import pip import os SECRET_TOKEN = os.getenv("SECRET_TOKEN") def install(package): if hasattr(pip, 'main'): pip.main(['install', package]) else: pip._internal.main(['install', package]) # Example if __name__ == '__main__': install('cohere') import cohere import gradio as gr co = cohere.Client(SECRET_TOKEN) # This is your trial API key def write_email(tone="",goal="",industry="",text="",audience="",other=""): if goal=="Other": goal=other if audience=="" and industry=="": print(f'write 5 different {tone} emails to {goal} {text}') Message=f'write 5 different {tone} emails to {goal} {text}' elif audience=="": print(f'write 5 different {tone} emails to {goal} in the {industry} industry {text}') Message=f'write 5 different {tone} emails to {goal} in the {industry} industry {text}' elif industry=="": print(f'write 5 different {tone} emails for {audience} to {goal} {text}') Message=f'write 5 different {tone} emails for {audience} to {goal} {text}' else: print(f'write 5 different {tone} emails for {audience} to {goal} in the {industry} industry {text}') Message=f'write 5 different {tone} emails for {audience} to {goal} in the {industry} industry {text}' response = co.generate( model='command', prompt=Message, max_tokens=1208, temperature=1, k=0, stop_sequences=[], return_likelihoods='NONE') return(response.generations[0].text) with gr.Blocks() as demo: def other_field(choice): if choice != "Other": return gr.update(visible=False) else: return gr.update(visible=True) gr.Markdown("Create your marketing emails with AI") inp1 = gr.Radio( ["Convince to buy a product", "Recover churned customers", "Teach a new concept","Onboard users","Share product updates","Other"], value="Convince to buy a product",label = "Campagin goal" ) other=gr.Textbox(visible=False,placeholder="Please enter other text",label = "Other:") inp1.input(other_field,inp1, other) inp2 = gr.Radio( ["Formal", "Semi-formal", "Informal"], value="Formal",label = "Brand Tone" ) inp3 = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Example: marketing agency" ,label = "Industry") inp4= gr.Textbox(placeholder="Example:Females aged between 18 and 30" ,label = "Target audience") inp5 = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Example: I am offering 10 dollars discount for customers who cancelled their subscription and want to find a way to bring them back ", label = "Tell us more about the email you want to send") btn = gr.Button("Generate 🚀") out = gr.Textbox(label = "Here is your 5 Generated emails"), inputs=[inp2, inp1,inp3,inp5,inp4,other], outputs=out) demo.launch(debug = True)