import pandas as pd import gradio as gr def get_lat_lon(postcodes_df, postcode_mapping): try: postcode_mapping.rename(columns={'postcode': 'Postal code'}, inplace=True) # Normalize postcodes to ensure matching and count occurrences postcodes_df['Postal code'] = postcodes_df['Postal code'].str.lower().str.replace(' ', '') postcode_counts = postcodes_df['Postal code'].value_counts().reset_index() postcode_counts.columns = ['Postal code', 'count'] # Normalize the postcodes in the mapping DataFrame postcode_mapping['Postal code'] = postcode_mapping['Postal code'].str.lower().str.replace(' ', '') # Merge the counts with the mapping data result_df = pd.merge(postcode_counts, postcode_mapping, on='Postal code', how='left') # Fill NaN values for latitude and longitude where postcode was not found in the mapping result_df['latitude'] = result_df['latitude'].fillna('') result_df['longitude'] = result_df['longitude'].fillna('') # Optionally, convert the DataFrame to a dictionary if needed, or work directly with the DataFrame results = result_df.to_dict(orient='records') except: raise gr.Error('Make sure your file contains the postal codes under a column named "Postal code"') return results