import json import time import pickle import joblib import hopsworks import streamlit as st from geopy import distance import as px import folium from streamlit_folium import st_folium from functions import * def print_fancy_header(text, font_size=22, color="#ff5f27"): res = f'{text}' st.markdown(res, unsafe_allow_html=True) @st.cache_data() def get_batch_data_from_fs(td_version, date_threshold): st.write(f"Retrieving the Batch data since {date_threshold}") feature_view.init_batch_scoring(training_dataset_version=td_version) batch_data = feature_view.get_batch_data(start_time=date_threshold) return batch_data @st.cache_data() def download_model(name="air_quality_xgboost_model", version=1): mr = project.get_model_registry() retrieved_model = mr.get_model( name="air_quality_xgboost_model", version=1 ) saved_model_dir = return saved_model_dir def plot_pm2_5(df): # create figure with plotly express fig = px.line(df, x='date', y='pm2_5', color='city_name') # customize line colors and styles fig.update_traces(mode='lines+markers') fig.update_layout({ 'plot_bgcolor': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', 'paper_bgcolor': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', 'legend_title': 'City', 'legend_font': {'size': 12}, 'legend_bgcolor': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', 'xaxis': {'title': 'Date'}, 'yaxis': {'title': 'PM2.5'}, 'shapes': [{ 'type': 'line', 'x0':'%Y-%m-%d'), 'y0': 0, 'x1':'%Y-%m-%d'), 'y1': df['pm2_5'].max(), 'line': {'color': 'red', 'width': 2, 'dash': 'dashdot'} }] }) # show plot st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) with open('target_cities.json') as json_file: target_cities = json.load(json_file) ######################### st.title('🌫 Air Quality Prediction 🌦') st.write(3 * "-") print_fancy_header('\nπŸ“‘ Connecting to Hopsworks Feature Store...') st.write("Logging... ") # (Attention! If the app has stopped at this step, # please enter your Hopsworks API Key in the commmand prompt.) project = hopsworks.login() fs = project.get_feature_store() st.write("βœ… Logged in successfully!") st.write("Getting the Feature View...") feature_view = fs.get_feature_view( name = 'air_quality_fv', version = 1 ) st.write("βœ… Success!") # I am going to load data for of last 60 days (for feature engineering) today = date_threshold = today - datetime.timedelta(days=60) st.write(3 * "-") print_fancy_header('\n☁️ Retriving batch data from Feature Store...') batch_data = get_batch_data_from_fs(td_version=1, date_threshold=date_threshold) st.write("Batch data:") st.write(batch_data.sample(5)) saved_model_dir = download_model( name="air_quality_xgboost_model", version=1 ) pipeline = joblib.load(saved_model_dir + "/xgboost_pipeline.pkl") st.write("\n") st.write("βœ… Model was downloaded and cached.") st.write(3 * '-') st.write("\n") print_fancy_header(text="πŸ– Select the cities using the form below. \ Click the 'Submit' button at the bottom of the form to continue.", font_size=22) dict_for_streamlit = {} for continent in target_cities: for city_name, coords in target_cities[continent].items(): dict_for_streamlit[city_name] = coords selected_cities_full_list = [] with st.form(key="user_inputs"): print_fancy_header(text='\nπŸ—Ί Here you can choose cities from the drop-down menu', font_size=20, color="#00FFFF") cities_multiselect = st.multiselect(label='', options=dict_for_streamlit.keys()) selected_cities_full_list.extend(cities_multiselect) st.write("_" * 3) print_fancy_header(text="\nπŸ“Œ To add a city using the interactive map, click somewhere \ (for the coordinates to appear)", font_size=20, color="#00FFFF") my_map = folium.Map(location=[42.57, -44.092], zoom_start=2) # Add markers for each city for city_name, coords in dict_for_streamlit.items(): folium.CircleMarker( location=coords ).add_to(my_map) my_map.add_child(folium.LatLngPopup()) res_map = st_folium(my_map, width=640, height=480) try: new_lat, new_long = res_map["last_clicked"]["lat"], res_map["last_clicked"]["lng"] # Calculate the distance between the clicked location and each city distances = {city: distance.distance(coord, (new_lat, new_long)).km for city, coord in dict_for_streamlit.items()} # Find the city with the minimum distance and print its name nearest_city = min(distances, key=distances.get) print_fancy_header(text=f"You have selected {nearest_city} using map", font_size=18, color="#52fa23") selected_cities_full_list.append(nearest_city) st.write(label_encoder.transform([nearest_city])[0]) except Exception as err: print(err) pass submit_button = st.form_submit_button(label='Submit') if submit_button: st.write('Selected cities:', selected_cities_full_list) st.write(3*'-') dataset = batch_data dataset = dataset.sort_values(by=["city_name", "date"]) st.write("\n") print_fancy_header(text='\n🧠 Predicting PM2.5 for selected cities...', font_size=18, color="#FDF4F5") st.write("") preds = pd.DataFrame(columns=dataset.columns) for city_name in selected_cities_full_list: st.write(f"\t * {city_name}...") features = dataset.loc[dataset['city_name'] == city_name] print(features.head()) features['pm2_5'] = pipeline.predict(features) preds = pd.concat([preds, features]) st.write("") print_fancy_header(text="πŸ“ˆResults πŸ“‰", font_size=22) plot_pm2_5(preds[preds['city_name'].isin(selected_cities_full_list)]) st.write(3 * "-") st.subheader('\nπŸŽ‰ πŸ“ˆ 🀝 App Finished Successfully 🀝 πŸ“ˆ πŸŽ‰') st.button("Re-run")