# FAQs **Q:** If the weight of a conv layer is zero, the gradient will also be zero, and the network will not learn anything. Why "zero convolution" works? **A:** This is wrong. Let us consider a very simple $$y=wx+b$$ and we have $$\partial y/\partial w=x, \partial y/\partial x=w, \partial y/\partial b=1$$ and if $w=0$ and $x \neq 0$, then $$\partial y/\partial w \neq 0, \partial y/\partial x=0, \partial y/\partial b\neq 0$$ which means as long as $x \neq 0$, one gradient descent iteration will make $w$ non-zero. Then $$\partial y/\partial x\neq 0$$ so that the zero convolutions will progressively become a common conv layer with non-zero weights.