# To run this script you'll need to download the ultra-high res # scan of Starry Night from the Google Art Project, using this command: # wget -c https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ea/Van_Gogh_-_Starry_Night_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg -O starry_night_gigapixel.jpg # Or you can manually download the image from here: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Van_Gogh_-_Starry_Night_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg STYLE_IMAGE=starry_night_gigapixel.jpg CONTENT_IMAGE=examples/inputs/hoovertowernight.jpg STYLE_WEIGHT=5e2 STYLE_SCALE=1.0 STYLE_WEIGHT2=2500 # Style weight for image size 2048 and above PYTHON=python3 # Change to Python if using Python 2 SCRIPT=neural_style.py GPU=0 NEURAL_STYLE=$PYTHON NEURAL_STYLE+=" " NEURAL_STYLE+=$SCRIPT # Uncomment if using pip package #NEURAL_STYLE=neural-style $NEURAL_STYLE \ -content_image $CONTENT_IMAGE \ -style_image $STYLE_IMAGE \ -style_scale $STYLE_SCALE \ -print_iter 1 \ -style_weight $STYLE_WEIGHT \ -image_size 256 \ -output_image out1.png \ -tv_weight 0 \ -gpu $GPU \ -backend cudnn -cudnn_autotune $NEURAL_STYLE \ -content_image $CONTENT_IMAGE \ -style_image $STYLE_IMAGE \ -init image -init_image out1.png \ -style_scale $STYLE_SCALE \ -print_iter 1 \ -style_weight $STYLE_WEIGHT \ -image_size 512 \ -num_iterations 500 \ -output_image out2.png \ -tv_weight 0 \ -gpu $GPU \ -backend cudnn -cudnn_autotune $NEURAL_STYLE \ -content_image $CONTENT_IMAGE \ -style_image $STYLE_IMAGE \ -init image -init_image out2.png \ -style_scale $STYLE_SCALE \ -print_iter 1 \ -style_weight $STYLE_WEIGHT \ -image_size 1024 \ -num_iterations 200 \ -output_image out3.png \ -tv_weight 0 \ -gpu $GPU \ -backend cudnn -cudnn_autotune $NEURAL_STYLE \ -content_image $CONTENT_IMAGE \ -style_image $STYLE_IMAGE \ -init image -init_image out3.png \ -style_scale $STYLE_SCALE \ -print_iter 1 \ -style_weight $STYLE_WEIGHT2 \ -image_size 2048 \ -num_iterations 200 \ -output_image out4.png \ -tv_weight 0 \ -gpu $GPU \ -backend cudnn $NEURAL_STYLE \ -content_image $CONTENT_IMAGE \ -style_image $STYLE_IMAGE \ -init image -init_image out4.png \ -style_scale $STYLE_SCALE \ -print_iter 1 \ -style_weight $STYLE_WEIGHT2 \ -image_size 2350 \ -num_iterations 200 \ -output_image out5.png \ -tv_weight 0 \ -gpu $GPU \ -backend cudnn -optimizer adam