#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ A set of primitive functions for performing collective ops. Each should also handle single rank scenario. """ from __future__ import annotations from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Any, Callable, cast, Generic, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union import torch.distributed as dist T = TypeVar("T") @dataclass class SyncPayload(Generic[T]): stage_name: Optional[str] success: bool payload: T exception: Optional[Exception] = None def broadcast( data_or_fn: Union[T, Callable[[], T]], *, success: bool = True, stage_name: Optional[str] = None, rank: int = 0, pg: Optional[dist.ProcessGroup] = None, ) -> T: """ Broadcasts the data payload from rank 0 to all other ranks. Or if a function is passed, execute it in rank 0 and broadcast result to all other ranks. Can be used to broadcast a failure signal to stop all ranks. If the function raises an exception, all ranks will raise. Args: data_or_fn: the data to broadcast or function to execute and broadcast result. success: False to stop all ranks. stage_name: the name of the logical stage for synchronization and debugging rank: rank to broadcast data or execute function and broadcast resutls. pg: the process group for sync Throws: RuntimeError from original exception trace Returns: the value after synchronization Example usage: >> id = broadcast(data_or_fn=allocate_id, rank=0, pg=ext_pg.my_pg) """ if not success and data_or_fn is not None: raise AssertionError("Data or Function is expected to be None if not successful") payload: Optional[T] = None exception : Optional[Exception] = None # if no pg is passed then execute if rank is 0 if (pg is None and rank == 0) or (pg is not None and pg.rank() == rank): # determine if it is an executable function or data payload only if callable(data_or_fn): try: payload = data_or_fn() except Exception as e: success = False exception = e else: payload = data_or_fn # broadcast the exception type if any to all ranks for failure categorization sync_obj = SyncPayload( stage_name=stage_name, success=success, payload=payload, exception=exception, ) if pg is not None: broadcast_list = [sync_obj] dist.broadcast_object_list(broadcast_list, src=rank, group=pg) assert len(broadcast_list) == 1 sync_obj = broadcast_list[0] # failure in any rank will trigger a throw in every rank. if not sync_obj.success: error_msg = f"Rank {rank} failed" if stage_name is not None: error_msg += f": stage {sync_obj.stage_name}" if sync_obj.exception is not None: error_msg += f": exception {sync_obj.exception}" raise RuntimeError(error_msg) from sync_obj.exception return cast(T, sync_obj.payload) def all_gather( data_or_fn: Union[T, Callable[[], T]], stage_name: Optional[str] = None, pg: Optional[dist.ProcessGroup] = None, ) -> List[T]: """ A simple all_gather primitive with basic synchronization guard logic, by checking payload from all ranks has the same stage name. Args: data_or_fn: the data to be all gathered across ranks or function to be executed stage_name: the sync stage name for out-of-sync protection pg: the process group for sync Throws: RuntimeError from original exception trace Returns: a list of synced data from all ranks Example usage: >> all_ids = all_gather(data_or_fn=allocate_id, pg=ext_pg.my_pg) """ payload: Optional[T] = None exception : Optional[Exception] = None success = True # determine if it is an executable function or data payload only if callable(data_or_fn): try: payload = data_or_fn() except Exception as e: success = False exception = e else: payload = data_or_fn sync_obj = SyncPayload( stage_name=stage_name, success=success, payload=payload, exception=exception, ) if pg is not None: # List of success/failure across all ranks. total_list = [None] * dist.get_world_size(pg) all_gather_object_enforce_type(pg, total_list, sync_obj) # Each rank will throw RuntimeError in case of failure on any rank. stage_name = cast(SyncPayload[T], total_list[0]).stage_name exception_list: List[Tuple[int, Exception]] = [] ret_list: List[T] = [] error_msg: str = "" for i, sp in enumerate(cast(List[SyncPayload[T]], total_list)): if sp.stage_name != stage_name: error_msg += ( f"Unexpected stage name received from rank {i}: {sp.stage_name} " ) continue if not sp.success and sp.exception is not None: exception_list.append((i, sp.exception)) continue ret_list.append(sp.payload) if len(exception_list) > 0: raise RuntimeError( # type: ignore[misc] error_msg, exception_list) from exception_list[0] return ret_list else: if not sync_obj.success: raise RuntimeError( f"all_gather failed with exception {sync_obj.exception}", ) from sync_obj.exception return [sync_obj.payload] # type: ignore[list-item] # Note: use Any for typing for now so users can pass in # either a list of None or target type placeholders # otherwise pyre would complain def all_gather_object_enforce_type( pg: dist.ProcessGroup, # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter must have a type that does not contain `Any` object_list: List[Any], # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter must have a type other than `Any` obj: Any, # pyre-fixme[2]: Parameter must have a type that does not contain `Any` type_checker: Callable[[Any, Any], bool] = lambda x, y: type(x) == type(y), ) -> None: """ Similar to plain all_gather_object but with additional type checking AFTER gather is done to ensure basic consistency. If check does not pass, all ranks will fail with exception. This is generally to prevent conditional logic leading to unexpected messages being received. This is considered fatal code error, but due to logic stacks this might happen implicitly in practice. The default check does not check sub type (considered different) or covariance (considered same) but users can pass in custom checker if more complicated check is needed. """ dist.all_gather_object(object_list, obj, group=pg) # conservative check list_len = len(object_list) if list_len == 0: return first_obj = object_list[0] for i in range(1, list_len): if not type_checker(first_obj, object_list[i]): raise TypeError( f"Object type at index {i} is {type(object_list[i])}, " f"while first object type is {type(first_obj)}" )