import { navigating } from '$app/stores'; import { get } from 'svelte/store'; /** * @param node element to snap scroll to bottom * @param dependency pass in a dependency to update scroll on changes. */ export const snapScrollToBottom = (node: HTMLElement, dependency: any) => { let prevScrollValue = node.scrollTop; let isDetached = false; const handleScroll = () => { // if user scrolled up, we detach if (node.scrollTop < prevScrollValue) { isDetached = true; } // if user scrolled back to bottom, we reattach if (node.scrollTop === node.scrollHeight - node.clientHeight) { isDetached = false; } prevScrollValue = node.scrollTop; }; const updateScroll = (_options: { force?: boolean } = {}) => { const defaultOptions = { force: false }; const options = { ...defaultOptions, ..._options }; const { force } = options; if (!force && isDetached && !get(navigating)) return; node.scroll({ top: node.scrollHeight }); }; node.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll); updateScroll({ force: true }); return { update: updateScroll, destroy: () => { node.removeEventListener('scroll', handleScroll); } }; };