aircraft engine Engine Vehicle Speech Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YlX3k5p2I_g0.wav,Y9PN4gyxpH2M.wav +3718,A rattling motor slowly comes to a stop,Vibration Speech,YUV1kdjwpy6U.wav,YBzHTqyX69pI.wav +3719,A duck quacking,Duck,YWWkhzcmx3VE.wav,Ye9MWXS34o48.wav +3720,Wood clacking and scrapping as bells chime while a muffled clock ticks,Bell,YtTB0BK39JI8.wav,YHkbCUN4V3TU.wav +3721,A helicopter running,Vehicle Helicopter,YIhvXtS9-IxM.wav,YwnqUgK_-fo4.wav +3722,A girl sings while a sewing machine stitches and then speaks when it stops,Sewing machine,Y7MLERaOgK_Y.wav,YUXGzbBGbqAA.wav +3723,A man speaking on a microphone as a crowd of people laugh followed by dinner plates clacking,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y0G7rb74R-2A.wav,YWWkhzcmx3VE.wav +3724,A man talking as music is playing in the background followed by a popping explosion then a man laughing,"Explosion Burst, pop Speech",YSZ6CcXINiiE.wav,YU3CAjsm1sec.wav +3725,Hissing and buzzing of insects with a horse neigh and clip clops,Horse Clip-clop Animal,YErxgH5g3Kx0.wav,YwVi5w_NU6CM.wav +3726,A gun cocking then firing as metal clinks on the ground alongside footsteps shuffling then a man talking with a synthesized slide whistle,"Gunshot, gunfire",Y-NrFeH-kBSM.wav,YHqndxoujCYI.wav +3727,A man speaking as a sewing machine rapidly operates followed by another man speaking,Speech Sewing machine,YrJVXE6Axtrg.wav,YXIooZl1QdM4.wav +3728,Buzzing and scratching with some light banging,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YKVAIaRPry24.wav,Y4xrL4TSgHwU.wav +3729,Some whooshing followed by a man speaking and clicking on a computer,Computer keyboard Typing Speech,Y8GHLfJ6y6zA.wav,YdlsiellSFf0.wav +3730,A man talking then clearing his throat as food sizzles and a metal pot clangs,Stir Frying (food),Ylq9RvAA4mqY.wav,Y1nUOGZgSzZo.wav +3731,A jet engine idles as the wind blows,"Aircraft engine Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft Outside, urban or manmade",YNDaVSIJaXVs.wav,YPLHXGDnig4M.wav +3732,A man speaks as food sizzles,Stir Frying (food),Ylq9RvAA4mqY.wav,YqWYncqPSy9A.wav +3733,A door pounding and rattling,Door,YAgaiowyYt88.wav,Y1vCYiVvZ7VE.wav +3734,A man speaking followed by another man speaking through a telephone speaker,Telephone Speech,YKnsKf9KoNds.wav,YuY4fe5DT1gI.wav +3735,A man talking as another person whistles while water trickles on a hard surface in the background,Whistling Speech,YfGGYeXR_LS8.wav,YhpDltmawxIM.wav +3736,A rasping sound on wood along with some pigeons cooing followed a woman speaking,Rub Wood,YBzHTqyX69pI.wav,YJon_DEFqsfM.wav +3737,A crowd applauds followed by a woman and a man speaking,Applause Speech,YPkmpxrsidZM.wav,YzoxFl3pddMg.wav +3738,A man speaks followed by chirping birds,"Chirp, tweet Speech Animal Outside, rural or natural",YE6FH_xp3I54.wav,Y6ZwYgzcN6Is.wav +3739,A man speaks followed by thumps and clicks with some faint grunts,Typing Speech,YbhlhcGONisM.wav,YU90e2P9jy30.wav +3740,Clicking followed by a burp and laughing,"Burping, eructation Speech",YIJ6pm5Kns8A.wav,YO90Qy2xG6oA.wav +3741,Subway train blowing its horn.,"Railroad car, train wagon Rail transport Train Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking",Y1slvoNgzBLE.wav,YYQGW5AwDOIo.wav +3742,"A woman speaking, followed by a child yelling",Horse Clip-clop Speech Animal,YD1Sy7kRoaR8.wav,YgkWd1HugK2w.wav +3743,A man baaing followed by a goat baaing as a child and a woman talk while metal pots clank in the background,Goat Bleat Speech Animal,YJsoBpL86R5U.wav,Y_AcJVyToQUQ.wav +3744,A dog barking and growling as plastic rattles and clanks against a hard surface,"Canidae, dogs, wolves Bark Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal Inside, small room",YNeWW30WZjPc.wav,YROootH-mtEI.wav +3745,A power tool is in use,Drill Tools Power tool,Y4pf-PIymDhU.wav,YKJKHDKKW3XU.wav +3746,Sirens of an ambulance and fire truck traveling and an engine idling,"Ambulance (siren) Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",Y6TO9PEGpZcQ.wav,YdP5DbAzTl5M.wav +3747,An engine running,"Vehicle Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",Yv7BaYF0kagM.wav,YTWOgvDaDqlU.wav +3748,Humming and rattling with rapid fire gunshots and loud bursts,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",YnD1K1Zo0qrM.wav,Y6dLkgq9EKPE.wav +3749,"Glass placed on table, a container with liquid is shaken and then poured into the glass","Water tap, faucet Water",YgW7s3YAthpI.wav,YhpDltmawxIM.wav +3750,Rustling and then a sewing machine sewing rapidly,Sewing machine,YJp64Whpr3BA.wav,Y0On6-JiVwRs.wav +3751,A man talking with a dog barking in the distance as wind blows into a microphone,"Domestic animals, pets Yip Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal",YD2Xc_jZllDY.wav,Yl5KdHAWwJCw.wav +3752,Some clanking and banging and a man speaking,"Cutlery, silverware Dishes, pots, and pans",Y8o-Y4QP8LWs.wav,Y3xDZ-kdGE3o.wav +3753,A man speaks with a revving engine and clicking that stops,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Speech Car",YB4SZwi9Ce3o.wav,Y0Rpjl1AO-P0.wav +3754,Knocking sounds as race cars pass by,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y13CBvjHZhOA.wav,Yoklu5ZJD_2U.wav +3755,A synthesized explosion followed by a popping explosion and fire crackling then gusts of wind blowing,"Explosion Burst, pop",YeqcdsdLz954.wav,YpO8kbg9IJnc.wav +3756,Wood being scraped along with mechanical sounds,Tools Wood,YXz56Q2Q5j5c.wav,Y9dLLsZVRSZI.wav +3757,Men speak followed by rapid gunshots,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",Yp9qRTh4BmSE.wav,Y-nQHwrRLfc0.wav +3758,A man speaking while water runs in the background,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YLVvS3s9dFKw.wav,Y-BUWGM7qeUM.wav +3759,"A mid-size motor vehicle engine is running and accelerates, and random knocks and whizzes occur",Engine Vehicle Car,Y4KObP7cREWw.wav,YIKnx3hJv1bs.wav +3760,A man shouting as another man talks in the background while a series of gunshots fire and footsteps running on concrete followed by guns cocking and a dog growling,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",Yy93cZqNCtks.wav,Y9_YfTz8cnFY.wav +3761,A woman is speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y1vCYiVvZ7VE.wav,YROootH-mtEI.wav +3762,A baby sobs and then a woman speaks followed a woman laughing,"Crying, sobbing Speech Baby cry, infant cry Inside, small room",YQ0anPAIkfBE.wav,YhuMLK0oA3L8.wav +3763,A man screaming followed by a loud metal object slamming shut then a series of thuds and a man speaking with audio static at the end,Door Slam Speech,YAR8-MVl_Mf8.wav,Y3iLGu2Omgrw.wav +3764,A man laughing as a motorcycle is accelerating followed by a person chuckling while music plays in the background,Motor vehicle (road) Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Car passing by,YBA-lFjpzad4.wav,Y8DQfjqPCTI8.wav +3765,A man talking while a man talks over an intercom followed by a girl talking then a woman and group of men laughing,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YxBZnvfniA1c.wav,YoOMtaqvQ3_M.wav +3766,Rain falling and male speech,Rain Speech,YRp4Ct_TQvAM.wav,Y2bq2lc3DLwM.wav +3767,A sewing machine operating and metal clanking,Sewing machine,Ys_EWjoiVfzo.wav,YAj_VMUSNjNM.wav +3768,An idle motorbike engine running as a bird chirps in the background and wind blows into a microphone,"Motorcycle Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YeXj9OAik5cc.wav,Y1PvMtRIlZNI.wav +3769,A series of cannons firing,"Gunshot, gunfire Artillery fire",Yo_3MDLl_aH0.wav,YOVQMFBeCHq0.wav +3770,"Metal clattering and rattling is ongoing, along with brief hissing, while many people talk in the background",Spray,Yn-JyOqYSLQM.wav,YD96OO7nYYsg.wav +3771,Food and oil sizzling followed by a person snapping,Frying (food),Y4fz0-Kx2oNs.wav,YAJtNitYMa1I.wav +3772,Food and oil sizzling,Sizzle Frying (food),YAJtNitYMa1I.wav,YPMMdAKZxI_I.wav +3773,"People are whispering, and a horn sounds followed by laughter","Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Speech Inside, small room",YFJkvAMLmejY.wav,YonBZOH88OYs.wav +3774,A man talking as a machine motor hums followed by electronic buzzing,Tools Wood Speech,YinSvboaSRwA.wav,YCefFMA3klxk.wav +3775,A man speaks followed by some ringing and footsteps,Wood Speech,Y3wrdPAeqjVI.wav,YEfk5kdn9lR8.wav +3776,A motorcycle engine is revving with low speech in the background,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,YpI_kPedctoo.wav,YtwFypUcdgRc.wav +3777,"A sneeze occurs, followed by sniffling and a child babbling in the background",Sneeze,YxqtrbqDlz28.wav,YhVUmQfBIYe8.wav +3778,Continuous clanking and rustling,Door,Y9XqkKuTqEOM.wav,YIdBDl9Wr51A.wav +3779,Camera muffling followed by a popping explosion as a group of people talk and silverware clacks in the background,"Explosion Burst, pop Speech",YCMNlIW6Lkwc.wav,Y2KEfkDO6hlA.wav +3780,Static and beeping,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",YbA5zPFSFZAA.wav,YtJhVH3VIrnE.wav +3781,A man mimics a goat bleating,Goat,YVMsbrcHPBfk.wav,Y1L_OyngNZMA.wav +3782,Percussion music playing alongside a series of whooshes followed by a motor humming,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",Y4_Cak7gvly4.wav,Yyrxa6_P2I80.wav +3783,An insect buzzing and quiet male speech,"Insect Mosquito Fly, housefly",Yt3VFlDiEKgY.wav,YXQxIXaX_7M0.wav +3784,An engine running,Truck Vehicle Car,Y9vZDsGjyh5M.wav,YNlKlRKz8OKI.wav +3785,An engine being turned over,Motor vehicle (road) Engine Vehicle Car,YnlC4UI4hZ60.wav,Y_ezm-TpKj1w.wav +3786,Wind and a goat bleating while a man speaks,Sheep Bleat Speech,YPYP-r0nvbFk.wav,Y22L_3pBa1AI.wav +3787,Someone belches very loudly two times,"Burping, eructation",Y-Sz4z0QwEuM.wav,YhFCmq9pCBbM.wav +3788,Insects buzzing as wind blows into a microphone and birds chirp in the background,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YYqYCDis3EUA.wav,Y6ukYSXzfEgQ.wav +3789,A boat engine running as water splashes then cuts off while a group of people talk in the background alongside music playing proceeded by glass clanking,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind instrument, woodwind instrument",Y7P0N61TVOxE.wav,Yrp3CQsWxVgE.wav +3790,A stream of water trickling onto a hard surface and splashing,"Trickle, dribble Water Waterfall Outside, rural or natural",Yjf4iyQPJSvk.wav,YESjMIqrvRj4.wav +3791,A toilet is flushed,Toilet flush,Yy1a8PntuXYw.wav,YszkiW0GXEOI.wav +3792,Rustling and scraping,Tools Wood,YXz56Q2Q5j5c.wav,Ys_EWjoiVfzo.wav +3793,Wicked laughter followed by a baby crying,"Laughter Crying, sobbing",Yh0M4RS8p_mo.wav,YJdFmMw0zyKA.wav +3794,A train horn blasts as railroad rails go clickety-clack,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y3Sml1wHcuxo.wav,YBn4lc01q9vE.wav +3795,A man is giving a speech,Bus Vehicle Speech,Y6dLkgq9EKPE.wav,YDn3buZWMzwY.wav +3796,Horses neighing and stomping on the ground,"Horse Neigh, whinny Clip-clop Animal",YJZloTOdIY_c.wav,YNJEPbGVBJIQ.wav +3797,A motorbike accelerating and revving as it drives by with wind blowing into a microphone and birds chirping in the background,"Motorcycle Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YmW1EpJYcy_E.wav,YS_3aeOvniZc.wav +3798,Someone moving around followed by sink water running,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Inside, small room",Yu8bQf0SnCVI.wav,Y1QNLMF-Kl_s.wav +3799,Plastic crinkling followed by footsteps on concrete as metal clanging and a group of people talk in the background,"Burst, pop Speech",Y-AheI8Epim4.wav,Y4_DjmCg8Ra8.wav +3800,"Gunshots are ongoing, and intermittent metal clinks are occurring","Gunshot, gunfire",YvruDH_YLaPI.wav,YPMMkPq5jJXY.wav +3801,Clip clops with a distant neigh of a horse and repetitive high pitched vibrations,Horse Clip-clop Animal,YErxgH5g3Kx0.wav,YDNtF_mGzQes.wav +3802,"Snoring is ongoing, and an adult male speaks",Snoring Speech,YPtW0cZVprJQ.wav,YMBP4RcnwGZw.wav +3803,A man is laughing followed by a sheep bleating then man continues to talking,Sheep Bleat Speech,YeNG6fEiAE8c.wav,Ykdflh3akyH8.wav +3804,A bell ringing followed by a clock ticking,Tick-tock Tick,YCMUuelJFJ7Q.wav,YIhvXtS9-IxM.wav +3805,"Slight rattling is ongoing while a mid-size motor vehicle engine runs fast and accelerates, and then gears shift downward",Vehicle Car Car passing by,Yg_P29ucKj78.wav,Yu84FiZ_omhA.wav +3806,A young man talking and a man laughing in the background with a spraying sound.,"Spray Speech Outside, urban or manmade",Yq1ivQ_2fddk.wav,YGuizRlAQ8qQ.wav +3807,A person is snoring,Snoring,YSCow4mpBsGY.wav,YCeRoaEcqUgM.wav +3808,"A motorboat engine is running, and a man speaks","Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",YdP5DbAzTl5M.wav,YDzKjogSVOLM.wav +3809,Birds chirping in the foreground and background as a dog barks in the distance,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YGMP8m09j5vk.wav,YAUJPx81qKtY.wav +3810,A woman is speaking in a quiet environment,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YEvZ3jOMYWxk.wav,YnmLMLgWPmFM.wav +3811,A water faucet flowing then stopping followed by water draining down a pipe,Gurgling,YrjUrB1WUpcI.wav,YESjMIqrvRj4.wav +3812,An adult female speaks as a pan sizzles,Sizzle Frying (food),Y5G6b_QWL3nY.wav,YAj_VMUSNjNM.wav +3813,The whir of an aircraft engine,"Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft Outside, urban or manmade",Y1Og2TJ3bXW0.wav,Y2ymiXjImwGs.wav +3814,A loud engine idling,"Idling Vehicle Inside, large room or hall",YlVr-PxhZo8s.wav,Y0Dt-pH0pW-Y.wav +3815,A digital beep followed by a man speaking,"Beep, bleep",YdJYO3RbBabE.wav,YOTLtzk0W4zg.wav +3816,A man talking as a baby is crying,"Crying, sobbing Speech",YBMayJId0X1s.wav,YZ_smJ66Tb3c.wav +3817,A young girl giving a speech,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YDjKGzOe_COc.wav,Yup2PpjTzyyc.wav +3818,Horns blowing of a passing train,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",YJHhEjsAkZoc.wav,YEvZ3jOMYWxk.wav +3819,A bell chiming as a clock is ticking,Tick-tock Tick,YAizmnCDlXos.wav,YC_ga5m6nOhI.wav +3820,Humming of an idling engine,Vibration Engine Vehicle Car,YkVYNXZd0MMY.wav,YD2Xc_jZllDY.wav +3821,A train horn gets louder as train approaches and passes by,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",YKVbmN9ZRg5Q.wav,YKOBkbROPv4c.wav +3822,Insects buzz faintly with distant chirps of birds and blowing wind,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YMSziND26UTA.wav,YfPqj3nnwQOI.wav +3823,Police sirens wailing as wind blows heavily into a microphone,Emergency vehicle Siren Police car (siren),YAFgGoY8Ihhg.wav,Y7JWHbs3gu1w.wav +3824,A child giggling as something hits the ground and splatters,"Burst, pop",YQv1HXaT-28U.wav,Yj0KvrVE_Oww.wav +3825,Water splashing with a woman speaking,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Bathtub (filling or washing) Water",YBn4lc01q9vE.wav,YeYbFtxZmKL4.wav +3826,A man is talking as water is running and a surface is tapped,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YLVvS3s9dFKw.wav,Y3ejndVEAcmQ.wav +3827,Helicopter flying away,Helicopter,Yram-QPKSQYc.wav,Yf2fSxfvmkZQ.wav +3828,Some rustling followed by a toilet flush,Toilet flush,Yy3-M1sonh3M.wav,Yk1QxQ4jJaEQ.wav +3829,"A lady laughing while a baby cries, then the lady speaks and a couple men also talk as well","Speech Baby cry, infant cry",Yy_OyLW9lBXU.wav,Y8o-Y4QP8LWs.wav +3830,A crowd applauds,Applause,YRNBoH2LHQEM.wav,YP12nvSpKXcs.wav +3831,Clicks followed by a man speaking then typing on a keyboard,Typing,YRrmBGjJqlEo.wav,Y4IeDBwyQ9ZQ.wav +3832,A gun firing several times followed by a revolver chamber spinning and metal clanking as a man talks and a person grunts,"Gunshot, gunfire",YtIM-H2rdq8U.wav,YKVbmN9ZRg5Q.wav +3833,Several gunshots in quick succession,"Gunshot, gunfire",YvruDH_YLaPI.wav,YDrCm-HpX67k.wav +3834,A woman talking before clapping followed by a bird whistling then a woman whistling,Whistling,Ytpm5IOD5d4o.wav,Ykdflh3akyH8.wav +3835,Thunder roaring in the distance as rain falls,Thunder,Y9z2OwpftxUE.wav,YXamQAY_WXRY.wav +3836,Multiple bells ringing,Bell,YZUmZgPL0ges.wav,Y9ZZHvwaH-CU.wav +3837,Crickets chirping during plastic scrapping and an electric device humming,Rustling leaves,Y4pv3w--cRrA.wav,YJQz40TkjymY.wav +3838,Light rain and water dripping followed by thunder,Rain Raindrop Thunderstorm Thunder,YAI1OweEW8C0.wav,YL8dA-2Lu2hY.wav +3839,Sounds of waves and strong winds,"Waves, surf Wind",YlfAFQ0-wDJU.wav,Yd1tL-9BILy8.wav +3840,A group of people laughing followed by a person farting,Laughter,Y_w2pA1VeB40.wav,YPWjEfOkb6ro.wav +3841,A person belching several times as a group of people laugh,"Burping, eructation Speech",YPMMkPq5jJXY.wav,Yl5KdHAWwJCw.wav +3842,A person types on a keyboard at varying speeds,Computer keyboard Typing,Y7-HCqJFwHoI.wav,Y4CAMv5nlr-0.wav +3843,A man speaking with a series of thumping and rubbing on cloth followed by plastic clicking,Typing Speech,YbhlhcGONisM.wav,Yq4YFJA5pFXc.wav +3844,People are talking while a motor vehicle engine is revving,"Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Ye4ph6bIC5zc.wav,Y0qbHT34qTZE.wav +3845,An engine running,"Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Race car, auto racing Car passing by",Yo7-X8DAToGc.wav,Y7fmOlUlwoNg.wav +3846,A goat vocalizing softly and then screaming loudly,"Goat Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YITlqMkR5alY.wav,YJBWJQCS4SvA.wav +3847,A train horn honking as a train is running on a railroad track and wind is blowing into a microphone,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Train whistle Rail transport Train Vehicle",YcFoXRmGgIME.wav,YLCwSUVuTyvg.wav +3848,A female speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y7_smJ8VbfSU.wav,YYqYCDis3EUA.wav +3849,"An adult female laugh while snoring is occurring, and an adult male speaks in the background",Snoring,Y4YodC6RnplI.wav,YGuizRlAQ8qQ.wav +3850,A child crying and a car door closing,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",Y_YS5uKWoB6g.wav,YFhimNYClv40.wav +3851,"A train chugging, a child speaking, and then a female speaking and laughter","Train Speech Child speech, kid speaking",YGOD8Bt5LfDE.wav,YcPiSd5nJLrI.wav +3852,A baby talking and a male speaking,"Bird Speech Pigeon, dove Outside, urban or manmade",YMVGhC-xB79s.wav,YmVjub3o_IxE.wav +3853,An engine running with some birds near the end,Speech Stream,YnmLMLgWPmFM.wav,YkXjzsroVTtw.wav +3854,A power tool drilling as rock music plays,Drill Tools Power tool,YFeHndzYAUkg.wav,Yhzn_wGlzGpU.wav +3855,Water rushing and rippling,Stream,Y4eyY1w2QyM0.wav,Yv59uHr-B1no.wav +3856,Music playing and whooshing is happening,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",Y4_Cak7gvly4.wav,Y9b6RqajfAmw.wav +3857,Gunfire with shouting in background,"Gunshot, gunfire Artillery fire",Y4_DjmCg8Ra8.wav,YWHRnyGXcdy8.wav +3858,An emergency siren wailing as a motorcycle drives by,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,YHg6HxylRGDo.wav,Ya3GzZKxUTy8.wav +3859,A police car with siren blaring approaches and then recedes,Police car (siren) Vehicle Car Car passing by,YAUmY0YRAFQE.wav,YA61Mry8zBwE.wav +3860,A man speaking with light wind followed by brief silence then birds chirping.,"Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet Speech Animal Outside, rural or natural",YbygBWUkpaC8.wav,Yh0M4RS8p_mo.wav +3861,Vibrations from a sewing machine,Sewing machine,YCwxgQS3SXic.wav,YeYbFtxZmKL4.wav +3862,An generator motor buzzing followed by a train horn honking proceeded by a group of men groaning aloud,"Train Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Outside, urban or manmade",Y0UJtGcoPYa0.wav,YIhvXtS9-IxM.wav +3863,A woman whistles and sings,Whistling,YMTaLknnq4wc.wav,Y1Og2TJ3bXW0.wav +3864,A man talking followed by a popping burst then a man screaming proceeded by a crowd of people laughing,"Burst, pop Speech",YVE6Ku0-ucUM.wav,Y7MLERaOgK_Y.wav +3865,A power tool drilling followed by a large motor running as wood is being sawed,Wood,YTWOgvDaDqlU.wav,YztSjcZNUY7A.wav +3866,Pigeons cooing followed by bird wings flapping as wind lightly blows into a microphone,"Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",YnU-AI3Cmc3M.wav,YGPj8h-WcjWs.wav +3867,A toilet flushes,Toilet flush,YQ3vkJMVMbC8.wav,YwAZrOPvul4Y.wav +3868,A loud explosion is followed by laughter and several people cheering and speaking,"Burst, pop Speech",Y77nElZGi5NU.wav,Y_z-bidQYVao.wav +3869,A woman speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y7_smJ8VbfSU.wav,Y466ucPGoNSQ.wav +3870,A person whistling while birds chirp,Bird Whistling,YszkiW0GXEOI.wav,YmYQrjcYNrW0.wav +3871,Birds chirping and rustling,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YGIOApFAWDOc.wav,Yd1tL-9BILy8.wav +3872,An idle motorbike engine running,Idling Engine starting,YB3O476LeuXY.wav,Y1j5NMuq1X30.wav +3873,Digital beeping with a horn honking twice,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car",YoZaEHkfh5Eg.wav,YsJrFyjfrL-g.wav +3874,A vehicle driving then accelerating alongside a series of plastic clicks,Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y0Rpjl1AO-P0.wav,YUE3XnVFodMI.wav +3875,Group of cars are honking their horns and some people are murmuring at the end,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Speech Car",YkagkXkAVPNo.wav,YxnVqvc7N7Po.wav +3876,A vehicle engine revving several times,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YsqsI2UyrcBQ.wav,YfGGYeXR_LS8.wav +3877,Compressed air releasing and metal repeatedly clacking followed by plastic rattling and a young boy talking and then footsteps on grass,"Gunshot, gunfire",YFf8bCCJfVX4.wav,YcN-oYKd-M4E.wav +3878,Water trickling and pouring as a man speaks in the background,Gurgling Speech,YPWjEfOkb6ro.wav,Y_w2pA1VeB40.wav +3879,A woman whispering then talking normally after an infant cries followed by a man shouting,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YIsUG5SKWNZA.wav,YWq4OD3olO2w.wav +3880,Wood lightly shuffling as insects buzz and birds chirp in the background,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect",Yg5l3Bz6lWnc.wav,YErxgH5g3Kx0.wav +3881,A man speaking while beating eggs,"Dishes, pots, and pans",YrN2rpLV3brs.wav,YlfAFQ0-wDJU.wav +3882,An engine running,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",Y35b9BSmN5JM.wav,YARFFw0e_jig.wav +3883,Metal clicking and clacking as a sewing machine slowly operates,Sewing machine,YsJrFyjfrL-g.wav,Yyrxa6_P2I80.wav +3884,Birds chirping together with rustling,"Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",Y9b6RqajfAmw.wav,YQoEal_hKz4Q.wav +3885,A distant explosion followed by steam hissing and fire igniting then a person speaking in the background,"Explosion Burst, pop",YPO8Nu3F8mkA.wav,YHeEa1GZpUGI.wav +3886,A mid-size motor vehicle engine is idling and vibrating,Motor vehicle (road) Idling Vehicle,YyLu4b01t53k.wav,Y4bUL_ttiOdw.wav +3887,Winds and ocean waves crashing while a chime instrument briefly plays a melody,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Ygbi6MxPf3hA.wav,YzIgGMlZENTs.wav +3888,Boat motor buzzes while operating at high throttle,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YqF72bT878gw.wav,YGSHcgY6ATkQ.wav +3889,Continuous gunfire and shells hitting the ground,"Gunshot, gunfire",YHeEa1GZpUGI.wav,YlX3k5p2I_g0.wav +3890,An engine chugging away with some splashes of water,Gurgling,YXZTt1xdK8uQ.wav,Y1N_DtRpdAp8.wav +3891,An idle motorcycle engine running with plastic clacking twice,"Motorcycle Thump, thud Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",Ym_NCf-q4Gn0.wav,Y9BukzlPNqC8.wav +3892,A truck engine running and revving as several vehicle horns honk while a group of people talk in the background,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Speech Car",YkagkXkAVPNo.wav,YNlKlRKz8OKI.wav +3893,A woman is speaking with sizzling background noise,Frying (food),Ypaf0nyjg1Js.wav,YnaPgJvWTIY4.wav +3894,Clicking and vibrations from a sewing machine,Sewing machine,YCwxgQS3SXic.wav,YIJ6pm5Kns8A.wav +3895,Someone snores and others speak and laugh,Snoring Speech,YDn3buZWMzwY.wav,Y77nElZGi5NU.wav +3896,Men are communicating as a motorcycle engine idles,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,YeRU-rABp8nk.wav,Yd6gu2w19YQo.wav +3897,A child speaks followed by scrubbing and spitting,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YZ3wDry8nnJs.wav,YWHRnyGXcdy8.wav +3898,Humming and rustling with a man speaking,Stream,YUCy1BEx8jBE.wav,YJZloTOdIY_c.wav +3899,A man burping then inhaling followed by another burp while wheezing,"Burping, eructation",YXIooZl1QdM4.wav,YWqXFAY4k79s.wav +3900,A dog barking while wind blows into a microphone followed by a man speaking in the distance proceeded by a bicycle pedaling alongside leaves rustling and a camera muffling,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal",Y2EsxcKe1A4w.wav,YNmmbNqmsPaY.wav +3901,"Bird cheeping is ongoing, intermittent soft clucking and trilling is present, and a crow caws once",Bird Duck,Yz1ax0QPpd14.wav,YSCow4mpBsGY.wav +3902,A vehicle engine running and children speaking,Truck Vehicle Speech,YDNtF_mGzQes.wav,Ya3GzZKxUTy8.wav +3903,Food and oil sizzling followed by metal rattling as a man is talking while guitar music plays and water trickles in the background,Frying (food),YQRtuOWWya30.wav,YXi6V0LGvqoo.wav +3904,An aircraft running as wind blows into a microphone as a person sniffles,"Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YUAmDLPjNyMg.wav,YXz56Q2Q5j5c.wav +3905,"A female speech, music and rainfall",Rain Raindrop Rain on surface,Y2RjqBRzmxaM.wav,YtmLAXm1WlnE.wav +3906,Sheep baaing as wind is blowing into a microphone while a crowd of people talk in the background,Sheep Bleat Speech,Y7XUt6sQS7nM.wav,Y3rna9zo5ZOs.wav +3907,A machine motor buzzing and humming,"Drill Tools Inside, small room",Y5I8lmN8rwDM.wav,YdJYO3RbBabE.wav +3908,A woman is speaking as food is sizzling,Sizzle Stir Frying (food),Ym_U506sf9p4.wav,YA61Mry8zBwE.wav +3909,A man speaks nearby and another speaks over the phone,Telephone Speech,YKnsKf9KoNds.wav,YAUJPx81qKtY.wav +3910,A truck engine running followed by a truck horn honking,"Truck Vehicle Outside, rural or natural",Y9dLLsZVRSZI.wav,YeJCaRgf1M20.wav +3911,A series of burping and farting,"Burping, eructation",YPg2cWEnEEvc.wav,YonBZOH88OYs.wav +3912,An idle motorbike engine running while birds chirp in the background and wind blows into a microphone,"Motorcycle Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YeXj9OAik5cc.wav,YaZAXO2WZn84.wav +3913,A clock ticking and gears cranking,Tick-tock,YIFRmbxWK8u0.wav,Ysl_Pxpc7beo.wav +3914,Water moving with male voices soft in the background,"Trickle, dribble",YBlbGXalLNVU.wav,Y5iTRKJqUIw8.wav +3915,A machine is drilling,Drill Tools,Y2msevPMQB4M.wav,Ycz0FSQDVBMw.wav +3916,Cars humming and rumbling as they rev and idle,"Vehicle Speech Car Race car, auto racing",YeUecAF626A8.wav,YkEP-BwMarf8.wav +3917,Music plays in the background as a machine motor hums and liquid is being sprayed,Spray,Y1j5NMuq1X30.wav,Y-EaZ7EJJUl0.wav +3918,A bell ringing followed by a clock ticking,Tick-tock Tick,YCMUuelJFJ7Q.wav,YmW1EpJYcy_E.wav +3919,A man talking while birds chirp in the background followed by a frog squeaking,Frog,Yp_BB_rJaF7Q.wav,YQKHpSAAjakY.wav +3920,Two men communicating with each other as an insect buzzes by while wind blows into a microphone and birds chirp in the distance,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech",YWLzzpzOKtnY.wav,Y0qbHT34qTZE.wav +3921,Water flows and wind flows with seagulls in the distance,"Boat, Water vehicle Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Y0fMXnvD38zI.wav,Y3xDZ-kdGE3o.wav +3922,Wood thumping and rubbing as a man is talking followed by footsteps on a wooden surface,"Wood Speech Inside, small room",YgwQMkQmBITE.wav,YlVr-PxhZo8s.wav +3923,Ducks quacking and man speaking,Bird Honk Duck Speech,YgQMTOKsCIyk.wav,Y3XuyGJqaXv8.wav +3924,Faint quacking of a duck with some light clicks and rustling,Duck Animal,YJTHMXLC9YRs.wav,YyLu4b01t53k.wav +3925,Some light tapping on a computer keyboard and a baby crying,"Crying, sobbing",YpaetCbEqp2w.wav,YjjHIINDfE1c.wav +3926,Rattling is followed by pigeon wing flapping and vocalization,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room",YMjSegUnQXr4.wav,YyL3gKa6YLoM.wav +3927,Scratching noises accompanied by a female voice,Speech Oink,YE9zN3-C64KE.wav,YcK2kSVR1d2o.wav +3928,Humming of an idling engine,Motor vehicle (road) Idling Vehicle,YyLu4b01t53k.wav,YWmDe2xbnSY4.wav +3929,Clicking and crinkling with people speaking,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling Inside, small room",YqPYwp1K4sZE.wav,Y7MLERaOgK_Y.wav +3930,A vehicle engine is idling along with low crinkling noises and birds are chirping from a distance,Bus Vehicle Speech,Yk4XyfaWVLEY.wav,YZsTZ7jqbd9M.wav +3931,Mechanical humming followed by meowing,"Domestic animals, pets Meow",YjXkLS_QzUrI.wav,Yd6gu2w19YQo.wav +3932,A pig snorting as dogs are growling and breathing heavily while grass and leaves rustle,Oink,Y4UPOUGVMlEs.wav,YuJzAf4PaExI.wav +3933,Loud pops followed by rustling,"Burst, pop",YAf4a-9rcnP0.wav,YLB6CZ0x-kns.wav +3934,A whoosh and some humming followed by feet squeaking and men speaking in the distance with a man speaking nearby,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",YrvtA7c1I4xo.wav,YPb6MqpdX5Jw.wav +3935,A dog barks quickly,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",YptIksg9KEac.wav,Ym_U506sf9p4.wav +3936,Many pigeons cooing and flapping,"Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",Y9b6RqajfAmw.wav,YrjUrB1WUpcI.wav +3937,Loud bursts and pops with men speaking,"Gunshot, gunfire Artillery fire",Y4_DjmCg8Ra8.wav,Y3IScngdQA4I.wav +3938,Clip clops of a horse with buzzing and a neigh,Horse Clip-clop Animal,YErxgH5g3Kx0.wav,Y1slvoNgzBLE.wav +3939,Dogs whimpering then a bark and a growl,"Domestic animals, pets Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",YpHNMcX-9FDs.wav,YgQMTOKsCIyk.wav +3940,A man talking followed by a vehicle accelerating then two men talking as rain falls on a surface,Rain Rain on surface,YAgh2EKINlSw.wav,Y-SkjbQVgJ0M.wav +3941,A woman is speaking while food being fried is sizzling,Stir Frying (food),YxYwpABpZed4.wav,YMOxddxW5PXs.wav +3942,A race car is racing and skidding,"Skidding Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YbX2vDaHL26U.wav,YLs1zyPjs3k8.wav +3943,Heavy wind followed by yelling and cheering,Gurgling Speech,Yn4VktYihtJU.wav,YszkiW0GXEOI.wav +3944,A man talking followed by goats baaing then a cow mooing,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",Yc3nlaAkv9bA.wav,YFeHndzYAUkg.wav +3945,A metal clack followed by a horse neighing as gusts of wind blow and birds chirp in the background,"Horse Neigh, whinny Speech Animal",YJhGp7HmRQxg.wav,Y0a9wVat2PWk.wav +3946,Steam hissing followed by a train whistle blowing and a group of people talking in the background,Steam whistle Steam Hiss,Y9_YfTz8cnFY.wav,YJBWJQCS4SvA.wav +3947,Race car engine slows while whining,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Yhzn_wGlzGpU.wav,Y3XuyGJqaXv8.wav +3948,Church bells tolling as wind blows into a microphone and rain falls on a surface,Bell,YwOFBldBFRNk.wav,Y-NrFeH-kBSM.wav +3949,Loud banging followed by one louder bang with some static,"Explosion Burst, pop",Y63KW_EQ72yU.wav,Y3XcIVh40pTI.wav +3950,Repeated ticking culminates in a sliding click,Tick-tock Tick,YY3lNEe-ZGF0.wav,YIvg_q4t-3w0.wav +3951,Ticking of a clock,Tick-tock Tick,YpTJKJxaheI8.wav,YrbO727iF03I.wav +3952,A baby cries followed by a woman speaking,"Crying, sobbing Speech Baby cry, infant cry Inside, small room",YQ0anPAIkfBE.wav,YFf8bCCJfVX4.wav +3953,People laugh on a bus while brakes squeal,Bus Vehicle Speech,YQOmV7O9mFwg.wav,Y8b9z7N25DmU.wav +3954,A motorbike engine running as multiple car horns honk and a car alarm rings in the distance,Motor vehicle (road) Motorcycle Vehicle Car,Yi2yhbckq3p0.wav,YZ0IrCa4MvOA.wav +3955,A vehicle motor stuttering before starting as metal rapidly rattles,Motor vehicle (road) Engine Vehicle Car,YnlC4UI4hZ60.wav,YtB8TiiXwKmA.wav +3956,Female talking follow by the bleating of a sheep,Sheep Bleat Speech,Yazh_-OkQ-uI.wav,YP12nvSpKXcs.wav +3957,An infant crying as clothes rustle,"Crying, sobbing",YVkbp8VmL3pM.wav,Y9HVgYs8OOLc.wav +3958,Emergency vehicle driving with siren on,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Bus Speech",Y2ymiXjImwGs.wav,YlX3k5p2I_g0.wav +3959,Sneezing followed by a ticking clock and a man speaking,Sneeze,Yf8WPf5F22xI.wav,YErxgH5g3Kx0.wav +3960,A vehicle driving as gusts of wind blows and an emergency sirens sounds in the distance followed by fiberglass clanking,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Yhzn_wGlzGpU.wav,YGMP8m09j5vk.wav +3961,A steam engine running on railroad tracks as steam releases and hissing while a man talks in the background,Steam Hiss,YSE_3nszEw7o.wav,Y0AsXkZkqelg.wav +3962,A motor humming as wood is being scrapped and sanded,Tools Wood,YXz56Q2Q5j5c.wav,YGkb4f6yodPE.wav +3963,A baby cries while an adult male speaks,"Crying, sobbing Speech",YBMayJId0X1s.wav,YmUGmCSNETcg.wav +3964,A dog whimpering followed by laughing and barking.,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Chicken, rooster Speech Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",Yhrv6fwnmBkY.wav,Ykx6Rj4MDIAw.wav +3965,"Metal clinks five times, a coin drops, knocking on glass occurs, a coin drops again, and a small child speaks","Coin (dropping) Dishes, pots, and pans",YTSnq6n8tElo.wav,Y0a9wVat2PWk.wav +3966,A man speaking with slapping on a wooden surface as compressed air hisses in the background,Wood Speech,YI4HpYGMMsz4.wav,YL6rnV0oNIII.wav +3967,"Hissing is ongoing while an adult male speaks, and two thumps occur",Wood Speech,YI4HpYGMMsz4.wav,Y9z2OwpftxUE.wav +3968,A woman is speaking as dishes tap a surface followed by a spray hissing sound,"Dishes, pots, and pans Speech Inside, small room",YBoe3MeEpn_c.wav,YJTHMXLC9YRs.wav +3969,A woman coughing and sneezing,Sneeze,YmJ6ZO3xEcgw.wav,YVkbp8VmL3pM.wav +3970,A young girl speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YDjKGzOe_COc.wav,YCvNAwby6Xos.wav +3971,A burp followed by laughter and speech,"Burping, eructation Speech",Y9ucb5HYO8ps.wav,Y3wV3ST-c4PE.wav +3972,Insects buzzing and birds chirping as a man talks followed by a loud plastic popping,"Bee, wasp, etc. Hammer Insect Fly, housefly",YiOCpICiu4LA.wav,YROootH-mtEI.wav +3973,Sewing machine running then slowing to a stop followed by starting again,Sewing machine,Yii3Geza3hAU.wav,YPtW0cZVprJQ.wav +3974,A vehicle engine and speech,Bus Vehicle Speech,YEbpOXac13yo.wav,Y5K1mISHwggI.wav +3975,Horns honking repeatedly and a beeping sound,Bus Vehicle Speech,YEcihYbSlyck.wav,YcPiSd5nJLrI.wav +3976,Female speech and rubbing,Rub,YmlnUJH4BQnk.wav,YOUUckswAaNI.wav +3977,An engine revving,"Engine Whoosh, swoosh, swish Vehicle Car",YFi4-IqJo2xQ.wav,YmaVYiednkSg.wav +3978,Light footsteps and doves cooing,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room",Ye2rScj9UyMs.wav,YyVjivgsU2aA.wav +3979,A horn and then an engine revving,"Motor vehicle (road) Truck Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking",YCefFMA3klxk.wav,Yhrv6fwnmBkY.wav +3980,A cat meows and a door creaks,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Animal",Y0_K6OKtoBBU.wav,YbUTOsLXYyxg.wav +3981,"Loud, continuous applause",Applause Crowd,Y5eSRL3PRHzo.wav,Y6dLkgq9EKPE.wav +3982,Rapid typing and then a bell ringing one time,Typing Rattle Typewriter,Yt1hj7se76wQ.wav,Yhrv6fwnmBkY.wav +3983,A vehicle is making a thudding noise,"Motorcycle Thump, thud Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",Ym_NCf-q4Gn0.wav,Y5iTRKJqUIw8.wav +3984,Waves crash on a beach while the wind blows,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean",Y1e98HeU9Vrg.wav,YSZ6CcXINiiE.wav +3985,A group of pigeons cooing,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room Outside, rural or natural",Y_BSmz3SEW1w.wav,Ybgbnu5YKTDg.wav +3986,"A woman speaks quietly during a louder, sharp crinkling sound","Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YkEP-BwMarf8.wav,YZ0IrCa4MvOA.wav +3987,Sirens blaring passes by and then diminishes in the distance,Police car (siren) Vehicle Car Car passing by,YAUmY0YRAFQE.wav,YUXGzbBGbqAA.wav +3988,Digital humming and buzzing followed by scratching,"Beep, bleep",YLs1zyPjs3k8.wav,YyVVLq4ao1Ck.wav +3989,A helicopter is in motion,Helicopter,Yyau2WIRkxb8.wav,YJmWaRt8-u0s.wav +3990,People start cheering and hollering once a gun shot is fired,"Burst, pop Speech",Y77nElZGi5NU.wav,YBA-lFjpzad4.wav +3991,A man speaking on the phone to another person,Telephone Speech,YKnsKf9KoNds.wav,YO90Qy2xG6oA.wav +3992,A man talking as a vehicle drives by as rain patters on a hard surface,Vehicle Speech Car Car passing by,Y-SkjbQVgJ0M.wav,YB4SZwi9Ce3o.wav +3993,"A mid-size motor vehicle engine is running and accelerating, tires squeal, and hissing occurs","Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Y2JV3emH50XU.wav,YZ_smJ66Tb3c.wav +3994,People talk and rustle then knocking,Door Knock Speech,Y7cHRSfbp7tc.wav,Ya_Rjlu50TfA.wav +3995,Frogs croak near and far with chirping distant bugs,Frog,Yv59uHr-B1no.wav,YMkbP_8zJwXU.wav +3996,A man speaking through an intercom while a helicopter is flying before and after a series of gunshots firing,"Gunshot, gunfire",Ybgbnu5YKTDg.wav,YLs2vrr9TamU.wav +3997,"Large metal bells are clanging in different tones, and each ring pattern is echoed once",Bell,YwOFBldBFRNk.wav,Y41D0yXSBqfI.wav +3998,Clanking together with childbearing hollering and speaking,"Laughter Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",Y83j4GgHXTLE.wav,YIvfaKPDWC00.wav +3999,Humming of a small engine passing by,Helicopter,Y5ORpSk5CIWc.wav,Y3xDZ-kdGE3o.wav +4000,Rustling and adult male speech and footsteps,Horse Speech Animal,YFfUqv0Vv3ME.wav,YqakN0JNbpcU.wav +4001,Water flowing and splashing,Stream,YfPqj3nnwQOI.wav,Y-NrFeH-kBSM.wav +4002,A young child cries as people speak,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YzEM94PH29VQ.wav,Y3wrdPAeqjVI.wav +4003,Hard planks click together and an electric saw cuts material,Sawing Rub Wood,YGkb4f6yodPE.wav,Y6Nvu6EcpdE8.wav +4004,An electronic motor rumbling followed by a man talking and pressurized air spraying then a louder electronic motor rumbling,Spray Speech,YmaVYiednkSg.wav,YLs1zyPjs3k8.wav +4005,A man speaking as wind blows through foliage and on a microphone,"Male speech, man speaking Rustling leaves Speech",YfmEft49sPfE.wav,YWmDe2xbnSY4.wav +4006,"A fire truck engine runs and the siren is blowing but stops, traffic is present, the fire truck horn honks twice, and the siren begins again","Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",YYNDKuNINDOY.wav,YTSnq6n8tElo.wav +4007,"Clattering of a train is ongoing, a railroad crossing bell rings, and a train horn blows","Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train",YYQSuFyFm3Lc.wav,YkXjzsroVTtw.wav +4008,A person snoring,Snoring,YfBYDJWChe5c.wav,YeXj9OAik5cc.wav +4009,A woman and child speak while birds call,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YBUAPM4D3-h8.wav,Ylq9RvAA4mqY.wav +4010,A main is smoothly speaking over a loud faint noise,Idling Vehicle Speech Engine starting,Y6Nvu6EcpdE8.wav,YAizmnCDlXos.wav +4011,A train engine running as bells chime followed by a lawn mower running then a steam engine running while a steam whistle blows and a crowd of people talk in the background,Steam Hiss,YaZAXO2WZn84.wav,YAxd__X2rixk.wav +4012,"Ocean waves are repeatedly splashing on shore, and a gentle wind is blowing","Waves, surf Wind Ocean",Y1e98HeU9Vrg.wav,Yvsy1IpYmrSY.wav +4013,Metal clacking sharply several times as water drains down a pipe followed by metal rattling,Gurgling,Yific_gRalg0.wav,Y8BPTQO_cx7E.wav +4014,A child screaming and laughing as a woman talks and giggles followed by thumping on a wooden surface,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YHkbCUN4V3TU.wav,YOr7umk40TZA.wav +4015,Computer keyboard clicks as typing occurs,Computer keyboard Typing,YDAN1t9ukkg0.wav,Yl5KdHAWwJCw.wav +4016,A man talking as a power tool motor runs followed by the buzzing of an electric sanding machine,Tools Wood Speech,Y-JP1GqPEKtw.wav,YyVVLq4ao1Ck.wav +4017,Metallic clanging occurs as door slides,Door Sliding door,Y3n05BjV7r7M.wav,YeXj9OAik5cc.wav +4018,"Plastic crumpling and crinkling are ongoing, and an adult male speaks","Speech Crumpling, crinkling Inside, small room",YhJtOGmN_KVw.wav,YvfNKduToki4.wav +4019,"A train engine is operating, rhythmic vibrating, clacking and clattering are ongoing, and a train whistle blows three times","Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y27HIamF8pKo.wav,YV8A0VRGdgwM.wav +4020,Typing on a computer keyboard,Computer keyboard Typing,YuY4fe5DT1gI.wav,YAgaiowyYt88.wav +4021,A vehicle driving and revving several times as tires skid and wind blows into a microphone,Motor vehicle (road) Skidding Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y-oy0BkpMGAk.wav,YrN2rpLV3brs.wav +4022,Music plays briefly and wind blows and birds sing in background,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Ygbi6MxPf3hA.wav,YmVjub3o_IxE.wav +4023,Oinking pig and barking dog followed by man speaking,"Bark Bow-wow Speech Dog Growling Animal Outside, rural or natural",YSNIaYhri76w.wav,YIvg_q4t-3w0.wav +4024,"An adult female speaks in the foreground, while sizzling is ongoing and metal thumps occur",Stir Frying (food),YxYwpABpZed4.wav,YTQr9v-PQOc4.wav +4025,A man talking as metal pots clang while water pours from a faucet followed by water trickling,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YLVvS3s9dFKw.wav,YMOxddxW5PXs.wav +4026,Snorting and breathing,Oink,Y4UPOUGVMlEs.wav,YlTJLvSvjUZk.wav +4027,Laughing and speech with a sheep bleat,Sheep Bleat Speech,YeNG6fEiAE8c.wav,YWmDe2xbnSY4.wav +4028,"A man is talking, and food is frying","Speech Frying (food) Inside, small room",Y_9mgOkzm-xg.wav,Yy-RSojxgkDo.wav +4029,Pigeons are making grunting sounds and snapping beaks,"Bird Pigeon, dove Inside, small room Outside, rural or natural",Y_BSmz3SEW1w.wav,Yzq00Oe1ecpE.wav +4030,Male speech and footsteps,Horse Speech Animal,YFfUqv0Vv3ME.wav,YyfYNPWs7mWY.wav +4031,"Railroad rail clicky-clack, metallic vibration, and steam hissing occur",Hiss,Ykx6Rj4MDIAw.wav,YqPYwp1K4sZE.wav +4032,A drone flying near and far,Helicopter,Y5ORpSk5CIWc.wav,Y3XuyGJqaXv8.wav +4033,A young boy talking as a baby is yelling with several slaps on a hard surface,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YfsBR7e_X_0Y.wav,YPWjEfOkb6ro.wav +4034,A woman speaks with distant goats bleating and wind blowing,"Domestic animals, pets Sheep Bleat Animal",YOFVzrakJhbw.wav,YwVi5w_NU6CM.wav +4035,Music plays while two men speak each other with dishes clanking and food sizzling,Stir Frying (food),YSQHYl2Kp5ww.wav,YxYwpABpZed4.wav +4036,An electronic device buzzing followed by paper tearing and then crumpling as a bell rings before a toilet flushes,Toilet flush Water,YrUq4w4EUSWA.wav,Yc6YJgZ3qzOw.wav +4037,A man talking as people yell in the distance followed by a man shouting loudly then a series of gunshots firing,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",Yp9qRTh4BmSE.wav,YXIooZl1QdM4.wav +4038,An engine running and then revving,Motor vehicle (road) Engine Vehicle,Y5xC4hkAWiao.wav,Y5K1mISHwggI.wav +4039,Rain pouring on a solid surface followed by a vehicle driving by in the distance,Rain Raindrop Rain on surface,YbAqgL5dCQOE.wav,Y1HCuBnPLMqQ.wav +4040,A man speaking over an intercom as a crowd of people talk followed by a dog barking,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal",Y3XuyGJqaXv8.wav,YfmEft49sPfE.wav +4041,"A car accelerates in order to drive, a screech occurs as the wheels spin before taking off","Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YS_3aeOvniZc.wav,Y8DQfjqPCTI8.wav +4042,Insects buzzing followed by a man talking,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YZNEZLlDVgrE.wav,Yii3Geza3hAU.wav +4043,A person whistling followed by metal rattling in the background,Whistling,Yjlwe9jtu5Gw.wav,YxbLW9Wt1Jsg.wav +4044,A pop and rattle occurs and then a child giggles,"Burst, pop",YQv1HXaT-28U.wav,Y_w2pA1VeB40.wav +4045,A goat vocalizing and male speech,Goat Speech Animal,Yvigslb0kClE.wav,YRp4Ct_TQvAM.wav +4046,A train horn honking followed by a train running on railroad tracks,"Subway, metro, underground Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train",YelztUCeNQvQ.wav,YbJMMp6PLKqM.wav +4047,"Man speaking, rain, thunder",Rain Thunder Rain on surface,Y-EQByFLFqig.wav,YfYTZVxQ8LJk.wav +4048,Vibrations and rattling with distant hums and honks,Bus Vehicle Speech,YEcihYbSlyck.wav,Y2ErfX6ZT5pM.wav +4049,A truck engine revving followed by tires skidding as a crowd of people talk in the background,Truck Skidding Vehicle,YqZEIs6tS5vk.wav,YCBwXKOpJY_o.wav +4050,A toy helicopter flying then powering down before powering up,Helicopter,YAWGnTI0e2Fs.wav,Y-mhFGevxLUg.wav +4051,A person heavily breathing as wood creaks and ducks quack,Duck Animal,YJTHMXLC9YRs.wav,YBXxlqaDvdaA.wav +4052,Pigeons coo and flap their wings,"Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",YgkWd1HugK2w.wav,YIFRmbxWK8u0.wav +4053,"A mechanical beeping tone followed by static, then the return of the beeping","Beep, bleep",YLs1zyPjs3k8.wav,Y096oTVzc5Gs.wav +4054,A series of distorted burps followed by non-distorted burps,"Burping, eructation",YARFFw0e_jig.wav,Y1HCuBnPLMqQ.wav +4055,Humming and vibrating of engines,Spray,YljrL7Cb-jr8.wav,Y9HVgYs8OOLc.wav +4056,Thunder crashes followed by silence,Thunder,YEp72tyiL3as.wav,YOVQMFBeCHq0.wav +4057,Fast and loud typing on computer keyboard,Computer keyboard Typing,YBz9Y5nZK3eo.wav,Y3hzy-FL24no.wav +4058,Humming of a distant jet engine passing,"Aircraft engine Vehicle Speech Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YVOXl8iR-HnI.wav,YYIqpIjjee00.wav +4059,A man briefly talks followed by a drilling sound on wood,"Drill Tools Wood Speech Inside, small room",YoN0IcZaHD_8.wav,YtmLAXm1WlnE.wav +4060,Wind blowing with the distant humming of a jet engine,Aircraft engine Vehicle Speech Aircraft,YjYPU6aSDo88.wav,YHdPSebdDxe4.wav +4061,Water flowing through pipes,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Trickle, dribble Water",YZ0IrCa4MvOA.wav,YcFoXRmGgIME.wav +4062,An engine chugging with muffled speech,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech Medium engine (mid frequency),YJmWaRt8-u0s.wav,Ypaf0nyjg1Js.wav +4063,"A two-tone electronic alarm is ongoing, while an adult female is speaking in the foreground and birds are chirping in the background","Beep, bleep Alarm Speech",Y5QZ0NtdoKJ8.wav,YnmLMLgWPmFM.wav +4064,People talking with the dull roar of a vehicle on the road,Bus Vehicle Speech,Y--0w1YA1Hm4.wav,Y7XUt6sQS7nM.wav +4065,Ambient horror music plays as birds chirp and frogs croak,Croak Frog,YE3D_z0aoUEg.wav,Y40cuHrYfaqA.wav +4066,A baby is crying,"Baby cry, infant cry",Y4bUL_ttiOdw.wav,YXL8JV9qXGLE.wav +4067,A flock of sheep baaing,"Sheep Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YLKhokVsJhN0.wav,Yoklu5ZJD_2U.wav +4068,A slide whistle followed by typing on a computer keyboard and a computer mouse clicking as a man is talking while woodwind music plays in the background,Computer keyboard Typing Speech,Y8GHLfJ6y6zA.wav,Ytpm5IOD5d4o.wav +4069,"Rain is falling, splashing on a surface and gurgling, and thunder crashes",Rain Raindrop Thunderstorm Thunder,YAI1OweEW8C0.wav,YOMGHnJV0l2U.wav +4070,Several church bells ringing,Bell,YH7rd9bZtbgc.wav,YmlnUJH4BQnk.wav +4071,High pitched continuous drilling that slows down,Drill,YGuizRlAQ8qQ.wav,Yjlwe9jtu5Gw.wav +4072,Water rushing loudly while a man yells in the background,Rustling leaves Speech,YXQxIXaX_7M0.wav,YkLYCjD6vWI4.wav +4073,"A loud, continuous horn followed by brief clanking and more horn honking","Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Train whistle Rail transport Train Vehicle Outside, rural or natural",Y0yETgW44MZU.wav,Y13CBvjHZhOA.wav +4074,A racing vehicle driving in the distance then driving by as a crowd of people talk in the background followed by a horn honking while wind blows into a microphone,"Vehicle Speech Car Race car, auto racing Outside, rural or natural",YWUyeFOyKIg0.wav,YUQtBt6CQpwg.wav +4075,A woman sneezes and then sniffles several times,Sneeze,YxqtrbqDlz28.wav,YHdxfbpnd2-8.wav +4076,Applause with distant speech and cheering,Applause Speech,YUE3XnVFodMI.wav,YC9NC7wJ7C3w.wav +4077,Low humming of an idling and accelerating engine,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YRtenf2XSXRc.wav,YA2mcp0N__7U.wav +4078,A man speaks while birds flap,"Bird Speech Pigeon, dove Inside, large room or hall",Yorgwzt45ojE.wav,Y8ZH_PoK0clI.wav +4079,A bus engine accelerating followed by a man talking then a woman speaking in the background,Bus Vehicle Speech,Yhmd6pa2e_rs.wav,Y8nUqSYC66mI.wav +4080,A dog barking and growling followed by a man talking in the background,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",Y40cuHrYfaqA.wav,YpCQEWAFGEjc.wav +4081,A woman is speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YCM49C3RkzV8.wav,YPb6MqpdX5Jw.wav +4082,A rustling followed by a soulful whistling,Whistling,YLWng-4PDzPM.wav,Y9U8COLzEegs.wav +4083,A man talking as a kid talks in the distance while machine squeaks in the background.,"Water tap, faucet Speech Inside, small room",YmVjub3o_IxE.wav,YZ7yDwpdGelM.wav +4084,Young child speaking with giggling,Frog,YS0SQyFXbqF8.wav,YFKaJsvcyHTk.wav +4085,Engine sounds with a man speaking,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,YndxkSQKxaak.wav,YQt0_xTadAT0.wav +4086,Burping and laughing from girls who then speak,"Burping, eructation Speech",Y9ucb5HYO8ps.wav,YRfGapDlAYoQ.wav +4087,A male speaking,Tick-tock Speech,YArHiac57pVk.wav,Yf8WPf5F22xI.wav +4088,Two piano notes and percussion are repeating rhythmically to imitate a ticktock,Tick-tock,YTwR8BA6buMI.wav,YAUmY0YRAFQE.wav +4089,A man speaking followed by a woman talking in the distance as a faucet pours water and birds chirp in the background,"Water tap, faucet Speech Inside, small room",YmVjub3o_IxE.wav,Ytpm5IOD5d4o.wav +4090,Water trickling several times,"Trickle, dribble Water",YnLtNjMimLE0.wav,YUhCzD6EBJBU.wav +4091,"A child cries continually, while a motor vehicle engine runs quietly and several adult females and adult males speak","Bus Crying, sobbing Vehicle Speech",YH7-orYrKBeo.wav,Y1_z6NcidGzM.wav +4092,Repeated snoring and then a gasp,Snoring,YF7QtqKtllK0.wav,YPVvi2SDOjVc.wav +4093,Continuous spray,Spray,YDc2WEiRk0rA.wav,YZY4aGEniU_E.wav +4094,Rustling and soft speech and then a clock chimes,Tick-tock Speech,YXWw7ZM1c_QA.wav,Y_duNX6Vyd6g.wav +4095,A man talking then a young boy talking followed by a loud pop as pigeons coo and bird wings flap,"Bird Speech Pigeon, dove Inside, small room",Y9HVgYs8OOLc.wav,YptIksg9KEac.wav +4096,A man shouting before and after a person belches,"Burping, eructation Speech Inside, small room",Y4lv9aLXtud0.wav,YyhDw7PZje3g.wav +4097,Rain and thunder,Rain Thunderstorm Thunder,YLbken4JCr94.wav,Y4sb9jN0SgTM.wav +4098,Crying and then a sneeze and speech,"Crying, sobbing Speech",Y6aWnK1GyeJY.wav,Y4ftDFi4684Y.wav +4099,A man laughing followed by a child screaming then another child laughing before a kid talks proceeded by a man shushing and talking softly,"Laughter Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",Y83j4GgHXTLE.wav,YwFiCblfZ-vg.wav +4100,A gurgling noise followed by a sewing machine sewing material,Speech Sewing machine,YUQtBt6CQpwg.wav,Y_z6pymOet7g.wav +4101,Humming noise with clock tick-tocking,Tick-tock Tick,YsI7_ycEYzAY.wav,Y2bq2lc3DLwM.wav +4102,Wind blows and birds chirp with ocean waves in the background,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",YJBWJQCS4SvA.wav,YinSvboaSRwA.wav +4103,A toilet flushes followed by another toilet flushing,Toilet flush,YQ3vkJMVMbC8.wav,Y4bUL_ttiOdw.wav +4104,A person whistling,Whistling,YL8dA-2Lu2hY.wav,YLVvS3s9dFKw.wav +4105,A woman is performing a speech,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YEvZ3jOMYWxk.wav,Yjf4iyQPJSvk.wav +4106,An engine revving,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YEBCH7TPgiPc.wav,Ytpm5IOD5d4o.wav +4107,A chainsaw running and crackling,Chainsaw Wood,Y-R69Fa-mCaY.wav,Ym_U506sf9p4.wav +4108,A siren with people talking in the background,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Bus Speech",Y2ymiXjImwGs.wav,Yp_BB_rJaF7Q.wav +4109,An electric motor buzzing as a man is talking followed by a door closing,Drill Speech,Ylh801oHGtD4.wav,Yeu5bq0A3XVQ.wav +4110,Water splashing followed by a duck quacking then a person laughing as water splashes,Quack Duck Animal,YrINmxSXMR-s.wav,Yy3-M1sonh3M.wav +4111,Water running and then stopping,Gurgling,YrjUrB1WUpcI.wav,YXJba7pTbpD0.wav +4112,An engine idles loudly,Applause,Y0AsXkZkqelg.wav,Yp_BB_rJaF7Q.wav +4113,A dog whimpering followed by footsteps shuffling and tapping then a dog growling as a motor hums in the background,"Canidae, dogs, wolves Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal",YXi6V0LGvqoo.wav,YBDpU2Qh77NE.wav +4114,Two plastic clicks followed by sheep baaing as birds chirp in the distance and wind blows into a microphone,"Sheep Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YcN-oYKd-M4E.wav,YYNDKuNINDOY.wav +4115,Typing on a keyboard as a man is talking,Computer keyboard Typing Speech,Y0ury8KHQdL4.wav,YSNy_axSCoyw.wav +4116,A crowd of people talking then applauding as a man speaks over an intercom,Clip-clop Speech Animal,YA61Mry8zBwE.wav,YTd2EEDdFlRY.wav +4117,A train blows its horn several times,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train",Y59VP93Tzjmg.wav,YPLHXGDnig4M.wav +4118,Humming of a passing vehicle with a honking engine and wind blowing,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Outside, rural or natural",YjjHIINDfE1c.wav,YZsf2YvJfCKw.wav +4119,A sewing machine running then stopping as a man talks followed by a metal click then a soft electronic beep and another metal click,Speech Sewing machine,YhxbmDeNSO6Q.wav,Y3qrVku794u0.wav +4120,A baby cries continuously,"Baby cry, infant cry",Y4bUL_ttiOdw.wav,Y4CAMv5nlr-0.wav +4121,Faint low vibrations and humming,Vibration,YH-vTZh81qAU.wav,YajheseWZmmU.wav +4122,Thunder roaring in the distance as rain lightly pours and a man yells followed by another man humming,Thunder,YrvDcg9DoNKA.wav,Y4_Cak7gvly4.wav +4123,A dog whimpering followed by a dog growling and barking as metal jingles and footsteps squeak on hard surface,"Canidae, dogs, wolves Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal",YXi6V0LGvqoo.wav,YQt0_xTadAT0.wav +4124,A man speaking with intermittent second man voice and white noise.,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YwFiCblfZ-vg.wav,YXrJcmftCY04.wav +4125,Typing on a typewriter followed by a bell chiming,Typing Rattle Typewriter,Yt1hj7se76wQ.wav,Y2UNuMbxz9ds.wav +4126,An infant crying followed by a child speaking in the background then a young woman talking,"Crying, sobbing Speech",YMTIF_l_8d4Q.wav,Yhmd6pa2e_rs.wav +4127,A muffled bus engine running as a woman speaks over an intercom,Bus Vehicle Speech,YGPj8h-WcjWs.wav,Y3XuyGJqaXv8.wav +4128,"Water is trickling as birds chirp, and soft beats of a bass drum begin to occur","Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YHxZADVzNIqs.wav,Yir1XTdyt4IY.wav +4129,Humming and rattling followed by distant warning bells and the horn of an oncoming train,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train",YYQSuFyFm3Lc.wav,Y4pv3w--cRrA.wav +4130,Bees buzz and birds call followed by man speaking,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",Yjj2RyNDj7no.wav,Y_z-bidQYVao.wav +4131,Glass clanking followed by liquid shaking in a plastic container then liquid pouring and filling a container proceeded by plastic rattling as someone chews a loud,"Water tap, faucet Water",YgW7s3YAthpI.wav,YCh0LMmhBUg4.wav +4132,A vehicle passes