import streamlit as st from writer import write_article, incorporate_feedback, _template, evaluate_post import hmac import dspy from Claude import Claude import phoenix as px def check_password(): """Returns `True` if the user had the correct password.""" def password_entered(): """Checks whether a password entered by the user is correct.""" if hmac.compare_digest(st.session_state["password"], st.secrets["password"]): st.session_state["password_correct"] = True del st.session_state["password"] # Don't store the password. else: st.session_state["password_correct"] = False # Return True if the password is validated. if st.session_state.get("password_correct", False): return True # Show input for password. st.text_input( "Password", type="password", on_change=password_entered, key="password" ) if "password_correct" in st.session_state: st.error("😕 Password incorrect") return False if not check_password(): st.stop() st.title("Linkedin shill") #! I hate this if "feedback_interface" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.feedback_interface = 0 st.session_state.content = ( ":heart_eyes: **Start writing today with the power of AI** :hugging_face:" ) with st.container(border=True): container = st.empty() with st.container(border=True): container2 = st.empty() container.markdown(st.session_state.content) progress_text = "Operation in progress. Please wait." with st.container(): feedback_container = st.empty() with st.sidebar: lm_choice = st.selectbox( "Select your language model", ( "gpt4", "gpt-4-turbo", "gpt-3.5-turbo", "claude3 sonnet", "claude3 haiku", "claude3 opus", # "command-r-plus", ), ) if lm_choice == "gpt-4-turbo": lm = dspy.OpenAI( model="gpt-4-0125-preview", max_tokens=3800, api_key=st.secrets["OpenAI"], ) elif lm_choice == "gpt-3.5-turbo": lm = dspy.OpenAI( model="gpt-3.5-turbo", max_tokens=3800, api_key=st.secrets["OpenAI"], ) elif lm_choice == "claude3 sonnet": lm = Claude( model="claude-3-sonnet-20240229", api_key=st.secrets["Claude"], max_tokens=4096, ) elif lm_choice == "claude3 haiku": lm = Claude( model="claude-3-haiku-20240307", api_key=st.secrets["Claude"], max_tokens=4096, ) elif lm_choice == "claude3 opus": lm = Claude( model="claude-3-opus-20240229", api_key=st.secrets["Claude"], max_tokens=4096, ) # elif lm_choice == "command-r-plus": # lm = LmChoice.command_r_plus else: lm = dspy.OpenAI( model="gpt-4", max_tokens=3800, api_key=st.secrets["OpenAI"], ) with st.form("my_form"): topic = st.text_input("topic", "Oil future") template = st.text_area("template", _template, height=600) purpose = st.text_input("purpose", "Informative") audience = st.text_input("audience", "Linkedin") tone_style = st.text_input("tone style", "engaging and informative") key_points = st.text_input( "key points", "efficiency, climate change, energy dependance" ) num_words = st.text_input("number of words", "600") language = st.text_input("language", "english") if st.form_submit_button(label="Submit"): user_inputs = { "topic": topic, "template": template, "purpose": purpose, "audience": audience, "tone_style": tone_style, "key_points": key_points, "num_words": num_words, "language": language, } bar = 1 with st.status(progress_text) as status: container.status("Sit back and relax! AI is doing the job for you!") st.session_state.content = write_article(user_inputs, lm) st.session_state.feedback_interface = 1 container.markdown(st.session_state.content) status.update(label="Writing complete!", state="complete") container2.status("AI is self evaluating!") evaluation = evaluate_post(st.session_state.content, lm) status.update(label="Evaluation complete!", state="complete") container2.markdown(evaluation) if st.session_state.feedback_interface: with st.container(border=True): messages = st.container(height=300) if feedback := st.chat_input("What do you want to change?"): messages.chat_message("user").write(feedback) container.status("Sit back and relax! AI is doing the job for you!") st.session_state.content = incorporate_feedback( st.session_state.content, feedback, lm, ) messages.chat_message("ai").write("Done!") container.markdown(st.session_state.content)