import streamlit as st import cv2 from google.generativeai import Client import os from rubik_solver import Solver # API Key setup os.environ["GOOGLE_API_KEY"] = "AIzaSyCttG4s8Tue8RpSb2mK1tvkJSp17YETGGk" # Replace with your actual API key client = Client() # App title and instructions st.title("Rubik's Cube Solver") st.write("Upload images of each cube face for solution.") # Uploaders for each face face_images = [st.file_uploader("Face {}".format(i+1)) for i in range(6)] # Submit button submit_button = st.button("Solve Cube!") if submit_button: try: if all(face_images): cube_state = [] for face in face_images: # Read image image = cv2.imdecode(np.fromstring(, np.uint8), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) # Use Gemini Pro API for color detection response = client.generate_text( prompt="Identify the colors on this Rubik's cube face", image=image, model="gemini-pro-vision" ) colors = response.text.splitlines() # Parse response for colors # Add face colors to cube state cube_state.append(colors) # Check for successful color detection if all(cube_state): st.write("Colors detected! Solving...") else: st.error("Some faces had errors! Retry with clear images.") else: st.error("Please upload all 6 face images.") if all(cube_state): # Create solver object solver = Solver(cube_state) # Solve the cube and get moves solution = solver.solve() # Display solution steps st.write("Solution:") for step, move in enumerate(solution, start=1): st.write(f"Step {step}: {move}") # Use animation or visuals to guide user (optional) # Allow user to proceed step-by-step if not st.button(f"Next Step ({step}/{len(solution)})"): break st.success("Cube solved!") except Exception as e: st.error("An error occurred: {}".format(e))