import streamlit as st import hopsworks import joblib from openai import OpenAI from functions.llm_chain import ( load_model, get_llm_chain, generate_response, generate_response_openai, ) import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') st.title("🌤️ AirQuality AI assistant 💬") @st.cache_resource() def connect_to_hopsworks(): # Initialize Hopsworks feature store connection project = hopsworks.login() fs = project.get_feature_store() # Retrieve the model registry mr = project.get_model_registry() # Retrieve the 'air_quality_fv' feature view feature_view = fs.get_feature_view( name="air_quality_fv", version=1, ) # Initialize batch scoring feature_view.init_batch_scoring(1) # Retrieve the 'air_quality_xgboost_model' from the model registry retrieved_model = mr.get_model( name="air_quality_xgboost_model", version=1, ) # Download the saved model artifacts to a local directory saved_model_dir = # Load the XGBoost regressor model and label encoder from the saved model directory model_air_quality = joblib.load(saved_model_dir + "/xgboost_regressor.pkl") encoder = joblib.load(saved_model_dir + "/label_encoder.pkl") return feature_view, model_air_quality, encoder @st.cache_resource() def retrieve_llm_chain(): # Load the LLM and its corresponding tokenizer. model_llm, tokenizer = load_model() # Create and configure a language model chain. llm_chain = get_llm_chain( model_llm, tokenizer, ) return model_llm, tokenizer, llm_chain # Retrieve the feature view, air quality model and encoder for the city_name column feature_view, model_air_quality, encoder = connect_to_hopsworks() # Initialize or clear chat messages based on response source change if "response_source" not in st.session_state or "messages" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.messages = [] st.session_state.response_source = "" # User choice for model selection in the sidebar with OpenAI API as the default new_response_source = "Choose the response generation method:", ('Hermes LLM', 'OpenAI API'), index=1 # Sets "OpenAI API" as the default selection ) # If the user switches the response generation method, clear the chat if new_response_source != st.session_state.response_source: st.session_state.messages = [] # Clear previous chat messages st.session_state.response_source = new_response_source # Update response source in session state # Display a message indicating chat was cleared (optional) st.experimental_rerun() # Rerun the app to reflect changes immediately if new_response_source == 'OpenAI API': openai_api_key = st.sidebar.text_input("Enter your OpenAI API key:", type="password") if openai_api_key: client = OpenAI( api_key=openai_api_key ) st.sidebar.success("API key saved successfully ✅") elif new_response_source == 'Hermes LLM': # Conditionally load the LLM, tokenizer, and llm_chain if Local Model is selected model_llm, tokenizer, llm_chain = retrieve_llm_chain() # Display chat messages from history on app rerun for message in st.session_state.messages: with st.chat_message(message["role"]): st.markdown(message["content"]) # React to user input if user_query := st.chat_input("How can I help you?"): # Display user message in chat message container st.chat_message("user").markdown(user_query) # Add user message to chat history st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "user", "content": user_query}) st.write('⚙️ Generating Response...') if new_response_source == 'Hermes LLM': # Generate a response to the user query response = generate_response( user_query, feature_view, model_air_quality, encoder, model_llm, tokenizer, llm_chain, verbose=False, ) elif new_response_source == 'OpenAI API' and openai_api_key: response = generate_response_openai( user_query, feature_view, model_air_quality, encoder, client, verbose=False, ) else: response = "Please select a response generation method and provide necessary details." # Display assistant response in chat message container with st.chat_message("assistant"): st.markdown(response) # Add assistant response to chat history st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": response})