import gradio as gr import numpy as np from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model model = load_model("large_model_3lakh_v1.h5") title = '🧠 AI FORGED IMAGE DETECTOR' description = 'THROUGH THIS APPLICATION YOU CAN INPUT AN IMAGE AND THE WEBSITE WILL TELL WHETHER THE IMAGE IS AI GENERATED OR NOT.' list_num = [0, 1] #0 is fake 1 is true def closest(lst, K): return lst[min(range(len(lst)), key=lambda i: abs(lst[i] - K))] def hell(image): pred = model.predict(np.expand_dims(image / 255, 0)) result = closest(list_num, pred[0]) if result == 0: return "The image is generated by AI" if result == 1: return "The Image is not generated by AI" demo = gr.Interface(fn=hell, inputs=[gr.Image(shape=(256,256))], outputs=["text"], # Pass through title and description title=title, description=description, # Set theme and launch parameters theme='finlaymacklon/boxy_violet') demo.launch()