import random import math import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import torchaudio from pathlib import Path import librosa as li from src.simulation.effect import Effect torchaudio.set_audio_backend("sox_io") ################################################################################ # Simulate environmental noise ################################################################################ class Noise(Effect): """ Simple additive noise effect """ def __init__(self, compute_grad: bool = True, type: str = 'gaussian', snr: any = None, noise_dir: str = None, ext: str = "wav"): """ Apply additive noise to audio signal. SNR calculations adapted from VoxCeleb-Trainer ( :param compute_grad: if False, perform straight-through gradient estimation :param type: type of noise to add; must be one of `gaussian`, `uniform`, or `environmental` :param snr: decibel Signal-to-Noise ratio (dB SNR) of added noise :param noise_dir: directory from which to draw noise samples, if `type` is `environmental` :param ext: extension for audio files in `noise_dir` """ super().__init__(compute_grad) self.type = type self.noise_list = None self.ext = ext if type == 'environmental': if not noise_dir: raise ValueError( 'Environmental noise requires sample directory' ) else: self.noise_list = list(Path(noise_dir).rglob(f'*.{self.ext}')) # parse valid range of SNR parameter self.min_snr, self.max_snr = self.parse_range( snr, float, f'Invalid noise SNR {snr}' ) # store noise as buffer to allow device movement self.register_buffer("noise", torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.float32)) self.register_buffer("noise_db", torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.float32)) # initialize parameters self.snr = None self.sample_params() def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor): # require batch, channel dimensions assert x.ndim >= 2 orig_shape = x.shape if x.ndim == 2: x = x.unsqueeze(1) # scale noise level to stored SNR signal_db = 10 * torch.log10( torch.mean(torch.square(x), dim=-1, keepdims=True) + 1e-8 ) scale = torch.sqrt( torch.pow(10, (signal_db - self.noise_db - self.snr) / 10) ) # scale noise and trim to input length noise = scale * self.noise.clone().to(x)[..., :x.shape[-1]] # repeat noise to match input length if necessary pad_len = max(x.shape[-1] - noise.shape[-1], 0) noise = F.pad(noise, (0, pad_len), mode='circular') # reshape to original dimensions return (noise + x).reshape(orig_shape) @staticmethod def _crossfade(sig, fade_len): sig = sig.clone() fade_len = int(fade_len * sig.shape[-1]) fade_in = torch.linspace(0, 1, fade_len).to(sig) fade_out = torch.linspace(1, 0, fade_len).to(sig) sig[..., :fade_len] *= fade_in sig[..., -fade_len:] *= fade_out return sig def sample_params(self): """ Sample SNR uniformly from stored range """ self.snr = random.uniform(self.min_snr, self.max_snr) if self.type == "gaussian": self.noise = torch.randn(self.signal_length).to(self.noise) elif self.type == "uniform": self.noise = torch.sign( torch.randn(self.signal_length) ).to(self.noise) elif self.type == "environmental": # load from randomly-selected file noise_np, _ = li.load( random.choice(self.noise_list), sr=self.sample_rate, mono=True ) noise = torch.as_tensor(noise_np) # trim or loop (with cross-fade) to match expected signal length if noise.shape[-1] >= self.signal_length: self.noise = noise[..., :self.signal_length].reshape( 1, 1, -1 ).to(self.noise) else: overlap = 0.05 step = math.ceil(noise.shape[-1] * (1 - overlap)) n_repeat = math.ceil(self.signal_length / step) padded = torch.zeros( 1, step * (n_repeat - 1) + noise.shape[-1] + 1 ).reshape(1, -1).type(torch.float32) shape = padded.shape[:-1] + (n_repeat, noise.shape[-1]) strides = (padded.stride()[0],) + (step, padded.stride()[-1],) frames = torch.as_strided( padded, size=shape, stride=strides )[::step] for j in range(n_repeat): frames[:, j, :] += self.crossfade(noise, overlap) self.noise = padded[..., :self.signal_length].reshape( 1, 1, -1 ).to(self.noise) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid noise type {self.type}') self.noise_db = 10 * torch.log10( torch.mean(torch.square(self.noise), dim=-1, keepdims=True) + 1e-8 ).to(self.noise_db)