from abc import abstractclassmethod import openai import os import time from Memory import Memory from utils import save_logs class LLM: def __init__(self) -> None: pass @abstractclassmethod def get_response(): pass class OpenAILLM(LLM): def __init__(self,**kwargs) -> None: super().__init__() self.MAX_CHAT_HISTORY = eval( os.environ["MAX_CHAT_HISTORY"]) if "MAX_CHAT_HISTORY" in os.environ else 10 self.model = kwargs["model"] if "model" in kwargs else "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613" self.temperature = kwargs["temperature"] if "temperature" in kwargs else 0.3 self.log_path = kwargs["log_path"] if "log_path" in kwargs else "logs" def get_stream(self,response, log_path, messages): ans = "" for res in response: if res: r = (res.choices[0]["delta"].get("content") if res.choices[0]["delta"].get("content") else "") ans += r yield r save_logs(log_path, messages, ans) def get_response(self, chat_history, system_prompt, last_prompt=None, stream=False, functions=None, function_call="auto", WAIT_TIME=20, **kwargs): """ return LLM's response """ openai.api_key = os.environ["API_KEY"] if "PROXY" in os.environ: assert "http:" in os.environ["PROXY"] or "socks" in os.environ["PROXY"],"PROXY error,PROXY must be http or socks" openai.proxy = os.environ["PROXY"] if "API_BASE" in os.environ: openai.api_base = os.environ["API_BASE"] active_mode = True if ("ACTIVE_MODE" in os.environ and os.environ["ACTIVE_MODE"] == "0") else False model = self.model temperature = self.temperature if active_mode: system_prompt = system_prompt + "Please keep your reply as concise as possible,Within three sentences, the total word count should not exceed 30" messages = [{ "role": "system", "content": system_prompt }] if system_prompt else [] if chat_history: if len(chat_history) > self.MAX_CHAT_HISTORY: chat_history = chat_history[- self.MAX_CHAT_HISTORY:] if isinstance(chat_history[0],dict): messages += chat_history elif isinstance(chat_history[0],Memory): messages += [memory.get_gpt_message("user") for memory in chat_history] if last_prompt: if active_mode: last_prompt = last_prompt + "Please keep your reply as concise as possible,Within three sentences, the total word count should not exceed 30" # messages += [{"role": "system", "content": f"{last_prompt}"}] messages[-1]["content"] += last_prompt while True: try: if functions: response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model=model, messages=messages, functions=functions, function_call=function_call, temperature=temperature, ) else: response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model=model, messages=messages, temperature=temperature, stream=stream) break except Exception as e: print(e) if "maximum context length is" in str(e): assert False, "exceed max length" break else: print(f"Please wait {WAIT_TIME} seconds and resend later ...") time.sleep(WAIT_TIME) if functions: save_logs(self.log_path, messages, response) return response.choices[0].message elif stream: return self.get_stream(response, self.log_path, messages) else: save_logs(self.log_path, messages, response) return response.choices[0].message["content"] def init_LLM(default_log_path,**kwargs): LLM_type = kwargs["LLM_type"] if "LLM_type" in kwargs else "OpenAI" log_path = kwargs["log_path"] if "log_path" in kwargs else default_log_path if LLM_type == "OpenAI": LLM = ( OpenAILLM(**kwargs["LLM"]) if "LLM" in kwargs else OpenAILLM(model = "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613",temperature=0.3,log_path=log_path) ) return LLM