import torch, os, yaml, sys import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse import matplotlib.lines as mlines from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec import datetime from tools.data_loader import save_xyz_file import streamlit as st def get_data(args): # Todo: write your own dataloader. ct = str(' ', '_').replace(':','-').replace('.','-') project_name = f'{args.save_path}/DeepStruc_{ct}' print(f'\nProject name is: {project_name}') if not os.path.isdir(f'{project_name}'): os.mkdir(f'{project_name}') samples = args.num_samples ## Use the uploaded file. Does not support multiple files. Could be written smarter. files = [''] this_path = '.' #this_path = #if os.path.isdir(this_path): # files = sorted(os.listdir(this_path)) #else: # files = [this_path] # this_path = '.' x_list, y_list, name_list = [], [], [] idxx = 0 np_data = np.zeros((len(files)*samples, 2800)) for idx, file in enumerate(files): for skip_row in range(100): try: data = np.loadtxt(f'{this_path}/{file}', skiprows=skip_row) except ValueError: continue data = data.T x_list.append(data[0]) y_list.append(data[1]) Gr_ph = data[1] if round(data[0][1] - data[0][0],2) != 0.01: raise ValueError("The PDF does not have an r-step of 0.01 Å") try: start_PDF = np.where((data[0] > 1.995) & (data[0] < 2.005))[0][0] except: Gr_ph = np.concatenate((np.zeros((int((data[0][0])/0.01))), Gr_ph)) print("The PDFs first value is above 2 Å. We have added 0's down to 2 Å as a quick fix.") try: end_PDF = np.where((data[0] > 29.995) & (data[0] < 30.005))[0][0] except: Gr_ph = np.concatenate((Gr_ph, np.zeros((3000-len(Gr_ph))))) print("The PDFs last value is before 30 Å. We have added 0's up to 30 Å as a quick fix.") Gr_ph = Gr_ph[200:3000] for i in range(samples): np_data[idxx] = Gr_ph np_data[idxx] /= np.amax(np_data[idxx]) idxx += 1 name_list.append(file) break fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.plot(x_list[0], y_list[0], label="Input PDF") plt.plot(np.arange(2, 30, 0.01), np_data[0], label="DeepStruc PDF") ax.set_xlabel(r'r / $\mathtt{\AA}$') ax.set_ylabel('G(r) / a.u.') ax.set_xlim(0,30) plt.legend() plt.title(f'{files[0]}') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(f'{project_name}/PDFs.png', dpi=300) np_data = np_data.reshape((len(files)*samples, 2800, 1)) np_data = torch.tensor(np_data, dtype=torch.float) return np_data, name_list, project_name def format_predictions(latent_space, data_names, mus, sigmas, sigma_inc): df_preds = pd.DataFrame(columns=['x', 'y', 'file_name', 'mu', 'sigma', 'sigma_inc']) for i,j, mu, sigma in zip(latent_space, data_names, mus, sigmas): if '/' in j: j = j.split('/')[-1] if '.' in j: j_idx = j.rindex('.') j = j[:j_idx] info_dict = { 'x': i[0].detach().cpu().numpy(), 'y': i[1].detach().cpu().numpy(), 'file_name': j, 'mu': mu.detach().cpu().numpy(), 'sigma': sigma.detach().cpu().numpy(), 'sigma_inc': sigma_inc,} print ("info dict: ", info_dict) print ("df_preds initial: ", df_preds.head()) # Append is deprecated and should use concat instead df_preds = df_preds.append(info_dict, ignore_index=True) return df_preds def plot_ls(df, index_highlight): ideal_ls = './tools/ls_points.csv' color_dict = { 'FCC': '#19ADFF', 'BCC': '#4F8F00', 'SC': '#941100', 'Octahedron': '#212121', 'Icosahedron': '#005493', 'Decahedron': '#FF950E', 'HCP': '#FF8AD8', } df_ideal = pd.read_csv(ideal_ls, index_col=0) # Get latent space data # Plotting inputs ## Training and validation data MARKER_SIZE_TR = 60 EDGE_LINEWIDTH_TR = 0.0 ALPHA_TR = 0.3 ## Figure FIG_SIZE = (10, 4) MARKER_SIZE_FG = 60 MARKER_FONT_SIZE = 10 MARKER_SCALE = 1.5 fig = plt.figure(figsize=FIG_SIZE) gs = GridSpec(1, 5, figure=fig) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, :4]) ax_legend = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 4]) if int(index_highlight) >= len(df): print(f'\nIndex argument is to large! Need to be smaller than {len(df)} but was {index_highlight}') raise IndexError elif int(index_highlight) < -1: print(f'\nIndex argument invalid! Must be integer from -1 to number of samples generated.') raise ValueError elif int(index_highlight)==-1: pass elif len(df['file_name'].unique()) > 1: print(f'\nCan only show highlight index if --data is specific file but {len(df["file_name"].unique())} files were loaded.') else: print(f'\nHighlighting index {index_highlight} from the {df["file_name"].unique()[0]} sampling