from mainLogic.utils.glv import Global errorList = { "noError": { "code": 0, "func": lambda: None, }, "defaultsNotFound" : { "code": 1, "func": lambda: Global.errprint("defaults.json not found. Exiting..."), }, "dependencyNotFound": { "code": 2, "func": lambda x=None: Global.errprint(f"{'Dependency' if x == None else x } not found. Exiting..."), }, "dependencyNotFoundInPrefs": { "code": 3, "func": lambda x=None: Global.errprint(f"{'Dependency' if x == None else x } not found in default settings. Exiting..."), }, "csvFileNotFound": { "code": 4, "func": lambda fileName: Global.errprint(f"CSV file {fileName} not found. Exiting..."), }, "downloadFailed": { "code": 5, "func": lambda name, id: Global.errprint(f"Download failed for {name} with id {id}. (Main.process exited) Exiting..."), }, "couldNotMakeDir":{ "code": 6, "func": lambda dirName: Global.errprint(f"Could not make directory {dirName}. Exiting..."), }, "tokenNotFound": { "code": 7, "func": lambda: Global.errprint("Token not found in default settings. Exiting..."), }, "overWriteAbortedByUser": { "code": 8, "func": lambda: Global.errprint("Overwrite aborted by user. Exiting..."), }, "cantLoadFile": { "code": 22, "func": lambda fileName: Global.errprint(f"Can't load file {fileName}"), }, "flareNotStarted": { "code": 23, "func": lambda: Global.errprint("Flare is not started. Start the flare server first.") }, "requestFailedDueToUnknownReason": { "code": 24, "func": lambda status_code: Global.errprint("Request failed due to unknown reason. Status Code: " + str(status_code)) }, "keyExtractionFailed": { "code": 25, "func": lambda id: Global.errprint(f"Key extraction failed for id -> {id}. Exiting...") }, "keyNotProvided": { "code": 26, "func": lambda: Global.errprint("Key not provided. Exiting...") }, "couldNotDownloadAudio": { "code": 27, "func": lambda id: Global.errprint(f"Could not download audio for id -> {id} Exiting...") }, "couldNotDownloadVideo": { "code": 28, "func": lambda: Global.errprint(f"Could not download video for {id} Exiting...") }, "couldNotDecryptAudio": { "code": 29, "func": lambda: Global.errprint("Could not decrypt audio. Exiting...") }, "couldNotDecryptVideo": { "code": 30, "func": lambda: Global.errprint("Could not decrypt video. Exiting...") }, "methodPatched": { "code": 31, "func": lambda: Global.errprint("Method is patched. Exiting...") }, "couldNotExtractKey": { "code": 32, "func": lambda: Global.errprint("Could not extract key. Exiting...") }, }