import os import openai from langchain.prompts import ( ChatPromptTemplate, MessagesPlaceholder, SystemMessagePromptTemplate, HumanMessagePromptTemplate ) from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate from langchain.chains import LLMChain from langchain.chains import ConversationChain from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI from langchain.memory import ConversationBufferMemory from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv # Load environmental variables _ = load_dotenv(find_dotenv()) class Chatbot: """Class definition for a single chatbot with memory, created with LangChain.""" def __init__(self, engine): """Select backbone large language model, as well as instantiate the memory for creating language chain in LangChain. Args: -------------- engine: the backbone llm-based chat model. """ # Instantiate llm if engine == 'OpenAI': openai.api_key = os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'] self.llm = ChatOpenAI( model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature=0.7 ) else: raise KeyError("Currently unsupported chat model type!") # Instantiate memory self.memory = ConversationBufferMemory(return_messages=True) def instruct(self, role, oppo_role, language, scenario, session_length, proficiency_level, learning_mode, starter=False): """Determine the context of chatbot interaction. Args: ----------- role: the role played by the current bot. oppo_role: the role played by the opponent bot. language: the language the conversation/debate will be conducted. This is the target language the user is trying to learn. scenario: for conversation, scenario represents the place where the conversation is happening; for debate, scenario represents the debating topic. session_length: the number of exchanges between two chatbots. Two levels are possible: "Short" or "Long". proficiency_level: assumed user's proficiency level in target language. This provides the guideline for the chatbots in terms of the language complexity they will use. Three levels are possible: "Beginner", "Intermediate", and "Advanced". learning_mode: two modes are possible for language learning purposes: "Conversation" --> where two bots are chatting in a specified scenario; "Debate" --> where two bots are debating on a specified topic. starter: flag to indicate if the current chatbot should lead the talking. """ # Define language settings self.role = role self.oppo_role = oppo_role self.language = language self.scenario = scenario self.session_length = session_length self.proficiency_level = proficiency_level self.learning_mode = learning_mode self.starter = starter # Define prompt template prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([ SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template(self._specify_system_message()), MessagesPlaceholder(variable_name="history"), HumanMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("""{input}""") ]) # Create conversation chain self.conversation = ConversationChain(memory=self.memory, prompt=prompt, llm=self.llm, verbose=False) def _specify_system_message(self): """Specify the behavior of the chatbot, which consists of the following aspects: - general context: conducting conversation/debate under given scenario - the language spoken - purpose of the simulated conversation/debate - language complexity requirement - exchange length requirement - other nuance constraints Outputs: -------- prompt: instructions for the chatbot. """ # Determine the number of exchanges between two bots exchange_counts_dict = { 'Short': {'Conversation': 4, 'Debate': 4}, 'Long': {'Conversation': 8, 'Debate': 8} } exchange_counts = exchange_counts_dict[self.session_length][self.learning_mode] # Determine number of arguments in one debate round argument_num_dict = { 'Beginner': 4, 'Intermediate': 6, 'Advanced': 8 } # Determine language complexity if self.proficiency_level == 'Beginner': lang_requirement = """use as basic and simple vocabulary and sentence structures as possible. Must avoid idioms, slang, and complex grammatical constructs.""" elif self.proficiency_level == 'Intermediate': lang_requirement = """use a wider range of vocabulary and a variety of sentence structures. You can include some idioms and colloquial expressions, but avoid highly technical language or complex literary expressions.""" elif self.proficiency_level == 'Advanced': lang_requirement = """use sophisticated vocabulary, complex sentence structures, idioms, colloquial expressions, and technical language where appropriate.""" else: raise KeyError('Currently unsupported proficiency level!') # Compile bot instructions if self.learning_mode == 'Conversation': prompt = f"""You are an AI that is good at role-playing. You are simulating a real-life conversation happening in a {self.scenario} scenario. In this scenario, you are playing as a {self.role['name']} {self.role['action']}, speaking to a {self.oppo_role['name']} {self.oppo_role['action']}. Your conversation should only be conducted in {self.language}. Do not translate. This simulated {self.learning_mode} is designed for {self.language} farmers to understand best farming practices in {self.language}. You should assume the farmers' proficiency level in {self.language} is {self.proficiency_level}. Therefore, you should {lang_requirement}. You should finish the conversation within {exchange_counts} exchanges with the {self.oppo_role['name']}. Make your conversation with {self.oppo_role['name']} natural and typical in the considered scenario in {self.language} cultural.""" elif self.learning_mode == 'Debate': prompt = f"""You are an AI that is good at debating. You are now engaged in a debate with the following topic: {self.scenario}. In this debate, you are taking on the role of a {self.role['name']}. Always remember your stances in the debate. Your debate should only be conducted in {self.language}. Do not translate. This simulated debate is designed for {self.language} farmers to understand best farming practices in {self.language}. You should assume the farmers' proficiency level in {self.language} is {self.proficiency_level}. Therefore, you should {lang_requirement}. You will exchange opinions with another AI (who plays the {self.oppo_role['name']} role) {exchange_counts} times. Everytime you speak, you can only speak no more than {argument_num_dict[self.proficiency_level]} sentences.""" else: raise KeyError('Currently unsupported learning mode!') # Give bot instructions if self.starter: # In case the current bot is the first one to speak prompt += f"You