import inspect import math import operator from import Iterable from typing import Any, Dict, final, List, Optional, Tuple, Type import torch from torch._ops import HigherOrderOperator, OpOverload from torch._subclasses.fake_tensor import FakeTensor from torch.export.exported_program import ExportedProgram from torch.export.graph_signature import ( ExportGraphSignature, InputKind, SymIntArgument, TensorArgument, ) from torch.fx import GraphModule from torch.fx.experimental.symbolic_shapes import SymBool, SymFloat, SymInt class SpecViolationError(Exception): pass def is_functional(op: OpOverload) -> bool: return not op._schema.is_mutable def _check_has_fake_tensor(node: torch.fx.Node) -> None: # TODO(angelayi): remove this in favor of _check_val return _check_val(node) def _check_val(node: torch.fx.Node) -> None: def _check_correct_val(val): if val is None: return True elif isinstance(val, (int, bool, str, float)): return True elif isinstance(val, (torch.memory_format, torch.dtype, torch.device, torch.layout)): return True elif isinstance(val, (FakeTensor, torch.Tensor)): # TODO(zhxchen17) Remove Tensor. return True elif isinstance(val, (SymInt, SymFloat, SymBool)): return True elif isinstance(val, Iterable): return all(_check_correct_val(x) for x in val) return False def _no_returns(op): if not isinstance(op, OpOverload): return False return len(op._schema.returns) == 0 if "val" not in node.meta: if node.op == "call_function" and _no_returns( return raise SpecViolationError(f"Node.meta {} is missing val field.") val = node.meta["val"] if not _check_correct_val(val): raise SpecViolationError(f"Node.meta {} has invalid val field {val}") class _VerifierMeta(type): _registry: Dict[str, Type['Verifier']] = {} def __new__(metacls, name, bases, attrs): if bases: if "check" in attrs or "_check_graph_module" in attrs: raise SyntaxError("Overriding method check is not allowed.") assert "dialect" in attrs and attrs["dialect"] != "ATEN" else: assert "check" in attrs assert "_check_graph_module" in attrs assert attrs["dialect"] == "ATEN" assert isinstance(attrs["dialect"], str) ret = type.__new__(metacls, name, bases, attrs) metacls._registry[attrs["dialect"]] = ret # type: ignore[assignment] return ret class Verifier(metaclass=_VerifierMeta): dialect = "ATEN" def allowed_builtin_ops(self) -> List: return [ operator.getitem, operator.add, operator.mul, operator.sub, operator.truediv,, operator.le,,, operator.eq,, operator.floordiv, operator.mod, operator.and_, operator.or_, operator.not_, operator.pow, operator.neg, operator.abs, math.ceil, math.floor, ] def allowed_op_types(self) -> Tuple[Type[Any], ...]: return (OpOverload, HigherOrderOperator) def allowed_getattr_types(self) -> Tuple[Type[Any], ...]: return (torch.fx.GraphModule,) def check_valid_op(self, op): pass def check_additional(self, gm: GraphModule) -> None: """ Additional checks that are specific to some dialects. """ pass @final def check(self, ep: ExportedProgram) -> None: if not isinstance(ep.graph_signature, ExportGraphSignature): # TODO Enforce type checking in the constructor. return self._check_graph_module(ep.graph_module) try: _verify_exported_program_signature(ep) except SpecViolationError as e: # TODO Remove this branch. if ep.dialect == "EDGE": # !!! Don't change this allowlist. !!! pass else: raise e @final def _check_graph_module(self, gm: torch.fx.GraphModule) -> None: def _allowed_getattr_types() -> Tuple[Type[Any], ...]: ret = self.allowed_getattr_types() assert not any(t is object for t in ret) return ret def _check_valid_op(op) -> None: def _allowed_builtin_ops() -> List: ret = self.allowed_builtin_ops() assert all(inspect.isbuiltin(op) for op in ret) return ret def _allowed_op_types() -> Tuple[Type[Any], ...]: ret = self.allowed_op_types() assert not any(t is object for t in ret) return ret # TODO Remove this allowlist. _allowed_torch_functions = (torch.autograd.grad_mode.set_grad_enabled,) if not isinstance(op, _allowed_op_types()): if op not in _allowed_builtin_ops() and op not in _allowed_torch_functions: raise SpecViolationError( f"Operator '{op}' is not an allowed operator type: {_allowed_op_types()}\n" f"Valid builtin ops: {_allowed_builtin_ops()}" f"Valid torch functions: {_allowed_torch_functions}" ) if isinstance(op, OpOverload): # All ops functional if not is_functional(op): raise SpecViolationError( f"operator '{op}' is not functional" ) self.check_valid_op(op) for mod in gm.modules(): if not isinstance(mod, torch.fx.GraphModule): continue mod.graph.lint() for node in mod.graph.nodes: # TODO(T140410192): should have fake tensor for all dialects if node.op in {"call_module", "call_method"}: raise SpecViolationError( f"call_module is not valid: got a class '{}' ", ) elif node.op == "call_function": _check_val(node) _check_valid_op( elif node.op == "get_attr": if not isinstance(, str): raise SpecViolationError( f"Expected get_attr target to be string, but got {type(}" ) attr = getattr(mod, if isinstance(attr, torch.nn.Module): def _is_type(name, ty): return isinstance(getattr(attr, name, None), ty) if type(attr).