1- Github pushing files: a) just delete any old git folder before create new repo b) cd path/to/your/folder c) git init d) git add . e) git commit -m "First Commit" f) git remote add origin https://github.com/your_username/your_repository_name.git g) git push -u origin master 2- In Azure: a) go to create resource b) select webapp (name it (resourcegroup,instance)), python 3.8 c) pricing plan P1 d) next, create 3- In Azure: a) go to create resource b) select azure bot and create c) select same resourcegroup d) next and create e) go to resource --> configuration --> copy "MicrosoftAppID"/ "Pass" f) open a new tab --> go to app services --> select the resource --> configuration --> new application setting g) Name: MicrosoftAppID, Value: Pass h) in the other tab go to Manage Password, click new secret "name it newsecret" 180 days, copy the value. i) back to the other tab of webapp --> configuration --> new application setting, pass the value, name "MicrosoftAppPassword" j) configuration --> new application setting --> SCM_DO_BUILD_DURING_DEPLOYMENT --> True (value) k) save, and in the same page in general settings, start up command "gunicorn --bind --worker-class aiohttp.worker.GunicornWebWorker --timeout 600 app:APP" ##Container## open azurecli and put the below commands: # Get the resource group's ID groupId=$(az group show --name myResourceGroup --query id --output tsv) # Create the service principal az ad sp create-for-rbac --scope $groupId --role Contributor --sdk-auth save the output json credentials create new container registery: registryId=$(az acr show --name myRegistry --resource-group myResourceGroup --query id --output tsv) #az acr show --name --resource-group --query id --output tsv #az acr show --name myRegistry --resource-group myResourceGroup --query id --output tsv lisitng: acr list az acr show az acr list -o table az acr show --name botapp2 --resource-group ahmedewispybot --query id --output tsv and i got this, where is the register id? /subscriptions/be2c9f65-de8d-4413-ab92-57d07fd5a256/resourceGroups/ahmedewispybot/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/botapp2 The output you received from the command is actually the registryId you were looking for. So in your case, the registryId is: /subscriptions/be2c9f65-de8d-4413-ab92-57d07fd5a256/resourceGroups/ahmedewispybot/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/botapp2 You can use this registryId directly in the role assignment command to assign a role to a service principal. For example, if you want to assign the AcrPush role to a service principal with the client ID "abcd1234", you would use the following command: az role assignment create \ --assignee \ --scope $registryId \ --role AcrPush from json file code example of the role assignment: az role assignment create --assignee abcd1234 --scope /subscriptions/be2c9f65-de8d-4413-ab92-57d07fd5a256/resourceGroups/ahmedewispybot/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/botapp2 --role AcrPush https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-instances/container-instances-github-action?tabs=userlevel