from typing import cast, List, Sequence, Tuple import torch from torch._prims_common import ShapeType from torch.distributed._tensor.placement_types import ( _Partial, Placement, Replicate, Shard, ) from torch.distributed.device_mesh import DeviceMesh # TODO: audit existing code base to see if we can safely remove this API. def compute_local_shape( global_shape: ShapeType, mesh: DeviceMesh, placements: Sequence[Placement] ) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """ Compute the shape of a local shard of the given DTensor on its current coordinate of the mesh. """ my_coordinate = mesh.get_coordinate() if my_coordinate is None: # if rank not in the mesh, return empty shape return (0,) else: local_shape = list(global_shape) # start with global shape ndim = len(global_shape) for idx, placement in enumerate(placements): mesh_dim_size = mesh.size(idx) if isinstance(placement, Shard): shard_dim = placement.dim assert ( shard_dim < ndim ), f"Sharding dim {shard_dim} greater than tensor ndim {ndim}" local_shard_size, _ = placement._local_shard_size_on_dim( local_shape[shard_dim], mesh_dim_size, my_coordinate[idx] ) assert isinstance(local_shard_size, int) local_shape[shard_dim] = local_shard_size return tuple(local_shape) def compute_local_shape_and_global_offset( global_shape: ShapeType, mesh: DeviceMesh, placements: Sequence[Placement] ) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, ...], Tuple[int, ...]]: """ Compute the local tensor shape and the global offsets into the original tensor of a DTensor on its current global rank. This is useful for checkpointing purpose. Example (2 host with 4GPUs each): # Below is a DeviceMesh with mesh_shape of (2, 4) mesh = DeviceMesh(device_type="cuda", mesh=[ [0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7] ], ) Let's say we distribute a global_tensor of shape (8,4) over the above DeviceMesh with a placements of [Shard(0), Shard(0)]. The local shape and global offset will be as follows: rank0 -- local_shape:[1, 4], global_offset:[0, 0] rank1 -- local_shape:[1, 4], global_offset:[1, 0] rank2 -- local_shape:[1, 4], global_offset:[2, 0] rank5 -- local_shape:[1, 4], global_offset:[5, 0] rank3 -- local_shape:[1, 4], global_offset:[3, 0] rank4 -- local_shape:[1, 4], global_offset:[4, 0] rank6 -- local_shape:[1, 4], global_offset:[6, 0] rank7 -- local_shape:[1, 4], global_offset:[7, 0] """ my_coordinate = mesh.get_coordinate() if my_coordinate is None: # if rank not in the mesh, return empty offset return ((), ()) else: local_shape = list(global_shape) global_offset = [0] * len(global_shape) for idx, placement in enumerate(placements): mesh_dim_size = mesh.size(idx) if isinstance(placement, Shard): shard_dim = placement.dim local_offset = [0] * len(global_shape) assert shard_dim < len( local_shape ), f"Sharding dim {shard_dim} greater than tensor ndim {len(local_shape)}" shard_size, shard_offset = placement._local_shard_size_on_dim( local_shape[shard_dim], mesh_dim_size, my_coordinate[idx], return_offset=True, ) local_shape[shard_dim] = shard_size local_offset[shard_dim] = shard_offset # On a given dimension, if the local_offset[shard_dim] is smaller than global_offset[shard_dim], # it means that this dimension has been already sharded in previous placement. # Therefore, we cannot simply replace the global_offset[shard_dim] with local_offset[shard_dim]. # Instead, for the given shard_dim, we need to add local_offset[shard_dim] to existing global_offset[shard_dim]. if global_offset[shard_dim] <= local_offset[shard_dim]: global_offset[shard_dim] = local_offset[shard_dim] else: global_offset[shard_dim] += local_offset[shard_dim] return tuple(local_shape), tuple(global_offset) def compute_global_tensor_info( tensor: torch.Tensor, mesh: DeviceMesh, placements: Sequence[Placement] ) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]: """ Compute the global size and stride of a DTensor from the given local tensor. The local size is multiplited by `world_size` per Sharding dim. The local stride is multiplited by `world_size` per Sharding dim, as long as the dimension is outside sharding dim. For example, if we have a local tensor with size (4, 8, 2) and stride (16, 1, 8). If the DTensor placements are [Shard(2)] and world_size is 2; then the global size is (4, 8, 4) and stride is (16 * 2, 1, 8). Args: tensor (:class:`torch.Tensor`): Local tensor which DTensor will be constructed from. mesh (:class:`DeviceMesh`): Object which describes the mesh topology of devices for the DTensor. placements (Sequence[:class:`Placement`]]): The attribute of the DTensor that describes its layout on the mesh topology. Return: tensor_shape: A List of int which specifies the size of DTensor which build on top of the local tensor. tensor_stride: A List of int which specifies the stride of DTensor. """ tensor_shape = list(tensor.size()) tensor_stride = list(tensor.stride()) for idx, placement in enumerate(placements): mesh_dim_size = mesh.size(idx) if placement.is_shard(): shard_placement = cast(Shard, placement) if shard_placement.dim < 0: raise AssertionError( "Shard placements should have negative dims normalized in " f"the user-facing APIs: {shard_placement}" ) shard_dim = shard_placement.dim assert ( shard_dim < tensor.ndim ), f"Sharding dim {shard_dim} greater than tensor ndim {tensor.ndim} for placement number {idx}." local_dim_size = tensor_shape[shard_dim] tensor_shape[shard_dim] = local_dim_size * mesh_dim_size # recover tensor stride by modifying the stride that larger than # the current stride on the shard_dim for i in range(len(tensor_stride)): if i != shard_dim and tensor_stride[i] >= tensor_stride[shard_dim]: # rescale the stride by the shard size tensor_stride[i] = tensor_stride[i] * mesh_dim_size elif not isinstance(placement, (Replicate, _Partial)): raise RuntimeError(f"placement type {type(placement)} not supported!") return tensor_shape, tensor_stride