__name__ == "LoweredBackendModule": if _is_type("backend_id", str) \ and _is_type("processed_bytes", bytes) \ and _is_type("compile_specs", list) \ and hasattr(attr, "original_module"): continue else: backend_id = getattr(attr, "backend_id", None) processed_bytes = getattr(attr, "processed_bytes", None) compile_specs = getattr(attr, "compile_specs", None) raise SpecViolationError( f"Invalid get_attr type {type(attr)}. \n" f"LoweredBackendModule fields: " f"backend_id(str) : {type(backend_id)}, " f"processed_bytes(bytes) : {type(processed_bytes)}, " f"compile_specs(list) : {type(compile_specs)}" ) if not isinstance(attr, _allowed_getattr_types()): raise SpecViolationError( f"Invalid get_attr type {type(attr)}. \n" f"Valid get_attr types: {_allowed_getattr_types()}" ) elif node.op == "placeholder": _check_val(node) # TODO(zhxchen17) # elif node.op == "output": # _check_flattened_outputs() self.check_additional(gm) def _verify_exported_program_signature(exported_program) -> None: # Check ExportedProgram signature matches gs = exported_program.graph_signature # Check every node in the signature exists in the graph input_node_names = [ for node in exported_program.graph.nodes if node.op == "placeholder"] if len(input_node_names) != len(gs.input_specs): raise SpecViolationError( f"Number of graph inputs ({len(input_node_names)}) " f"does not match number of inputs in the graph signature ({len(gs.user_inputs)})" ) for input_spec, node in zip(gs.input_specs, input_node_names): if isinstance(input_spec.arg, (TensorArgument, SymIntArgument)): if != node: raise SpecViolationError( f"Input spec name {} does not match node name {node}" ) if input_spec.kind == InputKind.USER_INPUT: continue elif input_spec.kind == InputKind.PARAMETER: if not isinstance(input_spec.arg, TensorArgument): raise SpecViolationError( f"Parameter {} is not a tensor argument. Found {input_spec.arg} instead." ) if is None: raise SpecViolationError( f"InputSpec for {} has no target." ) param = if param not in exported_program.state_dict: raise SpecViolationError( f"Parameter {param} is not in the state dict." ) if not isinstance(exported_program.state_dict[param], torch.nn.Parameter): raise SpecViolationError( f"State dict entry for parameter {param} is not an instance of torch.nn.Parameter." ) elif input_spec.kind == InputKind.BUFFER: if not isinstance(input_spec.arg, TensorArgument): raise SpecViolationError( f"Buffer {} is not a tensor argument. Found {input_spec.arg} instead." ) if is None: raise SpecViolationError( f"InputSpec for {} has no target." ) buffer = if buffer not in exported_program.state_dict: raise SpecViolationError( f"Buffer {buffer} is not in the state dict." ) elif input_spec.kind == InputKind.CONSTANT_TENSOR: if not isinstance(input_spec.arg, TensorArgument): raise SpecViolationError( f"Constant tensor {} is not a tensor argument. Found {input_spec.arg} instead." ) if is None: raise SpecViolationError( f"InputSpec for {} has no target." ) tensor_const = if tensor_const not in exported_program.tensor_constants: raise SpecViolationError( f"Constant tensor {tensor_const} is not in the tensor constants dictionary." ) else: raise SpecViolationError( f"Unknown InputKind {input_spec.kind}." ) # Check outputs output_node = list(exported_program.graph.nodes)[-1] assert output_node.op == "output" output_nodes = [ for arg in output_node.args[0]] if len(output_nodes) != len(gs.output_specs): raise SpecViolationError( f"Number of output nodes {len(output_nodes)} is different " "Than the number of outputs specified by the graph signature: \n" f"Number of mutated buffers: {len(gs.buffers_to_mutate)}. \n" f"Number of user outputs: {len(gs.user_outputs)}. \n" ) end = len(gs.buffers_to_mutate) + len(gs.user_inputs_to_mutate) mutate_nodes: List[str] = output_nodes[:end] user_output_nodes = output_nodes[end:end + len(gs.user_outputs)] for mutation_node in mutate_nodes: if mutation_node in gs.buffers_to_mutate: if gs.buffers_to_mutate[mutation_node] not in gs.buffers: raise SpecViolationError( f"Buffer output {mutation_node} does not point to a buffer that exists. \n" f"Dict of buffers that are mutated, in order: {gs.buffers_to_mutate} \n" f"Buffer nodes available: {gs.buffers} \n" ) elif mutation_node in gs.user_inputs_to_mutate: if gs.user_inputs_to_mutate[mutation_node] not in gs.user_inputs: raise SpecViolationError( f"User input output {mutation_node} does not point to a user input that exists. \n" f"Dict of user inputs that are mutated, in order: {gs.user_inputs_to_mutate} \n" f"User input nodes available: {gs.user_inputs} \n") else: raise SpecViolationError( f"Mutation node {mutation_node} is neither a buffer nor a user input. " f"Buffers to mutate: {gs.buffers_to_mutate}, User inputs to mutate: {gs.user_inputs_to_mutate}" ) for user_output_node, user_output_name in zip(user_output_nodes, gs.user_outputs): if user_output_node != user_output_name: raise SpecViolationError( f"User output {user_output_node} is not in the correct " "order or is not found in the " f"exported program's user_output list: {gs.user_outputs}. " ) def load_verifier(dialect: str) -> Optional[Type[Verifier]]: if dialect == "ATEN": return _VerifierMeta._registry.get(dialect) return _VerifierMeta._registry[dialect]