import gradio as gr import torch import copy import time import requests import io import numpy as np import re from einops import rearrange import ipdb from PIL import Image from vilt.config import ex from vilt.modules import ViLTransformerSS from vilt.modules.objectives import cost_matrix_cosine, ipot from vilt.transforms import pixelbert_transform from vilt.datamodules.datamodule_base import get_pretrained_tokenizer @ex.automain def main(_config): _config = copy.deepcopy(_config) loss_names = { "itm": 1, "mlm": 0.5, "mpp": 0, "vqa": 0, "imgcls": 0, "nlvr2": 0, "irtr": 1, "arc": 0, } tokenizer = get_pretrained_tokenizer(_config["tokenizer"]) _config.update( { "loss_names": loss_names, } ) model = ViLTransformerSS(_config) model.setup("test") model.eval() device = "cuda:0" if _config["num_gpus"] > 0 else "cpu" lst_imgs = [f"C:\\Users\\alimh\\PycharmProjects\\ViLT\\assets\\database\\{i}.jpg" for i in range(1,10)] def infer( mp_text, hidx =0 ): def get_image(path): image ="RGB") img = pixelbert_transform(size=384)(image) return img.unsqueeze(0).to(device) imgs = [get_image(pth) for pth in lst_imgs] batch = [] for img in imgs: batch.append({"text": [mp_text], "image": [img]}) for dic in batch: encoded = tokenizer(dic["text"]) dic["text_ids"] = torch.tensor(encoded["input_ids"]).to(device) dic["text_labels"] = torch.tensor(encoded["input_ids"]).to(device) dic["text_masks"] = torch.tensor(encoded["attention_mask"]).to(device) scores = [] with torch.no_grad(): for dic in batch: s = time.time() infer = model(dic) e = time.time() print("time ", round(e - s, 2)) score = model.rank_output(infer["cls_feats"]) scores.append(score.item()) print(scores) img_idx =np.argmax(scores) print(np.argmax(scores) + 1 ) selected_image =[img_idx]).convert("RGB") selected_image = np.asarray(selected_image) print(selected_image.shape) selected_token ="" if hidx > 0 and hidx < len(encoded["input_ids"][0][:-1]): image =[img_idx]).convert("RGB") selected_batch = batch[img_idx] with torch.no_grad(): infer = model(selected_batch) txt_emb, img_emb = infer["text_feats"], infer["image_feats"] txt_mask, img_mask = ( infer["text_masks"].bool(), infer["image_masks"].bool(), ) for i, _len in enumerate(txt_mask.sum(dim=1)): txt_mask[i, _len - 1] = False txt_mask[:, 0] = False img_mask[:, 0] = False txt_pad, img_pad = ~txt_mask, ~img_mask cost = cost_matrix_cosine(txt_emb.float(), img_emb.float()) joint_pad = txt_pad.unsqueeze(-1) | img_pad.unsqueeze(-2) cost.masked_fill_(joint_pad, 0) txt_len = (txt_pad.size(1) - txt_pad.sum(dim=1, keepdim=False)).to( dtype=cost.dtype ) img_len = (img_pad.size(1) - img_pad.sum(dim=1, keepdim=False)).to( dtype=cost.dtype ) T = ipot( cost.detach(), txt_len, txt_pad, img_len, img_pad, joint_pad, 0.1, 1000, 1, ) plan = T[0] plan_single = plan * len(txt_emb) cost_ = plan_single.t() cost_ = cost_[hidx][1:].cpu() patch_index, (H, W) = infer["patch_index"] heatmap = torch.zeros(H, W) for i, pidx in enumerate(patch_index[0]): h, w = pidx[0].item(), pidx[1].item() heatmap[h, w] = cost_[i] heatmap = (heatmap - heatmap.mean()) / heatmap.std() heatmap = np.clip(heatmap, 1.0, 3.0) heatmap = (heatmap - heatmap.min()) / (heatmap.max() - heatmap.min()) _w, _h = image.size overlay = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(heatmap * 255), "L").resize( (_w, _h), resample=Image.NEAREST ) image_rgba = image.copy() image_rgba.putalpha(overlay) selected_image = image_rgba selected_token = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens( encoded["input_ids"][0][hidx] ) return [selected_image,hidx] imgs = ["RGB") for pth in lst_imgs] inputs = [ gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Caption with [MASK] tokens to be filled.", lines=5), gr.inputs.Slider( minimum=0, maximum=38, step=1, label="Index of token for heatmap visualization (ignored if zero)", ), ] outputs = [ gr.outputs.Image(label="Image"), gr.outputs.Textbox(label="matching index "), ] interface = gr.Interface( fn=infer, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, server_name="localhost", server_port=8888, ) interface.launch(debug=True,share=False)