are leading the {self.learning_mode}. \n" else: # In case the current bot is the second one to speak prompt += f"Wait for the {self.oppo_role['name']}'s statement." return prompt class DualChatbot: """Class definition for dual-chatbots interaction system, created with LangChain.""" def __init__(self, engine, role_dict, language, scenario, proficiency_level, learning_mode, session_length): """Args: -------------- engine: the backbone llm-based chat model. "OpenAI" stands for OpenAI chat model; Other chat models are also possible in LangChain, see role_dict: dictionary to hold information regarding roles. For conversation mode, an example role_dict is: role_dict = { 'role1': {'name': 'Customer', 'action': 'ordering food'}, 'role2': {'name': 'Waitstaff', 'action': 'taking the order'} } For debate mode, an example role_dict is: role_dict = { 'role1': {'name': 'Proponent'}, 'role2': {'name': 'Opponent'} } language: the language the conversation/debate will be conducted. This is the target language the user is trying to learn. scenario: for conversation, scenario represents the place where the conversation is happening; for debate, scenario represents the debating topic. proficiency_level: assumed user's proficiency level in target language. This provides the guideline for the chatbots in terms of the language complexity they will use. Three levels are possible: "Beginner", "Intermediate", and "Advanced". session_length: the number of exchanges between two chatbots. Two levels are possible: "Short" or "Long". learning_mode: two modes are possible for language learning purposes: "Conversation" --> where two bots are chatting in a specified scenario; "Debate" --> where two bots are debating on a specified topic. """ # Instantiate two chatbots self.engine = engine self.proficiency_level = proficiency_level self.language = language self.chatbots = role_dict for k in role_dict.keys(): self.chatbots[k].update({'chatbot': Chatbot(engine)}) # Assigning roles for two chatbots self.chatbots['role1']['chatbot'].instruct(role=self.chatbots['role1'], oppo_role=self.chatbots['role2'], language=language, scenario=scenario, session_length=session_length, proficiency_level=proficiency_level, learning_mode=learning_mode, starter=True) self.chatbots['role2']['chatbot'].instruct(role=self.chatbots['role2'], oppo_role=self.chatbots['role1'], language=language, scenario=scenario, session_length=session_length, proficiency_level=proficiency_level, learning_mode=learning_mode, starter=False) # Add session length self.session_length = session_length # Prepare conversation self._reset_conversation_history() def step(self): """Make one exchange round between two chatbots. Outputs: -------- output1: response of the first chatbot output2: response of the second chatbot translate1: translate of the first response translate2: translate of the second response """ # Chatbot1 speaks output1 = self.chatbots['role1']['chatbot'].conversation.predict(input=self.input1) self.conversation_history.append({"bot": self.chatbots['role1']['name'], "text": output1}) # Pass output of chatbot1 as input to chatbot2 self.input2 = output1 # Chatbot2 speaks output2 = self.chatbots['role2']['chatbot'].conversation.predict(input=self.input2) self.conversation_history.append({"bot": self.chatbots['role2']['name'], "text": output2}) # Pass output of chatbot2 as input to chatbot1 self.input1 = output2 # Translate responses translate1 = self.translate(output1) translate2 = self.translate(output2) return output1, output2, translate1, translate2 def translate(self, message): """Translate the generated script into target language. Args: -------- message: input message that needs to be translated. Outputs: -------- translation: translated message. """ if self.language == 'English': # No translation performed translation = 'Translation: ' + message else: # Instantiate translator if self.engine == 'OpenAI': # Reminder: need to set up openAI API key # (e.g., via environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY) self.translator = ChatOpenAI( model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature=0.7 ) else: raise KeyError("Currently unsupported translation model type!") # Specify instruction instruction = """Translate the following sentence from {src_lang} (source language) to {trg_lang} (target language). Here is the sentence in source language: \n {src_input}.""" prompt = PromptTemplate( input_variables=["src_lang", "trg_lang", "src_input"], template=instruction, ) # Create a language chain translator_chain = LLMChain(llm=self.translator, prompt=prompt) translation = translator_chain.predict(src_lang=self.language, trg_lang="English", src_input=message) return translation def summary(self, script): """Distill key language learning points from the generated scripts. Args: -------- script: the generated conversation between two bots. Outputs: -------- summary: summary of the key learning points. """ # Instantiate summary bot if self.engine == 'OpenAI': # Reminder: need to set up openAI API key # (e.g., via environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY) self.summary_bot = ChatOpenAI( model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature=0.7 ) else: raise KeyError("Currently unsupported summary model type!") # Specify instruction instruction = """The following text is a simulated conversation in {src_lang}. The goal of this text is to aid {src_lang} learners to learn real-life usage of {src_lang}. Therefore, your task is to summarize the key learning points based on the given text. Specifically, you should summarize the key vocabulary, grammar points, and function phrases that could be important for students learning {src_lang}. Your summary should be conducted in English, but use examples from the text in the original language where appropriate. Remember your target students have a proficiency level of {proficiency} in {src_lang}. You summarization must match with their proficiency level. The conversation is: \n {script}.""" prompt = PromptTemplate( input_variables=["src_lang", "proficiency", "script"], template=instruction, ) # Create a language chain summary_chain = LLMChain(llm=self.summary_bot, prompt=prompt) summary = summary_chain.predict(src_lang=self.language, proficiency=self.proficiency_level, script=script) return summary def _reset_conversation_history(self): """Reset the conversation history. """ # Placeholder for conversation history self.conversation_history = [] # Inputs for two chatbots self.input1 = "Start the conversation." self.input2 = ""