import streamlit as st import requests import base64 import json import numpy as np from PIL import Image def get_prediction_img(image_data): url = '' r =, data=image_data) response = r.json()['predicted_label'] print("Image AI predicts:",response) return response def get_prediction_data(data,url): # url = '' # url = '' r =, data=json.dumps(data)) response = getattr(r,'_content').decode("utf-8") print("Data AI predicts:",response) return response def processFile(f,url): print("Got file upload") bytesData=f.getvalue() st.image(f) img_array=np.array(image) grayscale_image=convert_grayscale(img_array) final_image=flatten_784(grayscale_image) print("Final image",final_image) prediction=get_prediction_data(final_image,url) print("\n\nData prediction",prediction) predicted_label = json.loads(json.loads(prediction)['body'])['predicted_label'] print("\n\nPredicted label", predicted_label) st.title("Data AI says:"+str(predicted_label)) payload = base64.b64encode(bytesData) response = get_prediction_img(payload) print("\n\nResponse is:",response) st.title("IMAGE AI says:"+response) def convert_grayscale(im): # Convert to grayscale if its a color image if len(im.shape) > 2 and im.shape[2]>2: red = im[:,:,0] green = im[:,:,1] blue = im[:,:,2] # Convert color to grayscale grayscale_image = (red * 0.299) + (green * 0.587) + (blue * 0.114) elif len(im.shape) == 2: grayscale_image = im return grayscale_image # This is a helper function to flatten image into a single row after downsampling the image to 28x28 def flatten_784(grayscale_image): # Find the width and length of the image num_rows_image = grayscale_image.shape[0] num_cols_image = grayscale_image.shape[1] # Figure out the downsampling value for each dimension downsample_rows = int(np.floor(num_rows_image/28)) downsample_cols = int(np.floor(num_cols_image/28)) # Downsample it downsampled_image = grayscale_image[::downsample_rows,::downsample_cols] # Somtimes, the dimensions after downsampling are not accurate, pick the first 28 pixels in each direction downsampled_image = downsampled_image[0:28,0:28] # Convert the vector to a list list_image = list(downsampled_image.reshape(784,)) #From the list, create a dictionary e=0 d={} for i in range(1,29): for j in range(1,29): l=f"{i}x{j}" d[l]=e e=e+1 return d urlDefault = '' st.title("Image AI for Gateway") url=st.text_input("URL",urlDefault) uploadedFile=st.file_uploader("Choose file") if uploadedFile is not None: processFile(uploadedFile,url)