import { base } from "$app/paths"; import { ENABLE_ASSISTANTS, REQUIRE_FEATURED_ASSISTANTS } from "$env/static/private"; import { collections } from "$lib/server/database.js"; import { SortKey, type Assistant } from "$lib/types/Assistant"; import type { User } from "$lib/types/User"; import { generateQueryTokens } from "$lib/utils/searchTokens.js"; import { error, redirect } from "@sveltejs/kit"; import type { Filter } from "mongodb"; const NUM_PER_PAGE = 24; export const load = async ({ url, locals }) => { if (!ENABLE_ASSISTANTS) { throw redirect(302, `${base}/`); } const modelId = url.searchParams.get("modelId"); const pageIndex = parseInt(url.searchParams.get("p") ?? "0"); const username = url.searchParams.get("user"); const query = url.searchParams.get("q")?.trim() ?? null; const sort = url.searchParams.get("sort")?.trim() ?? SortKey.POPULAR; const createdByCurrentUser = locals.user?.username && locals.user.username === username; const shouldBeFeatured = REQUIRE_FEATURED_ASSISTANTS === "true" ? { featured: true } : {}; let user: Pick | null = null; if (username) { user = await collections.users.findOne>( { username }, { projection: { _id: 1 } } ); if (!user) { throw error(404, `User "${username}" doesn't exist`); } } // fetch the top assistants sorted by user count from biggest to smallest. filter by model too if modelId is provided or query if query is provided const filter: Filter = { ...(modelId && { modelId }), ...(!createdByCurrentUser && REQUIRE_FEATURED_ASSISTANTS === "true" && { userCount: { $gt: 1 } }), ...(user && { createdById: user._id }), ...(query && { searchTokens: { $all: generateQueryTokens(query) } }), ...shouldBeFeatured, }; const assistants = await collections.assistants .find(filter) .skip(NUM_PER_PAGE * pageIndex) .sort({ ...(sort === SortKey.TRENDING && { last24HoursCount: -1 }), userCount: -1, }) .limit(NUM_PER_PAGE) .toArray(); const numTotalItems = await collections.assistants.countDocuments(filter); return { assistants: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(assistants)) as Array, selectedModel: modelId ?? "", numTotalItems, numItemsPerPage: NUM_PER_PAGE, query, sort, }; };