const connectDb = require('@librechat/backend/lib/db/connectDb'); const { askQuestion, silentExit } = require('./helpers'); const User = require('@librechat/backend/models/User'); const Transaction = require('@librechat/backend/models/Transaction'); (async () => { /** * Connect to the database * - If it takes a while, we'll warn the user */ // Warn the user if this is taking a while let timeout = setTimeout(() => { 'This is taking a while... You may need to check your connection if this fails.', ); timeout = setTimeout(() => {'Still going... Might as well assume the connection failed...'); timeout = setTimeout(() => {'Error incoming in 3... 2... 1...'); }, 13000); }, 10000); }, 5000); // Attempt to connect to the database try {'Warming up the engines...'); await connectDb(); clearTimeout(timeout); } catch (e) { console.error(e); silentExit(1); } /** * Show the welcome / help menu */ console.purple('--------------------------'); console.purple('Add balance to a user account!'); console.purple('--------------------------'); /** * Set up the variables we need and get the arguments if they were passed in */ let email = ''; let amount = ''; // If we have the right number of arguments, lets use them if (process.argv.length >= 3) { email = process.argv[2]; amount = process.argv[3]; } else {'Usage: npm run add-balance ');'Note: if you do not pass in the arguments, you will be prompted for them.'); console.purple('--------------------------'); // console.purple(`[DEBUG] Args Length: ${process.argv.length}`); } /** * If we don't have the right number of arguments, lets prompt the user for them */ if (!email) { email = await askQuestion('Email:'); } // Validate the email if (!email.includes('@')) {'Error: Invalid email address!'); silentExit(1); } if (!amount) { amount = await askQuestion('amount: (default is 1000 tokens if empty or 0)'); } // Validate the amount if (!amount) { amount = 1000; } // Validate the user const user = await User.findOne({ email }).lean(); if (!user) {'Error: No user with that email was found!'); silentExit(1); } else { console.purple(`Found user: ${}`); } /** * Now that we have all the variables we need, lets create the transaction and update the balance */ let result; try { result = await Transaction.create({ user: user._id, tokenType: 'credits', context: 'admin', rawAmount: +amount, }); } catch (error) {'Error: ' + error.message); console.error(error); silentExit(1); } // Check the result if (!result.tokenCredits) {'Error: Something went wrong while updating the balance!'); console.error(result); silentExit(1); } // Done!'Transaction created successfully!'); console.purple(`Amount: ${amount} New Balance: ${result.tokenCredits}`); silentExit(0); })(); process.on('uncaughtException', (err) => { if (!err.message.includes('fetch failed')) { console.error('There was an uncaught error:'); console.error(err); } if (err.message.includes('fetch failed')) { return; } else { process.exit(1); } });