by,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Y2JV3emH50XU.wav,YCbe2B6ohBpw.wav +4133,"A child shouts, and adult male speaks, and an emergency vehicle siren sounds and the horn blows","Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",Y31WGUPOYS5g.wav,YkXjzsroVTtw.wav +4134,Man and woman talking,"Conversation Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y1GgEpRZDWN0.wav,Yh5_1pnkl_SY.wav +4135,An adult male speaking through a microphone on a stage while an audience laughs at him,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y0G7rb74R-2A.wav,YDNtF_mGzQes.wav +4136,A man talking as a swam of insects buzz,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YAUJPx81qKtY.wav,YqWYncqPSy9A.wav +4137,White noise and slow tick locking with brief coughing,Tick-tock Tick,YpTJKJxaheI8.wav,YL_CNz9Vrtkw.wav +4138,Short rapid vibrations of a sewing machine,Speech Sewing machine,YUQtBt6CQpwg.wav,Y27HIamF8pKo.wav +4139,Water flows and splashes,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Trickle, dribble Water",YZ0IrCa4MvOA.wav,YbLZFtoWXYTA.wav +4140,A woman talks followed by a buzzing bee right before a man and woman take turns talking,"Insect Mosquito Fly, housefly",YqWYncqPSy9A.wav,YBL8ksJ0sTXk.wav +4141,"An adult female and adult male speak in the foreground, slight clattering is occurring, and an animal bleats in the background",Sheep Bleat Speech,YD9GHUPGWsV0.wav,YL_CNz9Vrtkw.wav +4142,A child singing with consistent clanking followed by silence then tapping and speech,Sewing machine,Y7MLERaOgK_Y.wav,Yz4MeV9IGVo0.wav +4143,Water trickles down continuously,"Trickle, dribble Water Waterfall Outside, rural or natural",Yjf4iyQPJSvk.wav,Ya_Rjlu50TfA.wav +4144,A man speaks followed by a tools drilling wood,"Drill Tools Wood Speech Inside, small room",YoN0IcZaHD_8.wav,YBOB65Nd0pXo.wav +4145,An upbeat whistling,Whistling,YsCzRVvu9XeY.wav,Yj_NSuPnx5LA.wav +4146,"An animal makes squeaking noises with buzzing background sounds, and a dog barks",Oink,YNwoBDrTlbTI.wav,Yv59uHr-B1no.wav +4147,A goat baaing normally before and after a goat screaming,Goat,YVMsbrcHPBfk.wav,YmlnUJH4BQnk.wav +4148,Sanding and scraping followed by a man speaking,Filing (rasp) Rub,YTgxst7Ft9js.wav,YinSvboaSRwA.wav +4149,Tapping followed by water running,"Water tap, faucet Water",Y6ukYSXzfEgQ.wav,Y5ye0X5saadg.wav +4150,A man speaking then whistling,Whistling,YHdxfbpnd2-8.wav,YTgxst7Ft9js.wav +4151,Woman speaking to meowing cat,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Speech Animal",Y-NsC63dA01g.wav,Yk4XyfaWVLEY.wav +4152,Birds chirping in the distance followed by people speaking and a camera click,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YBDpU2Qh77NE.wav,YRk-ujWKzPuc.wav +4153,"A tool motor is humming, and metal whirring and grinding are occurring",Drill Tools,YzEaGx6an4es.wav,Y2KR0C5ysO8o.wav +4154,"A cat meows and thumps occur twice, while talking is present in the far background","Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow",Y2sZhC_mKeic.wav,YwrQDkX0NbTA.wav +4155,Male speaking with sword clanging followed by a females giggle,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",YIdBDl9Wr51A.wav,YmWqH2xwjkYA.wav +4156,A saw blade blaring,Drill Tools,YzEaGx6an4es.wav,YPRUfwpmYwJ8.wav +4157,Sheep vocalizing nearby and in the distance.,"Sheep Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YcN-oYKd-M4E.wav,YDjKGzOe_COc.wav +4158,"Hissing occurs, a bird chirps and sings, and people speak briefly in the far distance","Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",Y6pssFJ0m-kU.wav,YeqcdsdLz954.wav +4159,Semiautomatic gunfire occurs with slight echo,"Gunshot, gunfire",YvruDH_YLaPI.wav,YoN0IcZaHD_8.wav +4160,A distant explosion followed by steam hissing and fire igniting with a person talking in the background,"Explosion Burst, pop",YPO8Nu3F8mkA.wav,Y4Ujigme2IxY.wav +4161,A man laughing followed by another man yelling in the distance then wind blowing in a microphone as a motor hums and birds chirp in the background,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",YPvWI4p74UOs.wav,YsJrFyjfrL-g.wav +4162,An engine running and a female speaking,Bus Vehicle Speech,Ygr5Zss89yLQ.wav,Y7_smJ8VbfSU.wav +4163,Plastic clicking and clacking followed by a woman snoring,Snoring,YniwgMbB6tpQ.wav,YfPqj3nnwQOI.wav +4164,Footsteps running on dirt followed by compressed air spraying as wind blows in the background,Spray,YfWvWhLJ5Fow.wav,YkOYg4ZtKcAs.wav +4165,"A small motor is running and whirring is occurring, music is ongoing in the background, and an adult female speaks briefly in the background",Helicopter Speech,YLBe33dw9ezg.wav,YcN-oYKd-M4E.wav +4166,Typing repeatedly,Typing Typewriter,YPuLuZ_TXv-0.wav,Y4IeDBwyQ9ZQ.wav +4167,An engine running,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YBa92IrXFvJo.wav,YdP5DbAzTl5M.wav +4168,Clickety clanking followed by a horn honking loudly,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y27HIamF8pKo.wav,Yn4VktYihtJU.wav +4169,A man is speaking outside with wind noise,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech Outside, rural or natural",YyhDw7PZje3g.wav,YMTaLknnq4wc.wav +4170,A person whistles as wind blows into a microphone and a crowd of people talk in the background,Whistling,YRfGapDlAYoQ.wav,YObWjGBJF_94.wav +4171,Audio feedback followed by an animal breathing then camera muffling and footsteps shuffling on a hard surface,"Domestic animals, pets Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",Y6CDl4CqOgMg.wav,YK03ydb1uaoQ.wav +4172,Vibrations of an idling and revving engine,"Engine Idling Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Speech Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y2KR0C5ysO8o.wav,Yy93cZqNCtks.wav +4173,A car horn honks once shortly and then two long honks while another car honks,Motor vehicle (road) Motorcycle Vehicle Car,Yi2yhbckq3p0.wav,YDt53UZgyznE.wav +4174,A person snoring,Snoring,Y3XcIVh40pTI.wav,YcFoXRmGgIME.wav +4175,An engine running and ticking and then speech,Vibration Speech,YUV1kdjwpy6U.wav,YYQGW5AwDOIo.wav +4176,Water rushing and bubbling,"Trickle, dribble",YdZDgJzGtLLU.wav,Y473wBEwC35M.wav +4177,A woman speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y5OM3tJh51pE.wav,YB-gTt3_rceQ.wav +4178,A door shutting followed by a couple of men talking then a horn honking and wood clanking,"Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Speech Inside, small room",Yj0KvrVE_Oww.wav,Y2t82STv2GR8.wav +4179,Men speak followed by a small burst and people laughing,"Burst, pop Speech",YVE6Ku0-ucUM.wav,Yz4MeV9IGVo0.wav +4180,A crowd of people talking and laughing with a motorbike engine running followed by a goat screaming then a person clicking,"Goat Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YawxrHOpt-sE.wav,Y52IxrdTxGs4.wav +4181,A man and a woman talking followed by water pouring and draining down a pipe,"Water tap, faucet Speech",YcNARVD02-tw.wav,YFL8KTgMGrN4.wav +4182,A woman talking followed by a young girl talking,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YfYTZVxQ8LJk.wav,YWHRnyGXcdy8.wav +4183,"Rhythmic clicking and simulated squeaking are ongoing, crickets chirp, a bird of prey repeatedly screeches","Insect Rodents, rats, mice Cricket",YBGEMgl1xjac.wav,YD96OO7nYYsg.wav +4184,An engine revving inconsistently,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,YoiIi6H83Y38.wav,YOr7umk40TZA.wav +4185,A man talking as a sheep baas,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Frog Speech Animal",Y0NGSrwioYjA.wav,YnlC4UI4hZ60.wav +4186,Several bells ringing followed by a single bell ringing,Bell,YwbPmnxCLoRQ.wav,Y40cuHrYfaqA.wav +4187,A train horn goes off loudly,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y3Sml1wHcuxo.wav,Yh5_1pnkl_SY.wav +4188,"A man speaks, and an audience applauds","Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y4YMXgLFcR94.wav,Ynq0BF9zGkzg.wav +4189,Roadway noise and a horn beep,"Motor vehicle (road) Truck Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking",YCefFMA3klxk.wav,YIPfaRF76gVU.wav +4190,A man is speaking followed by another male voice followed by laughter,Laughter Speech,YbUTOsLXYyxg.wav,YUQtBt6CQpwg.wav +4191,"Birds chirping, oinking, and then male speech",Speech Oink,YSoO1HhaEc9Q.wav,YR_g4RpU9mO0.wav +4192,A male speaking and then growling followed by more male speaking,"Burping, eructation",YHdPSebdDxe4.wav,YtxeXrpoMST4.wav +4193,A telephone ringing,Ringtone Telephone,YmSF_FqBtRPs.wav,Y-oy0BkpMGAk.wav +4194,"Echoing male speech, laughter and applause",Laughter Shout Speech,Y1L_OyngNZMA.wav,YJnSwRonB9wI.wav +4195,Vibrations from a sewing machine with a man speaking with several clicks and beeps,Speech Sewing machine,YhxbmDeNSO6Q.wav,YinQOrxc_oZo.wav +4196,A woman whispers and then another woman speaks,Door Speech,Y3IScngdQA4I.wav,Ybpv_LneHmfU.wav +4197,"Over a smattering of applause, the amplified speech of an older man is met with a shouted response","Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y79XDcI6xZm0.wav,YbQNX7vDalQw.wav +4198,Oinking and squealing,Oink,YinQOrxc_oZo.wav,Yram-QPKSQYc.wav +4199,A cat meows and hisses and a child speaks,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Speech Animal",Y_GI7meqlYZk.wav,YBXxlqaDvdaA.wav +4200,"An emergency vehicle two-tone siren is blaring and fades, and hissing is present",Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,YOVQMFBeCHq0.wav,Yd1tL-9BILy8.wav +4201,A car horn blows amid constant road noise,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car",YpPLisQ_QXxw.wav,YEUZaxaWqhwg.wav +4202,A power tool is turned on and off several times,Drill Tools Power tool,YtB8TiiXwKmA.wav,Y1a2XWJ8NA_Q.wav +4203,A vehicle engine revving then sharply accelerating as tires skid as leather whips against fiberglass three times,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y2UNuMbxz9ds.wav,YbA5zPFSFZAA.wav +4204,"Mid frequency of multiple people in the distance talking and yelling, followed by coughing",Spray Speech,YA2mcp0N__7U.wav,YGuizRlAQ8qQ.wav +4205,A man laughing followed by a girl laughing as a power tool device operates,Laughter Speech,YNtQiduPRiRg.wav,YBa92IrXFvJo.wav +4206,A vehicle engine running idle then revving as a crowd of people talk in the background,"Vehicle Speech Car Race car, auto racing",YeUecAF626A8.wav,YJ0yeFeKvIt8.wav +4207,A person sneezing then speaking followed by someone chuckles as a clock ticks in the background,Sneeze,Yf8WPf5F22xI.wav,Ym_NCf-q4Gn0.wav +4208,"A man speaking together with intermittent, brief drill operating",Drill Speech,YjjfUaMQaG1A.wav,YtaYKM1OSTwE.wav +4209,A man talking as rain falls on a hard surface as vehicles drive by followed by a child talking in the background,Gurgling Speech,Y4abZbau8tZo.wav,YrvtA7c1I4xo.wav +4210,A man and woman speaks with some rustling,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",Y9PN4gyxpH2M.wav,YDc2WEiRk0rA.wav +4211,A series of bursting and popping sound effects,"Burst, pop",YWmDe2xbnSY4.wav,YmSF_FqBtRPs.wav +4212,Steam hissing followed by a loud burst proceeded by warning sirens then a man laughing followed by another man talking,"Explosion Burst, pop Speech",Yir1XTdyt4IY.wav,Y14izd_i3ryE.wav +4213,Clicking followed by crying and a nose being blown,"Crying, sobbing",YpaetCbEqp2w.wav,YYk274Wr5iIE.wav +4214,A young girl speaking followed by a loud bang and a scream,Door Sliding door Speech,YEfk5kdn9lR8.wav,Y_z-bidQYVao.wav +4215,A woman speaks an frog croaks followed by wind blowing as others speak,Frog,YW4GEwnXc9tQ.wav,Y9HVgYs8OOLc.wav +4216,Footsteps shuffling followed by a cat meowing and then a toilet flushing,Toilet flush,YMtK8L8gXRrI.wav,YXZTt1xdK8uQ.wav +4217,A woman speaks then a man speaks,Telephone Speech,Y7QN3lwOzfdg.wav,Y4Ujigme2IxY.wav +4218,A man talking followed by two men talking then a vehicle accelerating as rain falls on a surface,Rain Rain on surface,YAgh2EKINlSw.wav,YA0E_UiD-fR4.wav +4219,Humming followed by a woman speaking and slow clicks of a sewing machine,Speech Sewing machine,YCYUlLTKoa1Y.wav,YWmDe2xbnSY4.wav +4220,A woman talking over an intercom speaker as a crowd of people talk in the background,Horse Clip-clop Speech Animal,YD1Sy7kRoaR8.wav,YXWw7ZM1c_QA.wav +4221,Men are communicating with a hissing noise in the background,"Spray Speech Outside, urban or manmade",Yq1ivQ_2fddk.wav,YLs1zyPjs3k8.wav +4222,Burping and then various speech and laughing,"Burping, eructation Speech",YrbO727iF03I.wav,Y4SZ7JXDCNps.wav +4223,A man speaking as plastic and glass clanks followed by a glass clanging then heavy liquid being poured,"Cutlery, silverware Dishes, pots, and pans",Y8o-Y4QP8LWs.wav,YpuZL08fzpXk.wav +4224,A saw running continuously,Chainsaw Wood,Y-R69Fa-mCaY.wav,Y8ipe6b1LwHQ.wav +4225,A woman speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y1vCYiVvZ7VE.wav,YY3lNEe-ZGF0.wav +4226,A man talking then another man talking followed by a group of people laughing then another man talking,Laughter Speech,YbUTOsLXYyxg.wav,YZ0IrCa4MvOA.wav +4227,Several large bells ring,Bell,YZUmZgPL0ges.wav,YptIksg9KEac.wav +4228,A woman talking followed by a pig oinking then fabric rustling and a camera muffle,Speech Oink,YE9zN3-C64KE.wav,YemGPabOePzA.wav +4229,An engine running consistently,"Vehicle Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",Yv7BaYF0kagM.wav,YObWjGBJF_94.wav +4230,Clip clops from a horse,Horse Clip-clop Animal,YAxd__X2rixk.wav,YSE_3nszEw7o.wav +4231,"Birds are flapping wings and making noises, and a man talks","Bird Speech Pigeon, dove",Y6cyKp3EDm-0.wav,YDlWd7Wmdi1E.wav +4232,Water splashing and something buzzing by,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YdlsiellSFf0.wav,YNX0gR9Eebp0.wav +4233,A man talking followed by pigeons cooing and bird wings flapping then a young man talking,"Bird Speech Pigeon, dove Inside, small room",Y9HVgYs8OOLc.wav,Y_BSmz3SEW1w.wav +4234,A man speaks followed by a goat bleat,Goat Snicker Speech,Yjid4t-FzUn0.wav,YBMayJId0X1s.wav +4235,"Loud bustle and screech of traffic, with some voices in the background","Vehicle Speech Tire squeal Race car, auto racing Outside, urban or manmade",YLvhvAA11oxE.wav,YoNHCc_izsDE.wav +4236,Rustling with woman speaking and a baby crying,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YR91bUbtKrRs.wav,Y3IScngdQA4I.wav +4237,A vehicle door opening as birds chirp and vehicles pass by in the background,Door,YEYTz1LPDHsc.wav,YbygBWUkpaC8.wav +4238,Some rustling followed by humming of an engine,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YsqWyxUObwkw.wav,Y4_Cak7gvly4.wav +4239,A woman and young man are speaking over bleating sheep,Sheep Bleat Speech,YD9GHUPGWsV0.wav,YNwoBDrTlbTI.wav +4240,An engine being turned over,Motor vehicle (road) Engine Vehicle Car,YnlC4UI4hZ60.wav,Ykdflh3akyH8.wav +4241,"An adult male speaks, a tapping sound occurs, and frogs croak",Frog Speech Animal,Y2ABngPM3raQ.wav,YeUecAF626A8.wav +4242,A toilet is flushed,Toilet flush Water,YyRoKi7rhSRo.wav,YzoxFl3pddMg.wav +4243,Hissing of a steam engine train,Steam Hiss,YkLYCjD6vWI4.wav,YpaetCbEqp2w.wav +4244,A child speaks followed by a woman speaking and birds tweeting,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YBUAPM4D3-h8.wav,YfGGYeXR_LS8.wav +4245,Gurgling and splashing water,"Trickle, dribble",Y1HCuBnPLMqQ.wav,YEBCH7TPgiPc.wav +4246,A baby cries repeatedly,"Baby cry, infant cry",YFKaJsvcyHTk.wav,YeqcdsdLz954.wav +4247,A clock ticking,Tick-tock,Yl5KdHAWwJCw.wav,YGGgQR7aIofY.wav +4248,A toy helicopter flying as wind blows into a microphone,Helicopter,YlrKGCtSsAkA.wav,Y2JV3emH50XU.wav +4249,Bells ringing followed by a steam engine whistling blowing as a crowd of people talk in the background,Tick-tock Speech,Y5iTRKJqUIw8.wav,Yz4MeV9IGVo0.wav +4250,"Whistling with pigeons cooing, wings flapping, and birds chirping","Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",YsTMKled6Q1M.wav,Y3iLGu2Omgrw.wav +4251,A lady speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y5OM3tJh51pE.wav,YD1Sy7kRoaR8.wav +4252,A sewing machine operating followed by metal clacking and gears cranking then scissors snipping,Sewing machine,YMj_BO-iK1G4.wav,YJQz40TkjymY.wav +4253,A loud metallic whine punctuated by a train horn,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Train whistle Rail transport Train Vehicle",YcFoXRmGgIME.wav,Y8ycflE3dIHw.wav +4254,Woosh of air and loud snoring,Snoring,YSCow4mpBsGY.wav,YXZTt1xdK8uQ.wav +4255,A female voice crying followed by a person speaking,"Crying, sobbing Speech",YtdpiXW68adA.wav,Y-CcGuq0yoKo.wav +4256,A cuckoo clock cooing followed by a steam engine running on railroad tracks as steam hisses and a railroad crossing signal bell rings in the distance,Hiss,Ykx6Rj4MDIAw.wav,YQoEal_hKz4Q.wav +4257,Pigeons coo and flap their wings,"Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",YgkWd1HugK2w.wav,YwFiCblfZ-vg.wav +4258,Insects buzzing as a man talks and birds chirp in the background,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YAUJPx81qKtY.wav,YrUq4w4EUSWA.wav +4259,Children speak in the distance and a woman speaks nearby with some rustling and banging,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Children playing Inside, large room or hall",YzBXoaQ1GVlc.wav,YL6rnV0oNIII.wav +4260,"A man yells in the background, and a sewing machine sews garments",Sewing machine,Yii3Geza3hAU.wav,YG3YO2unWz7k.wav +4261,A man is speaking along with noise from a cheering crowd,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y3rna9zo5ZOs.wav,Yg5l3Bz6lWnc.wav +4262,A man shouting then laughing as wind blows heavily into a microphone,Bus Vehicle Speech,YtwFypUcdgRc.wav,YQKHpSAAjakY.wav +4263,A woman talking before and after a young girl gasping then talking,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YfYTZVxQ8LJk.wav,YynHdcJ9Oqaw.wav +4264,A high pitched engine running consistently with intermittent scraping,Helicopter,YVQnmlf2OsUg.wav,YmUGmCSNETcg.wav +4265,Water flows loudly,Stream,YROootH-mtEI.wav,Y3XcIVh40pTI.wav +4266,'A power tool vibrating with men speaking,Drill Speech,Y9BukzlPNqC8.wav,Y3ghVB-KaU_E.wav +4267,A beep is followed by retching and muffled speech,"Burping, eructation",YHdPSebdDxe4.wav,Y_ezm-TpKj1w.wav +4268,Dogs growling as a pig snorts while grass rustles and someone is heavily breathing,Oink,Y4UPOUGVMlEs.wav,Y2JutOgAnqWA.wav +4269,An adult male is speaking and a bus hisses,Bus Vehicle Speech,Y6dLkgq9EKPE.wav,YzIgGMlZENTs.wav +4270,Steam hissing. With light mechanical sounds,Steam Hiss,YdmUOSyPXkUw.wav,YYflmW68gL4E.wav +4271,Motor sounds with male speaking,"Truck Vehicle Speech Outside, rural or natural",Yk1QxQ4jJaEQ.wav,Y2ItTq2JShdU.wav +4272,Vehicles driving by as emergency sirens sound,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,Y8Zo30kV5aiI.wav,Yy1a8PntuXYw.wav +4273,"A long, loud burp","Burping, eructation",Y-Sz4z0QwEuM.wav,Yyrxa6_P2I80.wav +4274,A man speaking forcefully,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y4CAMv5nlr-0.wav,YHUwXtfYRFwk.wav +4275,A woman yelling and laughing as ocean waves crash and a group of people shout while wind blows into a microphone,"Speech Stream Outside, rural or natural",Y6ZwYgzcN6Is.wav,YAj_VMUSNjNM.wav +4276,An idle helicopter engine running,Vehicle Helicopter,YIhvXtS9-IxM.wav,YfmEft49sPfE.wav +4277,"A cough, then spray paint bottle shaking and spraying while a muffle of people talking in the background",Spray Speech,Y1wW0YJQ-Xa0.wav,YJZloTOdIY_c.wav +4278,An engine running and wind blowing hard,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",YdYvL6uEMl6E.wav,YNlKlRKz8OKI.wav +4279,An engine running very briefly,Idling Truck Vehicle,Yi1u_2eZYYlE.wav,YECw5Yf7QoMo.wav +4280,A woman speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y2a6GNu6uCDE.wav,YNtQiduPRiRg.wav +4281,A motorboat driving by while water splashes,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YwrQDkX0NbTA.wav,YJhGp7HmRQxg.wav +4282,A young girl speaking followed by a man speaking then a young boy speaking as birds chirp in the background,"Insect Speech Outside, rural or natural",YFXdoNvmrYxo.wav,YzEaGx6an4es.wav +4283,"High pitched, rhythmic whistling",Whistling,YL8dA-2Lu2hY.wav,YtJhVH3VIrnE.wav +4284,Constant faint humming and a few light knocks,Hiss,Y1ed87LLY97k.wav,YD9tinq3RMpU.wav +4285,Oinking followed by screams,Oink,YinQOrxc_oZo.wav,YKvrcRMfFzOE.wav +4286,A man is speaking as food is frying,Speech Frying (food),YMOxddxW5PXs.wav,YI4HpYGMMsz4.wav +4287,A woman speaks with some clicks and then hissing,Spray Speech,Y9hxFqltp3xw.wav,YDAN1t9ukkg0.wav +4288,A metal clack followed by a horse neighing as birds chirp and gusts of wind blow in the background,"Horse Neigh, whinny Speech Animal",YJhGp7HmRQxg.wav,Y5t6tSW0yT40.wav +4289,"Something spraying from a hose, followed by the buzz of a machine.",Spray,YIKnx3hJv1bs.wav,YQKHpSAAjakY.wav +4290,A man talks while water burbles,Stream,YUCy1BEx8jBE.wav,Ygbi6MxPf3hA.wav +4291,A crowd of people applauding followed by clothes rustling as a man is talking followed by glass shattering and a crowd of people laughing,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",YEQVWhHmT_cE.wav,YmVjub3o_IxE.wav +4292,A gun cocking followed by a gunshot and a man talking,"Gunshot, gunfire",Y-NrFeH-kBSM.wav,Ypaf0nyjg1Js.wav +4293,Humming and rattling of an idling engine with some bells ringing in the background,Idling Vehicle Car,YNmmbNqmsPaY.wav,YvruDH_YLaPI.wav +4294,Pigeons are cooing along with a machine rumbling noise and a man speaks,"Bird Speech Pigeon, dove",Y3VHpLxtd498.wav,YZ1Cyj4N05lk.wav +4295,A motorboat engine running as water splashes and a man shouts in the background followed by birds chirping in the distance,Speech Stream,YnmLMLgWPmFM.wav,Yhmd6pa2e_rs.wav +4296,A man talking followed by a crowd of people cheering and applauding,Applause Speech,YL_CNz9Vrtkw.wav,Y_iUX8CibElk.wav +4297,Metal clicking before a gunshot firing followed by a person sighing and metal clanking while wood clacks proceeded by another gunshot firing as ducks quack in the distance,Duck,YlHh0SwUhP8U.wav,YObWjGBJF_94.wav +4298,Continuous thunder,Thunder,Y9z2OwpftxUE.wav,Y4YodC6RnplI.wav +4299,A clock ticking,Tick-tock,YSNy_axSCoyw.wav,YnmLMLgWPmFM.wav +4300,A female speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y-CcGuq0yoKo.wav,YpaetCbEqp2w.wav +4301,A woman talking over an intercom as an aircraft engine runs then accelerates,"Vehicle Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",Y1IoHRTUp86c.wav,Y404cD3bVXDc.wav +4302,Wood sanding followed by a woman talking as a clock ticks proceeded by a cuckoo clock alarm cooing and bell ringing,Tick-tock Speech,YXWw7ZM1c_QA.wav,YSNIaYhri76w.wav +4303,Water trickling rapidly and draining,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Trickle, dribble Water",YZ0IrCa4MvOA.wav,Y9ucb5HYO8ps.wav +4304,Male speaking and an insect buzzing,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech",YWLzzpzOKtnY.wav,YWUpeplQr3A4.wav +4305,A rooster cackles and a dog yelps and whimpers followed by a man laughing and then speaking then the dog barks,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Chicken, rooster Speech Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",Yhrv6fwnmBkY.wav,YYIqpIjjee00.wav +4306,Heavy machinery operating followed by wood crunching and cracking as wind blows into a microphone,Wood,YLs2vrr9TamU.wav,YBZCEDkx37rI.wav +4307,Fabric shuffling followed by a man talking then a series of glass shattering and a crowd of people laughing,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",YEQVWhHmT_cE.wav,YVjSEIRnLAh8.wav +4308,Wind blowing into a microphone followed by plastic clacking then an electric toy motor starting up,"Helicopter Outside, rural or natural",Yq4YFJA5pFXc.wav,Y1DKLyH3FixM.wav +4309,Water flowing from a faucet with some light bangs and a man speaking,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",Y6i5eQOpFk_U.wav,YpuZL08fzpXk.wav +4310,Wind blows followed by rustling and scraping,Rustling leaves Wind noise (microphone),YL2dyilgQ8iM.wav,YNX0gR9Eebp0.wav +4311,Vibrations and humming from a power tool starting and stopping several times,Drill Tools Power tool,YtB8TiiXwKmA.wav,YWq4OD3olO2w.wav +4312,A woman is speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y54eRRbCtPn8.wav,YBLMWD6fxhpo.wav +4313,Humming and vibrations of a vehicle speeding past and into the distance,Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y22L_3pBa1AI.wav,YQOmV7O9mFwg.wav +4314,A man speaking over an intercom followed by a crowd of people talking then applauding,Clip-clop Speech Animal,YA61Mry8zBwE.wav,YBz9Y5nZK3eo.wav +4315,Wood brushing followed by a door creaking then wood clanking,Door,Y9XqkKuTqEOM.wav,YyhDw7PZje3g.wav +4316,Silence followed by white noise and meowing,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Animal",Y0_K6OKtoBBU.wav,YXPebkNzsnRI.wav +4317,A vehicle accelerating and driving by,"Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Race car, auto racing Car passing by",Yo7-X8DAToGc.wav,YJZloTOdIY_c.wav +4318,A man speaks with some distant humming and vibrating getting louder,Engine Mechanical fan Speech,Yr2KhpX_QgXA.wav,YDlWd7Wmdi1E.wav +4319,A man speaks as he gives a speech and then the crowd cheers,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y4CAMv5nlr-0.wav,Y7upINC4seBw.wav +4320,A train running on a railroad track as steam hisses and a train horn blows several times along with a railroad crossing signal ringing in the background,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y3Sml1wHcuxo.wav,YTSnq6n8tElo.wav +4321,A man is talking while a bus is idling in the background.,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle Speech,YvEWmHtiznF8.wav,Yv59uHr-B1no.wav +4322,Burping and girls laughing with many voices in the background,"Burping, eructation Speech",Y1FNJbN-eHY4.wav,YJBWJQCS4SvA.wav +4323,Hissing and vibrating from an idling engine,"Idling Vehicle Inside, large room or hall",YlVr-PxhZo8s.wav,YL6rnV0oNIII.wav +4324,A power drill operating with a man speaking and a click,Drill Tools Power tool,YUhCzD6EBJBU.wav,YKVAIaRPry24.wav +4325,Humming of an engine with a ringing siren,"Motor vehicle (road) Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren Truck Vehicle",YwVi5w_NU6CM.wav,YGPj8h-WcjWs.wav +4326,A man briefly talks followed by a loud burst then laughter,"Explosion Burst, pop Speech",YSZ6CcXINiiE.wav,YtxeXrpoMST4.wav +4327,A machine makes a constant rumbling noise,Rustling leaves,Y4pv3w--cRrA.wav,Ypgq2KPX5_SA.wav +4328,A man speaking followed by a bird chirping close by,"Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet Speech Animal Outside, rural or natural",YbygBWUkpaC8.wav,Y2ceUOv8A3FE.wav +4329,A man speaks with chirping birds and faint buzzing of insects,"Bee, wasp, etc. Hammer Insect Fly, housefly",YiOCpICiu4LA.wav,YBoe3MeEpn_c.wav +4330,A small girl sings with vibrations of a sewing machine which stops,Sewing machine,Y7MLERaOgK_Y.wav,YLKhokVsJhN0.wav +4331,Continuous and steady rainfall,Rain Rain on surface,YRk-ujWKzPuc.wav,YrvDcg9DoNKA.wav +4332,Water splashing and wind blowing over a microphone,"Boat, Water vehicle Waves, surf Wind Ocean Sailboat, sailing ship Wind noise (microphone)",YxQDq3A4Zfbo.wav,YrvDcg9DoNKA.wav +4333,A high tone signal followed by train moving down tracks,"Railroad car, train wagon Rail transport Train Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking",Y1slvoNgzBLE.wav,YCh0LMmhBUg4.wav +4334,Bursting and popping noises like gunfire,"Burst, pop",YAf4a-9rcnP0.wav,YfGGYeXR_LS8.wav +4335,A toilet flushing followed by a person breathing then metal clacking and a toilet flushing,Toilet flush,YAagLJkfrFMk.wav,YP4qd8uodw_M.wav +4336,A young girl talking as a baby is laughing,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Baby laughter",YC5kmOK_l4jc.wav,YQKHpSAAjakY.wav +4337,Bees are buzzing while birds chirp and two adult males are having a conversation,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",Y8DQfjqPCTI8.wav,Y8BPTQO_cx7E.wav +4338,Ducks quacking followed by male speech,Bird Honk Duck Speech,YgQMTOKsCIyk.wav,Y6cS0FsUM-cQ.wav +4339,A child crying followed by a person blowing their nose during a series of computer mouse clicks,"Crying, sobbing",YpaetCbEqp2w.wav,YUCy1BEx8jBE.wav +4340,A man speaking as birds chirp in the background,"Chirp, tweet Speech Animal Outside, rural or natural",YE6FH_xp3I54.wav,Y3wV3ST-c4PE.wav +4341,A loud engine roars followed by four loud beeps.,Vibration White noise,Y30D1tqNFHMc.wav,YtfOIhQpYYe8.wav +4342,A jet engine hums first distant then louder as it passes by,"Aircraft engine Vehicle Speech Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YVOXl8iR-HnI.wav,YmJ6ZO3xEcgw.wav +4343,Rain falling and wind blowing hard with rustling leaves,Rain,Y-BUWGM7qeUM.wav,Y6aWnK1GyeJY.wav +4344,Thumping on a wooden surface before and after plastic clanking,Hiss,Y1ed87LLY97k.wav,Y9F3sutgYTvo.wav +4345,"Water running out of a faucet, some hitting a sink bottom, and some water filling a cup","Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",Yr2djvq1vc68.wav,YlYhwCRX2wNc.wav +4346,Someone is whistling,Whistling,YL8dA-2Lu2hY.wav,YTd2EEDdFlRY.wav +4347,An engine running,Idling Engine starting,YB3O476LeuXY.wav,YalaxBd_EEUc.wav +4348,Rattling and banging with faint humming,Door Sliding door,Y3n05BjV7r7M.wav,YI4HpYGMMsz4.wav +4349,Baby crying then man speaking and humming,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YYH4qi8Ul6v0.wav,YFKaJsvcyHTk.wav +4350,A train travels on the railroad and sounds the train horn,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Train whistle Rail transport Train Vehicle",YcFoXRmGgIME.wav,YI_vN_BFUr0Y.wav +4351,Digital beeping with static electric scratching,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",YbA5zPFSFZAA.wav,Y6Nvu6EcpdE8.wav +4352,"A sewing machine is in use, and a woman talks",Speech Sewing machine,Yt4prXmPwthg.wav,Y_BSmz3SEW1w.wav +4353,Ducks quack as people communicate,Bird Duck Speech,YYEYeQ0lIkBQ.wav,YHdPSebdDxe4.wav +4354,A car honks in the background while a man speaks,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y473wBEwC35M.wav,YK2kIOBeCfuo.wav +4355,Instrumental music playing followed by two men speaking as food and oil sizzle and metal clanking against a pot,Stir Frying (food),YSQHYl2Kp5ww.wav,YEQVWhHmT_cE.wav +4356,A man speaking followed by a series of whistling,Whistling Speech,YFA11v4SmdBc.wav,Yy-RSojxgkDo.wav +4357,"A large volume of water is rushing fast, splashing and roaring, and an adult male shout in the background",Rustling leaves Speech,YXQxIXaX_7M0.wav,Yy3-M1sonh3M.wav +4358,"As an adult male speaks, a mid-size motor vehicle engine runs, accelerates and approaches",Vehicle Speech Car Car passing by,Y2bq2lc3DLwM.wav,YyVjivgsU2aA.wav +4359,Water pouring into a glass container as a man faintly speaks in the background,"Water tap, faucet Water",Yh5_1pnkl_SY.wav,YbA5zPFSFZAA.wav +4360,"A bus is driving, and people are speaking",Bus Vehicle Speech,Yhmd6pa2e_rs.wav,Y_z-bidQYVao.wav +4361,Firecrackers exploding followed by footsteps squeaking and shuffling then compressed air spraying,"Burst, pop",YAf4a-9rcnP0.wav,Yi2yhbckq3p0.wav +4362,An infant and woman laughing as water splashes and birds chirp in the background,"Laughter Splash, splatter",YoNHCc_izsDE.wav,YQoEal_hKz4Q.wav +4363,A female speaking continuously,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y5OM3tJh51pE.wav,Yvsy1IpYmrSY.wav +4364,A siren with people talking faintly in the background,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Bus Speech",Y2ymiXjImwGs.wav,Y14izd_i3ryE.wav +4365,A young girl talking as a woman is talking,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",Y_xylo5_IiaM.wav,Y_z6pymOet7g.wav +4366,"Female speaking, water running, and then female speech","Water tap, faucet Speech Inside, small room",YrE6BJ0Bo4w4.wav,YEQVWhHmT_cE.wav +4367,Food frying in a pan,Frying (food),Y4fz0-Kx2oNs.wav,YeUecAF626A8.wav +4368,Female speaking continuously,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y1QNLMF-Kl_s.wav,YnmLMLgWPmFM.wav +4369,A duck quacking as birds chirp and a pigeon cooing,Bird Duck,Yz1ax0QPpd14.wav,YlrKGCtSsAkA.wav +4370,"Water is trickling and splashing into more water and thumping is occurring, a young child coos, and an adult female speaks","Bathtub (filling or washing) Speech Child speech, kid speaking",YNX0gR9Eebp0.wav,YbAqgL5dCQOE.wav +4371,Outdoor noise from a water vehicle as people are talking,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",YD9tinq3RMpU.wav,YcN-oYKd-M4E.wav +4372,Plastic clicking and tapping followed by a woman snoring,Snoring,YniwgMbB6tpQ.wav,YBLMWD6fxhpo.wav +4373,"A baby cries while electronic speech occurs in the background, an adult female speaks, a sneeze occurs, and an adult female speaks once more","Crying, sobbing Speech",Y6aWnK1GyeJY.wav,YCMNlIW6Lkwc.wav +4374,A sewing machine operating,Sewing machine,YCwxgQS3SXic.wav,Y0G7rb74R-2A.wav +4375,A crowd of people shout and give applause,Applause,YXrJcmftCY04.wav,YmaVYiednkSg.wav +4376,Wind blowing followed by heavy footsteps on a solid surface then a man groaning proceeded by two explosions,"Explosion Burst, pop Groan",Yos_2U4xqTqw.wav,YMBP4RcnwGZw.wav +4377,A motorbike revving and driving by as wind blows heavily into a microphone,"Motorcycle Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YmW1EpJYcy_E.wav,Y_duNX6Vyd6g.wav +4378,"A two-tone emergency vehicle siren is blaring, and vehicular traffic is present in the background",Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,YHg6HxylRGDo.wav,YVeCSHwtkBZU.wav +4379,Some humming followed by a toilet flushing,Toilet flush,Y2ErfX6ZT5pM.wav,Y9xoYx3lTJ9I.wav +4380,A sleeping person snores loudly,Snoring,Y3XcIVh40pTI.wav,Yk1QxQ4jJaEQ.wav +4381,Clanking and rustling with people faintly speaking and horse clip-clopping in the background,Horse Speech Animal,YeYbFtxZmKL4.wav,YZYWCwfCkBp4.wav +4382,A man talking followed by several electronic beeps,"Beep, bleep Speech Inside, small room",Yj1AiqT5oHZc.wav,YK8-b0VtNOqA.wav +4383,Sizzling food with some scraping and rattling as a man speaks,Stir Frying (food),Ylq9RvAA4mqY.wav,Yjid4t-FzUn0.wav +4384,Water flowing down a flushed toilet,Toilet flush Water,YFc9pG54DDJM.wav,YL2dyilgQ8iM.wav +4385,Water running with clanking and children murmuring in the distance,Gurgling Speech Stream,Y1_z6NcidGzM.wav,Y9BGLAUSF0sk.wav +4386,Air spraying several times as a machine motor hums in the distance,Spray,YonBZOH88OYs.wav,YA2mcp0N__7U.wav +4387,A goat bleats and background voices,"Goat Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",Y3kBlVLkN0zo.wav,Yn-JyOqYSLQM.wav +4388,A man talking as fabric shuffles during a series of computer mouse clicks,Typing Speech,YbhlhcGONisM.wav,Y6Nvu6EcpdE8.wav +4389,A man is speaking,Tick-tock Speech,YArHiac57pVk.wav,Y3ue0gJM0THk.wav +4390,"A motor revs hard, a man speaks","Engine Idling Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Speech Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y2KR0C5ysO8o.wav,Y1j5NMuq1X30.wav +4391,A woman and man speaking followed by a phone clicking then a phone call ring,Telephone Speech,YxnVqvc7N7Po.wav,YEQVWhHmT_cE.wav +4392,Dog yapping and panting,"Bark Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal",YW7OJevEgq7w.wav,YuhSDBwVrEdo.wav +4393,A goat bleating repeatedly,Goat,YVMsbrcHPBfk.wav,Y3n05BjV7r7M.wav +4394,A woman speaking with a chuckle followed by a bird chirping,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YNlKlRKz8OKI.wav,YwBs02amFGXs.wav +4395,Female speech and rubbing simultaneously,Rub,YmlnUJH4BQnk.wav,Yl5KdHAWwJCw.wav +4396,A crowd murmuring with several belches followed by laughter,"Burping, eructation Speech",Y1FNJbN-eHY4.wav,YMPLZUg89y5U.wav +4397,Gunfire sounds with video game sounds,"Gunshot, gunfire",Y9ZZHvwaH-CU.wav,Y9zstu_IfAm4.wav +4398,City ambiance with light music playing and wind blowing on a microphone as police sirens sound in the distance,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,YvaujJ7msKfc.wav,Y9E8BmPZ9mWc.wav +4399,The voices of a man and a women talking,Telephone Speech,Yjs4dr5JusdM.wav,YYQGW5AwDOIo.wav +4400,White noise while music is playing in the background followed by a series of plastic clicking,"Water tap, faucet Pump (liquid)",YObWjGBJF_94.wav,Y-EaZ7EJJUl0.wav +4401,A woman talking followed by a pig oinking then fabric rustling before camera muffling and footsteps walking on a hard surface,Speech Oink,YE9zN3-C64KE.wav,Yh5_1pnkl_SY.wav +4402,A motorboat drives in the distance as people talk and rap music plays in the background,"Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",Y6eX6bJOFftA.wav,YNtQiduPRiRg.wav +4403,A rapid ticktock and then a man speaks and sneezes followed by another man hiccuping,Sneeze,Yf8WPf5F22xI.wav,YR8bHTHnF8j4.wav +4404,Rustling and then a machine operating,Speech Sewing machine,Y86dNVnTwH6U.wav,YTwR8BA6buMI.wav +4405,Humming of an engine with rapid gunshots,"Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",Y11SEBDuoqSk.wav,YNwoBDrTlbTI.wav +4406,A person whistling as a crowd of people talk in the background,Whistling,YRfGapDlAYoQ.wav,YMtK8L8gXRrI.wav +4407,A motorbike engine running idle,Idling Engine starting,YB3O476LeuXY.wav,Y3kBlVLkN0zo.wav +4408,A man speaks with wind blowing and leaves rustling,"Male speech, man speaking Rustling leaves Speech",YfmEft49sPfE.wav,YESjMIqrvRj4.wav +4409,A person snoring,Snoring,YniwgMbB6tpQ.wav,Yu9px4Lwv9XI.wav +4410,Wood cracking