# pip install streamlit # pip install audio-recorder-streamlit import streamlit as st from st_audiorec import st_audiorec import nemo.collections.asr as nemo_asr from pydub import AudioSegment import io import os import uuid @st.cache_resource def get_model(): try: os.makedirs("audio_cache") except: pass en_asr_model = nemo_asr.models.EncDecCTCModelBPE.restore_from("/home/akshat/v1/en_am_model/Conformer-CTC-BPE-Large.nemo") return en_asr_model en_asr_model = get_model() st.title("💬 Vocalize: Empower Your Voice ") """ Hi record the audio, and get the transcription in real time! Note: Works best for smaller audios """ wav_audio_data = st_audiorec() if wav_audio_data: audio_location = "audio_cache/" + str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".wav" audio_file = io.BytesIO(wav_audio_data) audio = AudioSegment.from_file(audio_file) audio = audio.set_sample_width(2) audio = audio.set_channels(1) audio = audio.set_frame_rate(16000) audio.export(audio_location, format="wav") text = en_asr_model.transcribe([audio_location], logprobs=False)[0] print(text) st.write(text)