import streamlit as st from st_audiorec import st_audiorec #pip install streamlit-audiorec import nemo.collections.asr as nemo_asr from pydub import AudioSegment import subprocess import io import os import uuid # from func_timeout import func_timeout, FunctionTimedOut import streamlit.components.v1 as components import wave import shutil import contextlib def download_model(model_path, model_link, lang): if not os.path.exists(model_path): print("Downloading AM: ", lang) download =["wget","-P",model_path,model_link],capture_output=True, text=True) if download.returncode != 0: raise Exception(lang + " Model Download Failed: {download.stderr}") else: print('Downloaded AM: ' + lang) def main(): @st.cache_resource def get_model(): try: os.makedirs("audio_cache") except: shutil.rmtree("audio_cache") os.makedirs("audio_cache") download_model("./hi_am_model", "", "hindi") download_model("./en_am_model", "", "english") try: en_asr_model = nemo_asr.models.EncDecCTCModelBPE.restore_from("./en_am_model/Conformer-CTC-BPE-Large.nemo") #("/home/tanmay/zb/en_Conformer-CTC-BPE-Large.nemo") hi_asr_model = nemo_asr.models.EncDecCTCModelBPE.restore_from("./hi_am_model/Conformer-CTC-BPE-Large.nemo") #("/home/tanmay/zb/hi_Conformer-CTC-BPE-Large.nemo") except Exception as e: print("ERROR Loading Model... ",e) exit (1) return en_asr_model, hi_asr_model en_asr_model, hi_asr_model = get_model() def get_audio_length_wave(filename): with contextlib.closing(,'r')) as f: frames = f.getnframes() rate = f.getframerate() duration = frames / float(rate) return duration def save_audio_file_using_mic(audio_location, wav_audio_data): audio_file = io.BytesIO(wav_audio_data) audio = AudioSegment.from_file(audio_file) audio = audio.set_sample_width(2) audio = audio.set_channels(1) audio = audio.set_frame_rate(16000) audio.export(audio_location, format="wav") def delete_audio_file(audio_location): if os.path.exists(audio_location): try: os.remove(audio_location) print(f"File deleted: {audio_location}") except OSError as e: print(f"Error deleting file: {e}") def save_audio_file_using_upload(audio_location, uploaded_file): if not".wav"): st.write("ERROR! File extension should be wav") return 0 # get audio file length with open(audio_location, "wb") as f: f.write(uploaded_file.getvalue()) audioDuration = get_audio_length_wave(audio_location) st.write("Audio Duration: ",audioDuration) if audioDuration < 60 and audioDuration > 0: return 1 else: st.write('ERROR! File is more than 1 minute') st.write('Uploaded File duration is restricted upto 1 minute') return 0 ######################################################################################################################################## # APP FUNCTIONALITY STARTS # ######################################################################################################################################## st.title("💬 Vocalize: Empower Your Voice ") st.write("You can either try to record your own voice using a microphone or upload a small file, up to 1 minute in length, to transcribe.") st.write('') col1, ___, ____ = st.columns(3) with col1: language = st.selectbox('Select Your Preferred Language.',('English', 'Hindi')) st.header("Transcribe Your Voice Using Mic") wav_audio_data = st_audiorec() if wav_audio_data: audio_location = "audio_cache/" + str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".wav" save_audio_file_using_mic(audio_location, wav_audio_data) duration=get_audio_length_wave(audio_location) if duration>2: if language == "Hindi": text = hi_asr_model.transcribe([audio_location], logprobs=False)[0] else: text = en_asr_model.transcribe([audio_location], logprobs=False)[0] else: st.write("ERROR mic recording should be more than 2 seconds") print(text) st.write("Transcription:") st.write(text) delete_audio_file(audio_location) st.header("Transcribe Files") st.write("Ensure that the file extension is .wav with a sample rate of 16,000 Hz and a single channel (mono)") try: uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload Your Recording", disabled=False,type='') if uploaded_file is not None: # Store the uploaded file: audio_location = "audio_cache/" + str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".wav" flag = save_audio_file_using_upload(audio_location, uploaded_file) if flag == 1: if language == "Hindi": with st.spinner(): text = hi_asr_model.transcribe([audio_location], logprobs=False)[0] print(text) else: with st.spinner(): text = en_asr_model.transcribe([audio_location], logprobs=False)[0] print(text) st.write(text) delete_audio_file(audio_location) except Exception as e: st.write("ERROR! Something is wrong with the uploaded file.") st.write("The file extension should be .wav with a sample rate of 16,000 Hz and a mono channel") print(str(e)) delete_audio_file(audio_location) # Footer mentioning the website footer = """ """ st.markdown(footer, unsafe_allow_html=True) main()