and loud cluttering,Door,YtJhVH3VIrnE.wav,YA61Mry8zBwE.wav +4411,Air spraying followed by fire igniting then loud audio static followed by pressurized air releasing,Spray,YXJba7pTbpD0.wav,YD4s5aHrsBgs.wav +4412,A motorbike engine running idle as wind blows into a microphone and birds chirp in the background,"Motorcycle Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YeXj9OAik5cc.wav,YzBXoaQ1GVlc.wav +4413,A child screaming and laughing as woman talks and giggles followed by thumping on a wooden surface,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YHkbCUN4V3TU.wav,YSNy_axSCoyw.wav +4414,A woman speaking on a microphone as a crowd of people talk in the background,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YETb9EIQOMAA.wav,YJBWJQCS4SvA.wav +4415,Mechanical growling followed by an explosion,"Explosion Burst, pop",YatmDP_fmK_8.wav,YR_g4RpU9mO0.wav +4416,A cat meowing followed by a person screaming as a man talks in the background and wind blows into a microphone,"Goat Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YITlqMkR5alY.wav,Y1e98HeU9Vrg.wav +4417,Man speaking while there is crinkling sound,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YwAZrOPvul4Y.wav,YLWng-4PDzPM.wav +4418,Baby goat bleating with licking sounds,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YkHIe4CfaccQ.wav,Y4fz0-Kx2oNs.wav +4419,"Animals are bleating and people are talking in the background, an adult female and an adult male speak, and an aircraft is present in the distance",Sheep Bleat Speech,Yazh_-OkQ-uI.wav,YPMMkPq5jJXY.wav +4420,A man talking followed by a power tool drilling then footsteps shuffling proceeded by a man talking,"Drill Tools Wood Speech Inside, small room",YoN0IcZaHD_8.wav,YROootH-mtEI.wav +4421,A vehicle horn honking as a motor engine gurgles and wind blows into a microphone,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Outside, urban or manmade",YB8rdur4aams.wav,YQoEal_hKz4Q.wav +4422,A person makes sobbing noises,"Crying, sobbing",Yktc_tJxw8sc.wav,YPMMdAKZxI_I.wav +4423,Gusts of wind blowing as leaves rustle and birds chirp in the distance while wind blows into a microphone,Rustling leaves,YJ0yeFeKvIt8.wav,YgbtcDoh0q3c.wav +4424,Man speaking giving directions followed by tapping on table,Wood Speech,YI4HpYGMMsz4.wav,Yos_2U4xqTqw.wav +4425,A steam engine horn whistles followed by steam hissing as a group of people talk in the background,Steam whistle Steam Hiss,Y9_YfTz8cnFY.wav,Yf8WPf5F22xI.wav +4426,"Music plays and an adult female speaks, a flush occurs and water splashes and gurgles, and a young female speaks",Toilet flush Speech,YSmdj6JFB9MQ.wav,YBDpU2Qh77NE.wav +4427,A woman speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y9z8XIRyUq9Q.wav,YeUecAF626A8.wav +4428,Compressed air spraying followed by a power tool buzzing,Spray,YIKnx3hJv1bs.wav,Y59VP93Tzjmg.wav +4429,Babies crying as a woman is laughing and a man is talking,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",Yy_OyLW9lBXU.wav,YEUZaxaWqhwg.wav +4430,Rapid and repeated gunfire and then male speech,"Gunshot, gunfire",YFf8bCCJfVX4.wav,YJ0yeFeKvIt8.wav +4431,A person talking softly before an infant cries,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YhqPBcvex1VU.wav,Yp9qRTh4BmSE.wav +4432,Rustling and distant sanding with nearby ticking and chiming from a coo clock,Tick-tock Speech,YXWw7ZM1c_QA.wav,YzoxFl3pddMg.wav +4433,A woman talking as a dog growls followed by a fan blowing air,Speech Dog Animal Whimper (dog),Y096oTVzc5Gs.wav,YpWQeV08kYR0.wav +4434,A vehicle horn honking followed by a bus driving in the distance,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle,YGGgQR7aIofY.wav,YSCow4mpBsGY.wav +4435,A helicopter flying as wind blows heavily into a microphone,Vehicle Helicopter Aircraft,YKvrcRMfFzOE.wav,YK-7Y8yhcUiw.wav +4436,A train running on railroad tracks while a train horn blows as railroad warning signals ring,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",YQvATUKXYFBs.wav,YOMGHnJV0l2U.wav +4437,"Loud gunshots and explosions with men speaking, water splashing, wind blowing, and thunder roaring","Gunshot, gunfire Ship Speech",Y0qbHT34qTZE.wav,YwOFBldBFRNk.wav +4438,Humming noise then sneezing and coughing,Sneeze,YTQr9v-PQOc4.wav,YSL3wB5sDcdw.wav +4439,A faucet pouring water as a plastic container fills with liquid and scrubbing against a plastic surface while water trickles,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",Yr2djvq1vc68.wav,YQOmV7O9mFwg.wav +4440,Distant humming gets louder as a train passes after honking a horn,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Yq3SEOW2m4WY.wav,YwBs02amFGXs.wav +4441,Water is spraying out of machines onto surfaces while the machines are running,Spray,YljrL7Cb-jr8.wav,Y_C2HinL8VlM.wav +4442,A man speaking as water runs from the faucet,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",Y6i5eQOpFk_U.wav,Y0On6-JiVwRs.wav +4443,A motor vehicle engine is running while race cars are passing by,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y13CBvjHZhOA.wav,YB4SZwi9Ce3o.wav +4444,A pig squeals and men speak,Speech Oink,YwSHzVxdMiTo.wav,YUAmDLPjNyMg.wav +4445,A crowd of people laughing and cheering as a man speaks on a microphone,Applause Speech,YK2kIOBeCfuo.wav,YoOMtaqvQ3_M.wav +4446,Gusts of wind blowing followed by harp music then more wind blowing and birds chirping in the background,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Ygbi6MxPf3hA.wav,Y1GgEpRZDWN0.wav +4447,Continuous hissing at varying levels,Steam Hiss,YhGWarNR6xmg.wav,Y3hzy-FL24no.wav +4448,Buzzing continues getting louder than softer as people talk,Frog Speech,YcFHFVGOtp6g.wav,YpaetCbEqp2w.wav +4449,High pitched metal whirring is followed by a large motor operating and low-pitched whirring and grinding of wood,Wood,YTWOgvDaDqlU.wav,Yn74IYuCe_ms.wav +4450,Sounds of a mechanical clock,Tick-tock Speech,YXWw7ZM1c_QA.wav,YYIqpIjjee00.wav +4451,Humming of an engine with wind blowing and people speaking,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Speech Car Car passing by,Y-mb4Fw4Z0xg.wav,YdmUOSyPXkUw.wav +4452,Humming of engines followed by the neigh of a horse and birds chirping in the background,"Horse Neigh, whinny Speech Animal",YJhGp7HmRQxg.wav,YGGgQR7aIofY.wav +4453,Humming and accelerating of a car engine with squealing tires and people speaking faintly,"Motor vehicle (road) Skidding Vehicle Speech Tire squeal Car Race car, auto racing",YyVjivgsU2aA.wav,YrE6BJ0Bo4w4.wav +4454,Pigeons cooing and flapping their wings,"Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",Y9b6RqajfAmw.wav,YFJkvAMLmejY.wav +4455,A person screaming followed glass crashing then two men communicating with each other as seagulls squawk in the distance,Speech Oink,Ynq0BF9zGkzg.wav,YnaPgJvWTIY4.wav +4456,Applause together with speech and hollering with running water in our he background,Stream,Y8nUqSYC66mI.wav,YOUUckswAaNI.wav +4457,A man talking as an infant is crying followed by a man humming,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YYH4qi8Ul6v0.wav,Ye2rScj9UyMs.wav +4458,A large truck engine running idle as a man is talking while wind blows heavily into a microphone,Truck Vehicle Speech,YMPLZUg89y5U.wav,Y2ABngPM3raQ.wav +4459,A person speaks and a goat bleats,Goat Snicker Speech,Yjid4t-FzUn0.wav,YXJba7pTbpD0.wav +4460,A baby crying followed by the voice of a woman,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YztSjcZNUY7A.wav,YHg6HxylRGDo.wav +4461,Older woman speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y9z8XIRyUq9Q.wav,Y2ymiXjImwGs.wav +4462,"Wind rushes by, a motorcycle sounds, a man speaks",Clip-clop Speech Animal,Y14izd_i3ryE.wav,Ydkiwn2FdDVw.wav +4463,Wooing with some humming,Tick-tock Speech,Y_z-bidQYVao.wav,Ygbi6MxPf3hA.wav +4464,It is raining with strong wind sounds,Rain Pink noise,Ye6jSpvTvfJ0.wav,YS_3aeOvniZc.wav +4465,Men speaking with insects buzzing,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",Y8DQfjqPCTI8.wav,Y8DLcBdC5UrE.wav +4466,"Birds chirp in the distance and a man speaks, and walks through the grass","Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Speech Outside, rural or natural",YFlk-X0gwjF4.wav,YbX2vDaHL26U.wav +4467,"Dogs are barking and growling, and an adult male speaks","Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",Y40cuHrYfaqA.wav,YmVjub3o_IxE.wav +4468,Footsteps shuffling followed by a cat meowing then a toilet flushing,Toilet flush,YMtK8L8gXRrI.wav,Y0On6-JiVwRs.wav +4469,A clock chimes and ticktocks,Tick-tock Tick,YsbW7XwwUtSU.wav,YMjSegUnQXr4.wav +4470,"An adult female speaks through a phone, an adult male speaks, the adult female speaks again, the adult male speaks, the adult female speaks once more, a click occurs, and then a phone rings",Telephone Speech,YxnVqvc7N7Po.wav,Y8IdCiapDYCU.wav +4471,A train honks for a long time as it drives by,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",YJHhEjsAkZoc.wav,YK_Vre_-4KqU.wav +4472,Thunder pounds as rain downpours and then fades away,Thunder,YEp72tyiL3as.wav,YnU-AI3Cmc3M.wav +4473,Steam hisses while machinery runs,Steam Hiss,YlfO471Rn61k.wav,YITlqMkR5alY.wav +4474,A young kid speaking with a series of slapping on a hard surface as a baby is yelling,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YfsBR7e_X_0Y.wav,Y0G7rb74R-2A.wav +4475,A bell ringing repeatedly,Bell,Y7D7xgd4WJ50.wav,YlVr-PxhZo8s.wav +4476,A woman and a boy speaking in a foreign language then a baby cries and the boy laughs.,"Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YR91bUbtKrRs.wav,YItS07xtdi4s.wav +4477,A motor engine humming as liquid sprays and music plays in the background,Spray,Y1j5NMuq1X30.wav,YfwhkCnOeyC0.wav +4478,An infant crying as cloth shuffles,"Crying, sobbing",YVkbp8VmL3pM.wav,Y1GgEpRZDWN0.wav +4479,A helicopter flying in the distance,Vehicle Helicopter,YbIV3bJZpkgA.wav,YEp72tyiL3as.wav +4480,An infant crying as fabric shuffles,"Crying, sobbing",YVkbp8VmL3pM.wav,Y8DQfjqPCTI8.wav +4481,A man talking followed by another man talking in the background as a vehicle drives and other vehicles pass by,Bus Vehicle Speech,YEbpOXac13yo.wav,YFJkvAMLmejY.wav +4482,A man talking followed by wind blowing into a microphone while insects buzz,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Speech",YqakN0JNbpcU.wav,YVjSEIRnLAh8.wav +4483,A woman speaking click of moving dishes followed by spraying of a can,"Dishes, pots, and pans Speech Inside, small room",YBoe3MeEpn_c.wav,Ya3GzZKxUTy8.wav +4484,Plastic clanking as a horse trots and a woman talks in the background,Horse Speech Animal,YeYbFtxZmKL4.wav,Y7QN3lwOzfdg.wav +4485,A man shouting and hollering as ducks quack and chirp while wind blows into a microphone,Bird Duck Speech,YYEYeQ0lIkBQ.wav,Y4sb9jN0SgTM.wav +4486,A speech and gunfire followed by a gun being loaded,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",YpuZL08fzpXk.wav,YtdpiXW68adA.wav +4487,A engine running briefly,Idling Truck Vehicle,Yi1u_2eZYYlE.wav,Y-nQHwrRLfc0.wav +4488,An animal is moving with clip-clop noise with speech in the background,Horse Speech Animal,YeYbFtxZmKL4.wav,YSGaIvgwwWSE.wav +4489,Power tool motor whining and drilling ending in a squeal,Drill Tools Power tool,YFeHndzYAUkg.wav,YhJtOGmN_KVw.wav +4490,A man vocalizing a high-pitch sound and then speaking,Tick-tock Speech,Y_z-bidQYVao.wav,YkOYg4ZtKcAs.wav +4491,A woman is speaking with low speech from a crowd,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YETb9EIQOMAA.wav,YLP_DzNUkAKY.wav +4492,An engine running and screeching with rustling,Vibration,Y4Ujigme2IxY.wav,Ygf6H_MWCqjw.wav +4493,Cats meowing loudly and then a male voice,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Animal",YU3CAjsm1sec.wav,YzwoqJY03yHE.wav +4494,A woman delivering a speech,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YEvZ3jOMYWxk.wav,YPuLuZ_TXv-0.wav +4495,A muffled vehicle engine accelerating then revving as vehicles pass by,"Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Car",YD96OO7nYYsg.wav,YTtRtURWVYBE.wav +4496,Buzzing and humming of a motor with a man speaking,Drill,YAMQei29haCw.wav,YMvHpNzDpC6Q.wav +4497,Rain lightly falling while water trickles and splashes followed by wind blowing into a microphone then thunder roaring in the distance,Rain Raindrop Thunderstorm Thunder,YAI1OweEW8C0.wav,Y6ukYSXzfEgQ.wav +4498,A woman speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YEY4p0_NJVQs.wav,Y-NrFeH-kBSM.wav +4499,A liquid gurgles as it drains,Gurgling,YKJKHDKKW3XU.wav,YG3YO2unWz7k.wav +4500,An infant makes babbling noise followed by crying,"Baby cry, infant cry",Y14ekd4nkpwc.wav,YAUJPx81qKtY.wav +4501,Insects buzz nearby with distant birds chirping followed by rustling,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YP12nvSpKXcs.wav,YNX0gR9Eebp0.wav +4502,Several small birds chirping with faint rustling,"Bird Domestic animals, pets Chirp, tweet",YZTYAQBnU4GM.wav,YmSF_FqBtRPs.wav +4503,An engine throttles and clanks and then suddenly accelerates off into the distance,"Vehicle Tire squeal Car Race car, auto racing",Y7XXSOzDQ2z0.wav,YNeZerAPXR-A.wav +4504,A train passes with a honking horn and rustling tracks,Steam whistle Steam Hiss,YC_ga5m6nOhI.wav,YAgaiowyYt88.wav +4505,A train running on a railroad track followed by a vehicle door closing and a man talking while a train horn is blowing and railroad crossing signals are ringing in the distance,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train",YYQSuFyFm3Lc.wav,Y6TO9PEGpZcQ.wav +4506,Birds chirping as well as some clanking,"Bird Domestic animals, pets Chirp, tweet",YZTYAQBnU4GM.wav,YITlqMkR5alY.wav +4507,A walking in the grass and a pig oink sound,Oink,YBLMWD6fxhpo.wav,Y6Nvu6EcpdE8.wav +4508,Females voice narrating a scene as music is playing and rain drops are falling,Rain Raindrop Rain on surface,Y2RjqBRzmxaM.wav,Yf8WPf5F22xI.wav +4509,Sheep bleat and a woman speaks,Sheep Bleat Speech,YD9GHUPGWsV0.wav,Y3rna9zo5ZOs.wav +4510,"A mid-size motor is idling, vibrating and humming",Engine Idling Medium engine (mid frequency),Y-nQHwrRLfc0.wav,YyRoKi7rhSRo.wav +4511,Water splashes and gurgles,Gurgling,Y1PvMtRIlZNI.wav,YIFRmbxWK8u0.wav +4512,Plastic rattling as a vehicle engine accelerates,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Y4SZ7JXDCNps.wav,Yvsy1IpYmrSY.wav +4513,A young girl speaks with some crinkling plastic,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YAbplcXwXnvE.wav,YH7-orYrKBeo.wav +4514,A man speaking followed by air spraying while vibration rumbling grows louder,Spray Speech,YmaVYiednkSg.wav,Y0qbHT34qTZE.wav +4515,A man talking while a saw is running,Tools Wood Speech,Y-JP1GqPEKtw.wav,Yc3nlaAkv9bA.wav +4516,Water flows and splashes,"Trickle, dribble",YdZDgJzGtLLU.wav,YxnVqvc7N7Po.wav +4517,Humming and vibrating with a man speaking and small oinks,Speech Oink,YSoO1HhaEc9Q.wav,Y1a2XWJ8NA_Q.wav +4518,A woman speaks with nearby insects buzzing,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YtmLAXm1WlnE.wav,YcNARVD02-tw.wav +4519,An engine hums and rattles as it accelerates,"Engine Whoosh, swoosh, swish Vehicle Car",YFi4-IqJo2xQ.wav,YNeZerAPXR-A.wav +4520,Metal rattling followed by a door slamming shut then plastic clacking proceeded by a toilet flushing,Toilet flush Water,Y3xDZ-kdGE3o.wav,YDn3buZWMzwY.wav +4521,Male speech and then a child speaks with repeated taps and a beep,"Beep, bleep Speech Microwave oven",Y3qrVku794u0.wav,YajheseWZmmU.wav +4522,A beep and clicking noise repeat.,Tick-tock,YL6rnV0oNIII.wav,YkEP-BwMarf8.wav +4523,A man talking followed by footsteps walking on dirt as a swarm of insects buzz and birds chirp in the background,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Speech",YqakN0JNbpcU.wav,Y1N_DtRpdAp8.wav +4524,A shrill beep followed by four clicks while low voices converse in the background,"Beep, bleep",YWU3qB7gf6ao.wav,YpuZL08fzpXk.wav +4525,A man talking as plastic rattles while a truck engine runs idle and vehicles drive by in the background,Spray Speech,YXf5LjaE_JQ0.wav,YC9NC7wJ7C3w.wav +4526,"A crowd applauds and whistles, then an adult male speaks","Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",YBrPFQDr99Gg.wav,Y6aWnK1GyeJY.wav +4527,A couple of horses are slowly walking in unison,Horse Clip-clop Animal,Y7bO0AJI-ihs.wav,YgW7s3YAthpI.wav +4528,People speaking faintly with some humming and a hydraulic hiss,Steam Hiss,YLP_DzNUkAKY.wav,Ylq9RvAA4mqY.wav +4529,A goat screams as people communicate,"Goat Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YawxrHOpt-sE.wav,YKvrcRMfFzOE.wav +4530,Water splashes with people speaking in the distance and a faint whistle,Gurgling Speech Stream,Y1_z6NcidGzM.wav,YOUUckswAaNI.wav +4531,A high pitched bell ringing continuously,Tick-tock Tick,YAizmnCDlXos.wav,YPZBUdlKwX04.wav +4532,A duck quacking followed by plastic camera muffling,Bird Duck,Ygf6H_MWCqjw.wav,YIJ6pm5Kns8A.wav +4533,A cat meowing as a person is kissing aloud followed by a man giggling during light audio static,Cat Meow Animal,YajheseWZmmU.wav,YWmDe2xbnSY4.wav +4534,Water trickles as birds chirp then drums begin to play,"Bird Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet",YHxZADVzNIqs.wav,YZ-SIyOChVh8.wav +4535,A train horn blowing as a train runs on railroad tracks while a train signal beeps in the background,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y3Sml1wHcuxo.wav,YEBCH7TPgiPc.wav +4536,A dog whimpers then a male voice laughs and talks as the dog starts to bark shortly after,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Chicken, rooster Speech Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",Yhrv6fwnmBkY.wav,YD9GHUPGWsV0.wav +4537,Splashing water followed by a girl speaking then scraping and spitting,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YZ3wDry8nnJs.wav,YD96OO7nYYsg.wav +4538,A train horn blows several times with leaves rustling in the wind,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train",Y59VP93Tzjmg.wav,Y--0w1YA1Hm4.wav +4539,A steam engine hissing while puffing steam as wind blows into a microphone,Steam Hiss,YkLYCjD6vWI4.wav,Y-oy0BkpMGAk.wav +4540,Music plays followed by a man speaking,Sizzle,Yg6CY7qvu81k.wav,YxYwpABpZed4.wav +4541,Train horn sounds as it moves along tracks,Train horn Train Vehicle,Y0a9wVat2PWk.wav,YE9zN3-C64KE.wav +4542,"Loud, continuous sizzling",Frying (food),Y4fz0-Kx2oNs.wav,Yhzn_wGlzGpU.wav +4543,Rhythmic tick took,Tick-tock,Y4ftDFi4684Y.wav,YdYvL6uEMl6E.wav +4544,A crowd of people talking followed by two girls belching with a group of girls laughing,"Burping, eructation Speech",Y1FNJbN-eHY4.wav,Y2JutOgAnqWA.wav +4545,Snoring and heavy breathing,Snoring,Y5rh5-MCjqq8.wav,YWHRnyGXcdy8.wav +4546,A man talking as water streams in the