Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: POMFinder Version: 1.0.0 Summary: Finds POM clusters from PDF data! Home-page: Author: Andy S. Anker Author-email: License: UNKNOWN Platform: UNKNOWN Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent Description-Content-Type: text/markdown License-File: LICENSE.txt # POMFinder Welcome to POMFinder! This is a simple machine learning tool for structure characterisation of polyoxometalate clusters using total scattering Pair Distribution Function (PDF) analysis. Simply provide a PDF and the model will output best best structural models from it structure catalog which contains 443 polyoxometalate clusters. 1. [Install](#install) 2. [Usage](#usage) 3. [Authors](#authors) 4. [Cite](#cite) 5. [License](#license) ## Install To install POMFindeer you will need to have [Python]( or [Anaconda]( installed. I recommend running POMFinder on Python version 3.7 or higher. If you have installed Anaconda you can create a new environment and activate it. ``` conda create --name POMFinder_env python=3.7 conda activate POMFinder_env ``` Now you are ready to install what you actually come for! Currently __POMFinder__ is not avaible through PyPI or conda so the package needs to be downloaded manually Run the following command to install the __POMFindeer__ package. ``` pip install . or python install ``` To verify that __POMFinder__ have been installed properly try calling the help argument. ``` POMFinder --help >>> usage: POMFinder [-h] -d DATA [-n NYQUIST] [-i QMIN] [-a QMAX] [-m QDAMP] [-f FILE_NAME] >>> >>> This is a package which takes a directory of PDF files >>> or a specific PDF file. It then determines the best structural >>> candidates based of a polyoxometalate catalog. Results can >>> be fitted to the PDF. ``` This should output a list of possible arguments for running __POMFinder__ and indicates that it could find the package! ## Usage Now that __POMFinder__ is installed and ready to use, lets discuss the possible arguments. The arguments are described in greater detail at the end of this section. | Arg | Description | Default | | --- | --- | --- | | | __Required argument__ | | | `-h` or `--help` | Prints help message. | | `-n` or `--nyquist` | Is the data nyquist sampled. __bool__ | `-n True` | `-i` or `--Qmin` | Qmin value of the experimental PDF. __float__ | `-i 0.7` | `-a` or `--Qmax` | Qmax value of the experimental PDF. __float__ | `-a 30` | `-m` or `--Qdamp` | Qdamp value of the experimental PDF. __float__ | `-m 0.04` | `-f` or `--file_name` | Name of the output file. __str__ | `-o ''` | `-d` or `--data` | A directory of PDFs or a specific PDF file. __str__ | `-d 5` For example ``` POMFinder --data "Experimental_Data/" --nyquist "no" --Qmin 0.7 --Qmax 20 --Qdamp 0.02 >>> The 1st guess from the model is: with 83.29164981842041 % certaincy >>> The 2nd guess from the model is: with 13.973137736320496 % certaincy >>> The 3rd guess from the model is: with 1.488963421434164 % certaincy >>> The 4th guess from the model is: with 0.9325935505330563 % certaincy >>> The 5th guess from the model is: with 0.22610558662563562 % certaincy ``` # Authors __Andy S. Anker__1 __Emil T. S. Kjær__1 __Kirsten M. Ø. Jensen__1 1 Department of Chemistry and Nano-Science Center, University of Copenhagen, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark. Should there be any question, desired improvement or bugs please contact us on GitHub or through email: __andy@chem.ku.dk__. # Cite If you use our code or our results, please consider citing our paper. Thanks in advance! ``` ``` # License This project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.