import os import sys import numpy as np from PIL import Image import requests from io import BytesIO root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) sys.path.append(root) os.chdir(root) import modules.config import modules.html import modules.flags as flags import modules.meta_parser def download_image(url): response = requests.get(url) img ="RGB") return img def trigger_describe(mode, img_path): print("Running") print("Press Ctrl+C for Stop ") if mode == flags.desc_type_photo: from extras.interrogate import default_interrogator as default_interrogator_photo if img_path.startswith('http'): img = download_image(img_path) else: img ="RGB") return default_interrogator_photo(img), ["Fooocus V2", "Fooocus Enhance", "Fooocus Sharp"] elif mode == flags.desc_type_anime: from extras.wd14tagger import default_interrogator as default_interrogator_anime if img_path.startswith('http'): img = download_image(img_path) elif isinstance(img_path, str): # Load the image if the input is a path img ="RGB") elif isinstance(img_path, np.ndarray): # Use the provided NumPy array directly img = Image.fromarray(img_path).convert("RGB") else: raise ValueError("Invalid image format. Please provide a valid path or NumPy array.") # Convert the image to a NumPy array img_array = np.array(img) return default_interrogator_anime(img_array), ["Fooocus V2", "Fooocus Masterpiece"] return mode, ["Fooocus V2"] style_selections = modules.config.default_styles def run_describe(image_path, content_type): desc_input_image = image_path desc_method = content_type result, style_selections = None, None if desc_method in ["Photograph", "1", ""]: desc_method = "Photograph (1)" result, style_selections = trigger_describe(flags.desc_type_photo, desc_input_image) elif desc_method in ["Art/Anime", "2"]: desc_method = "Art/Anime (2)" result, style_selections = trigger_describe(flags.desc_type_anime, desc_input_image) else: print("ERROR!") if result or style_selections != "": style_selections = "" print("Result:", result) # print("Style Selections:", style_selections) quit() if __name__ == "__main__": desc_input_image = input("Path to Image (local path or URL): ") if desc_input_image == "": desc_input_image = "./imgs/Gambar1.jpg" print(f"You use: {desc_input_image}") desc_method = input( """ Select Content Type: Photograph (1) Art/Anime (2) """ ) run_describe(desc_input_image, desc_method)