import cv2 import time import tempfile import numpy as tf import streamlit as st import tensorflow as tf from cv_func import predict st.title("Gender Detectior using OpenCv and Tensorflow") uploader = st.file_uploader(label="Upload the png here: ",type=["jpg","png"]) if uploader is None: st.warning("⚠️| Hey there! Ready to unveil the mysteries? Upload an image and let's predict some genders!") if uploader is not None: print("log update: file uploaded!") st.write("⏳ | Brace yourselves! Our top-notch AI detectives are on the case....") time.sleep(3) st.write("⏳ | Analyzing the pixels to uncover the hidden secrets of gender in your image.....") time.sleep(3) st.write("⌛ | This could be the moment we crack the code or just end up with some hilariously unexpected results") time.sleep(3) st.write("✅ | Done!") with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as temp_file: temp_file.write( image_filename = ans,men,women = predict(image_filename) st.header("Output:") col1, col2 = st.columns(2,) with col1: st.header("Men:") st.metric("Count", men) with col2: st.header("Women:") st.metric("Count", women) st.image(ans)