GPT4Tools can support 22 tools, including: | No. | Tools Name | Function | |-----|:-----------------------:|:------------------------------------------------------------------------------:| | 1 | InstructPix2Pix | Style the image to be like the text. | | 2 | Text2Image | Generate an image from an input text. | | 3 | ImageCaptioning | Describe the input image. | | 4 | Image2Canny | Detect the edge of the image | | 5 | CannyText2Image | Generate a new real image from both the user description and a canny image. | | 6 | Image2Line | Detect the straight line of the image. | | 7 | Image2Hed | Detect the soft hed boundary of the image. | | 8 | HedText2Image | Generate a new real image from both the user description. | | 9 | Image2Scribble | Generate a scribble of the image. | | 10 | ScribbleText2Image | Generate a new real image from both the user description and a scribble image. | | 11 | Image2Pose | Detect the human pose of the image. | | 12 | PoseText2Image | Generate a new real image from both the user description. | | 13 | SegText2Image | Generate a new real image from both the user description and segmentations. | | 14 | Image2Depth | Detect depth of the image. | | 15 | DepthText2Image | Generate a new real image from both the user description and depth image. | | 16 | Image2Normal | Detect norm map of the image. | | 17 | NormalText2Image | Generate a new real image from both the user description and normal map. | | 18 | VisualQuestionAnswering | Answer for a question based on an image. | | 19 | Segmenting | Segment all the part of the image. | | 20 | Text2Box | Detect or find out given objects in the picture. | | 21 | ObjectSegmenting | Segment the certain objects in the picture. | | 22 | ImageEditing | Remove and object or something from the photo. | You can customize the used tools by specifying ```{tools_name}_{devices}``` after args ```--load``` of ``````. For example, enabling ```Text2Box```, ```Segmenting```, and ```ImageCaptioning```: ``` python \ --base_model \ --lora_model \ --llm_device "cpu" \ --load "Text2Box_cuda:0,Segmenting_cuda:0,ImageCaptioning_cuda:0" ``` More tools will be supported in the future!