⏬[**Download Models**](#-download-models) **|** 💻[**How to Test**](#-how-to-test)
Official implementation of T2I-Adapter: Learning Adapters to Dig out More Controllable Ability for Text-to-Image Diffusion Models. #### [Paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.08453)

We propose T2I-Adapter, a **simple and small (~70M parameters, ~300M storage space)** network that can provide extra guidance to pre-trained text-to-image models while **freezing** the original large text-to-image models. T2I-Adapter aligns internal knowledge in T2I models with external control signals. We can train various adapters according to different conditions, and achieve rich control and editing effects.

### ⏬ Download Models Put the downloaded models in the `T2I-Adapter/models` folder. 1. The **T2I-Adapters** can be download from . 2. The pretrained **Stable Diffusion v1.4** models can be download from . You need to download the `sd-v1-4.ckpt ` file. 3. [Optional] If you want to use **Anything v4.0** models, you can download the pretrained models from . You need to download the `anything-v4.0-pruned.ckpt` file. 4. The pretrained **clip-vit-large-patch14** folder can be download from . Remember to download the whole folder! 5. The pretrained keypose detection models include FasterRCNN (human detection) from and HRNet (pose detection) from . After downloading, the folder structure should be like this:

### 🔧 Dependencies and Installation - Python >= 3.6 (Recommend to use [Anaconda](https://www.anaconda.com/download/#linux) or [Miniconda](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html)) - [PyTorch >= 1.4](https://pytorch.org/) ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt ``` - If you want to use the full function of keypose-guided generation, you need to install MMPose. For details please refer to . ### 💻 How to Test - The results are in the `experiments` folder. - If you want to use the `Anything v4.0`, please add `--ckpt models/anything-v4.0-pruned.ckpt` in the following commands. #### **For Simple Experience** > python app.py #### **Sketch Adapter** - Sketch to Image Generation > python test_sketch.py --plms --auto_resume --prompt "A car with flying wings" --path_cond examples/sketch/car.png --ckpt models/sd-v1-4.ckpt --type_in sketch - Image to Image Generation > python test_sketch.py --plms --auto_resume --prompt "A beautiful girl" --path_cond examples/anything_sketch/human.png --ckpt models/sd-v1-4.ckpt --type_in image - Generation with **Anything** setting > python test_sketch.py --plms --auto_resume --prompt "A beautiful girl" --path_cond examples/anything_sketch/human.png --ckpt models/anything-v4.0-pruned.ckpt --type_in image ##### Gradio Demo

You can use gradio to experience all these three functions at once. CPU is also supported by setting device to 'cpu'. ```bash python gradio_sketch.py ``` #### **Keypose Adapter** - Keypose to Image Generation > python test_keypose.py --plms --auto_resume --prompt "A beautiful girl" --path_cond examples/keypose/iron.png --type_in pose - Image to Image Generation > python test_keypose.py --plms --auto_resume --prompt "A beautiful girl" --path_cond examples/sketch/human.png --type_in image - Generation with **Anything** setting > python test_keypose.py --plms --auto_resume --prompt "A beautiful girl" --path_cond examples/sketch/human.png --ckpt models/anything-v4.0-pruned.ckpt --type_in image ##### Gradio Demo

You can use gradio to experience all these three functions at once. CPU is also supported by setting device to 'cpu'. ```bash python gradio_keypose.py ``` #### **Segmentation Adapter** > python test_seg.py --plms --auto_resume --prompt "A black Honda motorcycle parked in front of a garage" --path_cond examples/seg/motor.png #### **Two adapters: Segmentation and Sketch Adapters** > python test_seg_sketch.py --plms --auto_resume --prompt "An all white kitchen with an electric stovetop" --path_cond examples/seg_sketch/mask.png --path_cond2 examples/seg_sketch/edge.png #### **Local editing with adapters** > python test_sketch_edit.py --plms --auto_resume --prompt "A white cat" --path_cond examples/edit_cat/edge_2.png --path_x0 examples/edit_cat/im.png --path_mask examples/edit_cat/mask.png ## Stable Diffusion + T2I-Adapters (only ~70M parameters, ~300M storage space) The following is the detailed structure of a **Stable Diffusion** model with the **T2I-Adapter**.

## 🚀 Interesting Applications ### Stable Diffusion results guided with the sketch T2I-Adapter The corresponding edge maps are predicted by PiDiNet. The sketch T2I-Adapter can well generalize to other similar sketch types, for example, sketches from the Internet and user scribbles.

### Stable Diffusion results guided with the keypose T2I-Adapter The keypose results predicted by the [MMPose](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmpose). With the keypose guidance, the keypose T2I-Adapter can also help to generate animals with the same keypose, for example, pandas and tigers.

### T2I-Adapter with Anything-v4.0 Once the T2I-Adapter is trained, it can act as a **plug-and-play module** and can be seamlessly integrated into the finetuned diffusion models **without re-training**, for example, Anything-4.0. #### ✨ Anything results with the plug-and-play sketch T2I-Adapter (no extra training)

#### Anything results with the plug-and-play keypose T2I-Adapter (no extra training)

### Local editing with the sketch adapter When combined with the inpaiting mode of Stable Diffusion, we can realize local editing with user specific guidance. #### ✨ Change the head direction of the cat

#### ✨ Add rabbit ears on the head of the Iron Man.

### Combine different concepts with adapter Adapter can be used to enhance the SD ability to combine different concepts. #### ✨ A car with flying wings. / A doll in the shape of letter ‘A’.

### Sequential editing with the sketch adapter We can realize the sequential editing with the adapter guidance.

### Composable Guidance with multiple adapters Stable Diffusion results guided with the segmentation and sketch adapters together.

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