import streamlit as st import requests import pandas as pd from pandas import json_normalize import as px def create_stargazers_count(user,repo): """this function creates the stargazers count dataframe""" star_count_url = ""+user+"/"+repo response = requests.request("GET", star_count_url) total_star_count = response.json()['stargazers_count'] loops = int(total_star_count / 100) + 1 star_trends_url = ""+user+"/"+repo+"/stargazers" star_trends_resp = [] headers = { "Accept": "application/", "content-type": "application/json" } for page in range(loops): response = requests.request("GET", star_trends_url+"?per_page=100"+"&page="+str(page+1), headers=headers).json() star_trends_resp.extend(response) df = json_normalize(star_trends_resp) df['starred_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['starred_at']) star_trend_df = df.groupby(['starred_date'])['starred_date'].count().cumsum().reset_index(name="count") return star_trend_df st.title("⭐️ Github Star Tracking ⭐️") st.subheader("with interactive ⭐️ History chart") st.image("", width=200) st.markdown("### Github Repo Details") first,second = st.columns(2) with first: user = st.text_input(label="Enter the github user name", value = "amrrs") with second: repo = st.text_input(label="Enter the github repo name (without the user name)", value = "coinmarketcapr") st.write("You are going to see the star trends for this repo:" + user+"/"+repo +"/") with st.spinner("Downloading Data from Github.....Stars are coming....."): df = create_stargazers_count(user,repo) st.markdown("### Github Stars Trend") chart = px.line(data_frame=df, x = 'starred_date', y = 'count') st.plotly_chart(chart)