from ultralytics import YOLO import gradio as gr import torch from tools import fast_process # Load the pre-trained model model = YOLO('checkpoints/') # Description title = "
🏃 Fast Segment Anything 🤗
" news = """ # News 🔥 Add the 'Advanced options" in Everything mode to get a more detailed adjustment. # 🔥 Support the points mode and box mode, text mode will come soon. """ description = """This is a demo on Github project 🏃 [Fast Segment Anything Model]( 🎯 Upload an Image, segment it with Fast Segment Anything (Everything mode). The other modes will come soon. ⌛️ It takes about 4~ seconds to generate segment results. The concurrency_count of queue is 1, please wait for a moment when it is crowded. 🚀 To get faster results, you can use a smaller input size and leave high_visual_quality unchecked. 📣 You can also obtain the segmentation results of any Image through this Colab: [![Open in Colab](]( 😚 A huge thanks goes out to the @HuggingFace Team for supporting us with GPU grant. 🏠 Check out our [Model Card 🏃]( """ examples = [["assets/sa_8776.jpg"], ["assets/sa_414.jpg"], ["assets/sa_1309.jpg"], ["assets/sa_11025.jpg"], ["assets/sa_561.jpg"], ["assets/sa_192.jpg"], ["assets/sa_10039.jpg"], ["assets/sa_862.jpg"]] default_example = examples[0] css = "h1 { text-align: center } .about { text-align: justify; padding-left: 10%; padding-right: 10%; }" def segment_image( input, input_size=1024, iou_threshold=0.7, conf_threshold=0.25, better_quality=False, mask_random_color=True, withContours=True, points=None, bbox=None, point_label=None, use_retina=True, ): input_size = int(input_size) # 确保 imgsz 是整数 # Thanks for the suggestion by hysts in HuggingFace. w, h = input.size scale = input_size / max(w, h) new_w = int(w * scale) new_h = int(h * scale) input = input.resize((new_w, new_h)) results = model(input, device=device, retina_masks=True, iou=iou_threshold, conf=conf_threshold, imgsz=input_size,) fig = fast_process(annotations=results[0], image=input, device=device, scale=(1024 // input_size), better_quality=better_quality, mask_random_color=mask_random_color, points=points, bbox=bbox, point_label=point_label, use_retina=use_retina, withContours=withContours,) return fig # input_size=1024 # high_quality_visual=True # inp = 'assets/sa_192.jpg' # input = # device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' # input_size = int(input_size) # 确保 imgsz 是整数 # results = model(input, device=device, retina_masks=True, iou=0.7, conf=0.25, imgsz=input_size) # pil_image = fast_process(annotations=results[0], # image=input, high_quality=high_quality_visual, device=device) device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' cond_img = gr.Image(label="Input", value=default_example[0], type='pil') segm_img = gr.Image(label="Segmented Image", interactive=False, type='pil') input_size_slider = gr.components.Slider(minimum=512, maximum=1024, value=1024, step=64, label='Input_size (Our model was trained on a size of 1024)') with gr.Blocks(css=css, title='Fast Segment Anything') as demo: with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): # Title gr.Markdown(title) with gr.Column(scale=1): # News gr.Markdown(news) # Images with gr.Row(variant="panel"): with gr.Column(scale=1): cond_img.render() with gr.Column(scale=1): segm_img.render() # Submit & Clear with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): input_size_slider.render() with gr.Row(): contour_check = gr.Checkbox(value=True, label='withContours') with gr.Column(): segment_btn = gr.Button("Segment Anything", variant='primary') # with gr.Column(): # clear_btn = gr.Button("Clear", variant="primary") gr.Markdown("Try some of the examples below ⬇️") gr.Examples(examples=examples, inputs=[cond_img], outputs=segm_img, fn=segment_image, cache_examples=True, examples_per_page=4) with gr.Column(): with gr.Accordion("Advanced options", open=False): iou_threshold = gr.Slider(0.1, 0.9, 0.7, step=0.1, label='iou_threshold') conf_threshold = gr.Slider(0.1, 0.9, 0.25, step=0.05, label='conf_threshold') mor_check = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label='better_visual_quality') # Description gr.Markdown(description), inputs=[cond_img, input_size_slider, iou_threshold, conf_threshold, mor_check, contour_check], outputs=segm_img) # def clear(): # return None, None #, inputs=None, outputs=None) demo.queue() demo.launch()