import type { TextGenerationStreamOutput } from "@huggingface/inference"; import type OpenAI from "openai"; import type { Stream } from "openai/streaming"; /** * Transform a stream of OpenAI.Completions.Completion into a stream of TextGenerationStreamOutput */ export async function* openAICompletionToTextGenerationStream( completionStream: Stream ) { let generatedText = ""; let tokenId = 0; for await (const completion of completionStream) { const { choices } = completion; const text = choices[0]?.text ?? ""; const last = choices[0]?.finish_reason === "stop"; if (text) { generatedText = generatedText + text; } const output: TextGenerationStreamOutput = { token: { id: tokenId++, text, logprob: 0, special: false, }, generated_text: last ? generatedText : null, details: null, }; yield output; } }