background,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YsVYTOURVsQ0.wav,Y0Rpjl1AO-P0.wav +4547,A machine is in use and making whoosh and vibrating sounds,"Water tap, faucet Pump (liquid)",YObWjGBJF_94.wav,YkagkXkAVPNo.wav +4548,A woman and a man speaking through a telephone speaker,Telephone Speech,Yjs4dr5JusdM.wav,Y_C2HinL8VlM.wav +4549,Airplane moving down a runway with muddled speech in background,"Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YEUZaxaWqhwg.wav,YL_CNz9Vrtkw.wav +4550,Wind blows and waves crash with distant humming,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Yne2DpKCIr4Y.wav,Ylh801oHGtD4.wav +4551,Female speech followed by a thumping noise,Door Speech,YIvg_q4t-3w0.wav,YpCQEWAFGEjc.wav +4552,A goat yelling as a crowd of people talk and vehicles drive by in the background followed by people laughing and someone clicking,"Goat Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YawxrHOpt-sE.wav,YUXGzbBGbqAA.wav +4553,A muffled steam engine running as a crowd of people talk followed by muffled steam hissing,Steam Hiss,YLP_DzNUkAKY.wav,YTQr9v-PQOc4.wav +4554,Airplane engine idles continuously,"Vehicle Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",Yv7BaYF0kagM.wav,YXJba7pTbpD0.wav +4555,A person whistling followed by pigeons cooing and bird wings flapping as birds chirp in the background,"Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",YsTMKled6Q1M.wav,YOt0bN_hz2ec.wav +4556,Girl speaks then a loud burp followed by girls laughing,"Burping, eructation Speech",YBvw2gv1fcZw.wav,YhqPBcvex1VU.wav +4557,Woman speaking with a southern drawl,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y9z8XIRyUq9Q.wav,YUCy1BEx8jBE.wav +4558,"Whistling occurs, followed by an adult female singing",Whistling,YMTaLknnq4wc.wav,Y1N_DtRpdAp8.wav +4559,A man yelling before and after a person belching,"Burping, eructation Speech Inside, small room",Y4lv9aLXtud0.wav,YMe4npKmtchA.wav +4560,A woman speaks with dishes clanging and water running in the background,"Dishes, pots, and pans Speech",YlYhwCRX2wNc.wav,Y77nElZGi5NU.wav +4561,A bell sounds its horn,Bell,YH7rd9bZtbgc.wav,YlVr-PxhZo8s.wav +4562,"Slight rustling and thumping occur, followed by a flush of water with splashing and gurgling",Toilet flush,Yy3-M1sonh3M.wav,Yy1a8PntuXYw.wav +4563,A man is speaking as tap water runs,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YjOYvIISk--4.wav,YoiIi6H83Y38.wav +4564,A drill running and a man vocalizing,Drill,YAMQei29haCw.wav,YeXj9OAik5cc.wav +4565,A woman speaking on a microphone,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YEY4p0_NJVQs.wav,YBDpU2Qh77NE.wav +4566,Music and a male speech,Sizzle,Yg6CY7qvu81k.wav,YFc9pG54DDJM.wav +4567,A person snoring repetitively,Snoring Snort Speech,Ya_Rjlu50TfA.wav,YBGEMgl1xjac.wav +4568,A baby crying loudly,"Baby cry, infant cry",YFKaJsvcyHTk.wav,Yl5KdHAWwJCw.wav +4569,An airplane engine revving then running,"Vehicle Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",YK_Vre_-4KqU.wav,Y-FW109cbv0g.wav +4570,Humming and rustling from a large engine followed by two honks of a horn,"Truck Vehicle Outside, rural or natural",Y9dLLsZVRSZI.wav,YwrQDkX0NbTA.wav +4571,A honking horn from an oncoming train,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Train whistle Rail transport Train Vehicle Outside, rural or natural",Y0yETgW44MZU.wav,Y6NBPiArs2-w.wav +4572,Birds chirping repeatedly,"Bird Domestic animals, pets Chirp, tweet",Yoklu5ZJD_2U.wav,YrINmxSXMR-s.wav +4573,"Insects are buzzing, and birds are chirping","Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",Yjj2RyNDj7no.wav,YtwFypUcdgRc.wav +4574,Cats meows and hisses and some thuds,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Caterwaul Animal",Y3ejndVEAcmQ.wav,YSNIaYhri76w.wav +4575,A motorcycle engine idles and then shifts gears,"Motorcycle Vehicle Medium engine (mid frequency) Outside, urban or manmade",YnaPgJvWTIY4.wav,YgwQMkQmBITE.wav +4576,A distant horn ring as a vehicle approaches,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car",Y-aYumc8KoXg.wav,Yjs4dr5JusdM.wav +4577,A cat meows as he enters the room and something is dropped with a big thump,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow",Y2sZhC_mKeic.wav,Yorgwzt45ojE.wav +4578,A helicopter engine running idle as wind blows heavily into a microphone,"Propeller, airscrew Vehicle Helicopter",YBOB65Nd0pXo.wav,YLs1zyPjs3k8.wav +4579,Digital static and beeps,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",YbA5zPFSFZAA.wav,Y4lv9aLXtud0.wav +4580,A train horn blowing followed by a train running on railroad tracks passes by,"Subway, metro, underground Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",YOt0bN_hz2ec.wav,YhxbmDeNSO6Q.wav +4581,A man is talking and snickering followed by a goat bleating,Goat Snicker Speech,Yjid4t-FzUn0.wav,YrE6BJ0Bo4w4.wav +4582,A loud hissing and chugging growing louder,Steam Hiss,YkLYCjD6vWI4.wav,YxpZna_FwDhI.wav +4583,"Several animals are bleating and the wind is blowing, while a group of people talk in the background",Sheep Bleat Speech,Y7XUt6sQS7nM.wav,Y1Og2TJ3bXW0.wav +4584,A man talking followed by a power tool drilling then footsteps shuffling and a man speaking,"Drill Tools Wood Speech Inside, small room",YoN0IcZaHD_8.wav,Y7upINC4seBw.wav +4585,A female voice and a duck quacking,Duck Speech,Ydkiwn2FdDVw.wav,YlVr-PxhZo8s.wav +4586,"A woman vocally demonstrating something, followed by spraying",Spray Speech,Y9hxFqltp3xw.wav,Y-mb4Fw4Z0xg.wav +4587,A woman speaks briefly over a radio with an aircraft engine running,"Vehicle Aircraft Outside, rural or natural",Y1IoHRTUp86c.wav,YMtK8L8gXRrI.wav +4588,A man talking as a sewing machine rapidly operates and hums,"Speech Sewing machine Inside, small room",YCvNAwby6Xos.wav,YPO8Nu3F8mkA.wav +4589,Water trickling and dripping as a crowd of people talk in the background,Gurgling Speech,YPWjEfOkb6ro.wav,Y2JutOgAnqWA.wav +4590,A motorboat engine running idle as wind blows into a microphone while a man talks,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",YdP5DbAzTl5M.wav,YzoxFl3pddMg.wav +4591,Clicking and rustling followed by explosions and several pops,"Burst, pop Fireworks",YcK2kSVR1d2o.wav,YhuMLK0oA3L8.wav +4592,A group of children talking in the background followed by a woman then a man talking as a person is snoring,Snoring Speech,YJC2ZrXzCX4Y.wav,Y9ucb5HYO8ps.wav +4593,Typing on a typewriter,Typing Typewriter,YPuLuZ_TXv-0.wav,YAKHZMg9ba30.wav +4594,A series of whooshes as music plays and a crowd of people talk in the background,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",Y4_Cak7gvly4.wav,Y5OM3tJh51pE.wav +4595,A man speaks with some light crinkling of plastic,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YWOywdRmySs0.wav,Yo3mZR8OvPko.wav +4596,A woman laughs and talks after burping,"Burping, eructation Speech",YYflmW68gL4E.wav,YatmDP_fmK_8.wav +4597,Water splashing items floating in the water something doping in to the water women voice,"Bathtub (filling or washing) Speech Child speech, kid speaking",YNX0gR9Eebp0.wav,YpPLisQ_QXxw.wav +4598,A man talking as another man speaks in the background followed by birds chirping and leaves rustling while wind blows into a microphone,"Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet Speech Animal Outside, rural or natural",YbygBWUkpaC8.wav,Yeu5bq0A3XVQ.wav +4599,A man talking followed by wood being sawed followed by paper shuffling,"Wood Speech Inside, small room",YlgwpIImXCWA.wav,YwrQDkX0NbTA.wav +4600,Ducks quack as a stream burbles and low speech in the background,Bird Duck,Ygf6H_MWCqjw.wav,YEBCH7TPgiPc.wav +4601,Car going fast with changing gear,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YS_3aeOvniZc.wav,YJmWaRt8-u0s.wav +4602,Clicks followed by gunshots and breathing then some speaking,"Gunshot, gunfire",YtIM-H2rdq8U.wav,Ym8wV38lf2jg.wav +4603,Water trickling and lightly splashing followed by an animal hooting in the distance,"Trickle, dribble Water",YnLtNjMimLE0.wav,Y14izd_i3ryE.wav +4604,"A race car races, and the engine accelerates","Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",YLF6x7B0Ppvo.wav,Y6aWnK1GyeJY.wav +4605,A bell ringing followed by a camera muffling then plastic scrapping on a wooden surface proceeded by a clock ticking,Tick-tock,YeJCaRgf1M20.wav,Y35b9BSmN5JM.wav +4606,Bells ringing with voices in background and wind blowing,Bell Speech,Yc0IggDOisOo.wav,YHVz-FJBf_iM.wav +4607,A swarm of insects buzzing as birds chirp in the background while wind blows into a microphone,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YYqYCDis3EUA.wav,Y6dLkgq9EKPE.wav +4608,A woman talking followed by a kid talking while birds chirp in the background,"Conversation Female speech, woman speaking Speech Child speech, kid speaking",YCBwXKOpJY_o.wav,YbA5zPFSFZAA.wav +4609,A man is speaking,Vehicle Speech Car Car passing by,Y2bq2lc3DLwM.wav,Y4UPOUGVMlEs.wav +4610,"Repeated ripping occurs, then sharp tapping in the background",Hiss,Y7RMpCCkQks0.wav,YHg6HxylRGDo.wav +4611,"Burping, belching","Burping, eructation",Y-Sz4z0QwEuM.wav,YJfaj4P3us9M.wav +4612,A young man and a girl talking followed by a horn honking then a group of people laughing and a person clapping,"Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Speech Inside, small room",YFJkvAMLmejY.wav,YXplKBvZaHXA.wav +4613,Screeching and male speech,"Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Domestic animals, pets Animal",Yi6MQCm58zlY.wav,Y_z6pymOet7g.wav +4614,A man is speaking followed by applause,Applause,Y8BPTQO_cx7E.wav,YC9NC7wJ7C3w.wav +4615,A child and a women speaking with water running in the background,Stream,YENTi8Sn4vdM.wav,YkHIe4CfaccQ.wav +4616,Goats bleat followed by female speech and a younger female speaking,Sheep Bleat Speech,YF-47fRplQEc.wav,YD9tinq3RMpU.wav +4617,A bus engine running followed by a vehicle horn honking,"Toot Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking",YtjCNwdOUiGc.wav,YNDaVSIJaXVs.wav +4618,An engine revving and then male speech,"Engine Idling Accelerating, revving, vroom Vehicle Speech Car Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y4sb9jN0SgTM.wav,YSePTNAN7s-w.wav +4619,A helicopter flying in the distance,Vehicle Helicopter,YbIV3bJZpkgA.wav,YlTJLvSvjUZk.wav +4620,A dog growling and barking repeatedly,"Canidae, dogs, wolves Bark Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal Inside, small room",YNeWW30WZjPc.wav,YaZAXO2WZn84.wav +4621,An explosion sounds with bursting noises,"Explosion Burst, pop",YeqcdsdLz954.wav,Y3VHpLxtd498.wav +4622,A woman talking in an auditorium,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y2a6GNu6uCDE.wav,Y4UPOUGVMlEs.wav +4623,White noise followed by a loud clanging then birds chirping,Gurgling,Y8DLcBdC5UrE.wav,YalaxBd_EEUc.wav +4624,Typing on a computer keyboard followed by a computer mouse clicking as a man sniffles before talking,Typing,YRrmBGjJqlEo.wav,YLvMA1Wcgu3w.wav +4625,A vehicle engine accelerating and plastic rattling,"Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Y4SZ7JXDCNps.wav,Y22L_3pBa1AI.wav +4626,Water trickling onto a metal surface and filling a container,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YhpDltmawxIM.wav,YB-gTt3_rceQ.wav +4627,An engine running and wind blowing with people talking,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",Y1a2XWJ8NA_Q.wav,YQ3vkJMVMbC8.wav +4628,An engine revving,Engine Vehicle Car,Y4KObP7cREWw.wav,Yt1hj7se76wQ.wav +4629,A goat bleating,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",YkHIe4CfaccQ.wav,YMSziND26UTA.wav +4630,An aircraft engine running then slowing down with a plastic clank in the background,"Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft Outside, urban or manmade",Y1Og2TJ3bXW0.wav,YY3lNEe-ZGF0.wav +4631,Water flowing down a river,Stream,YROootH-mtEI.wav,YBMayJId0X1s.wav +4632,A female speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",YC9NC7wJ7C3w.wav,YCM49C3RkzV8.wav +4633,An engine running and water splashing,Gurgling,YXZTt1xdK8uQ.wav,Y4YMXgLFcR94.wav +4634,An animal gurgling followed by a bell clinking as a kid yells and a man laughs then speaks,Frog,YS0SQyFXbqF8.wav,YFDwK7T1JO_0.wav +4635,Several rapid bursts of gunshots in the distance followed by nearby gunshots and a man speaking over a radio,"Gunshot, gunfire Machine gun",YQoEal_hKz4Q.wav,YXamQAY_WXRY.wav +4636,A woman is speaking followed by a dog growling and barking,Bark Bow-wow Dog,YHZ9O6sc7cLA.wav,YF7QtqKtllK0.wav +4637,"A small motor is running and fades, and vibration is present",Helicopter,Y5ORpSk5CIWc.wav,Y4ftDFi4684Y.wav +4638,A woman giving a speech,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y5OM3tJh51pE.wav,YaZAXO2WZn84.wav +4639,Faucet water flowing as plastic clanks and a man speaks followed by another plastic clank and a kid laughing in the background,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",Y6i5eQOpFk_U.wav,Y7bO0AJI-ihs.wav +4640,"An adult male and an adult female speak, while rustling and metal scissors cutting paper occurs","Speech Crumpling, crinkling",Y9PN4gyxpH2M.wav,YzoxFl3pddMg.wav +4641,A woman sneezing repeatedly,Sneeze,YmJ6ZO3xEcgw.wav,Y3ndid3jni7M.wav +4642,"A man yells, slams a door and then speaks",Door Slam Speech,YAR8-MVl_Mf8.wav,YyRoKi7rhSRo.wav +4643,An emergency siren going off as wind blows heavily into a microphone,Emergency vehicle Siren Police car (siren),YAFgGoY8Ihhg.wav,Y35b9BSmN5JM.wav +4644,A man talking softly followed by a goat baaing and a cow mooing in the background,"Goat Domestic animals, pets Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal",Yc3nlaAkv9bA.wav,YalaxBd_EEUc.wav +4645,A young woman talking as plastic crinkles and crumples,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YAbplcXwXnvE.wav,YL_CNz9Vrtkw.wav +4646,Whirring followed by a sudden object clanking,Gurgling,Y8DLcBdC5UrE.wav,Y473wBEwC35M.wav +4647,Wind noise and farm animal noises followed by a goat screaming,Goat Speech Animal,YrtgVoZCcBw8.wav,Y9MgGaTbmc6g.wav +4648,Race cars are auto racing,"Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Race car, auto racing",Yo7jW6Suyfbs.wav,YXrJcmftCY04.wav +4649,Two dogs barking and growling followed by a man talking in the background,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Speech Dog Animal Whimper (dog)",Y40cuHrYfaqA.wav,YV8A0VRGdgwM.wav +4650,Waves are crashing as the wind blows heavily,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Yne2DpKCIr4Y.wav,Y1Og2TJ3bXW0.wav +4651,A woman talking as an infant is crying followed by a woman laughing while a man talks through a television speaker,"Crying, sobbing Speech Baby cry, infant cry Inside, small room",YQ0anPAIkfBE.wav,Y6CDl4CqOgMg.wav +4652,A woman speaks with food sizzling in a pan with some chopping,Speech Frying (food),YVjSEIRnLAh8.wav,YLP_DzNUkAKY.wav +4653,A man is talking then an engine turns on,Idling Vehicle Speech Engine starting,Y6Nvu6EcpdE8.wav,YLs2vrr9TamU.wav +4654,Sirens and speeding cars along with police chatter,Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren,Y8F-ndyrEWJ8.wav,Yorgwzt45ojE.wav +4655,A motorcycle driving then accelerating as a man talks over an intercom followed by another man cheering,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,Y0Dt-pH0pW-Y.wav,Yq46VXJ6JN9M.wav +4656,High frequency humming,Helicopter Speech,YLBe33dw9ezg.wav,Yq1ivQ_2fddk.wav +4657,A quick repeat of applause followed by continued applause,Applause,YTaQKhIRwii4.wav,Y7-HCqJFwHoI.wav +4658,A person burps loudly,"Burping, eructation",Y-Sz4z0QwEuM.wav,YbX2vDaHL26U.wav +4659,Mechanical humming followed by a click and a toilet flushing,Toilet flush,Yy1a8PntuXYw.wav,YPO8Nu3F8mkA.wav +4660,"Wind and rain sounds, then a man begins to talk","Wind Speech Outside, rural or natural",YQTSKjweEWew.wav,YOpiWMltpj44.wav +4661,Large engine running with loud exhaust,Applause,Y0AsXkZkqelg.wav,Y6pssFJ0m-kU.wav +4662,Plastic thumping as a man laughs followed by a kid speaking in the distance as water splashes and wind blows into a microphone,Gurgling Speech Stream,Y1nUOGZgSzZo.wav,Ye2rScj9UyMs.wav +4663,Several loud burps,"Burping, eructation",YXIooZl1QdM4.wav,YUV1kdjwpy6U.wav +4664,Rattling of an engine with wind blowing and a horn honking,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Outside, urban or manmade",YB8rdur4aams.wav,Ygf6H_MWCqjw.wav +4665,A man speaking as an idle motorboat engine runs and water trickles while wind blows into a microphone,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",Y7upINC4seBw.wav,YEYTz1LPDHsc.wav +4666,Whistling with flapping wings and cooing pigeons with other birds chirping,"Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",YsTMKled6Q1M.wav,YCMNlIW6Lkwc.wav +4667,A man speaking with wind noise and a woman speaks,"Horse Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal Outside, rural or natural",YR4fXcbWFhJg.wav,YD4s5aHrsBgs.wav +4668,"Puncturing sound, followed by water trickling and a man speaking","Trickle, dribble Speech",YZ7yDwpdGelM.wav,YtjCNwdOUiGc.wav +4669,Digital beeping and clicks,"Beep, bleep",YWU3qB7gf6ao.wav,YCMNlIW6Lkwc.wav +4670,Machinery running,Vibration White noise,Y9BGLAUSF0sk.wav,Y1nUOGZgSzZo.wav +4671,A power sprayer sprays surfaces,Spray,YljrL7Cb-jr8.wav,YAtkD-3GjXMw.wav +4672,A young boy crying as a woman is talking,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, large room or hall",Yfx4r_KuW6No.wav,YrBUCIK8JRLg.wav +4673,"The wind is blowing, and an adult male laughs and animals bleat","Domestic animals, pets Sheep Bleat Animal",YOFVzrakJhbw.wav,YnLZeG9LaLgw.wav +4674,A power tool drilling,Drill,YGuizRlAQ8qQ.wav,Y7cHRSfbp7tc.wav +4675,Light rainfall together with rustling,Rain Rain on surface,YRdC8cviN6Bs.wav,YW4GEwnXc9tQ.wav +4676,Men are communicating followed by a ticktock noise,Tick-tock Speech,YArHiac57pVk.wav,Yy_OyLW9lBXU.wav +4677,Train horn blows followed by clickety-clack of rails,"Subway, metro, underground Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",YOt0bN_hz2ec.wav,YOxUVcZmeiyI.wav +4678,Man speaks while insects buzz,"Bee, wasp, etc. Speech Outside, rural or natural",YyhDw7PZje3g.wav,Y8IdCiapDYCU.wav +4679,A man talking followed by paper and plastic crinkling,"Speech Crumpling, crinkling",YWOywdRmySs0.wav,YR91bUbtKrRs.wav +4680,A man speaks followed by burping,"Burping, eructation Speech",YalaxBd_EEUc.wav,YwoadpeAGHUQ.wav +4681,Ticking and humming from an idling engine followed by a man speaking,Vibration Idling Vehicle Speech Car,YBL8ksJ0sTXk.wav,Y8o-Y4QP8LWs.wav +4682,Male speech with another male speaking on the phone,Telephone Speech,YKnsKf9KoNds.wav,YMvHpNzDpC6Q.wav +4683,A train running and the horn honking and bells chiming,"Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train