pool.') ax.scatter(df.iloc[index_highlight]['x'], df.iloc[index_highlight]['y'], c='k', s=40, linewidth=0.0, marker='o', zorder=3) ax.scatter(df.iloc[index_highlight]['x'], df.iloc[index_highlight]['y'], c='w', s=25, linewidth=0.0, marker='o', zorder=3) ax.scatter(df.iloc[index_highlight]['x'], df.iloc[index_highlight]['y'], c='k', s=10, linewidth=0.0, marker='o', zorder=3) ax.scatter(df.iloc[index_highlight]['x'], df.iloc[index_highlight]['y'], c='w', s=1, linewidth=0.0, marker='o', zorder=3) print('\nPlotting DeepStruc training + validation data.') ax.scatter(df_ideal.iloc[:]['x'].values, df_ideal.iloc[:]['y'].values, c=[color_dict[str(s)] for s in df_ideal.iloc[:]['stru_type']], s=MARKER_SIZE_TR * df_ideal.iloc[:]['size'].values, edgecolors='k', linewidth=EDGE_LINEWIDTH_TR, alpha=ALPHA_TR) mlines_list = [] for key in color_dict.keys(): mlines_list.append( mlines.Line2D([], [], MARKER_SIZE_FG, marker='o', c=color_dict[key], linestyle='None', label=key, mew=1)) from matplotlib import cm cm_subsection = np.linspace(0, 1, len(df.file_name.unique())) data_color = [cm.magma(x) for x in cm_subsection] print('\nPlotting DeepStruc structure sampling.') pbar = tqdm(total=len(df.file_name.unique())) for idx, file_name in enumerate(df.file_name.unique()): this_c = np.array([data_color[idx]]) df_ph = df[df.file_name==file_name] df_ph.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) ax.scatter(df_ph['mu'][0][0],df_ph['mu'][0][1], c=this_c, s=10, edgecolors='k', linewidth=0.5, marker='D',zorder=1) ellipse = Ellipse((df_ph['mu'][0][0],df_ph['mu'][0][1]),df_ph['sigma'][0][0],df_ph['sigma'][0][1], ec='k', fc=this_c, alpha=0.5, fill=True, zorder=-1) ax.add_patch(ellipse) ellipse = Ellipse((df_ph['mu'][0][0],df_ph['mu'][0][1]),df_ph['x'].var(),df_ph['y'].var(), ec='k', fc=this_c, alpha=0.2, fill=True, zorder=-1) ax.add_patch(ellipse) mlines_list.append( mlines.Line2D([], [], MARKER_SIZE_FG, marker='D', c=this_c, linestyle='None', label=file_name, mec='k', mew=1)) for index, sample in df_ph.iterrows(): ax.scatter(sample['x'], sample['y'], c=this_c, s=10, edgecolors='k', linewidth=0.8, marker='o', zorder=2) pbar.update() pbar.close() ax_legend.legend(handles=mlines_list,fancybox=True, #ncol=2, #, bbox_to_anchor=(0.8, 0.5) markerscale=MARKER_SCALE, fontsize=MARKER_FONT_SIZE, loc='upper right') ax.set_xlabel('Latent space $\mathregular{z_0}$', size=10) # Latent Space Feature 1 ax.set_ylabel('Latent space $\mathregular{z_1}$', size=10) ax_legend.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax_legend.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax_legend.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax_legend.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax_legend.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) ax_legend.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) plt.tight_layout() return fig def get_model(model_dir): if model_dir == 'DeepStruc': with open(f'./models/DeepStruc/model_arch.yaml') as file: model_arch = yaml.full_load(file) model_path = './models/DeepStruc/models/DeepStruc.ckpt' return model_path, model_arch if os.path.isdir(model_dir): if 'models' in os.listdir(model_dir): models = sorted(os.listdir(f'{model_dir}/models')) models = [model for model in models if '.ckpt' in model] print(f'No specific model was provided. {models[0]} was chosen.') print('Dataloader might not be sufficient in loading dimensions.') model_path = f'{model_dir}/models/{models[0]}' with open(f'{model_dir}/model_arch.yaml') as file: model_arch = yaml.full_load(file) return model_path, model_arch else: print(f'Path not understood: {model_dir}') else: idx = model_dir.rindex('/') with open(f'{model_dir[:idx-6]}model_arch.yaml') as file: model_arch = yaml.full_load(file) return model_dir, model_arch def save_predictions(xyz_pred, df, project_name, model_arch, args): print('\nSaving predicted structures as XYZ files.') if not os.path.isdir(f'{project_name}'): os.mkdir(f'{project_name}') with open(f'{project_name}/args.yaml', 'w') as outfile: yaml.dump(vars(args), outfile, allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False) """ pbar = tqdm(total=len(df)) for count, (idx, row) in enumerate(df.iterrows()): if not os.path.isdir(f'{project_name}/{row["file_name"]}'): os.mkdir(f'{project_name}/{row["file_name"]}') x = f'{float(row["x"]):+.3f}'.replace('.', '-') y = f'{float(row["y"]):+.3f}'.replace('.', '-') these_cords = save_xyz_file('./', xyz_pred[idx].detach().cpu().numpy(), f'{count:05}', [model_arch['norm_vals']['x'],model_arch['norm_vals']['y'],model_arch['norm_vals']['z']]) pbar.update() pbar.close() """ # Does not support multiple structure saving these_cords = save_xyz_file('./', xyz_pred[args.index_plot].detach().cpu().numpy(), 'DummyName', [model_arch['norm_vals']['x'],model_arch['norm_vals']['y'],model_arch['norm_vals']['z']]) return these_cords