--- title: DeepStruc App emoji: 🦀 colorFrom: green colorTo: blue sdk: streamlit sdk_version: 1.10.0 app_file: app.py pinned: false license: apache-2.0 python_version: 3.8 --- This is a app to use DeepStruc presented in, ["DeepStruc: towards structure solution from pair distribution function data using deep generative models"](https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2023/dd/d2dd00086e) ``` @article{kjaer2022deepstruc, title={DeepStruc: Towards structure solution from pair distribution function data using deep generative models}, author={Kjær, Emil Thyge Skanning and Anker, Andy Sode and Weng, Marcus Nørgaard and Billinge, Simon J. L. and Selvan, Raghavendra and Jensen, Kirsten Marie Ørnsbjerg}, year={2022} } ```