import math from typing import List, Sequence import keras.utils as k_utils import numpy as np import pydicom from keras.utils.data_utils import OrderedEnqueuer from tqdm import tqdm def parse_windows(windows): """Parse windows provided by the user. These windows can either be strings corresponding to popular windowing thresholds for CT or tuples of (upper, lower) bounds. Args: windows (list): List of strings or tuples. Returns: list: List of tuples of (upper, lower) bounds. """ windowing = { "soft": (400, 50), "bone": (1800, 400), "liver": (150, 30), "spine": (250, 50), "custom": (500, 50), } vals = [] for w in windows: if isinstance(w, Sequence) and len(w) == 2: assert_msg = "Expected tuple of (lower, upper) bound" assert len(w) == 2, assert_msg assert isinstance(w[0], (float, int)), assert_msg assert isinstance(w[1], (float, int)), assert_msg assert w[0] < w[1], assert_msg vals.append(w) continue if w not in windowing: raise KeyError("Window {} not found".format(w)) window_width = windowing[w][0] window_level = windowing[w][1] upper = window_level + window_width / 2 lower = window_level - window_width / 2 vals.append((lower, upper)) return tuple(vals) def _window(xs, bounds): """Apply windowing to an array of CT images. Args: xs (ndarray): NxHxW bounds (tuple): (lower, upper) bounds Returns: ndarray: Windowed images. """ imgs = [] for lb, ub in bounds: imgs.append(np.clip(xs, a_min=lb, a_max=ub)) if len(imgs) == 1: return imgs[0] elif xs.shape[-1] == 1: return np.concatenate(imgs, axis=-1) else: return np.stack(imgs, axis=-1) class Dataset(k_utils.Sequence): def __init__(self, files: List[str], batch_size: int = 16, windows=None): self._files = files self._batch_size = batch_size = windows def __len__(self): return math.ceil(len(self._files) / self._batch_size) def __getitem__(self, idx): files = self._files[idx * self._batch_size : (idx + 1) * self._batch_size] dcms = [pydicom.read_file(f, force=True) for f in files] xs = [(x.pixel_array + int(x.RescaleIntercept)).astype("float32") for x in dcms] params = [ {"spacing": header.PixelSpacing, "image": x} for header, x in zip(dcms, xs) ] # Preprocess xs via windowing. xs = np.stack(xs, axis=0) if xs = _window(xs, parse_windows( else: xs = xs[..., np.newaxis] return xs, params def _swap_muscle_imap(xs, ys, muscle_idx: int, imat_idx: int, threshold=-30.0): """ If pixel labeled as muscle but has HU < threshold, change label to imat. Args: xs (ndarray): NxHxWxC ys (ndarray): NxHxWxC muscle_idx (int): Index of the muscle label. imat_idx (int): Index of the imat label. threshold (float): Threshold for HU value. Returns: ndarray: Segmentation mask with swapped labels. """ labels = ys.copy() muscle_mask = (labels[..., muscle_idx] > 0.5).astype(int) imat_mask = labels[..., imat_idx] imat_mask[muscle_mask.astype(np.bool) & (xs < threshold)] = 1 muscle_mask[xs < threshold] = 0 labels[..., muscle_idx] = muscle_mask labels[..., imat_idx] = imat_mask return labels def postprocess(xs: np.ndarray, ys: np.ndarray): """Built-in post-processing. TODO: Make this configurable. Args: xs (ndarray): NxHxW ys (ndarray): NxHxWxC params (dictionary): Post-processing parameters. Must contain "categories". Returns: ndarray: Post-processed labels. """ # Add another channel full of zeros to ys ys = np.concatenate([ys, np.zeros_like(ys[..., :1])], axis=-1) # If muscle hu is < -30, assume it is imat. """ if "muscle" in categories and "imat" in categories: ys = _swap_muscle_imap( xs, ys, muscle_idx=categories["muscle"], imat_idx=categories["imat"], ) """ return ys def predict( model, dataset: Dataset, batch_size: int = 16, num_workers: int = 1, max_queue_size: int = 10, use_multiprocessing: bool = False, ): """Predict segmentation masks for a dataset. Args: model (keras.Model): Model to use for prediction. dataset (Dataset): Dataset to predict on. batch_size (int): Batch size. num_workers (int): Number of workers. max_queue_size (int): Maximum queue size. use_multiprocessing (bool): Use multiprocessing. use_postprocessing (bool): Use built-in post-processing. postprocessing_params (dict): Post-processing parameters. Returns: List: List of segmentation masks. """ if num_workers > 0: enqueuer = OrderedEnqueuer( dataset, use_multiprocessing=use_multiprocessing, shuffle=False ) enqueuer.start(workers=num_workers, max_queue_size=max_queue_size) output_generator = enqueuer.get() else: output_generator = iter(dataset) num_scans = len(dataset) xs = [] ys = [] params = [] for _ in tqdm(range(num_scans)): x, p_dicts = next(output_generator) y = model.predict(x, batch_size=batch_size) image = np.stack([out["image"] for out in p_dicts], axis=0) y = postprocess(image, y) params.extend(p_dicts) xs.extend([x[i, ...] for i in range(len(x))]) ys.extend([y[i, ...] for i in range(len(y))]) return xs, ys, params