import numpy as np from PIL import Image, ImageOps import streamlit as st import requests from utils import FashionSearch fashion = FashionSearch() st.title("Fashion Search") sample_image_url = '' image = None with st.sidebar: tab_url, tab_upload, tab_cam = st.tabs(['URL', 'Upload', 'Camera']) with tab_url: image_url = st.text_input( label="Enter the Image URL", value=sample_image_url, key='tab_url') with tab_upload: image_upload = st.file_uploader( label='Upload the Image', type=['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'], key='tab_upload') with tab_cam: image_webcam = st.camera_input( label="😁 Simle for the camera 📷", key='tab_cam') if image_upload or image_webcam: if image_webcam: image = else: image = else: try: image =, stream=True).raw) st.image(image=ImageOps.scale(image, factor=0.2)) except: st.warning("Please use a different URL 🌐", icon="⚠") if image: rows = [st.columns(4) for row in range(4)] cols = [col for row in rows for col in row] suggestions = fashion.find_k_neighbors(sample_img=image) for col, id in zip(cols, suggestions): img =[int(id)], stream=True).raw) col.image(img) else:'Load an Image to get fashion suggestions', icon="🤖") # st.write(st.session_state)