import cv2 import os import torch from pytorch_lightning import seed_everything from torch import autocast from basicsr.utils import tensor2img from ldm.inference_base import diffusion_inference, get_adapters, get_base_argument_parser, get_sd_models from ldm.modules.extra_condition import api from ldm.modules.extra_condition.api import ExtraCondition, get_adapter_feature, get_cond_model torch.set_grad_enabled(False) def main(): supported_cond = [ for e in ExtraCondition] parser = get_base_argument_parser() for cond_name in supported_cond: parser.add_argument( f'--{cond_name}_path', type=str, default=None, help=f'condition image path for {cond_name}', ) parser.add_argument( f'--{cond_name}_inp_type', type=str, default='image', help=f'the type of the input condition image, can be image or {cond_name}', choices=['image', cond_name], ) parser.add_argument( f'--{cond_name}_adapter_ckpt', type=str, default=None, help=f'path to checkpoint of the {cond_name} adapter, ' f'if {cond_name}_path is not None, this should not be None too', ) parser.add_argument( f'--{cond_name}_weight', type=float, default=1.0, help=f'the {cond_name} adapter features are multiplied by the {cond_name}_weight and then summed up together', ) opt = parser.parse_args() # process argument activated_conds = [] cond_paths = [] adapter_ckpts = [] for cond_name in supported_cond: if getattr(opt, f'{cond_name}_path') is None: continue assert getattr(opt, f'{cond_name}_adapter_ckpt') is not None, f'you should specify the {cond_name}_adapter_ckpt' activated_conds.append(cond_name) cond_paths.append(getattr(opt, f'{cond_name}_path')) adapter_ckpts.append(getattr(opt, f'{cond_name}_adapter_ckpt')) assert len(activated_conds) != 0, 'you did not input any condition' if opt.outdir is None: opt.outdir = f'outputs/test-composable-adapters' os.makedirs(opt.outdir, exist_ok=True) if opt.resize_short_edge is None: print(f"you don't specify the resize_shot_edge, so the maximum resolution is set to {opt.max_resolution}") opt.device = torch.device("cuda") if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device("cpu") # prepare models adapters = [] cond_models = [] cond_inp_types = [] process_cond_modules = [] for cond_name in activated_conds: adapters.append(get_adapters(opt, getattr(ExtraCondition, cond_name))) cond_inp_type = getattr(opt, f'{cond_name}_inp_type', 'image') if cond_inp_type == 'image': cond_models.append(get_cond_model(opt, getattr(ExtraCondition, cond_name))) else: cond_models.append(None) cond_inp_types.append(cond_inp_type) process_cond_modules.append(getattr(api, f'get_cond_{cond_name}')) sd_model, sampler = get_sd_models(opt) # inference with torch.inference_mode(), \ sd_model.ema_scope(), \ autocast('cuda'): seed_everything(opt.seed) conds = [] for cond_idx, cond_name in enumerate(activated_conds): conds.append(process_cond_modules[cond_idx]( opt, cond_paths[cond_idx], cond_inp_types[cond_idx], cond_models[cond_idx], )) adapter_features, append_to_context = get_adapter_feature(conds, adapters) for v_idx in range(opt.n_samples): result = diffusion_inference(opt, sd_model, sampler, adapter_features, append_to_context) base_count = len(os.listdir(opt.outdir)) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(opt.outdir, f'{base_count:05}_result.png'), tensor2img(result)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()