import json import csv import os from transformers import pipeline from datasets import load_dataset, Dataset import gradio as gr # Load the zero-shot-classification model classifier = pipeline(model="facebook/bart-large-mnli") # Define the candidate labels for sentiment classification candidate_labels = ["neutral", "skeptical", "intrigued", "amazed", "concerned", "fearful", "curious", "horrified", "paralyzed"] def preprocess_text(text): # Perform text preprocessing steps text = text.lower() # Add more preprocessing steps as needed return text def classify_sentiment(input_data): # Convert input data to regular text if isinstance(input_data, dict): # JSON input text = json.dumps(input_data) elif isinstance(input_data, list): # CSV input text = "\n".join([",".join(row) for row in input_data]) else: # Regular text input text = input_data # Preprocess the text text = preprocess_text(text) # Classify the sentiment of the input result = classifier(text.strip(), candidate_labels=candidate_labels) # Create the result object sentiment_result = { "Input": text, "Sentiment": result['labels'][0], "Score": result['scores'][0] } return sentiment_result def load_huggingface_dataset(dataset_path): # Load the dataset from Hugging Face dataset = load_dataset(dataset_path) # Extract the text data from the dataset text_data = dataset["train"]["text"] return text_data def save_huggingface_dataset(data, dataset_path): # Create a Dataset object from the data dataset = Dataset.from_dict({"text": data}) # Save the dataset to Hugging Face dataset.push_to_hub(dataset_path) # Create a Gradio interface iface = gr.Interface( fn=classify_sentiment, inputs=gr.Textbox(label="Input Data", lines=10, placeholder="Paste your input data here (text, CSV, or JSON)"), outputs=gr.JSON(label="Results"), title="UAP Report Sentiment Analysis", description="Paste your input data (text, CSV, or JSON) and get the sentiment analysis result.", examples=[ [ 'NUFORC Sighting 181448\nOccurred: 2002-09-17 19:10 Local\nUFO from the big dipper\nAt the older barracks in the parking lot 2h after dinner. I and 6 other soldiers in an Army NG Unit were enjoying the night, i happened to look up and saw the Big Dipper, of the stars - the lower left one, was much bigger and brighter than others. "A Nova?" I uttered, believing it was one until it moved, east and dropped in altitude. "Hey guys LOOK!" I called. Our Lt and others saw it too. The object hovered near some water towers about 300 meters east of us. it then slowly approached us. "HIDE" The Lt. shouted. I and a female soldier hid under a picnic table as the others ducked into the barracks.\nThe soldier with me was near panicked. I had to calm her as the thing kept coming. I heard and read of these things abducting people such as Travis Walton and i did not want that. Then the object shone a very bright light like a searchlight at us. It lit the entire area up. I knew the thing was looking for us.\nIt kept coming, silently, slowly and stopped about 150M off. The power in the area went out, even battery-powered devices were dead, radios, watches, flashlights. I could see the thing was disc shaped, about 100 ft dia. quite large.\nThen the light went out, and the craft lifted up about 150\' up, sped off South over some mountains 2miles away silently. Power came back on and we gathered again.\nThe Lt. told us to be quiet about it. The following days the MPs went to that barracks and combed it for evidence as the UFO was seen miles away.' ] ] ) # Launch the Gradio interface iface.launch()