Clickety-clack",Y7JWHbs3gu1w.wav,YHeEa1GZpUGI.wav +4684,A helicopter is flying above while a man is talking,"Helicopter Speech Outside, rural or natural",YtfOIhQpYYe8.wav,YbAqgL5dCQOE.wav +4685,Insects chirping and clicking,"Insect Rodents, rats, mice Cricket",YBGEMgl1xjac.wav,YC4JwGJQ2dUA.wav +4686,Mechanical click clacking,Tick-tock,YIFRmbxWK8u0.wav,Yd1tL-9BILy8.wav +4687,Man and woman talking on phone clicking and tone when hanging up,Telephone Speech,YxnVqvc7N7Po.wav,YTdl9SmBbRnA.wav +4688,Emergency vehicle siren loudly then fading into the distance,"Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YpWQeV08kYR0.wav,YkHIe4CfaccQ.wav +4689,Indiscriminate speech and then hissing,Steam Hiss,YLP_DzNUkAKY.wav,YPb6MqpdX5Jw.wav +4690,A train emits the steam whistle sound with a hissing noise,Steam whistle Steam Hiss,Y9_YfTz8cnFY.wav,Y_YS5uKWoB6g.wav +4691,A siren is wailing and an engine is running followed by a male voice.,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Truck Vehicle Speech",YIPfaRF76gVU.wav,Y3IScngdQA4I.wav +4692,An engine idling followed by the engine revving,Vibration,Y1N_DtRpdAp8.wav,YK8-b0VtNOqA.wav +4693,A woman speaks continuously,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y7WkB6pflr6o.wav,YwAZrOPvul4Y.wav +4694,Distant clip clops of horses with a man speaking and a woman screaming,"Horse Speech Livestock, farm animals, working animals Animal Outside, rural or natural",YR4fXcbWFhJg.wav,Y7cHRSfbp7tc.wav +4695,Rubbing against wood with birds cooing and woman speaking briefly,Rub Wood,YBzHTqyX69pI.wav,Y9vZDsGjyh5M.wav +4696,A kid talking followed by a group of people talking then a man speaking proceeded by a young girl talking,"Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YB-gTt3_rceQ.wav,YXi6V0LGvqoo.wav +4697,A man talking followed by a metal clack then a motorcycle engine starting up,Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,Y1WTSW96XP6E.wav,YCYUlLTKoa1Y.wav +4698,A steady stream of water flowing as a small motor hum followed by plastic clicking,Stream,Y3hzy-FL24no.wav,Ybpv_LneHmfU.wav +4699,Waves breaking and some wind,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",YrBUCIK8JRLg.wav,Y14izd_i3ryE.wav +4700,A power tool drilling as rock music plays,Drill Tools Power tool,YFeHndzYAUkg.wav,YEvZ3jOMYWxk.wav +4701,Typing on a keyboard,Computer keyboard Typing,YDAN1t9ukkg0.wav,Y4SZ7JXDCNps.wav +4702,A man talking as pigeons coo and bird wings flap,"Bird Speech Pigeon, dove Inside, large room or hall",Yorgwzt45ojE.wav,YC_ga5m6nOhI.wav +4703,A woman speaking,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y54eRRbCtPn8.wav,YJon_DEFqsfM.wav +4704,A man talking a sheep speaks while birds chirp in the background and wind blows into a microphone,Sheep Bleat Speech,YPYP-r0nvbFk.wav,Y7upINC4seBw.wav +4705,"An aircraft motor is operating with rhythmic whirring, then wind roars","Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",YdYvL6uEMl6E.wav,YggN4-K5AgoM.wav +4706,A distorted gasping followed by footsteps walking on a hard surface and people grunting while a beating sounds in the background as a series of gunshots fire,"Gunshot, gunfire",YtIM-H2rdq8U.wav,Yf2fSxfvmkZQ.wav +4707,Whooshing and humming with a man speaking and distant squeaks,"Whoosh, swoosh, swish",YrvtA7c1I4xo.wav,YHdxfbpnd2-8.wav +4708,A man speaking while power tools are whirring and running in the background,Tools Wood Speech,YinSvboaSRwA.wav,Y2UNuMbxz9ds.wav +4709,Wood being sawed by a machine followed by a heavy machine motor running while sawing wood,Wood,YTWOgvDaDqlU.wav,YeXj9OAik5cc.wav +4710,Music then sizzle of frying food while male speaks,Stir Frying (food),YSQHYl2Kp5ww.wav,YtJhVH3VIrnE.wav +4711,Humming of an engine with some rustling,Vehicle Speech Aircraft,YuJzAf4PaExI.wav,YkF1KWybdRpM.wav +4712,A man speaks with some high pitched ringing and some rustling,Wood Speech,Y3wrdPAeqjVI.wav,Y3hzy-FL24no.wav +4713,An explosion followed by a man shouting.,"Explosion Burst, pop Speech",Yir1XTdyt4IY.wav,Y1wW0YJQ-Xa0.wav +4714,A bird tweets far away and someone flushes the toilet,Toilet flush Water,YyRoKi7rhSRo.wav,Y-Sz4z0QwEuM.wav +4715,Rain falling outside,Thunder,Y_iUX8CibElk.wav,Y2j8pxiFvElM.wav +4716,Water gurgling,Gurgling,Y1PvMtRIlZNI.wav,Y2ItTq2JShdU.wav +4717,People are talking and water is splashing,"Boat, Water vehicle Waves, surf Wind Wind noise (microphone)",Y3RultJjvTWI.wav,YUmNrhFKpWIY.wav +4718,"A cat is meowing, and a child is speaking","Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Speech Animal",Y_GI7meqlYZk.wav,YHxZADVzNIqs.wav +4719,Very loud explosions with pops and bursts of more explosions,"Explosion Burst, pop",Y63KW_EQ72yU.wav,Ydkiwn2FdDVw.wav +4720,Ocean waves crashing and water splashing as gusts of wind blow and seagulls squawking in the distance,"Boat, Water vehicle Waves, surf Wind Ocean Wind noise (microphone)",Y0fMXnvD38zI.wav,Yt1hj7se76wQ.wav +4721,"Paper is crinkling and crumpling, and thumping occurs","Crumpling, crinkling",Ypgq2KPX5_SA.wav,YECw5Yf7QoMo.wav +4722,A young girl talking as a crowd of people talk then gasp,Horse Speech Animal,YwNiYSYJXssA.wav,YCfxWJ1Qoufg.wav +4723,Cloth scrapping then cloth shuffling as a man talks while compressed air hisses in the background,Hiss,Y3ghVB-KaU_E.wav,YJnSwRonB9wI.wav +4724,A door creaking followed by metal tapping and a wooden clack as pigeons coo,"Pigeon, dove Animal Inside, small room",Yx5AH2gW_8S4.wav,Y-SkjbQVgJ0M.wav +4725,A baby cries quickly followed by heavy breathing and rattling,"Baby cry, infant cry",YE3Q1jfTeuWs.wav,YGMP8m09j5vk.wav +4726,An inhale then a burp with girls speaking and laughing,"Burping, eructation Speech",Y9ucb5HYO8ps.wav,YlfO471Rn61k.wav +4727,A man talking followed by a toilet flushing,Toilet flush Speech,Y_z6pymOet7g.wav,YPg2cWEnEEvc.wav +4728,A bird sings followed by drumming,"Bird Domestic animals, pets Chirp, tweet",Yoklu5ZJD_2U.wav,Yu84FiZ_omhA.wav +4729,Clicking and screeching metal with people speaking,"Speech Sewing machine Inside, public space",Y7fmOlUlwoNg.wav,YJfaj4P3us9M.wav +4730,Metal scrapping on wood followed by wood sanding then more metal scrapping against wood,Filing (rasp) Rub Wood,YOMGHnJV0l2U.wav,YYIqpIjjee00.wav +4731,Muffled speech followed by laughter,Sneeze Speech,Y-FW109cbv0g.wav,YU90e2P9jy30.wav +4732,An idle motorboat engine running,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle",YBa92IrXFvJo.wav,YGIOApFAWDOc.wav +4733,A boar snorting as dogs growl and heavily breathe while footsteps shuffle on foliage and crickets chirp in the background,Oink,Y4UPOUGVMlEs.wav,Y3ndid3jni7M.wav +4734,Humming from a truck with a blowing horn,"Motor vehicle (road) Truck Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking",YCefFMA3klxk.wav,Y7fmOlUlwoNg.wav +4735,Rustling and scratching and then laughter,Laughter Snicker Speech,YgbtcDoh0q3c.wav,YSNIaYhri76w.wav +4736,Insects buzzing as a bird is chirping in the distance followed by camera muffling and a person talking then sniffling as footsteps move over foliage,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect Fly, housefly",YP12nvSpKXcs.wav,YQHfyKaOHSz4.wav +4737,Burping followed by girls laughing and speaking,"Burping, eructation Speech",YYflmW68gL4E.wav,Y3hzy-FL24no.wav +4738,A loud wind sound as a man is speaking and laughing,Bus Vehicle Speech,YtwFypUcdgRc.wav,YcN-oYKd-M4E.wav +4739,Cup being set down followed a man talking and mixing something in the cup,"Cutlery, silverware Dishes, pots, and pans",Y-EaZ7EJJUl0.wav,Yjs4dr5JusdM.wav +4740,"Running through grass and leaves, metal clinking, then a woman laughs",Horse Clip-clop Speech Animal,YBQ-r9mEHssU.wav,YkVYNXZd0MMY.wav +4741,A male voice speaks and a bird coos and flaps its wings,"Bird Speech Pigeon, dove Inside, small room",Y9HVgYs8OOLc.wav,Y6ukYSXzfEgQ.wav +4742,A man speaking,Computer keyboard Typing Speech,Y0ury8KHQdL4.wav,YrbO727iF03I.wav +4743,A plastic rattling followed by a plastic hatch opening followed by plastic clanking and a vehicle engine accelerating while a man is talking,"Motor vehicle (road) Door Power windows, electric windows Vehicle",YzoctgurhvHE.wav,YvfNKduToki4.wav +4744,Subway horn blows followed by the sound traveling down the rails,"Subway, metro, underground Railroad car, train wagon Train horn Rail transport Train",YelztUCeNQvQ.wav,YS0SQyFXbqF8.wav +4745,Multiple basketballs bouncing on a hard surface and shoes squeaking as a man shouts in the distance,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YU90e2P9jy30.wav,YzF3xXn6NTyU.wav +4746,A man is speaking as birds are tweeting,"Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Chirp, tweet Speech",YkXjzsroVTtw.wav,Ykdflh3akyH8.wav +4747,Rustling with rattling followed by a man speaking,Bicycle Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,Y7P6lcyeDKNI.wav,YfWvWhLJ5Fow.wav +4748,"Birds chirp and a great number of insects buzz, an adult male speaks, and then a sharp thump occurs","Bee, wasp, etc. Hammer Insect Fly, housefly",YiOCpICiu4LA.wav,YkEP-BwMarf8.wav +4749,"Man speaking, then a bird chipping","Bird Domestic animals, pets Chirp, tweet",Yy-RSojxgkDo.wav,YwBs02amFGXs.wav +4750,A person whistling followed by a young girl laughing as a man talks in the background then another person whistling,Whistling Speech,YXPebkNzsnRI.wav,Y40cuHrYfaqA.wav +4751,Insects buzz and distant birds chirp,"Bee, wasp, etc. Insect",Yg5l3Bz6lWnc.wav,Y3iLGu2Omgrw.wav +4752,Musical horns from an approaching vehicle with a humming engine,Motor vehicle (road) Bus Vehicle,YGGgQR7aIofY.wav,YEp72tyiL3as.wav +4753,A male speaking while engine noise in the background,"Boat, Water vehicle Motorboat, speedboat Vehicle Speech",Y7upINC4seBw.wav,Yeu5bq0A3XVQ.wav +4754,A motor is revving up,"Propeller, airscrew Engine Idling Accelerating, revving, vroom Medium engine (mid frequency)",Y3ue0gJM0THk.wav,YIJ6pm5Kns8A.wav +4755,People are laughing and a small dog yips,"Domestic animals, pets Bow-wow Dog Animal",Y8IdCiapDYCU.wav,YXZTt1xdK8uQ.wav +4756,Sirens ring as an emergency vehicle speeds past,"Ambulance (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",YpWQeV08kYR0.wav,YFR7BDRhMATo.wav +4757,"Birds are chirping, an adult male speaks in the background, and an adult male speaks in the foreground","Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song Speech Outside, rural or natural",YFlk-X0gwjF4.wav,YrN2rpLV3brs.wav +4758,A clock ticking followed by someone sniffling,Tick-tock Tick,YsI7_ycEYzAY.wav,Y1_z6NcidGzM.wav +4759,A vehicle engine revving up as whips smack fiberglass followed by a vehicle accelerating at a fast rate and tires skidding,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y2UNuMbxz9ds.wav,Y6Nvu6EcpdE8.wav +4760,Tires squealing followed by an engine revving,Truck Skidding Vehicle,YV4PLSw_WzVw.wav,YAizmnCDlXos.wav +4761,A man speaks during rhythmic cutting,"Wood Speech Inside, small room",YlgwpIImXCWA.wav,YhiJB_95IWiE.wav +4762,Food sizzles as a man speaks with music playing,Sizzle,YZY4aGEniU_E.wav,Yo7-X8DAToGc.wav +4763,A fire engine with a siren fading then another loud siren,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",YYNDKuNINDOY.wav,YXz56Q2Q5j5c.wav +4764,Dishes clanking followed by metal clanking on glass several times as a man is talking,"Cutlery, silverware Dishes, pots, and pans",Y-EaZ7EJJUl0.wav,YMTIF_l_8d4Q.wav +4765,A fire truck sounds the siren as it travels,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",YFhimNYClv40.wav,YSCow4mpBsGY.wav +4766,Two popping explosions followed by footsteps running on concrete followed by compressed air spraying,"Burst, pop",YAf4a-9rcnP0.wav,Yy93cZqNCtks.wav +4767,Distant humming of engines with people speaking and whistling,"Vehicle Speech Car Race car, auto racing",YlmPMhs-9IYE.wav,YUXGzbBGbqAA.wav +4768,A man speaking on a microphone as a crowd of people chant and clap while wind blows into a microphone,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y79XDcI6xZm0.wav,Ylh801oHGtD4.wav +4769,A child speaking followed by a seal howling followed by water splashing then two women laughing in the background,Laughter Speech,YJdFmMw0zyKA.wav,YR4fXcbWFhJg.wav +4770,A machine makes stitching sounds while people are talking in the background,"Speech Sewing machine Inside, public space",Y7fmOlUlwoNg.wav,Y31WGUPOYS5g.wav +4771,A motorcycle engine starts and then revs and accelerates,"Silence Motorcycle Vehicle Outside, urban or manmade",Y0rSETXszQM0.wav,YkOYg4ZtKcAs.wav +4772,A man speaks with some light cracking,Horse Clip-clop Speech Animal,YOmmPaIAXN0s.wav,YdYZSKX7vuRI.wav +4773,A cat purrs then meows,"Cat Domestic animals, pets Meow Animal",YkOYg4ZtKcAs.wav,YnLtNjMimLE0.wav +4774,A spray bottle hisses as two infants laugh,Laughter Baby laughter,Ycr0GiZr0TNY.wav,YbQNX7vDalQw.wav +4775,A toilet flushing as music is playing and a man is singing in the distance,Toilet flush Water,Y67BsqRkh-dU.wav,YoOMtaqvQ3_M.wav +4776,Wind blows and people speak with some rattling and hissing,"Vehicle Fixed-wing aircraft, airplane Aircraft",YEUZaxaWqhwg.wav,YQv1HXaT-28U.wav +4777,A vehicle engine revving then running idle followed by cloth shuffling,Engine Idling Medium engine (mid frequency) Engine starting,YBZCEDkx37rI.wav,YCh0LMmhBUg4.wav +4778,A baby cries and a young girl speaks briefly,"Crying, sobbing Speech Child speech, kid speaking Inside, small room",YbJMMp6PLKqM.wav,Y2RjqBRzmxaM.wav +4779,Machine motors operating followed by glass boinking and a series of metal clacking and shuffling,Sewing machine,YxbLW9Wt1Jsg.wav,YA2mcp0N__7U.wav +4780,Music plays with low ticktock sounds and a baby cries,Tick-tock Tick,YCMUuelJFJ7Q.wav,Y5YzNSjmZ3Wg.wav +4781,A steam engine running on railroad tracks while a steam engine whistle blows several times,Steam whistle Steam Hiss,YC_ga5m6nOhI.wav,YESjMIqrvRj4.wav +4782,An adult male is speaking and an audience is laughing,"Narration, monologue Male speech, man speaking Speech",Y0G7rb74R-2A.wav,Y-Sz4z0QwEuM.wav +4783,Wind blows with some nearby rustling and distant passing traffic,Fire Wind Wind noise (microphone),Yh3UhoHIMfpw.wav,Y4Ujigme2IxY.wav +4784,A frog croaking as a woman talks through an intercom while water is splashing and wood clanks in the background,Frog,YzoxFl3pddMg.wav,YjinJkonlrWc.wav +4785,Faucet water pouring followed by a man talking as water gurgles down a drain,"Sink (filling or washing) Water tap, faucet Water",YqeSl7YZAfs4.wav,YzoctgurhvHE.wav +4786,A baby laughs while a man and a woman speaks and laughs as well,Laughter Speech,Y_AcJVyToQUQ.wav,Y0Dt-pH0pW-Y.wav +4787,Male speech and spraying,Spray Speech,YPRUfwpmYwJ8.wav,YJQz40TkjymY.wav +4788,A man is speaking followed by a beep and burping sound,"Burping, eructation",YHdPSebdDxe4.wav,Y3MoF8myFs8Y.wav +4789,Horse feet clopping and an engine running,Horse Clip-clop Animal,Y7bO0AJI-ihs.wav,YlVr-PxhZo8s.wav +4790,Pots and dishes clanking as a man talks followed by liquid pouring into a container,"Cutlery, silverware Dishes, pots, and pans",Y8o-Y4QP8LWs.wav,YJTHMXLC9YRs.wav +4791,A power tool drill running before turning off and on as a man is talking and wood is clanking and scrapping in the background,Drill,YAMQei29haCw.wav,YKel-hfZ_9h8.wav +4792,"People talk in the background and the wind is blows gently, and two kids speak in the foreground","Speech Child speech, kid speaking Outside, rural or natural",YglAeihz0NAM.wav,YrgrmLLhxoCQ.wav +4793,An engine running and a beeping sound,Vibration White noise,Y30D1tqNFHMc.wav,Yc6YJgZ3qzOw.wav +4794,A ticktock noise from a bell,Tick-tock Tick,YsbW7XwwUtSU.wav,YPMMkPq5jJXY.wav +4795,A young male speaking,"Trickle, dribble Speech",YmGa2JgAiKV8.wav,YOr7umk40TZA.wav +4796,Close ocean waves,"Waves, surf Wind Ocean",Y1e98HeU9Vrg.wav,Y-mb4Fw4Z0xg.wav +4797,A baby crying and a man speaking,"Crying, sobbing Speech",YBMayJId0X1s.wav,Yup2PpjTzyyc.wav +4798,"Many small, enclosed birds chirping","Bird Pigeon, dove Outside, rural or natural",Yyrxa6_P2I80.wav,YlHh0SwUhP8U.wav +4799,"A woman whispers, then a baby cries in the distance. The woman called, and a man speaks.","Speech Baby cry, infant cry",YIsUG5SKWNZA.wav,YsCzRVvu9XeY.wav +4800,A motor engine is working far away and some boys talks then suddenly a loud eructation followed by laughs,"Motor vehicle (road) Burping, eructation Vehicle Speech Car",YMvHpNzDpC6Q.wav,Yp9qRTh4BmSE.wav +4801,A ringing of a siren with passing traffic,"Fire engine, fire truck (siren) Emergency vehicle Siren",YkgjNIDmO8a8.wav,YEp72tyiL3as.wav +4802,Light rustling followed by faint ticks of a clock,Tick-tock,Y4ftDFi4684Y.wav,Yk1QxQ4jJaEQ.wav +4803,A man speaks while operating a power tool,Tools Wood Speech,Y-JP1GqPEKtw.wav,YECw5Yf7QoMo.wav +4804,Food sizzling and oil popping,Sizzle Frying (food),YAJtNitYMa1I.wav,YPMMkPq5jJXY.wav +4805,Engine noise with other engines passing by,Motor vehicle (road) Vehicle Car Car passing by,Y13CBvjHZhOA.wav,Y54eRRbCtPn8.wav +4806,A few seconds of silence then a rasping sound against wood,Wood,YKJhGuhNHToA.wav,Yr2KhpX_QgXA.wav +4807,Pots bang then a faucet turns on and water flows,"Water tap, faucet Water",Y6ukYSXzfEgQ.wav,YESjMIqrvRj4.wav +4808,Water flows and people speak in the distance,Rustling leaves Speech,YXQxIXaX_7M0.wav,Yj1AiqT5oHZc.wav +4809,A frog croaks with speech and thumping noises in the background,Frog,YzoxFl3pddMg.wav,Y0yETgW44MZU.wav +4810,A woman delivering a speech,"Narration, monologue Female speech, woman speaking Speech",Y1QNLMF-Kl_s.wav,YGuizRlAQ8qQ.wav +4811,A man talking as metal rattles then clanks followed by several metal objects falling over onto a hard surface,Wood,YT32kii824pA.wav,Y3ue0gJM0THk.wav +4812,Short spraying that stops near the end,Spray,Y5t6tSW0yT40.wav,Yfx4r_KuW6No.wav +4813,A series of electronic dings while a vehicle horn honks twice followed by a plastic click while a dog barks in the distance,"Vehicle Vehicle horn, car horn, honking Car",YoZaEHkfh5Eg.wav,YHdPSebdDxe4.wav +4814,A bicycle pedaling on dirt followed by a twig snapping then a man talking and laughing,Bicycle Motorcycle Vehicle Speech,Y7P6lcyeDKNI.wav,YdmUOSyPXkUw.wav +4815,A man talking followed by a series of belches,"Burping, eructation Speech",YalaxBd_EEUc.wav,Yjlwe9jtu5Gw.wav +4816,A machine makes sizzling noise with a television playing in the background,Sizzle,YtNxfdAd14qE.wav,Ysl_Pxpc7beo.wav +4817,A plastic clack followed by young girl talking then another a young girl burping proceeded by both girls laughing,"Burping, eructation Speech",YBvw2gv1fcZw.wav,YLCwSUVuTyvg.wav +4818,A man speaks with some clicks and then loud long scrapes,Rub,YfrOqlk0Wm5Y.wav,Y1slvoNgzBLE.wav +4819,Wind blowing followed by a distant goat bleating and women speaking,Sheep Bleat Speech,YF-47fRplQEc.wav,YGPj8h-WcjWs.wav