import { HF_ACCESS_TOKEN, HF_TOKEN } from "$env/static/private"; import { buildPrompt } from "$lib/buildPrompt"; import { textGenerationStream } from "@huggingface/inference"; import type { Endpoint } from "../endpoints"; import { z } from "zod"; export const endpointTgiParametersSchema = z.object({ weight: z.number().int().positive().default(1), model: z.any(), type: z.literal("tgi"), url: z.string().url(), accessToken: z.string().default(HF_TOKEN ?? HF_ACCESS_TOKEN), authorization: z.string().optional(), }); export function endpointTgi(input: z.input): Endpoint { const { url, accessToken, model, authorization } = endpointTgiParametersSchema.parse(input); return async ({ conversation, continue: messageContinue }) => { let prompt = await buildPrompt({ messages: conversation.messages, webSearch: conversation.messages[conversation.messages.length - 1].webSearch, preprompt: conversation.preprompt, model, id: conversation._id, }); if (messageContinue) { // start with the full prompt, and for each stop token, try to remove it from the end of the prompt prompt = model.parameters.stop.reduce((acc: string, curr: string) => { if (acc.endsWith(curr)) { return acc.slice(0, acc.length - curr.length); } return acc; }, prompt.trimEnd()); } return textGenerationStream( { parameters: { ...model.parameters, return_full_text: false }, model: url, inputs: prompt, accessToken, }, { use_cache: false, fetch: async (endpointUrl, info) => { if (info && authorization && !accessToken) { // Set authorization header if it is defined and HF_TOKEN is empty info.headers = {, Authorization: authorization, }; } return fetch(endpointUrl, info); }, } ); }; } export default endpointTgi;