# Mac Installation Guide ## **Recommended : [Docker Install](docker_compose_install.md)** --- ## **Manual Installation** ## Install the prerequisites: - Install Homebrew (if not already installed) by following the instructions on https://brew.sh/ - Install Node.js and npm by running `brew install node` - Install MongoDB (if not using Docker) by running `brew tap mongodb/brew` and `brew install mongodb-community` ## Instructions: - Open Terminal and clone the repository by running `git clone https://github.com/danny-avila/LibreChat.git` - Change into the cloned directory by running cd LibreChat - If using MongoDB Atlas, remove &w=majority from the default connection string Follow the instructions for setting up proxies, access tokens, and user system: ## [Create a MongoDB database](mongodb.md) (Required) ## [Get Your API keys and Tokens](apis_and_tokens.md) (Required) - You must set up at least one of these tokens or APIs to run the app. ## [User/Auth System](../install/user_auth_system.md) (Optional) - How to set up the user/auth system and Google login. ## Setup Instruction - Create a .env file in the api directory by running `cp .env.example .env` and edit the file with your preferred text editor, adding the required API keys, access tokens, and MongoDB connection string - Run npm ci from root directory `npm ci` - Build the client by running `npm run frontend` ### **Download MeiliSearch for macOS (optional):** - You can download the latest MeiliSearch binary for macOS from their GitHub releases page: https://github.com/meilisearch/MeiliSearch/releases. Look for the file named meilisearch-macos-amd64 (or the equivalent for your system architecture) and download it. ### **Make the binary executable:** - Open Terminal and navigate to the directory where you downloaded the MeiliSearch binary. Run the following command to make it executable: ``` chmod +x meilisearch-macos-amd64 ``` ### **Run MeiliSearch:** - Now that the binary is executable, you can start MeiliSearch by running the following command, replacing your_master_key_goes_here with your desired master key: ``` ./meilisearch-macos-amd64 --master-key your_master_key_goes_here ``` - MeiliSearch will start running on the default port, which is 7700. You can now use MeiliSearch in your LibreChat project. - Remember to include the MeiliSearch URL and Master Key in your .env file in the api directory. Your .env file should include the following lines: ``` MEILISEARCH_URL= MEILISEARCH_KEY=your_master_key_goes_here ``` - With MeiliSearch running and configured, the LibreChat project should now have the Conversation search feature enabled. - In the LibreChat directory, start the application by running `npm run backend` Visit http://localhost:3080 (default port) & enjoy ## Optional but recommended: - Create a script to automate the starting process by creating a new file named start_chatgpt.sh in the LibreChat directory and pasting the following code: ``` bash title="LibreChat.sh" #!/bin/bash # Replace "your_master_key_goes_here" with your MeiliSearch Master Key if [ -x "$(command -v ./meilisearch)" ]; then ./meilisearch --master-key your_master_key_goes_here & fi npm run backend ``` ### **Make the script executable by running** ``` chmod +x start_chatgpt.sh ``` ### **Start LibreChat by running** ``` ./start_chatgpt.sh ``` ## **Update** - Run `npm run update` from the project directory for a clean installation. --- >⚠️ Note: If you're having trouble, before creating a new issue, please search for similar ones on our [#issues thread on our discord](https://discord.gg/weqZFtD9C4) or our [troubleshooting discussion](https://github.com/danny-avila/LibreChat/discussions/categories/troubleshooting) on our Discussions page. If you don't find a relevant issue, feel free to create a new one and provide as much detail as possible.